tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 25, 2013 11:00am-1:00pm PDT
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is our freedoms and the idea of equality. >> we must demand full equality for all. >> it is about time the supreme court weighed in on it, and, you know, hopefully they'll come down in favor of it. >> reporter: from music to movies to television, there say long list of famous entertainers who publicly support same sex marriage. >> we have been talking about this for a long time. >> reporter: for "modern family star" jesse tyler ferguson and his fiance, the fight is personal. >> it is like an uphill battle. justin worked in the field. he lives that every day. >> reporter: he works for the american foundation for equal rights. which was created in 2008 to sponsor the lawsuit filed by two california couples challenging prop 8, the state's ban on same sex marriage. >> it's in my heart. >> reporter: it is full of entertainment heavyweights like oscar winning producer and screenwriter bruce cohen and dustin lance black and rob reiner. >> this is a nonpartisan issue. >> reporter: some in hollywood
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are working behinds the scenes, others are openly asking the supreme court to allow gay people to marry. talk show host and comedian ellen degeneres married her wife, porta de rossi, four years ago, when same sex marriage couples were briefly aloud to wed in california. the legal recognition of their marriage will hinge on how the state supreme court weighs in on the state's proposition 8. in a letter to the court, degeneres addressed marriage equality with a touch of her trademark humor. reading in part, porta and i have been married for four years, and they have been the happiest of my life. and in those four years i don't think we hurt anyone i asked all of my neighbors and they say they're fine. it may be months before we know how the supreme court will rule on same sex marriage. but many celebrities believe hollywood is already on the right side of history. and hope the court follows. >> absolutely will be done this
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week. i just can't even imagine anything else. to me, it is an embarrassment that it hasn't already been done. >> reporter: t . >> i'm quoting martin luther king here, the march always leads toward equality. i think i terribly paraphrased that, but that's what we're hoping for here. >> it is going to be overturned, i hope. >> reporter: one corner of california united under the banner of marriage equality. nischelle turner, cnn, hollywood. that's it for me. "cnn newsroom" continues. they are ordinary people doing extraordinary things. a teenager rushing into a burning home, a father and son going into floodwaters instead of coming out and any minute they're about to get honor of a lifetime. i'm brooke baldwin. news is now. questions of a white supremacist conspiracy in the murder of a prison chief. after two skydivers are killed,
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one parachute expert shows us what went wrong. plus, amanda knox learns her fate again. and -- >> i haven't cried yet. i might cry tomorrow. >> a millionaire coach and a team no one's heard of. shocked america. i'm brooke baldwin. great to be with you here on this monday. i want to begin this hour with something very special. something we don't see very often. so at any moment, at arlington national cemetery, the united states will honor ordinary citizens who have done extraordinary things. i'm talking about people who put service above themselves. they passed the test of human spirit with flying colors. who am i talking about, these four people? they will take the spotlight for these actions they took, just in the past year. they're not military. they're not police. they're not trained rescuers.
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these are ordinary folks who made tough decisions to do the right thing at a critical moment. people like marcos ugarte, he was 14 when he saved a 7-year-old boy, trapped in a fire. ugarte ran toward the flames, grabbed a ladder, climbed into a second floor window. >> and i punched the screen door out, the screen window and i told the kid to come out feet first and he came down the ladder and i carried him and i gave him to the lady. >> that's one story. how about this man? this is monsignor joe carol, who has dedicated his live to helping the homeless. it is all through the center that offers much more than food, and shelter. it offers services like health care, job training. and the final two who will be honored today, a father and son with the same name, jesse shaffer iii and iv. and remember the floodwaters in
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louisiana, back, i believe last august, i believe it was so high, this is in their louisiana parish, the water to the roof p rooftops. these two, this father and son, they didn't leave. they went into the worst hit areas. they went by boat, they saved 120 people. i remember them, because i talked to the younger shaffer in august as he was describing to me giving up his own space on the boat. >> we were kind of overloaded. i had to stay on the roof for an hour, because i gave up my spot to someone -- i think eight elderly from that building. went from rescuer to rescuee. >> his father said he is accepting the award to honor the many people who helped save lives during that flooding. as i mentioned, these four will be honored today, they were among hundreds of worthy candidates, so, again this is happening at arlington national cemetery. we're keeping a close eye on it. as soon as we turn around some video for you, we certainly will
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do that. also happening in a matter of moments, you see this? boeing launching a test flight of its 787 jet after a series of recent battery problems. this flight will take off and land at everett, washington. we're told it is a check of the systems. and everything, of course, will be analyzed after the flight. we'll let you know how that one goes. developing today now, out of brunswick, georgia, brunswick, georgia, for those of you not familiar, a coastal southern georgia, north of jacksonville, florida, a 15-year-old suspect entered court here in an orange prison garb and was informed by a judge he will face the charge of murder. that's right. this kid is 15. he walked in, we blurred his face, we're not releasing his name. he is accused of killing a baby. a baby boy whose mother had him in a stroller, in broad daylight. this was thursday, may have been some sort of stickup, no plea
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was entered today. it is unclear whether the suspect will be charged as an adult. a second teen also faces charges. once a favorite target of the world's tabloid media, her name and face are still very familiar. amanda knox, the american exchange student convicted, then acquitted in italy, of killing her british roommate back in 2007. here is the thing, judges ruled investigators botched that investigation, that they contaminated the evidence, but prosecutors, they're not giving up. they want this woman back in italy, back on trial. in fact, we're hearing now we could get a decision from italy's supreme court later today, possibly tomorrow. i want to take you straight to rome to our senior international correspondent, ben wedeman, and, ben, as we eventually weigh this decision from the court, we know amanda knox, she's back in seattle, she's been penning this book, attending college. if italy does attempt to retry
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this case, how does this work? how can the italian judicial system force her on a plane? >> reporter: well, they really can't. they need to -- the italian government needs to request her extradition from the united states, and there is no guarantee at this point that the united states would agree. now, and also, if this court, the italian supreme court, rules that the acquittal that took place in october of 2011 is invalid, it will have to go back to another appeals court in florence and so the timing is not at all clear at this point or the mechanics of how this would be done. now, we have been told by one of amanda knox's lawyers that they are expecting an announcement from the court within the next two hours. so we're waiting to hear what they decide. it was fairly lengthy procedure today, normally in these cases
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the lawyers are given half an hour, but some of them went on for more than an hour in trying to make their case. so, about two hours to wait and see. >> we'll come back to you, ben wedeman if we hear anything. i'm thinking of the victim's family, meredith kercher's family, how do they feel about a retrial? >> reporter: they want a retrial. they have made it quite clear that they do not believe that amanda knox and her former boyfriend, raffaele sollecito, are innocent. they want them put on trial again. >> ben wedeman in rome, ben, appreciate it. here in the united states, a story from mississippi, a state lawmaker found dead outside the home of a former state lawmaker. cnn's brian todd is following those developments for us today in washington. and, brian, you've been talking to people who knew jessica upshaw, what have you learned? >> various things, brooke, since
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this was reported yesterday and early this morning. the sheriff of simpson county, mississippi, quoted all over the place as saying this appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound, we spoke to a close friend of jessica upshaw who was with her yesterday, this friend has also told us that this was an apparent suicide. the coroner of simpson county has confirmed to us she died of a single gunshot wound to the head. according to the friend, who we spoke to, jessica upshaw had been battling depression for several years. was under a doctor's care, and had been taking medication for depression, had modified her diet and overall this friend says she was very committed to battling her depression, this friend describes her as brilliant, someone who had an impressive ability to read a lot of material very quickly, legislation, legal material, she is a former attorney, we have been told by two sources this friend and the coroner of simpson county that jessica upshaw has a daughter, son-in-law and grandson that live in south korea. the daughter is an engineer and she's now on her way back to the united states. >> brian, what about this
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relationship? if any, between upshaw and this former mississippi house colleague, clint rhodenberry, why she would have been at his home. what do you know? >> the friend who we spoke to, a friend close to jessica upshaw and this friend was with her yesterday, said she was in a relationship with this former state legislator, clint rhodenberry. he was not arrested in this case. the friend says they were both single, both divorced for a number of years. the friend says upshaw was found outside his house in the town of mendenhall, mississippi, where he lives. that's more than 100 miles from where her district is. they friend says they were in a relationship, that everything was fairly above board, they both were divorced for a number of years. and that's what we know now. >> okay. brian todd, thank you. >> sure. check the calendar, my calendar says it is spring. but much of the country is still in the icy grips of winter. commuters, this is dayton, ohio, got up close and personal here to some of the wet streets,
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several inches of new snow on everything else. to suburban washington, watch, pretty pictures. if you don't have to go out in it. kids enjoying it. school, chalking up another snow day because of 3 inches of snow falling overnight there. people who did have to travel found the streets slick and treacherous. a lot of churches in kansas city had to cancel palm sunday services yesterday after that storm dumped up to seven inches of fresh snow there. powder was reportedly knocked out to several thousand homes. and the st. louis area it claim some of the deepest snow from this system, one northern suburb measured up to 15 inches. and martin savidge, lucky you, in the thick of things for us in pittsburgh, looking lovely, drawing the short straw for us today, martin. good to see you. >> reporter: thank you, brooke. it is beautiful here.
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we have gone from snow now it rain, which is always miserable. i love snow, but i never like it when it turns to rain. stick around a few hours, it is going to melt. that's probably the best thing about this storm, the fact that yes, it is spring and it is a spring storm, but it is probably all going to disappear pretty quickly everywhere with the snow falling. it is transitioning here, the storm moved off to the east, and it is still going to be a problem for travelers, especially those going by air. here in pittsburgh, it started bad, but it is ending on an upbeat, about 400 classes were canceled. a number of flights delayed. but it really was not as bad as they feared. they thought 3 to 6, they got 1 to 3. all in all, spring is here, you have to dig to find it. >> maybe you can dig to find some daffodils in the thick of things there in pittsburgh. we appreciate you standing out there. let's talk to chad, a lot of you are wondering when it is going away. you mense ementioned it turned rain. hopefully that's the theme for elsewhere in the country. >> until the sunsets and it changes back over to snow and freezes on the ground. i don't know why, why did you
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send him to pittsburgh and not punxsutawney and go find that rodent that said it would be spring by now. we have some questions. snowing across parts of new jersey, into washington, d.c., all the way -- even down to the potomac, seeing snow right now. it is getting to 34, 35, 36 degrees and things are turning a little bit sloppy and slushy. here is a live shot from one of our affiliates. that's the boardwalk in atlantic city, new jersey. >> i can't see anything. >> i can't see anything either. i can make out snowflakes flying around down here. there should be casinos here. there should be an ocean there. no visibility because it is snowing. the pinelands area, if you get that west of atlantic city, towards philadelphia, you could pick up 4 to 6 inches of snow with this. we're seeing airport delays, jfk. if you can't see the planes, can't see the ground for a while, you have to slow the planes down. not physically, but you have to separate them and therefore you don't get as many planes on the ground as you had hoped and not
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as many in the air as you had hoped. springfield, illinois, the winner. or the loser, depending on your point of view at 18.5. there was a stripe all the way across parts of missouri, right through illinois and indiana, with over a foot of snow in springfield. you're right in the middle of that. st. louis picked up 12.4. even baltimore got into the act. and it is heavy, wet snow, spring snow. so don't break your back or your heart shoveling this stuff. >> it makes you appreciate spring when it is finally come. that's my glass half full assessment here as i sit from my perch in georgia. chad myers, thank you very much. still ahead here, as hundreds of people gather to remember the former colorado prison chief murdered in kohl blood, new evidence today on the gang that could have played a role in his death. plus, the mysterious death of a well known critic of russia's president, new clues may reveal how the tycoon died. all right that's a fifth-floor problem... ok. not in my house! ha ha ha!
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here, he was the prison chief. he was gunned down tuesday, shot dead, at his home, after reportedly targeting members of the so-called 2-11 crew. this is a white supremacist gang, a prison gang, and one of the gang's members, this man, career criminal evan ebel is the suspect in tom clements' killing. ebel himself was gunned down thursday, in texas, after a high speed 30-mile shootout. he's also suspected in at least one other fatal shooting since his release on parole back in january. and cnn's john spelman is with me from colorado springs. jim, how close are they to nailing down whether tom clements' murder was ordered from inside prison? >> reporter: that could be a while. today they hope to use evidence to officially link evan ebel to the killing of mr. clements. he's the only suspect, to be clear on that.
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we want to be sure to nail that down. they have been working since the first day of this case in prison, trying to see if there was somebody inside that had a part in some sort of conspiracy perhaps as you mentioned, putting out a hit. now, when we talk to prison officials, they're clear this they don't have any indication of this -- of that at this point. they want to be absolutely sure that public officials in this state are safe. and here's why. we have been here at this memorial for tom clements, memorializing this man, people recognized the real human toll that this crime has taken. we heard from his wife, lisa, publicly for the first time, she spoke at the memorial with her daughters, sarah and rachel. look. >> last tuesday night tom and i were watching tv and our doorbell rang. and my life was forever changed, but i want to start a little earlier and talk about when our story really started.
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i was 19 years old, and i fell in love with a guy who sat on the front row of my juvenile delinquency class. >> she went on to talk about their life together, brooke, but i can tell you that people here at this memorial and everybody i have spoken to in the law enforcement and corrections community take this case so personally, they're working around the clock to try to find out if there was anybody else involved in the shooting, in prison or even out. they're trying to find out what he spent the seven or so weeks suns going since going to out of jail doing. still so many unanswered questions here, brooke. >> talking about personal connections to the story here, the dead suspect, evan ebel, spent most of his adult years in prison, convicted of five felonies, clearly troubled. ironically, ebel's father knows colorado governor hickenlooper. here is the governor himself talking about this dead suspect. >> he had a bad streak.
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and, i mean, i think jack and his wife did everything they could. they, you know, kept hoping he would grow out of it. >> jim, i know questions have been raised about, you know, the suspect's parole, whether governor hickenlooper may have intervened, perhaps sprung free early. what are you hearing on that? >> he says absolutely not. we do know that evan ebel served the entirety of his sentence, not let out early. there is mandatory parole after you served your whole sentence, even. so that's what he was on. he served every day of his sentence. and he says absolutely not, he had nothing to do with evan ebel getting out of jail. >> jim spelman in colorado springs, thank you. moving on to living the good life here. this guy is a millionaire, married to a super model and things just got a little bit better for the head coach. if you've been watching basketball over the weekend, you know who i'm talking about, as this team of virtual unknowns making basketball history.
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married to a former supermodel. and now he's on top of the world. andy enfield's team of virtual unknowns making march madness history. i'm talking about the florida gulf coast eagles. they are now the first ever 15 seed to make it to the big dance, to the sweet 16. they knocked off san diego state 81-71 with a fun run and gun style dubbed dunk city. watch the move on the court. check out the team's celebration, chanting the coach's name here. >> andy, andy, andy, andy, andy, andy, andy, andy. >> if you have never heard of the eagles, you are not alone. the school of about 13,000 students was founded 16 years ago. they have only been eligible to play in march madness for two years. and now they're the only undefeated team in tournament history, the eagles will have to beat, you know, florida gators friday night to make it to the elite eight. andy schultz joins me now.
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total honesty, i'm watching basketball friday night, i'm sitting there with my iphone googling florida gulf coast university. watching them against georgetown. >> so many people did that. their servers crashed. their website, university website crashed. they had to pull in more servers on the weekend, still didn't work. >> amazing. who are they? >> they're an amazing cinderella story. people are saying are they the best cinderella story ever? not yet. we had great ones over the last ten years. george mason. they never won a tournament game before 2006, went to the final four. and butler out of the horizon league, back-to-back championship games, that was unheard of. and bcu going all the way to the final four. those are some of great stories we had over the past ten years that everyone thinks of. this is good. it has all the elements. the coach, an entrepreneur, made some money, the super model wife, and he's -- he was a coach
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that coaches them, got them back on track. it seems like, hey, they'll make a movie about this at some point, aren't they? >> who knows? it sounds like a -- the school there in ft. myers not a bad place to study if you can study on the beach that kind of thing. we'll watch for them. how will they do against florida? >> this is the david versus goliath situation. the kids that go to the gulf coast, they don't even get a sniff at a scholarship with the florida gators. have to see if they can carry the magic over to north texas. >> i want to ask you, not necessarily a cinderella story, but tiger woods, he just won. he's back on top. is he back? >> well, you know, we thought he might have been back a little bit last year. and then he tailed off and now he's won three straight tournaments to start off the year. last time he did that was in 2008 when he won the u.s. open. so we're thinking he's back. oddsmakers in las vegas think he's back. he's a three to one favorite to win the masters. the next closest guy to that, rory mcilroy, he's ten to one.
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everyone is thinking tiger has the masters in the bag. hasn't won it since 2005. >> the new girlfriend. >> yeah, so everything is work out for him right now. he's looking good. >> interesting. nice to meet you. thank you so much. a race, a crash, and then this. talk about getting off track at nascar. find out what led to this fight. ouch. still ahead. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] it was designed to escape the ordinary. it feels like it can escape gravity. ♪
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job of welcoming them. we have known for years our immigration system is broken, that we're not doing enough to harness the talent and ingenuity of all those who want to work hard and find a place here in america. and after avoiding the problem for years, the time has come to fix it once and for all. the time has come for a comprehensive immigration reform. >> and the president says he wants to sign a new bill into law as soon as possible. meantime, secretary of state john kerry has dropped into afghanistan, unannounced. he's there to smooth over relations with president hamid karzai, who recently accused the united states of colluding with the taliban. >> there are ongoing talks between taliban, americans, and foreigners in europe and in the gulf states. >> both the u.s. and afghanistan are looking to stabilize the war-torn country, ahead of 2014, when karzai leaves office.
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and the remaining u.s. troops head home. cnn's nick paton walsh traveling with secretary kerry. he's in kabul, afghanistan, and joins me by phone. nick, kerry has a history with the afghan leader here. tell me what was achieved with today's talks? >> yeah, i mean, today was all about using the long history and self-confessed friendship to try to smooth over the rift but the acrimony in the atmosphere after the comments you mentioned were made, still very much hanging in the air. talk of future cooperation, but you can't really get away from the fact there has been a bad month in the past, and really president hamid karzai's remarks were designed to do make afghans feel he's increased support here. america needs the relationship with kabul to be very strong and they have to instead rely upon a friendship between the new secretary of state and the afghan president. not good days, brooke. >> nick paton walsh in kabul on
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the phone. nick, thank you. up next, the mystery after the death of a well known critic of russia's president. new clues may reveal exactly how this tycoon died. we make meeting times, lunch times and conference times. but what we'd rather be making are tee times. tee times are the official start of what we love to do. the time for shots we'd rather forget, and the ones we'll talk about forever. in michigan long days, relaxing weather and more than 800 pristine courses make for the perfect tee time. because being able to play all day is pure michigan. your trip begins at our largest selection of lobster entrees, like lobster lover's dream or new grilled lobster and lobster tacos. come in now and sea food differently. now, buy one lobsterfest entree and get one 1/2 off with a coupon at i took something for my sinuses, but i still have this cough.
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now to the hottest stories in a flash, rapid fire, roll it. first up, today's scheduled autopsy on former russian oligarch boris berezovsky may reveal the mystery of how he died. he was a one-time ally turned political enemy of russian president vladimir putin. berezovsky was found dead saturday in his london area home. the search for a missing brown university student has been extended to now boston and philadelphia. 22-year-old sunil tripathi was
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last seen nine days ago. he was on leave if school, but was still living in the area of providence, rhode island, where brown is. his family has been canvassing neighborhoods with missing person flyers. >> just, like, go to the playgrounds, between sets, he was a musician, into classical music. the boys of nascar at it again. three-time cup winner tony stewart didn't like the win joey logano blocked him when stewart made a move sunday to take the lead. so stewart, as you can see, went after logano. the pit crews quickly separated the drivers, but how angry was stewart? listen to this. >> what do you think i was mad about? some little [ bleep ] down to the infield, he wants to [ bleep ] everybody else and he drives like a little [ bleep ]. i'm going to bust his [ bleep ]. >> thanks, tony. >> thank you. >> joey logano disagrees, of
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course. he said he was trying to protect his spot in the race. new york's iconic ellis island won't be opening anytime soon. the national park service says damage from superstorm sandy is so severe, they don't even have a projected reopening date. repairs could cost in the neighborhood of $59 million. and if you are in new jersey, a mega million nair may be among you. lottery officials just announced that winning powerball ticket for a $338 million jackpot was sold at eagle liquors in passaic, new jersey. 1 winning ticket was sold. lottery officials say, so far, no one's claimed the prize. >> the winners have one year to come forward. i would like tow to say, it is not unusual that somebody winning a prize this large, a sole person or a group of people, they often take their time, we don't hear from them right away. >> take their time, maybe draft up some legal papers, i don't know, maybe a few.
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coming up next, my hot topics panel faces off. we're talking michael bloomberg, spending millions of dollars in this debate over guns. plus, more and more american women are having babies before tying the knot. what does that say about our society? and a new movie about terrorists taking over the white house is a box office hit over the weekend. my panelists are standing by. they're revealed, next. for over 75 years people have saved money with...ohhh... ...with geico... ohhh...sorry! director's voice: here we go. from the top. and action for over 75 years people have saved money with gecko so.... director's voice: cut it! ...what...what did i say? gecko? i said gecko? aw... for over 75 year...(laughs. but still trying to keep it contained) director's voice: keep it together. i'm good. i'm good. for over 75...(uncontrollable laughter). what are you doing there? stop making me laugh. vo: geico. saving people money for over seventy-five years. gecko: don't look at me. don't look at me.
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for the next 20 minutes, we'll take on the hot stories trending today. we start with this, billionaire mayor michael bloomberg putting up some big bucks in the name of gun control. he is taking $12 million out of his own pocket, and putting it toward a massive ad campaign which he hopes will influence the debate over gun control measures. the ads will hit the airwaves in 13 states. it begins tomorrow. and just take a look at one of these ads. >> my dad taught know hunt and i'll teach my kids. i owned a gun all my life and i'll fight for my right to keep it. background checks have nothing to do with taking guns away from anyone. closing loopholes will stop criminals and the dangerously mentally ill from buying guns. that protects my rights, and my family. >> tell congress, don't protect criminals. vote to protect gun rights and our families.
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demand action now. >> one of the questions we wanted to ask today, can money buy gun control. jim sharp, conservative radio host at news talk 550 in phoenix. chris freights, national correspondent, national journal. gentlemen, welcome to both of you. and before we kick this off, let me show this poll first. and as we talk about that, you can see from december when the shooting in newtown happened to now, now 43% of americans actually favor major restrictions on guns versus, you know, 10% higher in december. my question is this, jim, let me begin with you, there really was this sense, in newtown, that real change was going to happen. you saw that the polls there, what has happened in the past 100 or so days? do you think it has changed the mind of those 10%? >> i think what really has changed minds is the fact that people have had a chance to now stop and think about this.
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i think we're doing the families in newtown a real disservice if we jumped and dpifid the first thing that came to mind. there is a lot of things that don't work in all of this. i think everything needs to be looked at, that's for sure. we don't want to jump and do the wrong thing and this plan by michael bloomberg, of course, is -- michael bloomberg himself stated he wants to go after the assault weapons ban. so kind of a smoke screen, what michael bloomberg is doing that. >> he says that, but these two ads, you know, are with regard to these background checks, chris freights, what do you think about this 10%? there was such a ground swell in december post newtown and now 10% fewer americans favor, we're talking major changes in gun control. why do you think? >> i think what we're seeing is why the president and the vice president and congressional democrats wanted to strike while the iron was hot. the longer this goes on, the more disinterested people become and the easier it is to build opposition to this.
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what michael bloomberg is trying to do is change that narrative. he sees the polls, gets the polls, he understands this. he's playing a little bit of the nra's game here. the nra has been very, very effective by going into members of congress' states and districts and running ads saying that, you know, whatever they oppose, they're very effective and members have lost seats. so what you're seeing now is michael bloomberg trying to change that conversation to become more pro gun control gun legislation. >> and, listen, money buys power, whether you're the nra or michael bloomberg and with the $12 million out of his own pocket for the background checks for the ads, i want you to hear both sides here. >> i think i have a responsibility and i think you and all of your viewers have responsibilities to try to make this country safer for our families and for each other. and if i can do that, by spending some money, and taking the nra from being the only voice to being one of the
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voices, so the public can understand the issues, i think my money would be well spent. >> criminals aren't going to be checked. they're not going to do this. the shooters in tucson, aurora, in newtown, they're not going to be checked. >> jim, to you first, what do you think needs to happen if anything for mayor bloomberg to get his way? >> well, i think -- i think what he's doing is probably going to be fairly effective. the way i view this, it is not -- >> you think so? >> well, i think he can be somewhat effective. i think we do have to look at the possibility of expanding background checks, but what they're talking about, universal background checks would mean a guy i grew up with in northern arizona who may look similar to this guy sitting on his truck tailgate holding his gun with a dilapidated building in the background and it is just -- it is so -- it is very atypical. i would have to force him to go through a background check. it will add to the cost of
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transferring weapons. we have, actually, you know, we're free to have commerce in this country. we're free to have these guns according to the second amendment. why these restrictions and why take this down to that level? >> yeah, talking to our folks who cover congress for cnn on the hill, sounds like reading between the political tea leaves if anything will happen, it would be the background checks and it is interesting you say maybe bloomberg will be successful. jim sharpe, i appreciate you. chris freights, don't move a muscle. we're sticking with you the rest of the panel. what is the spike behind more mothers, fewer marriages here as people are aging. 20 somethings. my panel weighs in on the changing american family and why so many people are putting off marriage next.
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you know that old rhyme, first comes marria s love, then marriage, then comes baby in the baby carriage. that rhyme say little out of date these days, especially if you're working or lower class woman. the study found that more than half of those first time moms are not married. and that is just one of the statistics we found in the study by the national marriage foundation called knot yet. the cost of delayed marriage in america. why are we seeing more babies and 20 somethings and fewer wedding rings. let me bring the panel in. rita davis, atlantic correspondent for coco, rebecca cardin, comedian and host mr. paul mercurio and chris freights back with us. i did a little check on the
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commercial break, it sounds like the ladies, myself included, not married. to the ladies, let me ask you this, why do you think this whole thing is about how people are waiting later to get married? why do you think people are waiting later to get married if at all these days? >> i personally think that marriage is an ill conceived antiquated institution that was created by people that didn't live past 30. 10, sure, you could look at somebody and say i will be with you for the rest of my life because that's, like, five years. it makes perfect sense. i just -- i don't know. i think the urgency is not as where it used to be. we don't need men as much as we used to. women are -- >> oh -- >> i think we glamorized marriage in this culture. look at real housewives. that makes marriage look like the hunger games. and i don't think it is the kind of thing anybody wants to live up to, and so i agree on some levels, marriage might be the issue, but also the issue is i
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think these people that are having these babies out of wedlock feel disenfranchised. economically, they're depressed, they don't have the opportunities that maybe more well educated people have. i blame congress in some way, to leaving these people out in the cold. i think there say lesson here. like in sex ed class, they have kids carry around babies so they know what it is like, baby dolls, so they know what it is like to take care of a baby. i think congress should have to carry around 20 something dolls. and if the doll goes below the poverty line, they have to listen to a lecture by nancy pelosi. that's my idea. >> i was waiting, trying to understand where you were going. i'm kind of with you. but actually to your point, this is something i read in this article in the wall street journal, to your point about maybe feeling disenfranchised. many whose jobs do not give them membership in the professional class turn to a traditional source of young adult identity, parenthood, for meaning, for satisfaction, so young women often drift unintentionally into parenthood with men whom they
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believe are not good enough to marry or not ready for it. so there is a trend here, and it is tougher for middle class americans, but then you look at the -- if you read this article, it talks about, look, if you're college educated, it is a pretty sweet deal. >> right. and, brooke, i think this has to do a lot more with economics than anything else. you look at some of the challenges of lower middle class and working class 20 somethings, they have a high school diploma, but probably no college or some college. particularly for men who are low skilled. wages are declining, they're not exactly the -- they don't have best prospects. women are realizing that and while they are kind of hooking up and maybe having babies with these folks, they're not staying together in a traditional family structure. >> and repercussions for the babies. >> repercussions for the baby and you start this cycle all over again. if you have a college education, you're building a career, you're building a foundation, and then
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you wait until you are set before maybe you go look for a mate. those are two different things we're seeing between the classes right now in america. >> rita, i want to hear from you. i haven't heard from you. you get the final word on this one. >> i think the media pretty much has made this big fascination, you know, with baby, the celebrity baby, celebrity baby bump and the different sightings and what not. and one of the biggest things on coco, your kimye and beyonce and baby boom sitings and what not. with hollywood, they glamorize being 16 and pregnant. there is these teenagers cast for being 16 and pregnant. with the socioeconomic class you spoke of, if there is not that parent or that head of the household who has gone on past high school, it is kind of like, okay, you know what, we surpassed teenage, but we're going into our 20s, if they
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don't have that person that encourages them past high school, because they have yet to do it themselves, then they're kind of lost. what are they doing past their 20s? having babies. >> for 20 somethings, blame pop culture for the romantization of parenthood. it is interesting. let's talk about this, though, i don't know if you saw this movie over the weekend, the president held hostage in a fire fight in west wing. a new movie out about terrorists taking over the white house. is this too close to real life? is this just entertainment? we'll weigh in on that next. hey, we got our cards, honey!
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[ ding dong ] 20% off teleflora... oh... save on roadside assistance from allstate! discounts from enterprise, avis and hertz! [ male announcer ] aarp has great deals at popcorn? [ male announcer ] find offers from regal cinemas, walgreens and kellogg's. they're great! [ male announcer ] and on exciting entertainment! [ taxi whistle ] c'mon guys, the millers just got their cards, too! [ male announcer ] check out the possibilities. get me the pentagon on the line now. >> the kidnapped president, fire fights through the west wing, national landmarks reduced to rubble. i'm talking about the new film
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called olympus has fallen. it brought in $30 million over the past weekend. the film earned its r-rating with gory gun fights and seems people didn't shy away from watching the national mall get torn to shreds by fictional north korean terrorists. back to the panel here. paul, i want you weighing in on this off the top. >> because i look like an action hero. >> that's why i'm going with you, perfectly. is this too close to home or is it a movie, like this is entertainment? >> look, it is a movie, it is a bit of a fantasy. we're obsessed with seeing -- we like to see things destroyed in this country, unfortunately. if the hindenberg happens today, people would not be going, oh, no, the humanity. it is the way we're trained right now. i think as far as washington is concerned, it is not necessarily that we want to see the end of washington, d.c. per se or the destruction of washington, d.c. we want to see something happening in washington, d.c. that's all.
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>> you and washington, paul. i don't know what's going on today. let me read this, i'm a big fan of david edle steen, he said the carnage, cruel and crude. waves of people go down in showers of gore. he goes on, violation and vengeance suggested a kind of addiction, i don't know what it means, but i know they're not movie, they're fixes. rebecca, fixes, addiction, what is with our country's obsession with violence? >> people want to see their greatest fears realized in a safe environment. and i think that's what's going on here. personally, for me, this movie is like a sharp stick in my eye. i will not be watching it. it is like banging my head against the trash can. i don't think so. it leaves me feeling so empty at the end, like having sex with somebody i don't like. i can't do it. i just can't. i can't. >> not touching that. rita, last word. last word. >> pretty much i haven't seen the movie just yet, but i've seen the trailer.
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i haven't seen it just yet, but i plan on seeing it. any and everything that could be close to reality, i want to see it because if i see the signs, i know i need to run. it is a little, i think a little -- really violent, and, but, it is fiction. it is just a movie. people have to understand that. >> rita davis, rebecca cardin, paul mercurio and chris freights, thanks to you all. appreciate it. now this. questions of a conspiracy by a white supremacist gang in a murder of a prison chief. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. the amazing race apologizes to veterans over a -- two sky divers are killed, one parachute expert tells me what went wrong. amanda knox learns her fate again. and tiger's back on top.
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top of the hour. i'm brooke baldwin. police in colorado did not take any chances. they dropped a security blanket over a service to honor their slain prison chief. amidworries that a prison gang had ordered hits on state officials. tom clements, you see him here, he was the prison chief, he was gunned down tuesday. shot dead, at his own home, with his wife right there. she spoke at this memorial, just a short time ago. >> last tuesday night, tom and i were watching tv and our doorbell rang. and my life was forever changed. but i want to start a little earlier and talk about when our story really started. i was 19 years old, and i fell
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in love with a guy who sat on the front row of my juvenile dle delinquency class. >> here is the suspect, career criminal, evan ebel, allegedly a white supremacist gang member, he was paroled from clements' prison system in january. ebel, himself, was gunned down thursday in texas after a high speed 30-mile shootout. he is also suspected in at least one other fatal shooting since his release on parole in january. and with me now is colorado governor john hickenlooper. thank you for being with me. i know this is incredibly emotional for you. i'm sorry for your loss. i want to begin with tom clements. do you think that he was a target of this white supremacist prison gang? do you fear that you, other state officials in colorado,
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could be targets as well? >> well, obviously, we're going to take all the security measures we can, but in the end, you know, i feel, you know, maybe it is the opposite. i think it is an individual unique situation. and, you know, tom clements was a remarkable person, he oversaw all of the coldest, darkest of worlds with the warmest and, you know, and most tender of hearts. for this happen to him is incomprehensib incomprehensible, but i don't think it is part of a larger conspiracy. >> you don't. at this difficult time, you know, i know people in colorado perhaps are fearful as there is increased security for you, for other officials. you are not fearful that there is some mass conspiracy. you believe that this was targeted. >> no, i think we're -- i think this is one individual did this. obviously we're going to continue gathering information
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and we're going to look at every possibility and we're going to maintain a heightened sense of security as we do those investigations. i mean, at this point, we're still so devastated by it, by losing tom, that it is, you know, it is hard to worry about ourselves. >> governor, what about the suspect here, mr. ebel. i know that you knew his family, you know his family, you've known him from a very young age. i've read you knew early on he was troubled. can you tell me more about this man? >> his dad was one of my first friends in colorado. i've known him over 30 years, one of the nicest, most honorable and generous people i've ever known. he and tom clements are in so many ways so much alike, and the irony -- >> how so? >> well, the sense that evan ebel, who really was from the
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early age had an anger and a cruelty, i mean, he was -- he had a bad streak and they tried everything. i mean, again and again, from an early, early age, with no great success, but he got put into administrative segregation, solitary confinement over six years ago. and so, i mean, he was judged to be too great a risk to the prison community and that environment and one of the things tom fought for was we have too many people in solitary confinement with mental disorders like evan ebel, and we release them, won't release them in prison, we release them into the general public. this is one of the -- i call it the quiet crusades that tom clements really believed in, that we have to do a better job of identifying and dealing with mental illness, with inmates, and putting so many people into solitary confinement and then releasing them into the general public is a recipe for disaster. >> and as you talk about tom clements, as we mentioned, you
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were part of this ceremony this memorial there as you stand in colorado springs. we played some sound earlier from his wife, talking about sort of when they first met, i think, and some juvenile class many years ago. what was the most emotional part of this memorial? >> well, i thought it was -- lisa is such an amazing woman. they were a beautiful match together and worked very well together. hearing her tell some of the stories, age 19, in the front row of the juvenile dleelinquen class, she was in the back, he was in the front, and how they built this life together. their two incredible daughters. it is a tragedy beyond any words. >> mr. governor hickenlooper, thank you for joining me again. i'm sorry for your loss and we'll follow this investigation
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out of why are stayour state of. we appreciate it. now brunswick, georgia. a jailhouse jump suit, shackles, a murder rap for a teenager, still short of his 16th birthday. this is a kid. we're not showing you his face, we're not telling you his name because he's all of 15 years of age. he's one of two teenagers accused in this horrendous crime, a shooting death of a baby being strolled by his mother on thursday, in broad daylight here. the second suspect is 17, he appeared before the judge a little later. neither was asked to plea. it is still unclear whether this younger suspect, the one who is 15, is being charged as a juvenile or as an adult. sherry west, the mother of the baby killed, will join piers morgan tonight, 9:00 p.m. eastern, here on cnn. today, the nation recognizes people who passed the test of human spirit with flying colors, citizen heroes. take a look at these four
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americans. they're not military. they're not police. they're not trained rescuers. they are regular folks who often risked their own lives, made a call to do the right thing at the moment where it mattered the most. today, they receive the national award in the last hour, called the citizen service before self honors. took place, of all places here, the beautiful arlington national cemetery. and cnn's chris lawrence is here to explain to me what exactly these people did that was so extraordinary. chris. >> well, brooke, they're so remarkable because they actually did what we all like to imagine ourselves doing in that same situation. you know, when we imagine seeing somebody who is in need, or somebody in danger, we all like to think that we would put them first, and really be heroic. well, these four stepped up, when those chips were down. hurricane isaac was hammering
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levees were exposed to a massive storm surge and they had to call off rescue teams. in brathwaite, a couple drowned in their home and other families were trapped and helpless. >> i called somebody i knew that knew these people and they were still in the home. and the water was coming up very, very fast. >> reporter: jesse shaffer and his son could have run, or saved stuff from their own home. they didn't. >> we had two boats at that time. >> reporter: jesse and his son went into the heart of the flood, house by house, family by family, for 15 hours. they saved more than 120 people, including kids clinging to the roof of a trailer, just minutes before floodwater engulfed that home. acts of selflessness broaden the shaffers and two others to washington to receive the citizens service before self honor.
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marcos ugarte is a teenager. when his young neighbor was trapped in a burning home, he climbed a ladder, pushed through a window and rescued him. monsignor joe carol opened a transitional housing program in california providing food, job training and health care for 30 years. and who better to give these four an award than living medal of honor -- people awarded the medal of honor. the highest award in the military, and about 20 living medal of honor awardees are in arlington right now, and what they did was they selected these four from a group of finalists, about 20 to 25 tifinalists, and now the medal of honor winners who are normally on the receiving end of all of the accolades, they're the ones who are going to be presenting these awards to these four civilians. brooke? >> how special. i remember talking to the younger shaffer son back in louisiana, when he was, you know, saving people from the
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floodwaters, giving up his own seat on the boat to rescue people, like we said, ordinary folks doin amazing things. chris lawrence, thank you. apple may be getting closer to knowing your every turn, your every turn literally, the tech giant bought out a startup called wi-fi slim specializes in indoor gps. indoor meaning it is a mapping system that can figure out exactly where you are inside a building right down to what floor you are on, what aisle you're in in a grocery store. samuel berg joins me now. i don't know how i feel about this. explain this to me. >> apple uses this technology from this company to help map -- that would be something brand-new for them but nothing new for google maps. let me show you an example of an app that google launched last year. inside shopping malls they have been mapping, if you're trying to find an atm. this technology from this new
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company says it can plot where with up to eight feet of accuracy. they could compete with google and the many other companies through the that think tracking and mapping inside is the next big thing on our smartphone. >> there have been issues with tracking and mapping, a la apple. i imagine some people might find this idea a little skeevy. >> and remember that big disaster with apple maps just last year, heads flew at apple, people were driving into the wrong parts of town and even apple had to apologize for that technology, so there are plenty of privacy concerns here with these type of applications, as well -- people saying i've seen apps that can plot everywhere i've been on streets and i don't know if i want them keeping track of that. imagine if they're keeping track of every move inside an office building what office you're going to. but maybe it could help if a child were lost, to help locate a missing child, so all types of benefits and risks out there,
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brooke. >> pros and cons. samuel berk, thank you so much. you know her name, she was convicted of murder, she was acquitted. now italian prosecutors here want round three. you know this face, amanda knox. she was facing murder charges in italy, became a tabloid sensation. very soon italy's supreme court could decide if she can be tried for murder all over again. on the case next. many cereals say they're good for your heart, but did you know there's a cereal that's recommended by doctors? it's post shredded wheat. recommended by nine out of ten doctors to help reduce the risk of heart disease. post shredded wheat is made with only one ingredient: one hundred percent whole grain wheat, with no added sugar or salt. try adding fruit for more health benefits and more taste in your bowl. it's the ideal way to start your heart healthy day. try post shredded wheat. this has been medifacts for post shredded wheat.
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[ male announcer ] engine light on? come to meineke now for a free code scan read and you'll money. my choice. my meineke. she may have been acquitted, but amanda knox's guilt is still in question and today an italian court heard prosecutors ask to retry the washington state woman for that 2007 murder of her british roommate. a decision from italy could come at anytime. of course, you have the families of the victim here, meredith kercher, they believe she should face a court again. knox was first convicted, then acquitted upon appeal. her book about the whole ordeal is just about to come out. here is knox's attorney on cnn earlier today. >> amanda, her parents and her
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extended family have exhibited unparalleled patience, dignity, courage, resilience, fortitude throughout this nightmarish, horrific prosecution. so they're doing as well as anyone could be expected. and, of course, everyone is waiting. >> on the case with me now is attorney and evening hln evening express anchor ryan smith. and cnn legal analyst sunny hostin. sunny hostin, i'll begin with you here. you think of a retrial, as he was talking with ryan at a commercial break, you can't do this here in the u.s. once you have a conviction, it is done, right? am i correct? >> you're right. and that's what is so fascina fascinating about this case, that's why we're all talking about it. it is not like the prosecution has anything new -- >> there is nothing new. >> there is nothing new. they just think she is a guilt person, but it already has been determined by an appellate court, brooke, that her acquittal was -- her conviction,
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rather, was overturned. so this is something that would never happen in the united states because we have a double jeopardy clause. once it is said and done, it is said and done here. and i think really the issue is, my goodness, what if they do reverse their decision? does amanda knox go back to italy? oh, my goodness. that's what everybody is talking about. >> that's what i want to ask ryan smith because the thought is, okay, what if they determine, yes, we want to retry her, we can, who puts her -- because if i'm amanda knox, i'm not getting on a plane, i'm steering clear of italy. how does that happen? >> that's the big point there. the u.s. and italy have a bilateral extradition treaty, which means there say possibility for that. so if in fact they said, okay, you know what you're going to trial again, italy would apply to the u.s. and say, hey, we need to extradite. would the u.s. go for that? a lot of that is determined on whether or not there is credible evidence for the conviction and there was no conviction here. that's the normal term. so i don't know what you do there. the other thing is, she would have to -- i don't know you can
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force her to get on a plane. >> could you -- could someone in the u.s. put her on a plane? even against her own will? is that even -- that's not possible. >> everything is always remote possibility, but i would see that as a long shot. not only would they have trouble meeting the criteria for extradition, but not only that, i mean, she could simply elect not to go back. and we have seen this in other cases before. certain people, certain countries said, you got to come back and they just don't go back. i think that's what you'll see here. i doubt she'll get on a plane and go back to italy. >> sunny hostin, what is the takeaway here, other than don't go to italy for amanda knox? >> we were covering this case before, brooke, i remember we would say, don't forget when you leave the united states, you're not always protected by the laws of the united states. i think the takeaway here is the united states is not going to extradite her, even though they have this agreement. that is because here we have the double jeopardy clause. there they don't. you see that kind of stance taken by countries, let's say, that won't extradite people to the united states, if they don't
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believe in the death penalty. and the death penalty case. i just suspect that amanda knox is going to be able to go forward with her life, but the bottom line, can you imagine, in prison for four years, thought this was all behind her and it reared its ugly head again. >> here she has this book coming out, you know, fortuitous or not, talk about timing. sunny hostin and ryan smith, thank you very much. adrenaline rush with a tragic ending. two sky divers, one of them the instructor, found dead after jumping out of a plane. we'll talk live to the sky diver in this video. remember this story from recently? he's one of the few who knows the helpless feeling of a free fall without a working parachute. he's craig stapleton. he'll walk me through how parachutes work or don't next. ♪ you know my heart burns for you... ♪
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wooded area after four hours of searching. the manager of the skydiving company said all of their equipment appeared to be in good shape. the reserve chutes deployed automatically as intended. and just two weeks ago, a very lucky sky diver survived this fall. here he was, this is california. both of his parachutes were fouled up. he is craig stapleton, he was banged up a little bit after landing next to a vineyard, otherwise okay. he's joining us now from sacramento. mr. stapleton, welcome. how are you? >> i'm a little sore, but i'm glad to be here. >> i'm glad you're here too. i want to just let everyone know i have chad myers sitting next to me, our weather guy. i wanted him to be involved in this segment here as well. let me ask you this, you brought along your parashuter, this backpack. full transparency, i've never jumped out of a plane. this is new for me. walk me through what went wrong for you. >> what went wrong for me, we
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opened our parachutes out the door of the aircraft, and flew them together in a stacking formation so the parachutes were touching each other. then we pass a lanyard between the two parachutes that had a flag on it. and we would pull that two stack apart and fly the flag straight at the ground with our parachutes flying down. when we did that, we created too much tension, i went up flipping through my harness, it fouled the system that allows the cutaway -- the parachute to be cutaway. and so eventually it got to the point where i was with a malfunctioning parachute, i had to fire my reserve into the malfunctioning parachute and hope it cleared. it somewhat did. >> we see you driving. some drag was created. you fall on dirt, from what i can tell, inches away from some metal hooks. you're a-okay. you hear about this jump over the weekend, especially involving an instructor, that went horribly wrong, what is your first thought? >> my first thought is it is
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horrible for the people that are close to those people, the families and the friends nearby, the people that travel with them, and have come from iceland, it is going to be hard for them as well. they have lost some good friends. >> lost some good friends. chad, have you ever done this? >> no. but, craig, i'm the one who called you last week, when you landed in dirt. i'm the one you talked to. but this is a completely different situation here. there was a malfunction of the automatic activation device or must have been because it didn't deploy the reserve shoot automatically soon enough. the reserve shoot was open and out, but not open and catching air. what could have caused something like that? >> and as you explain, can you show us what that is on your backpa backpack? >> right. this is the automatic activation device, a small computer that measures your speed and altitude. many things can interfere with the reading of this. if you're inverted, if your head
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down, if you're not in a belly to earth position, this may not read correctly. so the -- it can be fooled by body position. also, if a student, a low timer has not got a lot of jumps, they can become panicky at pull altitude and turn upside down and the instructor may be trying to right them and both focused on getting to the right position and they don't focus on getting a parachute open. >> okay. >> a lot of times the instructors are told at a certain altitude, you to let the student go and let the student work through the problem. >> okay. craig, just quickly, i'm just curious, are you going to jump again? >> mm-hmm. absolutely this friday i have a complete to compete in. >> all right. craig stapleton, good luck. appreciate it. chad, thank you very much. coming up next, news on everyone and everything including cbs apologizing for a segment on one of its most popular shows. also, tiger woods doing something he hasn't done in almost 30 months.
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plus, the irs spends your tax money on a star trek themed training video. and bill gates and condoms. the power block is next. oh, hi thehey!ill. are you in town for another meeting? yup, i brought my a-team. business trips add up to family time. this is my family. this is joe. hi joe! hi there! earn a ton of extra points with the double your hhonors promotion and feel the hamptonality.
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even in stupid loud places. to prove it, we set up our call center right here... [ chirp ] all good? [ chirp ] getty up. call me! seriously, this is really happening! [ cellphone rings ] hello? it's a giant helicopter ma'am. [ male announcer ] get it done [ chirp ] with the ultra-rugged kyocera torque, only from sprint direct connect. buy one get four free for your business.
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scene in the amazing race. watch. >> here? oh, there. >> a double u-turn. >> this episode was shot in vietnam and that memorial, you see here, in the water, this is a wreckage of an american b-52 bomber, shot down during the vietnam war. nischelle turn hears more on this fallout. nischelle? >> brooke, judging by the responses, this might be the case, this might be the end of it. because the veterans groups that we heard from seem to be accepting cbs' apology at face value. let's start with that apology. last night at the beginning of the amazing race, here is how the show opened. listen. >> we want to apologize to veterans. particularly those who served in vietnam, as well as to their family and any viewers who were offended by the broadcast. >> you talked about the incident that started all of this. we have to point out that two americans died when that bomber was shot down during the vietnam
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war. and competitors also had to memorize a propaganda song during the show. this was in front of a portrait of ho chi minh. you can understand why the veterans groups were really upset. the national commander for the veterans of foreign wars wrote cbs saying, the b-52 scene was unnecessary to the show's plot, which speaks volumes about the producers who think they're in charge when they are not. but now the vfw has released another statement thanking cbs for at apology and seem to be ready to let this all go. the same thing from the american legion which also complained to cbs. in their statement, they applauded the network for making the apology, even senator and former vietnamese p.o.w. john mccain says this apology is good enough for him. tweeted out as far as he's concerned, the issue is now closed. but while this doesn't seem like it is going to be a lasting controversy, you can bet the organizations won't soon forget what happened and they'll be keeping an eye on this show in the future. brooke?
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>> nischelle turner, thank you. some of the veterans groups taking this apology here, one of our most well known prisoners of war, vietnam vet senator john mccain, he took to twitter. he tweeted, quote, cbs did the wright thing by apologizing. we all make mistakes. the issue is closed. and cbs isn't the only one backpedaling today. ford is apologizing for this ad. take a look. issued by the country's unit india, a trio of women tied up and gagged in the back of a ford compact. the guy at the frond, that's a caricature of the former italian prime minister silvio berlusconi. the slogan acopping this ad, quote, leave your worries behind with the extra large boot. the ads were never used commercially but were used without authorization on an advertising website. the boys of nascar at it again. tony stewart didn't like --
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didn't like the way joey logano blocked him when stewart made a move sunday to take the lead. so stewart, as you can see here, by this melee, went after logano. the pit crews quickly separated the drivers. this is what you need to listen to. listen for the bleep and you can tell how peeved stewart is. >> what the hell do you think i was mad about. some little [ bleep ] clear down to the infield, he wants to [ bleep ] everybody else and he drives like a little [ bleep ]. i'm going to bust his [ bleep ]. >> thanks, tony. >> thank you. >> joey logano says he was only trying to protect his not in the race. he's back, officially that is, tiger woods, winning the tournament at bay hill today. that means he'll regain his number one ranking for the first time since october of 2010. coming up next for tiger, the masters in two weeks. and take a look with me at where your tax dollars are boldly going. >> what is it? >> i just received an emergency
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medical distress palcall from t planet. they're dying down there. i've never seen anything like it. >> they call is the tax guys. >> engineering. how fast can you get us the heck out of here? >> okay. not exactly your j.j. abrams production, but the irs apparently spent about $60,000 on two star trek knockoffs. why? to train their employees. zain asher joins me with nor. okay. what do we know about these videos, zain? >> i'm sorry, i'm laughing. this he we-- they were made for 2010 leadership conference. they only came to light because it was requested they be released. they cost a total of $60,000 to make both videos.
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the irs now paying the price for this in more ways than one. you think about the deficit, the government doesn't have this kind of cash and people are concerned this isn't necessarily the best use of taxpayer money. in the video, you saw a second ago, people are dressed up as crew members on a starship enterprise, and the government employee version of characters claiming they will boldly go where no government employees have ever gone before. it is funny. but i watched the videos with my producer and we were trying to to figure out the training value and people have similar questions. >> i have been since corrected and am about to burst into a fit of giggles and i inappropriately said it is "gilligan's island," not whatever i said. what is the irs saying about this in. >> they came up with this statement saying it is -- i'm quoting now, no mistaking this video does not reflect the best stewardship of resources, and that video of this type will not
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be made today. so the irs does say training gener videos in general are cheaper. that would involve some travel. >> okay. zain asher, thank you. honeymoons, they are the icing on the cake after a wedding. but this honeymoon adventure may overshadow the ceremony. take a look at a great scare from a great white. marriage? that's a breeze after this close encounter. more on this incredible video next. tornado's victims are... without homes tonight. girl: first, i saw it on cable. then i read about it online. i found out how to help. i downloaded the info. i spoke up... and told my friends... and they told their friends... and together, we made a difference. anncr: and tornado relief has been pouring in from... across the country.
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this is the one thing, to be cage diving with sharks. the cage loses its appeal when this happens. take a look. [ bleep ]. >> oh, my god. >> yeah, no thank you. the shark manages to get its head inside this cage. who better to talk to about sharks than our resident aussie, amy laporte. we're always talking sharks. close encounters. >> we swim with them on the weekend, so -- >> apparently. tell me what happened. >> this is off the coast of cape town in south africa. and it was a group of canadian
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tourists, they pay money to go out into a cage, basically, dropped into the water. the way it works, they will pour chum nearby. >> lovely. >> more adventurous cage diving companies will pour this on top of you, so the shark will actually attack the cage. in this case, there was a viewing window. and the bait was put nearby. one shark decided there was a more tasty treat inside the cage and instead of going to the bait, actually rammed its head -- >> for a person. >> yes. you can hear someone on the video scream, get back. you wouldn't have to tell me twice. you can see the people kind of swam down to one end of the cage. >> how often would this kind of thing happen where you have a shark head getting through? >> that's the thing. the company responded and said the cage is built to industry standards and is inspected every year.
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since the incident, the viewing gap has been reduced by 10% to 45 cent meters. that's about a foot and a half. that's -- that is the smallest in industry standards. check that out. that's still pretty big. you can definitely fit a shark head through that. sometimes they will get to be about this big. now if my face was in front of a viewing window and there was a great white shark, 8 1/2 feet long outside, i might be a little freaked out. there was actually an incident in this very part of the ocean, in cape town, in 2005. a guy almost died when a shark actually managed to sever the cable that connects the cage to the boat and drag it down. >> all i can do is shake my head. people pay good money to come this close and not my cup of tea. amy laporte, thank you very much. incredible video there. appreciate it. we all know our share of bad drivers who maybe have trouble
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hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. some of the hottest stories in a flash, rapid fire, roll it. the united nations is withdrawing now its national and international staff from syria after mortars fell near a mascus hotel where u.n. staffers have been staying. >> all of the national staff at that office have been asked to work from home until further notice. these measures are being undertaken solely for security reasons. the united nations remains active and committed to helping the syrian side in this political solution. >> this news comes as soil and blood samples are being smuggled
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out of syria, now in the hands of the u.n. they're testing it for nerve gas after the assad regime and the rebel forces accused one another of shooting off deadly missiles suspected of carrying chemical weapons. and this is a sign you need new brakes. look at this. a cadillac smack dab on a roof of a house in california. the couple inside told our affiliate wabc they were driving down a hill and couldn't stop, turn a corner. next thing they knew, boom, off the road, in the air, on a roof. >> the air bag deployed and i don't even see where we're going from there because the view was obscured and i just couldn't stop. we're very, very lucky. >> so lucky indeed. a neighbor used a ladder to help this couple out. it took a crane to get this cadillac off the roof. authorities say there was a man
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inside the house, but he was not hurt. wow. bad news for tourists and history buffs here. new york's iconic ellis island will not be opening anytime soon. the national parks service says damage from superstorm sandy was so bad, they don't have a projected reopening date. repairs could cost up to $59 million. he claims to know everything about the 82 phillies, but what about march madness? jake tapper, his bracket, my bracket, next. >> wherever she goes, they follow. but at the same time, yes, as she is traveling through many different lands, there are other languages she comes across. >> we have other languages coming up on the show that are not -- also need to be investigated and we hope david will do those for us as well. >> i would love to keep creating languages for projects like "game of thrones," for tv shows, for movies. that's the dream of everybody is
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to create a language. with so much competition, finding the right job is never easy. but with the nation's largest alumni network, including those in key hiring positions, university of phoenix can help connect you to a world of opportunity. so if ydead battery,t tire, need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geico's emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!!
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know a lot of people are talking today about florida gulf coast university, the team of basic unknowns, the first 15-seed in the big dance, coached by a millionaire, married to a former supermodel. the eeg else as i mentioned became the first ever 15-seed to maikt it to the sweet 16 after knocking off san diego state 81-71 with a fun run a gun style dubbed dunk city. look at that. it was fun watching them over the weekend. i googled a bit. i can't say chad myers i had heard of them, but now a lot of people know about the school. >> they played a fantastic game. we'll go to the brackets, brooke. you, me and yaik are kind of neck and neck. christine romans far out in front, has 48 points but only 100 still possible. we still have more possible points than that so let me take you to the brackets. christine, zor ada, john, michael, there's me and you. we're all tied at some point in time. your bracket still looks pretty
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good, louisville, georgetown i'm afraid georgetown won't make it to the final four. >> i've got three of the four. >> but i did the same thing. i took georgetown put them as well right there, but instead of that i put ohio state to the middle. i'm going to win if ohio state wins this whole thing. and where's jake? right there, he's got miami and a bunch of non-number one teams in the final four, michigan state, new mexico and miami. miami beating kansas and miami beating michigan state. a good-looking bracket. i just don't think you have a chance, jake. >> jake tapper, listen, i know you've had a book 0 on the "new york times" best-selling lists, won awards from the white house correspondents association, but i tell you, my friend, you and i are one point apart. >> i know. i know. i have to say, though, even though gulf coast smattered, just destroyed my bracket, that is just -- that is a team you cannot help but get behind and root for. >> isn't it fun to watch? >> exciting. >> that was quite a friday night, georgetown.
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>> georgetown, wisconsin and new mexico i had going a lot farther than -- i can't believe i'm fifth in this. it must be a really horrible submission of brackets because mine are horrible and i'm fifth. i don't know how that happened. >> john berman is like 300th. john berman is so far down on this list, he must have just handed in a blank sheet. or it must have been just list the names of boston celtics from 1973 or something. i don't know how he -- >> i wonder what your pal nate silver, like if he ever could have predicted this whole -- total bracket buster, all the games, which makes it all that much more fun. from basketball to you, what do you have coming up on "the lead"? >> we'll set the stage on the supreme court arguments on same-sex marriage. we'll look into the intrigue involving russia, dead ol i gashgs and protesters jailed for years and the like. we'll have john berman look at florida gulf coast, we'll look at hollywood's new prok livety
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for blowing up the white house in their movies and a whole bunch more coming up on "the lead". >> good deal. see you in a few. jake tapper, thank you so much. before i let you go, $338 million? we learned exactly where this one winning powerball ticket was sold. powerball fever, people, next. so we can occasionally glance back at where we've been. it has an enormous windshield so we can look ahead to where we are going. now is always the time to go forward. and reimagine all the possibilities that lie before us. an ally for real possibilities. aarp. find tools and guidance at (announcer) at scottrade, our clto make their money do (ann) to help me plan my next move, i take scottrade's free, in-branch seminars... plus, their live webinars. i use daily market commentary to improve my strategy.
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