tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 24, 2013 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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twenty-five thousand mornings, give or take, is all we humans get. we spend them on treadmills. we spend them in traffic. and if we get lucky, really lucky, it dawns on us to go spend them in a world where a simple sunrise can still be magic. twenty-five thousand mornings. make sure some of them are pure michigan. your trip begins at hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo.
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i'm fredricka whitfield. a look at our top stories in the "cnn newsroom." brutal winter weather this spring. a major snowstorm is hammering the midwest right now. we'll show you which states are getting hit the hardest and where the system is heading next. people in 13 states will start seeing tv ads aimed at gun violence starting tuesday. billionaire new york mayor miami bloomberg is paying for the campaign himself through his anti-gun violence group. we're a nation riveted by the ncaa tournament but beware -- watching all that streaming video can overload your company's internet. first up -- that huge snowstorm that's hammering the midwest on this first week of spring. snow is falling from missouri to ohio. wind gusts over 30 miles an hour are blowing allhat snow around making visibility on the roads extremely difficult. it is the same storm that slammed into the rockies creating white-out conditions and forcing shutdowns on two interstates in colorado.
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karen maginnis is track being the storm. >> coverage of snowfall across the ohio river valley is where it is expected to be the heaviest in places like st. louis, springfield, extending on over towards evansville, indiana. road conditions pretty treacherous. this area of low pressure has trekked all the way from the rockies into the central plains. the ohio valley. but then it kind of gives up a little bit of steam an another area of low pressure will make its way just off the mid-atlantic coast but still close enough to places like washington, d.c. and new york. looks like that's going to be a very short-term event with you in the meantime if you are traveling along some of the interstate that cut across some of the central plains, those roads fairly treacherous. st. louis, springfield, some pockets where 6 to 10 inches of snow likely in central indiana. but for those higher elevations, the alleghenies and poconos, the spine of the appalachians, you'll definitely see heavier amounts there.
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the bulk of the nastier weather is focused around the mid-atlantic and porpgss of the northeast. otherwise, sunshine across the southwest, high pressure dominates the central u.s. so this huge snowstorm is also hitting cities that are hosting march madness dams. dayton, ohio is one of them. susan candiotti is in dayton. people are going to get there despite this nasty weather? >> reporter: well, look at it now. the forecasters have said all along we're only expecting one to three inches -- until the overnight hours. so we've been getting flurries off and on. that's it. you can see right now these guys are getting ready for the onslaught of all the cars that are about to be let out of the university of dayton where the second of two games is winding up. but take a look around. we could still see grass here. just little patches of snow from those flurries earlier today. still all these people have to make their way home.
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either to indiana or to philadelphia. what do they think about that? listen. what do you think it is going to be like when you wake up in the morning? >> i'll be tired. it doesn't matter to me. i'm retired. i don't care. i don't have to go anywhere. >> i have to go to work. so it will be cold but i don't mind it. >> so again, fred, they are talking about anywhere from five to eight inches, nine inches. wind gusts of 20 to 30 miles per hour. but that is not supposed to occur until the overnight hours and that could make morning commutes very treacherous as well as what are all these people going to do who live out of state and are trying to get back after the game. >> good luck to them all. thanks so much. a memorial is set for tomorrow morning for colorado's former prison chief. tom clements was shot dead last week. police say this man, evan spencer evil is a suspect in the
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shooting. police believe evil drove to texas where he was killed in a shoot-out with defenputies. in brunswick, georgia the mother of an infant shot and killed last week said it is the second time she lost a child to violence. she says her 18-year-old son was stabbed to death in new jersey in 2008. two teenage boys have been charged with the killing of west's 13-month-old son while she was out walking with him on thursday. in orlando a 16-year-old boy who says he accidentally shot and killed his 12-year-old brother will not face charges. >> 16-year-old figured that the place was being broken into. he fired a shot and it killed his brother. >> authorities say they will meet with the state's attorneys office to decide if there was any negligence in the shooting. neighbors of the teens are concerned about how the 6-year-old got the gun. new york mayor michael bloomberg is stepping up his campaign against gun violence.
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he's helping brank bangroll a $12 million ad blitz. the campaign has its critics. >> i believe in the second amendment and i'll fight to protect it. but with rights come responsibilities. >> reporter: mayors against illegal guns. led by new york mayor michael bloomberg, is pouring $12 million into ads like these to push congress to act on guns. >> closing loopholes will stop criminals and the dangerously mentally ill from buying guns. >> reporter: here's the mayor on nbc's "meet the press." >> there are an awful lot of people that think that this is one of the great issues of our times, we have to stop the violence. >> reporter: the ad will air in 13 stays starting this week to pressure democratic and republican senators home for spring recess to support comprehensive background checks. the senate will debate a bill that includes those background checks next month. >> we're trying do everything we can to impress upon the senators
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that this is what the survivors want, this is what the public wants. >> reporter: the national rifle association is running its own ad campaign against expanded background checks. >> so when gun owners hear "universal background checks," we know it means -- >> universal registration. >> reporter: an nra ceo wayne la pierre also on nbc promised to continue the battle against regulations he says won't work. >> the whole thing universal checks is a dishonest premise. there's not a bill on the hill that provides a universal check. criminals aren't going to be checked. they're not going to do this. the shooters in tucson, aurora, newtown, they're not going to be checked. >> reporter: the obama administration supports universal background checks. appearing with bloomberg last week, vice president biden urged congress to show courage an confront the gun rights lobby. >> look, folks. we have a responsibility to act. the loudest voices have to be from those silenced voices,
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close to 3,000 since newtown. gunned down in american streets, homes and neighborhoods. >> athena jones now joins us at the white house. you saw vice president biden talking about gun control. he talked about it again last night at a democratic congressional campaign committee issues conference. what was the message? similar? >> reporter: it was similar, fred. he said, getting these gun control measures through congress is going to be "one hell of a fight," and it is going to require support from members of congress in districts with a lot of gun ownership. but he's also said that the shooting in newtown he thought really shocked the public conscience so there was a real hope that something could get done, the kind of measures that lots of people, including gun owners, support. >> athena jones at the white house, thanks so much. so two same-sex marriage cases will be heard in the u.s. supreme court this week. we'll have details on those cases and there's a winner in
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that $338 million powerball jackpot. that person lives on the east coast. we'll tell you where that lucky ticket was sold. hello! how sharp is your business security? can it help protect your people and property, while keeping out threats to your operations? it's not working! yes it is. welcome to tyco integrated security. with world-class monitoring centers and thousands of qualified technicians. we've got a personal passion to help your business run safer, smarter, and sharper. we are tyco integrated security. and we are sharper. to book this fabulous hotel. michael, tell us why you used priceline express deals well, you can see if the hotel is pet friendly before you book it. and i got a great deal without bidding. and where's your furry friend? oh, i don't have a cat. priceline savings without bidding. i work for 47 different companies. well, technically i work for one.
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bans same-sex marriage. cnn justice correspondent joe johns is here with details. >> fred, the battle over same-sex marriage in california has been going on for years and coming up this week it finally arrives at the u.s. supreme court. we talk to one of the couples involved in the case who, win or lose, have already assured themselves a small place in history with their legal challenge. jamelle thomas and corraians williams had been together four years before they got married last october. their lives are not all satin and pearls. >> i'm an airman in the united states air force reserves? >> i'm a police officer with the metropolitan police department here in d.c. >> reporter: which makes this couple a case study in how america's married but unequal approach to same-sex relationships can play out. >> as an airman, you get a constant reminder that you're second class. >> reporter: jamelle is a
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federal employee but the federal defense of marriage act bars recognition of same-sex marriage by the government which affects more than 1,000 federal benefits for spouses. everything from filing taxes and receiving debt benefits to who gets called as next of kin. >> i had to list corraine as my sister just so that someone would call her in the event that i'm killed or missing in action. or hurt on the job. she can't be my emergency contact. she can't receive my remains. >> reporter: corraine on the other hand gets the benefit of being married because the nation's capital recognizes same. sex marriage but only nine states in the district of columbia have taken that step so just by crossing the potomac river into virginia you lose that status. >> why do we have to be married locally but federally it's nothing, we're friends. we wear a ring symbolically. so it's ridiculous.
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>> what the bill does -- >> reporter: now the defense of marriage act also known as daytona first passed by congress and signed by president clinton in 1996 is being challenged at the supreme court. >> it's being asked to decide there whether or not congress can pass a law that treats same-sex couples who are already married under the laws of their state different from opposite sex couples. >> reporter: defenders of the law say congress has as much right as the states to make its own definition of marriage. >> doma is important because congress said it was important. i mean we send our elected representatives to washington, d.c. an they chose to say that marriage is one man and one woman for purposes of federal law. >> reporter: and conservatives say the founding fathers never contemplated gay marriage. >> because it is clearly not what anyone understood as marriage at the time of the framing of the constitution. >> reporter: still, same-sex families pay taxes and don't get the same benefits and the issue with doma really gets complicated if they have children who are also excluded from benefits.
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>> when we have kids i would like them to be born in a post-doma united states. >> reporter: still, california as one of only a handful of states that gives most of the benefits of marriage to same-sex couples and domestic partnerships. one question is whether any ruling by the court on california could affect all of those other states in the same way. pred? >> thanks so much, joe. so is there a feeling that the landscape on gay marriage is about to change in a big way? i spoke with state of the union' candy crowley. >> reporter: i think there's two tracks you have to measure. one is the political track and, yes, the political track responds to public opinion and public opinion has clearly changed on the issue of same-sex marriage. so on the political track you're right. that has changed. i don't know -- i mean go ask somebody to predict what the supreme court will do. but the fact is that i had two guests on my show recently, one of whom said, no matter what the
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supreme court does -- because as you know, there's 18 perm me tagss of how it could rule or how it could or could not change things. they say regardless of what the supreme court rules, that many gay and lesbian advocates for their rights believe that this is a done deal now and it is like a question of when and not a question of whether. so it will change judicially but many people also feel that the judicial track will be a lot slower than what we've seen in the political track. >> let's talk about gun control now and that fight. gaining some momentum with mayor bloomberg, joined by vice president biden to colorado governor who joined you and talked about the loss of his friend. how are these events likely to shape this debate? >> let's face it.
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the singular event that has shaped the debate we're having now, which is the same debate that we have periodically, were the killings of these children in newtown. so these things add, sometimes they subtract. you do hear some states complaining that millions of dollars put into advertising by the mayor of new york is not going to help in the midwest or the interior west. but gradually there are things that states are doing. but this is a -- this defies a political solution as i think senator harry reid is finding out, in some ways simply because this is a geographical problem. sometimes even inside a state it is a geographical -- if you live in a city you tend to be much more for some gun control -- or further gun control. if you're in a rural area where guns are part of the culture, you're less inclined to do that. so it defies traditional
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politics in a lot of ways. certainly the white house wants to keep pushing it but there is a general agreement, at least right now, that there will not be -- that there will be some sort of response to newtown in a legislative form out of congress but it will probably not include an assault weapons ban. >> you had an exclusive interview with veterans affair secretary eric shinseki, one of the most critical issues he has to deal with is the backlog of claims at the va. >> the president's been very clear. veterans are a top priority with him and ending the backlog is foremost in his mind. he has made that very clear. no veteran should have to wait for claims as they are today. we have a fix for this. we're open for business and we will end the backlog in 2015. >> is this a compelling argument that many veterans who have been feeling the pain of that backlog, that they believe that there's some hope on the
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horizon? >> interesting, i had a couple of bets on the show said they have heard this before. they don't, interestingly, blame the va secretary because they say this is a decades-long problem at the va. the process is laden with paperwork. they haven't gone digital. they hear this promise that by the end of this year the va will go digital and that means you could -- for those filings, for those claims. and that in 2015 the va claims they'll have gotten rid of the backlog. let's just say that they are skeptical and hope that general shinseki is right on this but any number of these veterans groups say they just see on a daily basis veterans who feel just completely stymied by a system to the extent that many veterans never even go to the va because they think this is not worth my time to get psyched up in a bureaucracy. >> candy crowley, host of state
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of the union. u.s. secretary of state john kerry made a surprise visit to iraq. will he be able to calm worries that iraq isn't acting like a that iraq isn't acting like a u.s. ally? t leave room for much else. there's no room left for deadlines or conference calls. not a single pocket to hold the stress of the day, or the to-do list of tomorrow. only 14 clubs pick up the right one and drive it right down the middle of pure michigan. your trip begins at
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u.s. secretary of state john kerry is in amman, jordan today after a surprise visit to iraq this weekend. he says u.s. lawmakers worry that after years of receiving u.s. help, iraq is not behaving like an ally. kerry has asked the iraqi prime minister not to allow iranian aircraft to use iraq's airspace. the u.s. believes the planes are carrying arms to the syrian regime. these are uneasy times for pakistan's former president, pervez mesh rousharraf. despite over his possible arrest over criminal charges he faces. his party paid an unknown amount of bail to clear the way for his
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return. musharraf says he wants to reassert his influence, even run for office himself. what happens in pakistan could impact u.s. operations in afghanistan. now to a story shrouded in mystery. how did a russian tycoon die? police in england have launched an investigation into the death of boris berezovsky. he was found dead in his home in flaend on saturday. he fled to england after dispute with the russian president vladimir putin. eye take . >> reporter: new police details add a whole new layer of intrigue to this case. police now confirming that berezowsky's bodyguard found his body. he didn't see his boss in the morning. came into the bedroom and tried to open the bathroom door but found that it was locked from the inside. when he was finally able to open it, he found the body on the floor and then called an
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ambulance. when that paramedic arrived, he said that berezowsky was already dead, he could not revive him. here's one interesting detail. as the paramedic was leaving he had on him a personal dosimeter, the thing that measures radioactivity. it was triggered by something when he was leaving. this is why police then called their specialist unit for hazardous materials to sweep through the property. they did go through it overnight. they cleared the area so they didn't find what it was that triggered that dosimeter. the other interesting detail in all this is that berezowsky and his bodyguard were the only ones in the house that morning. we also understand that police have said they will launch a full -- they have launched a full investigation and they will also begin a postmortem although that's not likely to happen today. the body according to the police
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remains inside the property. in the meantime, they say they are talking to family and friends to determine berezovsky's state of mind at the time of his death but so far they say they have no more details on how he died. >> what a mystery. thanks, atika shubert. american airlines is continuing its tradition in this country. . honoring vets who receive the nation's highest military honor. we'll show you how straight ahead. see life in the best light. outdoors, or in. transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. so you see everything the way it's meant to be seen. maybe even a little better. visit your eyecare professional today to ask about our newest lenses, transitions vantage and transitions xtractive lenses. experience life well lit. ask which transitions adaptive lens is best for you.
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stories making head lines right now -- parts of the mid-atlantic are bracing for this -- a major spring snowstorm. it is pounding the midwest right now. strong wind gusts are making viz and the on the roads extremely difficult from missouri to ohio. the storm is moving east and will hit several mid-atlantic states later today and tomorrow. american airlines has a very special flight this weekend. the airline is continuing its tradition of honoring veterans who received the nation's highest military honor. it is flying a group of medal of honor recipients to d.c. for a series of activities. among other events, they'll take part in a wreath laying ceremony at the tomb of the unknown. someone in new jersey just got $338 million richer. one ticket sold in the state matched these six numbers in the powerball lottery. if the winner takes a lump sum, they would seefb a cool 21$1
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million. lottery officials will hold a news conference monday to determine where the sikt was sold. in southwest florida, searchers have found the bodies of a sky diving instructor and his student. the two men had been out with a group and didn't return after their third jump. authorities did not say whether their parparachutes were opened. a man being freed from prison after wrongfully convicted of murdering a new york rabbi is recovering from a heart attack. he was stricken just today after he was released from prison. thousands gathered to hear the new pope read palm sunday prayers. he he urged followers to shun corruption and greed and reach out to the poor and forgotten. legendary music producer phil spector is the man who produced hits for the beatles and tina turner but in just a few hours, al pacino plays expecter in a fictional film on our sister network hbo.
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it focuses on the murder trial that's tainted specter's legacy. >> for what am i being punished? for being the most successful music producer in the history of the world? >> did you kill that girl? >> specter was convicted in 2008 of fatally shooting actress lana clarkson in his mansion. a.j. hammer spoke to specter's wife, to see if the director of this movie got it right. >> so, fred, as the nation remains transfixed by the jodi arias case, showbiz dares to ask what is it like for a family member to be caught up in a true crime drama. the wife of muse ig legend phil spector certainly knows all about that. she's now on a mission to reverse phil's murder conviction in the death of lana clarkson. the actress was found dead ten years ago in specter's home from a gunshot through her mouth. in a n hbo movie tonight on
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hbo -- >> i snuck into a screening last thursday which is pretty ridiculous that i have to sneak in ooh screening about a movie about my husband. but it wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be. al pacino doesn't portray my husband accurately. what was done in the movie was about the forensic evidence and they reiterated throughout the film the fact that lana clarkson was loaded on pills and drugs and alcohol, was in a very depressed mental state and that she ultimately killed herself. and in the film, as you know, since you've seen it, they backed it up with forensic scientific demonstrations to show that my husband could not have been responsible for her death. >> i did see the fm last week, fred. if nothing else, it is a very compelling look at a captivating trial and a truly fascinating man and it may leave people questioning phil spector's guilt. >> a.j., thanks.
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hbo's "phil spector" airing tonight. a tiger on the prowl leads today's bleacher report. tiger woods was looking for a record eighth win at bay hilda but mother nature would not cooperate. tiger was two holes into his round this afternoon when severe weather rolled into the area. the tournament has been suspended until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow with tiger holding a three-shot lead over the field. this year's ncaa is wide open. the latest evidence -- number one ranked gonzaga lost to ninth seeded wichita state 76-70. the plobulldogs are out of tour. pro football players often return to their alma maters to encourage young players. marshawn lynch now a running back for the seattle seahawks took it one step further. he suited up and played in the university of california's spring football game. lynch even scored a touchdown.
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for more entertaining sports news, check out bleacher news, check out bleacher y roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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two days after the allege shooting death of a baby in brunswick, georgia, the child's mother says the baby was cremated tlaand there was a prie memorial service held. police have charged two boys, one 14 years old and one 17 years old, with the killing of the 13-month-old. that killing allegedly taking place while the mother was walking with the child in a stroller thursday. she had emotional words for the accused boys. >> that i hate you and i don't forgive you. and that you killed an innocent
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human life and that i hope you die for it. >> the mother also told cnn she was planning on moving back to new jersey. a top democratic senator is calling on the fda to take action to ensure america's prescription pill problem doesn't get worse. senator charles schumer says generic versions of highly addictive painkillers should be required to have the same anti-abuse features as name brands do. brand name versions like oxycontin can't be crushed making them impossible to snort or inject. schumer says the fda needs to act soon as a generic version of oxycontin is due to hit the market next month. official in the european sunt of cyprus have been work, through the weekend to save its banking system. markets here in the u.s. were actually higher friday on the hopes that some kind of deal would be near.
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chief equity strategist for s&p capital iq is with us. good to see you, sam. cyprus, a very small economy. one of the smallest in europe. but how could those shockwaves kind of cross the waters and affect the americans here? >> well, i think basically because of the uncertainty that could come from them and what kind of an impact we could see that resonates in italy, in spain, in portugal because if we find that a lot of the depositors are likely to get hit with a penalty, a tax of up to 7% if they have less than 100,000 euros, then the worry is that the smaller depositors in these other countries would be hit as well and that would be a negative. >> if they do reach a deal what kind of reaction do we spent from the markets? >> i think we get a sigh of relief that cyprus would not end up leaving the euro, that we would not have a contagion move into these other peripheral nations around the mediterranean
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and then wall street could focus on the economic reports that are coming out this week all of which look to be pretty good. >> shifting a gears a little bit, we'll see new numbers this week on something called durable goods and that economic jargon for i guess mostly big ticket items that is the translation. what are investors hoping? >> they're big ticket items that are also expected to last more than three years. the specialation is for an improvement this month, positive reading as compared with a neglectly 5.5% read we saw last month. in general a turnaround that would also be good if you exclude transportation items so both measures of durable goods would be positive. >> sam stovall, thanks so much. a new, yet another new iphone could be hitting the stores by summer. this time you'll have two options. "fortune" magazine reports apple will launch the iphone 5s and a
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more affordable iphone at same time. the lower end iphone will is a similar form as the iphone 5 but will have plastic casing and no retina display. march madness is -- has the nation in its grip but watching it at work? it could spell trouble. we'll explain. michael, tell us why you used priceline express deals to book this fabulous hotel. well, you can see if the hotel is pet friendly before you book it. and i got a great deal without bidding. and where's your furry friend? oh, i don't have a cat. priceline savings without bidding. it's lots of things.
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we've got more excitement four. ncaa tournament talk. owe state won its game on a last-second three-point shot. ironically it beat iowa state, the team that led the nation in three-pointers. the buckeyes now head to weet sweet 16 for the fourth straight year. tonight kansas the top seeded team in the north regional and north carolina just tipped of off. duke plays creighton. for a star on the syracuse university basketball team, the tournament suddenly took a back seat. michael carter williams' family moment in massachusetts caught fire. the flames apparently spread from a wood stove. as far as we understand, no
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reports of injuries. so many of us are preoccupied with the ncaa tournament but it can put the internet under a lot of stress and that can affect your workout put. here's dan simon. >> reporter: this is kip compton. >> it is really about planning and network design. he he's got an engineering degree from m.i.t. and is a high level executive at cisco. he knows what it takes to compete computer networks up and running especially when they're being overtaken by data hungry devices streaming ncaa basketball. >> it's almost like a traffic jam. like you have wide open lanes and if you got a lot of people streaming you got a bunch of cars in the lane, it is going to slow everything down. >> the road is built to carry a certain number of cars and kind of like if a game gets out of a stadium, there's going to be a traffic jam. there are a lot more cars than maybe roads are designed to handle. >> reporter: cisco has its own
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basketball court. seemed like an appropriate place to tack march madness or as kip calls it, march network madness. more than one-third of all companies will take action to prepare for it. some will even ban streaming video. explain then what's march network madness? >> it is when work is disrupted because not so much because people are distracted by the games which happens regardless of how your network works, but when other people who have aren't even interested in march madness have their jobs slowed down, they can't access e-mail, have trouble surfing the web because all these people are watching video. >> when you have a budge of people sitting at desks who aren't working and stream being the games that can cause the company's internet to come to a screeching halt. in tv news we call this file video. they're not really watching games. >> i think each company needs to decide. at cisco what we do is we allow employees to do these things. they're accountable for their productivity but we allow them to abscess these types of
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consent. >> reporter: so enjoy, cisco employees. as for everyone else, check with your i.t. manager or try not to get caught. dan simon, cnn, san jose, california. >> march madness continues today. watch every game live on trutv, tbs, tnt, cbs and lots of options. smash, crash, boom! that's how one guy described this accident. we have details about how this car ended up on that roof. and those are my final four picks. now over to you charles???? sir charles' single miles card left him blacked out. he's coming to us from home. that's gotta be traveling. now instead of covering the final four, he's stuck covering fourth graders. brick! bobby is 1 for 36. mikey? he keeps taking these low-percentage shots.
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anchors away for the carnival cruise ship dream since a generator forced the cruise ship to ship to stop. severe thunderstorms tore lou parts of the southeast overnight. and this is what they did to a building in atlanta. a downed tree crushed part of it in an abandoned apartment complex and destroyed a truck. luckily no one was hurt. downed trees in other parts of the city took out power lines as well as blocked roads. when you see the video you are going to ask yourself how did this happen? a car missed a turn on a steep hill and wound up on the roof of a house. >> i was so scared. it was very bad.
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>> reporter: she and her husband were in this cadillac when it went airborne and land order a neighbor's house. they came down the hill and couldn't stop as they rounded the corner. >> i don't even see where we are going from there. the view was obscured. >> reporter: she says when she opened the door she saw the edge of a roof. the back end of the car came to rest on the edge of a retaining wall. paul harrison, who lives down the street, heard the accident. >> we were just -- smash, crash, boom. and my neighbor, brad nelson, walking his dog said paul, quick, i think there has been an accident. >> reporter: he grab ad ladder and helped the wynns off the roof. one man was inside the house when the crash happened. he wasn't injured. >> there was one person inside of the house but not in the area of the -- where the car landed. >> reporter: in order to remove the car, the fire department called for a crane to do the heavy lifting.
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the caddie has major damage but remarkably the roof only needs minor repairs. >> i don't think i broke anything. i consider us to be very, very lucky. we have much more in the newsroom straight ahead with my fave, john lennon. >>. how are you doing? >> great. the weather. >> because you slept well. the thunderstorms and all that. it is frightening for a lot of people. especially with the city of so many trees. trees coming down. you just slumbered on through it. >> i kept saying i'm going get newspaper an hour and go to the gym. >> i'm not feeling sorry for you. >> here is what we will be talking about. it is a big week. supreme court takes up same-sex marriage this week. is america going gay? as in gay marriage. so goes the court and the rest of the country. we we will talk about that.
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the gun debate heating up. democrats, even the vice president, vowing to fight on. they say it is not over yet. the question is how is the gop's opposition to same-sex marriage for the most part, gun legislation, for the most part, playing among the republican faithful one week, same week after a promise of a more open-minded party. remember, the big autopsy. going to hash that out. you know it is going to be an interest conversation. i want to you check this out. upcoming designer. he is make naa name for himselfn men's wear. >> i will say every gentleman should have a tailor. i like that aspect of it. i have a vision. i haven't seen it before and i want to create it. that's where the design aspect comes from. to be able to create something i
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haven't seen before and people seem to like it when that happens. >> you want to see his clothes? >> i want to see it. >> you have to wait to see it. it is amazing. have you ever been to -- >> casual? men's wear. >> yes. sample like have you seen the model samples. i tried the model samples on. i'm not a big guy pip could barely get one arm or leg in it. these are for people -- they are like 29-inch waist. i'm a 32, 31. i cooperate get those on. >> poor don. >> listen. i mean, he is -- i know you love fashion. my producer was with him at fashion week. won all the awards. we are discover thing guy. they are like -- month, people like -- >> they know him. >> he is amazing. born in ghana, he is here in atlanta. very inning story. supposed to be an electrical engineer. parents upset he is not doing that. he will be a success >> engineer for looks. different way. >> selling the american dream. >> i love that. i look forward to that. maybe the next time you will be sporting his wears. >> if i can get two inches off
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my waist. >> i'm sure he can do something for your huge 30-something waist. >> 31, 32. somewhere in there. depends how much i eat. >> good. we look forward to that. hangs so much. "newsroom" at the top. could amanda knox go back to jail for her roommate's death in lit? new details on that case up next. come on, nowadays lots of people go by themselves. no they don't. hey son. have fun tonight. ♪ ♪ back against the wall ♪ ain't nothin to me ♪ ain't nothin to me [ crowd murmurs ] hey! ♪ [ howls ] ♪
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