tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 5, 2013 11:00am-1:00pm PDT
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light coming through, that they will see a man lived a good life and people's lives were impacted by that. >> clements' other daughter, say remarks said simply my dad was my hero. well, that's it for us. brooke baldwin takes it from here. have a great weekend. coming up, more fallout at rutgers university today. just about an hour ago, the athletic director resigned. you know the story. the head basketball coach in this video was fired earlier this week. and now some are asking who is next. plus, 23 years on the run. he wasn't even a suspect, but this man turned himself in for a murder because he says he couldn't live with the guilt. >> i'm prepared to enter a guilty plea right here and now. and a tsa worker attacked? look at this. but a nearby passenger who also happened to be a police officer leaped into action. the whole thing caught on video. good to be with you on this
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friday. i'm brooke baldwin and we begin with the story at rutgers university. officially the other shoe has dropped. first mike rice. the abusive homophobic basketball coach finally fired wednesday. and now we have learned his boss, the man who allowed rice to keep coaching for months after he had seen will this tape, he is out, as well. is he athletic director -- i should say former athletic director tom pernetti. his resignation announced just within the past hour at rutgers. >> i apologize to any student-athletes on the team who may have been personally harmed. the kind of chronic and pervasively abusive demonstrated on that video is unacceptable and does not represent the high standards of leadership and accountability we strive for within the rutgers athletic program. i also apologize to the lgbtq
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community and all of us who share their values. for the homophobic slurs shown on that video. i personally know how hurtful that language can be. >> that news conference is still under way right now. we have a correspondent inside. as soon as it wraps up, because there are more details here, as this letter was read also from the athletic director, we will bring to you as soon as possible. so stay tuned for that. also happening now, it is one of the most dangerous regimes in the world. and now north korea says it is on the brink of war. they're now asking russia to get its embassy personnel out of the country. north korea telling the uk it cannot guarantee the safety of british diplomats if fighting breaks out. these are more worrying signs the north is preparing for missile launch and soon. all of this as u.s. intelligence satellites scouring north
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korea's coastline have made a troubling discovery today, another missile. we're talking about musudan mus stills. they're smaller, easier to move, they're quicker to fire. now, this particular kind of missile has a range of about 2500 miles and if it's used properly, it has the potential to reach the u.s. controlled territory of guam. but the immediate danger of course japan respe, south korea. in the event missiles are fired, u.s. warships would have to act very quickly. cnn bottom line, north korea fires a missile, test or not. and then the u.s. shoots it down. what then? >> well, that's a $64,000 question. after the u.s. shoots it down, will north korea take that as an act of war and continue to shoot
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missiles? not only at the u.s. territory, but the allies. the u.s. has been expecting some type of action from north korea. ironically, some type of missile launch, some type of nuclear test could even be the least what they would hope that would be the least that they would do. what the u.s. is really concerned about is some kind of cross border action against south korea that could escalate south korean forces get involved and then there is a lot of fighting. but the u.s. obviously wants a determent. that's why it's moving its missile dwiefense system to gua and sending a stern message that you are not the superior military power, you will be overpowered. >> at least some sound from the state department today from victoria newland, here's what she said. >> we all know that this is an unpredictable regime and situation. again, our posture remains to be prudent, to take appropriate measures in the defense and
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deterrence sphere both for ours and our allies. but to continue to urge them to change course because it will not end their isolation. >> we've seen reporting that the u.s. is now dialing back, as well. we know up until this point there has really only been one pathway to relative diplomacy and that is with their ally being china. at this stage, what would work to cool the situation? >> that's what secretary kerry will be working on next week when he goes to china, japan, south korea to try and find a diplomatic way forward. now, no one's talking about bringing north korea back to the table anytime soon. but what i'm told is one of the things he'll be doing is trying to talk to china, south korea and japan about some kind of diplomatic path after this escalation dies down. and they do hope and expect that it will. ultimately what could be in the offing for north korea is some
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kind of security guarantees, that they have been seeking for years a pathway to a peace treaty. but it all starts with north korea stopping these threats and agreeing to suspend all testing. that's what the u.s. is hoping that it will do. but we're not talking about that anytime soon. u.s. is hoping that by statements such as secretary kerry has made, such as the state department is making, about let's not let this get any hotter. let's all take a pause. north korea has a way back to the table. they're hoping that this is giving north korea is so-called diplomatic off-ramp and hope that it will be visible enough that they can take it. >> elise, thank you. and, oh, did you see the numbers this morning? dismal jobs report might be rattling the dow. in the red down 89 points at the moment. and all of this because of some numbers we saw. u.s. added a mere 88,000 jobs in
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the month of march. the smallest gain in nine months. and it's about half of what economists were predicting overall. the jobless rate fell to 7.6% because that's because a half million people gave up looking for work. that's all factored in. alison kosik at the new york stock exchange for me. what is spooking the companies on the hiring front? >> you know what it is, it's about the uncertainty of what's ahead, what's to come. we saw companies rein in their hiring plans because they aren't completely sure how the government spending cuts will impact the economy when they really get going. so this could be the beginning of a spring slump for the jobs market and the economy as a whole. ben bernanke cautioned this is a possibility especially since it often happens anyway at this time of year because you often see the temporary holiday jobs cleared off payrolls. but the reason we're roered about the report today is because while, why, we've been
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expecting a possible slump, the problem is it's before the full impact of the government's forced budget cuts have really taken old. so the worry is at this point that the economy could get worse. what's a job report going to look like when those spending cuts really take effect? >> what about i know when these reports come out, they also give the different sectors which are doing the best, but which are also doing the worst. who is struggling the most? >> retail definitely. we saw that 15,000 jobs were lost. some of that cyclical. but we certainly saw 15,000 jobs lost at clothing stores. hopefully that will rebound later in the year. but home improvement store, garden supply store, there's a loss of 10,000 jobs there and these kind of alarming because this is the time of year it's supposed to be their busy season when people buy everything to fix up the house. another notable loss, the post office lost 12,000 jobs. so that contributed to another net loss in the public sector. and again, remember, that's before, before we start to feel the full impact of the forced
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spending cuts. so maybe the theme of this report should be stagnation, you know, lots of key sectors out there like manufacturing, mining, finance, state and local government. not necessarily losing job, but the problem is they're not adding jobs either. >> that is a problem. and we will keep looking as we're just about less than now two hours away from the closing bell on a pretty tough friday jobs wise. as for the president, he is prepping for a big political gamble. he will propose changes to your social security, your medicare in his new budget next week. for medicare, the president is including the compromise offer he made to john boehner for $400 billion in medicare savings over the course of a decade. as for social security, he included a republican idea, a new inflation formula that would reduce some cost of living increases for folks on social security. this new budget would create $1.8 trillion in savings in ten years and it would replace those
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forced budget cuts that took effect in march. ahead, a federal judge rules on the morning after pill. now we're learning can it be sold to girls of any age without a prescription. le also huge bust. 1 million images connected to one man. we have the latest for you on one of the largest child pornography busts ever. >> he was identified as one. p top downloaders and sharers in the state of florida. [ female announcer ] what if the next big thing, isn't a thing at all?
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shaq 1, pain 0. [ male announcer ] new icy hot advanced patch with 50% more medicine. pain over. now to that major ruling making the morning after pill available to anyone. just a short time ago, a federal judge in new york ordered the fda to make the pill available over the counter to girls of all anyones within one month. the obama administration has been fighting back. it had required girls younger than the age of 17 to get a prescription for the pill, but it has lost the battle at least for now. senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen joining me. obviously this has huge implications. but first, remind us what the morning after pill does. >> well, the morning after pill
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has to be taken within three days, preferably within one day, of having unprotected intercourse. and mainly what it does is it keeps the ovary from releasing an egg so that the woman doesn't get pregnant. >> why was this overturned? >> the judge said, look, the fda has been charged with looking at whether the judge is safe and effective. this drug is safe and effective and he said for girls under 17 as for women over 17. you can't make the argument that it's somehow less safe for girls under 17. the obama administration didn't really argue with him really, what they did say was we're worried that girls under 17 won't be able to read the instructions properly. and he said, look, that's not part of the legal standard. we put aspirin over the counter. we don't worry that some 11-year-old will buy it and, you know, get himself sick by taking too much aspirin. that's not part of the standard. if it's safe and effective for girls of any age, it needs to be available for girls of any age
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over the counter. >> and so a young girl can go to the pharmacy, they don't have to get a prescription, and within one month, they get it? >> no, it's supposed to be available over the counter within one month. in other words, this new rule basically is supposed to be enacted within monday month. she is supposed to be able to go this there, take it off the shelf, pay for it, and that's it. she's not supposed to have a prescription. so you can imagine the prescription is a huge road block because you're really supposed to take it condition the first day. so who can get a prescription within one day of having unprotected intercourse that's not easy for any of us. it's supposed to be implemented within the next month, but if the obama administration appeals it or asks for a stay, then that would change everything. who knows when it would happen in that case. >> thank you very much. we will push forward on this conversation. next hour we'll take a look at the legal ramifications of this new ruling from the federal judge in new york. want to get you now to a
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story we'll talk about it a little later in the show. but there is an attorney general in california, this is who president obama went out to go meet, have a dinner last night, try to raise a little money for the democratic party. her name is kamala harris. there is all kinds of buzz on line about over what the president said when he was talking to kamala. this is the president talking. she's brilliant and dedicated, she's tough, she also happens to be by far the best looking attorney general. a lot of questions today over that comment. was it merely an innocuous compliment some was it massage miss tick in nation? jay carney asked about this moments ago in the daily brifing. here is his response. >> the president did speak with attorney general harris last night after he came back from his trip and he called her to apologize for the distraction created by his comments. and they are old friends and
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good friends. and he did not want in any way to diminish the attorney general's professional accomplishments and her capabilities. and i would note that he called her in those same comments brilliant, dedicated and tough. and she is all those things. she has been a remarkably effective leader. she is a key player in the mortgage settlement which will help many, many middle class families who are struggling to deal with the mortgage situation in this country. and, you know, he believes and fully recognizes that the challenges women -- he fully recognizes the challenge women continue to face in the workplace and that they should not be judged based on appearance. >> so there you heard it from jay carney. the president of the united states picked up the phone and apologized to the attorney general of california for those comments he made. we'll talk a little bit about that with two people who believe, yes, it was a compliment and harmless, and some say it was absolutely
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superficial and sexist. so we'll go there next hour. but coming up, we have to get to the rutgers story here. we showed you the athletic director has now resigned. of course this is in the wake of the video that's come out. the pushing, the homophobic slurs. we know mike rice, his assistant coach, as well, gone. we've heard from the president of rutgers university giving a news conference in new jersey. we had a correspondent in the room and we'll hear from her on what he said and what's next for the university coming up. we believe it can be the most valuable real estate on earth. ♪ that's why we designed our newest subaru from the back seat forward. introducing the all-new, completely restyled subaru forester. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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listen, your story line, it makes for incredible tv drama. thing is, your drug use is too adult for the kids, so i'm going to have to block you. oh, man. yeah. [inhales] well, have a good one. you're a nice lady. back to rutgers. first you had mike rice the abusive coach tossing balls at players, he was fired wednesday. now his boss, the man who let him continue coaching for months and months after he'd seen the tape, he is out, as well. i'm talking about athletic director tom pernetti. he has resigned. his resignation announced within
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the past hour at rutgers university. pamela brown was listening in on this news conference in which the president of the university spoke. tell me, pamela, what precisely was said. >> reporter: well, so much unfolding in this story. as you mentioned, we did hear from the president of the university, dr. robert barchi. he came out and he apologized. he apologized to the student-athletes that we saw in that video. he said that the behavior seen in that video is egregious, chronic pervasive behavior that is not acceptable. and he admitted that he regrets not looking at that video several months ago when it was brought to tim pernetti the athletic director's attention. he told uspernetti summed up what was in the video, that there was verbal abuse and physical abuse, as well, but that the president dr. barchi said he did regret not looking
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at that video, but he did say within five minutes of looking at it for the first time on tuesday, he knew he had to fire rice. so he said that that was his immediate reaction. what's interesting here, too, is that we received tim pernetti's resignation letter today, and in that resignation letter, he said his first instinct was to fire rice but then there was an indiana investigatiependen independent investigation launched and human resources looking at this case and the decision was that university policy did not justify rice's dismissal. which is interesting to note there. and that that is why the university president said that the decision was made then to only suspend rice and not fire him. >> right. suspending him for the three game, fined him, but not firing him. let me ask you this because the a.d. pernetti, he said this week that he first saw the videotape
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back in november, flash forward to mid december. he elected to suspend mike rice saying he had used inappropriate language. hold the thought because that brings us to the university president who spoke today, robert barchi. you saw him there in person. christine brennan, she wrote this in "usa today". quote, if the university president did see the tape, he's as culpable as pernetti. if he didn't, why didn't he? so pampamela, christine brennan national sports writer. this is just her opinion. he didn't see the tape until tuesday. nevertheless, you're there. do you sense there is pressure building in new jersey against the president of rutgers? >> reporter: absolutely. i mean, there has been pressure building ever since this individual why was released to the public on tuesday. in fact there are faculty
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members here at the university, more than 50, that have asked for dr. barchi to step down. it's really two fold. the fact that they weren't made aware of the extent of rice's behavior when barchi found out about it back in december and also the fact that barchi did not look at the video when he first found out about the content of it several months ago. so there is definitely mounting pressure. but dr. barchi said here today that that decision will be left up to the board of governors, that it is not his decision to step down, that it is the board of governors. so we could certainly see more play out in this story. and also want to mention that dr. barchi said he not only fired mike rice, but also john wolf, who is part of the general counsel here at the university. he said john wolf resigned from that leadership position after all of this fallout from the video that we saw this week. >> several heads rolling here in the wake of the video.
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go ahead. >> reporter: i just want to say, too, that right here is a copy of the report from the independent investigation, so of course we'll be sifting through this and seeing what it exactly says and we'll bring this to you later. and also want to mention, we asked him if you knew about the content of this video, if you knew there was verbal abuse and physical abuse, if a teacher did that, if a rutgers professor did that in a classroom here, would suspension be satisfactory. or is there a double standard here. and he said if he knew -- if a professor threw a basketball at his student's head, absolutely that professor would go. back to you. >> okay. pamela brown for us in new jersey. thank you. 23 years after committing a murder, a man turns himself in. why did he do it? why did he wait so long? was he riddled with guilt?
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>> something must have got to his conscious. trs a. with a new 2 year, 24,000 mile scheduled maintenance program, a 3 year, 36,000 mile, bumper-to-bumper warranty, and the 5 year, 100,000 mile, powertrain limited warranty. we've got you covered eight ways to sunday. come to think of it, sunday, too. right now, chevy truck owners can trade up to a silverado all star edition and get a total value of $7,500. the dependable, reliable chevy silverado. try running four.ning a restaurant is hard, fortunately we've got ink. it gives us 5x the rewards on our internet, phone charges and cable, plus at office supply stores. rewards we put right back into our business. this is the only thing we've ever wanted to do and ink helps us do it. make your mark with ink from chase.
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. korean war was a complicated affair from the start. a distant battle over whether the korean peninsula divided by world war ii would be reunited under a democratic or communist government. the north invasion of the south spurred world powers to join the fight and in short order almost 2 million american troops found themselves facing little known enemies in a little known land. patrick o'donnell is a combat historian and the author of give me tomorrow. >> these men first in 1950, 1951 had to go against 20:1 odds in
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some cases against the chinese army. they had to fight the temperature which dropped to 30 to 40 below zero and they also did it with inferior weapons. >> the conditions during the war were worsened in a sense by the outcome. after three hard years, the war ended essentially where it began with the north, south and not peace. just an uneasy agreement to stop fighting. historian bruce cummings from the university of chicago. >> korea ended in a stalemate. americans at any ti s didn't re understand the war and veterans came home not to a difficult circumstances like the veterans of the vietnam war, but, rather, to a country that didn't really know where korea was on the map and wasn't sure what the war had been about. >> these days a great many americans don't really know much about the korea war. it has become the providence of historians and old soldiers. >> who are you? >> captain pierce. who are you? >> american consciousness of it has been shaped more by the tv
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show mash than any reality. only about a third of those who served during the korean conflict are still alive making it almost certain the for gotten war will stay that way. tom foreman, cnn, washington. geg quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. thto fight chronic. osteoarthritis pain. today is going to be epic. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, you will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not for children under 18.
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people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. take the next step. talk to your doctor. cymbalta can help. in new jersey a rare court event. you'll see some video here. this is a criminal wanting, dare i say desperate, to plead guilty to murder. steven goff wasn't even caught
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by police. it was his conscious that led up to him and led to this moment when he told a judge he stabbed a 15-year-old boy, frederick hart, some 23 years ago. >> i'm prepared to enter a guilty plea. >> according to our affiliates, goff is in jail being held on a $1 million banond. he has been talking to a friend from behind bars and that friend told, he said he'd been living with this since he was 17, 18, having nightmares. he sees the kid's mother in nightmares saying how can you do will this to my family. he had a 1,000 pound elephant sitting on his chest. he said that he had to confess to tell the truth and meet his maker. joining me now to talk about this, a forensic psychiatrist. for all these crimes i feel like we cover, i've never heard of anything like this. 23 years sitting with this guilt.
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have you ever heard of something like this? >> well, no, not 23 years. p nice to be here. i think what is very special to the case, what makes people so surprised, why is he coming forward now, but you know, in the public, we always talk about, oh, my god, all these murderers must be psychopaths, right? and the hallmark of psychopaths generally are having no conscience and no empathy. but obviously he came forward conscience means that you are aware you did something wrong and empathy is that you're feeling for somebody else. in his case, he was -- go ahead. sorry. >> i'm just thinking, so in this case, if you're saying he actually has a conscience, there are many people who clearly do not. what is it within their brains? is it compartmentization, is it denial that leads someone not to come forward? >> no, generally if you look at a true psychopath, there is just
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this little chip missing. if you don't have it on your computer, you can't apply it. and in this case this man when he was killing hart back then, he himself was in trouble. he said he back then was a drug deal her, he might also have been a user and he was in jail or prison for five years himself. now remember actually even killers can have a sort of a post-traumatic stress syndrome, right? that means he had nightmares about the boy's mom appearing to him. >> clearly this guy did the right thing 23 years later. thank you so much. quite a rarity here. now to this. take a look. kevin ware breaks his leg. this was the duke game on sunday. now his team in atlanta for the final four. some companies out with t-shirts
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as a tribute to this fallen player here. but are they benefiting off his injury? we'll talk about that and there has been a lot of rumors for many years that jada pinkett smith and her husband, will smith, have an open relationship. but it's what she said on huffington "post" live that's making all kinds of waves. we'll talk about that with my panelists. i'm filming this to demonstrate what's happening here in our room. carfirmation.
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the category, thoughts going through kevin ware's mind at this moment right here. here we go. number nine. >> i hope this doesn't leave a bruise. >> yeah. number eight. >> hey, look, my tibia. >> number four. >> tape it up, coach, i'm staying in. >> and the number one thought going through kevin ware's mind at the moment of the broken leg -- >> at least my bracket's not busted. >> that's right. >> leave to david letterman. the leg break seen around the world. kevin ware will recover from the fall that was pretty much the worst any of us have ever seen here. that was the game from last
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sunday. now some are wincing at something else here. this t-shirt. we'll show to you. it is the first hot topic we'll tackle today. these are the stories you'll be buzzing about around the dinner table. this is a $25 t-shirt made by adidas, it says rise to the occasion. s replaced by kevin ware number 5. not sure if it was pulled or did gang busters sales so it's already sold out. but the deal is this, some are questioning if it was right for adidas and the ncaa to profit from kevin ware's pain. louisville's athletic director told wdrb, quote, this shirt was created as a respectful tribute to honor kevin and allows fans tole rally around the team. and because of that, a desdas contributing a portion of receiver sale to the university's scholarship fund. so let's talk t-shirts and kevin ware.
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our hot topics panel today. congratulations on your new book. also comedian, kelly goff, correspondent, and hadley heath. independent women's forum. so welcome to all of you. happy friday. since and you hayou have a new get first dibs. do you see anything wrong with? >> if the immediate photo that followed the break wasn't him standing up and on crutches, that's inspirational. i get it. had he been out for three months flat on his back in a coma, no one would have done this. within 24 hours he was up, saying when can i play again. i don't necessarily see anything wrong with it per se. there have been mistakes in the past where we tend to glamour rise things that aren't glamorous. >> who disagrees? >> i disagree. >> why? >> first of all, adidas and louisville, they're not hurting for money.
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it's like they should have dough natured all the proceeds to something. like why are you keeping any of this money? >> they're keeping a lot of it. a little going to the scholarship fund. >> send it all. >> celebrating the courageous young man and him getting right back out there the next day is not tacky. profiting from celebrating this young man is tacky. i don't know how that got lost in business 101. and the other thing i have to say is i'm all about the scholarship fund. that's really exciting. does anyone know who is paying his medical bills? >> apparently the school is. louisville is stepping up to the plate. they are paying the bills. also if we can throw the picture up if we have it, because rachel nichols our sports reporter interviewed kevin and his mother earlier in the week. but here he is hobbling long on crutches. and he, too, is wearing a similar shirt along the kevin ware ilk basically in his paver.
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so does that sort of imply, hey -- >> it's sticky. a sticky situation. >> it's a great product. adidas is a for profit company. a lot of people want to buy the shirt and honor kevin ware. the question is really who gets the money. and that's what happened here. i wish kevin ware could get some of the money. >> i went to carolina. we may not be in the four this year. tear, tear. but we made t-shirts and other schools always have t-shirts. so just because this is sort of for kevin wear, does it really matter? >> no. keep in mind for a for profit company, that's what they do. they're designed to take things that happen and make money. and the fact that the ncht caa has a contract for adidas, they're not hurting for money because of contracts like this. >> but the reason this is a bigger issue, i have to mention this, we all know this is a bigger conversation about all of
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these wealthy institutions profiting off of not necessarily wealthy athletes who don't see a dime until they turn pro. so there are a lot of us who shake our heads and go not again. >> it's like these kids don't get salaries. these kids don't get paid for playing these games. >> but if the school didn't make the t-shirt, someone would have on cafe press and then there would have been no money donated. >> let me read this, from adidas. the rise to the occasion t-shirt was created at the request of the team and the university. we are happy to support louisville fans who wish to honor a player and valley around the team during the most important moments of their season. the t-shirt was intended as a respectful tribute and because of that, a portion of every sale will go to the university scholarship fund. moving on because we have to talk about marriage. jada pinkett smith and her husband will smith, he is her own man, her quote about him. so does that mean the rumors are correct that they have an open
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marriage? and why should we care? we'll go there with the panel. so let's break down this play. charles? uh, charles couldn't make it. his single miles card blacked him out here and here. he should have used... the capital one venture card. he's coming to us from home. hey fellas... hey baby, you want mama to iron your undies? nice tightie whities. i didn't know mrs. barkley made quilts. really? looks like a circus tent. is that the best you got? now if you put this, with this, you have a sailboat. what's in your wallet?
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back with the hot topics panel. for whatever reason here, if there is one marriage people love to talk about, it is that of will smith and jada pinkett smith. there have been all kinds of rumors during their marriage from how they raise their kids to the biggest one, their alleged open marriage. but are the rumors true? well, jada pinkett smith finally has an answer to that. she talked to mark labonte hill, one of the hosts for huffington "post" live. take a listen. >> i've always told will you can do whatever you wants a long as you can look at yourself in the
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mirror and be okay. >> wow. >> okay? because at the end of the day, will is his own man. i'm here as his partner, but he is his own man. he has to decide who he wants to be. and a that's not for me to do for him. >> want to open it up. kelly, let's start with you. i know -- kelly, to you. can you decipher what we just heard? >> the most shocking thing is that jada pinkett is in her 40s. she looks amazing. i'm dancing around this one. >> first of all, we're interested because jada and will, i would date both of them. i wouldn't pick. >> that's not my question. >> but i'm just saying america is interested in it because it's a sexy couple, they've been together for a long type and people wonder how do you keep
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the flames going. now we know. they mix it up a little. >> because we started thinking of all the celebrity couples. angelina jolie and brad pitt, oprah and stedman. is it that we as human beings not in the public spotlight aren't perfect and we hope that they are imperfect, as well? >> you've got two people that have been married for years. you have their kids who look normal, who act normal. they're not running drugs or guns. i'm having a kid in three weeks. i hope my kid is as normal. let them do whatever they want. that's what matters. >> i think that you hit will the nail on the head, though, which is that there is something because i've written about this when it comes to successful women. we're okay if a woman is really successful as long as she's not really pretty and dresses well. >> what is wrong with that? >> look at the world that they live in. they're living in the hollywood
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elite a-listers. how many of those marriages last 16 years. >> thank you. that's a long time. >> i'm afraid we have a culture where we have to suspect that something terrible a going on behind the scenes. i say it's none of our business. >> i would date both of them, too. >> even though they're public people, they have private lives and why can't they keep whatever they choose to do, whether it's true or not, private. >> because we want a relationship like will and ja did ta. we want something that seems like it lasts and still have pun with it.ta. we want something that seems like it lasts and still have pun with it.we want something that like it lasts and still have pun with it. >> i'm not going to tell my husband do whatever you wants a long as you can look at yourself in the mirror. >> hang on. let me just in because the initial question from mark labonte hill was are the rumors true and then this long answer, do you know what the word was? no. she said no. and then she gave this whole
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long answer. >> she's in denial. >> in denial. >> yes, in denial. >> if they do finally break up, then there will be weeks of coverage about what happened. none of us had anything to do with it with all of this intrusive media coverage and speculation? >> do they hate the intrusive media coverage or do they like being in the headlines? >> something we could talk about for many a panel. >> we love it. >> we do. and peter, i didn't know you were about to have a baby. a book and a baby. nice work. >> yeah. >> congratulations. and thanks to all of you. happy friday. . thank you a million times over. have a great weekend. and now it is being called switching gears totally the biggest child pornography raid in florida history. we'll tell you all about it. ó? ??çó
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get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions such as body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat, or sweating. flexpen® is insulin delivery my way. covered by most insurance plans, including medicare. find your co-pay cost at ask your health care provider about novolog® flexpen today rapid fire. roll it. beginning with the huge child pornography case here. possibly the most prolific child porn case in all of the state of florida ever. 1 million obscene photos, videos all allegedly found inside one man's apartment. this man accused of having all these pictures and videos of kids appeared in court this morning. the judge ordered him to stay behind bars. no bond. and a missing ohio family was rescued in the florida
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everglades. the parents and three young boys reportedly all in good condition. they were missing after taking an air boat into the everglades. rescue crews searched 1,000 square mile area. the family used air horns to get rescuers' attention. and a south carolina man says he has had close encounters with aliens. so take a look. he created a ufo welcome center. >> aliens can fly from the north or the south and just land in the parking lot. and come in and chit-chat with me, guys. >> no problem. he says he had a strange urge to build said welcome center in the early '90s. look at that, waving hello. he claims hehe greeted his firs visitors back in 1999. they do not often make stops on
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er earth. aliens would rather fly around than visit planet earth. coming up, racially segregated proms. guess what, they exist in the u.s. in 2013. but there are students in georgia trying to put a stop to them them. we'll hear from them next hour. >> we're all friends. that's just not right that we can't go to prom together. [squeals] ♪ [ewh!] [baby crying] the great thing about a subaru is you don't have to put up with that new car smell for long. introducing the versatile, all-new subaru forester. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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coming up, the morning after pill. a judge makes a landmark ruling and now anyone any age in the country can get it over the counter. plus, complimenting women. could it be innocent? what the president said about the california attorney general led him to call her and poll dwid. we'll talk about that this hour. and segregated proms. sounds like something from eons aing go, but it's knolnot. well tell you about four students trying to integrate their high school prom. it is friday. let's roll on. hour two begins with rutgers university and the fallout there. folks, the other shoe has now officially dropped. first, you had mike race, the abusive homophobic basketball coach, finally fired wednesday. now his boss. the man who allowed rice to continue coaching for months
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after he had seen this video tape, he is out, as well. tim pernetti has resigned reluctantly he says in a state. his resignation announced shortly after 1:00 p.m. eastern there at rutgers. a crazy story here. on the eve of the final four weekend. pamela brown is with us now from the rutgers campus there in new brunswick, new jersey. and pamela, you attended that news conference. you have the internal report that got the a.d. fired. what happened? >> reporter: well, right here as you mentioned in my hand is that report that was given to the a.d. and the university president back in december, sort of outlining why mike rice should not be dismissed from the university. and in this report, it said that coach rice 's conduct does not constitute a hostile work environment under rutgers policies. it also goes on to say that
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described the video saying rice used inappropriate and insulting language, but it says in the report that in interviews with players during the investigation, that they took it as though rice cared for them and that he was just trying to make them feel more comfortable being in the big east conference. and it also says that some of rice's assistant coaches confronted him about his behavior, about his language with the players, so that happened, as well. and it says that his behavior did violate ncaa policy. so the question remains here, pernetti has resigned. rice has been fired. what's going to happen to the university president dr. robert barchi. he told us here today that as of now, there is no decision for him to step down, that that decision is at the will of the board of governors. his bosses as he said. and at this point, the chair of the board of governors got up to the mike and said, look, he's
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staying. we don't have any plans for dr. barchi to step down. but that does not mean that pressure will not continue to mount for him to resign. you have the lgbt community putting pressure on him to resign before you also have faculty members here, more than 50 faculty members sending a letter to the board of governors saying he should step down. >> okay. certainly the pressure as you mentioned is there. pamela brown for us at the campus at rutgers conference. joining me now by phone is john worthime of sports it's straighted. let's begin with the word coverup. tim pernetti who had seen the tape here back in november basically tried to cover up this whole thing. but back in november, rutgers was in the midst of a very important negotiation trying to join the big ten conference, a move that would bring tens of millions of dollars to the school. and that is when pernetti first
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sees the tape. he then suspends mike rice, those three games. basically at the time the whole thing goes away until the tape goes public this week. am i getting the chronology right, john? >> that's pretty much right. this is not a traditional classic coverup. might be who read a newspaper or went online knew that mike rice had been suspended. but i do think you're right that the chronology and timing is a little bit suspect. it wasn't so much a coverup as just the sort of procedural mess and a lot of buck passing and finger pointing. you're right in the interim between his suspension and now when the tape was revealed, yes, rutgers signed this lucrative agreement to join the big ten. >> so just back to november, rice as you mentioned suspended those three games for quote/unquote using inappropriate language, today we see the president of the university saying back in november, he never asked to see the videotape. here he was a little while ago.
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>> based on the advice of the university's general councilnd and of outside legal advisers, tim gave me a summary description of the situation regarding coach mike rice last fall. relying on that summary, i agreed with and supported his recommendation to suspend rather than fire coach rice at that time. it was not until tuesday evening of this week when i watched the video that i had the opportunity to witness personally for the first time what tim had seen last fall. >> so this is really my question, the president of the university didn't see the tape until tuesday. do you think that's credible? do you think your head coach is suspended, this was back november/december, you know that there is videotape that explains why. yet you don't ask to see it. what do you make of that? >> not only that, you know there is pending litigation and these
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tapes will be requested in discovery. no, absolutely if it doesn't strain crew duality, at least it casts serious doubt on leadership here. anyone with any curiosity would say our head basketball coach, also one of the highest paid public employees in new jersey, has just been given this fine and suspension. i wonder what this was all about about that so for the notion that the university president didn't have sufficient curiosity to actually watch these tapes when they were available to him is just really baffling. >> let me read you two quotes. two guys who know a thing or two about coaching. rick pitino from louisville. quote, i've never seen it in my life, i think it's an isolated incident and it was a very serious isolated incident. jim boeheim, another final four coach, quote, i don't think there's a coach in the country that does that. jon, you talk to a lot of people. isolated? >> first of all, isolated some
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there are dozens of instances. so this wasn't one particularly bad -- no, i've been to in-numable practices and i've never seen athletes assaulted like that. the fact this even went to a discussion back when this was it first revealed is even mind boggling. this is really not even in the range of discussion. and the fact that this wasn't isolated, even the clips we're all watching on it tv, there are dozens of examples. this is clearly a no-brainer decision that this coach had to be terminated as soon as anyone saw those videos. >> the story isn't over for rutgers i have a feeling. jon, thank you. when it comes to just who should have access to the morning after pill, a federal judge in new york says anyone should. in fact just a short time ago, a judge ordered the food and drug administration to make the pill available over the counter to
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girls of all ages within one month. you have two sides obviously. advocates who filed the lawsuit, they have want this had for quite a while. the obama administration have been fighting this. it had required girls younger than the age of 17 to get a prescription for the pill. it has lost the battle for now. i want to bring in elizabeth cohen and sunny hostin. first to you, elizabeth. remind us, morning after pill, what does it do? >> you're supposed to take it preferably within 24 hours of having unprotected intercourse, but it can work within three days. and what it does mainly is it tells the ovary don't release an egg. that's the main way that it works. as you said, the obama administration wanted -- said if you're younger than 17, you need a prescription. obviously a huge road block. getting to a doctor and get the
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prescription is tough to do within a day. >> so sunny hostin, you have this federal judge in new york saying, no, it's fine, young women you don't need a prescription, you can get it over the counter. are you surprised by that? >> i am surprised not necessarily by the order, but the manner in which the order came. it's a 59 page order, and i would suggest any legal geeks out there like myself, we do have it posted on our website,, it is a rare time when the judge give as thorough tongue lashing to a defendant. basically this judge calls in to question kathleen sebelius' good faith, her state of mind. he basically says her action was politically motivated, scientifically unjustified, and contrary to agency precedent. he basically accuses her of strong arming the fda into not allowing girls under the age of
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17 to have access to this morning after pill. it's something that you typically don't see from a federal judge. but it really was quite a tongue lashing. and pretty remarkable actually. >> so the tongue lashing from the judge, finally to you, elizabeth, when will it be implemented, how does it work? >> the junk says you have to make this pill available over the counter to everybody within the next month. however, if there is any kind of an appeal or anything like that, it can go longer. i think it's interesting what his reasoning was. his reasoning was, look, the fda gets to say whether something is safe and effective and this pill is safe and effective. it didn't matter if you're 15, 25, 35. why have different rules based on age when the drug is safe and effective for all ages. >> he's saying take the politics out of it. >> exactly. >> elizabeth, sunny, thank you ladies very much. and now to the president. the president has now issued an apology after taking a lot of heat over comments he made about a california attorney general
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kamala harris. did the critics overreact? we'll weigh in coming up next. plus final four fever. we will show you the hoopla on and off the court in atlanta. they're coming. yeah. british. later. sorry. ok...four words... scarecrow in the wind... a baboon... monkey? hot stew saturday!? ronny: hey jimmy, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? jimmy: happier than paul revere with a cell phone. ronny: why not? anncr: get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. at a hertz expressrent kiosk, you can rent a car without a reservation... and without a line. now that's a fast car. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz.
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embassy personnel out of their country, all the while telling the uk it cannot guarantee the safety of british diplomats if fighting breaks out. these are just some of the increasingly worrying signs of the north is in fact preparing for a missile launch and soon. all of this as u.s. intelligence satellites are up there, they're scouring north korea's coastline. they have made a troubling discovery. they found another one of these. another one of these medium range missiles. so now we're talking two of these ready for launch from north korea's east coast. >> we've seen the reports that north korea may be making preparations to launch a missile and we're monitoring this situation closely. and we would not be surprised to see them take such an action. >> retired major general is here. nice to talk to you. so we just heard the white house say they're expecting a launch.
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tell me since you know about these things, tell me about these musudan mousissiles. have been tested before? >> let me take one step back. the white house does not expect a launch. we have intelligence that has what's called a persistent stare. we're looking at them 24/7. so there will preparatory tasks that would be necessary. in other words, there is no -- there is nothing in place that says they will pull the trigger and these babies will launch, but we must be prepared for that. so to answer your question, the musudan is '90s technology when the soviet union collapsed. north korea worked into a business deal and they manufactured these in north korea. so they have a range before it's a family missiles and they have a range of about 2500 miles which means if they launched it almost from anyplace in north korea, it could reach about as far as guam.
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hawaii is safe. mainland united states is safe. it might even touch probably the western tip of the i will lieu shans up in alas characterization but that's it. but the key thing is we have an agreement with the japanese and certainly our allies in that region the south koreans that if they're under attack, we're under attack and we'll respond accordingly. >> how do we, though, even know if and when north korea decides to push the button and launch one of these missiles? what is the sign, how does the u.s. even react to that? >> that is the question. the key is these missiles are liquid fueled, but when they're mounted on their mobile platform which they have already been, then they are prepared to launch almost within minutes. so there is very little preliminary observation that we'll be able to make other than that they are out of a garrison location that they have moved probably to a election that they cou location that they could be fired. if they were stationery
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someplace, you would see all that type of activity. once it's launched, we would get an infrared signature from a satellite, it would tell us where and when it was launched and we'd begin to track it through sea, land and air base radar systems and we could determine instantaneously where it would go and land. >> and shoot it down. >> well, if it looks like it will threaten u.s. allies or u.s. presence in the region, we'll shoot that thing down. if it will land harmlessly into the sea, we'll let it go. >> then at what point does a launch constitutes an act of war? >> a launch by itself does not. remember, they have launched missiles before. they have flown these bad boys over japan. we've done nothing other than gather some incredible intelligence that gives us a lot of insights in to their technology, research and development, how they can command control. so it's very valuable intelligence collection.
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so not an act of war by itself unless our alliances are specifically put at threat. >> general, thank you so much. appreciate it. as tensions are mounting, wolf blitzer takes you inside this crisis, the threats, what's at stake. watch a special edition of the situation room tonight at 6:00 eastern. and finally, it is here. the super bowl of college basketball. a preview of the hoopla on and off the court. rachel nichols joining me inside studio 7. final four fever next. up my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone -- and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months, and keeps it clearer through 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events, including infections,
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brackets trashed or treasured, i guess. mine's trashed. sports lovers drawing the lines on who they are rooting for in the final four college basketball championship. we are a mere 24 hours away from game one first game early game on saturday, wichita state taking on louisville. that then is followed by michigan versus syracuse. we have in the flesh in studio 7
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first time to the mother ship, rachel nichols. welcome. >> thank you. >> a lot of cheers in the studio. so number one, what a story. first of all, great interview with kevin ware. i love that he was like michelle obama please call me, because i don't remember my conversation with you. so what a game. because it's like a lot of people should be you would think traditionally cheering for the nine seed wichita state, right, but now louisville and ken ware kind of the sentimental favorite. >> the ncaa tournament is the place for underdogs. we love cinderella stories. louisville is the number one overall seed. but once ken ware goes down and handles that with such mature and i and grace and once the entire team gathers around him and shows that kind of humanity, now everybody is rooting for the kid. and you mention michelle obama calls from around the nation. michelle called him. unfortunately he was a little
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too hopped up on pain medication after his surgery. doesn't remember the phone call. so he wouldn't mind a little return on that one. but calls from everyone. kobe bryant, lebron james, omaromar omarry stoudamire. and fans can get into the act tomorrow because stoudamire has donated money for 1,000 kevin ware heads tomorrow so when you're watching, you will see a lot of people with heads on sticks and they will be holding up and waving their kevin ware heads. and on the back it says win for ware. so there will be a whole surge of people wanting louisville and ware and everybody on that team and that community to get a win after what happened with them. which leaves wichita state the number nine seed that should be getting all that student, probably going to be a little bit the other way. >> and then you have syracuse, storied program, what do you think? >> the coaches there are such an interesting story with them
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because here are two guys who on the surface couldn't be more different. jim boeheim coaching royalty in college basketball. been at syracuse for almost four deca decades. on the other side, john beline, never been to the final four, definitely the best job he's ever had. but boeheim helped him get his first two division one jobs. recommended him. worked the a.d. to get in position. they're old friends. and i asked boeheim now that he's brought this will great team, do you regret the help at all and he laughed, but he pointed out he is 9-7 life time. so we'll see what happens. not a great michigan team, but we'll see what happens. >> so basketball aside, sort of, the hoopla, it's crazy. i was coming in from new york, could you tell even in the airport, all the swag being sold, centennial park, you have all these concerts.
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dave matthew, ludacris. do you get to play at all? >> no, i'm stuck in these studios. although come on, the games are play time and i do want to point out that you have the best view of the bunch because from these windows out here, you can pretty much throw a basketball over to where the arena is. you have the concerts right over there. >> very convenient for us. thank you very much ncaa. >> very nice of help to hold the final four basically at your to hold the final four basically at your studio. so congratulations. >> thank you very much. i'll see you at the game. rachel nichols, everyone. and cnn is giving you behind the scenes back stage passes here to the final four. do not miss all-access at the final four with miss nichols tomorrow afternoon at 3:00. coming up next, news on everyone, everything including one of hollywood's top actresses just announced she's having baby number two. plus a name change? clearly very important today for
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pork chops. and prince william gets snubbed. we call it the power block. it's next. new car! hey! [squeals] ♪ [ewh!] [baby crying] the great thing about a subaru is you don't have to put up with that new car smell for long. introducing the versatile, all-new subaru forester. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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aren't enough to lower cholesterol clearly very important today for , pregnant or may become pregnant. tell your doctor about other medicines you're taking. call your doctor right away if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired, have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of rare but serious side effects. is your cholesterol at goal? ask your doctor about crestor. [ female announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. we hit it all for you in what we call the power block beginning with this lovely lady. we just got word that halle berry and her fiance are expecting. this is baby number two for
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halle berry who is it 46 years young. she has a daughter from a previous relationship. and foods we all grew up with and some of us grew to love are changing. have you seen this new commercial for fried chicken? >> what's the matter? >> i have to eat the bones. i think i ate the bones. i ate the bones! >> settle down. >> he hates the bones. he's introducing buckets of boneless chicken. and did you hear what's happening to pork, if not, say bye-bye to the pork chop and for all of you fans of smoked meat, the pork butt is gone, too. heaven forbid. >> yes, it's made me laugh, too. but let's start with kfc. you know, i have to ask you this, ever drive with a drum stick? not happening. hard to do.
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so what kfc is doing is dishing the bones and going with boneless chicken. boneless apparently that's what consumers want especially the younger generation. they want to be able to eat with one hand and text with the other. keep in mind it's not doing away with bones all together. just adding to the menu. so this is a branding decision. speaking of brandi ining decisi the pork and beef industries ar meat to make them sound more appealing. the pork butt could soon be known as boston roast. i don't know where they got that from. the goal is to make it less confusing for people. how are people going to know what boston roast is? are you going to know that's a pork butt? i wouldn't know. >> no, i guess not. >> so it's supposed to be less confusing. the pork chop also is a goner. it will be getting one of the following names. it will be known as the porter house chop, ribeye chop or new york chop. so say good-bye to the pork
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chop, as well. and not to be outdone, steaks are getting new names. a beef underblade boneness steak will become the denver steak. i still -- >> you're making me hungry now. let me ask you about this. target had to zap a product from its website and poll gaze foapo it, as well. >> this was was a big for can-do over a plain gray dress fp in standard sizes, the color was called heather gray. but in plus sizes, the color name suddenly changed to manatee gray and that found its way into the twitter verse. target says it was an unfortunate miscommunication between two different marketing teams. it says manatee gray is used on a lot of products including bath towels. manatees are very large, so
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that's why they were offended. >> i don't know where you come up with this stuff, but appreciate it. now to this. in argentina, catastrophic flash flooding killing dozens of people there. the bbc is reporting some people drowned while trying to climb on to their roofs for safety. frustrated people kicking officials cars when the governor arrived yesterday. kicks those tires very frustrated. some there say the government isn't acting fast enough to help them. prince william got snubbed for a kiss by a 4-year-old little girl. take a look. this is priceless. >> oh, no! see. there you go. >> the duck. prince william and his wife kate creating a crowd. the little girl was holding a flower for duchess katherine. she gave kate the flower and a
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big smile but apparently no smooch for her hubby. high school kids in georgia bucking a tradition that few knew still existed. segregated prom proms. we'll explain what one group is hoping to do to end it. of course, i had no idea what it was. i felt like my feet were going to sleep. it progressed from there to burning like i was walking on hot coals to like a thousand bees that were just stinging my feet. i have a great relationship with my doctor. he found lyrica for me. [ female announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eye sight including blurry vision,
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muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who've had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. having less pain... it's a wonderful feeling. [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of phyllis's story, visit ...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke.
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it is a throw back to an era most of us thought was very much a bit of a past. racially segregated proms. one for black, one for white students. believe it or not, they are still held right here in america. rochelle, georgia, this is one example. but there is a group of friends at wilcox county high school trying to change all of that. they are planning the county's first integrated prom.
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>> it's embarrassing. >> yeah, kind of embarrassing. >> we're all friends. it's not right that we can't go to prom together. >> we have a white prom and integrated prom. >> i felt like it had to be a change because for me to be a black person and for her to be a white person, i felt like doctor can't we just come together. >> if we don't change it, no one else will. >> how about that. but this group of high school steenors is running into resistance. >> we put up posters and people are ripping them down at the school. >> we have to stick with the tradition, it's a traditional thing, we don't need to change. but i'm like why. no one could answer my question. >> and they think nothing's broken so why fix ey is a repor and columnist and you have the blog get schooled. so welcome to you. >> thank you. >> let me just speak on behalf of a lot of viewers watching and thinking are you kidding me?
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in 2013, segregated proms and that's okay? >> i think it shocks people and it is shocking. but i think we have to keep in mind that we have segregated churches. it's not simply proms. what's unusual here is that these proms are private events. and that's because back in 1970 when the supreme court told georgia and other southern states times up, you have to integrate, they integrated their high schools, but parents could not bear to integrate the social functions. so proms went off campus. so the reason why these proms exist black and white is because parents are the driving force behind these proms. >> that's what i wanted to get to. the kids are embarrassed, but the parents are okay with it? >> and i think that the kids, the kids themselves, the teams who go to these segregated proms, they simply accept it as tradition. they think this is the way it's always been done.
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so i think in wilcox county at the high school, i think the girls will change that. >> you think they will be successful? >> i'm sure they will be successful. they started a facebook page with 300 people when i checked it yesterday morning. a lot of people wrote about it yesterday including me, the national media picked it up. and i think when i last looked today, they have 20,000 likes on their facebook page. they have donations pouring in from south affair characterizati africa, can that today. people saying this conditionsca happening. >> they're saying maybe it needs star power. >> right. >> main a teen idol needs to come to the prom and that will end it all together. >> i think kids want to go to -- my kids would say a nonlame prom. so i think that this prom i think will succeed. i think this will be a great prom.
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and i think the national attention, i hope somebody does come forward. i think that would be compelling and fun. the question is whether or not the private proms often held at local country club, the proms these kids have been thinking about since they were in fird and fourth grade about going to, that they had to make those proms less desirable or better yet i wish the white parents that were behind these proms would simply say, okay, we won't do them anymore. that's it. it's over and done with and we'll get together with the school and the school needs i think a role in this. the school has stepped become and said, hey, we're out of this. this is a private thing. but i think that there is an opportunity for the school to lead, the chamber of commerce to lead. every should say let's put on the best prom possible associated with the high school and let's invite anyone. >> let's see if someone does step forward. heck, i'd go. but i'm sure they want someone like a a liselena gomez or some cooler. we'll follow it for sure.
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>> the girls are doing a great thing 37 hey, this is challenger. i'll be waiting for you in stall 5. it confirms your reservation and the location your car is in, the moment you land. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz. what's the "new" in the new new york?. a new property tax cap... and the lowest middle class income tax rate in 60 years... and a billion dollars in tax breaks and incentives. new opportunities for business. over 250,000 new private sector jobs were created over the last two years. and 17 straight months of job growth. with the most private sector jobs ever. lower taxes, new incentives, new jobs, now that's news. to grow or start your business in the new new york visit
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things got a little uncomfortable in the room when he threw in this final comment. quote, she also happens to be guy far the best looking attorney general in the country. got a bit of a laugh. even some applause. and some groans, as well. and a then brianna keilar talked to white house press second jay carney today. she pressed him about the president's comments. >> the president did speak with attorney general harris last night after he came back from his trip and he called her to apologize for the distraction created by his comments. and they are old friends and good friends. and he did not want in any way to diminish the attorney general's professional accomplishments and her capabilities. and i would note that he called her in those same comments brilliant, dedicated and tough and she is all those things. >> so now we know the president
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has apologized, but i want to bring in cornell belcher live from virginia beach and sam bennett, women's campaign forum. first of all, welcome to both of you. first question out of the gate. you heard the comments. sexist or compliment? >> absolutely sexist. our research shows from our foundation that whenever you characterize a woman elected or a candidate by her appearance, the likelihood voters will see her as qualified or even vote for her drops like a stone. but good news is as long as she responds or others respond on her behalf, which has happened in this instance, she regains all those lost votes. what i think is really important about this incident is this happens every day for women electeds and women candidates and this is a terrific opportunity to end this kind of commentary which has no place and research shows is very
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damaging. >> many agree with you that it has no place. at the same time, when did compliments a woman become sexist? >> in truth it's the context. here's a woman serving in office. all odds are that we're hoping that she'll run for governor in the future. this is all about voter sense ability. as soon as you start talking about a woman's appearance, the voter's perception radically changes. when women start out in our blind research, they're ahead of the guy because they're seen as more trustworthy. as soon as you start characterizing her by even mild or supposedly benign characterizatio characterizations, she drops like a stone. >> cornell? >> this is a complicated conversation. she brings up really good points. i was womans vote coordinator at one time in my life and it's true women do walk into the room with stereotypical baggage that men do not walk into that they
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have to overcome. and for a black woman, you know, it's double that because she walks into the room with both stereotypical about her race and also her sex that she has to overcome. arguably a woman who politically with the most hurdles to overcome is in fact minority women. however, there are two things i want to bring up here. one is context. this was an informal setting, a friendly setting. this was not sort of a formal business setting. this was a job interview and this comments was being made, yes, it's inappropriate. but given the setting here -- >> huge formal setting. >> friends, friendly audience here, i think a lot of people sort of scratch their head and go i don't see anything wrong with that. however i don't want to that to do ity diminish from a larger conversation that should be about women and sexism. but also the idea of him
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calling -- there is also a disconnect historically with the feminist movement and racial disconnect. a black woman has never been upheld and the ideal of beauty as a standard bearer for beauty. i think quite frankly him calling her beautiful and sort of holding her up as standard bearer for beauty frankly also on twitter universe you have a lot of black women going hooray for that. >> but why even go there? he was obviously complimenting her as he was introducing her not based upon as you mentioned -- you mentioned, sam, she's a star in the democratic party, maybe she'll toss her hat in the ring for senate, maybe governor. maybe even ag if eric holder ever steps down. but why did the president need to go there? >> that's right. >> why would a man need to go there in general when it comes to her looks. >> yeah. this is the president of the united states who should be holding this up. but do i agree with a number of cornell's statements.
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yes, women of color have racism and sexism. but our partner and us are releasing a new study on monday which actually digs into the impact of this kind of sexism on women of color and digs in a little deeper on the appearance. see, men when they run never anyone comments on their appearance. and -- >> that's why this made news. that's why we're talking about this and perhaps one of the reasons why the president picked up the phone and apologized according to jay carney to miss harris. we have to go. i appreciate it very much. we pulled you off the beach on your vacation to be on television, so my extra thanks to you. and we'll be right back.
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jake tapper, what are you working on today? >> we're working on a lot. we've got a great report from afghanistan, a great political panel that is going to dive into the issue you've been talking about whether or not president obama, his comments referring to the attorney general of california as good looking or as the best, most good looking attorney general, whether that crossed the line. we'll be talking to a great panel about that. what else do we have? a big debate about plan b between the head of the group that won that lawsuit against the obama administration, making sure that minors can have access to it and the head of the parents' group that really opposes it very strongly. we've got a ton. i don't have the list in front of me. >> it goes on and on. >> we have so many interesting things. >> myriad leads.
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if i said to you that you were smart and you were a great anchor and you were really good at your job and you happen to be the best looking anchor on television, have i crossed the line? >> would you be telling me to cornell's point, if you were telling me to my side without, not in a formal atmosphere. i think it would depend on the context. >> not in front of hundreds of millions of viewers. i didn't say it. i'm saying if i were. >> of course not. i don't actually think you think that about me, jake tapper. >> no. i didn't say it. it was a hypothetical. >> no. a great question and i can't wait to see what this star-studded panel of yours will think about it. a lot of people are thinking when does complimenting a woman become sexist? he is president of the united states. maybe that makes the difference. you my friend are the host of "the lead." >> so you're saying because i'm small potatoes so it doesn't matter what i say. i see what you're saying. >> it absolutely matters what
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you say. this is why we watch "the lead." >> i'm certainly going to say you're the best looking anchor on television. >> i don't know where to go with you. i'll see you at the top of the hour with "the lead." each and every day with this job i get to interview amazing people like the jake tappers of the world and astronauts and members of congress. i want to share something today. this morning i was actually honored to moderate a panel of five students here at cnn who are innovators and entrepreneurs and humble as they come and we were goofing around a little bit as well. i didn't want to share a serious picture. this is gene and karina and sabah and riley and they are already in college and changing the world, working to cure cancer with the help of horseshoe crabs and limiting carbon monoxide emissions with algae and giving voice to the voiceless with murals in los angeles. if you want to know more and i hope you do, watch a special edition of the next list. it's this sunday at 2:30 p.m.
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daley you can hardly get by without a computer nowadays and kids without access to technology have a tough time navigating our high tech world. that is why today's cnn hero used her retirement savings to buy a bus, load it with computers, and head to low income neighborhoods. take a look. >> i grew up in the segregated south. i actually started picking beans at age 6. i used to hear my father say if you get a good education you can get a good job. we knew that education was important. in today's time many of our children don't have computers at
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home and low income families don't have transportation to get to where the computers are. kids who don't have access to computers after school will be left behind. my name is estellea pyfrom. at age 71 i took my retirement savings to create a classroom to bring high tech learning to communities. >> all right. let's get onboard. estella's bus is a mobile learning center. are you ready to get on the computers? >> yes. >> we want to do what we can do to make things better for all. >> got it. >> i see the bus as being able to bridge that gap between technology and the lack of it. >> she helped me by having one-on-one attention and if i don't get it she'll help me with it. i look forward to it a lot. >> how are we doi
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