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tv   Around the World  CNN  March 11, 2013 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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[ male announcer ] get adt installed for just $99. and ask about adt pulse, advanced home management here today. adt. always there. when you have famous defendants like o.j. simpson or scott peterson or sam shepherd, they give rise to famous lawyers. i'm just going to go over a couple of them for you. johnny cochrane, robert kardashi kardashian, f lee bailey. these people have become as famous as their clients it turns out. then you have a casey anthony and her attorney jose baez, who is still with me. i was thinking about what your life would be like after that case. and i want to know from you straight up, now that you've had two years to digest everything, i know you're still in litigation but getting paid by her, what is your life like? and do you belong among that
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list? >> well, i try not to compare myself to other lawyers. i just, you know, at the end of the day i want to be a good lawyer. i want to practice law. that's what i focus on. and fortunately this case has given me the opportunity to work on other cases that are just as interesting. and to the point now that i'm actually representing many victims of crimes. so it's expanded my life and my practice to a point where i'm very happy. >> listen, a lot of people didn't like your client. did that extend to you? o.j.'s lawyers are rock stars. >> i think people at the end of the day, they're educated. they realize that, you know, i had a job to do. i did it to the best of my ability. i fulfilled the oath that i took. if it weren't for defense lawyers, our system just wouldn't work. innocent people would be thrown in jail without any due process. and our role is a very valuable
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one. so i've seen on your show many times you're giving the other side of situations and wrongful convictions where if you had a committed defense lawyer never would have happened. >> so you're going to come back tomorrow then, right? be a guest tomorrow. oh, i guess so. i'm so sorry, jose. we went to color bars. jose's going to be back tomorrow. thanks for joining us today everybody. suzanne malveaux coming up next. welcome to "around the world." i'm suzanne malveaux in d.c. today. michael, great to see you. >> i miss you now. i'm michael holmes. good to have you back on the program. we would like to welcome our viewers both here in the united states and also around the world. we're going to begin today in wardak providence not far from kabul. there's been another insider attack there. two american soldiers killed this morning when a gunman wearing an afghan security
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forces uniform opened fire on a group of nato and afghan service members. ten other u.s. service members wounded in that attack. coming up in a few minutes we're going to our nic payton walsh. the truce signed in 1935 #53 that ended a war between the two koreas, since it is not a peace treaty, technically the two sides remain at war. well, in the communist party's leading newspaper the supreme command says it can now make a strike of justice at any target any time. also, the scrapping of the agreement comes at a time when the u.s. and south korea are conducting joint military exercises. north korea has called these training exercises "open declaration of war." but south korea insists the drills are only defensive in nature. since the u.n. passed tougher sanctions in north korea last
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week, the country has now escalated its threats. gathering today at a national memorial service on this the second anniversary of japan's worst natural disaster in memory. nearly 19,000 people died after a massive earthquake hit triggering that destructive tsunami. today, japan still dealing with the economic and environmental fallout more than 300,000 people still living in temporary housing. in vatican city they are almost ready to begin the process of electing the next pope. cardinals meeting earlier today in their final congregational meeting ahead of the conclave, which starts tomorrow, tuesday. staff helping with the conclave including priests, nuns and doctors take their oath of secrecy just about half an hour or so from now. and take you now to the place where there are thousands, we are talking thousands and thousands of journalists from
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around the world covering one of this year's biggest stories, of course we're talking about vatican city. that's where the cardinals have gathered to select a new pope for the roman catholic church. >> indeed they have. cnn's chris quo mcuomo, what el happening there before tomorrow's conclave? i know this is not an exclusive for you. you're one of 5,600 accredited journalists. >> reporter: at least, right? and for cardinal dolan i'm certainly not exclusive in terms of who he's been talking to. he's very charismatic and outspoken with the media. and it's interesting, i think it's a little bit surprising that he has gotten as much play over here during the general congregations as he has. the cardinal chooses to dismiss it with comic relief. he says he's out of socks, he wants green socks because it's going to be st. patrick's day. he's got enough red in his
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wardrobe. but he also gave a window into how solemn and serious this situation is. his first conclave as cardinal to vote. there's an intensity even with a cardinal with a smile on his face betrays obviously talking about why he's here. >> john, i want you to jump in here. i know chris has his green on already, but tell us the people we should be watching for the cardinals could be selecting as our next pope. >> reporter: well, first of all, cardinal dolan is not the only one playing down his chances of being mote. o'malley has asked the same question. he bought a round trip ticket back to boston and he plans to use it. there's sort of an informal taboo as putting yourself forward as a candidate. these guys have it down. in terms of what to look for, here's what i would say, a huge difference between the conclave of 2013 and 2005 is the last time we had a clear front runner in the form of cardinal joseph rat zinger.
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instead you have four or five guys who have strong support but no one towers over the ord. cardinal from milan, lmark from canada now runs the vatican's department for making bishops all over the world. the cardinal from brazil also represents the church out of the west which is where two-thirds of the 1.2 billion catholics in the world today live. all these guys are plausible. the problem is figuring out the math of any one of them getting to the threshold of the vote. >> chris, i'm curious about this too in terms of making a cardinal a front runner, what would be the factors involved? especially since you've got a situation with the differing views among the cardinals of what is required to get the church back oon track. i mean, could end up with more or less a compromise candidate.
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>> reporter: right. i think that's the right question. obviously i benefit mostly from the knowledge of john allen filling my head up with all these different permutations. but here's what we know with benedict resigning, it created a novelty, a potential watershed moment for change, that's what we're hearing from the sources here. the foreign cardinals somehhowe, there was friction. we need to talk. we don't want to set the conclave date right away. unlike traditional american politics where when you have head-to-head competition and it's very close, the candidates make compromises to have consensus. here the cardinals could decide neither has pa pal candidacy, that they will dismiss us both because maybe god intends neither of us to be pope. that's when you get a third man in, an insurgent. that's how in 197 we got john paul ii. that's what gives hope and americans a little bit, a
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whisper, a prayer of a hope that it could be a north american like sean o'malley or cardinal timothy dolan. and if you're going to have a prayer in an election, this is the election to have a prayer in, obviously. at the conclave. >> yeah. good to see you both. chris cuomo, john allen, chris, i wouldn't rule john allen out, i've known him a couple of years. he still could be in play here. i want to get back to our top story this hour. two american soldiers killed this morning in eastern afghanistan. a gunman wearing an afghan security forces uniform opening fire on a group of nato and afghan service members. ten other u.s. service members wounded in that attack. our nic payton walsh following the story for us from beirut. nic, just in the last little while we've heard the green berets were perhaps involved in the attack. tell us about that. >> reporter: we are getting more details around this attack. green berets involved, not clear if they are amongst the dead or
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injured. this is at a joint base which they were using along it seems with other u.s. type of troop and afghan soldiers and perhaps police as well. we understand from afghan officials that this one shooter, not clear if he actually was afghan security forces or not, he left on the back on the back of a truck and used a heavy machine gun to make this particular attack as you say left ten americans injured and two dead. this at a joint patrol base in the area known as wardak which is sort of southwest of the capital kabul, a vital area. most important of the timing here. this is on a day in which president karzai asked to be removed after a militia loyal to them was involved in a murder of a young man there. vital time. >> nick, i want to ask you this here because obviously michael spent a lot of time in afghanistan, i've had an opportunity to interview hamid karzai and he often says very inflammatory things just to see if he can get a reaction, if you
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will, out of the president of the united states. in this case president obama. he has now said that he believes the u.s. is in ka huts with the taliban. but there's been a lot of back and forth discussions with the taliban perhaps even a peace agreement at some point. what do you think is behind karzai's accusation here? >> well, those comments in context, he said a recent bombing in kabul was perhaps the result of u.s. taliban collusion thatted the u.s. is somehow to have a reason to have a more permanent presence in the country. dismissed out of hand by nato and i'm sure many afghans would consider it to be highly unlikely. but it was made on the first visit of chuck hagel alongside the u.s. commander. couldn't have picked a worse time and many seeing him playing to domestic. certainly he's got a lot of
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challenges ahead. he's leaving power in 2014, yet to anoint his successor who he can support in elections and perhaps some say he's trying to play on the anti-american sentiment after this long and increasingly unpopular campaign in the hope perhaps that will shoreup his power base and try and keep the people he wants in power. suzanne. >> all right, nick, thank you very much. appreciate it. here's more of what we're working on for "around the world." lean in and go for it, that's what coo of facebook is saying. find out why she says many women are scared to go after leadership roles, what might actually be holding them back. very controversial, michael. >> very. we're going to have an interesting discussion later in the program too two years after the tsunami that devastated northern japan. >> the environmental impacts still being felt thousands of miles away. and then this story. and playboy in the holy
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land. >> there are people telling me why are you doing that? and then open their eyes like i'm doing something very wrong. >> details on israel's new controversial magazine. 34 mpg highway. amazing. see the grille? mm-hmm. let me show you how it works. it opens and closes like this to help you conserve fuel. oh. is that an s.o.s. signal? no, that's the aero grille shutters demonstration. we do it all the time. [ male announcer ] chevy. mpg ingenuity. now get this great sign & drive lease on a 2013 chevy malibu ls for around $233 a month.
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he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. ...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke.
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facebook's c.o.o. sheryl sandberg's new book being called the manifesto but not all women in particular happy about the message. she is a very powerful mother of two. and she says women sometimes can undermine their own ambitions holding themselves back from going for leadership positions. mostly she says because they want a family. >> and that message is causing surprise, surprise, a lot of controversy among working women everywhere. also, on the blogs and even in the boardroom. the 43-year-old spoke to "60 minutes" about it last night. >> they start leaning back. they say, oh, i'm busy, i want to have a child one day. i couldn't possibly take on any more. or i'm still learning on my current job. i've never had a man say that stuff to me. >> you're suggesting women aren't ambitious. >> i'm not suggesting women aren't ambitious.
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plenty of women are as ambitious as men, but i am saying and i want to say it unequivocally and unapologetically that the data is clear that when it comes to ambition to lead, to be the leader of whatever you're doing, men, boys outnumber girls and women. >> and joining us now is former cbs news anchor 20 years in the business and now written the book "the good enough mother," sounds like parenting to me. she also launched the website i got to go there. one of the messages of sandberg's book is often women leave before they lead meaning they hold back on their ambitions on the job because they want to have a better work life balance with their kids at home. now, what do you think? do you think that's true? >> well, first of all, i think there are probably a lot of women at home who were nodding in solidarity with a lot of the things that sheryl sandberg was
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saying. when she talked a lot about even like negotiating for money and work life balance that could have a partner to help support your ambitions. i myself was thinking yeah, that's right. she did state a lot of things we already know. i'm surprised by the backlash, frankly, and a little disheartened. >> rene, we've known each other a long time. we know this business is not easy and especially you, you're one of those people who does it all, cbs waking up super early in the morning, you had the kids, so you're a mom, a working mom. all of that. and, you know, it pains me sometimes to hear women talk about the guilt, but there is in some way that feeling, that tug if you will, about children and family and being able to really sustain a really tough and ambitious job.
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what do you think of the point she made there? that that is sometimes you can make those kinds of sacrifices. was that the case for you? >> yeah. i think you're absolutely right. i remember very clearly when i was getting up at 3:30 in the morning and anchoring the news at cbs and during the commercial breaks i would run into the air lock and call home to make sure that everybody was awake and they were on their way to school. and i remember i was getting ready -- there was a guest who was in the air lock with me and she said i thought you would have hired someone to do that for you. i said, well, i didn't have these kids to abdicate them to someone else. i think it's the struggle no matter what your role, no matter what job you have, you still have one foot in the home front and one foot in the working world. and you're trying your very best to do both. the whole premise behind is you don't have to be perfect to be a great parent. there are some things you're going to do very, very well. and there are some things you're
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probably not going to do so hot. and you have to be okay and understand that mistakes are learning tools. they're learning -- they're examples of things not to do again. they're not the end of the world. in fact, i believe that there's a lot of learning to be done in the valleys. so, you know, that was kind of my message. >> i tell you, as a man i'm surrounded by my producer at cnn international, the producer of this program, working mothers who get in at like 4:00 in the morning, 3:00 in the morning, what's your message to working mothers in america on your blog? >> yeah, well, the whole idea is that i think what sheryl sandberg is trying to say and i don't purport to speak for her, but i think she's trying to say this is not a one size fits all. you have to find what your happiness is. what makes you happy. you sort of have to tune out all of the other stuff, the noise, the rhetoric, what society says is a good mom. and do what works for you. you know, look, i'm on a job
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right now that has me on the road half of the time. luckily i have good support at home, i have a great husband, shoutout to him. and when she talked about that with her husband and her partner because, you know, when she said her husband does laundry and that that was very sexy and picking the right partner and things like that. i mean, that's very true. fear is a bad, bad thing. and i know in my own situation the times that i've leaned back it was because i was worried about what people would say, how they would react, what they thought if i stood up and said, hey, i don't like that. i was worried about what people thought. and that's really not the way to go. you know, my message to women, to my daughter, is not everybody's going to like you. so let that be their problem. >> all right. amen, rene. >> couldn't agree more. to be honest, i don't know these days why there's even a question about the dads chipping in, the partners chipping in and making it easier for the moms to be in
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the workforce. i don't get that to be honest. >> michael, you're a good dad. >> michael, you'd be surprised. >> i try to be. >> you'd be surprised how many people write in with that very thing, michael. about i work all day and i come home and my husband doesn't help at all. i hear that a lot. sadly. >> yeah. crazy. >> wow. well, rene, thank you very much. michael, we know you do a lot of work. we know you're doing laundry and cooking and all that good stuff. >> i do. i do. >> by the way, that is very sexy. so keep doing that. >> good to know. i'll pass that on, by the way. good to see you. >> all right. rene, good to see you. queen elizabeth apparently still under the weather now forcing her to miss an event today, but it's not enough to keep her from signing a charter for equal rights. we're going to go live to london. es, plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone likes 50% more... [ midwestern/chicago accent ] cheddar! yeah! 50 percent more [yodeling] yodel-ay-ee-oo.
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sweden is mourning the death of the oldest member of his royal family, princess lilian died at the age of 97 perhaps best known for causing an uproar at age 28 met prince bertil and fell in love and divorced the man she had been married to. the former vogue model and then prince lived together for 30 years before getting married. that is because in 1945 the country would not permit a contender for the throne to marry a commoner. so they waited and married 33 years later when the rules changed. >> that was quite a love story. queen elizabeth by the way tried to go back to work today, but the palace says she needs more time to recover.
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the 86-year-old monarch was admitted to the hospital on march 3rd. she had a stomach bug. she was released the following day. the queen missed service today celebrating the commonwealth but is expected to attend tonight's reception. now, the queen is set to sign also a new charter calling for equal rights across the entire commonwealth. >> for more on this we're joined by our royal correspondent max foster. max, first of all, she issues this statement, this message today. what essentially was the point? >> well, if you imagine the commonwealth, a huge organization 54 countries representing 30% of the world population and they've managed for the very first time to come up with a central document as their charter. this is what the queen will be signing later on today. and what people are particularly picking up on is a line that talks about the signatures of those 54 countries opposing all forms of discrimination whether rooted in gender, race, color, creed, political belief or crucially other grounds and
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people are reading into that sexuality. so for the first time the commonwealth and the queen perhaps backing gay rights. but they're not putting it in words, i have to say suzanne, because these are many countries where ho mo sexuality's seen as an uproar. she alluded to this as well. >> our shared values of peace, democracy, development, justice and human rights which are found in our new commonwealth charter mean that we place special emphasis on including everyone in this goal especially those who are vulnerable. >> so there you are, a suggestion perhaps she's opening up, you know, these rights to all sorts of different groups,
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not just religious groups and other groups we often hear her talk about. >> as you say, max, the idea of other countries particularly you could name several where you're actually put to death in some cases for being homosexual, what about the queen herself? >> she was to go to service at westminster abbey and canceled right at the last minute. doctors advised that. it's very, very cold here in london. she wasn't up to it. the palace saying she's at the tail end of this illness she had but some suggestion she might not make her engagements all of this this week. this will be two weeks worth of illness, but let's say she is getting better. she will be going to sign this document tonight. but i think actually adds more weight to what she thinks about this and how important she thinks it is. >> yeah, 86 years old doing well, really.
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good to see you, max. thanks a lot. >> she's always looking great when she's in public in those beautiful outfits and the way she dresses. fantastic. we wish her the best in her health. afghan president hamid karzai dishing out some harsh criticism of the united states. some say he blatantly snubbed u.s. defense secretary chuck hagel during his visit over the weekend. plus, another insider attack today has now killed two u.s. soldiers. to meeting patient needs... ♪ wireless is limitless. [ female announcer ] from finding the best way... ♪ to finding the best catch... ♪ wireless is limitless. how did i know? well, i didn't really. see, i figured low testosterone would decrease my sex drive...
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with our base auto policy. [ tires squeal ] and if you get into an accident and use one of our certified repair shops, your repairs are guaranteed for life. call... to switch, and you could save hundreds. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? to our audience in the united states and around the world, welcome back. here are our top stories we're following around the world right now. in vatican city countdown underway. cardinals held their final pre-conclave meeting. tomorrow they'll be locked inside the sistine chapel where they'll begin voting on who should replace benedict xvi. and in india a crime that set off protests across the country and across the world.
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a woman was gang raped and beaten to death on a bus. well, now one of the suspects, the bus driver, is dead. police say he killed himself on monday apparently using his clothes to hang himself in his cell. he was one of five men on trial for the december attack. his parents are claiming he was murdered. in eastern afghanistan this morning, another insider attack so-called green-on-blue, two american soldiers were killed when a gunman wearing an afghan security forces uniform opened fire on a group of nato and afghan service members. ten other u.s. service members were wounded in that same attack. and just this weekend the afghan president hamid karzai accused the united states of colluding with the taliban. he said both sides want to convince afghans that violence will worsen if foreign troops leave the country. those comments coming after a bombing in kabul on saturday
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during a visit by the u.s. defense secretary chuck hagel. a scheduled news conference between hagel and karzai was canceled following the comments. the two did later meet in private. >> we did discuss those comments. i told the president it was not true. that the united states was unilaterally working with taliban in trying to negotiate anything. the fact is any prospect for peace or political settlements, that has to be led by the afghans. >> at the top of the hour we're going to get more on the hagel visit. also on those attacks in afghanistan today barbara starr's going to join us from the pentagon. there are threats of preemptive nuclear strike, attempts to communicate through a hotline now have failed.
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today, north korea said the agreement ending the korean war is dead. ana corin tells us as they begin joint military exercises. >> reporter: suzanne, after making threats they would scrap the armistice that ended the korean war, the north announced the truce was now invalid. more like a week of war-like t rhetoric from pyongyang. the armistice is a legal document that theoretically stops the resumption of the korean war, but these latest developments would indicate that that 60-year-old truce is now dead. well, the emergency phone hotline between the two countries was also severed. that's not the first time pyongyang has done this, but in the climate if there is a military provocation, then there's no means of communication between the two countries. the united states and south korea are currently holding
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military exercises on the korean peninsula. they say this is part of their annual drills. now, experts here in seoul say pyongyang will wait until they're over before they launch any attack. suzanne. >> thank you. in japan tsunami created a debris field now the size of california, michael. >> yeah. all over the world as well. two years later pieces of debris like this washing up on hawaii's shores. but it's those little pieces there on your screen, little pieces of plastic that might be doing the most harm. we have a report coming up. [ male announcer ] what are happy kids made of? bikes and balloons, wholesome noodles on spoons. a kite, a breeze, a dunk of grilled cheese. catches and throws, and spaghettio's. that's what happy kids are made of. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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welcome back everyone. today marks the two-year anniversary of japan's devastating tsunami. this video from a memorial
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service held today at tokyo's national theater to remember the victims of that disaster. japan's emperor was there and said he prays that those affected will soon be able to lead peaceful lives. nearly 19,000 people died after the massive earthquake hit which triggered of course that tsun i tsunami. it ultimately sparked also the world's worst nuclear crisis in 25 years. more than 300,000 people still living in temporary housing. well, while victims are still struggling to get back to normal and the reconstruction efforts go on, there's another fallout from this disaster. >> you can see from the video massive amounts of debris, some of it now made its way across the pacific ocean to alaska and hawaii. it is not just a concern for environmentalists, but also scientists are now looking at how the aftereffects could also make their way onto your dinner plate. that's right. our kyung lah has the story.
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>> reporter: slamming the shores of one of hawaii's most remote beaches, debris, big and small, covering every inch of this coastline. the foreign markings tell where some of it comes from. >> these are definitely from japan. this is some type of pickle -- that's definitely japanese. >> reporter: hawaii wildlife funds megan has seen debris from japan hit at a growing rate since fall, like a refrigerator with japanese on the temperature dial. large buoys, even an in tact fishing boat from japan. sucked into the pacific on that horrifying day two years ago, traveling through the pacific volunteers like hwf have been fighting the already big problem of marine debris. only made worse with the 1.5 million tons of floating tsunami debris. >> it's disheartening to come out here and see all this marine debris in this area that's otherwise so remote.
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debris that's washing up from other countries. >> reporter: this is not just a litter problem. look at what's inside this albatros. a sea bird found dead, plastics fill its body. david and his team are researching the alarming rate of debris in the birds. >> here you see -- >> it is filled with plastic. >> reporter: this is the stomach of a 2-month-old. is that part of a drain? >> oh, it's a brush. look at that. >> reporter: about 80% of this baby bird's stomach iss ind digestible plastic. >> morally this is terrible. how is this possible. majestic far reaching beautiful birds, right? in a pristine place of the north pacific. and you open them up and this is what you find. >> reporter: he says every single bird he's opened up had some sort of plastic, some large
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ones like these toys and lighters in the adult birds. >> it goes way beyond the birds. >> reporter: it's also in our fish. fishery biologist cutting into the stomach of a fish that may look scary, but this is what yellow fin and big eye tuna eat, the tuna that ends up on your plate. what is that black thing? >> that is a plastic bag. >> reporter: like a grocery bag? >> or just a garbage bag. >> reporter: nearly half of the fish she cut in two had plastic. >> one thing that's a concern we don't know is if any chemicals are absorbed into the tissue of the fish which is a problem if it's going to be eaten by other fish that we consume. >> reporter: a disaster still in the making now widening its reach. environmental activists here say there's nothing they can do about the tsunami debris, they can just clean up the beaches. but there is something consumers can do to help them out. they see plastic bottle caps of
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the plastic water bottles we use around the world, consumers can simply use less plastic, kyung lah, cnn, hawaii. all right. things getting a little hotter in israel. michael, i'm going to let you tell this story. >> you might say that. i was going to let you do that story. it's the new debut of the hebrew edition of "playboy" raising quite a few eyebrows. we'll discuss. i remember the day my doctor said i had diabetes.
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well, for decades people around the world or so i'm told have been reading something called "playboy" magazine for the articles many of them say. now that racy mag is also available in hebrew. and as jonathan man reports, it's raising some eyebrows in the holy land. >> reporter: it is a land of three great faiths, a place of prayer and piety. and now of play mates as well.
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"playboy" magazine has unleashed a new that reads from right to left, if you're looking at the articles. on the cover and in the magazine for another reason. >> there are people telling me why are you doing that. and open their eyes like i'm doing something very wrong. there are people that very proud of me also. >> it's first time it's happening in israel and first time that an israeli girl is being played by a play mate and proud and privileged to be a part of it. >> reporter: israelis are mindful of the ten commandments. thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife. what about the center fold? reaction is mixed. >> i hear about the magazine. i don't use it because i'm religious. >> it's good. it's good. >> lots of pictures with girls without clothes in it? >> it's not so good.
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>> oh, it's very nice. >> you seen it? >> i don't see it, but i want to see it. >> reporter: israel has already seen women in prominent roles in politics, the armed forces and every walk of life. now it's going to see them prominently in "playboy." cnn. >> all right. so "playboy" magazine has 30 foreign language editions in 33 different countries. brazil, south africa and russia have their own versions which are actually successful in the newsstands. in the mid-1980s turkey became headlines when it became the first muslim country to publish a version. the magazine ran into some pretty heavy controversy. it was forced out of print. you know, i know you're not going to admit it whether or not you read "playboy" i don't know if i should ask you, michael. put you on the spot. >> who's even still out there? i'm surprised it's still in magazine form to be honest. >> for the articles, right.
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>> i've heard about the magazine. that's all i know. and i want you to now pick it up from here and go from israeli "playboy" to the next story. yeah. this is quite the turn here, huh? playboy bunny, ceos, women can have it all. i don't know. we're talking about what women want out of the careers, their family lives, whether or not they can have it all. coming up, can companies and employers do more to help women rise to the top while still keeping that balance between work and family? and what should women do to actually land those leadership roles? what do they need to do? up next. well, technically i work for one. that company, the united states postal service® works for thousands of home businesses. because at® you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even drop off free boxes. i wear a lot of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service®, no business too small.
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welcome back. well, can women have it all? a high powered job and a family, or is the work life balance just a little too hard? this is why we're discussing it, facebook c.o.o. sheryl sandberg's new book "lean in" which says women can have it all. they just have to lean in and be more ambitious and not worry about how people perceive their assertiveness. >> i want every little girl who someone says they're bossy to be told instead you have leadership skills. >> because you were told you were bossy. >> because i was told that. >> joining us "the huffington
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post" editor and chief might have been told you were bossy at some point. you've published 13 books, run for political office, a masters degree in economics from cambridge university. and you are also a mom with two grown daughters in their 20s now. so let's take a look at the statistics for just a minute, arianna. we're talking the fortune 500 only has 21 female ceos. about 12 women can be counted out as the 190 heads of state. and despite the most number of women in congress, we're talking about less than one in five are women. so what do we need to do? how do we lean in so to speak? >> well, what we need to do is to both have women leaning which means not listening to the voices of doubt in our heads, but also to change the world into which women are leaning in. right now the male-dominated model of success involves
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burnout, working around the clock, sleep deprivation, terrible cost to our own health. and as women are scaling new heights we already see that we have a 40% increase in heart disease among successful women. and 60% increase in diabetes. so what i'm recommending is to learn to lean back in order to lean in more effectively and with a greater sense of well-being. i think that's the challenge ahead. we have 18 sections on the "the huffington post" dedicated to redefining success. and we're calling them less stress, more living. i think that's the big challenge of our time. and when women achieve that, it will be better for them and better for men as well. >> arianna, i've got to chime in here. actually during this program since we started discussing this i got an e-mail from a colleague in europe who says this makes me mad. the reality is so different to normal working women to these overachievers who clearly sacrifice their family life.
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two-thirds of my salary goes on child care. this is a female colleague based in europe. i'm curious, did you experience much much of held you back in your career? >> well, that's why we're talking about what can companies do. already many companies -- and not just google and other pioneers, but companies in middle america and around europe are prioritizing the health of their employees. they're offering meditation, yoga, de-stressing tools. and they realize when they do that, it's not just good for the health of their employees, it's good for the bottom line because here in the united states businesses spend or lose $300 billion a year because of stress. so it's new ways to approach our working lives that are necessary now if women are going to be able to lean in and do that effectively and without a tremendous cost to their own health and their own families and their own relationships.
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>> arianna, that's a tough, tough order. do you think there needs to be more responsibility when you look at employers or even the government in terms of creating the kinds of things like flex time or paid family leave. we've heard very recently from anne marie slaughter a former state department official who is saying that's really where the focus should be. >> i think it should be across the board. i'm very glad that sheryl sandberg's book has opened this very important conversation. obviously women need to deal with what are called the obnoxious roommate living in our head, those voices of doubt. companies need to realize that the bottom line is correlated with the health of their employees and take appropriate measures. and we all need to realize that just because of new technologies we can work from anywhere, it doesn't mean that we are going to be available to work from everywhere 24/7 at all times. that is simply distractive both
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to our lives and to our own judgment. you're surrounded now, suzanne, by very, very smart leaders in media and politics and business making terrible decisions. clearly they need a little more sleep and a little less stress in order to be more connected with our own wisdom and make better decisions, which is after all what leadership is about. >> absolutely. >> yeah. arianna, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> we will be right back, suzanne and i. see, i figured low testosterone would decrease my sex drive... but when i started losing energy and became moody... that's when i had an honest conversation with my doctor. we discussed all the symptoms... then he gave me some blood tests. showed it was low t. that's it. it was a number -- not just me. [ male announcer ] today, men with low t have androgel 1.62% (testosterone gel). the #1 prescribed topical testosterone replacement therapy, increases testosterone when used daily.


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