tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 4, 2013 11:00am-1:00pm PDT
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going to take it from here. "cnn newsroom" continues. happening right now in the newsroom, thank you very much, suzanne, public memorial getting under way for a murdered district attorney and his wife. government offices in the area closed to honor the couple while police look for new leads in their death. first on cnn, north korea moves a missile to its coast. today we're learning just how far that missile could travel and how powerful it may be. and get this, airlines considering tinier toilets, have you heard that? can't even fit on the ones now. one major carrier is on board and the idea could soon be taking off with others. taking off with others. "the newsroom" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- hello, everyone, i'm don lemon, welcome, brooke is off today. across the country, there is growing cause for concern right now for the safety of those who protect us, not the military, but the law. from colorado to west virginia,
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worried law enforcement officials are asking, who's next? a state prison chief who cracked the whip against white supremacist prison gangs, a texas prosecutor, his boss, a tough-talking district attorney who targeted gangs, as well. a hard-nosed sheriff known for targeting drug thugs. four law enforcement officials, three states, what do they have in common? all are dead. tom clements, the prison chief, was killed last month at his home in monument, colorado. his now grieving widow was in the house, too. >> last tuesday night, tom and i were watching tv and our doorbell rang. and my life was forever changed. >> reporter: two days later, this high-speed chase in texas ended with the death of tom clements' suspected killer, 28-year-old evan ebel, known to
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be a member of the white supremacist prison gang the 211 crew, but why was ebel driving to texas? that renewed attention to the killing of this man, mark hasse, shot dead here his office on the last day of january. still reeling from hasse's murder, kaufman county woke up sunday morning to a nightmare, the shocking murders of hasse's boss, mike mclelland, and his wife. their bodies found riddled with bullets at their home. prosecutors in neighboring counties remain under armed protection, and now this in west virginia, mingo county sheriff eugene krumm shot dead in his cruiser only yesterday. this man has been arrested. >> here's the question, is it open season on law enforcement officials, or is the sudden spade of killings coincidental? we're staking out the three states in question here. susan candiotti is in west
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virginia, jim spellman in colorado. george is in kaufman county, texas. george, what's the latest where you are? >> reporter: don, the way you said it, no doubt what's happening is causing a great concern around the country when you get into communities like this. there's a great deal of fear and worry with residents, and we just had the governor of the state, rick perry, here at the courthouse just about an hour ago. he was here to offer his concern about what's happening, also to show confidence in the multiagency team that he has looking into these murders. and we learned several things, don, first of all, the reward money, it's going up to $200,000. the governor's office is raising, adding, an extra $100,000 to what was already there. his hope is that will bring more tips into the case. we also now know that billboards will go up around the state. these billboards, we saw a mock-up inside the building, it shows mike mclelland and his wife, cynthia and mark hasse. the hope is people will see
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this, don, and pass on new tips to the case. for the first time in this news conference, we saw and heard from brandi fernandez, the new interim district attorney. given the concern prosecutors are worried about being targeted, i asked her what it's like to take on that role. take a listen. >> it's certainly always been a concern on our minds, even before, it puts a kink in your life, but i think it's necessary so that we can still show up and get this job done. i think it's just a necessary inconvenience, but i'm still going to show up and they are still going to show up with me, and we're going to get this job done. >> reporter: brandi fernandez also talking about the fact, don, that she will have round the clock, 24-hour security. many prosecutors are doing that, given what's happening here in this state and certainly around the country. >> all right, george howell, standby, because we want to go to colorado right now, where two white supremacists, both
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considered armed and dangerous, are being sought by authorities today. jim spellman live for us now in denver. jim, my question to you, how are all these men connected to the killings of tom clements, the slain prison chief, are they? >> reporter: let me give you brand new information, don, in addition to the two men police have a be on the lookout for, i've learned two other 211 gang members have been brought in by police this week, one monday, one just late last night. the one brought in monday, police have executed search warrants on this person. all four, the two on the lookout alert and two that police have brought in, all were known to have associated with ebel in the days before the shooting of tom clements and the pizza driver, nate leon, and all four of them are 211 gang members. don, i think it says a lot, that two weeks after this car crash incident, shootout with police in texas, this is still an incredibly active investigation. authorities here, like in texas,
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are on edge for their own personal safety and the safety of their coworkers and are taking this very personal, don. they want to people to know it's not the case and they are vigorously going after anybody who may have been associated with a possible conspiracy against these public officials. >> do you have any names for us, do you know who they are? >> reporter: we don't have any names, but we do know they are 211 gang members. investigators are not only concerned for their own safety, but the people they are speaking with and helping them. if somebody would gun down a head of a prison system or district attorney or a sheriff, no reason they wouldn't gun down a potential witness in this case. people being very cagey here about exactly who they are speaking with, don. >> i'm going to ask you to standby, as well, but we want to go to the latest on a killing in mingo county, west virginia. in this case, there's a suspect
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in custody. latest on this, susan candiotti, susan, what do you know? >> reporter: hi, don. first of all, let's remember the sheriff here, sheriff eugene crum here in mingo county, who 24 hours ago was sitting in his marked car eating lunch where i'm standing here, someone approached the car, pointed a gun inside the window, and shot him at point-blank range. he took two shots to the head and died. now, the suspect, as you indicated, is in custody. he's currently hospitalized after police caught up with him and shot at him after they said he drew a gun on him. we do know this, after he was arrested, he said something to investigators, they are not revealing what it was that he said, but it could possibly help us understand what motive might have been in play here. we also do know this, he is currently on a ventilator, authorities have not been able
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to speak with him again because of that. also, i just spoke with the mother of this suspect, who, of course, is hospitalized. the mother tells me very tearfully, in her words, i just don't understand what happened. she said that her son has suffered from mental illness for quite some time and was even institutionalized for about a week a few years ago, and is currently under psychiatric care. she said, i don't know what drugs he's taking or whether he's even taking those drugs, but she did say that she's very concerned about him and feels very, very terrible, she said, passing her condolences on to the family of sheriff crum. so, we don't know what the motive is here. we don't know whether mental illness -- it seems to be at play here, but we don't know what prompted the suspect in this case, tennessee maynard, age 37, to shoot and kill sheriff crum, who was well known
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for his efforts in this community to fight pill mills. he was only sworn into office in january, and everyone here loved him. vigil for him tonight, don. >> very tough stance on drugs he took. susan candiotti, thank you very much. as you can see, cnn has team coverage on this story. we're in three different states. what is going on with law enforcement officials being gunned down. thank you, guys, standby. we'll get back to all of you. susan candiotti, george howell, jim spellman. a new gun law in connecticut is being called the toughest gun control measure in the nation. governor dan malloy signed the bill today. also requires background checks for all gun purchases. connecticut becomes the third state to pass such tough measures since the massacre at sandy hook elementary school last december. tough talks, north korea accusing the u.s. of trying to start a nuclear war and promises to strike. ahead, what the u.s. is doing to try and stop these threats.
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and you've seen the video, rutgers basketball coach verbally and physically abusing his players. now he's been fired, but could this just be the start? some faculty members want the school's president to quit. the latest on the fallout straight ahead. then, facebook makes a big announcement. we'll tell you what it is coming up. new car! hey! [squeals] ♪ [ewh!] [baby crying] the great thing about a subaru is you don't have to put up with that new car smell for long. introducing the versatile, all-new subaru forester. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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[ male announcer ] new icy hot advanced patch with 50% more medicine. pain over. okay, so first on cnn right now, we are learning that the u.s. has gained access to some disturbing information about north korea's possible next move. north korea warns that the moment of explosion is near. a u.s. official says the north could be planning to launch a ballistic missile in just days, just weeks or days. adding to the concern, north korea has been spotted repositioning a missile. this missile's believed to be -- if it's used properly, has a range of 2,500 miles. but it's important to mention this type of missile has never been tested by north korea. u.s. is deploying u.s. defenses to guam. let's go to cnn's chris lawrence now. he's at the pentagon. chris, what more are we learning
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about this missile, and what is the pentagon saying about this threat? >> well, the concern, don, basically is that if they did this test off the east coast, that it could go over japan, which would be very threatening to the u.s. ally in japan, and you would wonder what sort of response could be needed out after that. but this missile, they have seen indications over the last few days that the north has been moving missile components, a missile launch system to that east coast in preparation for a potential test launch. the concern with this missile, of course, if it works, it has the range to hit u.s. forces in south korea, in japan, possibly guam. but the main focus right now is the fact that this only ratchets up this rhetoric that's been going on for the past week and what we've seen today is an attempt by the u.s. government to sort of tamp this down a bit. >> so, many experts believe,
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chris, north korea really has no intention of starting a war, but if it did, either by intent or by accident, what can you tell us about the u.s. playbook of possible actions here? >> they developed this so-called playbook, which is basically a range of options if north korea does, a, this is something that we can do, b, in response, such as flying those b-2 bombers from missouri over the korean peninsula, but i think what you're seeing now is sort of a potential miscalculation that perhaps some of what was intended to sort of make south korea feel secure and also send a message to the north may have ratcheted things up unintentionally on the u.s. side. and now we're getting word from the state department they may be trying to pull back somewhat. >> so, the moves that we have been making are designed to ensure and to reassure the
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american people and our allies that we can defend the united states, that we will, and that we can defend our allies. so, from that perspective, it was the ratcheting up of tensions that causes us to need to shore up our own defense posture. we have done that, but we have also been saying, all the way through, that this does not need to get hotter, that it can -- we can change course here. >> so, basically a defense official tells cnn that the u.s. basically accused north orea of ramping things up, but the u.s. may have been guilty of doing the same on our end. i think what you're seeing from victoria nuland is a signal that when john kerry journeys to the region very soon, that he's going to be taking sort of a diplomatic message and to try to pour some water on this fire, so
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to speak. >> all right, chris lawrence, thank you very much. as tensions mount on the korean peninsula, wolf blitzer takes you inside the conflict, the threat and what's at stake on a special edition of "the situation room" tonight at 6:00 eastern here on cnn. by now you have seen the video of the rutgers basketball coach caught throwing balls and cursing at his players. since the video went public, he has been fired, but now some faculty members want the school's president to step down. we're going to have the latest on the fallout straight ahead. . spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip.
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okay, the rutgers coach situation. this is a different take. you want to look at this. the basketball coach is gone now, but the scandal is still lingering. a short time ago we learned rutgers university will pay ex-coach mike rice $100,000 bonus for longevity, quote, longevity, as required by his contract. rice got fired for hitting and berating players. some say dumping rice is not enough. some faculty members are reportedly calling for rutgers president robert barchi to step down.
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okay, but ex-rutgers players, tyreke graham, well, he is standing by rice and even defending his behavior. listen. >> rutgers made a decision where they suspended him earlier this year for three games and also took $50,000 for him. so, i felt like rutgers gave him his punishment. when the media got ahold of the video, they changed up and rutgers fired him. i feel that's wrong. he served his punishment. actually, he served two penalties for one offense. >> so, let's face it, aggressive coaches, that's nothing new. perhaps most famously, former indiana coach bobby knight. remember this video of knight putting his hands on a player's throat? he was eventually hired to be the head coach of texas tech. more recently in football, texas tech fired mike leach after he was accused of sending an injured player to a storage shed as punishment. strongly denied mistreating players. he now coaches at washington state university. so, there are lives for these coaches beyond being fired.
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some say bullying behavior is just part of being a successful coach. is that so? let's bring in now the founding editor of "espn" the magazine, roxanne jones in new york. roxanne, i've been reading your piece, i read your piece. it's very controversial, you wrote it for you said firing rice will not accomplish anything. why are you saying that? >> i'm saying it because it's true, don, it's true. you just showed video of bobby knight and leach, and my point is if we think he's the only bully in sports, that this is the only coach who uses this technique, and if we fire him and cause a lot of trouble and fire everyone else, it will go away, we're wrong. it's not true. it will not change things, and to a certain degree, i don't have a huge problem with his behavior. i just don't. >> okay. what do you mean you don't have a huge problem with his behavior? >> well, look, sports is different. i know that from my own experience as an athlete. i know that from working in sports for almost the last 20
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years and being within sports from little league up, and you don't talk pretty in sports. people swear. people hit each other. people get bounced around. you get hit in the head with the ball, and so sports is not a pretty playground. it is not. nope, i'm sorry. it's my opinion. >> that's okay. that's okay. listen, i respect your opinion. i have to challenge you a little bit, though, because people see this as bullying, and they are going to say, listen, you don't have to abuse people in order to be strong. yeah, there's no crying in baseball, as they say, we all get it. we've all had aggressive coaches. yes, that's it, but don't you think this is beyond what an aggressive coach should be? especially calling someone names, homophobic names, come on. >> right, right. first of all, i'm a strong advocate in the lgbt community and i have been for a long time, so i don't condone homophobia. i don't see this as that.
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i see it as i've been to the games, as well, and i've heard the same words bantered around when all the players are gay. i think for us to say knee jerk he's homophobihomophobic, whate someone calls a woman a "b," we don't say they are chauvinists. i think in sports you get call names. part of sports, any sport, is trash talk. although he was outrageous in his behavior and i think he needed to be suspended for a season and go through anger management when this first came out, no, i don't think we need to scrub sports clean of all cursing and all name calling and all bullying. >> i think most people would agree with you. >> bullying in the classroom is very different than what happens on a playground. >> i think most people will agree with you. we're talking about in the sense of sports when people say don't be a -- you're talking about names like that. when you're calling people names beyond that, we all get it, when you're hitting people with basketballs, though, and you're
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kicking them, i mean, roxanne -- >> he needed an anger management course. i'm not defending that. i'm saying it's not pretty language. i've heard it before. sports is all about adrenaline. part of sports is being a brute. i mean, that's what we love about it as fans. if we're playing it, you can't control your emotions when you're playing sports or when you're coaching, for that matter. >> sports is aggressive, it's physical. it's aggressive. >> very aggressive. >> here's what i found interesting in your article, it was a good read. as i said, i respect your opinion. we don't all have to think the same way. you say your own son had a positive experience with a bullying coach. really? >> yes. i don't think my words were positive experience. he did have an aau coach, the team traveled to baltimore and philly and other places, who was out of control. i think because he was a poor coach. so all he did was scream and curse and bully the kids.
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bully is kind of a new word now, but, you know, we can describe his behavior. and so when i first saw him, you know, being in sports, i thought, okay, let me keep an eye on this guy. but he was so over the top, that i wanted to watch him, but my son, they lost every game, so obviously, his technique wasn't working. you know, my son really didn't walk away from that a broken kid. one, because his parents were there watching very closely, and secondly, it wasn't language or behavior that he hadn't seen play out in, what, what should we name first, a video game, on the street, in his family. it was real. >> i want to read just as you are talking here, right before you came on, i said we're going to have a different take on this. someone said, beth said, the slurs bothered him, the rest, he's had it all happen, said that's what sports is about. knowing someone else said, i totally agree with this roxanne,
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i love this woman, want to see more of her. someone said, is this lady on cnn serious? another one said firing the rutgers coach is not the answer. this has gone on for decades. a lot of people who agree with you, roxanne, i just want to tell you that. >> thank you very much, don. >> enjoyed your piece on enjoyed your piece. see you again. >> bye-bye. could be the end of permanent alimony in florida. lawmakers considering a bill that would consider lifting the life sentences of spouses that divorce, but is this a smart move? plus, tinier toilets in airplanes. aren't they tiny enough? one airline shrinking its bathrooms to add more seats and other airlines could soon follow. make sure you tweet me and my panel as they weigh in. that's coming up. let's face it. everyone has their own way of doing things. at university of phoenix we know learning is no different.
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all right. it is time now for the stories that you will be talking about at the dinner table tonight, or at water cooler, as they say. the first one deals with reforming divorce, reforming divorce. it may be the end of a marriage, but some exes divorce marks the beginning of alimony payments that could last a lifetime. florida may become the latest state to ban permanent alimony payments. state senate is considered a bill that would not only do that, but also allow courts to change current divorce arrangements and give equal custody to both parents, unless
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a convincing case can be made otherwise. joining me, jan murray, editor and chief of dave begno, host of "news maker." francisco chambers, editor and publisher of "red alert politics." oh, lord, and comedian lonnie lowe. lonnie, this is where i get in trouble, because it's not scripted, so i'm always in trouble. so, lonnie, you know on twitter you are my boo, so when we get a divorce, do you think that we should have permanent alimony, or do you think it's good that alimony may not be permanent all the time, i mean in the future. >> you know what, i want some of your cnn money for life, don, so yes, it should be permanent alimony. all right? if i have to put up with you, i should be able to get some money. so, this is not fair to women. i don't appreciate this. so, we will be getting a prenup
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if we ever get married, okay? >> you don't like this new florida proposal, loni? >> pardon me? >> you don't like the new florida proposal to make it not permanent, make it temporary alimony? >> no. it should be -- i mean, this is not really favorable towards women, because usually we know that most of the time women are the ones that within the marriage say, like, if they decide to have kids, they are the ones that stay at home. and so if they were a career woman, their career is stalled. so, if something happens where this man has had his career and then all of a sudden there's a divorce, now she has to go out and get work. she should have alimony. >> all right. we've heard it, loloni. yeah, you get it. >> what happened to equal rights? listen, you decided, a woman decided to stay at home. why should she get half the
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money for the rest of her life? >> don, didn't women go through that movement where they took off their bras and burned them so they could have equal rights? listen, i know a woman, separate from florida, but out in california. her and her husband got a divorce. he cheated on her, it's a no-fault state. she had to pay him alimony. he did the dirty deed. it's an equal opportunity situation here. women are having to pay men alimony, too. nobody should have to be connected to their ex for the rest of their life. when i decide i don't want to be with you anymore, i should be able to sever those ties, even financially. >> fran? >> i think the key thing you have to look at here is the way the law would change. so, if you were married for up to ten years, you would actually be more likely to get money than you would be if you had been married for 20 or more years. i think it was something like 20 to 30 years or 30 and above. so, that's what doesn't make sense to me about how they would change a law, if you had been married for longer, you would be more likely to get less money
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than if you were married a shorter amount of time, which to me that doesn't make sense. think about all the people that get married to someone because they are rich and they want to leave them. >> that was a lot of numbers. i'm like, what, 15, 30, what is she talking about? david, good point, i don't want to be connected to this person anymore, why should i be continued to pay when i see athletes and wives paying half. she didn't go out and throw those free throws and three pointers, but half? >> all good things must come to an end. yes, we should be equal. there shouldn't be lifetime payments here. this is fair. this is not rigging the system. this is what they call fair. it's not like somebody is going to walk in i want you to give me more or less. this is fair and i think it's the right move. >> david, she gave up her career, she stayed home, she raised the kids. i mean, that's the argument on the other side, david. >> she wanted to. she wanted to.
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>> amen, brother. thank you. >> what are you talking about? >> what am i talking about? in life, loni love, you make choices. >> it's called a prenup, though. it's called a prenup. >> it's called when the kids turn 18, you go get a job. >> thank you. thank you. >> i am not surprised that the women feel one way and the guys feel another way. i'm out, but don't go anywhere. stand by, guys. up next, apparently airplane toilets are too large, really? at least one airline shrinking its bathrooms despite being smaller, they will offer more technology. what do you think? tweet me and my panel. they are going to weigh in next. [ male announcer ] this is bob, a regular guy with an irregular heartbeat. the usual, bob? not today. [ male announcer ] bob has afib: atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem, a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. i don't think so. [ male announcer ] for years, bob took warfarin,
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ronny: i'd say happier than the pillsbury doughboy on his way to a baking convention. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. i'm back now with my panel, jawn murray, david begnaud, francesco chambers, fran chambers, and loni love. okay, here's the next topic, in order to put more passengers on
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a plane, less space in one place all passengers have to use, that's the restroom. at least that's true for one airline. delta has signed on to some high-tech vacuum toilets that are smaller. how can you get any smaller? it's going to allow the airlines to add another four seats to its 737-900s. listen to what the journal writes. quote, the airline says the restroom won't be noticeably smaller on the inside, that's because a toilet maker will harvest wasted space behind the sink, i don't like that, harvest. wasted space behind the sink and the exterior lavatory wall will be sculpted to allow the seat in front of it to recline. >> what? >> so, those people in the last row next to the bathroom, you won't have to sit up for your entire flight, you can lean back now. all right. does that make up for more petite potty? loni, you know, i love me some big girls. you talk about liking your bacon.
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when you're up in first class, you can't eat bacon in first class, you can't be a big girl on the plane anymore with these toilets. >> you know what, let me tell you something, this is why i stay in first class, but if i do have to ride coach on a 737, i'm going to have to high tail it to first class, so i don't care. i'm not going to be uncomfortable. delta is my airline, and i'm not going to be uncomfortable. >> david -- >> listen, i love you first class folks being able to ride in first class, but for the rest of us regular people who have to ride in coach, first of all, where are these four extra seats going to go, first class? i was on a flight to los angeles, i had the seat across from the bathroom and there was a lady walking in who was having trouble making a 360 getting into the bathroom and had to ask the flight attendant for help. how are you going to make the bathroom and toilet smaller? >> i agree. >> fran, go ahead. >> i'm a small girl, okay, and i don't like to go to the bathroom on planes.
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>> you ain't got to brag, okay? don't brag. >> no, i'm not. it's not because the bathrooms are disgusting, it's because there's not enough room in the restroom. i don't know how they can possibly make it smaller and people can fit in there. i'm serious. >> y'all are crazy. i want to read this, i tweeted out, did you hear about this, because i said, i'm not a big guy, and i can barely fit in there i anyway. someone from alabama said, i'll just stand in the aisle, open the door, and try not to miss. i would like to challenge the designers to change a baby or toddler's diaper in one of those smaller bathrooms. good luck. right, huh? >> look, don, it's hard enough getting one person in there. who can ever join the mile high club now, i mean, come on. >> oh! >> the next topic will be how they are charging us to get in these pint-sized bathrooms. >> this is cnn, all right? >> i saw your girlfriend, loni, when she was in the academy-award nominated film "soul plane."
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infamous bathroom scene in there. god knows what us normal-sized people will do in the petite bathrooms on the plane. >> the tickets should be cheaper. >> loni, how are you going to let him hate on you like that? >> that movie was good, don, i don't know what you were talking about. i bootlegged it and everything. >> we made $12 at the box office, i don't care what you say. "soul plane" was a hit on the street. we bootlegged it and everything. >> i know this panel has gone to pot, the entire studio is cracking up. you guys are such good sports. it's always great to see you. david, fran, jawn, and loni, my boo. loni, keep it up with the bacon, i'm with you. >> all right, baby. >> i'm with you. >> bye, don. >> got some in my family, i love them. >> bye, don. calling all tech fans, facebook has an announcement. no, it didn't come out with a phone like people thought, but it did come out with a way to
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make using the social media site on your phone a bit easier. we're going to explain next. us a legal golf bag can hold. and while that leaves a little room for balls and tees, it doesn't leave room for much else. there's no room left for deadlines or conference calls. not a single pocket to hold the stress of the day, or the to-do list of tomorrow. only 14 clubs pick up the right one and drive it right down the middle of pure michigan. your trip begins at how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed: the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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correspondent, dan simon, just got out of the facebook event in california. dan, tell us about it. >> reporter: well, don, you know, first of all, let me explain it this way, if you're somebody who loves facebook, if you're obsessed with it, somebody at grocery store in the checkout line looking at photos, this will appeal to you. but let me give you a couple disclosures at the top. number one, broadcast cameras were not allowed in for this event, but there was a live stream provided by facebook. that's what you're going to be seeing. the second disclosure is if you're an iphone user, this does not apply to you. this is only for android devices. so, let's look at it this way, if you're spoeb somebody who's on your phone a lot, you might go to a bunch of apps. the way it works now with your mobile phone experience, it's all built around apps. well, facebook is saying apps come first and people come second. well, they want to reverse the paradigm. they want people to come first and apps come second. so, what they are doing is taking the entire facebook experience and putting it right
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on the home screen of your phone. they are calling this "facebook home." this is what zuckerberg had to say about it. >> now, we're going to show you "home." since home is the lock screen, in addition to the home screen, you don't need to do any swipes or gestures in order to be able to see this content. and since it's all right there as soon as you look at your phone, because you've already loaded all this content in the background while your phone was sleeping. so, you can flip through stories if you want, and if you find something that you like, you can double tap to like it right there. you can comment right there from the home screen. and one of the things that you're going to notice is that all the interactions are just really smooth and natural. >> reporter: so, don, the elephant in the room here is facebook wants to make more
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money off of mobile advertising. right now, about a quarter of their revenue comes from mobile. they want to get that up. one way to do that is by putting facebook there on the home screen. if you're an android user, the way to do this is go to the android play store, download the app. it's going to be available on april 12th at first for only a half dozen devices and it will be based in the u.s. first and eventually internationally. don? from facebook to apple. apple could be close to launching its long-awaited tv. analysts with topeka capital markets visited china and taiwan. brian white says the itv will revolutionize tv. he has some juicy details. 60 inches in size. he says $1,500 to $2,500, and the best part of it, the iring could look like this one, which lets you control the itv with your finger, an iring. okay.
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white says to expect to see apple's tv the last half of this year. all right. not quite replacing the wedding band, but an iring. lance armstrong just wants to compete. the disgraced doper is banned from cycling, so he's hoping to enter another type of race. how his dream to compete again has been stumped.
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why not make the day unforgettable? with two times the points on travel, from taxis to trains. you'll be asking why not, a lot. chase sapphire preferred. there's more to enjoy. we don't let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. so if you're one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day... block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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all right, first up, disgraced cyclist lance armstrong keen to get back to competitive sports, trading his bike for a swim suit. he entered a masters swimming contest in austin, texas, just this weekend, but folks there weren't too happy about hitting the pool with a man accused of running one of the most sophisticated doping programs in sports. this time, armstrong refused to fight, withdrawing voluntarily. the man known as the craigslist killer was sentenced to death today. in 2011, richard james beasley killed three men who responded to an ad he placed for work at an ohio farm. the judge followed the recommendations of a jury who convicted beasley last month on 26 counts of murder, kidnapping, and aggravated robbery. the state department is offering a $5 million reward for the ring leaders of a group accused of committing crimes against humanity. this man, joseph kony, one of
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the leaders of the lord's resistance army. he is wanted for taking children as soldiers and sex slaves in central africa. kony was a subject of a video widely circulated through social media last year. our goal is to change the conversation of our culture and get people to ask. >> the reward money is available under a new law signed by president obama in january. kia and hyundai are recalling more than 1.6 million cars. here's the problem. defective brake lamps are sending wrong signals to the cars' electronic brain. hyundai and kia will send notifications to owners in june. that's when they should have enough new brake light switches available to fix the problem. it's one of the largest recalls ever for hyundai and kia. they are owned by the same south korean parent company. coming up on cnn, cancer clinics are turning away some patients saying forced spending cuts are to blame. matt's brakes didn't sound right... i brought my car to mike at meineke...
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heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it. in today's human factor, a tough disease versus a tough woman. dr. sanjay gupta has a look at one woman's battle against colon cancer. >> on september 19, 2010, i received news no healthy 28 year old expects to hear, but i didn't cry, panic, or feel sorry for myself. >> maria is a fierce opponent. calculated, competitive, unrelenting. >> i had joined a gym in the beginning of 2010. i had lost about 30 pounds of fat, put on about ten pounds of muscle, so i thought that my
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body was going through changes in general and the g.i. issues were tied to those changes. >> as the year progressed, gloria's symptoms got worse, but one day she got fouled in a basketball game. >> she put both hands on my gut area and didn't slap me hard, it was just trying to kind of throw me off balance, and the pain was excruciating. and i remember hobbling over to the free-throw line and realizing there is something very serious here. >> reporter: gloria finally checked herself into the hospital, bloated and vomiting ferociously. an operation uncovered a large tumor in her colon. >> my mom told me initially it is stage 4 colon cancer and it is aggressive. well, i'm an aggressive girl, so what do we do? >> reporter: doctors told gloria she had one to two painful years left at best. she was undaunted. here she is at chemotherapy round one sporting a "rocky"
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t-shirt, then round two, round three. at round 45 -- ♪ she had beaten the odds and decided to have a little fun. today, glor's checking in for round 46. >> cancer is tough and i'm tougher. >> you like that? >> that is a good one. >> reporter: with her husband will and parents at her side. together, they launched a foundation to find a cure for colon cancer within the next decade. >> i said, all right. if you had all the money in the world, could you cure it, could you and your team of doctorings know what to do, and he said, yes. >> reporter: their goal, $250 million. >> my answer to cancer was, no, this is not going to happen. >> reporter: dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting. happening right now in the newsroom, first on cnn, north korea moves a missile to its coast. today we're learning just how far that missile could travel and how powerful it may be.
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plus, remember the forced spending cuts you heard so much about? now doctors who treat cancer patients say they are having to turn some away. 18 months, 25 billion events and a potential scientific breakthrough. it's all about dark matter. we're telling you why it could we're telling you why it could be such an important discovery. -- captions by vitac -- hello, everyone, i'm don lemon in today for brooke. so, we talked last hour about the shooting death of that sheriff in west virginia. his name, eugene crum. within the past hour, we have learned the mingo county commissioners have appointed his widow, rose crum, to serve the rest of his term. 37-year-old tennis maynard is being held in crum's death. he reportedly has a history of mental illness. first on cnn, we're now learning that the u.s. has gained access to some disturbing information about north korea's possible next move.
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as north korea warns that the moment of explosion is near, a u.s. official says, the north could be planning to launch a ballistic missile in just days or weeks. adding to the concern, north korea has been spotted repositioning a missile. that missile's believed to be a musudan missile and if used properly has a range of 2500 miles. but this type of missile has never been tested by north korea and the u.s. is on the defensive deploying offenses to guam. i want you to listen to what former u.s. ambassador to the united nations told cnn just today. >> i think our response has been appropriate, cool, calm, but at the same time, putting our military resources ready in case there's an emergency. but if they try anything with the united states, it's suicidal. that's not going to happen. >> john park is a north korea specialist at harvard and m.i.t. he joins me now. john, let's talk about that
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word, suicidal. we're learning about a u.s. playbook to respond to north korea's provocations and possible actions, but how do you see this playing out, worst-case scenario right here? >> right now i think we're engaged in a book of flinches. the north koreans are escalating in terms of threats and actions and watching how various countries are responding. in terms of the next steps here, as reported, looks like a ballistic missile is being prepared for launch. april 15th will mark the birth of kim il song, so to have this launched and a big story for the internal audience is a big part of it, but one of the benefits here is the u.s. will have military assets there to carefully track and monitor and get important data from this test flight. >> is it possible that the u.s. is playing into north korea's hands by having too much of a reaction? are we spurring north korea on?
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>> well, in this respect, deploying ballistic missile capabilities in preparation for this test is something, again, will provide a rare opportunity to get more information. each test that north korea conducts on the long-range missile capabilities is important, because not much is known about the program. and as they conduct more missile tests to miniaturize a warhead, those are developments that frankly are urgent in terms of getting this type of rare information. >> so, kim jong un is a young leader who has been in power for less than 16 months. this regime seems more unstable now than it ever was under his father, kim jong-il. does that instability make north korea's threat bigger or smaller, and who's in charge? >> don, it is an alarming time. he is a new leader, and frankly there isn't much known about his track record, because he's only been on the job for a little more than a year. we have a lot of information about kim jong-il during his 17
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years during the leader of north korea. he manufactured and managed a lot of crises himself, but one thing that's important here is we're at a very early stage of new leadership around the region, so the testing and probing and assessing is something that's going to cause a lot of heart burn, but for the north koreans is an important type of exercise to see what they are dealing with, as well. the more he can protect his book of flinches, the more he can calibrate crises going forward. >> all right, thank you very much. we appreciate that. john park thinks as tensions mount on the korean peninsula, wolf blitzer takes you inside the conflict on a special edition of "the situation room" that's here tonight on cnn. this is cnn breaking news. >> we have breaking news on cnn i want to tell you about. just coming in. the producers are telling me you may remember a male hiker was rescued in orange county,
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california. he was missing for three days and separated from a female hiker we have just heard the female has been located. again, the female hiker has been located. kendall jack, 18 years old. conditions are unknown right now. we're working on getting video from our affiliate in the area, but again, remember the hiker rescued after being lost in the wilderness in orange county, california. separated from a female hiker. just heard that the female hiker has been located. she is 18 years old. there you're looking at pictures now from our affiliate. that's moments ago, affiliate again, we're looking at that video just coming in. as soon as we get more information, we'll bring it to you on cnn.
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don't go anywhere. we're now in the fourth month of budget cuts and some of us are wondering if it's trickling down and how. it's something cancer patients are feeling firsthand and they are being turned away from clinics. lisa sylvester joins us now live to explain. lisa, what's happening, and why now? >> reporter: hi, there, don. well, the forced budget cuts for medicare, they took effect on april 1st, and what that means is a 2% cut in medicare payments to providers. when you think about it, cancer treatment like the drugs and chemotherapy has to be administered by a doctor, and the doctors are saying they are already operating at such a slim margin, with that 2% cut, that means tough choices. either they are going to have to tell patients seek treatment else where, or they could face going out of business, don. >> what will happen to these medicare patients? >> reporter: you know, for many of them, it means they can't go to the community clinic. they are going to have to go to a hospital. as we all know, the cost of treatment at a hospital is more
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expensive. one study put it about $6,500 more expensive annually for cancer treatment than a clinic. think about the stress it adds to a patient. i spoke to one man fighting cancer. he's been going to the same place, same clinics, same doctors for treatment for nine years. now when he goes to the hospital, he can't even find a parking spot. then there's going to be new nurses, new place to go. all of this makes it really difficult for these patients, don. >> has the federal government weighed in on this at all, lisa? >> reporter: there is an administration that can make changes, and that agency is a centers for medicare and medicaid services. oncologists are appealing to the director saying please exempt cancer drugs from this 2% cut. we have a call into the agency and are going to report back on what they say and have more in the 5:00 p.m. hour of "the situation room" with wolf
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blitzer. don? >> what do patients do? >> reporter: now, some of them have gotten the letter that says you might have to go to the hospital or some place else. they don't like it one bit, but if there is no change, they are going to have to do that, don. >> all right, lisa sylvester, thank you very much. we'll be watching. your dinner steak or meat loaf could soon come with a label. up next, why the government wants the meat you eat to come with a lot of information. plus, from prison to the nfl. a man wrongly convicted talked with cnn about finally getting to live out his dream. welcome to the new new york state. what's the "new" in the new new york? a new property tax cap... and the lowest middle class income tax rate in 60 years... and a billion dollars in tax breaks and incentives. new opportunities for business. over 250,000 new private sector jobs were created over the last two years. and 17 straight months of job growth. with the most private sector jobs ever. lower taxes, new incentives, new jobs, now that's news. to grow or start your business in the new new york
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. brian banks finally has a chance to live his dream after clearing his name. he signed a contract with the atlanta falcons yesterday about ten years ago, a classmate accused banks of rape. she admitted that she lied about the rape, about the whole thing, back in 2011. banks serve ed five years in prison and five years of probation for rape. his lawyer advised him to plead no contest. now banks finally has a chance to make his nfl dream come true. >> i know i've been out of the game for ten years, but at the same time, i have no injuries, no setbacks, i've been just
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working out really hard. i sit here a free man, healthy, you know, my family and friends are in full support. i have my life back. there was a point in my life where i was very angry and, you know, i had a lot of negative emotions that, you know, filled me. but it was just really holding me back as a person. >> the atlanta falcons' general manager says the team is happy to have banks on board. your dinner steak, your meatloaf could come with a new label. a lot of information because the government wants the meat you eat to come with more stuff. hello! how sharp is your business security? can it help protect your people and property, while keeping out threats to your operations? it's not working! yes it is. welcome to tyco integrated security. with world-class monitoring centers and thousands of qualified technicians. we've got a personal passion to help your business run safer, smarter, and sharper.
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okay, so forget the doctor when it comes to primary care. at least that's what walgreens is hoping customers will do. the retail pharmacy chain announced plans to move beyond flu shots and sniffles. assistants will start diagnosing treatments. the plan has some doctors crying sick saying physicians know their patients and are needed to manage such conditions.
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might be a tough day to grab some fast food in manhattan. 70 fast food restaurants have been hit with protests and strikes. wendy's, mcdonald's, burger king, pizza hut, and kfc restaurants are being targeted. the protests were organized by a group called fast food forward, a coalition of labor, community, and clergy groups. now, the protests want fast food restaurants to pay workers a minimum of $15 an hour. the median hourly pay for fast food workers, $9. and soon, meat you buy in a grocery store might come with more information or where it came from at least. the usda proposing a rule, a change that would require meat labels to tell you where the animal was born. let's go to erin mcpike now in washington. erin, what other information will the new labels tell us? >> well, don, for the most part,
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this whole ordeal says a lot about the intricate laws and the lengthy time it takes to implement them. in 2002, congress wanted the country of origin for meat and for fish, but it wasn't mandatory to label meat with these stamps that basically say product of the u.s. or product of mexico or even product of mixed origin until 2009, seven years later, because there was a lot of blowback from big businesses that were bringing in livestock from other countries, so they tried to delay it. now, the current battle is not about food safety or transparency at all, it's really a battle over trade. so, canada with some support from other countries filed a dispute with the world trade organization when that labeling went into effect in '09. the complaint basically was these labels do real damage to their exports, and, of course, big american businesses that then sell what they've imported
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from mexico or canada didn't like it either. it took three years of arguments and appeals, but the world trade organization ultimately sided with the other countries and forced the u.s. to alter its rules. now, what the u.s. department of agriculture has come up with is suggest labels will read something like, born in uruguay, slaughtered in the united states. there's the rub, you get to read what one writer called today, a sad little biography about your dinner. i've been looking at labels today in grocery stores, and they are really very, very tiny and most of the people i talked to today don't really notice them at all. a lot of people really don't care, but here's the other thing, they may also say born in the united states, raised in the united states, and slaughtered in the united states, and as you might guess, critics think that's just a waste of time and wreaks of bureaucracy, but if it's approved, it's slated to go into effect in late may. >> okay. a lot of information, erin.
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what's the benefit here, could these new labels make our food safer besides just telling us a story of this particular, you know, where the cow came from? >> it depends on whether or not you do research. i talked to one woman who said, i know if meat is coming from argentina, it's going to take a lot longer to get here, so it's not as fresh and i'd rather have it from nebraska. but you would only know it's from the united states. >> okay. erin mcpike, thank you, appreciate that. >> thank you. up next, news on everyone and everything, including another blow for disgraced cyclist lance armstrong. plus, chad myers sheds light on a dark matter on dark matter. and a better way to facebook on your phone. the power block next. i'm phyllis, and i have diabetic nerve pain.
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when i first felt the diabetic nerve pain, of course, i had no idea what it was. i felt like my feet were going to sleep. it progressed from there to burning like i was walking on hot coals to like a thousand bees that were just stinging my feet. i have a great relationship with my doctor. he found lyrica for me. [ female announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eye sight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who've had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica.
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having less pain... it's a wonderful feeling. [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of phyllis's story, visit former coach at rutgers up for a sweet parting gift. mike rice fired yesterday after video emerged of him abusing players at practice will get a bonus, $100,000. a spokesman says rice had a longevity clause in his contract. he just finished his third season. louisville's kevin ware led his team off the plane for the final four in atlanta. in an interview with cnn, ware said he peeked and took a look at the video of his horrible injury during his team's defeat of duke. he says he doesn't want to see it again. so, with me now, cbs basketball
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analyst clarke kellogg. have you seen anything like the outpouring of support for kevin ware? >> i can't recall, john. it's been amazing. we were there courtside on sunday, myself and our cbs broadcast crew. it was emotional, gut wrenching, to see him undergo that kind of injury, yet the outpouring of support from his team, his coaching staff, was really something i've never been a part of in an athletic event, and i'm happy to know that he had successful surgery and he seems to be on his way to what will be a long and hard recovery. but seems to be in good spirits and hopefully we'll see him here on saturday. >> very emotional time for him. i was watching interviews of him last night, he was crying. good to see he's in good spirits. let's talk about the final four. he wants his team to go on and win. let's talk about the final four. teams have arrived in atlanta now. who do you like? >> well, i like them all. obviously, we'll be courtside, my colleagues and i calling the game, so i won't offer a pick as
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to who i think will win, but i'm hoping for competitive games, all four teams have earned their way here, done it in different ways and different styles. as always, i'm hopeful the games are play out in real life as good as they look on paper. the michigan/syracuse matchup is an intriguing one and the wichita state/louisville one, as well. >> i'd like louisville to win, then my brackets won't be a complete waste of time. you're involved in something called a capital one cup. tell us about that. >> well, the capital one cup actually rewards the top division one athletic programs, men's and women's, across a combined 39 sports for cumulative on-field performance. at the end of the spring sports season, a men's division one program and women's division one program will be crowned the capital one cup winner, and those particular programs will
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receive the capital one cup trophy and also $400,000 in combined student scholarships. so, it's a wonderful way to celebrate achievement on the field or court with also supporting academic scholarships, athletic scholarships, student scholarships. >> okay, i'm going to ask you this next question. when we were talking in the newsroom, all the ladies, yeah, it's going to happen. all the guys, no way, not going to happen. i want to ask you about brittney griner, is she going to play for the nba? >> i don't think so, don. she's an awesome, awesome female player, women's player, i don't think it could be done at the nba level. she's been dominant throughout her career. she's got a terrific future ahead of her as a wnba player, but i don't think playing in the nba is something she'd be able to do successfully. >> okay. before i let you go, you're a former player, you've dealt with many coaches, i'm sure. what did you think when you saw the rutgers video, did you see anything like that in your years
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playing and being involved in sports? >> no, i had not. and clearly, it was something to me that rose to the level of immediate termination. it got to the right place. it was delayed in terms of the reaction, but any time you have a position of leadership with young folks and you're trying to develop and grow them in a positive manner, there's just no place for conducting yourself in that way. it was disheartening, it was really hard to see that, because i have kids about that age that have played division one college sports. and that's not the way you reach them. that's not the way that you grow them and develop them. certainly something that a coach shouldn't be doing. i was appalled by it, and i think the consequences of losing his job were appropriate in this particular case. >> unfortunate to say the least. thank you very much, clark kellogg, we appreciate it. >> yep, appreciate the time. thanks, don. >> all righty. lance armstrong just wants to compete. the disgraced doper banned from cycling, so he's hoping to enter another type of race.
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the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf., and every day since, we've worked hard to keep it. today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy. we've shared what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. bp's also committed to america. we support nearly two-hundred-fifty thousand jobs and invest more here than anywhere else. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. our commitment has never been stronger. it is the bottom of the hour, i'm don lemon in today for brooke. technology, sports, health, science, and showbiz news, of course, right now. >> today we're finally going to talk about that facebook phone. >> so, it's not exactly the facebook phone. it's a better way to facebook on your phone. mark zuckerberg just unveiled
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facebook home. it puts facebook content front and center on android phones. photos, status updates, and chats there on the home screen so you don't have to mess with apps. android users can install home themselves, or you can buy a phone such as htc's first, and that has home built in. it's called home. that's what it is. apple could be close to launching long-awaited tv and analysts visit apple suppliers in china and taiwan. the itv will revolutionize tv. he has juicy details for you. 60 inches in size, $1500 to $2500. here's the best part, the iring could look like this one, which lets you control the itv with your finger. white says expect to see apple's tv the last of this year, last part of this year. ♪
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all right, that is an oldie but a goody from diddy. real name, of course, sean combs. he's just joined the long list of stars that have been swatted. a prankster reported an assault at combs's home yesterday and ktla is reporting a slew of cops showed up, through there wasn't any crime. no crime has been commit. other vi oth other. los angeles lakers retired shaquille o'neal's jersey. alongside magic johnson's number 32 and seven other jerseys, but if you look closely, o'neal and number 34 are on the front of the jersey instead of the back of the jersey. oops. the lakers say it will be fixed before tomorrow night's game against memphis. by the way, did you see him last night? he was on "southland."
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disgraced cyclist lance armstrong keen to get back to competitive sports, trading his bike for a swimsuit. he entered a swimming competition in austin, texas, just this weekend, but folks there weren't too happy about hitting the pool with a man accused of running the most sophisticated doping scandal in sports. they stepped in and this time armstrong withdrew voluntarily. it's the visible invisible material that's been called the glue that binds the universe together. i'm talking about dark matter. now nasa may have unlocked more secrets about the mysteries of the space. the mysteries of the universe. chad myers is here. what did they find? >> don, this story makes my brain hurt. it hurts so bad, i had to get my blood pressure taken. i don't know what's going on here, trying to get your head around this thing. they know that there's something out there holding the galaxies from just exploding.
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see the galaxies, see pictures, but why don't they keep moving, change direction, why don't they change location? they think there's something else out there that's grooving it all together. we just don't know. if you took old courses back in college, you don't know what you don't know. we don't even know what we're looking for. that's part of the problem. so, think about trying to make a recipe with chicken and never seen a chicken before. that's the idea. we're trying to find out what's holding this together. they put a spectrometer on the space station two years ago and they are finding particles now coming from dark places. there should be nothing coming from here, should be no posi trons from this direction. they are getting close. they don't know what they are finding. i'm fine, my blood pressure is 140/90. what's the significance of this discovery? >> we want to know what all these other particles are out there.
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we believe that atoms, the things we know, electrons, all that, only about 5% of the whole universe. the rest we don't really know, dark energy, dark matter. when we find something like this, maybe we'll know how the pyramids were built, maybe we know 10,000 men didn't pull the rock up to the pyramid, maybe they levitated it. they knew how, maybe we forgot how to do it. >> i don't know. >> that's what i've been doing all day. >> thanks, chad myers, appreciate it. could science be on a brink of a cure for meth addiction? testing what could be the first cure for those hooks on methamphetamines. in a preliminary trial at ucla, the drug researchers say a dope-off in drug cravings and improvement in cognitive function. if successful, might be the first non-opiate for heroin
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addiction. he served more than 40 years in prison for a crime he said he did not commit. today, louis taylor is a free man, so what's preventing him from trying to get paid for all the years he spent behind bars? we're on the case. you don't want to miss it. that's next. it any other way. but your erectile dysfunction - you know, that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips,
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texas law enforcement officials were among those present at a memorial service just a short time ago for a slain district attorney. mike mclelland and his wife cynthia were killed over the weekend at their home in kaufman county. texas governor rick perry spoke about the slain couple and their community. >> by any measure, we're capable of understanding we shouldn't be here today. mike and cynthia were too vibrant, were too full of life to be gone so quickly. three weeks ago, mike and i saw
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each other on the south steps of the capitol as he came to be honored by the texas senate and the texas house. and there just aren't any words that can explain what this community's gone through. >> perry also announced a reward of up to $100,000 for information leading to the arrest and indictment of mclelland's killer and mark hasse, another kaufman county prosecutor gunned down in daylight in an attack on january 31st. let's talk now about louis taylor. he was 16 years old. that was back in 1970. that's when this fatal fire broke out at a tucson, arizona, hotel, claiming 28 lives. taylor was swiftly arrested and charged with arson. he was sentenced on 28 counts of felony murder and ordered to spend the rest of his days incarcerated. now he's 59 years old and taylor
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walked free on tuesday after entering a no-contest plea at a new trial. this came after the arizona justice project convinced the court that there wasn't enough evidence to confirm arson caused the blaze. taylor and his lawyer spoke to cnn about his newfound freedom. >> it's amazing, man. you know, to feel mother earth under my feet, free mother earth. all i can do is go forward. i educated myself in prison, i finished college, you know, i worked as a medical technician in prison. i was minimum three times and i never ran off, because people were always running off, come on, louis, you got life, i'm innocent, man. innocent don't run away. i'm going to wait for justice. unfortunately, the attorney did not want to cure injustice. they took 32 years of my life. >> there he is right now. joining me now, drew finley, who is on the case for us. drew, we just heard from taylor
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himself, he says he is free, so why has his injustice not cured, as he said? >> i have to tell you something, i'm shocked at the way that the county attorney and pima county dealt with this case. she would not exonerate. if she looked south to craig watkins in dallas, texas, craig watkins is a district attorney who's embraced the notion of exoneration, embraced that when people are innocent, they need to be exonerated and therefore, adequately compensated. she's refused to do that. >> that's the question, does the evidence indicate he's innocent? it says, from what i've read, there isn't enough evidence to prove that it was arson, not that he's necessarily innocent. >> i think that was a self serving statement made by the county attorney in pima county. in order for it to be arson, there must be an intentional crime. there were two arson investigators. he no longer believes it's
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arson, therefore, if it's not arson, he'd be innocent. in a second in a deposition, he's 83 years old said, he was a suspect because he was black and this is the kind of thing that black people did back then. i mean, that testimony is gone. so you have one person that says it's not arson, the other's a racist, he was tried in front of an all-white jury. he was a man of color. you also have the judge believing that there wasn't enough evidence through the years he's indicated in his writings and gifts. >> why won't the d.a. exonerate him? >> one of the things i think about, and i can't help but thinking about is she lives in a homogenous environment. the black community is not well represented, so she doesn't have to worry about backlash. if you go to other parts of the country where there is a diverse community, the district attorney has to take into consideration racism played a role in it. i think racism did play a role in this and she has nobody to be held accountable for, so she
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wants this to slip through as a no contest and arizona and her office can't be sued like other cases in which people are exonerated around the united states and are financially compensated. >> you think they are aware of that or they don't know because they've never been faced with racism so they think their way is the only way. do you think they are overtly doing it? >> the only thing i can think of is that they are just kind of turning away and not really dealing with it head on. >> you said they live in a homogenous community. if you do, you don't even realize. >> listen, that's a great point. >> not that i'm letting them off the hook, but you know what i'm saying. >> there are parts of the country where prosecutors embrace somebody's exoneration. here in atlanta, georgia, just a few years ago, our district attorney embraced that a gentleman was sentenced to life imprisonment. he embraced his exoneration and proudly stood in court when the man was declared free. >> so louis taylor has now basically signed away his rights. he can't sue, right?
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does he have any legal recourse against the fire department, against investigators, anyone? >> with him entering a no-contest plea, his legal recourse is going to be severely limited. >> what are the implications of this, do you think? >> i think the implications are that this is tantamount to him having to pay a ransom. he, to me, is equivalent of somebody that's kidnapped. he was being held in jail and the only way to achieve his freedom was two words, no contest. i think that's just shocking. >> do you think this is going to influence other cases because of this particular case? >> well, i think that this is a little bit unique to the issues of fire science. people realize that fire science has really changed through the years. years ago there was a lot of finger pointing for arson when as science developed, they realized the fires were really not intentionally set, they were just mistakes. >> if we can go back to him, the recourse, like anybody, he spent that much time locked up.
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look, i just want to get out of here. you sure there's nothing he can do, undue influence, people have signed things before, they didn't know what they were signing, undue influence, nothing? >> sometimes what you'll see is legislatures set aside money, you'll hear about this and there will be a resolution or some type of proclamation passed in a governmental entity and they'll reach some type of decision as to what's best to compensate him. he's going to run up against a brick wall, however, that even though it wasn't guilty, he didn't enter technically a plea. the equivalent with somebody with a drunk driving case and they say no contest, nevertheless, they have to be penalized. >> good stuff. interesting case, drew findly, appreciate it. up next, a long-time cop accused of joining the bad guys. find out why this police officer who served on the force for 17 years is now behind bars. the humble back seat. we believe it can be the most valuable real estate on earth.
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this is cnn breaking news. the breaking news, roger ebert, according to the chicago sun times, has died. the legendary film critic, roger ebert, has died. that's what the chicago times newspaper is reporting. today, ebert 70 years old. lost his ability to speak and eat after surgeries to thyroid salivary gland cancer in 2002 and 2003. said earlier this week that his cancer had returned. we had been reporting on that on
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c cnn. then on a facebook posting on twitter, he said that it was with a very heavy heart we report that legendary film critic roger ebert has passed away. the newspaper where ebert worked for decades, decades, the chicago sun times. this is a hole that can't be filled, it says, one of the greats has left us, roger ebert passed away at the age of 70. and i personally have to say to the friend of his wife, chaz ebert, chaz, my heart and prayers go out to you and your family. and we are all thinking of you. according to the chicago sun times, legendary film critic roger ebert dead at the age of 70. we'll continue to report as we get more information. a veteran new york city cop is accused of running a robbery crew that ripped off drug dealers to the tune of more than $1 million. jose ta hejada worked out of th
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precinct in harlem. he stocked his apartment with real police gear and uniforms for the crew to use, used fake warrants to arrest drug dealers, then took their cash and drugs. tejada was in court last hour, our legal analyst, sunny hostin was in the courtroom, as well. did the judge agree with this? >> reporter: you know, we just found out, yes, the judge did agree. the judge found him a danger to the community and a flight risk, but i have to tell you, don, there were fireworks just now in this courtroom. tejada's attorney argued very, very vigorously for his release pending trial, and the argument was a good one. his argument was that tejada has remained a new york city police officer for the past four years without incident, although he had been on modified duty, so he did not have a service revolver,
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he certainly still had a badge and was walking the halls of justice. so, for the government to argue at this point four years later that he is a danger of community after sending him out in the community day in, day out, the defense argued was ridiculous, was extraordinary. however, the government came back and said that tejada's, these allegations that tejada's behavior was simply outrageous for a police officer, and as you mentioned earlier, he is accused of armed robbery, three, in fact, robbing drug dealers and apparently this all came to light when tejada and others stormed an innocent family's home. and they called 911. now, the government says that that family is distraught. they remain distraught. they don't trust the dea. they don't trust the law enforcement community, and they still remain haunted by that day. so, the judge, magistrate judge,
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did remand officer tejada pending trial. >> sunny hostin, thank you, sunny. up next, a new project for hillary clinton. find out what she's been up to since leaving the state department less than two months ago. project for hillary clinton. find out what she has been up to since leaving the state department less than two months ago. humans. one day we're coming up with the theory of relativity, the next... not so much. but that's okay -- you're covered with great ideas like optional better car replacement from liberty mutual insurance. total your car and we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. learn about it at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy?
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her future plans but we're not talking the presidency but publishing. the former secretary of state is going to write a book according to her publisher about her time on the job and it'll be released in 2014. no word on what her book deal nets her but mrs. clinton reportedly received $8 million for her last book "living history." we'll get unique perspective on north korea in just minutes. "the lead with jake tapper" is next. you're talking live with bill richardson the former u.s. ambassador to the united nations. he was actually in north korea recently. >> that's right. governor richardson will give us his take on north korea as things seem to be escalating in north korea as the military seems to be preparing and showing force, the u.s. military, but diplomats here in the u.s. are talking about dialing down the language, dialing back the rhetoric. we will also of course spend some time remembering film
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critic roger ebert who as you reported a few minutes ago seccumbed to his battle with cancer today. "the chicago sun times" has announced. we'll talk to him and also take a look behind the set of "mad men." we got a sneak preview. our political panel will talk about secretary of state hillary clinton's book which is due out just a few months before the 2014 mid terms. interesting timing. >> thank you very much, jake. about five minutes away with "the lead." "the chicago sun-times" reporting the death of legendary film critic roger ebert. more on that after the break. [ tires screech ] [ beeping ] ♪ [ male announcer ] we don't just certify our pre-owned vehicles.
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and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. roger ebert has died according to the "chicago sun-times." i want to bring in the host of owe showbiz tonight" mr. a.j. hammer." we heard earlier in the week the cancer had returned. >> that makes this really some pretty unexpected and sad news tonight, don. the legendary film critic roger ebert has died today. he spent more than 45 years reviewing movies for the "chicago sun-times" which is remarkable. he became very famous giving his thumbs up or thumbs down for three decades on his television show with gene sis coal. he died of complications from the cancer he had been battling
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according to the "chicago sun-times." it was always that quick wit and thumbs up thumbs down movie review we loved so much about the man. it earned him fame as one of america's most prominent film critics. he was a native of illinois. his love of cinema came at a very early age. he began writing film reviews for the "chicago sun-times" in the late '60s and in 1975 was the first film critic to ever win the pulitzer prize for criticism. in 1970 he dabbled in screen writing, coauthoring "beyond the valley of the dolls" with russ meyer. certainly knew a great deal about what it takes to make a good film. it was in 1976 when he teamed up with a competitor, "chicago tribune" film critic gene siskell on tv. within a few years that went into syndication and their thumbs up thumbs down rating system soon became their trademark that everybody still uses today when we're talking about films. it was 1999 when gene siskal died from complications stemming from a brain tumor operation.
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the show title was changed to roger ebert and the movies and a short time later fellow "sun-times" columnist richard roper became the permanent cohost of the show. it was later titled "ebert and roper." not one to be left behind he embraced social media and was actively twiting. he never lost his voice despite battling both thyroid and salivary gland cancers and underwent numerous surgeries in recent years, don. again, as you said earlier this week, we all got the news that his cancer had rekurd. we did not realize he was at the stage he was at. roger ebert, a beloved american icon, dead today at the age of 70. >> one of those interviews we're seeing there is one time i interviewed them and his wife chaz who is a friend talked about, you know, she was there by his side. the lady by his side. she was so excited, a.j., he was getting this new machine and you ul
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