tv Reliable Sources CNN March 24, 2013 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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tuburkeulos tuburkeulosis. a, 3%, b, 13%, c 33% or d 43%. lots of insight and analysis and also follow us on twitter and facebook. go to clae/fareed if missed a show or special. this week's book of the week is one i referenced in the beginning of the show. david goldhill "catastrophic care now america health care killed by father." how to pay for our health care, you may not agree with everything in it, but it's important to read it and think about it. now, for the last look. which is the world's most innovative city? some of you will guess a city in asia, perhaps singapore or seoul or perhaps cutting edge tel
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aviv. maybe a european city. no, it's none of them. the urban land institute has weighed the merits of 200 cities and come up with columbia. turned around from being a drug lord capital. the homicide rate plummeted 80% in two decades. in part citizens are held by innovations to allow residents of poor neighborhood to get to the city center safely. metro cable car system and new libraries and schools and parks. you see, cities have always been places that create opportunity for people from all walks of life. medodine is fulfilling that political role in a great comeback story. the correct answer to our gps challenge question was "c." i was amazed to learn that one-third of the world's population is infected with tb.
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the third greatest infecktuous killer in the world after hiv/aids. the good news there is progress. thanks to the work of the gates' foundation on track to meet the millennium goal of reversing the spread of tb by 2013. i'll see you next week. stay tuned for "reliable sources." nbc has come up with a sure fire idea. let's put out the word way in advance that we'll replace jay leno with a younger comedian. what could go wrong? no wonder why leno doesn't seem too happy. >> you know st. patrick. drove all the snakes out of ireland and then came into the united states and became nbc executives. it's a fascinating, fascinating story. >> we'll look at why nbc would replace the guy who still rules late night in favor of jimmy
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fallon and the reason why the network can't drop jay just now. the most opinionated network in cable news is -- >> today the party that says it can no longer survive as the party of the rich acted like the party of the rich. >> republican leaders have nothing new to say on gay marriage or abortion rights or anything. >> the republican party has a problem with women. it has spread like a virus through the party's politicians. >> msnbc, a new study documents the differences among the networks. how does roger ail run fox news and how much does the network reflect his conservative views? the author of a new biography is here. announced on the right for criticizing the republican party for alienating hispanics and gays and women and younger people and now the nrc are saying the same thing. is it time for an apology? the new hampshire reporter who told reporters she suffers from mental illness. the story that triggered an emotional outpouring.
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i'm howard kurtz and this is "reliable sources." it didn't take a ph.d. to figure out that things were strained between jay leno and nbc bosses when he took flack for jokes like this. >> the rating are bad. >> how bad. >> the biggest loser isn't just a tv show any more. it's our new motto. that's how bad it is. >> word leaked to the "hollywood reporter" and now nbc plans to drop leno towards the end of 2014 and hand "tonight show" to jimmy fallon. >> before we get started i have to talk about the rumors that came out today that says i'll be moving up to 11:30 or as my parents call it, still too late. actually, the rumors are true. nbc is turning "tonight show" into a diving competition. >> if this remind you of when nbc kicked leno off "tonight
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show" in favor of conan o'brien and, those were the days. >> hosting "tonight show" has been the fulfillment of life-long dream for me and to the kids out there watching, you can do anything you want in life. yeah. unless jay leno wants to do it, too. >> but that, as you recall, turned into a full-fledge debac debacle. marisa guthrie, joe conchca, gale shister. joe concha, for the second time in four years nbc is dropping l leno or they will drop him when he's number one in late night comedy. why is this insane? >> it is insane. "today" show is a pr mess.
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so, of course, the motto on nbc now is, let's get rid of the only guy who is performing well, jay leno. what i don't get about nbc, they don't burn bridges over there when talent leaves. you remember keith olerberman and it's playing out like a kardashian divorce. for us, we get to witness the train wreck and it's fun. >> it's hard not to enjoy it, unless you're jay leno. marisa guthrie, this was not officially released, it was leaked. why would nbc let it be known a year and a half in advance that it wants to pass the baton to jimmy fallon? >> they didn't want it to be known, certainly. they have to be very careful with this transition to get this one right because what they don't want is to cast foul as the young upstar pushing the beloved veteran out of the job. what they would like to happen is for jay to go gracefully at the end of his contract.
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his contract is up in the fall of 2014. but everybody who knows jay leno knows that he's a workaholic and stay on that show forever. >> you'd have to carry him out of there. this guy does stand-up on his vacations. >> this is the official rationale wants to have a younger demo. jay leno is 62. but what a lot of people don't realize, leno is beating jimmy kimmel on nbc and kimmel on cbs in that coveted 18 to 49 age group. >> well, i don't know about the rest of the panel, but i need a little nap after the show's m metaph metaphors. there were so many within the same sentence. a lot of heavy lifting. he should think about -- but i have to say that i am really in awe of the spirit in which leno has been handling this. he has always been a master at working the room. instead of going to the press, he just directly plays it to the
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audience and he's playing nbc at a this point. i was at a press conference more than ten years ago and closer to 15 in l.a. when it was up in the air whether nbc was going to renew leno's contract. he came to the press conference in a motorcycle. he drove into the room in a motorcycle and proceeded to do ten minutes of stand up about how screwed up nbc was. he said, you know, nbc that stands for no binding contract. >> by the way for it, nbc executive sent leno an e-mail saying lay off the network on your monologue jokes. that's senorship, i think the reason this is being portrayed in favor of jimmy fallon is simply this. leno gets terrible press because the critics and the leaks don't like him. they don't think he's hip. >> well, who cares if they don't like him. he is number one in that time
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slot and i don't think fallon is the answer here, guys. i mean, yes, he is a good talent, but is he any better than kimmel, really? if you want a game changer and the pun here is completely intended, i say, forget jimmy fallon. tina fey she wants. she's a proven commodity. tina fey should be in that spot. first female to do a late night show. >> but, marisa, these critics and i do think this colors the tone of the coverage. they're the same ones that rooted for conan o'brien to take over "the tonight show" and it was not as success as leno has been doing for a couple decades now. >> conan has that snarky frat boy persona. but i actually disagree with joe. i think that fallon is much broader than conan. he's also much nicer. he's a nicer person. so, he's -- >> does that count for anything?
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>> i said tina fey. >> it counts when you're interviewing the guests. you're magnanimous and you're nice to the guests and the guest enjoys being there and the audience enjoys watching it. that makes a difference. i think his comedy is broader than conan's ever was. he will be more successful in "the tonight show." >> the reason nbc can't or powerful incentive dumping jay leno right now as in tomorrow is that he gets a truck load of money, according to his contract, if he is forced to leave before his contract expires in the fall of 2014. is that correct? >> that's right, that's right. i mean, that all grew out of the debacle last time. so, you know, his representatives were -- >> i'm sorry, nbc had to pay conan $45 million when -- >> that's a pretty good going rate for good giving up "tonight
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show." one reason nbc was dumping leno because he made jokes about president obama and less openly liberal than david letterman. anything to the political overtones in this? >> politics in network television? i can't imagine. >> it's a ridiculous argument. but the mothership, particularly at late night because leno did a couple more jokes at the expense of the president isn't going to give them reason to get rid of their number one guy in the time slot. >> jay leno since he took over for johnny carson in 1992, made zillions of dollars for nbc went along the first time when he moved to 10:00 in primetime and built "the tonight show" back up to number one. naive question so far. there's no gratitude or loyalty in television and all about who you think the next big star is, right? >> right. and, also, they need -- fallon does not get that slot, you know, he'll go somewhere else.
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he'll go to cbs when dave retires. so, they're looking at jay as the guy on the down slope of his career and looking at fallon at the resurgeant and the future of the franchise. >> if you want to use a sports analogy, peyton manning when he was in the twilight of his career with the colts and he can still perform but we have to go young at some point. let's bring in andrew luck and start building for the future now. in this case, that's jimmy fallon. >> that would be interesting. so, joe, in a sentence, has this been something of a pr disaster for nbc in the way it's being handled? >> consistent with the way the "today" show was handled. >> you're saying leno is being treated like ann curry was in the morning? >> yes, i am.
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let me get a break. one cable network beats the rest when it comes to opinions. a look at new study on cable news in just a moment. side assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go,
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and eight months after the aurora, colorado, shootings in that theater. time to do something. tonight i'm urging you call to your members of congress. >> fox mews, by contrast, 55% opinion and cnn is the only one of the three, according to this study too, air more reporting, 54%, than opinion at 46%. so, gail shister, is that because it's the cheapest? >> it's a lot cheaper to be spout off than it is to actually report it. the thing that gave me pause about the study and i have great respect for pew is how they deaf renshia differentiated between reporting because you can argue that reporting forms opinion and where do you draw the line? i wasn't sure it was in the content analysis that they did for the study.
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dubious about what was opinion, what was news. no question about it. very cheap to have an opinion, everybody's got one. >> joe conchra, 90% liberal opinion. you say the network won't own up to what it is. what do you mean by that? >> when you have their highest rated anchor, rachel maddow and say my job is to cover things, not tell you how i like them or not or says that we have a lot of liberals on msnbc, but none of them have a political objective. you know, she is a very intelligent woman. that is a profoundly stupid thing to say to anybody who is paying attention. if you watch rachel maddow's show, that is clearly an opinion-based show. >> not the same thing as saying she is pushing a democratic party agenda. >> it's dangerous to say i'm an objective reporter and i'm here to present the news to you, i'm not here to make an opinion. that is dishonest and that needs
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to stop right away because that is something her viewers should know and i wouldn't think they could tell the difference. but not an opinion show. that's an opinion show, not a straight news show. >> i don't think rachel maddow is saying her job is to be an objective reporter. >> cnn has the reputation of a reporting network. excellence in journalism report. some people might be surprised to see that fox news was almost 50/50 between the opinion of reporting opinion. >> yeah, i think that, i was surprised by the vast difference in percentages between fox news, msnbc and i'm with gail. i kind of like to know what is reporting. what pew considers reporting and what pew considers. i think msnbc has taken this sort of preaching to the choir news and made and formed a whole business model around it. and that is partly in their effort to be sort of the
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counterpoint to fox news. and, you know, the fox news opinions are so loud in primetime that i think they do overshadow a lot of what goes on on the network during the afternoon. i mean, chris wallace, still, i think, really one of the, you know, very independent voice -- >> hey, howie, one point -- >> as opposed to chris matthews, who is very quiet. his opinions are very quiet. >> soft-spoken fellow. >> good for business, howie. let me compare two things here real quick. in 2007, msnb had two liberal hosts and two conservative hosts in primetime and straight news throughout the day. in 2013 all liberal and opinion on the day side. they doubled their ratings in the key demo you mentioned before. so, to do opinion, it is cheaper, as we pointed out before, it gives you better
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ratings. >> the morning show anchored by joe scarborough, he does not fall in the liberal category. we got an advance look at the cover story of "the new republic." and in that piece, we could put up the cover, griffin says he'll beat fox news by next year, which is kind of a bold boast. also the interview for this piece is the fox news chairman roger ailes taking note of the fact that the president of cnn worldwide, we're close friends when both worked together at nbc. quoted as saying, i'm found of griffin, but he built his whole career out of being in zucker's wedding party. couple hard shots being thrown there. >> i like that. i thought he was going to say bar mitzvah, but wedding party. but there's a reason ailes is as successful as he is. he is a walking headline. he can talk to me any day of the week. it will be interesting to see
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whether griffin can do that. i think it's always dangerous whenever you make predictions like that. >> howie, i think -- >> too easy for journalists to come out and say, hey, what happened to that prediction that you were going to be in first place? another fascinating data point in this study 31% of people question overall say they have abandoned a news outlet that they used to read or watch regularly because less news and information in an era of tightening budgets for the news media. marisa guthrie, i found that troubling. what do you think? >> news is so cumots datized no. rarely are you opening the news on your ipad or turning on cable news and hearing something for the first time. social media has upended this. i think these networks and these news organizations are reacting to that. i mean, you can argue with it that it's not good for public discourse, but i think that's the cause of it. >> in the same study, 19% of
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folks say they get their news from social media, which is the beginning of a change and quick data point on local television news. 20% of the stories last longer than a minute. thanks for stopping by this morning. >> thanks, howie. after the break, what makes roger ailes tick and how does he run fox news. a conversation with the author of a new baio in a moment. ♪ i'm your venus [ female announcer ] what does beauty feel like?
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roger ailes has built a powerhouse at fox news, no question about it. but probably the most controversial news organization on the air and its chairman has very definite views about political balance. >> if you look at other networks and say, well, don't you have too many conservatives on? i say, yes, compared to none on the other channels, we look very much like that. but we have as many liberals as we do conservatives on the fox news channel. >> not quite sure about none on the other channels. joining us zev chafets author of
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the new book "roger ailes off camera." i spoke to him this week and he said i pick zev to write this book. is this authorized biography? >> no, not at all. i had written a book about rush limbaugh and the roger ailes book was a logical continuation of that. i pitched the book to him and he said he wanted to do it. so, there we were. >> now, we just heard him say that he has as many liberals on fox news as he does conservatives, but you write that his liberals are there, by and large, for the same reason, you say, conservatives are at the other networks as foil and token. it's not exactly fair and balanced. >> i don't think it is fair and balanced at any of the networks or any of the news organizations, really, at this point. that's kind of a pretense that people who actually understand how media is done don't really
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believe. fox has a lot of very bright and very articulate and very good progressive people on it. but, there's no doubt that, for example, what i was writing about, if there is a group of, let's say, four people discussing, three will be conservative often and one will be liberal. usually on the network talk shows, it's been the opposite. there will be a liberal moderator, three liberal guests and a conservative. so, roger sort of turned the tables on that. >> so, you're saying that you buy the notion that most of the news organizations le s lean to left, you call it a pretense. >> i don't buy the notion, i see the statistics, all the polls that have been done, the internal polls show that 80% to 90% show that the elite national media are democrats and vote for democratic candidates. i don't think that that's controversial at all. >> i don't want to belabor the point, but there is a detinction
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if that is true. what kind of journalism you present on the air. let's talk about some of the ne news that this book made. he called joe biden dumb as an ash tray and he also used the word about newt gingrich that i can't repeat on the air. my question to you, zev, is that how the chairman of a news network organization should be speaking? >> not up to me to tell how they speak. they should all choose their style. roger has a very blunt style. he likes to speak his mind when he is speaking at all. he rarely speaks in public. but when he speaks. you know this, howie, you have been covering him for years. when he speaks, he speaks in a very blunt way and that's just the way he talks. >> you say ailes is a republican. many years ago he worked in gop politics and he is more conservative than fox news.
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how does his -- you had a lot of access and spent a lot of time and you went to meetings. how do his views affect what's on the air? >> roger says i influence, but i don't decide, which i think is a bit of a an understatement. i think that he decides quite a lot. he is a divisive voice at fox news. he does leave room for economy. i gave him a test that was developed by professor which measures the slant of the ideological slat of news organizations and then individual people. roger and i both took the test and he came out more conservative than the fox network as a whole and he agreed that is probably true. >> now, in my interview with ailes this week i asked him about the departure of sarah palin as a contributor.
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he said she made mistakes. romney landslide in the last campaign and ailes blunt, as always, said that he looked like a jerk and apologized for some of those predictions. why do you think that ailes chose not to renew sarah palin's contract? >> i think he paid her a lot of money when she was a very hot commodity and i was told that she was pursued at that time by a number of other networks, as well. and i think that as she cools off, her best selling book and her appearances became a little bit more, little bit less exciting in public, i think that he thought she was probably worth less money. >> i have got about half a minute since, to me, it seems like you defend roger ailes on almost every issue in this book. tell me, if it's not an authorized biography, what is the most critical thing you found about the chairman of fox news? >> well, the whole book is one long look behind the scenes at
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fox news. and at roger ailes. i saw "the daily beast" had a piece up the other day, i think he writes for "daily beast" which says 16 juicy things about fox news that you will learn from this book -- >> i didn't write that piece. give me one critical thing? one thing that troubles you about roger ailes? >> one thing that troubles me about roger ailes? nothing troubles me. i think roger does what he does. i think everybody else does what they do and altogether i think that it creates a beautiful symphony of different voices that give you an idea of what's going on in the world. >> zev chafets, thanks for joining us. that's not media bias, that's the gop own autopsy. was the press right all along? u. to prove it, we set up our call center right here...
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election. this was widely dismissed as liberal bias but this week the national republican committee echoed these point and leading the chorus of criticism. >> we're a little bit too mass focused and not focused in people's hearts so we don't relate to, i think, average americans more than we should. stuffy old guys too much. >> were the media right after all? joining us now, bill press and tim carney, political columnist for "washington examiner." republican party really narrowed its appeal last year. >> i think they narrowed their appeal, but i think the autopsy by the republicans does almost the opposite of what it should. i thought that the 47% type probably economic issue is where the republicans were doing more alienating. if you read this autopsy, it is basically on the economic issue
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says, well, we need to change our rhetoric on economics and change our policies socially. >> the press took a lot of heat for pointing out, take one example, hispanic voters are being turned off by the rhetoric. even the chairman of the party says, this is true. >> they're right. but the idea that it was social issues and being prolife was turning them off, well, one thing to say todd aiken with his comments but these guys are are too pro life and that's not what i accept. >> but, bill, i'm sure you got hammered for being a left wing hack when you made some of this during the campaign. >> i did and others did, too. by the way, i have to say, i love the word autopsy because you don't perform an autopsy on people you expect to come back to life. you form an autopsy -- >> probably not the best word for gop. i do have to say, this report has been called blistering and scathing.
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i would have another word, perspective. i could have written this report. right dead on on the problem, as pointed out during the campaign and now reflected in this report that the republican party has. >> not all conservatives agree with the report, including rush limbaugh and others. but some of these problems, the idea that the party is perceived, at the very least, as being out of step with much of the country on these social issues and you say economic issues more important. does reflect the way the coverage was in 2012. >> yes, but also when you're talking about perception, you can't escape the fact that the media escapes a perception. in other words, some of, republicans realize that they're playing an away game when they're trying to shape the media perception game. >> as an example, i wouldn't disagree with that. mitt romney's comment about immigration and self deportation hurt the party with hispanics, similarly harsh rhetoric. that's not, you know, a media analysis. that's the governor's --
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>> that's what he said in the deba debate. >> we turned the cameras off. >> if you watch the debates on some of those issues, like immigration, i think. it was easy to be turned off. if you watch what mitt romney said in his own words. 47% online, that that was easy to turn off voters. you can't blame media bias at all. >> get to that point on the 47%. a lot of people said it looks like, the perception is he doesn't care about working class people. the report, flash forward, the reports that the perception is that the republican party doesn't care enough about people and we have to change that. >> so, when conservatives last year said that not only the reporting was unfair. too unfair to barack obama, and also that the polls were spewed in all that, you know, the counter to that was, republicans were out of touch and now come to the support saying, hey, republicans were out of touch. do you feel vindicated? >> not vindicated. but even more, as significant as the policies. the report is also critical of
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things that were wrong with the romney campaign technologically. >> i don't want to talk about that. >> i just want to point out that is a criticism of the media that is also reflected in this report. not vindicated, howie, but the report is right on. the real question is looking forward, will republicans follow the recommendations in the report? >> is it possible for republicans to ever sort of win favorable coverage, except by being more like democrats? >> on that point, the subject of gay marriage, polls moving in the direction of favoring gay marriage on younger people. when hillary clinton comes out and say she's in favor of gay marm, she got a lot of favorable press. senator rob portman said he was in favor of gay marriage because he has a son that came out as gay a lot whether this was a convenient statement or one motivated by the fact that he had somebody in his family. did you see a double standard? >> yes. one of those places if you're a republican and if you think i act more like a democrat, i'll get more positive coverage, it doesn't work that way. you'll get called out as
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cynical. you're darned if you do and darned if you don't. >> this particular reporter praised both of them for their hand, but, i want to identify it with a report. the report says young people more and more quote/unquote rolling their eyes more and more at what the republican starty stands for. 81% of young people support marriage equality. the day after this report came out, we at the republican party oppose marriage equality. do they follow the report or not? >> finally, i want to turn to the subject of gun control. back in the news, senate democrats decided not to include an assault weapons' ban which some in the party were pushing for on the theory it won't pass congress. a cover showing the victims and their shame on u.s. could mean shame on us. is that acceptable editorializing on the part of the paper? >> i think gun control is one of the issues, along with gay marriage, where you have media unanimity. where it is as not as much of a
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right versus left as it is an elite versus grassroots. almost everybody in the media wants more gun control and the daily news is being honest about it. >> at the same time, are the media now losing interest in the aftermath of newtown because doesn't most of these measures are not going anywhere on capitol hill? >> i believe so, sadly. i think they are, the media is more so than the american people are. but i don't think they are on their job and the only problem i have with that cover, i think it should have said shame on harry reid. >> he is the guy -- thanks very much for joining us this sunday morning. coming up, the striking tale of a newspaper reporter who announced to the world that she suffers from mental illness. why did annmarie timmins go public? that's next. what if this feeling could last all week? with centurylink as your trusted partner, it can.
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. annmarie timmins collaborated on the residents that have a mental health disorder. she has decided to write a more personal peace revealing that she is 1 of the 26% and that she struggles with depression and breakdowns and has been hospitalized. i picked up the phone and called her as soon as i read this and
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spoke to her earlier from manchester. annmarie, welcome. >> thank you. >> was it a difficult decision in the wake of this series to go public with this secret of yours about suffering from mental illness? >> it was. not necessarily because i was embarrassed to say i have this, but because it's just not, i'm not a reporter who tends to write first-person stories. my readreaders, they know me, t don't know much about me. i don't dee columns like this. so, to be so public in an area that people know me, but don't know much about me, that is what i was nervous about. >> they know more about you now. you were, you didn't spare the details. you described, for example, in 2009, how you were hospitalized in a psychiatric unit. you wrote about thinking about writing a suicide note. when you sat down to write this, was it an emotional process to
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dredge up some of your difficulties? >> it was, i think for most of the piece i felt like i was writing about somebody else. but at the end, i was quoting from a card that my editor sent me when i was in the hospital and that is when i became emotional and it -- i started crying and i started feeling things i hadn't felt writing the rest of the piece. >> now, journalism is no secret, kind of a high-pressure business. you think at times that aggravates your own struggles with depression? >> i do. i think the stress of deadlines and the stress of trying to get people to call you back when they're not calling you back in time. hearing difficult stories, covering difficult crimes. i think all of that does aggravate it sometimes. at other times it can distract me from my own stress or my own
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sadness or my own doubts about my own personal life. so, it works both ways, i think. >> now, when this piece was published in your paper and you were sharing with the world, really, your struggles with depression, your hospitalization, your sue sisid thoughts, your medication. what were the reactions of the people you work with and see every day, your friends and colleagues? >> they were surprised. most of the folks i was working with now weren't with the paper when this happened. they were surprised. i heard from lots of reporters i did work with who are now on other papers, they were very surprised. very supportive, but had no idea that there is this other side of me that is not always as happy as i seem on the surface. they were, i think, surprised was mostly what they felt. >> surprised, maybe shock in some cases. >> i'm a good actress. >> in other words, you -- i
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think some were shocked. >> in other words, i was not a close personal friend of yours but i worked a couple desks down and saw you every day, i would not know that this was, you were struggling with these private demons. >> no. no. i'm sort of, my reputation at "the monitor" is i will do the harder stories and ask the harder questions and knock on questions. i will knock on the doors where it is the scariest to do that. so to think that i'm inside a fragile person sometimes it doesn't connect at all. not even my mother-in-law knew the story until i wrote the piece. no one except my husband, parents and brother knew and i was able to keep it from all of them. >> not even your mother-in-law. now, there's been tremendous reaction from the outside world, people sending you e-mails and sharing your stories. tell us about that. >> the stories are -- they are
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difficult. i think i've received around 400 e-mails or facebook messages and letters to the newsroom. most of them from people i don't know. they begin by say thanking me mostly by putting a name and face to the issue that hard to talk about and the bulk of their letters are personal struggles to help their children, to help their spouses. they said the article has helped them to start conversations with family members that they found hard to do. a lot of people have seen me maybe as a resource that i can provide them some answer to their own problems or maybe my remedies would be helpful to them and be the fix they need that's what's been hard. seeking advice. i'm not a counselor.
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>> let me get to the last question. >> is this an ongoing struggle? you described yourself as a fragile person. is this something you will be battling against the rest of your life? >> yes. i had a little slip last night. i got overwhelmed by the letters and the feeling that i need to respond to everybody soon and that people are seeking advice and i can't get advice to them and i -- i had a hard night last night. >> it is a remarkably courageous and personal piece that obviously touched a nerve and appreciate you sharing it and sharing it with us. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> still to come, bill o'reilly takes on michele bachmann. the story about bob menendez and prostitutes continues to crumble and i cancelled my subscriptioning call with a bit of a holy twist. the media monitor is straight ahead. s embrace.
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says things that are factually challenged such as that barack obama lives in regal style in the white house, and has his own presidential dog walker. none of which is true. dana bash who has made a habit of catching lawmakers tries to catch up with michele bachmann. >> i want to ask about the fact that you talked about the excesses he engaged in. the fact he has a dog walker, which is not true. the big point of my speech is about bnz benghazi. >> if you want to focus on -- >> there are four americans killed. >> you are the one who brought it up. >> he is american. >> you are the one that brought it up. >> she is in good shape. >> then bill o'reilly surprised them by going after the republican lawmaker. >> this is a trivial pursuit and michele bachmann made a mistake pursuing it. michele bachmann is
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