tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 6, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. i'm don lemon. 7:00 on the east coast, 4:00 p.m. out west. tragedy hits the family of one of the most famous preachers. his son commits suicide. an attack leaves five americans dead. this comes as a top u.s. general arrives in the region. >> more violence in syria.
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opposition forces say an air strike has killed at least 15 people, including nine children. amateur video captures the speed. >> threats grow more dramatic on the peninsula with the north telling they cannot guarantee their safety. we begin at the church in southern california headed by evangelist rick warren. we learned today that warren's youngest son shot himself in his home after spending the evening before with his parents. warren is one of the most well known preepers in america and the author of the purpose driven life. at 27 years of age, matthew was an incredibly kind man whose sweet spear it was kind to many. unfortunately he suffered from mental illness results in deep depression and soods dal
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thoughts. this was an illness that was never fully controlled and the emotional pain resulted in his decision to take his life. >> reporter: apparently 27 year old matthew warren committed suicide after years of struggling with mental illness. his pastor rick warren delivered the anag ration at president's. his son suffered from deep depression and suicidal thoughts. in spite of the best doctors, the tortured mental illness never subsided. today after a fun evening with kaye and me, in a moment of dispair, ma through took his wife. the pastor is the new york times best selling our author of the book the purpose driven life. among liberals and democrats he is a trornl r continue very sal
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figure. the broken hearted father described his son as having a drill i can't intellect and who in the room was in the most pain and going to them to offer encouragement. warren says after a failed attempt about ten years ago his son ma through ma shoe said to him, i know i'm going to heaven why can't i die and end this pay. warren and his wife in anguish over the death of his son. >> many believerers may struggle with this. >> one of the things that warren tweeted today, he said thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven since in heaven god's will is done always, on earth it's rarely done. there you see, there's a verse we often hear from pastors in coping with grief situations like this that this is something
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in god's hand, it is his own will and it's something that is a mystery and people can't always understand it. >> we'll continue to follow the story as it unfolds here. in the meantime, in afghanistan six american citizens died. the deadliest pand here in a southern province. a suicide bomber blew up a car filled with kploeives. three american civilians died. >> 15 people were killed when syrian government dropped a bomb. this is a video of the burn building. cnn cannot verify the video. one opposition group said a total of 78 people were killed across the country today. south korea has been here before, threats of war just across the border but this time it's a new leader, kim jong-un who might be ever bit as
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unpredictable as his father. if you need to know how serious this is. a blastic missile could hit japan or guam. we know koreans are taking this in stride but do we have any idea how people feel in the north about this? >> reporter: we're actually getting some very rare insight, don, from someone who was just there. these were photos taken in the last 24 to 48 hours. they're coming from american and british tourists who went in through a beijing base tour company tap they have a tour permit. they're only there for a few days. i spoke to the tour operator and she says she's, there multiple times. she saw everyday life. she did not sense it was all that different from before and that the threats from north korea aren't exactly matching
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what she's seeing on the ground. here's what he told us. >> i didn't feel any different towards us and people smiling, waving, saying hello and kids coming up and rollerblading and coming up and saying hello. so there was no difference in that respect. >> reporter: one thing that is important to note is that a lot of times when western tours come in, outside visitors there, they are offered a sanitized imagine, only allowed to talk to certain people, taken around by a government official. they they are not allowed to go where all of the starving people are. it's also interesting incite to see how the capital is operating right now. >> what is the perception of kim jong-un in the south. >> very simp by, koreans think he's completely crazy, that he is perhaps even worse than his father. a lot of times you look on some of the korean newspapers, some
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of the blogs, people are making fun of his fact, calling him a pig, calling him a dog. they cannot stand him. but that unpredictability is what nay are concerned about. u he is a man child with his finger on the nuclear button. he's trying to shore up support among his own people and the outside world. here in south korea they feel they have the bullseye on them with a maniac in the north looking right at them. in an unvarnished view how koreans view kim jong-un. >> thank you very much. in a few minutes we'll talk with someone who understands a threat from north korea better than most. plus, nelson mandela out of the hospital. if there was a pill
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luckily, he found someone who gave him a fresh perspective on his portfolio. and with some planning and effort, hopefully bob can retire at a more appropriate age. it's not rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. >> two days of negotiations on iran's nuclear program has produced the same results as the last four rounds of talk. zero. delegates are meeting this weekend trying to reach some kind of common ground on how much to limit iran and to define iran's nuclear ambition. well, will there be another round of talks? nobody knows yet. >> john kerry hitting the road this weekend. today he was off to turkey then it's on to israel and to the west bank. it's the third trip to the
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middle east in two weeks. next week he's in london, south korea, japan and china. in china an outbreak in bird flu in people has led to the slaughter of 20,000 chickens, ducks, geese and pigeons. six of those people are died. they're trying to find the source of the infections. how far will snort korea go this time. that that's the big question that everyone from the pentagon to seoul is asking. here to talk about that is gordan change. hey is the column nis. he knows a lot about this particular subject. he joins me from new york. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> you know, it sound like a cliche but we have seen this rattling over and over again, blustering. the is there a reason to think
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it's any different. >> i think that it's different. in the past the north koreans have thrown a tantrum when the u.s. and south korea started their drills. this time the threats became more dire and i think it's because jim young unhas yet to consolidate his position. at no time since 1949 has a north korean leader had a smaller base of support than he does today. that's why we're sealing all of these threats one after the other. i don't think this is going to end very well. >> okay. go ahead. why do you say the last sentence, you don't think it's going to end very well. >> well, because i think he's painted himself into a corner. the legitimacy in this regime is based upon taking over south korea killing foreigners. for him to maintain his position now that he's said all of these things i think he has to go forward and do something. i don't think he's going to do it soon. north korea never strikes when
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we have a high degree of readiness but they will strike when they're not looking. and these military exercises, they end at the end of the month when our readiness run returns and falls back to normal. when they're not looking, then the north koreans will strike. >> he's a young leader. he's new. he is trying to show he is just as tough if not tougher or as predictable or unpredictable like his father rnlt yes. that's the problem. the first two leaders in north korea, they reached out and killed foreigners. they knew where the line was so we never retaliated. kim jong-un, he hay not know where that line is and that's the real problem. >> his -- is there a reason to believe, though, and many have said that they believe that kim jong-un is just a puppet and that the generals are the real power behind the throne.
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is that so, gordon. >> actually, i don't think so. kim jong-un started out his reign by trying to purge generals and he tried to elevate the careenia workers party to a position that was equal to the military. because under his father, the military was at the top of the regime. right now i think that what kim jong-un is trying to do is to get the support of the generals after his zlafr rous purge last year. i think it really is at a point where we don't know too much but i don't think the generals are running it. i think they're competing for pow and that's what makes this so messy and dangerous. >> that leads to my next question. so how secure is the regime? we know china is propping it up in many ways. will we see the kim dynasty collapse in your lifetime. i think we will. i don't know how safe and sigh cure it is at the moment. the problem we've got in china,
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you've got a leadership transition that is tur multirous. the generals have become much more powerful and they're supporting the north korean counter parts. the generals are going to support it even more. >> what about reunification and what's the possibility of that and does china fear a unified korea. >> i think china does. it is very interesting that in february there was an ad in the financial times from a guy in the central party school in beijing and that article suggested that china should dump north korea. well this guy lost his job a few weeks ago and i think that shows there's a lot of support in the regime in beijing and there's a lot going on that i'm not sure that china is going to ditch north korea was this guy did
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lose his job which indicated that north korea does have a lot of support at the top. >> gordon change, you certainly know your stuff. we thank you for joining us on cnn. >> thanks, don. >> coming up the civil trial and the death of michael jackson. are will the king 0 pop's oldest son have to take the stand and testify? we know the value of your at ueducation of phoenix is where it can take you. [now arriving: city hospital]
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nelson mandela is now out of the hospital and going to receive some special in-home care. the 96-year-old, the nation's first black president has been sick with a lung infection and pneumonia. cnn's kroernt has the latest from johannesburg. >> reporter: after ten nights in the hospital, nelson mandela has been released. he's shown sustained and gradual
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inl improvement and he's now to receive home based high care. we understand from sources that his bedroom in his home has very first kated medical machinery and also of course he receives 24-hour medical care. so no doubt, those who look after him, his doctors and nurses will be keeping a very close eye on him after he was hospitalized for the second time in four months. nelson mandela's health has been steadily deteriorating over the last couple of years. >> robin, thank you very much. florida investigators now believe these two brothers kidnapped by their father are on this sailboat headed to the gulf of mention so. a slough in the tampa bay area has released a photo of joshua akin. it's not clear if sharon is involved ord under duress
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herself. joshua achen abducted the children from their grandmother after tying her up. >> the death of a murder suspect in a police interview room were a murder suicide. the suspect, 23-year-old jeremy powell overpow ired the jackson police nart, shot him and turned the gun on himself. the veteran detective was 40-year-old. mourners are paying their respects right now in a high school in west virginia for sheriff crumb. bland new to his john in january, crumb was gunned down while eating lunch in his care in near the mingo courthouse. we spoke was his daughter julia. >> i'm doing as well as expected, we're still in shock and i'm heartbroken but i'm doing okay. >> there's a memorial service later on this afternoon. tell me what you want people to know about your dad and how you
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expect him to be recognized and eulogized to day. >> my dad was a very loving man. he was a loving father and grandfather. he loved his community. 's done a great job in the short three months that he's been sheriff. what he's accomplished is just amazing. >> so just three months your dad was sheriff. how important was this job, this responsibility to be this public servant in your community? my dad fought tirelessly against drug abuse. he just wanted to clean up the county and make it a better place to live for the children that are growing up here. >> do you feel like your dad was targeted because, in large part because he would fight drug abuse and try to bring the
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prosecution of those who were bringing drug problems to the community? >> things are still under investigation at this time, so we really are unsure, you know, why this has happened. but i think it's a very strong possibility. >> so now how concerned are you about your mom taking this position? she has assumed the responsibility that your dad had and up until next year, may. so over a year your mom will be sheriff. how worried are you for her? >> i am concerned for her safety, but my dad had offices in a place that took care of him very well and i know they're going to take care of my mom very well. >> is this something you all talked about as a family, you open your mom to assume his responsibilities after he was murdered? >> we did. my mother and i and my brother, we did talk about it and we did
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agree that my mom would be the best person to take his job. she's the one who knew him best. she knew what he wanted to accomplish and i think she can finish the job he start ed take me into that conversation. what were all of the concerns that you and your brother expressed to your mom and how did she assure you? >> well, no one can be 100% sure of what's goings to happen. you know, everything is in god's hands. and i know that, i just know that my mom is going to do a great job for this county. she loves this county as much as my dad did and she'll carry on his legacy. >> what kind of impact did your dad make on you? my dad was my rock. he was the very person that i could call for anything and he always had my side. up next, boxes legend mike
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would discuss this to quieten their rhetoric. the press secretary has already said that no one would be surprised by a missile test but washington still hopes to find a peaceful way to prevent conflict. crowds real l rally for immigration reform. the time is now for common sense reform inkrugd a realistic path to u.s. citizenship. it was one of those rallies across -- several rallies across the nation today under the time is now banner. a texas family and the entire state law enforcement community held a private funeral today for a prosecutor and his wife who were shot dead in their home. police have no suspects of the murder of mike mcclel land or the chief officer. the latest in a full report coming up. he was known as the
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galveston giant. jack johnson shattered the status quo backing the first after kwan american chap onin 1988. shock waves for felt outside the ring when johnson broke one of the segregated -- johnson's crime, dating a white woman, eventually marrying one. convicted in 1913, that tarnished his name and legacy. now there's an effort under way to win a pardon for johnson. joining me now from detroit is boxing great and former heavyweight champ mike tyson. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> why would you get behind an effort to pardon jackson son. >> i'm a great fan of jack johnson. i understand the circumstances that jack johnson was convicted
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under. and jack johnson broke all the barriers. he was the first guy, black person in galveston with a car when he was champion. he was the ali before ali. >> ali even looked up to him as well. i think that you probably looked up to him as well. i should mention that you're in the motor city right now starring in your one man show, it's called undisputed truth. that's really what jack johnson, he tried to live the truth. do you think that he has a chance? hey, man, i believe god is great and i believe good will be vindicated and i believe in this circumstances and at the time of the circumstance that happened that it was all done with ill, you know ill will and i think mr. johnson will be pardoned. i really believe that because i'm pushing a petition.
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i have over 3 million follow lores and i'm sure we can get, you know, with the grace of god we can get 100,000 votes. >> we're looking at the petition now. the petition is on a website, it's the website change. .org. you are trying to get a lot of people to help you out, heavy hitters in your corner. tell us who they are and what they're doing to help you. >> senator john mccain and senator harry reid, i had a brief meeting with senator reid and he's all for it. i'm so happy that somebody with the clientele and prestige that senator mcclan and senator reid would think to care for a man -- 114 years ago this happened. it's a wonderful thing. >> yeah. obviously you have to be able to relate to this man in some way.
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>> yeah, not even a little bit. jack johnson was by himself. i have the naccp. i'm a multimillionaire when i'm going through my problem. jack johnson is by himself, he has a few preachers and jack johnson, he was totally against the black power movement and all that stuff. he was about getting it for ourselves because he was never accustomed to black people sticking together. to the history of black america, that blacks were never strong and sticking together, they never trusted each other. he did it by himself. he didn't have a congregation. he didn't have no groups or anything. he was by himself. and that shows the greatest courage. listen, don, he's in the ring and there's 50,000 white people that are saying i'm going to -- he's in the guy torturing the
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guy, laughing at the people when he's doing it. when you come out you need a lynching. but he's in the ring fighting these guys. talking to the white and beat this guy up and they're threatening his life. >> thank you. we appreciate you coming on. let us know how it turns out. will you come back and talk to us when it's all other. >> all love, brother. ♪ at quicken loans, we won't make you wait for it. our efficient, online system allows us to get you through your home loan process fast. which means you'll never have to beg for a quick closing. one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. bonkers, look at me when i'm talking to you.
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jackson's wrongful death, conrad murray. but the promoter counters that murray had been with jackson years before its deal with the king of pop. >> mike's children could end up playing a major role in this case. 16-year-old prince, the oldest is on the witness list and has already testified during deposition stating that he was intimately involved in his father's affair. >> when prince jackson gets up on the witness stand, it will be a very dramatic time. prince has not publicly talked about his father's last days, but i believe we will hear him tell us what his father told him about what was happening, his concerns, his worries and who he thought he couldn't trust. >> according to testimony in
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conrad murray's criminal trial, the kids saw their father as he lie lifeless in his bedroom. the kids have been on a lot of ups and downs since their dad's death. during the trial, prince and paris may be called to testify. >> michael jackson's children going to be called to the stand to testify? not by us. we've been told that they will be called by plaintiffs. ia understand why bringing them to the stand has anything to do with whether or not dr. conrad murray was hired by aeg but perhaps they're bringing them to the stand for different reasons. >> the judge has decided to allow jackson's history of drug use and ak zagss of child molestation to be introduced at trial. >> mr. jackson was a grown man and as a grown man he knew what he was doing. there is a presujs of risks as there often is with a drug
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addict and an addict. many people in mr. jackson's life have indicated that one of the reasons for his ongoing addiction, one of the places where it became really a problem for him was in 1993 around the time of the first ak zagss about him and a young boy and then again later in mid 2000 around the time of his trial. >> it was ruling the judge made and i'm not going to comment on that either way. i understand the rationale behind the judge's ruling. >> make sure you stay with cnn for michael jackson the final days in his first interview behind bars, dr. conrad murray gives his side of the events. it airs tonight 9:00 eastern on cnn. we'll continue the conversation at 10:00 p.m. as well. >> one texas county, somebody is killing prosecutors in kof man county. suddenly, she does something unexpected
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. more possible remains were found this week from the 9/is attack. workers are using new technology to sift through debris fa the world trade center site. they recovered a total of 59 possible remains this week. more than 1,000 people killed in new york on 9/1 is have not been identified. this is the first search fb human remains in three years and
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it's expected to last eight to ten weeks. a father took a wrong turn on a both trip and got his family stuck in the florida ever glaeds. they spent the night on a swampy wildness. later the family blew air horns and whistles. the noise drew rescuers to them. all five members are okay. the gun store that sold the guns in the sandy hook massacre has lost its license. the bush master 223 semiautomatic was bought by adam lanza's mother two years ago. the federal agents raided the gun store after the 26 children and adults were shot to death. they did not say why the license was revoked. near dallas texas this weekend investigators are stumped. both people killed -- police
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have some theories but no arrests. cnn's martin savage is in kaufman, texas tonight. >> reporter: it was one week ago that the district attorney and his wife were found murdered inside their home. today the mclelland family held a news conference, were very critical, very emotional and angry about how the investigation is being handled. it goes back to the original murder of mark hasse back at the end of january. and their father at the time had concerns that this county didn't have the resources to carry out the investigation and two, protect law enforcement and government officials here. here's how it was sumd up. >> not enough is being done. they're on edge right now. if someone is willing to come out and shoot the district attorney and his wife in their
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home, obviously their mind-set is anything else is possible. >> now, remember, this is a family that has gone through an incredible tragedy but at the same time they're obviously very afraid because no one has been arrested in this investigation and you have had three murders so far. it has shock this area and it clearly has the mclelland family fearing for their own lives. they would like the federal government step in. the feds we are here in the form of fbi but they would like to see the feds take the lead in this investigation so that local law enforcement could handle the issue of providing security. they have a lot of concerns and a lot of emotion and it is all coming to a boil. don? all right. thank you very much. imagine watching live tv anywhere you want to. a junl's new ruling, a big surprise to some may have brought that closer to you and the network.
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[ female announcer ] what if the next big thing, isn't a thing at all? it's lots of things. all waking up. connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. ♪ it's going to be amazing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. we're going to wake the world up. and watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. cisco. tomorrow starts here. and his new boss told him two things -- cook what you love, and save your money. joe doesn't know it yet, but he'll work his way up from busser to waiter to chef before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game from the great northwest. he'll start investing early, he'll find some good people to help guide him, and he'll set money aside from his first day of work to his last, which isn't rocket science.
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this tweak end ufos and alien abductions have a new home in myrtle beach south carolina. it's the grand opening of encounters ufo experience. a smaller version has been welcoming visitors wherever they might be from for years now created by a man who once said he had close encounters with aliens. >> welcome to planet earth. aliens can fly from the mother or the south and land in the parking lot and come in and chitchat with me, guys. >> jody pendarvis built his welcome center in the 1990s, out
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of space visitors did drop by in 1989 and he sounds like he misses them. the way we use money has changed a lot. today many oflot. many of us only use debit cards. some have their phones linked to a bank account. bitcoin is virtually online. atms and cyprus will let you convert real currency and bitcoins. nobody knows who created them in the first place. but after the cyprus banking collapse, it's on the rise now. what if you really could watch tv every day anywhere? zain asher says one company called arrow is already doing that. >> for $80 a year, aereo will let you stream straight on to your phone or ipad, all day
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every day. >> there's a lot of demand for people to be able to access content over their computers in the more flexible way. people want to pay less. >> it works by using this antenna that captures a broadcast signal. it's precisely the reason the network giants are having trouble sleeping. in a statement, the national association of broadcasters called aereo's operations illegal agreeing with other critics who call it a sham. >> it's a controversial service for sure. >> they have found a clever way to make money from content it doesn't own but lucky for aereo, david is winning against g goliath. a court found that it violates no copy right laws. a huge blow to the broadcasters who hoped that it would retreat back into its cave. >> our thanks to zain asher.
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cnn's money's text expert lori seagull. >> there it is. >> court of appeals cited with aereo. they are expanding. what does that mean for the viewer at home? >> it means a lot of things, don. this was a pretty good ruling because the giants wanted to take this company down because essentially they are letting people access their content and not making them pay for it. this means that people in 22 states around the united states can access content on their mobile devices and get it on their tablets. they don't have to be sitting on the tv to watch the shows that they watch on a regular basis and they've got a prescription payment model where you can pay $1 on demand and $8 a month and they can hook this up to apple tv. it's shaking up the traditional television world as we know it,
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don. >> this reminds me of the battle that napster had years ago with the music industry. that did not turn out great. broadcasters are coming up with their own plan here? >> i do remember this. it was huge because what shawn parker at napster did was completely disrupt the traditional music industry. and so i think when it comes down to it, this is very -- this sounds very familiar. you know, you've got the big guys really worried about this and it ended up napster, that kind of failed but they created spotify which had the subscription model and it worked. it's about this traditional industry being disrupted. we spoke to aereo's ceo and spoke about the disruption and how the internet could disrupt television. listen to what he said, don. >> to recast the moderate for the industry which is still frankly from a business and
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dealing with consumers stuck in the stick age, the one key thing missing is television. >> don, you know, bloomberg has partnered up with aereo. time warner has tv everywhere so you can watch cnn on the go. it's not like us big guys are complete ignoring all of the inrupgss happening. >> laurie, thank you. a destination for european criminals to have this guy who some are calling australia's dumbest crook. that story is neck. with so much competition, finding the right job is never easy. but with the nation's largest alumni network, including those in key hiring positions,
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what separates a purse snatcher from a town idiot? apparently a very clean pane of glass. >> reporter: call it the dumbest crook. he's following a woman in a shopping center. he grabs her bag and heads to the door. heads through the glass door. he's momentarily knocked out. >> there was a lot of glass shards around so i would say you had to go to the hospital after that. >> reporter: an apparent accomplice arrives as he drags away the purse snatcher, a
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tattoo owner backs off. >> he says i've got a gun, i'm going to shoot you. >> reporter: they escape in a stolen car but they can't escape infamy on the internet. just last week, security camera video of this genius surfaced. first, he forgot to put on his black panty hose mask as he approached the mom and pop store in california. police believe the pajamas featured little chickens. he sure acted chicken when the alarm set off an alarm and then he tripped and next thing it's being put to music like ben knee hill. and the pink panther. one youtuber made a re-enactment when man meets glass, glass
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usually wins. for instance, when this chinese executive battered on board and maybe glass is tough enough for virgin airlines for glass-bottom planes. it might make the walk to the restroom less than restful. it's just april fools but not as big of a fool as this guy. cnn, new york. >> idiot. set your dvrs and join me at 10:00. public opinion in favoring legal marijuana is at an all-time high. for the first time people who say marijuana should be legal outnumber those that say it shouldn't be legal. we'll talk with the former judge in denver. he helped get pot legal in
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