tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 24, 2013 11:00am-11:30am PDT
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what percentage of the world's population is infected with tuberculos tuberculosis, is it a, 3%, b, 13%, c, 33%, or d, 43%. we'll tell you the correct answer. go to for more of the gps challenge, insight and analysis and follow us on twitter and facebook. go to if you missed a show or special. this week's book of the week is one i referenced in my take at the top of the show. "catastrophic care, how american health care killed my father and how we can fix it." this is a thoughtful intelligent book that tries to think out of the box about what is surely the biggest economic issue that the united states faces in the long run. how to pay for our health care. you may not agree with everything in it, but it's important to read it and think about it. now, for the last look. which is the world's most innovative city? some of you will guess a city in asia, perhaps singapore or seoul
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or perhaps cutting edge tel aviv. maybe a european city. nope, it's none of them. the nonprofit urban land institute has weighed the merits of 200 cities and come up with medine, colombia as number one. why, because it staged a remarkable turn around from being a drug war capital. the homicide rate has plummeting 80% in two decades. in parts, its citizens are helped by innovations like this giant escalator, which allows residents of poor neighborhoods to get to the city center safely. it also won praise for its metro cable car system and new libraries in schools and parks. you see cities have always been places that create opportunity for people from all walks of life. medine is for fulfilling that historical role and a great comeback story.
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the answer to our gps challenge question was c. one third of the world's population is infected with td. it's the second greatest infectious killer in the world after hiv/aids. the good news, there's progress. thanks to the work of the gates foundation and many others, they're on track to reach the goal of reversing the spread of td by 2015. thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week. i'll see you next week. hello, everyone. i'm fredricka whitfield with a look at our stop stories here in the news room. a spring snow storm is bearing down on the midwest right now. heavy snow and strong winds are creating dangerous conditions from missouri to illinois. we'll tell you how bad it is and where the storm would be headed next. >> and this week, more defense
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in the jodi arias trial. >> and does this remind you of a car insurance commercial? this is real. how did this car land on a roof in california? >> all right, first up, snow storm, which is hammering the midwest on this first week of spring. missouri and illinois are getting hit the hardest right now, up to 10 inches of snow expected there, and wind gusts over 30 miles per hour, are blowing all that snow around. making visibility on the roads extremely difficult. it's the same storm that slammed into the rockies, creating white-out conditions and forcing shutdowns on two interstates in colorado. karen mcginnis is tracking the storm, and susan candiotti is in ohio, a state in the path. karen, indiana and ohio are going to be hit next? >> yes, they are, and what a difference a year makes. a year ago on this date, temperatures were in the 60s and
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people were basking in those warm temperatures. not so right now. this area of low pressure, we watched it all the way from the rockies. now moving into the central plains and moving towards the ohio river valley, so susan candiotti sitting in dayton, ohio. they got one round, but there's more right behind it, so don't think it's over with just yet. more snow in the forecast. not going to take a whole lot for records to be broken there. it looks like as we head further to the east, we have thunderstorms rumbling around the deep south, but here's what we're expecting. area of low pressure moves across the ohio river valley, cincinnati, dayton, extending to the appalachians. that's where some of the heaviest snowfall will be, and there are winter storm warnings kur currently in effect. this will begin to move to the east. as it does, a secondary area of low pressure will again and this will affect the mid-atlantic coast. i think it will be a light dusting, but it will make for a messy monday. also, for new york, computer
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models are disagreeing as to who is going to see how much, but they're saying maybe 1 or 2 inches of snowfall. definitely south central illinois, south central indiana, indianapolis, springfield, st. louis, dayton, cincinnati, you're all in the firing line for some of the heaviest snowfall as the storm system continues to plow across the central u.s. and the ohio valley. with it, accompanied by 30 to 40-mile-per-hour winds. so fred, travel on that interstate 70, again, and interstate 65, could be very treacherous. >> what a mess to begin the work week. thanks so much. >> all right, so some of you are sharing your spring snow storm pictures. looks pretty in placid, but it's also an inconvenience. this one is an ireport from matt swinden, a viewer from evergreen, colorado. he said he'll need to use a shovel to get to his barbecue. much of colorado is buried about two feet of snow. >> this huge storm is also hitting cities that are hosting
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march madness games. dayton, ohio, is one of them. susan is live from dayton. all right, susan, thousands of people have traveled to the city for two ncaa tournament games today. the storm is forecast to hit the city in just a few hours. but is that deterring anyone? will it interrupt the games? >> oh, fred, i think you know the answer to that one. we talked to a lot of fans as they were on their way into the university of dayton arena there. you have more than thre13,000 pe in there right now, the only thing they're thinking about, of course, is the big game. so right now, you've got ohio state going up against iowa. and right now, they're in the second period. i think ohio state is still up out in front right now. next game coming up, you've got you do have a lot of people attending from the local area, also from iowa, indiana, and philadelphia, and they'll have to worry about how to get home later on. for now, the temperature is just
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above freezing, 33 degrees. you can see we barely have any accumulation. you can still see the grass below. and in fact, we're only supposed to get 1 to 3 inches during the daytime today. you can see it has not impacted the roads yet, but of course, that will change as time goes on. the traffic flowing freely at this hour. but everyone is lookin at the overnight accumulations, just like karen was talking about. where they could get anywhere here from 5 up to 8 inches of snow. so that combined with freezing temperatures could make, of course, for some rough sledding tomorrow morning during the morning commute. and for some people worrying about how they're going to get home from the games, but for now, it's all about basketball going on inside that arena. >> yeah, they're just going to be living in the moment and worry about the other stuff later. susan, thanks so much. in dayton, ohio. >> imagine trying to explain this to your insurance agent. honestly, the next thing i knew, my car was sitting on my neighbor's roof.
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an explanation to that effect. this is glendale, california. the couple driving the black cadillac missed a turb on a steep hill, careened through a yard, went airborne, and landed on the roof of that house. the couple climbed out of the vehicle when a neighbor brought ow a ladder. a crane then delicately lifted the car off the house. >> it's anchors away for the carnival cruise ship dream. the ship set sail saturday for its first cruise since a failed generator forced the ship to abort a cruise while docked in the caribbean. passengers had to be flown home after power aboard the ship failed and toilets began spilling out on the floors. >> all right, someone in new jersey just got $338 million richer. one ticket sold in that state matching these six numbers in the powerball lottery. if the winner takes a lump sum, they will receive a cool $211 million. lottery officials will hold a news conference monday to reveal where exactly in the state of
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starting tuesday, people in 13 states will start seeing tv ads aimed at gun violence. >> keep it. background checks have nothing to do with taking gun uz way from anyone. closing loopholes will stop criminals and the dangerously mentally ill from buying guns. >> billionaire new york mayor michael bloomberg is paying for the campaign himself through his anti-gun violence group. the ads hit the airwaves ahead of a key vote in the senate on gun control. the national rifle association says the mayor is trying to intimidate senators. >> secretary of state john kerry was in iraq this weekend. he says u.s. lawmakers worry that after years of receiving u.s. help, iraq is not behaving like an ally.
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kerry has asked the iraqi prime minister not to allow iranian aircraft use of iraq's air space. the u.s. believes the planes are carrying arms to the syrian regime. >> this is going to be a very important week for gay rights activists. the u.s. supreme court will hear arguments on two important cases. the defense of marriage act and california's proposition 8. doma designed emergency as a legal union between a man and a woman and keeps same-sex couples from getting the same benefits as couples. in fact, bill clinton who signed doma into law when he was president, is now asking the u.s. supreme court to overturn it. let's bring in cnn legal contributor powell cowen. how much will the reversal potentially make? >> supreme court justices would tell you they're immune from politicians lobbying them. they're appointed for life by the president, and the founding
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fathers frankly set up the system so you would have sort of an independent judiciary. i don't think bill clinton's position will have a major impact on the court. >> so what the constitutional argument that will be made to keep doma in place? >> well, there are two cases before the court this week. one on tuesday and one on wednesday. the first on tuesday is called the prop 8 case. california case, and it's very interesting because the california supreme court said gay marriage is legal. they said it's against the california constitution to ban it. and then lawyers came in and voters went out and they adopted prop 8, which amended the california constitution to make it illegal. so they stuck it to the judges and said, we don't care what you say. we say it's illegal. now, enter the lawyers. they file a federal lawsuit in which they say the 14th amendment to the constitution, which was enacted after the civil war to guarantee
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citizenship to freed slaves, says that equal protection of the law won't let you get away with that. you know why? because if you're going to discriminate against a group of people like gay people, you better have a very good reason. and you don't have a good reason to do that. so they threw it out. and that's what's in front of the supreme court now. does the 14th amendment to the constitution require that gay marriage should be allowed to occur in california? >> and all of this is precedent setting, potentially precedent setting. >> it absolutely is. there really are a number of things the supreme court could do. they also have a new york case in front of them where a couple of women got married in canada, come to the united states, and they now get taxed more because they're taxed as single people when the estate tax is looked at. one of them died. now, the supreme court can do a number of things here. number one, they could just say, listen, if you enact gay
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marriage, it's illegal to ban it. that would only affect a very lifted number of states. but they also could hit it in a much bigger way. they could say gay marriage is protected as a privacy right under the u.s. constitution. and they could issue a sweeping decision legalizing gay marriage throughout the united states. now, most constitutional scholars don't think they'll go that far, but you know something, they could if they wanted to. >> but right now, you know, these cases are diametrically opposed. you have one talking about state law and the other talking about the federal reach. will one supersede the other? meaning, you know, if the federal law is reversed and there is a recognition of marriages of same-sex couples, then no matter what, states would have to recognize that, right? >> not necessarily. the federal law, and that's the second case that going to be argued on wednesday, is the doma law, defense of marriage act.
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that act says that no state can be forced, essentially, to adopt gay marriage. the federal law defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman. now, if the court throws that out and says that is unconstitutional, that just means the states can do what they want. some states will adopt gay marriage. as a matter of fact, i think nine states right now have already legalized gay marriage. but the federal law wouldn't affect that one way or the other. it simply would change federal law and in states, by the way, where gay marriage was legalized, you would be able to get federal benefits if you were a partner in a gay marriage. the prop 8 case in california approaches it from a different standpoint. but these two cases give the court a real opportunity to make major changes in this area if they feel they're ready to do that. >> all right, paul, thanks so much. a pivotal case as it pertains to
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those two cases before the supreme court. meantime, join us in a moment. we'll talk about another legal case that has gripped the nation. we're talking about the jodi arias trial. it keeps going and going and going. and testimony from a defense psychologist this week has left some unanswered questions. we'll talk to both paul and or other legal expert after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up.
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makes it easy for anne to manage her finances when she's on the go. even when she's not going anywhere. citibank for ipad. easier banking. standard at citibank. he can't fathom why the son of one of his close friends would shoot the state's prison chief to death. governor john hickenlooper made the comments about evan spencer ebel who was killed in a shoot out with authorities. they have linked ebel who once belonged to a white supremacist
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gang to the shooting death of tom clemens. he cracked down on ebel's former gang. >> sex, lies, and kinking photographs. the jodi arias trial seems to be getting more salacious every day. next week, more cross-examination of defense psychologist richard samuels, then the defense will bring in a defensive violence expert. paul callan is back, joined by defense attorney rachel self. good to see both of you. rachel, i'm going to begin with you. what needs to happen this week in this case to wrap things up? >> oh, my goodness. well, it's gone on forever, hasn't it? but the defense has the right to put on their defense, and at this point, we still need to have the finished cross-examination of dr dr. samuels, and then they're going to be putting on their expert in domestic violence, so that's going to need to happen before we see even closing arguments come up in this case. and so i think that we still are looking at quite a few days of testimony remaining here. >> and paul, how do you see this
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week? is this a pivotal week to help finalize this case, or does it continue to get a bit more complex? >> i think it's a pivotal week, and the pivotal witness in the case is going to -- cross-examination is gioing to continue. a psychologist was called last week by the defense, and he got slammed by prosecutors for a couple of reasons. number one, he was testifying that, hey, she really can't remember what happened because she had post traumatic stress disorder or what the psychs call d disassociatative amnesia so she can't remember. they find out, by the way, when he examined her, she was only on the second of her three stories. in other words, she first said, i wasn't there at all. i don't know anything about it. the second story was intruders broke into the house, held me captive, and i was able to escape. and the third, of course, is i'm a battered woman and he attacked me. i was doing it in self defense.
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when the defense psychiatrist examined her, she was on story two, so she was lying to him, and heicize, it doesn't matter she was lying to me. i still think she has post traumatic stress disorder. >> so his credibility has been questioned. and you have to wonder, especially by way of the questions being posed by the jurors, if they are wondering about the credibility of this psychologist, paul. >> absolutely. and you know, you've got this strange thing in arizona where the jurors can ask questions. the juror questions have been very aggressive and very skeptical questions, which would suggest to me that they're not buying into the psychologist's testimony. >> and rachel, the significance of this domestic abuse expert that could be called to the stand. what needs to be said to help jodi arias' claim that this was self defense? >> i don't know. at this point, i think that
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she's in trouble. i think jodi arias is in trouble. i think she's on the train to needleville, usa. and i think that a domestic violence expert is going to need to say more than oh, my boyfriend made me dress up in a maid costume and get kinky, so i decided to stab him 30 times, slit his throat, and shoot him in the head. there's been credibility issues. the dr. samuels stuff is a big problem, because jodi arias' word is more crooking than a dog on one leg, but he didn't recognize any collateral resources, he went off her word, and we know what a problem that is, and the jury has been burden shifting. one of the questions they posed to the defense expert is how are we supposed to believe you and that your assessment is not based on his lies. so when the jurors are able to question like this, what it does
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is shifts the burden to the defense to prove her innocence, which is a very interesting thing in this case. >> you know, fredricka, kind of interesting, you think own lee southern lawyers make references like a crooked dog's hind leg. rachel is from massachusetts. >> new to me, but i envisioned it perfectly. vagood, very graphic. rachel, paul, thank you to both of you. >> nice being with you. >> thank you. good to see you both. >> all right, tiger woods. hey, guess what? he's starting to play like the tiger woods of old. the one that we all recognize from way back when. if he wins today's tournament, he'll get back something he lost nearly three years ago. first, dr. sanjay gupta previews the next list. >> thanks, up next, meet an innovator who says checking your vital signs should be as easy ozlogging on to facebook. wireless health and dr. leslie
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