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tv   Around the World  CNN  March 26, 2013 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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she would be retried. i'm not sure if italians sought extradition the u.s. government would send her back to italy because our double jeopardy standard is so different from theirs. now it may be some semantics but there is a perception about this case that she has really been through enough. she's -- she was imprisoned for four years, a public perception she wassen in of the charges and it's shocking to a lot of people. >> i don't think this conversation's over yet either because there may be a mass indebai indebain massive debate. richard, lease, thank you for standing by. rolling with it. thanks to both of you again. thank you, all, as well. we've had a lot of legal news. an exciting day. around the world is next after this. who share your values. for our free usaa retirement guide,
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arigato! we are outta here! party...... finding you the perfect place, every step of the way. welcome to "around the world." i'm suzanne malveaux. >> i'm michael holmes. >> a murder case that made international headlines. the supreme court says an american exchange student should be tried again for the killing of a roommate. >> will amanda knox have to return to italy?
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the military 0 on combat ready status on bases in guam and elsewhere. >> more heated rhetoric from the new leader? a live report from south korea. and the tiny island nation of cyprus has avoided an economic collapse by getting a $13 billion bailout deal. but it is anything but business as usual there. >> banks are going to be closed until thursday. they keep stretching that out. biggest bank depositors could loss 40% of their savings. we'll be live in cyprus in a few minutes for more on that. >> and legal debate over same-sex marriage reaching the u.s.' highest court, the supreme court, could determine how we define marriage, family and make a huge difference for a lot of same sex couples. >> here in the u.s. the justices hearing arguments in first of two cases. we expect to get aud yes from the argument during the next
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couple of hours. we will bring that to you as soon as we get it. >> senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin at the supreme court. you are inside at the time and i know there's excitement outside of the supreme court as well. tell us about, first of all, the main issue here of california's prop 8 as it's known, ballot initiative, that bans same-sex marriage. >> the court was deeply divided, that much is clear. that might be the only thing that's clear. the court very much seemed to be groping for a way to resolve this case. does the constitution protect the right to same-sex marriage in california alone? in all 50 states? does this case even need to be decided now? several justices suggested that there were procedural issues that might prevent the case from being resolved now. so i have to si, aftay, i am lee of the resolution than i was when i went into the courtroom.
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>> that's reassuring, isn't it? one of the biggest social issues for americans they've faced i suppose. you compared it to, i think, loving versus virginia a landmark case that struck down laws banning interracial marriage. what's interesting does it have to be one or the other? could there be a narrow ruling that avoids broader issues in the same debate? the supporters of proposition 8, the people who oppose same-sex marriage made the point repeatedly, this is a controversial issue, attitudes are changing quickly. the court should not get involved. the court should let states by state develop of the law in the area and not issue a ruling that preempts the political process. ted olson, the lawyer supporting same-sex marriage, opposing proposition 8 referred to loving versus virginia repeated. in 1967 the court said to the
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states, no more bans on racial intermarriage. this is that moment on same-sex marriage. this is the time the court has to get involved and allow people to have their rights. there were four justices sympathetic to ted olson's argument. the four democratic appointees in different ways, justice ruth bader ginsburg, stephen breyer, sonia sotomayor and elena kagan seemed simple thre eed syntheti. the others seemed sympathetic to the anti-same-sex marriage force. clarence thomas said nothing. and anthony kennedy the swing vote so often seemed to be groping for some sort of resolution. he said, some things that were sympathetic to one side, some sympathetic to the other, but i wouldn't venture a guess on his vote at this point. >> real quick here, that's a
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good summary inside the courtroom. sounds like -- what is the mood outside the courtroom? is it festive? sounds like a party going on out there. >> it is pretty festive. it's overwhelmingly pro-same-sex marriage force but was a few opponents here. they've been here all day long. it's very good natured crowd. it's not threatening in any way. it's the first amendment to the united states constitution in action put to use by people expressing their views. >> lots of action outside the supreme court. as we mentioned we're waiting for the audio from the supreme court hearing on same-sex marriage. we're going it play that has soon as released. should be fascinating. you can't see or hear inside. but they're going to release it early. >> they put it on the website, we'll bring it to you as soon as it happens. hearing from people on both side of the debate. we'll be talking live with rob reiner about his role in the
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fight for same-sex marriage. >> and italy, of course, that is where a high-profile murder case now back in the spotlight. we are talking about amanda knox as she is ready to fight to prove her innocence again. >> exactly. this comes after italy's supreme court said, she should be retried for the killing of her roommate. also her former boyfriend, both of them, of course, found guilty of murdering meredith kerchering, back in 2007. >> they spent four years in prison, before their convictions were overturned. she has been living in seattle since then and knox's lawyer in italy says she's unlikely to return. >> her u.s. attorney says she will abide by the law. >> amanda and her family will scrupulously lly abide by the r of law and not required to appear for proceedings. let's not get ahead of ourselves. let's just see what happens and we fully expect, because these
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charges are totally unfounded, they're totally unjust and we fully expect that she will be exonerated as she was before. >> i don't think she will come back, first of all she's a very young girl, and she's ready to haveler life and this has a psychological impact on her. she can come, of course. she's a free person. there's no limitation of liberty. but for the time being, i think she's's looking forward to have her life back in seattle. >> criminal defense attorney joey jackson joining us in new york. sounding like she's not going to go back to italy but she can still be tried. she done have to be there, right? >> no, that's right. according to the italian law, a defendant in cases, even murder cases, do not have to attend their own trial. neither does raffaele sollecito, italian citizen studying in italy, he doesn't have to attend the trial either. that's a point of law. the reason that they were in attendance at the original trial in the appeal, though, is
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because she was vieds a flight risk. she's not here now. she's not going to have to come back anytime soon if at all. >> talk about this concept of double jeopardy here in the united states because, of course in italy you can be tried twice for the same crime. that's not the case for an american. would there be any circumstance in which she would actually have to face those charges again, and the u.s. would be forced to send her back to italy? >> that's always an open question. i would think it would be highly doubtful, and here's why. we abide by a constitution and this is a country that values human rights and under the 5th amendment double jeopardy says you cannot be tried for the same offense twice. we have a treaty with italy and it provides, since 1984, it's bilateral that we would have an extra decision proceeding we may need to bring her back i doubt the united states would honor that. briefly a spokesperson was asked
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about that in 2011, they punted saying it was speculation, they weren't ready to address it. i don't think if she's convicted in abstensa and required to go back the united states would honor it. it would be a fight but i don't think based upon our notions of justice however the united states would be in a position to sent her back for any sentence of which she already has been adjudicated not guilty. >> those things are up for grabs. cases where countries haven't sent people back to the united states because it has the death penalty. those things can be discussed. what's interesting, too, we can't forget her boyfriend is involved here, too. in many ways, he's at a disadvantage because if the retrial says, guilty again, he's within reach of the law. >> you know, that's exactly right. he's in a more vulnerable position. there's no reason to confiscate his passport and no reason he can't travel internationally at
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this point. an important point to make in the case, though, is the fact that the italian system is different. there are three levels for every criminal case which is subject to be hear and examined by three levels. it is still within the third level, the high court of italy, that has turned this back to the second level basically. it's not that should be retried for the same crime she was acquitted in. she's within the same system and that's a estimate that applies to all cases in italy. everyone facing a criminal trial, even most basic criminal trials gets three shots before completely signed off on before the high court rules definitively. >> i don't want to forget the victim, meredith kercher, who was murdered. is her family speaking out about this? do they believe this is a part of the process of bringing justice to their loved one? >> well, you know, certainly justice needs to be done there there is a victim here. the family wants closure on this and they believe there is merit
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to having this retried and to getting justice here. th question is whether or not it really does offend our notions of justice here in the united states because, remember, here in the united states, suzanne, once you're adjudicated to be not guilty, your acquitted, that's it. the prosecution cannot appeal where a defendant who is convicted can. based on that i hope the family does get justice. whether through this remains to be seen. >> all right. >> joey, thanks so much. it's interesting, too, that historical precedent in italy post mussolini after the war, kangaroo court trials, people found guilty and locked up, that's why the multiappeal system came into being. >> can they continue this? is there a point they have to stop? >> there is a upon they have to stop. look at berlusconi, the former prime minister, he's been charged with things for years and he's -- a lot of people think he'll never go to jail, just appeal, appeal, appeal, on
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it goes. it is the system. the wheels move slowly anyway without added apeels. >> i can't imagine anybody would have closure. >> lawyers get rich. >> if you want more details, tune in. this is friday night for anderson cooper 360 special report all about the amanda knox story, murder abroad. an inside look at life, crime, the trial coming up friday evening at 10:00 eastern. >> here, meanwhile, more of what we're working on this four for "around the world." new threat from, yes, another one from north korea. warning that u.s. basis could be reduced to ashes and flames. >> live from the south korean island. also, he is back. tiger woods, number one again. does winning change everything? a look at what it means for sponsors, including nike, whose ad says winning takes care of
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everything. >> he's winning, that's for sure. meet yahoo!'s new whiz kid. designed an app at age 17 that made him tens of millions of dollars. i want my kid to do that. this is so so soft. hey hun, remember you only need a few sheets. hmph! [ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft is made with extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent. plus you can use four times less. charmin ultra soft. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle.
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>> stories making news. boris berezovsky killed himself. his body found at his home over the weekend and autopsy performed, conclusion his death consistent with hanging. medical examiners will open an inquest, standard procedure, that's going to happen thursday. amassed a huge fortune in russia but got on the wrong side of prime minister putin and fled to england. >> he had been fighting lawsuits and prosecutions can trying to trou return to russia. an earthquake on 5.5 quake. a second quake struck a few minutes afterwards.
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no reports of damage or injuries. michael, i want you to meet the latest multimillionaire. >> i love this story. >> i'm jealous. >> i'm jealous. i want my kids to follow in his footsteps. nick sole his smartphone app to yahoo! >> created while studying for exams. looking for a way to condense the information that he was reading on his smartphone. >> he did it, he was on cnn earlier, talked about working with the yahoo! ceo marisa mayer. >> i was fortunate enough to have had a few conversations with marisa. the main thing we were focusing on and the thing that excites me and the reason i want to join yahoo! there's scale and tune here. a yahoo! has hundreds of millions visiting their contend. for a technology like ours or any others it's a big platform to leverage.
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again, with the focus on mobile and beautiful design, i think there's a ton of consumers who are going to love these products. >> love how he's on a first name basis, we're chatting it up at yahoo! >> 17 going on 35. a yahoo! didn't say how much they're paying, tens of millions, quote of $30 million. >> he has a year to go in high school before allowed to work for the company. >> under law. but he's going to do his studies at work. so he's still going to -- finish up high school. >> secretly, my goal, dream, design an app and get rich. >> started to work on it when 4 was 13. i've got a 13 at home. i'm going to get on it. >> take care of your old man. >> exact. >> i north korea unleashing a new round of threats against the united states says that it plans to put certain military units on high alert. if the unit as signed to strike u.s. bases as well as targets in south korea.
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matthew chance joins us from the south korean island. more bluster from the new leader. tell us about the island that you're on pyongyang. an island that knows north korean aggression. >> reporter: that's right. whereas we may see those as bluster and many south koreans may see the latest threat as bluster, many people on this isla island feel it could be more than that. they've got a terrible experience of north korean threats. three years ago that north korean artillery positions bombarded areas here on this island, killing four south koreans, laying waste to a large area of the settlement here on this very small island, about five, six miles or so off the coast of north korea itself. so, there's a heightened sense of tension here when they hear the barrage of north korean
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threats coming down now over the past couple of weeks. of course as i say, in washington, elsewhere, people just dismissing this as more bluster. >> so, matthew, is there anybody in south korea who is responding or reacting to this? preparing? are they worried or afraid in any way? taking it seriously? >> reporter: i think -- i think they have to take it seriously, because the stakes are so high. obviously, the country, south korea, in general, is on almost perm state of high alert. they've also bolstered their military relationship with the united states over the past few days as well, signing an agreement lowers threshold for the u.s. to get involved in a conflict on the korean peninsula. previously if south korea had been innovated, under the latest agreement if north korea attacks south korea, the u.s. could step in and help its ally.
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hopefully that will play some kind of deter enroll. at the moment, all it seems to be doing is provoking more rhetoric, more threats from pyongyang. >> matthew chance, thank you so much. good to see you. they said he protected us, told us where to hide. what two priests are saying what pope francis' role in the dirty war. i'm here at my house on thanksgiving day, and i have a massive heart attack right in my driveway. the doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go talk to your doctor. you're not indestructible anymore. go talk to your doctor. so if ydead battery,t tire, need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geico's emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah?
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in argentina, two proepries come forward to clear the pope's name in the dirty war. when tens of thousands disappeared under the military dictatorship. >> pope francis was accused of turning his back on two jesuit priests who ended up in prison. rafael romo has spoken to two other priests who say the then-reverend helped them avoid being captured.
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>> reporter: testifying before authorities in argentina. the cardinal, who would become pope francis, said in 2010 hearing his demanded deliberation of two fellow jesuit priests. i testified that they were not involved in anything weird. the jesuits had been detained by the military dictatorship that ruled argentina from 1976 to 1983. the period known as the dirty war saw the disappearance of as many as 30,000 people in argentina. pope francis was accused in a book written by an argentine journalist of deliberately failing to protect two jesuit priests, kidnapped by the military, when he was leader of the order in his country. two other jesuits priests say b b
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bergoglio protected them. >> if someone came looking for us, find out if they were people we knew. if not, don't get close. he told us where to hide. >> reporter: during the dirty war the dictatorship targeted previouses, jesuits among the poor were vulnerable. one priest said bergoglio gave him secret advice on how to stay safe. >> translator: he told us we could count on him and we were not alone. gave us advice not using the main staircase, but the elevator, and avoid strangers. he told us to hide if there were strangers and let him know as soon as possible. he was worried about us. >> rafael romo's joining us. we were asking all of the questions during the break here. this is fascinating. but tell us what his role was, bergoglio, a practical thing he was managing at the time. >> conflicting reports, two
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priests said he didn't help them, two other priests who said, he in fact was helping them. i think what's emerging here is a very pragmatic figure of then-cardinal bergoglio who knew if he was too much in the face of military authorities he was going to end up being killed by the regime. so what he chose to do was to play this role as walking a very gray area in which he made sure that he remained alive because at the end of the day he was not going to be able to do anything if he ended up a martyr. >> he could have ended up that way. >> there was not a lot of room for error. there was not a lot of tolerance between 1976 and 1983. >> during this balancing act, do we know what happened to the other two priests that say bergoglio did them no favors? >> one died in the '90s, one is in a monastery in germany. he's said since that there was misunderstanding as to what the
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role of bergoglio was. his understanding was that he was actually helping them behind the scenes. >> right. >> it's fascinating. you want to know everything about the pope, his background, how he's going to be behaving moving forward. it really does tell speak of the man and what he's like. >> says a lot about the times. >> pragmatic. >> good to see you. >> of course, we are going to be talking to actor and director rob reiner. he was at the supreme court today listening to debate over same section marriage. >> he's the first person in line to get in. we'll talk to him next about his role in fighting california's same-sex marriage ban. [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness?
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was presented to the court. the court asked penetrating measured questions of both sides. and now it's in the hand of the court. looking forward to a prompt response as i said this difficult controversial issue. >> what was the argument? what did you have to say? >> there's no way to sum up my argument in a couple of sentences. we believe that proposition 8 is
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constitutional and the place for the decision to be made regarding redefining marriage is with the people. >> very measured, i thought, in what he was saying but clearly when you talked to jeff toobin there was i mean tension inside the courtroom a lot of emotion and passion outside of the supreme court. >> a lot riding on. now, depending on your age, you may know actor and director rob reiner as the role he probably hates us mentioning that role as meathead. >> aging both of us. but i remember. >> absolutely. i remember it, too "all in the family" have a look. >> michael, where's your tie? >> well, i tried gloria but it doesn't look good with an empty neck. >> look, edith, he wore has halloween costume. >> you might know him from hit movies and directed including "the american president" "when
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harry met salary" the bucket list. he actually helped lead the fight against california's same-sex marriage ban known as prop 8 and that of course is before the supreme court today. >> indeed. joins us from outside the court. rob, thanks so much. tell us, first of all, how did you get involved in this case? why is the issue important to you? >> well i was one of the founding board members of the american foundation for equal rights which was the organization that filed the lawsuit four years ago. myself, my wife, chad griffin, now the head of the human rights campaign, christina and shockey, four of us decided after proposition 8 passed what to do next. we came up with the idea of filing a federal lawsuit. >> and you actually were the one who got ted olson involved, the republican, the attorney, who of course went up against david boyce in bush v. gore. how did you do that? go it was interesting. the four of us were having lunch
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and a friend of ours came by and said i think you might be interested to find out that ted olson is on your side. i couldn't believe it. i was floored. this is a man, like you know you said argued bush v. gore. he got me depressed for two days. i couldn't get out of bed. and i thought, those is the guy that's going to be on our side. chad went to new york, met with him, he came out to california, i met with him. and he gave the most impassioned plea for why everyone should have the equal rights and the right to marry. i thought, wow, if ted olson is willing to take up the case and take our cause, this takes the pa partisanship. it's not democrat, republican, conservativi conservative liberal. ted suggested david boyce. i thought a grand slam home run of all time. two guys that opposed each other on bush v. gore are arguing on
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the same side for marriage equality. >> on a matter, yes, suzanne says, an odd couple, indeed. you've got to say proposition 8 approved by voters, 52-48%. what about throws who will say, it was the will of the people, the states have right to decide. what do you say? >> well, i think that when it comes to a civil right, and there's no question about this, this is a civil right. this is not something that is -- should be left to the whims of voters. if that was the case, maybe women can't vote, maybe black people should be slaves. this is civil rights and it's the one class of people, gay and lesbian community, one class of people in the country that is viewed lesser under the law. and it is up to the courts to decide what is constitutional, and what constitutes a civil right. so that's why we took this case. the debate is going on. we've seen a shift happening
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sense we started the case. we were in the 40s. now polls show us 58% in favor of gay marriage. for people under 30, it's 81% in favor of gay marriage. this debate is shifting and it's moving in our direction. but when it comes to civil rights, it is up to the courts to decide. the courts decided it was the right of everyone to go to the school of -- integrate the schools, to have blacks and whites be able to marry in 19 7, loving versus virginia, and this is another civil rights case. >> all right. rob, impressive that you got to be first in line to get in the supreme court. i mean obviously you're well known but might have had to amp out as well as i imagined. >> very cold here. >> your son was tweeting and sending out there you guys entering the building there. >> great. great. >> amazing day. of course a lot more activity tomorrow. this is far from done. >> great to talk to you.
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appreciate it, rob. >> thanks for having me. >> good to see you. next hour we'll talk with an attorney involved in the fight against same-sex marriage who spo supports prop 8. >> look forward to that. and also coming up, hurdling towards earth for a splash down in the pacific ocean the capsule from the international space station and inside all kinds of medical research and trash. bringing back the garbage. >> really. >> matt's brakes didn't sound right... i brought my car to mike at meineke...
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke.
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welcome back, everyone. off the coast of baja california, the cargo capsule known as spacex dragon -- sounds scientific -- splash down into the pacific ocean. >> it's loaded with experimental samples from the international space station and of course, our own chad meyers, expert on all
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of these things. we love this stuff. absolutely love this stuff. >> who doesn't? >> i love it even better because the lego stuff shot up two years ago came back down today. >> really? >> it's back down. >> part of the payload. >> they don't get to play with legos any more, sequestration cut aut all of the fun. 3,000 pounds of the stuff came back down. some junk, trash, some broken things that they don't need up there weighing it down anymore. this is a big deal to make it all the way up and back down, this is what they plan to put people in eventually. getting into the iss and back down. this costs $150 million. a shuttle shot cost $450 million. so, elon musk spacex dragon, named after puff the magic dragon. >> yeah. >> and it's a contract, they put everything up there and it's good stuff. made it back to the ground. been tweeting about it. it's splashed down 200 miles off the coast.
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last time it splashed down, dragon number one had water inside and ruined stuff that came back. >> wow. >> hoping there was no water issue there. this is what happened. this is an experiment that happened a year ago. the chutes come out. these big chutes are orange, 116 feet across and it slows it down to 12 miles per hour. they hit the water at 12 miles per hour, ships are going to get it now. >> just happened. >> 12:34. >> exciting stuff. >> yes. >> you're on top of it. i'm with you, chad, i think it's fascinating. >> it is. it is cool. thank you, chad. so imagine, michael, 40% of your savings taken from your bank's account. >> $10? really? $10? that's how much some investors lose in cyprus and a lot have more than ten bucks. live to cyprus next. plus, costa rica loses to the u.s. in a world cup qualifier but not blaming it on simple defeat. they say because of the weather.
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[ male announcer ] this is bob, a regular guy with an irregular heartbeat. the usual, bob? not today. [ male announcer ] bob has afib: atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem, a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. i don't think so. [ male announcer ] for years, bob took warfarin, and made a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but not anymore. bob's doctor recommended a different option:
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they couldn't find markings on the field. the world soccer federation will decide whether they get a do-over or not. it's springtime in colorado. >> sorry. back to the financial crisis in cyprus. the country may have sealed a $13 billion bailout deal. trouble not over. >> banks are still closed. the chairman of the biggest banquet today and there are tire warnings of tough times ahead. jim bolden is watching it unfield. banks are meant to open on thursday but, gee, we've heard a few days mentioned in recent days, haven't we? what's -- do you think it will happen, a, b, what will happen then? run on the banks or not? >> reporter: well, they're supposed to open thursday. the government still says they're working hard to get all of the rules and place so they can open the branches on thursday. i'm not going to guarantee it at all. i'm from baltimore. say i was at a small bank in
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baltimore it wasn't open for 11 days this would be 13 days. i couldn't do financial transactions, checks, ebay or paypal, instant taking money out of your account right away. then it opens and they tell me you can only take out a certain amount every month and we'll keep 40%, if you're rich. that's what people here are facing, the wealthy have their bank deposits. we can't say exactly what the rules are going to be but they're trying hard with europe to get rules in place before these branchs can even open, guys. >> so, jim, how are people reacting to this? how are they responding? i imagine there's panic and concern, especially for those who have a large amount of money in those banks. >> reporter: well the irony is people who have large amounts of money in these banks are probably not living here because this was seen as an offshore banking center, wealthy russians had money here. the mom and pops on the street they should be getting all their money back. still controls on their bank accounts for a couple of weeks. but the people with under
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$130,000 in their bank account, savings should get all of their money back. but of course, they haven't had access to money. shops say "cash only." i mean they're in streets demonstrating but it's not violent. students are protesting as well. they're hurt because the reputation of cyprus has been damaged and they don't think europe's supported them in the way that they should, guys. >> reputation, fear, and some describe it as humiliating experience to be portrayed in this way for the rest of the world. >> hard time as head, that's for sure. good to see you. >> it has been a long and difficult climb to the top. many will say. tiger woods, well, he's number one in the world of golf. what does it change? >> does winning change everything?
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tiger woods, number one, golfer in the world again. he actually reclaimed that title after winning the arnold palmer invocational. >> which he's won a bun. of times before. some professional redemption for woods, after struggling through all of the scandal, divorce, and injuries.
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>> reporter: tiger woods is number one again in the world of golf rankings, after winning the arnold palmer invitational monday afternoon in orlando. the last time he reigned october of 2010. >> what does it mean to you to now be back on top? >> it feels good. >> reporter: it's been a long road back for woods. he fell as low as number 58 in the rankings. but this is his third win of the season. his sixth in the last year. >> it's been incredible, to have all of the support and, you know, all of the hard work has paid off to get me to this point and it feels good to have won this event. >> reporter: nike was quick to post a provocative new ad on line "winning takes care of everything." a good win for tiger, but also a good win for golf. >> the world of golf is celebrating that tiger is back on top and number one.
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he has such an impact on all aspects of golf from viewerships to ratings to sponsorships and really when he's on top, everyone's on top. >> reporter: on top of the golf world. the game's biggest draw until early one morning in 2009, when he drove his car into a mailbox outside his florida home and if what seemed like an instant his life and image came tumbling down. affairs filled the tabloids. his wife filed for divorce and a nagging leg enjuniorry with tournament losses left him and the golf world reeling. he spent years rebuilding his golf game and reputation. he's also rebuilt his love life. last week, revealing a new love, olympic champion skier lindsey vo vonn. >> tiger, what relevance do we attach to the fact that you get back to number one in the same week that you announce your new facebook status?
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>> you're reading way too much into this. >> lots of people will. >> shocker. >> reporter: she tweeted, moments after his win, number one! with 13 exclamation marks. he may be number one for now, but the number most likely in his mine is five, the number of years sense he within a major tournament. he'll try to enthat drought in april, by winning the green jacket the a. the masters in augusta, georgia. >> zain arbor's joining us from new york. zain, we've been talking about this personal versus professional redemption here. how do the sponsors see this? >> reporter: this is interesting because pepsi, gillette, at&t all left ahim after the extramarital affairs. 2010 one of the worst in earnings. nike stood by him. i want to mention the nike ad we saw in the story where it say
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"winning takes care of everything" is causing problems. because he's won, they have felt some heat for that. >> zain, thank you. >> 2010 earnings suffered probably only earned $20 million that year there not that bad. >> police, traffic light going slow you down. how about this? this cardboard cut-out. >> you gave it away. >> guess what this is. would you stop for that man? we'll talk about it. ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities.
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