tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN April 3, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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thanks. good evening, everyone. breaking news. fresh nuclear threats from north korea's young dictator approving an atomic strike on the u.s. new american counter moves against any kind of a missile attack. the question is, are those threats real or rhetoric? we're live from the region where even a conventional industries could cause mass casualties. what does kim jong-un's bluster have to do with the debate back home over same-sex marriage and boy scouts? the answer is nothing but a fringe radio host somehow made the connection and a respected religious leader with 16 million followers seemed to agree about that connection. tonight i'll ask, does he really believe north korea threatening the u.s. might have something to do with gay marriage? also, how did a suspected killer slip out of a monitoring bracelet until two people were dead. we're keeping them honest on that. and new evidence about his desire to kill law enforcement officials. we begin tonight with the breaking news, and a deadly serious question. is north korea's dictator serious about his latest nuclear threat? and even if he isn't, or can't carry it out, could deadly consequences follow anyway? the word came late today from kcna, and quote, we formally inform the white house and pentagon the ever escalating u.s. hostile policy toward the dprk and its reckless nuclear threat will be smashed by the strong will of all the united service personnel, and people and cutting-edge smaller, lighter and diversified nuclear strike means of the dprk. dprk, of course, is north korea. the phrase, nuclear strike, means -- that refers north korea's nuclear arsenal. most don't believe they have much.
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nuclear devices, yes, warheads, maybe. reliable missiles that could carry an atomic to the u.s., no. tonight reaction from the white house. it reads in part, and i quote, we have seen today's statement by north korea again making unhelp offul and uninstructive threats. north korea should stop its the provocative threats and instead concentrate on abiding by international obligations. the pentagon late today word the u.s. is deploying ground base intercepters like these to guam. the ones you see here in hawaii deployed four years ago to counter an earlier threat from north korea. that in addition to the floating radar platform being sent to the korean peninsula along with two navy destroyers carrying radar systems and weaponry designed to shoot did you know down missiles. the pentagon not taking chances but the question remains, how serious should the u.s., should you and the world take these threats. the north koreans have become masters of the ham handed bluff. but even if the nuclear part is bluster could this ignite a conventional war?
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kyung lah how are these playing in south korea? >> it's not breaking news here, it's breaking news on american channels but not seoul. we're an hour's drive from the border, from the dmz, anderson. and this is a country that has for more than a decade heard this threat out of pyongyang directed to seoul that we're going to melt you down in a sea of fire. they're used to it. it's like the boy crying wolf. the difference here is the messaging and who it is directed to. this came out, the statement you're referring to, came out at 4:00 a.m. seoul time. north korea is not speaking to the peninsula. it is speaking directly to america, just in time for the evening news. it wants to make sure that this message is heard, just like earlier this week when they released that video of its soldiers taking aim at a cutout of a u.s. soldier. all of this trying to make sure
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that washington hears that they are certainly responding to what's been happening in this region, anderson. >> and, of course, joint military exercises happening between the u.s. and south korea. is there any greater concern among south korean officials, civilian officials, military leaders? >> reporter: absolutely. that and also the people. because what we're seeing, compared to the now good old days of kim jong-il is back then there was a threat, you would wait several days, there might be something else. here this is much more rapid-fire, almost daily. there is something that is happening. some provocative statement, some sort of move by north korea. and that's what has south korean government officials as well as the people here paying more attention. a little more concerned that this may not just be smoke and mirrors and that there could be a trip-up. that south korea could overreact and it's that conventional warfare, some sort of skirmish on the border that could really suck this in into a bigger sort of conflict. >> kim, appreciate the reporting. the question again tonight, what to make of north korea's
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threats, is it a lot of saber rattling or does kim jong-un mean business? we have seen threatening images out of north korea, troops taking target practice at a cartoonist drawing of an american soldier, all designed for public consumption and intimidation. on the other hand, images like this released by north korea last month don't exactly help credibility. a recent military exercise turns out the image was apparently photo shopped to make it look more like hover craft took part than actually did. news agencies picked it up before realizing it was fake. the propaganda north korea is notorious for makes it hard to judge latest threats. christiane amanpour was in north korea and joins me now and richard haass, author of the book "foreign policy begins at home." christian, is this just bluster? >> i don't think you can say it is just bluster. it is a pattern they have used before. very much more virulent than
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before and people are concerned about not just a miscalculation but pushing leaders back to war with no way to get off. there is no meaningful negotiation for some reason. the united states does not believe in negotiating with north korea. here the political system says if you negotiate, it means you reward. obviously, that is wrong. people should negotiate. it's not happening. so the united states is relying on china, and what can china do, we don't know yet. i spoke to a nuclear scientist, the last one who was in there, who said he does not believe this regime is suicidal. on the other hand, again, what about miscalculation. i spoke to the u.n. south korean ambassador who said we're worried, we're not panicked, because this is an especially virulent form of the usual threats thattim could out of north korea. >> though we have heard these threats before, richard. >> these are a little bit different, more directly aimed at the united states. there is the nuclear dimension. ironically enough, what it might do more than anything else, anderson is persuade a majority of the people in south korea and
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japan that the time has come for them to start thinking about whether they need independent nuclear deterents of their own. beginning to see writing and speaking about that in both countries. this was a taboo not long ago. this might get china's attention. i actually think china is key here. probably half to two-thirds of north korea's trade, travels through china. the last thing china wants is a war on the peninsula, because china knows the next door on the peninsula will be the last war. it will end with the end of north korea. you will have a unified peninsula. this peninsula will have its capital in seoul, part of the american strategic orbit. for china, this means further encirclement, a strategic disaster. the real question is whether china will take this bluster seriously and use the leverage it denies it has but in fact it has to get the north koreans to pull back. christian is exactly right and your report from seoul is right. i don't think we're going to see a premeditated attack by the north. i don't believe that for a second. but the chance of some kind of an incident now when both sides
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are on such alert, so much emotion, so much political attention, any skirmish now could very quickly escalate. there is not even rudimentary crisis control. that's the thing to worry about. >> there is -- there's financial incentive for the north to deescalate this. because with spring coming, the harvest is coming, they've got to get troops. they used their military to harvest the fields. without that, their people go hungry. >> a lot of what they do, analysts say, is to get stuff out. extortion. to get stuff. aid, fuel, money. all of that. >> and that's the pattern we have seen in the past. make a threat and extort. >> and the pattern has erupted during april. this is the month, the whole month, where these joint military exercises between south korea and the united states are going on. this could be going on for a whole month, this tension. plus it's kim il song's 101st birthday, the founder and who knows what rhetoric is going to come out then. kaeson.
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>> a complex they work at together, one of the few joint operations. >> correct. and talking about closing it. and, you know, this brings about half a billion dollars worth of money to north korea each year. and employs 90,000 north koreans -- >> could shut down the border to workers coming to the factory today, which they have done before. kyung, you have more on that, correct? how long will that be closed for? >> reporter: absolutely. from what we gather, and let's be very clear here. what north korea is saying is that the workers cannot come in. south koreans cannot come in because this is on north korean territory. they are allowing south korean workers to leave. the latest word we have from the government and they should be entering at this point right now is so far they have not been allowed to gain entry. and this is something that we need to pay attention to. because we talk about these words. we're all talking about what north korea says. this is something north korea is doing. north korea is willing to cut off its nose in spite of its
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face. because this is a place where they make so much money, 50,000 north koreans are employed here. they work side by side with south koreans, the only place where north and south koreans work together, and they're willing to risk it. all of that money coming into the country, just to make a point. >> but richard, again, in terms of what they actually have militarily, they don't have -- they can -- they've released this photo showing a map of -- their patterns for an atomic attack in the u.s. they don't have the capabilities to launch an atomic missile, warhead to the united states. >> absolutely not. what they probably have is a half dozen to a dozen warheads, so much of which might be able to go on short-range missiles so a threat to south korea, japan, to the 28,500 american troops. in south korea, all that. again, what i think a lot of this about, if you look at the past with north korea, this type of stuff is often the prelude to negotiations. what they try to do is raise the ante and they hope the united states and south korea fall for
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the bait and say okay, we're so relieved you won't launch a war, we'll agree to this and do this economically. what bob gates said when he was secretary of defense, what i think the administration is right, and this might be the one area we disagree, we have to stop rewarding north korea for this stuff. we have bought this horse from them many times before. we ought to cut it out. we just ought to hang tough. he has to now -- >> so discussions would be rewarding -- >> come on. diplomacy is created precisely to bridge the difference with your enemies. it doesn't mean rewarding your adversaries. it means talking about what the future is. and you know, because the scientists who went in, in 2010, came out and said this is the two-track, second track talks with north korea that actually the north was ready to give up its fuel rods to the united states and took this back to the obama administration and they were met with a great big silence. so this plant could have been closed down. and the scientists say that it can now be -- be put back online within six months to a year.
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>> two things about diplomacy, just to be clear. one is we should not pay for talking. if we're going to go have talks, it ought to be we go to talks. second of all, we should have no illusions. north korea is a poor, poor state. it has one thing going for it. it has nuclear weapons and a lot of artillery shells. they're not going to give up. the only reason we're having this conversation on the air, this is what north korea can do and get our attention. if we think through negotiations and diplomacy we're going to see the denuclearization -- diplomacy is not going to solve this problem. >> there has to be some kind of diplomacy to make sure it doesn't get worse. >> appreciate it. follow me on twitter at anderson cooper. i'll be tweeting tonight. the killing of a texas d.a. and his wife. as you'll see, not the arrest authorities are looking for. is the case going cold? i'll talk with jeffrey toobin. and a basketball coach's explosive outbursts and bigoted outbursts got him fired.
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"crime and punishment" and an arrest with the connection of a killing of a kaufman county, texas district attorney and his wife. the killer or killers remain at large. and most importantly, the chill that this and two other killings have sent through the criminal justice community that is now tangible. we're going to talk about that shortly with jeff toobin, a former prosecutor and john miller who has worked in local and federal law enforcement, now at cbs. first the latest from kaufman, texas. >> reporter: if law enforcement is anywhere close to solving the case of the murdered district attorney, his wife and his assistant prosecutor, nobody is saying.
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>> i'm not going to discuss anything about the evidence that's been found, due to the ongoing nation of the investigation. >> reporter: the kaufman county sheriff's office and fbi are staying very tight-lipped about virtually everything in these investigations, including the evidence. although we saw deputies checking on tire tracks and skid marks about a block away from the home of district attorney mike mcclelland and his wife cynthia. deputies announced an arrest but for something else. nick morales charged with making a terroristic threat and being held on a $1 million bond. >> a threat against a safety of a county official was received. the threat was then investigated, leading to the arrest of mr. morales at a location in kaufman county. >> reporter: regarding the mysterious killings, though, no arrests yet. authorities telling us groups ranging from the aryan brotherhood to drug cartels are being investigated and nobody
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should focus entirely on any one group, or individual. one such individual is this man, eric williams. a former justice of the peace in kaufman county. convicted of stealing computer monitors from the courthouse. this is surveillance video from the courthouse of williams that was used during his criminal trial. murder victims like mcclelland and hasse. kxas did an interview with williams tuesday, three days after he allowed police investigating the murders to test him for gun residue. >> i've cooperated with law enforcement. i certainly wish them the best in bringing justice for this -- just incredibly egregious act. >> reporter: eric williams lives in this house a mile away from the courthouse where the prosecutors worked. authorities say they are not describing him as a suspect, not describing him as a person of interest. but one law enforcement official briefed on the progress of the investigation says he is an
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angle they are looking at. williams' lawyer told me over the phone his client is innocent, that he's a diabetic who cannot even walk very well now. authorities do say he passed some tests looking for the gun residue. for now, the investigation into the murders goes on. in a county still living in fear. gary tuchman, cnn, kaufman, texas. >> the fear that gary spoke of has already played out in a federal prosecutor's decision to pullot out of a racketeering case, the aryan brother hood of texas. jay heilmann citing security concerns in an e-mail. the dallas morning news reports a prosecutor from washington will now take over. that and the rest. plenty of talk about with senior correspondent john miller, formerly of the fbi and lapd and senior legal analyst and former prosecutor, jeffrey toobin. what do you make of where this investigation is? >> two big themes here. one is the aryan brotherhood, which is kind of the big conspiracy theme, which is
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turning into, as the investigation progresses, the less likely scenario. and two is the person who had some grudge against that district attorney's office and particularly against those two men. the district attorney and his deputy. >> any evidence that you're hearing that it's connected to the killing in colorado? >> they ran all the traps on that through the colorado authorities, denver fbi, houston fbi, the texas prison people and their intelligence back and forth and found no connection. >> jeff, what does it tell you, that -- this is a major deal. you have law enforcement personnel being killed. if they can't come up with the criminals in this, that's pretty serious. >> it's very serious. but you do have a limited but large number of possible suspects. because you can can just look at people who had interactions with this kaufman county d.a.'s office. kaufman county is not that big. so the universe of people with an obvious grudge, you can really chase down all of them,
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especially when you've got the resources that are being thrown at this investigation. that's probably going to take some time. so the fact that there hasn't been an arrest yet, that doesn't lead me to conclude there will never be an arrest. but certainly the obvious targets have been looked at and at least certainly haven't been anything done yet. >> and yet, if it's not this aryan brotherhood of texas, you now have the situation where another prosecutor has actually recused himself from a case prosecuting the aryan brotherhood. that's huge. >> stunning and almost unheard. and there are ways to do it. jay heilmann, the assistant u.s. attorney who recused himself as a professional prosecutor, very -- looked on very well in the office. and i think where that went off the rails is he was put under the protection of united states marshals. and i think that it wasn't a threat so much. you were an assistant u.s. attorney. prosecutors get used to that.
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it was the effect that the protective detail, the presence, this looming threat, the news of other prosecutors being killed, the connection that was being made, particularly in the media to the aryan brotherhood. the pressure on his family that i think he went to the boss and said, maybe it's time for somebody else to take this case on. where it went wrong is he sent an e-mail to 34 defense lawyers, notifying them of that, and it leaked to the media. >> but this is really unusual. i mean, john and i both know -- assistant u.s. attorneys who were under protection for a long time, the late charles rose, a friend of both of ours lived with this sort of thing for -- i think over a year. it's sort of what you sign up for when you are an ausa. so i think those of us inside the world are a little shocked that he would do this at this time. we don't know the details so you don't want to make judgments. but it certainly was troubling to both of us. >> i think you want to look at why it's troubling. which is not that some other ausa can't pick up the case and drive it forward. a couple people stepped up already and said we'll move
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ahead with this. it's because the signal it sends to a group like the aryan brotherhood is your threats have worked, the system has cracked. >> right. it's exactly what they want. >> and, you know, in a case where they may have nothing to do with the murder of these two district attorneys, the colorado prisons chief, you know, the jury is still out on that. but in a case like that, it elevates their street credibility in a way that's disproportionate to reality. >> even reporting on is difficult. i remember going out in l.a., reporting on gangs there, and gang cops in l.a. were very loathe to use the names of gangs because they didn't want to give them more street cred, even reporting and talking about this group in texas gives them probably exactly what they want, which is, you know, in their eyes, street cred. >> right. and i think that's happened here, especially with this withdrawal. >> and it was not publicly announced when judges or prosecutors had protection.
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i mean, that was certainly the rule that i knew about, that i knew about judges, i knew about prosecutors had protection, but we didn't make a big deal of it, because we didn't want to give the satisfaction to the people who were the perceived threat they had disrupted lives, even without doing anything. >> right. >> on the other hand, that district attorney's office in kaufman county, the building under protection, the d.a. being guarded. that certainly makes perfect sense, because someone clearly has targeted that office and the people in it. >> incredible. john, thank you so much, john mill e jeff toobin, as well. rutgers' head basketball coach has been fired after video shows him physically abusing players and using anti gay slurs at them. up next, what the coach is saying about that now. also, louisville basketball guard kevin ware speaks out for the first time since breaking his leg badly. whether he'll play basketball again and whether he has watched that gruesome video of his injury. it's a phoenix with 4 wheels. it's a hawk with night vision goggles.
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welcome back. the head basketball coach at rutgers' university is out. and even he admits there is no excuse for his behavior. mike rice was fired today after this espn video went viral, showing him physically and verbally abusing players during practices. in a moment, you'll hear exactly what he said to some of them. the video is obviously shocking. tonight many are asking why wasn't rice fired months ago when at least one of his bosses first saw that video back in november. the question is what happened then. rice was given a three-game suspension, a $75,000 fine and a ticket to anger management classes. that was before the rest of the world saw the video. here is mary snow. >> reporter: one day after this video went viral -- >> get over there you [ bleep ]! >> reporter: rutgers' basketball coach, mike rice, was fired. but there are calls for the university to do more.
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rutgers' officials were aware of its existence since november. rice is seen shoving and kicking players, throwing balls at their heads and can be heard using homophobic slurs. >> [ bleep ]. >> reporter: the state-run university came under pressure after espn made the video public tuesday. even new jersey's governor spoke out. by wednesday morning, rice was dismissed. >> can't say anything right now. except i'm sorry. and there will never be a time where i'm going to use any of that as an excuse. or there will be any excuse. i've let so many people down. my players, my administration, rutgers university, the fans. my family, who is sitting in their house just huddled around because of the fact that their
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father is -- was an embarrassment to them. >> reporter: on campus, students want more answers. >> action should have been taken earlier and there should be a zero tolerance policy for things like that. >> reporter: athletic director, tim pernetti, who decided not to fire rice last year, said in a statement, i thought it was in the best interest of everyone to rehabilitate. but i was wrong. his statement is not satisfying critics, including new jersey civil rights organization garden state equality. its executive director came to campus, demanding answers about why action wasn't taken sooner. >> if there is some reason they were hiding this information to protect the reputation of the university, i think he should resign immediately, and if he doesn't, he should be fired. >> reporter: there are also questions about university president, robert barche. in a statement, he said he had only seen the video a day ago. this is what his athletic director told wfan tuesday.
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>> i was aware of the tape when i handed down the suspension at the end of december. >> did your presidency this tape? >> yes. >> reporter: when asked about that, a university spokesman said pernetti meant the president only viewed it tuesday. one new jersey lawmaker says questions still need to be answered. >> i want to call the hierarchy of rutgers university down to the state house and conduct an investigatory kind of a hearing. i want to know if any of those student athletes ever went to the athletic director and complained about coach rice. >> it's interesting. he was repeatedly calling them anti gay slurs, this is rutgers university where, of course, a gay student, tyler clementi, committed suicide, and gained national headlines. the coach has been fired. other people in the administration knew about the behavior and seemed to do nothing. what do school officials say about that? >> reporter: you know, anderson, we tried to get some answers today and we reached out to both the athletic director and the
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university president here on campus today. and we were told they weren't being made available for any interviews. so there are a lot of questions that still remain unanswered. >> all right. we'll keep trying, mary. appreciate it. let's get caught up on other stories we're following. susan hendricks. susan? >> reporter: anderson, university of louisville basketball player kevin ware is speaking out for the first time since he broke his leg during a game over the weekend. in an interview with cnn, ware says he will play basketball again. but knows that patience is key as he recovers. he says he hasn't seen the tape of his injury. >> i don't want to see the video. i don't plan on ever seeing the video. i kind of feel like it would just put me in a mental state where i don't need to be. >> he also says he appreciates all the support he's been getting. president obama is putting more pressure on congress to pass tougher gun laws, specifically background checks for criminals. in a speech today in colorado, he called for an honest debate instead of just rhetoric saying there can be stricter laws that
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protect americans while at the same time protecting the second amendment. and it's official. jay leno will step down as host of "the tonight show" in the spring of 2014, ending a 22-year run. he will be replaced by jimmy fallon, currently the host of nbc's "late night." as part of this big change, nbc also announced that "the tonight show" is returning to new york. anderson. >> thanks very much, susan. does the influential president of the southern baptist convention really believe that the debate over same-sex marriage is somehow connected to north korea threatening the united states? i'll ask him on the program. also later, have the voters of south carolina for given their former governor who quit his job after admitting to an affair with a woman from argentina. the woman, who is now his fiancee.
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as we said at the top of the program, north korea is making new threats tonight. diplomats and government officials watching the situation closely. the u.s. is taking some defensive steps. in the meantime, the president of the southern baptist convention, fred luter, surprised a lot of people when he weighed in on north korea's threats to bomb the u.s. in a recent interview, he was asked by a christian radio host if those threats by north korea might somehow be connected to the ongoing debate in the united states over same-sex marriage and gays in the boy scouts. that god might be punishing americans for their, quote, slide into immorality. that's what the radio host asked. here's how pastor luter answered on that show. >> it could be a possibility,
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man. i'm not that strong in prophecy, but i would not be surprised if there is not a connection there. simply because of the fact we have seen it happen in scripture before. so i would not be surprised that at the time when we are debating same-sex marriage, at a time where we're debating whether or not we should have gays leading the boy scout movement, i don't think it's just a coincidence there are men in asia. >> the southern baptist convention has more than 16 million members and a lot of people listen to what pastor luter has to say. we invited him to come on the program and to his credit, he agreed. i asked if he stood by what he said in that radio interview. listen. pastor luter, appreciate you being on the show. you recently told a conservative radio host there could be a connection between north korea threatening the u.s. and a debate here over gay marriage and the boy scouts. what do you see as a connection?
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>> well, that was really, anderson -- his view on it. as a matter of fact, he mentioned that, he saw that connection. and i say, man, i'm not strong in prophecy, i don't see it, i don't think there's any connection about what the guy is doing in north korea and what's happening here in america with gays. none at all. >> but that's actually not what you said. and i have the recording of what you said. it was the rick weils radio show. and he said while the court is hearing arguments on same-sex marriage, in asia a crazy man, kim jong-un openly saying i ordered our military to open targets on hawaii, guam, the mainland and u.s. and raised a question. he said you've got this happening over here and you've got this happening over there, could the two be connected. could our slide in immorality be what is releasing this mad man in asia to punish us. you said -- i just want to play it. >> it could be a possibility,
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man. i'm not that strong in prophecy. but i would not be surprised that there's not a connection there. simply because of the fact we've seen it happen in scripture before. so i would not be surprised that at the time when we are debating same-sex marriage, at a time when we are debating whether or not we should have gays leading the boy scout movement, i don't think it's just a coincidence that there are madmen in asia saying the things he's saying. >> so you're saying you wouldn't be surprised about a connection, and you say you don't think it's a coincidence north korea is doing this at a time when we're debating gay marriage and gays in the boy scouts. >> i think i was talking about the reference he was making. i think i was talking about the scripture i was talking about was the situation in sodom and gomorrah because of that activity. but i was not connecting it with here in north america. >> so just for the record, you see no connection between what's
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happening in north korea -- because in the past, north korea has threatened the united states many of times when there hasn't been a debate over gay marriage. but you're saying there is no connection. >> no connection. i think already in america we don't need any mad men in north korea to make things worse for us. >> one other quote. wiles said if the supreme court rules that same-sex marriage are is a constitutional right what are the ramifications? you said you would hate to think of it and talked about sodom and gomorrah, it would be like god is pointing his finger at america, and we want to be our own king and we want to do things our own way. the last time a nation did that, they were destroyed. sodom and gomorrah was destroyed. i see things getting worse because of the decisions we made, getting farther away from god and god's word. it sounds like you're saying that sodom and gomorrah would be the result. >> not only with guy marriage.
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i think a lot of decisions we're making in america, all of the babies we're killing as a result of abortion, the racism problem we have in america. the crime problem that we have in america. with guys going into movie theatres and shooting people, going to political rallies and shooting people. it's a combination. anderson, it is not just the situation with the gay marriage. it's a number of things that our nation is embracing and that we cannot deny that a lot of the things that are happening in america are results -- consequences of those decisions. >> but you really think two people loving each other and wanting to get married to each other is equivalent to somebody going to movie theater and killing some people? >> no, i'm not -- >> that -- all of that is sort of a kind leading to -- >> no, i did not say that. i did not say that at all. the problem that i have with this upcoming supreme court decision is that we are trying to redefine marriage. we are trying to redefine marriage. from a biblical standpoint, marriage is between one man and
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one woman. if gay people, whether they want to be two men or two women, if they want to do -- have -- do a union, just don't call it marriage. marriage is defined in the bible as a man and woman. >> but this isn't a church -- we're talking about a civil marriage, from the state. why should -- >> it's not now. but i promise you, if this thing passes, they're going to come knocking on church doors and saying this is the law of the land. you all need to do this and that's when there is going to be a problem. >> but that's not the case. churches would not be forced to marry people -- >> not now. not now, anderson. but i promise you, brother. it's going to happen sooner or later if we keep allowing these things like this to go. and happen. because of the fact that we're trying to now redefine what marriage is. >> so on the comments you made about north korea, do you feel like you misspoke, that -- >> yeah -- >> you went back on that program and he said the same question would you say point blank, absolutely no connection?
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>> yeah, that was misspoken. that was misunderstood. and it's not what i meant. i did not mean that at all. and i'm glad we can clear it up on your show, anderson. >> well, pastor luter, i appreciate you being on and clearing it up. thank you. >> thank you, man. appreciate the opportunity. >> let us know what you think. i'm on twitter at anderson cooper. next, new information about the man who is believed to have murdered colorado prison chief tom clements. that's tom clements there. could he have been stopped from committing that and other crimes. and what role did sloppy administrative work play? and you remember mark sanford who quit has job after admitting to a career. last night won the gop house seat. and introduced the world to the one-time mystery woman who is now his fiancee. we'll tell you who she is and show the video coming up. [ male announcer ] this is joe woods' first day of work.
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and his new boss told him two things -- cook what you love, and save your money. joe doesn't know it yet, but he'll work his way up from busser to waiter to chef before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game from the great northwest. he'll start investing early, he'll find some good people to help guide him, and he'll set money aside from his first day of work to his last, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade.
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. new and telling details tonight in the murder of two men, including tom clements, the colorado chief of prisons. until now, the motive for the suspect in the murder was murky. tonight his hatred is coming to focus as is the outrage over his mistaken release on parole and fouled up electronic monitoring in the days before he allegedly killed two people, shot several more and died in a hail of police gunfire. the latest from our martin savage.
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>> while evan ebel was serving, he was anything but a model prisoner, threatening to harm or kill prison authorities. in november 2006, this report describes ebel striking a staff member. the note said threatened to kill staff member and family. in 2005, this report described another chilling account of ebel's rage, telling a staff member he would kill her if he ever saw her on the streets and would make her beg for her life. this new information on his violent behavior, combined with the revelation a clerical error allowed him to released early, added to the anger and anguish of families. kathryn williams the first person he is suspended of killing. >> clerical error is not going to bring my husband back, not going to bring tom clements back. not going to bring my children's father back. how do i tell my 4-year-olds, oh, daddy was murdered because of a clerical error.
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>> reporter: in addition to that mistake, documents obtained by cnn show it took colorado authorities five days to realize a paroled ebel had disabled his ankle monitor and fled. beginning what investigators say was a deadly crime spree that ended in a texas shootout. 7:20 a.m., march 14th, ebel makes his daily call to parole officials. eight hours later, the tamper alarm goes off on his ankle monitor. instead of investigating, the monitoring service sends ebel a message to schedule a repair. march 15th, ebel fails to call parole officials or make an appointment. march 16th, still no sign of ebel. not until march 17th did the monitoring company notify parole officials ebel had failed to come in to have his ankle monitor repaired. it's the same day authorities believe leon was murdered. march 18th. prison officials contacted ebel's family to inquire about his whereabouts. the next day police search his home and determine he left in a hurry. they begin the process of revoking his parole.
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that night clements is shot to death at his home outside colorado springs. march 20th, the state department of corrections issues a warrant for ebel's arrest, citing parole violations. >> it's amazing, martin, they just said, oh, something is wrong with this ankle monitoring thing and didn't alert authorities for days. there seems to have been a lot of red flags, including a letter he wrote. what have you learned about the letter? >> reporter: yeah, there certainly do seem to be a lot of red flags. this letter is one that apparently had been confiscated by the depth of corrections in which it appears that ebel is fantasizing about murder, writing to a friend on the outside. he was talking about how he claims the guards mistreated him and how he handled it. and he said, quote, i just fantasize about catching them out on the bricks and subjecting them to vicious torture and eventual murder. authorities now believe that those fantasies actually were turned into the real thing. anderson? >> it is such a horrible, horrible crime. martin, appreciate it. one programming note. tomorrow night only on this
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program, i'll speak with tom clements' widow, lisa in her first television interview since the murder of her husband. tomorrow night. the latest on other stories. susan hendricks. >> anderson, a double victory for second quarter something's former governor, mark sanford. last night won a gop primary runoff for his old congressional seat. remember, four years ago he quit as governor after admitting to an affair with a woman now his fiancee. today sanford spoke about the fallout from his very public affair. >> i think there are too many people in politics who think they know it all. and i think that they project this whole image of perfection, that, you know, the perfect family, the perfect person, the perfect this. the reality is, none of us are perfect. >> take a look here. more than 100 firefighters are battling this. a massive fire at a 40-story apartment building. the capital of the russian
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republic of chechnya. officials say the state-run news agency says dozens of people, possibly workers, were evacuated. no injuries reported and no word yet on what caused that fire. and more trouble for the disabled cruise ship carnival "triumph" which was stuck at sea for four days after an engine fire in february. today high winds caused the ship to break loose from its dock in mobile, alabama where it's being repaired. the winds also caused a guard shack to blow into the river. one worker is reported missing. anderson. >> thanks so much. susan. coming up, the ridiculist. find out who is on it. we'll be right back. york? w new a new property tax cap... and the lowest middle class income tax rate in 60 years... and a billion dollars in tax breaks and incentives. new opportunities for business. over 250,000 new private sector jobs were created over the last two years. and 17 straight months of job growth. with the most private sector jobs ever. lower taxes, new incentives, new jobs, now that's news.
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to grow or start your business in the new new york visit hey, thanks for stopping by. you know, i've followed your character since the first episode. i'm a big fan, big, big fan... thank you. listen, your storyline makes for incredible tv drama. thing is, your drug use is very adult content. too adult for the kids. so, i'm gonna have to block you. aw, man. yeahh... well. have a good one. you're a nice lady.
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time now for "the ridiculist." and tonight we are adding every single network on television, except "e scla" because they were the broadcasting in additionnaries who took one look at ryan lochte and saw the potential for reality tv gold. you remember ryan lochte, his incredible performance at the london olympics incredible for all those who watched and especially for lochte himself. >> i got like two goals and two runs. i don't even remember what i got at the olympics. >> yes, the ryan lochte reality show is almost upon us and judging by the trailers "e!" has put out so far, what would lion lochte do promises to be riveting full of olympic-size high jinx and a new word for us
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all to incorporate into our vocabulary. >> lochte for president jyah! >> i've been practicing all day. pay attention, because everyone is soon going to be saying this within moments of the show in a few weeks. i guarantee it. the dude tsunami is coming, people, and there is nothing you can do about it. jyah! >> jyah! >> it's spelled j-e-j-h. it's boring. you have to really put that emphasis on that j. >> jyah! i've been practicing. hang on, did he say emfatins? >> you have to really put that emfatens on that j, the j and e. and the ah kind of just flows. so you say jyah! that's how you do it. >> this is the trailer for the show. ryan lochte is so much more than
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just a creative linguist, also a trail blazer of fashion. >> these are the first things that really brought me out in the fashion world. the lochte shoe! i want everyone to be in my shoes walking ryan lochte. ryan lochte is walking everywhere. i want that edge. >> what is the lochte edge? you know i've never been asked that question, what is the lochte edge. and i honestly have no idea. it's -- >> i want to work on that. the trailer also teaches us that ryan will also be looking for love and that the part of the skeptic will be played quite definitely by ryan's sister, kristen. >> i am going on a date tonight. >> whoa, with who? >> i just met her last night. >> seriously? >> where. >> at a bar. >> at a bar? ooh, that's good. >> she liked my smile. >> ryan is a little naive when it comes to women. maybe not a little. maybe a lot. >> kristen is always right. and i hate that. >> ya, man. i hate that too. >> don't duplicate. just recipitate.
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