tv The Situation Room CNN March 16, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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longest winning streak in nba history. won their 21st straight game. second longest streak, '71, '72 lakers own the top spot on that list with 33 straight wins. that means it is march madness time here, election sunday a day away. test your bracket skills against me and other cnn personality in the official ncaa march madness bracket challenge game. go to, join the cnn group to see if you can pick a better bracket than i can. i never win. i get close but never win.
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this is gross. roaches, roaches everywhere, that was a story on a greyhound bus from atlantic city to new york friday. passengers shot video of the bugs crawling out of air vents, up the windows, even over passengers, not surprisingly, most of the people on the bus were disgusted. >> roaches started crawling on our clothes, everything. >> like a thousand roaches. i say infested, i mean infested. >> the man had roaches on his coat. the lady had a roach on her hat. it was terrible. >> the roach problem became apparent, the bus driver immediately pulled over, greyhound sent a replacement. the company apologized for the inconvenience and is now investigating. believe me, ain't nobody got time for that. thank you so much for joining us. see you back here in an hour. i am going to talk to the mother
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of the missing teacher from new orleans. and inspirational story of an ohio teacher donating her kidney to one of her kindergarten students. "the situation room" with wolf blitzer begins now on cnn. president obama about to embark on a critical, closely watched trip to israel. the high profile conservative senator makes a dramatic reversal on same sex marriage, talks about it exclusively to cnn. all the items that didn't make it through airport security, we found out where they go, who is selling them now for a profit. we want to welcome viewers in the united states and around the world. i am wolf blitzer, you're in "the situation room."
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it is a sight we rarely see. this week, the president was something of a regular on capitol hill. he was there three days in a row, meeting behind closed doors with lawmakers from both sides of the aisle in what's dubbed as a charm offensive by a president sometimes criticized and supposedly aloof when it comes to congress. jim acosta is at the white house watching all of this unfold, and the key question right now, what, if anything, do they believe there was accomplished during the so-called charm offensive? >> reporter: wolf, white house officials believe they accomplished some things. they believe they made some progress. they feel the president got assurances from some republicans that they might be willing to bend on the issue of raising new tax revenues by closing loopholes and deductions. they say it is a good week, but they know in the house it is
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unlikely a lot of republicans will sign onto new tax revenues as part of a grand bargain. that's why administration officials have also been cautioning that the president has been talking to lawmakers about other issues like gun control and immigration. it is an issue and example that the president doesn't want to get bogged down on fiscal and budget issues. but the white house officials are also hinting we may see more of a charm offensive after he gets back from his trip to the middle east next week because they do believe at this point, wolf, it is working to some extent. >> the president is going to israel and then jordan this week, a major trip, a lot to discuss, including iran right now, what's going on, the president telling israel television that iran potentially is within a year of making some nuclear bomb. the pressure on the president during this trip will be significant. >> reporter: that's right. he was criticized during the presidential campaign by his rival, mitt romney, for not
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showing enough when it came to issues of middle east peace and issue of the israelis and palestinians. the president will be arriving in israel wednesday, meeting with leaders of israel, prime minister netanyahu, and president perez. he is also going to be, wolf, delivering messages according to white house officials that are directly related to what is going on and conflict between the israelis and palestinians. he is going to urge, white house officials say, the israelis to show more of a change of approach when it comes to reaching peace in that region. but getting back to the issue of iran and developing nuclear weapons, they say the president will be very clear during his trip to israel that the united states will not allow iran to build a nuclear weapon. >> he was clear on that with israel television, too.
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jim acosta, thanks very much. let's dig deeper into what's going on in washington. our chief political correspondent candy crowley, host of cnn's state of the union and also gloria borger, political analyst. what did this accomplish? my dad used to say can't hurt to talk. >> can't hurt to talk and didn't hurt to talk. the president was applauded by many republicans as well as democrats, but the problem is that these two sides are still as far apart on the issues as they always were, and the president has his base saying you can't cut back on medicare, don't touch the entitlements, and you have republicans saying you've got to do that, and you can't do the revenues. i think the problems are add entractable as they always build, but your father was right, it doesn't hurt for them to talk because when they go face to face, maybe they can decide what's in the realm of
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the doable and take small steps. >> he made it clear that he's open to entitlement reform, social security, medicare, medicaid. but needs more tax revenue to come into the u.s. treasury, and the republicans say you got that at the end of december to avoid the fiscal cliff, no more increase in tax revenue. they can adjust loopholes, whatever, but if they do that, they lower the tax rate. if there's no more tax revenues coming in and they hold firm to that, can there be a deal? >> no. if everybody holds firm, we are where we were before the charm offensive. i think that depends what you think the point was. if the point was to come up with a big deal, i don't know that that's possible, and the president doesn't know if that's possible and neither do republicans. and by the way, let's also point out he talked to democrats that don't want to touch entitlements. it becomes where do you cut from
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medicare, cut more from hospitals and doctors? there are multiple problems on the policy front. i think it becomes harder to demonize your opponent when you have a little lunch with them, you talked, you see they're human beings. in terms of moving forward on a big deal, i don't think that will happen. i can see next year the president going i tried to talk to them, went up, had dinner with them, what i need is a democratic house. i can see that being -- >> but it doesn't hurt the president, his popularity headed in the wrong direction the forced budget cuts have not helped him at all in terms of the way people feel he's handled the economy, so this doesn't hurt from their point of view. he can always say i tried, and by the way, the american public wants to see them talking to each other, so it works for them. >> the president is off to israel and jordan, i assume
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meeting with palestinians at the same time. that's a tough issue. >> it is. and it's also tough as you know, expectations going in. let's face it, nothing has happened, no talks at all in two years. >> in three. >> right. and we are seeing lowered expectations, and seeing that connection we were talking to jim between u.s. assurances that it will keep iran from developing a nuclear weapon, and the president's ability to convince benjamin netanyahu of that are directly tied to how much i think netanyahu will give on settlements and whether he will stop at the west bank. i think it is an interesting trip but i don't think at this point, maybe i am buying into lowered expectations, they're looking for more than here i am, let's makeup for a bad first obama term. >> it is the maiden voyage as president and they're making it clear they're not going over
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there with some new initiative, some new peace proposal to have turned down. so they're kind of, the white house, is down playing this. i think they'll get pressure not only on iran but syria. the question is what do we do now? should we arm the rebels, should we be more aggressive with assad. i think the president will get tough questioning on that front. >> more than a million, 2 million refugees internally and externally. guys, thanks very much. state of the union sunday? >> we have mike rogers to talk about cyber wars. every time i talk to somebody on capitol hill, they say you have to talk about cyber wars. we thought this, having learned that the first lady had her credit rating hacked, you know, sort of brings it home.
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now, that's not kind of, but tells you the art of the doable. >> the house intelligence committee, good guests, 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning with candy crowley. thanks very much. dramatic turn around from a leading conservative on gay marriage. rob portman of ohio says he now supports marriage rights for same sex couples. it is a very personal reason that helped bring him to this conclusion. he spoke about it exclusively with our chief congressional correspondent dana bash. this came out of the blue when i heard about this interview. i was totally surprised. >> i got a call, this was a decision he made, he decided to do a television interview. this is something that happens all over america, sons and daughters come to their parents, reveal they're gay.
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this is a senator and he invited us to his office to tell us dramatic news. >> announcing change of heart on an issue that a lot of people feel strongly about. has to do with gay couples, opportunity to marry. allow them to have the joyce of marriage like i had. i want all three of my children to have. >> it came from his 21-year-old son two years ago. >> my son came to my wife and i, told us he was gay and it was not a choice, that that's part of who he is. he had been that way since he could remember. >> what was your reaction when he told you? >> support.
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110%. >> surprised? >> yeah. >> you had no idea? >> no idea. again, that launched a process of rethinking the issue. >> until now, all this was secret to most, not everyone. >> you were vetted to be a vice presidential candidate. did you tell mitt romney your son was gay? >> of course. >> how did he react? >> i told mitt romney everything. that process is -- intrusive would be one way to put it. no, i told him everything. >> do you think that was a deal breaker? >> no, i don't. >> how can you be sure? >> they told me. >> portman was never outspoken on gay marriage, but consistently voted against it, supporting a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, defense of marriage act, and a bill prohibiting gay couples in washington, d.c. from adopting children. >> what do you say to a gay
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constituent in ohio who says i'm so glad he changed his position, but why did it take him learning he has a gay son, why didn't he as my representative care about my life before that? >> well, i would say that, you know, i've had a change of heart based on a personal experience, that's true. i am on the budget committee, finance committee. those have been my primary issues and focus. now it is different. i never expected to be in this position. i do think having spent a lot of time thinking about it and working through this issue personally that this is where i am for reasons that are consistent with my political philosophy, including family values, including being a conservative that believes the family is the building block of society. i am comfortable there now. >> the senate may look at this
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and say he is a politician, why is he doing this now when he found out two years ago. >> two things. one, i am comfortable with the position, took me awhile to rethink things and get to this position. >> the second reason, the supreme court which will soon hear a pair of gay marriage cases. portman expected that to generate questions about his position. >> i thought it was the right time to let folks know where i stand so there was no confusion so i would be clear about it. >> portman said he spent time with his pastor, went back, reread the passage in leviticus in the old testament which many christians use as a source to opposition of homosexuality. he decided the institution of marriage was paramount, and after all this came out, his son sent a simple, powerful tweet. said i am especially proud of my dad today. >> i am sure he is. is he likely to become an activist to take an outspoken
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public role in support of marriage equality? >> i asked him that question. his answer was effectively no, not at this time. he said he came to public office, focused on economic issues. he is going to stay focused on that. he also said that perhaps the fact that he did make this public statement, he had this dramatic reversal, will make some of his colleagues that know him well, conservative colleagues think twice, a second look at whether they want to change their stance, too. >> see if one of the supreme court justices is influenced. that presumably will be a close vote on the justices, decision we expect by june. excellent work. thanks. still to come, the united states takes stock ten years after invasion of iraq. $60 billion simply wasted in so-called investment in iraq. what happened to the $60 billion to build schools, hospitals, bridges, what happened to all that.
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we will tell you. later, women that want to reach their full potential, that means career, family, affordable child care, is it too tall an order? we started looking into regular nannies, they were getting salaries that were like the equivalent of what a teacher would make, a lot were asking for 401(k) contributions, getting health care benefits. we are like my gosh, there's no way! ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities.
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this week marks the tenth anniversary of the u.s. led invasion of iraq. u.s. troops are gone, but the bloodshed continues. this week, bombings in baghdad caused dozens of casualties. beyond the countless thousands of lives lost, there's a new accounting of how much the u.s. wasted trying to reshape that country. jim clancy has been looking at the u.s. special inspector's report. >> reporter: america's $60 billion splurge to rebuild iraq, and what went wrong comes under the microscope. >> about 8 billion of the $60 billion appropriated by congress for reconstruction in iraq was
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wasted. >> reporter: it could be more, we may never know. the 186 page report is certain of one thing, the bush administration threw taxpayer money at iraq missed a critical component, a plan. >> this failure of planning and having a plan to execute these contracts and to provide accountability for the people who were in charge of this, totally lacking. >> reporter: the result, among many other things, u.s. taxpayers shelled out $80 for a pvc elbow pipe you can buy at home depot for $1.40. the first american administrators hired a comptroller, robert stein, gave him more than $58 million in cash, which he promptly started stealing. >> the interesting thing about mr. stein, he was a convicted felon at the time he was hired. >> reporter: felony fraud charges at that. he is serving nine years in
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prison. in fact, 82 people have been convicted of financial wrongdoing in iraq and more than $191 million has been recovered. 60 more suspects are under investigation. this report is almost all about u.s. taxpayer funds. but the iraqis have no complete accounting of what happened to billions of dollars of their own funds, blown by the u.s. into iraq at the beginning of the conflict. >> who in their right mind would send 360 tons of cash into a war zone? >> as so often in iraq, the ideal clashed with the reality we faced. >> reporter: ambassador paul brimer, former iraq administrator is notably absent from this final report. plenty of others weighed in on what went wrong. in rare agreement, some 17 iraqis interviewed saw little or no benefit. there was no real planning done according to minister of justice, nor did they consult
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with the iraqis on what was really needed. the report does not address the effect all of this had on iraq itself. other iraqi voices say waste, bribery, outright fraud contributed to a culture of corruption that plagues the country to this day. >> it is lack of trust in the americans, in the iraqi government, and sorry to say, even in themselves. >> reporter: at the core of learning from iraq this is a warning it could happen again unless congress creates an agency of experts who know the importance of a plan, strict oversight, and how to hold individuals and contractors accountable. >> that report from cnn's jim clancy. our senior correspondent arwa damon has been covering this through the war. she joins us now from baghdad. arwa, that 60 billion the u.s.
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taxpayers spent in iraq is just the tip of the iceberg, that was just to build roads and schools, hospitals. so much of that money wasted. but what about more than trillion dollars the u.s. taxpayers spent to defeat saddam hussein, keep u.s. troop presence there for nearly a decade. is there any sense of gratitude you're seeing from iraqis, rank and file on the ground now to the united states? >> no, wolf, right now you're not going to find gratitude on the streets of iraq or on the streets of baghdad. one has to take into consideration the price the iraqis paid for the war when at the end of the day, it was a war they had absolutely no say in. we're talking about more than 110,000 iraqis killed, talking about the entire disintegration of a society, the violence that was unleash here, a brand of evil so different than to what iraqis were experiencing under
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saddam hussein, evil and fear that they did not know how to navigate. saw neighbors turning on neighbors. iraq was the kind of country where one must remember this, people could not keep themselves safe because everything was a target, even car gang collectors were targeted because they were viewed of working for the government. hair salons targeted by extremist groups because of their religious beliefs. the entire country, everything they knew to be real and normal was torn away from them. even now today, the situation is far from being stable or secure. we just heard that report by jim clancy talking about corruption. that exists, wolf, at every single level imaginable in iraq now. >> so that huge u.s. embassy in baghdad, this was the largest u.s. embassy in the world, there were great expectations iraq would emerge a pro-western
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country, democratic, oil exporting company, revenue would come in, they could reimburse the united states taxpayers for liberating the country from saddam hussein. all of that was wishful thinking. is that the sense you get on the tenth anniversary? >> sadly, wolf, it is. iraq has significantly increased its exports, especially in the last few years, but very little of that money is trick eming back to the population. basic services are still in shambles. corruption is so rampant, much of that money ended up being funneled to political parties or for personal gains of those that are in power. we were speaking with the deputy head of parliamentary integrity committee, meant to be investigating corruption. he himself was saying it is a ceremonial committee that was put together. if they were to actually prosecute individuals, be able to go after them, just about every single minister, secretary general and director would find
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themselves behind bars. a lot of the young are struggling, trying to find work because they say unless they want to adopt these principles of corruption, they're effectively left out to the streets. the sense of despair amongst people right now is actually worse, wolf, than when the violence was at its worst. that's what's so heart breaking about the situation in iraq today. >> arwa will be with us through the week in baghdad. we will be in close touch. arwa, thanks for your terrific reporting. when we come back, lack of affordable child care. they say it keeps women from achieving their full potential. cnn look at what women want next. she keeps you guessing.
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cnn is looking at what women want, special reporting on what's keeping some women from realizing their full potential. today an issue that impacts so many working moms out there, affordable child care. lisa sylvester has been looking into this for us. what have you found? >> if you talk to working parents, one of the reasons why a woman may leave the work force is because of child care. it can be incredibly expensive, in some cases families are paying more for child care than for their mortgage or rent. what do women want? how about affordable, quality child care. on weekends, becky makes sure homework gets done. during the week, it is their eu pair who does it.
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until they had the girls, ages 8 and 5, they had no idea how expensive and hard to find child care can be. when becky was still pregnant, she put her name on several daycare waiting lists. >> the wait lists were long. one place said well, if you give us a $500 nonrefundable deposit, you'll get on a priority list. when we finally got off that list, sophia was two years old. >> they looked at nannies. >> they pay $50,000 a year. >> if it sounds familiar, many parents have been in the same boat. survey by parents magazine found 84% found it challenging, very hard, or impossible to find quality care. the add voe ka see group child care aware says infant care at a daycare center can be as much as $15,000 a year for one child. >> 36 states across the country, cost of infant, child care, summer based programs is higher than the annual cost of a college education, four year
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college education. >> many do the math, figure it is more cost efficient to have one parent stay home. more often than not, it is the mother. even a temporary break can make it that much harder for a woman to get back in the labor force to continue the upward climb. a better balance says employers need to lean in as well. her group wants the federal government to expand family medical leave act to include paid maternity leave and sick leave. >> when women can take the leave and have support, it makes child careless costly and keeps women on the job. >> it is an issue that house minoty leader nancy pelosi has raised. women have won the right to vote, broken barriers in education and corporate board rooms. >> the missing link in all of it is child care, to fully unleash the power of women which will be wholesome for our country. >> they opted for the eu pair, more affordable than a full time
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nanny, and they're fortunate because they can work from home sometimes. >> i think the flexibility from work is critical, for us, it is a total godsend that we both have flexibility in our schedules. >> that goes a long way to having a flexible work schedule. one complaint you hear a lot, why is the school day 8 to 3 when the workday is 9 to 5. others said make summer break shorter, maybe it won't cost so much in child care and summer camp fees. all of it, wolf, a little food for thought. >> not little, significant food for thought. thanks very much, lisa, for that report. up next days before his first official visit to israel, president obama has been talking tough about iran. i will speak about that and more. israel's ambassador is next. ths an e.p.a.-estimated 34 mpg highway. amazing. see the grille? mm-hmm. let me show you how it works. it opens and closes like this to help you conserve fuel. oh.
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attack, president obama is talking about iran's nuclear program using words like red line, saying all u.s. options are on the table. all of this as he prepares to head to the middle east in the coming days, first official visit to israel. mr. ambassador, thanks for coming in. >> good to be here. >> the president was precise talking about iran's nuclear program capability in an interview he gave israel's channel 2 that aired yesterday. i'll play the clip. >> we think that it would take over a year or so for iran to actually develop a nuclear weapon. obviously we don't want to cut it too close. >> is that your assessment, the israeli government assessment it would take a year for them to develop a weapon? >> we appreciate the reaffirmation of president obama's commitment to prevent
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iran from getting nuclear weapons, we are signed on that program. we look at the iranian nuclear program, see many of the same things, draw many of the same conclusions. i refer you back to something that netanyahu said at the general assembly. he said the main issue isn't when or how long it takes them to get a nuclear weapon, the one question is when can was no longer prevent them getting a nuclear weapon, that program is not only building up a stockpile, it is moving underground, it will be a point we can no longer prevent them. that point is not the distant future. >> not a year from now. >> not in the distant future. >> when is it? >> back in september, the prime minister said sometime in the summer. >> this coming summer. >> is that the current israeli intelligence assessment, by this summer, that red line if you will where iran has a capability to develop a nuclear bomb takes place? >> not just a capability, when
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we can no longer see it. last week, they announced they're building 16 new nuclear sites. i guarantee they're not above ground. they're installing centrifuges that will triple the time that they can put out in uranium. instead of breaking out over the course of two months, could be reduced to a matter of weeks. that will take place underground where nobody is able to see it. >> is your government and obama administration on the same page in terms of intelligence assessment? that this summer is in effect the red line? >> again, we look at the same set of information, draw many of the same conclusions but there are structural differences between us. >> what are the differences between israel's assessment of when the red line takes place, which you say is this summer, and u.s. >> it is not a difference of assessment, it is a difference of clocks. israel has a small clock that's moving fast, america has a bigger clock moving slower. israel is a small country, in iran's backyard, threatened with
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annihilation. we have certain military capabilities. america, a country far from the middle east, not threatened with destruction on a daily basis by the iranians, and america has different capabilities and can afford to wait longer. >> you're saying if iran doesn't back down and halt that program by this summer, israel will take action? >> i am saying israel will keep the right to defend itself. president obama said only israel has the right and duty how best to defend its citizens if threatened. >> u.s. analysts, excuse me for interrupting, mr. ambassador, don't believe they have the capability to destroy iran's nuclear program, and that the united states needs to do that. >> israel has the ability to defend itself, the right and duty to defend itself. >> you could do it by yourself. that option you're holding open, if the u.s. doesn't do it? >> our position like america's position is that all options should remain on the table, and those options are real. >> when the president meets with
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the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu, will this be issue number one? >> it will be one of the major issues we discuss across the table. there's a wide range of issues, the middle east is in turmoil, whether it be the situation in sinai, in syria, attempts to restart the peace process, and advancing that nuclear program. >> is the peace process getting off the ground, do you see anything happening on that front? >> that's a question to pose to the palestinians. we together -- >> he will meet with palestinian leadership. >> i suspect he will ask that question. we share the same policy, we call for resumption of direct talks without preconditions to discuss the core issues, refugees, borders, jerusalem security, to reach a solution on a state for two people. palestinians aren't there, last four years refused to negotiate. we hope they will rejoin us at the negotiating table.
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>> they talk about settlement activity on the west bank. >> in the past, we ripped up settlements, 21 settlements to advance the peace process, didn't get peace, got rockets. we froze settlement construction in the west bank for ten months to get the palestinians back to the table. they have a lot of preconditions, not just settlements. we have no preconditions. a lot of things we asked the palestinians to do but don't form them as preconditions. we think the only way to resolve this conflict is through direct negotiation. >> one final question. he is going to make a major speech, the president, at the jerusalem convention center, but not before the parliament, some israeli say why. >> it is important he reach to a wide swathe of israeli society, particularly young society. we have the youngest population per capita of any modernized country in the world. representing israeli universities, we have six major universities, three listed among the 100 top universities in the world. it will be a great audience and
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it is important to hear the message about the president's vision of the future and to hear him express his appreciation for israel's achievements in technology and science. >> we will be watching every step of the way. i know you're heading back to jerusalem to be on hand for that. safe travels. >> thank you. >> mr. ambassador, thanks for coming in. when we come back, ever wonder what happened with all of that stuff that doesn't make it past airport security? we found out, you might be shocked to find out who's making big money off it all. >> little ten pound kettle bell, a horse whip, i don't know who would want to take a horse whip on a plane. today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines
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even if it hasn't happened to you, airline passengers forced to dump banned items at the security check points. we found out where a lot of the items eventually wind up, and we were surprised to discover that someone is actually making a lot of money off them. renee marsh has been looking into this. what are you finding out? >> when they leave your hands, someone is making cash for this, not necessarily the tsa, they're not making a dime, but the state government could be. look at where it ends up. it is the final dumping ground for the items you're not getting past the tsa, number chuks, ax, heavy marble rolling pin, and lots and lots of knives. >> six blocking blade and a grip so you would not be able to bring it onto a plane still. >> something like this now you would be able to. so you wouldn't get things like this any more. every month an average of 425 pounds of stuff ends up in tsa's
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hands at each of the nation's largest airports. the tsa boxes it up, ships it out to states that want to make a buck by selling it. >> this is right off of that. this is one of the largest receiving centers. buckets and boxes of your personal belongings from major mid-atlantic airports like laguardia, jfk, newark, all here. >> would you say of all of the things that you get here, all of the huge bins, the majority of them knives, things of that sort? >> i would say they're knives, when they go through the tsa security check points, they have the option of sending those items home, voluntarily surrendering them to get on the plane. >> pennsylvania is turning this into cold hard cash. in the past nine years, they made nearly $900,000 selling all the items you couldn't get through tsa security.
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some items sold at this government surplus store. >> ten pounds of assorted black knives going for $75 now. >> most are sold on the website. if you want to get back that knife airport screeners wouldn't let through, get it here at a price. it is the individual states, not the tsa, that set the price on the items and base that on the market value and condition of the actual item. >> let somebody make money. thank you very much. up next, vogue magazine takes us inside the obama marriage. we have the scoop coming up. up. chevy cruze's six-speed transmission allows for lower shift points, offering an e.p.a.-estimated 36 mpg highway. okay, then. [ laughs ] what a test-drive. yeah. it's really more of a road trip at this point. yeah. [ male announcer ] chevy. mpg ingenuity. now get this great sign & drive lease
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another fashion first for the firltds. michelle obama making the cover of vogue magazine not once but twice. ilene is the first reporter to sit down with the reporter behind the story. >> second term, second cover. first lady michelle obama in vogue again. >> there is something to groundbreakingly modern about the obamas, the first black president and first lady and ana is crazy about them. >> vogue's powerful editor in chief is a massive obama fundraiser once rumored to be the next u.s. ambassador to the u.k., so it is her friend, the first lady, appearing on vogue's april cover wearing a sleeveless dress by reed krai cough, yes, that read krakov, the same chosen for the inauguration and here she is in michael kors and jonathan meter spoke to both. >> them as a couple, their
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marriage e children, how they live in the white house, how they deal with the bubble. >> what struck him? >> they're just so sweet each other and there is a lot of affection and if there is any married couple to whom the phrase they finish each other's sentences applies, it is them? of their marriage, the president says i think it would be a mistake to think that my wiech when i walk in the door is, hey, honey, how was your day, let me give you a neck rub. i think it is much more. we're a team. of his clothes, she jokes, this is the man who still boasts about this khaki pair of pants i've had since i was 20. and i'm like, you don't want to brag about that. >> she very effortlessly tells a story that leads to a punch line that can crack you up, and what i loved is that sometimes she and i weren't finished laughing and he was done and ready to move on, the president, and she would sort of look at me and keep laughing with me like i just loved that spirit in her that that jovial spirit that is
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really surprised me. >> a story compelling readers to go beyond the cover. alina cho, cnn, new york. an 88-year-old grandma who try as she might just can't stop dancing. license and registration please. what's this? uhh, it's my geico insurance id card, sir. it's digital, uh, pretty cool right? maybe. you know why i pulled you over today? because i'm a pig driving a convertible? tail light's out.. fix it. digital insurance id cards. just a click away with the geico mobile app.
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