tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 19, 2013 6:00am-8:00am PDT
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welcome back. time for "end point." who wants to start? father, you want to wrap it up. >> you know the famous line from st. francis. preach the gospel always, but when necessary, use words, which means that your actions should tell it all. and we can see from pope francis, a man who hugged the cardinals instead of having them kiss his ring. he shooed the red shoes and cape, rode the bus with the cardinals. he is saying power is through simplicity. not in trappings, but in serving. that is my takeaway. >> a beautiful takeaway. >> christine, talk about sheryl
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sandberg. >> the conversation about women at work and how you behave to become a leader, and the way women and men manage differently is fascinating. it's opening doors for women to be more aggressive at work, carefully aggressive. women, when are you aggressive sometimes, you are called a word we don't like to say and we look at sheryl sandberg, a good role model i would say. >> cnn newsroom with carol cosstello begins right now. happening now in the newsroom, speaking out. >> my family and i are hopeful we can put this horrible ordeal behind us. >> the mother of the victim in the steubenville rape, talking to cnn. >> i ask every person listening what if this was your daughter, your sister, or your friend? >> breaking overnight. an arrest in the murder of daniel pearl. plus, politics hits home.
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>> the first annual election you actually got involved in? >> yeah, this is the first one. >> stephen colbert's sister running for office in south carolina. if she wins, she could be up against mark sanford. yes, that mark sanford from the appalachian trail. 23 in a row! >> lebron james, gives miami a two-point lead. >> the heat is definitely on. >> this is a hostile environment, for to us come in and get a big road win on the road, awesome. >> you're live in the cnn newsroom. good morning. thank you for joining me. i'm carol cosstello. steubenville, ohio, two teenagers due in court accused of making online threats in the explosive rape case. the latest ripple in a case that blown the town apart.
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the victim raped by two high school ftball players, two local girls, one 15, the other 16, spent the night in juvenile detention. the victim's mother is pleading for calm and compassion. >> my family and i are hopeful that we can put this horrible ordeal behind us. we need and deserve to focus on our daughter's future. we hope that from this, something good good can arise. i feel i have an opportunity to bring an awareness to others, possibly change the mentality of a youth or help a parent to have more of an awareness of where their children are and what they are doing. adults need to take responsibility, guide these children. i ask every person listening, what if this was your daughter, your sister, or your friend? we need to stress the importance of helping those in need and stand up for what is right. we all have that option to choose this is the start for a new beginning for my daughter. i ask you to continue to play for her and all victims and
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please respect our privacy as we help our family heal. >> here is what the victim's attorney said on "piers morgan." >> she has not at this point forgiven anybody for what she's been through, the terrible ordeal and this just adds to everything. people need to wake up and do the right thing at this point and accept what's been deciding by the judge and move on and hopefully people can be rehabbed. and give people an opportunity to heal themselves. that's what the mom asked. that's a big plea she's asked everybody. she is a hero to a lot of people that she stood up and it done stlats what women have to go through. it's not easy, difficult, we need more people like this young victim to stand up and report these types of bad acts. >> the case has been especially horrifying, because images and comments of the sexual assault,
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plastered all over social media. those postings first alerted the victim to what really happened while she was passed the out drunk. now let's go to the vatican and inauguration mass of a new pope. the grand spectacle of today's ceremony is keeping with the ancient rituals of the church. this pope who stresses simplicity. he cruised through st. peter's square in an opened top vehicle, instead of the bullet proof popemobile. pope francis stepped out of the vehicle to kiss a man with a physical disability. the down to earth has ralgted security detail and charmed
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catholics around the world. a new cnn/orc international poll show 88% of american catholic as prove of his selection. by comparison, only 60% approved of pope benedict's election. let's turn to john allen, senior vatican analyst. what was the message the pope had for congregants today? >> well, carol, the message came in his homily, that is the set of reflections in the bible readings that the priest delivers during mass, which pope francis today said power and, remember, this was in a way about him receiving symbol, the cloth he wears around the shoulder and fisherman's ring, power has to be about service, particularly service to the poorest, weakest and poorest, and you saw that symbolism, when
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he stopped the open air jeep to kiss some children and went over to a sick man, embrace and caress him. this is about setting a tone, carol. basically the last week has been about pope francis introducing himself to the world and this was the grand finale. the end of the beginning so to speak. most people looking at it would say what a beginning it has been. >> it's been quite touching to watch. john allen, reporting live from the vatican this morning. thank you. in florida, a suicide shocked the college campus, but a much greater tragedy may have unfolded if this man lived. he had planned a high-powered attack planned against the university as it tried to etickevict him. >> reporter: when the fire alarm sounded on the university of central florida campus, all students cram bellscrambled to all except one.
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>> they found the subject dead from a single gunshot wound to the head. >> reporter: the 30-year-old former student killed himself. what investigators say they discovered next were the workings of a sinister and deadly plan to commit mass murder. four home made bombs in a backpack, multiple firearms and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. >> it could have deputy a very bad day for everybody here. all things considered, i think we were very blessed here at the university of central florida. >> reporter: investigators say they don't know what made the man turn the gun on himself instead. police believe he pulled the fire alarm himself to lure students out to the hallways. he pointed a gun at a student, but he barricaded himself in a bathroom and called 911. the suspect then killed himself. students in the dorm left shaken. >> started off as a fire alarm, and nobody said that something else was going on with the bomb
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and the shooting, so we were left in the dark. >> i knust never thought this was going to happen. it's really horrible that someone had to die. >> reporter: guest investigators found writings laying out a timeline of what the man planned to do. a plan designed to "give them hell." we don't know who he planned to target, but investigators say he was acting as >> he did not have a lot of friends. he flew under the radar, had anger issues. truly one of those out there. made up his mind, set a timeline, put a plan into place. >> reporter: carol, the dorm building behind me has been reopened. students coming and going once again. so everything is returned to normal there. but, officials do sayhat the man should probably not have been living inside this dorm. he was registered as a student through the fall semester of last year, but this spring semester, he was no longer
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enrolled as a business student here at the university of central florida, and university officials were in the process of trying to get him out of the dormitory. carol. >> ed lavendera, thanks. a training exercise ended with several marines air lifted to the hospital. hurt during explosion following a traffic accident. four medical helicoptered sent to the scene. happened last night at an army depot in western nevada. nearly 11 years after the murder of daniel pearl, a new break in the case. the man who facilitated his kidnapping has been arrested in pakistan. he was kidnapped, tortured, and then killed. the suspected mastermind of the september 11@tacks, khalid shaikh mohammed was arrested and confessed to pearl's murder. he was never charged with the crime, though. last-minute preparations for president obama's trip to
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israel. he leaves healater tonight. he visited israel once while campaigning in 2008. he will spend several days meeting with israeli and palestinian leaders before wrapping up the trip on saturday in jordan. if you thought the canceling of the white house tour due to forced budget cuts was bad, wait until you hear this. the white house may cancel next month's easter egg roll for the very same reason. can you say sacrilege? no more rolling eggs on the white house lawn? the joy of children dashed by the government grinch? the easter bunny, a victim of sequestration? well, nothing is definitely yet, but guests have been warned. politico go this explanation from a white house official. "because we distribute tickets to the easter egg roll far in advance, we alerted all ticket holders that this event is
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subject to cancelation, due to funding uncertainty, including the possibility of a government shutdown. however, we are currently proceeding as planned with the easter egg roll." republicans are doubtful. newt gingrich shared his outrage on twitter. shaleless! how else can you describe the threat to cancel white house easter egg hunt? maybe ma lettic, demagoguic. you try to fin the right words." we'll try to describe it at the bottom hour. voters in south carolina heading to the polls for today's primary to choose the next house representative. one of those candidates just happens to be stephen colbert's sister, her name is elizabeth colbert bush. yes, she pronounces her name differently. in a rare interview, we see the serious side of stephen colbert. he sat down with jake tapper, host of cnn's "the lead."
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to discuss his sister. >> trying to help your sister. >> she's my sister, and i'm willing to, you know, break the jewel of my own creation to try to do something for her. i'm not worried about what it would do to me or my show to try to help her as myself, not as my character. and if people think that's not the right thing for me to do, i don't care. it's my sister, i'm willing to help her. >> he's a good brother. all the help might pay off. one other democrat running in today's primary. 16 republicans, including former governor mark sanford. here is more from jim acosta. >> good to see you. >> reporter: in south carolina, mark sanford needs no introduction. but after the former governor of this state famously tried to cover up an affair by falsely telling the public he was hiking the appalachian trail -- >> i've been unfaithful to my
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wife. >> a reintroduction wouldn't hurt. >> we can learn aa lot about grace, a god of second chances. >> sanford is asking voters for a second chance to win his old congressional seat. after what you put the voters of the state through, why should s they give you a second chance? >> i think that's one, an individually determined thing, what a vote is about. what i would say on the larger notion of forgiveness. some people forgave me the next day, some people will never forgive me. >> i'm in the race because i'm worried. >> reporter: he still has to win his primary against a field of 15 -- yes, 15 gop rivals. some fixtures in state politics, another, teddy turner, son of founder of cnn ted turner. hit with attacks. >> it's absolutely amazing how dirty the game is, how expensive the game is. it doesn't make sense. >> if that's not enough to grab voters' attention. >> thank you for the vote. >> the winner on the republican
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side will likely face lelizabet colbert bush. democratic favorite and sister of late-night funny man stephen colbert. >> colbert, not colbert. >> reporter: although she pronounces the name differently. this is not a joke? >> this is not a joke. this is all too important. all too important with the condition our country is in. >> cnn political contributor john avlon has some roots in south carolina has his eye on sanford. he seems to be reconnecting with voters. >> there is an affection for a guy who admits he's a sinner and asks for forgiveness, especially down here. >> reporter: is this a shot at redemption, political redemption? >> i think it's some level, we all hope for redemption. >> reporter: sanford says you can learn a lot wandering off trail.
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>> reporte . >>ed on oddly enough, you learn the most from the valleys in life, not the peaks. >> reporter: later on this evening, we'll find out results. the general election in may, where he's likely to face off with elizabeth colbert busch. we'll follow candidates all day long as they cast their own ballots in the first congressional district. we've been told by political insiders, we my see results pretty early on. with so many candidates, we'll fate for the final results to put those out. when they finally come in. >> probably a good idea. jim acosta, live from south carolina. thanks so much. the polls for the south carolina primary, close tonight. 7:00 p.m. eastern time. just ahead on the newsroom, defending jodi arias, doing head stands in an interrogation room. and her defense uses, well, a
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rather interesting argument to explain amnesia about killing another human being. [ anouncer ] ihop is in time square to compare new griddle-melts to your usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4.99. it's an epic breakfast sandwich. [ sneezing ] she may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec®. powerful allergy relief for adults and kids six years and older. zyrtec®. love the air.
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breaking news to tell you about. devastating news out of western nevada. we understand that some service members have been killed. our barbara starr is working on this story. when she gets all of the information, we, of course, will pass it along to you. seven service members have died in a military training exercise in western nevada. again, barbara starr working on the story. turning to the jodi arias trial. how could she stab her boyfriend more than two dozen times and not remember it? that's what the defense is trying to explain. ted rowlands following the trial in phoenix. the defense is using post traumatic stress as their argument. >> reporter: absolutely, carol. basically saying it happens all the time. when something traumatic happens, people forget the details. skycologist richard samuels is the expert hired by the defense
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to explain why jodi arias can't remember, among other things, stabbing her boyfriend, travis alexander, 29 times. >> why is it that you have no memory of stabbing travis? >> i can't really explain why my mind did what it did. >> samuels says arias suffered from ptsd and acute memory loss due to stress. using a diagram of the brain, he saidith common for people to forget parts of traumatic events because adrenaline causes blood to flood the brain. >> prosecutor juan martinez went after arias. >> you don't have any memory problems, do you? >> no. >> martinez accused the psychologist of crossing a line with arias, by trying to treat her instead of just evaluating
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her. >> she was suicidal. >> well if she was suicidal, it was somebody else's responsibility to take care of the. >> objection. can we ask the attorney not to yell at the witness. >> later, he asked samuels why using a pencil to write the answers. >> are you implying i cheated on the test? >> no. i'm asking you questions. however you want to take them is up to you. >> carol when court resumes in a few hours here, this witness will be getting more direct questions from prosecutor martinez, and then he will be getting them from the jury. of course, in arizona, jurors can ask questions of witnesses they have been writing away. they have questions for him as well. >> all right. ted rowlands, thank you so much. we are trying to understand the argument over post traumatic stress syndrome is interesting. is it effective?
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>> i don't think it's effective. i'm scratching my head yesterday, trying to figure out. yes, ptsd is very real. but what caused the ptsd? if it's the murder, how does that defend you from the situation? and even that diagnosis, the tests that he gave her was flawed. the prosecutor did a great job in showing that he testified using her story, the first story, now been clearly shown to be a lie. that it was an intruder, not her, who killed her boyfriend. so the test is completely flawed and not even a test that, for instance, i use forensic psychiatrists a lot in my practice, and there are other tests, a tom test, an mmpi, where they are built so someone can't lie their way through. it shows whether they are trying to cover up and make themselves look better and i think here in a strange way, that's what jodi
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arias was trying to do. >> i think the jury must know all they need to know about jodi arias. why is this dragging on so long? and we might as well show the bizarre footage of jodi arias in an interrogation room doing a head stand. this was not shown in court, but it shows how bizarre she is. why is this dragging on? why can't it just be over? >> you and i were chatting about this. i have tried eight to ten-week trials. not in a situation like this. where each side both the prosecutor and defense attorney go on and on and on instead of getting straight to the point. can't figure out if it's the dynamics of kroolt itself. the fact that the nation is watching and does it factor into what you are learning. >> everybody wants to be on tv, grandstanding? >> the jurors can ask questions and they don't ask two or three, from her, there were over 200 questions from the jury.
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i was thinking, gosh, will they do the same thing with this witness or do they want to go home, get in the back, start deliberating. >> i think they are all into it. a training exercise in nevada ended with several marines being killed and more injured. barbara starr, what have you found out? >> reporter: carol, sad news for some military families. seven marines killed in this remote training site in nevada. seven marines killed. a number of others injured. the marines aren't saying how much medevaced to hospitals. of course, families about to be notified. the initial reports are indicating that this all happened when an artillery shell, mortar shell, exploded. no more details about how that all happened. but that is the indication, the marines have about how this accident took place.
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marines there on a training mission from camp lejeune, north carolina. seven military members being notified the most tragic news. >> so many questions, i would ask you, but i know we are in the early stages of this. a mortar exploded? >> a shell is what they believe. a 16 millimeter mortar shell to answer everyone's question, no, it's not supposed to happen. so how this happened will be a matter of investigation, of course. was there any number of ways -- things they will be looking into. potential mishandling, technical malfunction, we don't know yet. a very tragic accident happened at 10:00 last night on the west coast. >> barbara starr, reporting live this morning. talkback question for you today. can you believe it's been ten years since the iraq war began?
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now is your chance to talkback on one of the big stories of the day. the question this morning what did we learn from the iraq war? time flies, except when it comes to war. war, especially the kind of wars we fight today, seem never ending, but let me take you back to march 19, 2003. >> my fellow citizens, at this hour, american and coalition
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forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq, to free its people, and defend the world from grave danger. >> american military hardware made quick work of saddam hussein and his army. saddam's statue fell less than a month after the first tomahawk missiles fired. in may 2003, mr. bush declared mission accomplished on board the "uss abraham lincoln." >> major combat operations in iraq have ended. in the battle of iraq, the united states and our allies have prevailed. the transition from dictatorship to democracy will take time. but it's worth every effort. our coalition will stay until our work is done. and then we will leave. >> the war wasn't over on that day, and it was only later we learned saddam hussein was bluffing. he had no weapons of mass destruction. it didn't matter, though. we were stuck in iraq, suffering
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through ied attacks, abu ghraib, post-traumatic stress disorder and more. according to a new report by brown university, 190,000 have been killed in iraq. 70% of them civilians. 4,488 of them u.s. service members. the war cost you, taxpayers, $2.2 trillion. the cost of rebuild iraq, $60 billion, although most of that money went to contractors and military police. the rest was lost to fraud. as far as making america safer, sadam was a cruel dictator and you could argue he was unstable. but saddam hussein had no weapons of mass destruction and no ties to al qaeda. the talkback question, what did we learn from the iraq war? cnn, or tweet me @carolcnn. up next, the fiscal fight in washington is taking the toll.
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and the next casualty could be the easter bunny. political buzz is next. [ female announcer ] how do you define your moment? the blissful pause just before that rich sweetness touches your lips. the delightful discovery, the mid-sweetening realization that you have the house all to yourself. well, almost. the sweet reward, making a delicious choice that's also a smart choice. splenda no-calorie sweetener. with the original sugar-like taste you love and trust. splenda makes the moment yours. earning loads of points. we'll leave that there. you got a weather balloon, with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. go. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here. there it is! [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] earn points with the citi thankyou card
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visit to learn your risk. political buzz. rapid fire look at the best political topics of the day. 30 seconds on the clock, three topics. maria cardona and amy kreme of the tea party express are playing. >> thank you for having me. >> thank you, carol. >> thanks for being here. after republicans released their much anticipated autopsy, one republican has a problem with the findings, his name would be rush limbaugh. >> the republicans are just totally bamboozled right now and they are entirely lacking in confidence. which is what happens to every political party after an election in which they think
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they got shellacked. they think they got landslided and they didn't. they think they've got to rebrand and it's all predicted. they got to reach out to minorities, moderate their tone here and moderate their tone there, and that's not at all what they've got to do. the republican party lost because it's not conservative. it didn't get its base out in the 2012 election. >> rush is putting the blame on mitt romney who suddenly became a severe conservative after being a moderate republican. let's look at true conservatives in the running for president in 2012. rick santorum, newt gingrich and rick perry. all three made an appearance at cpac. the influential conservative gathering, we believe these are true conservatives. would any of those true conservatives really have beaten barack obama? amy? >> carol, i don't think anybody would beat barack obama.
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he's a pop culture icon, and he's captain to that generation that all they care about is pop culture. when rush is talking about people being conservative, he's not talking about social issues i don't think. he's talking about somebody fiscally conservative. i come from a red state and i didn't think mitt romney's conservative enough for me, he is for his state. it's all relative. that's what he's talking about. >> maria. >> agree with amy. i don't think that any of the other candidates would have beaten president obama. now, i do agree with rush that i think the reason -- one of the reasons why conservatives didn't come out, mitt romney wasn't a principaled conservative. he wasn't principled period. i hope they listen to rush limbaugh's advice and go more to the right. the problem was they was so out of mainstream and mitt romney was not convincing anybody that
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was not the case. >> all right. on to question number two. hillary clinton taking a stand for same-sex marriage. >> lgbt americans are our colleagues, our teachers, our soldiers, our friends, our loved ones and they are full and equal citizens and deserve the rights of citizenship. that includes meaning. >> this a few weeks after her husband said that the supreme court should over turn defense of marriage act. rob portman and other republicans expressing their support for same-sex marriage publicly. same-sex marriage has suddenly become a hot topic in a good way. why not? a new "washington post" poll show 58% now back same-sex marriage.
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just three years ago, opponents of the issue outnumbered supporters. our question, is it now politically safe to support same-sex marriage. maria? >> i think it depends on what party are you and what state are you from. clearly we've seen many republicans do not support same-sex marriage. the american people are leading politicians, including some democra democrats. it is safer, but it doesn't mean every single leader will come out in support of same-sex marriage. >> amy. >> we are seeing people go that way, politicians coming out in support of it. it's an individual choice whether or not they support it. quite honestly, 14th amendment gives us all equal rights. no where in the constitution does it mention marriage. no one has a constitutional right to marriage. actually, i think the government
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needs to get out of it, and put it back in the churches, let it be dealt with there. let marriage be dealt with there, and we won't have this problem. >> on to the final buzz question. tired of budget problems in washington. first white house tours are suspended due to forced spending cuts, and now the easter egg roll could be in jeopardy if congress can't reach a deal to fund the government. i mean, come on. is nothing sacred in washington? the 135th edition of the event is subject to cancelation due to the funding uncertainty, including the possibility of a government shutdown. but the white house says for now, it's planning to proceed with the easter egg roll which is scheduled to take place april 1st. no joke. oh. the question, what steps should washington take to save the easter egg roll. why are we talking about this,
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amy? >> one thing, we could stop sending money to foreign governments of countries that hate us. that would save a lot of money right there. and it would pay for many easter egg rolls in the years to come. but if washington lived within their means and balanced their budget and didn't spend more than they brought in, we wouldn't have this problem. >> maria. >> i think that president obama needs to gather all of the leaders in the house and in the senate, both republicans and democrats, and take them to camp david, not let them go until they come up with a deal and if they can't come up with a deal before the white house easter egg roll, carol, they need to sign up for who is going to be the easter bunny, which hour, and who will administer the easter egg roll to those kids. >> like that. >> all sorts of easter bunnies. >> thank you for playing today. >> thanks for having us. >> thanks, carol. a new movie in the works about moses. and you will never guess who
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could be tapped to play moses. you know, the guy who parted the red sea, led his people out of egypt? we'll tell you next. [ female announcer ] are you sensitive to dairy? then you'll love lactose-free lactaid® it's 100% real milk that's easy to digest so you can fully enjoy the dairy you love. lactaid®. for 25 years, easy to digest. easy to love. governor of getting it done. you know how to dance... with a deadline. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. this is awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is, business pro. yes, it is. go national. go like a pro.
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we have a new pope, and hollywood is casting a pneumocess. the world is safe. although you mayer in guess who could be the new recipient of the ten commandments. we'll ask a.j. hammer in new york to do it for us. >> good morning, carol. the internet abuzz with reports that christian bale is considering trading in his superhero cape for a holy robe. according to reports, the dark knight star is in early talks to take the lead role as moses for the biblical epic "exodus." it will tell the old testament story of how he led the israelites out of slavery, back to the promised land.
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reps for bale have not responded. but "prometheus" director ridley scott will direct it. >> i can't imagine christian bale as moses. he has a temper, but maybe moses did too. i don't know. i don't think so, though, a.j. hammer, thank you. we'll be right back. mr. wiggles and curling irons. for the little mishaps you feel, use neosporin to help you heal. it kills germs so you heal four days faster neosporin. also try neosporin eczema essentials. at a hertz expressrent kiosk, you can rent a car without a reservation... and without a line. now that's a fast car. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz. i honestly loved smoking, and i honestly didn't think i would ever quit. [ male announcer ] along with support,
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today as we mark the tenth anniversary of the u.s. invasion into iraq, we learn violence is once again on the rise today. at least 48 people died and many more wounded. a string of bombings and shootings rippled through the mostly shiite neighborhoods of baghdad. simultaneous attacks, 17 car bombs, 7 roadside bombs, 2 shootings. a lot different, that iraq, ten years ago. scenes like that were familiar ten years ago. u.s. warplanes bombing iraqi targets. mart you know savidge was in iraq a decade ago. a lot has changed. >> fire in the hole! [ bleep ]. >> reporter: when you are embedded, you get close to war.
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>> it's getting hot, let's go! >> reporter: you also get close to the war fighters. i was with the first battalion 7th marines, and ten years later, i'm out to find the men of cap team red. the last time i saw toney riddle, he was leading a team of marines and too young to buy a beer. now he's 31 and out of the corps. his home decorated with war mementos, including commendations for valor. i think i remember this event. it stands out, because i could have gotten killed in that ambush. >> yeah, go, guards! >> we have better memories. his daughter kala born while we were in iraq. now she's nearly ten. but ton's marriage a casualty of war and relationships since haven't fared much better. >> the same tony that went over there didn't return at all. >> reporter: he struggles with ptsd and is bothered by
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memories, the two iraqi girls by an artillery strike that tony called in to protect marines. that one still haunts you? >> bad. in the dreams they are asking why? >> reporter: frustrated with the veterans administration, tony went to college and will have a degree in psychology to help vets. >> i've been there, i've seen it, i know exactly what you're dealing with. >> reporter: next stop was aspen, colorado, where on a ski lift i caught up with casey owens. >> i can't be more happier to look out here and just be like, gosh, you know, god gave me a gift. >> reporter: casey moved here right after he started skiing, which was right after an iraqi land mine claimed both legs on his second deployment. so can you ski down this -- >> yeah, this is one of my favorite runs. >> reporter: he also runs and competes in a number of sports.
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he's an inspiration to a lot of folks and will tell you without hesitation life is good. >> i have my bad days and good days, but when i'm having my good days, i definitely know i'm lucky to be alive and to experience this, you know? i got to, at age 22, lead men into combat and for a marine, that's a great honor. >> reporter: for the real bad days, harold, his special needs dog, calms him from panic attacks and wakes him from nightmares. they are inseparable. my last stop was a beer garden in evansville, where i listened to morgan listen to a song he wrote about the war. ♪ yeah, today i was in a combat zone ♪ >> casey has been the first casualty for cat team red. six months later, it was evan's term. an ied blast. >> i remember being pulled out of the vehicle and being laid on the ground. >> both men suffered similar
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injuries, but evan was also left half blind. he dreaded the conversation with his then-fiancee from his hospital bed. >> i said, you know, if you want to -- not leave, but you know, if you want to kind of move on, then you can. i would understand. >> reporter: jillian told him it wasn't his legs she'd fallen in love with. they married in the hospital chapel and today have two kids. life's not perfect, but evan knows it's not bad either. >> i'm always thinking that there's someone out there in the world that has it worse than me and there's someone out there who's doing better than me, and i try to keep that in mind day to day, and try to live my life accordingly? >> and you're okay with that? >> yeah. yeah, i'm okay with it. i'm happy. >> reporter: a decade after we all went to war, it would be wrong to say that tony, casey and evan are at peace, but deep inside themselves, they have managed to at least call a truce. >> martin savage joins us now.
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such a touching piece. it does, it brings tears to your eyes. >> it does to me to, to watch it. >> do they think it was worth it? >> you know, it's a difficult conversation. and i had that with all three. they all, first off, say they're proud to be marines, and very proud they served their country in iraq. tony does not believe that the war was worth it, not the loss of american lives, nearly 5,000, not the loss of iraqi lives, tens of thousands, and given the way that country is now. casey is exactly the opposite. he says, yes, it was worth it, and he is convinced that he helped take down a very bad regime. and evan, he's on the fence. and he says the that protectively, he doesn't like to think about it a lot, because then he does begin to think it could have been a waste. and of course, for him, that means the sacrifice of the loss of his friends, the sacrifice he made. he just doesn't want to go there. doesn't want to think about it. >> yeah, well, at least they seem to be living, you know, productive, good lives. >> and you know what, it was
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wonderful to see them. it really, really was. >> thanks for a great story. thank you so much, martin savage. so our talk back question today, actually, what did we learn from the iraq war? or tweet me @carolcnn. your responses, next. heese from stouffer's starts with freshly-made pasta, and 100% real cheddar cheese. but what makes stouffer's mac n' cheese best of all. that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. made with care for you or your family. britta olsen is my patient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere,
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war? this from gale. "it has proved the theory that wars are not about human rights, safety, or anything but greed." this from bill, "as long as we have a militaryized economy, they'll find a war to start or start one of their own, and we'll never get those live or money back." and from michael, "hopefully we learn to keep our noses out of other country's business, unless they threaten to attack or do attack the united states." please, keep the conversation going. we have great response to this question and it's so important, so or tweet me @carolcnn. the next hour of "cnn newsroom" after a quick break. (announcer) at scottrade, our clients trade and invest
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happening now in the newsroom, sex, lies, and videotape. breaking overnight, new details about senator robert menendez and claims he paid for hookers in the caribbean. >> so the bottom line is all of those smears are absolutely false. plus, codeine and cough syrup, a dangerous combination. ♪ >> a combo hot in the hip hop community, and it may have been sent rapper little wayne to the hospital. are your kids using it too?
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and how about a marijuana dinner cruise? >> but without doubt, i think it plays a role and has a part in the future of tourism. >> is pod tourism the way for cash-strapped states a way to make money? you're live in the "cnn newsroom." and we begin this hour with breaking news. seven marines were killed in an explosion during a marine training exercise. it happened late last night in western nevada. let's head straight to the pentagon and our correspondent there, barbara star. can you tell us more about what happened, barbara? >> well, carol, the initial indications are that some type of mortar shell might have exploded while the marines were at this remote training base in nevada. seven marines killed, a number of wounded and medevaced to nearby hospitals, we're told. the marines now, of course, have the entire incident under investigation to try and determine what happened. they believe it was a 60
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millimeter mortar shell that somehow exploded, causing this tragedy. now seven military families getting the worst possible news on this day, being notified that their marines were killed in this training accident. carol? >> do they often use live mortars in training exercises? >> well, there is live ammunition training in the u.s. military. it happens. what we don't know is whether this was a live round or some kind of other dummy round, perhaps, you know, a blank, if you will, that somehow also exploded, maybe causing these injuries. the marines just aren't saying yet. all they're telling us is that it's under investigation. >> barbara starr reporting live from the pentagon. now let's turn to politics. a senator and a sex scandal. for nearly four months, new jersey democrat robert menendez has vehemently denied claims from three women in the dominican republic. those women said they were prostitutes and menendez was their customer. now according to police, all
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three women say they made up the story for an attorney who offered them about 400 bucks each. an angry menendez had this to say to dana bash. >> it's amazing to me that anonymously, nameless, faceless individuals on a website can drive that type of story into the mainstream. but that's what they've done successfully. now nobody can fine them, no one ever met them, no one ever talked to that, but that's where we're at. so the bottom line is all of those smears are absolutely false and, you know, that's the bottom line. >> that interview was conducted on february 4th. joe johns is in washington today. so, joe, if this really was an orchestrated smear campaign, who was behind this? >> well, that's the question. and there's a lot of investigation to try to determine that. this is important to senator menendez, carol, because it's more support for his position
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that the claim that he paid for sex with prostitutes was flat-out false. the police in the dominican republic saying, as you reported, that they've now found out that all three women who claim they were with menendez were actually paid by a lawyer to make false claims. the women were paid several hundred dollars a police. the police said the women were led to believe they were doing this in connection with a divorce case. menendez always said the prosecution's story wasn't true. it was first reported by the conservative website, "the daily caller." "the caller" reported today that it will continue to investigate the story. menendez has other issues, including an fbi investigation into the business dealings of an eye doctor, dr. solomon mel who's a big donor. so it's not over yet. >> joe johns reporting live from washington.
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nearly 11 years after the murder of "wall street journal" reporter daniel pearl, there's a new break in the case. the man believed to have facilitated pearl's kidnapping has now been arrested in pakistan. back in 2002, pearl cousin kidn was kidnapped, tortured, and then killed. the suspected mastermind of the september 11 attacked was arrested and confessed, but he's never been charged. this morning, in front of a crowd of 150,000 people, pope francis was officially inaugurated as the 266th bishop of rome. he appeared in st. peter's square in an open air vehicle, spenting 15 minutes kissing babies and blessing the sick. in his homily, he called for catholics to be protectors of creation and god's plan. more than 300 world leaders attended the ceremony, including vice president joe biden. tomorrow's the first day of spring, but you wouldn't know it by the looks of things in the northeast.
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14 inches of snow in the forecast for parts of new england, prompting school closures from massachusetts to maine. and check out this incredible ireport video from pearl, mississippi. yeah, those are golf ball-sized hail, covering the ground there yesterday, denting this guy's car and shattering his windshield. now let's head to new orleans and the case of the missing schoolteacher. near three weeks after carolyn monett walked out of a bar and vanished, the mystery deepens. police tell cnn they've scoured nearby surveillance cameras and even take a look at the traffic lights. cnn's nick valencia is in new orleans. did they manage to find any clue, though? >> not yet, carol. good morning. we're at bayou st. john, and this is where investigators will resume their search this morning. right now divers are getting their equipment ready. but i want to share with you a new development and cnn learned yesterday. for the first time publicly, the
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new orleans police department acknowledged that surveillance cameras and red light cameras caught missing teacher terrilynn monett at a red light. we've been here since last week, and investigators have been very tight-lipped about the information they've obtained so far. >> searchers will be using that new equipment that you mentioned. tell us more about that. >> reporter: on saturday, we were there when equusearch, that's that independent search and rescue team based in texas, that came out last week to help local authorities with their search, we were there when they ran into a little bit of trouble with their sonar device. these bayous and waterways aren't that deep, at their deepest, between about 6 and 8 feet deep. they were in a shallow portion when their sonar device got caught underneath their device and the ground. today, they're going to use a more high-powered device in
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hopes of spotting any signs of terrilynn or her car. they want to be very thorough and double check. there was a car they found in this waterway and they want to make sure, leave no doubt that it's not terrilynn's car or vehicle. once we get developments later this morning, we'll be back in touch with you. >> we'll be listening. nick valencia, reporting live. it is the civil rights issue of our time. same-sex marriage. the supreme court begins hearing arguments next week. coming up, we'll talk about whether political pressure will weigh on the justices. [ female announcer ] new york strips. sudden trips.
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trip to israel. he leaves later tonight. it will be the president's first visit to israel since taking office. he visited there once while campaigning back in 2008. mr. obama will spend several days meeting with israeli and palestinian leaders before wrapping up his trip on saturday in jordan. and 23 years after one of the nation's biggest art robberies, the fbi is still looking for those responsible. the fbi says the statute of limitations has run out, so no one can be charged at this point. the art, which was once valued at $500 million, has never been recovered. in just over one week, the supreme court weighs in on what some have called the civil rights issue of our time. i'm talking about same-sex marriage. at issue, challenges to california's proposition 8, which bans same-sex marriage. and the federal defense of marriage act. doma making news after former president bill clinton publicly urged the nine justices to overturn the rule he signed into
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law. now his wife, hillary clinton, is expressing her support for same-sex marriage. >> lbgt americans are our colleagues, our teachers, our soldiers, our friends, our loved ones. and they are full and equal citizens and deserve the rights of citizenship. that includes marriage. >> the clintons are joining prominent politicians on both sides of the aisle, including ohio senator rob portman, a republican who is publicly backing same-sex marriage. but will that political pressure have any impact on the nation's highest court? joining me now is cnn senior legal analyst, jeffrey toobin, and the executive director and founder of go proud, jimmy dealva. thank you both for being with us this morning. >> good morning. >> jimmy, there's a new poll in "the washington post" that shows a surprising 58% of americans
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support same-sex marriage. that is a sea change from just a few years ago. to what do you attribute that rise? >> i think that all americans are thinking about this issue differently now. everyone has a gay person in their life, and they want the best for their gay family and friends. that's certainly what we saw over the weekend with senator portman's announcement. so everybody's thinking about this issue differently. and the truth is we're at the tippi inping point. and with any issue, the tipping point comes and moves very, very fast, and that's what we're seeing happen on the issue of same-sex marriage. >> and jimmy, we're seeing more and more politicians coming out and supporting same-sex manger. is it now considered a sort of safe issue, even for republicans? >> yeah, we're living in a very different political reality. it's not 2004 anymore. being against same-sex marriage used to be a political winner for republicans, and now it's the opposite. and so more and more republicans
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are coming to terms with the new reality that we're living in. but more than that, we're thinking about how this issue affects their gay family and friends also. so all politics is personal. and it's a very personal issue for almost every american. >> okay. so, jeff, that brings me to this next question. so when the justices start hearing these cases next week, will they weigh public opinion in their decision? >> well, certainly they won't say so explicitly. but there is no doubt that the supreme court operates in the real world. and they understand how much the public has shifted on this issue. and even -- and there is a split, frankly, on the court between the justices who think the constitution means precisely what it meant in the 18th century, and it never changes, and those who think that the constitution lives. that it changes at least somewhat with the times and
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that's why i think you can expect a very closely divided court on these issues next week. >> okay, so i'll ask you to make a guess. which conservative justice might be swayed? >> i think there's really only one possibility. and that's anthony kennedy. anthony kennedy is mostly a conservative, appointed by ronald reagan in 1987, but he's the author of the court's two most important gay rights decision. lawrence v. texas, which said that states could no longer ban consensual sodomy among consenting adults and the romer case from colorado. so he is certainly the most likely of the five republicans on the court to join the four democrats, at least on the defense of marriage act case, if not also on the proposition 8 case. there are two same-sex marriage cases to be argued next week. >> so, jimmy, if things don't go your way, if the justices like, you know, i'll just shorthand it, rule against same-sex marriage, rule out its
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constitutionality, what will you do? >> well, this issue is being talked about in every state. and the tenth amendment leaves marriage and family law to the states. and i think that there will be a state-by-state recognition that gay people should have the opportunity and the ability to get married and that will take just a longer conversation that we're having as a nation. and that's what we'll do. we'll continue to take it state by state and show that marriage a good for everybody, including gay people. >> and last question for you, jeffrey. many people have said the same-sex marriage issue was the civil rights issue of our time. is it? >> well, that's really, i guess, a decision that everyone can make for themselves. it is certainly true that the progress made by gay people in terms of public acceptance, in terms of legal change, has gone faster than women's rights,
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which, you know, it was from 1920 when women got the vote to the 1970s when they got legal equality. african-americans, 200 years, arguably, and certainly, gay rights has the gone lightning fast in comparison, and next week we'll know whether the supreme court accelerates that progress or holds it back. >> yes, we will. jeffrey toobin and jimmy la salvia, thank you so much for joining us this morning. still ahead, our talk back question today. what did we learn from the iraq war ten years later? or tweet me @carolcnn. carfirmation. only hertz gives you a carfirmation. hey, this is challenger. i'll be waiting for you in stall 5.
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for more information including cost support options, call 1-888-xarelto or visit now's your chance to talk back on one of the big stories of the day. the question for you this morning, what did we learn from the iraq war? time flies, except when it comes to war, and especially the kind of wars we fight today. they seem never-ending. but let me take you back ten years to march 19th, 2003. >> my fellow citizens, at this hour, american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq, to free its people, and to defend the world from grave danger. >> american military hardware made quick work of saddam hussein and his army. saddam's statue fell less than a month after the first tomahawk missiles were fired. in may of 2003, mr. bush
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infamously declared, mission accomplished, aboard the "uss abraham lincoln" >> major combat operations in iraq have ended and the battle of iraq, the united states and our allies have prevailed. the transition from dictatorship to democracy will take time, but it is worth every effort. our coalition will stay until our work is done. and then we will leave. >> of course, there was no mission accomplished, and it was only later we learned saddam hussein was bluffing. he had no weapons of mass destruction. didn't matter, though. we were stuck in iraq, suffering through ied attacks, abu ghraib, posttraumatic stress disorder, and more. according to a new report by brown university, 190,000 have been killed in iraq. 70% of them civilians. 4,488 of them, u.s. service
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members. the war cost you, the taxpayer, $2.2 trillion. the cost of rebuilding iraq, $60 billion. although most of that money went to contractors and the military police. the rest was lost to fraud. as far as making america safer? well, saddam was a cruel dictator and you could argue he was unstable, but, again, saddam had no weapons of mass destruction and no ties to al qaeda. talk back today, what did we learn from the iraq war? facebo, or tweet me @carolcnn. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going
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explosion last night at the hawthorne army division. several other marines were also hurt. senate majority leader, harry reid, who's from nevada, addressed the accident moments ago from the senate floor. >> we don't know exactly what happened. it was a violent explosion. we know that. my thoughts are with those who are injured and of course the families of those who lost loved ones. details are emerging. we really don't know. the area's been blocked off. i understand it was quite a big explosion. this morning, before a crowd of at least 150,000 people, pope francis was officially inaugurate ed as the 266th bish of rome. 130 world leaders, including vice president joe biden, attended this morning's mass. 500 priests were called in to deliver communion. tomorrow is the first day of spring, but snow is falling in the northeast, prompting school closures from massachusetts to maine and check out this incredible ireport video from
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pearl, mississippi. n, those aren't golf balls. golf ball-sized hail covered the ground yesterday, denting this guy's car and shattering more than one windshield. a 6-month-old baby in chicago killed by gunfire last week was shot once, not several times, as previously reported. and now chicago police say she was sitting on her father's lap in a minivan when she was killed. today the young murder victim will be laid to rest. george howell is live outside the church. good morning, george. >> carol, good morning. you know, the story of janiala watkins, let's put it in perspective, we are talking about the youngest victim of gun violence in the city of chicago. this is a case that's sparked outrage, has a lot of people talking, looking for stlugsolut. in the last 30 minutes, a lot of
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activity. you can see dozens of people lined up outside the church. minutes ago, we saw the hearse pull up. as i mentioned, a lot of people are talking about solutions, looking for ways to curb the problem of gun violence in chicago. but when you talk to the pastor of this church, he says, despite the pain we're all feeling today, in this community, there is hope. take a listen. >> i do believe that although this was a hideous crime and a horrendous situation that happened in our community, i do believe that the collaboration of people working together, police, politicians, parents, and preachers, and the community all together, it is making things better. >> reporter: pastor corey brooks says that jonathan watkins, that he is not a gang member, but also says that he's no boy scout. but that goes against what police say. police say he is a known gang member, carol. that he does have a past of misdemeanors and also that he was the intended target of this
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particular shooting. they say he could be more cooperative in the investigation, but he is talking to them. >> george howell reporting live from chicago, thanks so much. rapper lil' wayne, he's out of the hospital, but his hospital stay is shining the light on a dangerous combination of drugs that involve cough syrup and soda. we'll find out what's going on, next. r
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and it's a little bit hidden away. it's on a quiet block in midtown on the east side. and what i especially love about it is the incredible sushi there. the quality of the fish is incredible, whether it's santa barbara uhni or tuna straight from japan, this is quality like i've only seen in japan. ohah in boston in the latin district is different, the owner is not japanese, but don't worry about that. he is very authentically trained, he has legitimate sushi credentials. i really like what he does with playful ingredients, inspired by sushi, but informed by maybe european technique. everything from oysters with squid ink bubbles. you heard that right. to seared almost like a sushi, or something that he does which is so decadent is grilled lobster with ciso tempora. if you're looking for sushi with a theme, look no further than
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cisco. tomorrow starts here. rapper lil' wayne has been released from a los angeles hospital after suffering a seizure last week, a series of seizures, for that matter. the "l.a. times" reporting his condition may be linked to a dangerous combination of cough syrup and soda called fizzer. a.j. hammer is standing by in new york. tell us about this, a.j.. >> well, there's been this outpouring of support and concern flooding the internet, carol, after those initial reports that claim that the hip hop star was near death. but now you have multiple associates of the 30-year-old grammy winning rapper working
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very diligently to dispel any rumors on the social media. they're even using wayne's own twitter handle to let his fans know that he's good and east thankful for the prayers and the love. no one in wayne's camp is confirming what led to the seizures. but this "l.a. times" does identify this fizzurp citizen a possible reason. this is a concoction that's also referred to as purple drank, because of the dark color that it turns to from the dyes in the syrup. now, wayne has made to secret of his affinity for the drug. he's written about it in his lyrics. he's admitted to the difficulty he's had with breaking his habit for the beverage. apparently, the liquid brings about a euphoric effect that's common with other painkillers. now, whether or not this hospital scare was directly related to the drug, i think this ordeal is certainly adding light to an issue that might benefit from the attention. but carol, as you can imagine, a lot of folks in the music
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industry and beyond are elated at this indication, at least, that lil' wayne appears to be on the end. >> at least we're glad for that, but you always want to ask, what was he thinking? >> yeah, if, indeed, this has anything to do with it, one of the doctors who's quoted in this "l.a. times" report says that seizures are not likely brought about by this fizzurp, but if someone was already predisposed to seizures, it is possible. but nobody's confirming exactly what put little wayne in the hospital. >> all right. a.j. hammer, thanks so much for that. we have a bit of developing news for you, developing out of chardon, ohio. t.j. lane, a young man who killed -- a young man who killed three of his classmates and wounded three others back in 2012, just last year, he's in court to be sentenced. and as you can see, he's wearing a white t-shirt with "killer" handwritten on the front of that shirt. lane faces life in prison, and i guess when they were talking in
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court about how juveniles could be put to death, he smiled at this. now, why he was allowed to wear this t-shirt in open court is another question. maybe that's just -- maybe they can wear whatever they want in court. but, certainly, i don't know. i don't even know. words can't describe that, but this is taking place in chardon, ohio. keep you posted. talk back question today. what have we learned from the iraq war? your responses, next. kate and i have been married for 15 years.
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gecko: don't look at me. don't look at me. 40 minutes past the hour. time to check our top stories. at least 48 people are dead, many more wounded following a string of bombings and shootings, through mostly shiite neighborhoods in baghdad, iraq. there were simultaneously attacked two, 17 car bombs, 7 roadside bombs, and two shootings. the attacks come on the tenth anniversary of the u.s. invasion of iraq. vacationing google staffers took pictures of some of the world's most famous mountains and the company put those images up on google map. sites like kilimanjaro and everest base camp. the project is designed to provide trekkers access to some of most remote areas on the planet. a change at disney theme parks in the united states starting this saturday. children under the age of 14 will now have to be accompanied by someone 14 or older. a disney spokeswoman says families with passes who often drop their children off at the
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park for the day will be contacted about that new policy. make it 23 wins in a row for the miami heat. they now have the second longest winning streak in nba history. the heat beat the celtics in boston last night, 105-103. lebron james for the winning basket with 10.5 seconds left in the game. the heat overcame a 17-point lead. now to college basketball. we're not talking wall street, but march madness. there are your brackets. we're coming right back to get you ready for tonight's tip-off. i'm a conservative investor. but that doesn't mean i don't want to make money. i love making money. i try to be smart with my investments. i also try to keep my costs down. what's your plan? ishares. low cost and tax efficient. find out why nine out of ten large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock.
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time now to talk back. the question this morning, what did we learn from the iraq war? ten years ago tonight, president bush made this announcement to the nation. >> my fellow citizens, at this hour, american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq, to free its people, and to defend the world from grave danger. >> saddam hussein's statue fell less than a month after the first tomahawk missiles were fired. in may of 2003, mr. bush infamously declared mission accomplished aboard the "uss abraham lincoln." >> major combat operations in iraq have ended and the battle
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of iraq, the united states and our allies have prevailed. the transition from dictatorship to democracy will take time, but it is worth every effort. our coalition will stay until our work is done and then we will leave. >> of course, we didn't. we later learned that saddam hussein had no weapons of mass destruction and no ties to al qaeda. and now a new report by brown university shows the toll of the conflict. 190,000 have been killed in iraq, 70% of them civilians. 4,488 of them, u.s. service members. the war cost you, the taxpayer, $2.2 trillion. cost of rebuilding iraq, $60 billion, although most of that money went to contractors and military police, the rest was lost to fraud. joining me now, cnn political contributor and democratic strategist, donna brazile, and chairman of the tea party express, amy kremer. welcome to both of you. >> thanks for having us.
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>> good morning. >> well, this question has generated a lot of response on my facebook page this morning, and people are angry about the iraq war. so i'll ask you the question, first off. what have we learned from the iraq war, amy? >> well, i think that history is still being written, and there's probably more that we're going to learn. but one of the biggest things is that no matter what the advertised price is for going in somewhere, the government's going to spend more money. i believe that we have looked -- we have studied how counterinsurgency works and we've developed technology to be able to deal with that better. and i think some of our technology has also improved, in terms of drones, biometrics, i'm sorry, and medical prosthetics. but i think, at the end of the day, you know, history is still being written and you can never have enough intelligence as well. >> that's for sure. donna, i want to ask you that same question and i want to read
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you one of my facebook comments from curtis. he actually says we've learned absolutely nothing. do you agree? >> well, i hope we have learned something. i mean, the number of americans lost, wounded in that war, the number of iraqi civilians and others wounded and lost in that war, the billions of dollars in reconstruction aid, the trillions of dollars paid for war. we're still paying for the war. there's another appropriation of $8 billion. we've winded down operations, but we're still helping the iraq government and the iraqi people. what did we learn? that the intelligence was wrong, that the assessment was pretty much off the charts. and we were led to believe things that we all now know were absolutely wrong. i hope -- it's a blot on our history. it's a blot on the american, you know, our history of combat. but i hope we go forward, taking
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care of those men and women, those brave men and women who went over there -- >> let me just follow up on something you said, donna. this is from charles, he's also on facebook. he says, we learned wmds are not in iraq, bush is a liar, and there's not a western democratic solution for every foreign problem. and that leads me to my question for you, amy. the next time an american president wants to declare war on some country or wants to carry out a war, will the american people believe him or her? >> well, you know, i think that all of our leaders acted with the information that they had available to them at that time. and, you know, it wasn't that president bush just went in and did this on his own. congress had to vote to go in as well. and he had support. like i said, you know, we can never have enough intelligence. so the american people, i don't think, have any alternative but to believe our president. that's why he's been elected. and i certainly hope we never go
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down this road ever again, because you never want to lose any lives, and there's always an unintended consequences. >> dick cheney has, you know, this new documentary out of him, donna. he said that he regrets nothing. that he would do it again. he would invade iraq again, because saddam hussein was frankly, a terrible person. >> absolutely. but we have a lot of terrible people, all over the world. as we speak right now, in syria, for example, one just passed away in venezuela. we have one in iran. can we solve all our problems by invading sovereign countries? i don't think so. i would hope that we'd learn that we shouldn't just be so happy to go to war before we use all of the other diplomatic and other means at our disposal. >> and amy, i think, clearly, especially from my facebook comments, americans have absolutely no appetite for war, or very little appetite for war, unless the country comes under direct attack.
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>> i mean, i have to agree with you, that we want -- we didn't want this. no one wanted this. but we had been attacked on splech september 11, and going into iraq was not a direct result, but it led to that, to iraq, and none of us want that. but we have to trust our leaders. i think that's really the only alternative we have. but also, when we go in and do something, we need to have an exit strategy. a plan that we can execute. and have as much intelligence as we can. but, you know, what, i want to echo something donna said. we need to take care of our men and women, our veterans and our family of those that we have lost. they have fought for us and died for our country. if there's anybody we need to take care of, it's those men and weapon and their families. >> amy kremer, donna brazile, thanks for the great conversation this morning. we appreciate it.
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marched maniness, it starts tonight, but that is not all that's going on with the tournament. how is dave mathews involved? we'll have a live report, next. michael, tell us why you used priceline express deals to book this fabulous hotel. well, you can see if the hotel is pet friendly before you book it. and i got a great deal without bidding. and where's your furry friend? oh, i don't have a cat. priceline savings without bidding. new griddle-melts to yourime usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4.99. it's an epic breakfast sandwich.
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the most notorious art heist in america's history may be closer to being solved, 23 years later. federal authorities have found new information about 13 works of art stole from a boston museum worth $500 million. here's cnn's lisa sylvester. >> reporter: 1:24 in the morning in boston, the day after st. patrick's day in 1990, two men dressed as police officers bluffed their way in, saying they heard there was a disturbance at the isabella stewart gardner museum. they tied up the two guards on duty and took them down to the basement. during the next 81 minutes, they committed one of the largest property thefts in history, taking 13 different artworks, now worth about $500 million.
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>> imagine if you could never here beethoven's fifth or any great piece of music that you enjoy. and it's just dedicated to memory. that's the same when you lose a painting, like the ones we've lost, these singular masterworks by some of the world's greatest artists. >> reporter: the thieves entered the first floor and went to the blue room and stole a monet painting. then they went up to the second floor. in the dutch room, they stole six paintings, some of them cut out of the frames. among them, three rembrandt's, including the artist's only seascape. and a vermeer. there are only 34 vermeer paintings that are believed to exist. then they crossed into the short gallery and took another six art pieces, including five degal paintings. the fbi announced they now know who took the artwork. investigators say they are reasonably sure organized crime
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was involved. >> we have reason to believe it's likely that the artwork has changed hands several times and that those who might be in possession of the paintings right now might not necessarily have been those that were involved in the original theft. >> reporter: but where are those 13 pieces of art now? the fbi says it does not believe the pieces ever left the country. it says about 12 years ago, some of the master pieces were seen in connecticut and philadelphia, where someone tried to sell them. >> i don't know if all 13 pieces are still together. we've received information that we've been able to corroborate showing that the paintings may have been in different locations at different times. >> reporter: the two men who committed the crimes will likely never be charged but the statue of limitations was up after 20 years and prosecutors are open to the idea of immunity for anyone who has information about the artwork. at the gallery, empty frames hack on the wall. >> it's incredibly rare for a painting to be destroyed beyond a conservator's ability to
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repair it. >> unbelievable. that was lisa sylvester. the gallery is offering a $5 million reward. the museum says it's one of the largest private rewards ever put up and they're hoping that someone might have seen these paintings in an attic, a basement, in a home and will turn them in, for 5 million bucks. and the madness begins tonight. 16 teams chasing a dream to be become major college basketball champions. have you filled out yours yet, carlos? >> i'm trying to fill this one out, but i don't have a ladder or a crane. this is the big board behind me. it's 20 feet tall by 30 feet wide and it is truly one of the biggest brackets you're ever going to see. and i just got down filling out my bracket. but people here in atlanta are very excited about what's going to happen final four weekend. talk about a great lineup, as far as the concert series goes, that's going to be in centennial pa
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