tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 6, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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his legacy? well, stay tuned and stay with cnn for coverage of the trial. thanks for watching this special report. -- captions by vitac -- hello, everyone. i'm don lemon. want to get up on today's headlines. tragedy in a mega church. the son of rick warren has taken his own life. 27-year-old matthew warren was found death in his home of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. a live report just ahead on cnn. the u.s. is postponing a missile test to avoid aggravating the situation in north korea. a senior defense official told cnn the test had been planned for a while and had nothing to do with the korean crisis. but the pentagon didn't want to give the perception that it was related to that situation. in afghanistan, six american citizens died in two separate
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insurgent attacks. the deadliness happened here in the southern province near kandahar. a suicide bomber blew up a car filled with explosives next to a military convoy. three american troops and two u.s. government civilians died. they were delivering books at an afghan school. 15 people including nine children were killed when syria's government dropped a bomb on the city of aleppo. this amateur video shows a panicked scene with burning buildings and cnn cannot verify this video, but across town gunshots rang out. one opposition group says a total of 116 people were killed across syria today. shock and sadness in up with of the biggest mega churches in the country. pastor rick warren revealed today that his youngest son, matthew, killed himself after a lifelong struggle with depression. the latest information is that he died yesterday at his home in mission viejo after spending the
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evening before with his parents. his mother hinted at his problems in this 2012 abc interview with jake tapper. our daughter-in-law we call our daughter-in-love had a brain tumor 3 1/2 years ago and she nearly died and was in the hospital for five weeks. her son, her 7-week-old baby was born prematurely and almost died. we have family that has mental illness. it's been challenging and difficult for us. >> the saddleback church released a statement saying, at 27 years of age, matthew was an incredibly kind, gentle and compassionate young man whose sweet spirit was encouragement to many. he also suffered from depression. despite the best health care available, this was an illness that was never fully controlled and the emotional pain resulted in his decision to take his life.
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want to bring in the editor of cnn's belief blog. thank you so much for coming in this evening. this is truly heartbreaking. what do you know about this young man? was he involved in his father's ministry at all? >> yeah, he was, don. matthew warren was just 27 years old and he'd been a member of the church, saddleback church, for his entire life. as rick warren was growing in prominence, he was just growing up as a kid. that book that rick warren wrote, "the purpose driven life" was written ten years ago when he was 17, and that is what propelled the warrens into the national and international spotlight. matthew worked in the church's resource warehouse distributing things like books and dvds. that was a relatively recent job and that was something that he enjoyed doing. that's where he worked until obviously last night. >> eric, how does a congregation cope with this kind of tragedy? >> these things are almost impossible to believe when this happens in anyone's family,
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particularly in a congregation as large as this one, and 20,000 folks who go to this church on a regular basis and they met for the first time tonight at 4:30 pacific time. listen to what tom halladay told them. he is the teaching pastor at saddleback and he is also the uncle of matthew. take a listen. >> rick and kay and their family are having to face the news this week of the death of their youngest son, matthew. and we're facing it together as a family. and that's what we're going to do this weekend. we're going to pray together and we're going to worship together and we're going to look at god's hope together and we're going to be real together about who he is. we're going to be real together about our hurts and we're going to be real together about only the thing he can give us, hope in the face of anything and everything. before we worship some more together, would you pray with me? let's pray. father, thank you for these people, this family that love you so deeply. and thank you that we can come together as a family, open our
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hearts to you and tell everything that's on our hearts and we do it right now. we pray for our pastor rick, for his wife, kay. we pray for their family, their closest friends as they're facing this, lord, we pray that your grace would be poured upon their lives right now. >> certainly the entire country is praying, anyone who knew this man, anyone who's a christian is praying for this family. >> yeah, absolutely. and one of the things that was interesting -- today before the news really had trickled out all the way, rick warren sent a tweet out to his followers on twitter. and he referenced the lord's prayer and particularly the part where it says, we pray "thy will be done." that's very important for christians to understand when they try to deal with things that are beyond their control, they can look and trust that say
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this is part of god's plan. that god allowed it to happen. they may not understand it and may not be pleased with what has happened but know it's part of his will and one of the things that's important for christians to believe is they say that god is with them through all these difficult and impossibly difficult times like the one the warren family and that church is dealing with tonight, don. >> eric, thank you. appreciate it. we have a lot more planned for you this saturday night. here's what else we're working on. is pot about to go legit across the u.s.? for the first time ever, more americans think it should be legal than those who don't. one of the architects of colorado's recent legislation weighs in. what if north korea actually did launch a missile? is the u.s. ready for that? the high-tech on how america mind fend off a nuclear attack. and -- mike tyson talks about righting a wrong from america's past. and maya angelou waxes poetic about introducing a prowler to the business end of her handgun.
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that and more coming up. we're going to begin with this story. michael jackson, as you just saw, in my one-hour documentary, his death is back on the front pages. nearly four years after his fatal overdoeshgs and this time it is michael jackson's mother and the children holding the concert promoters responsible for his untimely death. i want to continue with this with jim moret who is a chief correspondent in "inside edition "and you saw him in the documentary and also our legal contributor paul callan in new york. welcome both of you. does it matter if conrad murray does or does not testify? first to you, paul. >> i don't think it makes an enormous difference in the case. obviously he's a central figure in the case. but the jury is going to know that conrad murray has been convicted, essentially, of causing the death of michael jackson. and, frankly, i don't know how much he would add, even if he
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did come in to testify. there are lots of other sources of information about how he was hired and who hired him. so i don't think it will make that much of a difference. >> jim, let's talk about the money here. is this case all about the money? we're talking about millions, possibly billions for the jacksons if aeg loses this case. is this really -- conrad murray seems to believe this is all about the money. aeg says it's all about the money because they're not suing dr. conrad murray. is that what it's about? >> it feels like that, don. it really does. it's funny, when you talk about the money and you talk about $40 billion being the number we've heard bandied about, my 15-year-old son said to me, he didn't make $40 million in his lifetime, did he? i said, no, not even close. he was worth $600 million in the estate when he died, and not even that. he was broke when he died. most of michael jackson's wealth at this point, the estate is, in the publishing rights.
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if the you look at what aeg was going to pay him over the year and assume he would work for ten years more, i don't know where you're going to get $40 billion. but i think it is about the money because you know who's responsible legally for the death and that is dr. murray. and dr. murray doesn't have any assets. who, then, to go to? aeg, you have to go under the assumption that he was working for aeg. and i agree with paul. i don't think it makes a lot of difference if dr. murray testifies because dr. murray may say aeg was my boss but aeg, as you said in that special, didn't pay him a dime, didn't have an executed contract and didn't act in accordance with an employer at that time. it wouldn't have kicked in until the tour. bottom line, i do think it's about the money. >> you bring up a very good point when you talk about the billions of dollars, $40 billion. that's a lot of money. here's what they contend, though, jim. they're saying he would have made money from these concerts, probably would have had hit records and gone on to vegas to have a very lucrative career in vegas and possibly get -- i don't think he would have gotten close to $40 billion. but he certainly could have made into the billions. but michael jackson was a big spender.
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his estate, as you know, jim, is in the black now. certainly was not in the black when he was alive. it's in black because he is not here to spend the money. >> not only that, don, when we covered the molestation trial some years ago, it would not have surprised me if he didn't show up one day -- actually he was late one day. he came in his pajamas. we remember that. he was so frail at that time that i don't think anyone would have been surprised in his life has come to an end then. to say his life came to an end now isn't surprising. when you look at the show that aeg was putting on and look at the physicality of that show, certainly michael jackson couldn't have continued at that pace for the next ten years. so it would be a different kind of a show. so i think it's a very difficult argument for the family to make. >> i want to bring in paul. i want to ask you, jim brought up the contract, only dr. conrad murray had signed the contract. michael jackson hadn't signed it. aeg hadn't signed that contract.
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and the crux of which is whether dr. conrad murray worked for michael jackson or whether he worked for aeg. he could certainly end up helping both sides of the case. he would probably plead the fifth here. but do you think it's -- what does it say -- what's the significance of that contract? does that contract show that aeg is responsible here for dr. conrad murray's actions? >> the contract is important. if the jury decides or the judge decides ultimately that there was no oral agreement to hire conrad murray by aeg, they're out of the case. so the existence of the contract is important as supporting the jackson theory. but in the end, i think the case is fatally flawed for two reasons. first, you have a situation where you have a sophisticated performer with a lifetime of experience, capability of hiring lawyers, agents to help him in negotiations. and he goes to aeg and says, listen, i want conrad murray, my
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personal physician, to be available on the tour. this is a condition precedent for me going on the tour. so they say, okay. he's your doctor, we'll agree to hire him. and then of course conrad murray goes on to kill him by administering propofol. to think a jury would blame aeg for doing exactly what michael jackson asked them to do is a bit farfetched. but the second thing that is important is that if you assumed that he fired conrad murray, that aeg fired him that day that he was killed, does anybody believe that michael jackson just wouldn't have hired him himself to administer the propofol, so no way that jackson survives on ooeither scenario. so there are no damages in the case. >> aeg is also contending that they were, as you say, paying
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him up front, much as a credit card company does for you if you go out -- they didn't hire him. they were just paying him for the upcoming concerts up front for michael jackson. thanks to both of you. appreciate it. >> okay. coming up next -- is pot about to go legit across the u.s.? for the first time ever, more americans think it should be legal than those what don't. one of the architects of colorado's recent legislation weighs in. you'll never go back to a regular manual brush. its three cleaning zones with dynamic power bristles reach between teeth with more brush movements to remove up to 100% more plaque than a regular manual brush. and even 76% more plaque than sonicare flexcare in hard to reach areas. oral-b deep sweep 5000 power brush. life opens up when you do. understanding you clearly... what is the capital of zimbabwe ? ... the first time you ask with the google voice search. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid recognition. droid powerful.
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they find a moment's pleasure but at a terrible price. >> debauchery, violence, murder, suicide. and the ultimate end of the marijuana addict. hopeless insanity. >> i've never seen anybody act like that on pot ever. how many times -- how times have changed. in the late 1930s, films like "reefer madness" portrayed marijuana users as psychos, helping enforce a strict
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prohibition that exists even now. 75 years later, a majority of americans now saver legalization. that's never happened before. the latest poll by pew research shows 52% of those surveyed support the idea. it's most evident in this map. 17 states and the district of columbia now allow medical marijuana. washington and colorado permit recreational use. and marijuana's been decriminalized in six other states. prohibition is also expensive. a 2005 harvard study found state and local governments spend $5.3 billion a year to enforce marijuana laws. federal government spends another $2.4 billion for a total of $7.7 billion each year. that is a whole lot of money. want to bring back our legal analyst here at cnn, mr. paul callan. leonard friehling, did i say your last name properly? >> yes, sir. >> i have to tell you, when we
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started talking about this story, i said, this feels so five years ago. this feels like an old story except the polls are just now it. leonard or lenny, does this surprise you? it doesn't surprise most people, especially younger people that most people say, hey, go ahead and decriminalize it or legalize it or regulate it at least. >> the genie is out of the bottle. the genie is not going back in the bottle. we have declared peace. this war is over. our job now is to minimize the casualties. now that we have peace because there still will be more casualties and we have the opportunity for 50 different states to have 50 different experiments in the spirit of the great experiment that is our united states. and as part of the education mission of colorado normal, of normal and of l.e.a.p. and many other organizations, part of the
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education mission is to see that those experiments happen responsibly. >> what has changed in the last 25 years? >> i was thinking about that. and i think the real question might be, why during the last 100 years are we messing around with marijuana as opposed to the previous 5,000 years where the last 25 is more or less insignificant in the big picture? now, the answer to your question is, for all those years and the years before it scientifically the pro-marijuana people were generally correct. that didn't win the peace. what won the peace was the economics. people realized that in triaging our economics, in prioritizing, marijuana was, whether people liked it, disliked it, whatever it was, they knew it wasn't so bad that it took priority, say, over feeding people.
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they realized that it would take -- >> i understand where you're going. i want to bring paul in. lenny lives in a state that has made pot legal. and that may be a window to what it would look like if pot were legal nationwide. states like that, how do you think that will serve to either have marijuana legalized nationwide or not? how do you think it will work? >> well, i have to agree with lenny. federalism will allow the states to experiment with this. we can see how it works out. but i do have to say on the issue of why we are where we are today, think woodstock. the woodstock generation is now ruling this country. actually people my age who were -- not me, of course, but other people in college were smoking the stuff back in the '70s. and they're now running the government. so it doesn't surprise me that we're being a little bit friendlier to it. but let's look at the rest of the world before we jump into
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this. i was looking today at the statistics about how many countries have legalized marijuana. one of the things that really shocked me is that one of about five countries that have absolute legalization, north korea which may explain a lot about what's going on over there right now with kim jong-un -- i don't really know. but they are one of five countries that actually have legalized marijuana. and it also says, of course, we don't have a big track record worldwide about what happens when you legalize it. i understand that at least on the surface it looks like it's not as harmful and alcohol. and alcohol's been horribly destructive. but on the other hand, we've got no big track record as to what happens. people start smoking it who wouldn't have smoked it normally. do people in their 50s and 60s who probably haven't used in it a lot of years say, let me get out of the 7-eleven and pick up a bag of weed and come home and start smoking? and are they less productive at work?
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is that going to cost the government money? there are a lot of imponderables here. do they go on television and sound like they're out of it when they're answering questions. it could change the media. >> are you talking about leonard here? >> i would never say such a thing. >> i'm just kidding. nearly one in two now say that they have smoked pot, even though who don't like it say enforcing the laws is not worth the cost and legalization is the answer. neither of us is a medical doctor here. there are people who say it's a gateway drug. on the other side, people say it is not a gateway drug and it's actually good for you and it's for cancer and glaucoma and it eases pain. but why do you they most people say, i have tried it and legalization is the cost of, the cost of fighting against it or enforcing laws, it is not worth it, and you should just legalize it.
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paul? >> i think you're dealing not so much with an issue that we're going to find hard science on. you're dealing with a moral issue. a lot of people think, you just shouldn't give access to everybody to easy use of drugs like marijuana. we have enough problems with alcohol. do we really need to make it easy for kids, for instance, for adolescents to get involved in smoking marijuana and using the drug? will they be less productive in the long run as a result of it? i think a lot of people have that hesitation about really going that last step and legalizing as colorado has done. it will be very interesting to see what happens in colorado. i was out there snowboarding recently and i thought i was in danger on a couple of the slopes because of the -- i don't know if people are smoking while they ski now, which could be dangerous, lenny, in colorado, i'm sure. >> lenny, since now it's legal there, has your state gone to pot? what's happened?
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>> interestingly, my wife who is a complete nonsmoker and i were discussing whether either of us could think of -- this is anecdotal, i understand -- whether either of us could think of a single individual who, since we legalized, the governor signed off on the election january 4th of this year, a single person who has, as far as we know, tried marijuana now that it is legal. neither of us could think of a single person. you keep focusing on the last 25 or the last 100 years and lack of experience. while that's, of course, true, and while frankly the last thing i want to do is to get into a debate with mr. callan. i'm far too wise to that and he's far too good. but we do have 5,000 years' experience, not just the 50 or 100 where it's been an issue in the united states. we have countries from israel to spain looking at the medical
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aspects. as far as hard science, right now, pub med, i believe we're up to 23,000 studies, including double blind placebo experiments. do we know enough? no. do we know a lot? >> we'll be learning a lot more, i'm sure, as this continues to progress. paul, lenny, thank you. no arguing. we're not debating here. just talking. >> we're not debating, and we are having a very mellow discussion, and lenny, it is always a pleasure to get to talk to you. >> you see. just talking about marijuana mellows you out. on to other news, high-profile ambush killings of law enforcement officials. colorado, texas, west virginia. are these random acts? is there some link? i'm going to ask our law enforcement expert next. but his connection with jake has been a lifesaver.
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law enforcement officials scrambling for answers right now following four high-profile ambush killings. colorado prison chief tom clements, texas prosecutor mike mcclelland and another texas district attorney mark hasse, and west virginia sheriff eugene crumb. is there a link between them? are these random acts or are law enforcement officials being targeted as part of a larger conspiracy? the officer down memorial page website says crimes are up 29% this year. the most recent was eric smith shot and killed this week while interviewing a murder suspect. ambush is the single biggest threat to law enforcement. 15 police officers were killed in ambushes each year from 2009 to 2011. it's already up to 15 for this year. of the 543 law enforcement officials killed in the line of duty from 2002 to 2011, more than 23% were ambushed.
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want to bring in alex manning, who is also a former police officer. what do you think this is? random or is it a conspiracy? >> it's hard to say. i think it's the quiet before the storm. believe it or not, but i think that it may be some type of transgression from the prison gangs they get out, and they're institutionalized and they come out acting the same way. they're in these gangs and they come out and are acting the exact same way. but we can't lose sight of the whole picture. it could be a distraction for other things. >> we've been hearing about drug cartels, we've been hearing about white supremacists. people are wondering if it's open season on cops and open court officials. hard to tell. >> it's always hard to tell. you should be cautious. prosecutors i worked with are extremely cautious. defense attorneys, family law attorneys, they have some of the highest risk of getting hurt. you just don't know. but they should always be on guard. they should let the local enforcement work on what they
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need to. maybe help the bureau of prisons communicate with all the different gangs to really share some intelligence to see what's going on. but it could be a distraction for something else. >> what do you mean? they're trying to cover up something else by doing this? >> i don't know. if you keep them busy over here, you go do something else. >> right. >> if they're busy looking for the people who did these killings, maybe they're going to do something else on the side. you don't know. >> i asked you during the break, you often wonder because you saw -- it was just in the last couple of weeks, there have been a number of them. that's why we're reporting on this now. but you wonder if the media pays more attention because it happens so often. court people are ambushed all the time. it happens all the time. especially like in jail if someone is being booked, they ambush a police officer. >> absolutely. anything short of walking in with somebody with a gun in their hand is an ambush. several of my friends were killed in the line of duty. you walk up, you don't know what
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you're stopping a car for. they shoot on officer. that's pretty much an ambush. >> were you ever worried in your private life when you were in law enforcement, were you vigilant -- >> at times, when i worked under cover with gbi, and you took a different route home, and you were cognizant of what was around you. i think everybody needs to be very vigilant right now. there's something that's brewing. this one d.a., he was on a task force that looked into the aryan nation, the white supremacist group us. but you have to be cognizant of what is around us, but be aware of the shell game, because are they distracting things over here and planning something p else? you don't know. >> something to think about. and sadly, we'll probably be talking about this in the future. thank you very much, alex
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manning. >> thank you. with their missiles locked and loaded, we go live to our reporter in seoul, south korea, for the late on the north korean crisis. plus this -- what if north korea actually did launch a missile? is the u.s. ready for that? the high-tech on how america might fend off a nuclear attack. . come in now and sea food differently. now, buy one lobsterfest entree and get one 1/2 off with a coupon at ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. the act of soaring across an ocean in a three-hundred-ton rocket
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they adapt at the waist, legs and bottom, with up to 12 hours of protection for our driest, best fitting diaper pampers. right now, spy satellites and radar are focused on north korea's east coast, waiting for a missile launch that might never happen. if it does, the u.s. military will be ready. cnn's tom foreman breaks down the plan. >> all eyes remain on the east coast of north korea and these mobile missile launchers carrying the musudan missiles. let's bring in the map and talk about this, general. if a missile takes off and heads off, blasting into the atmosphere and arcing over to attack, what happens with this satellite up above? >> well, i need to tell you, what that satellite does is it will immediately pick up the i.r. signature, the infrared
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signal, coming off the launcher. it will immediately tell systems on the ground, systems at sea and systems at air that are all integrated what the telemetry data is saying. >> so the radar will start sweeping over this and start measuring this thing and the speed, which is a job, because it could be top speed and this is nothing like an airplane coming in to bomb someone? >> no. this is technology we've practiced with and refined over the course of years. this stuff works. >> if we see it headed towards something that matters to us, what happens? >> what happens? u.s. resource, allied resource, we're going to take it out with a high-altitude area defense system. that is a missile striking another missile to take it out. >> there's no wait from the launch to the end of it -- but the humans do get involved and they have a tough decision to
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make, don't they? >> absolutely correct. the man in the loop has to decide what's the next step. the united nations command in south korea's mission is to maintain the armistice. what that means is there's a north korea and there's a south korea. we've signed up to that. there's nothing in the playbook that says, we are going to reunify this peninsula. >> and yet, don, in the process of handling a launch like that and the potential outflow, there could be a lot of nervous moments as we try to maintain essentially the status quo. >> thank you, tom. earlier tonight i spoke with gordon chang, columnist for and author of "nuclear showdown." he says he doesn't think this will end well. >> he's painted himself into the corner. the legitimacy in this regime is based upon taking over south korea, killing foreigners. and so for him to maintain his position, now that he's said all these things, i think that he has to go forward and do something. i don't think he's going to do it soon because north korea never strikes when we have a high degree of readiness. but they will strike when we're not looking. and these military exercises that i talked about, they end at
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the end of this month when our readiness returns and falls back to normal and when we're not looking, then the north koreans probably will strike. >> cnn is keeping a close eye on developments on the korean peninsula, and now i want to bring in kyung lah as promised. she's in seoul, just miles from the border with the north. kyung, gordon thought it was only a matter of time before north korea does something. do south koreans feel the same way about that? >> reporter: well, in the short term, they do feel there will probably be a missile test. the emphasis being that, a test. we have seen it here in this region before, around this time of the year. north korea has launched missile tests. these short-range, intermediate range missiles. so it's not something new. what is different, though, is the level of rhetoric. it's quite a bit higher. tensions are much higher. whether south korea actually feel -- and remember this is a
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place an hour south of the dmz and has an hour larger bull's eye on it in the entire region. if it feels it will be the target of a missile attack, that's something most people here in the capital do not think will happen. part of it, don, though, is because they're just numb to it. they're told every other week from north korea that they're going to be melted down into a sea of fire. they can't possibly live this close to their neighbors to the north and be able to cope and hear all of this and actually think they're going to come under attack. >> kyung, is anything different about this time versus previous threats? >> reporter: it is different. and part of it is that these threats are going directly to the united states and at a rapidfire pace. that's what's really alarming here because it's not just going to south korea. it's going to the international community, the biggest fish out there being the united states. then you toss in that we have two new leaders. in south korea, a female president, the very first in
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this country's history, untested in a male-dominated society. she has something to prove. the guy to the north, young, he is 28, 29 years old. you look at video of him. he looks awkward. he is like an overgrown kid. that is the impression the outside world has, certainly south korea has. his own people have it. and so he has something to prove. you put all this together in a caldron and it is an extremely hot situation. that's why we're starting to see the united states try to turn a corner, trying to cool things here on the peninsula. >> thank you, kyung. appreciate it. how did one handshake help change america, one simple moment and its ripple effects felt even 60 years later? that's next. and coming up, boxing legend mike tyson who's had legal troubles of his own, asking the president to overturn the conviction of another fighter. that's ahead. d be fine if bob were a vampire. but he's not.
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wichita state's cinderella story, over. louisville is just one game from the school's first ncaa basketball title in 27 years. the cardinals hung around all game and eventually knocked off the shockers, 72-68 tonight. it was a great game. cnn's joe carter is at the georgia dome, which is rocking during the second game of the final four. i'm so jealous. i watched it here, but you were there. joe, wichita state led for a lot of the game. but they just couldn't put away louisville, could they? >> reporter: yeah, you're absolutely right, don. they have to be kicking themselves as they travel back. but you have to be proud they made it this far. going into this game, the louisville/wichita state game/, there was a feeling it was a mismatch, the dominant team against the cinderella of sorts. but you have to keep in mind
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that wichita state really earned the right to be here by beating number one seeded gonzaga, then beating ohio state. that showed in the first half. as well as the second half because they were up by as many as 12 points. but then louisville's defense tightened up. they rallied back, outscored them by 16 points in the final 13 minutes. as you'll hear from rick pitino, they played a tough wichita team. they're lucky to get out with a win. >> i just kept telling our guys, guys, this is a dogfight tonight. it's not an offensive game like duke where you're going to get a lot of -- it's a dogfight. and you have to win the fight. it's as simple as that. >> this may be the most important basketball game that i'll ever coach. definitely most important to the date and it's probably the most important that wichita state's ever played in. so it's tough. >> reporter: got to be real tough for wichita state. great hustle. great heart by them. but a great comeback by louisville. now they're back in the final game. monday night for the first time since 1986.
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don? >> joe carter, best job of the night. thank you, joe. this year's tournament is the 50th anniversary of an historic handshake at the ncaa tournament. one that changed the country. it was this moment in 1963. just before tip-off between loyola university-chicago and mississippi state, two players with a simple pregame handshake who bridged a huge racial divide. you see loyola had four african-american starters. the team from mississippi was all white, and the state's politicians did their best to stop them from going to the game, but the mississippi state players defied them to sneak off to play loyola and they lost. loyola went on to win the championship. one loyola player said all he remembered was that handshake. the very first time in ncaa history, a majority of players on the court were black.
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that was 50 years ago. boxing legend mike tyson who had legal troubles of his own is asking the president to overturn the conviction of another fighter who died almost 70 years ago. ♪ [ female announcer ] first kid ♪ oh hey, up here. [ female announcer ] second kid by their second kid, every mom is an expert and more likely to choose luvs.
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the status quo when johnson broke one of the segregated jim crow laws. johnson's crime was dating a white woman and eventually marrying one. convicted in 1913. that crime tarnished johnson's name and legacy. there's an act under way to pardon his conviction. >> i'm a great fan of jack johnson and understand the circumstances in which jack johnson was convicted under and the circumstances. at the time he wasn't even considered a human being. jack johnson broke all the barriers. he was the first guy, black guy in galveston with a car when he was champion. he was the ali before ali. >> ali even looked up to him as well. listen, i think that you probably looked up to him as well. i should mention you're in the
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motor city right now on tour starring in your one-man show called "undisputed truth." jack johnson tried to live that truth. do you think that he has a chance? >> man, i believe god is great and i believe good can be vindicated. i believe in these circumstances and at the time of the circumstance it happened that it was all done with ill will. and i think mr. johnson will get pardoned. i really believe that. i'm pushing a petition. i have over 3 million followers and i'm sure we can get -- with the grace of god, we can get 100,000 votes. >> we're looking at the petition now. the petition is on a website, you are trying to get a lot of people to help you out. some big political heavy-hitters in your corner. tell us about who they are and what they're doing to help you? >> listen, i have senator john mccain and senator harry reid.
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i had a brief meeting with senator reid and he's all for it. i'm just so happy that somebody with the clientele and the prestige of senator mccain and senator reid -- 114 years ago this happened. i think posthumously it's a wonderful thing. >> obviously you have to be able to relate to this man in some way. >> not even a little bit. jack johnson was by himself. i had the naacp. i had so many black organizations. i had white organizations. i had white, powerful lawyers taking care of me. i'm a multimillionaire when i'm going through my problem. jack johnson is by himself. he had a few preachers. but jack johnson was totally against black power movement and all that stuff. he was about getting it for ourselves because he was
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never accustomed to black people sticking together. it was part of the black america that blacks never stuck together and so blacks never trusted each other. he did it by himself. he didn't have a congregation. he didn't have marketing or groups or anything. he was by himself. that shows the greatest courage. he's in the ring, don, and there's 50,000 white people saying, i'm going to kill you after the ring. and he's in the ring beating a guy, torturing the guy and laughing at the people while he's doing that. if you need a lynching and [ bleep ], and excuse me, don. he's in there fighting when these people are saying this. he's talking to them while he's beating this guy up and they're threatening his life. >> my thanks to mike tyson. maya angelou recently talked about using more than words to stop a prowler. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s.
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i grew up in the segregated south. i actually started picking beans at age 6. but my father, i used to hear him say, if you get a good education, you can get a good job. so we knew that education was important. in today's time, many of our children don't have computers at home. and no-income families don't have transportation to get to where the computers are. kids who don't have access to computers after school will be left behind. my name is estella pyfrom. at age 71, i took my retirement savings to create a classroom to bring high-tech learning to communities in need. >> let's get on board. this is a mobile learning center.
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>> estelle la's learning bus is a mobile learning center. are you ready to get on the computers? >> yes. >> we want to do what we can do to make things better for all. adults as well. i see the bus as being able to bridge that gap between technology and the lack of it. >> she helps me by having one-on-one attention. and if i don't get it, she'll help me with it. i look forward to it a lot. >> how are we doing here? it's not just a bus. it's a movement. and we're going to go from neighborhood to neighborhood and keep making a difference. >> bye-bye! come in now and sea food differently. now, buy one lobsterfest entree and get one 1/2 off with a coupon at my patients don't know which one to use. i tell them to use the brand i use. oral-b -- the brush originally created by a dentist. trust the brand more dentists and hygienists use.
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