tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 7, 2013 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT
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are and facebook. all of my greatitude for those who work so hard behind the scenes here to make a show that helps you. but mostly thanks to you for watching. your comments over the years have made me better. until we meet again, i'm ali velshi. have a great weekend. hello, everyone. i'm fredricka whitfield. you're in the "cnn newsroom." a young american diplomat is dead in an attack on a u.s. convoy in southern afghanistan. a civilian and three u.s. service members were also killed. we'll have details. the family of mega church pastor rick warren is in mourning following the suicide of his 27-year-old son. matthew warren battled mental illness all of his life. coming up we'll go live to warren's church in southern california for reaction. north korea could be days away from testing a missile. tensions are so high on the
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korean peninsula, it's creating quite the ripple effect. a u.s. missile test is being delayed so as not to send conflicting messages to north korea. back to afghanistan now. where six americans were killed in two separate attacks yesterday. one of those killed has now been identified as 25-year-old diplomat named ann smetinghoff. four other state department workers were injured in the attack. u.s. secretary of state john kerry spoke about her today. >> when i was in afghanistan, she was part of my team and she was someone who worked hard and put her life on the line so that others could live a better life. >> athena jones is now at the white house for us. so have we heard anything more from her family, athena? >> good afternoon, fredricka. this was a young woman who
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joined the foreign service straight out of college three years ago. her family put out a statement. they said, "the world lost a truly beautiful soul. she particularly enjoyed the opportunity to work directly with the afghan people and was always looking for opportunities to reach out an help to make a difference in the lives of those living in a country ravaged by war." you heard from secretary kerry. he had a chance to meet this young woman less than a month ago. he expressed deep sadness over it today, fredricka. >> the handover of power. this attack comes at a very critical time. i understand there are a number of people on capitol hill once again who are calling attention to the handover and the publicized dates. >> reporter: that's right. agreed date is 2014. the handover of responsibility for security in afghanistan to the afghan government and you talked to someone like senator john mccain, republican of arizona, he says he's always been concerned with the handoff and that the u.s. is sending
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signs that we're leaving -- not that we're winning, but that we're leaving. i also had a chance to speak with republican senator lindsey graham about this today. >> we would be crazy to leave afghanistan without an insurance policy for us. somewhere around 10,000 to 13,000 troops post-2014 with american combat power available would end the taliban's hopes and dreams of retaking afghanistan. >> reporter: so that number that you heard senator graham mention, the number of troops that would be left behind in 2014 to help out with the protection of afghanistan, that's still being debated. we heard from a top u.s. commander in the region who mentioned a number around that number, 13,600 last month. but that will all be worked out. we can certainly expect to hear from senators like senator graham and mccain as we get closer to determining those forces. >> athena jones, thank you so much from the white house. appreciate that.
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north korea could test a missile this week according to south korea. seoul based, the north is urging workers to leave an industrial complex near the border by april 1 10th. we know there is a planned missile test in california has been postponed. what's the latest on that mission? >> that test indeed has been delayed. that's a pretty extraordinary event for the pentagon to take to cansal long-planned missile test. that's how concerned they are that the north koreans not misconstrue anything. next week also there was supposed to be a major bilateral military meeting there in washington, south korean and u.s. military officials. that is not off for right now. the top u.s. commander in korea saying he won't travel to the united states right now because of the rising tensions. he thinks it is better to stay
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put. you're still seeing a lot tension, a lot of rhetoric and a lot of pressure on north korea to take a deep breath an step back. >> the international community is also looking toward china to put some pressure on north korea because it seems as though that's the only country really that can do so. just have a listen to what john mccain said on cbs's "face the nation" this morning. >> china does hold the key to this problem. china cut off their economy if they want to. >> so how important is china in this equation? >> well, i think a lot of people will tell you senator mccain's making a really good point here -- money. north korea always cash strapped, always looking for cash. and so if the chinese, which are their major, if not only, ally, in a true economic sense right now, if the chinese are getting unhappy with all of this spinning out of control, it is
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possible that north korea may react to that by tamping down. the chinese are after economic stability in the region. make no mistake, that's what they want to see, the china, the asia economic powerhouse. china wants to see that undisturbed. if north korea starts making trouble, that puts the whole region on edge, economically, financially, as well as from a security point of view. so the chinese may indeed be the key to calming some of this down. >> barbara starr, thanks so much from washington. mega church pastor rick warren is mourning the loss of his youngest son, matthew warren died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound on friday. his father says the 27-year-old warren had a life-long battle with mental illness. in an e-mail to his congregation, warren and his wife said, "no words can express the anguished grief we feel right now." nick valencia joins us live from outside the saddleback church in
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southern california. a man that's helped so many during tough times is now having a very difficult time right now himself. what's the community there saying and how are they reaching to the warren family? >> well, they say that saddleback church is more of a family than a church. you get the sense that even though those that didn't know matthew warren, the 27-year-old personally, they're also grieving and their hearts and prayers are with the warren family. today's service was the first in a series of sermons on how to survive tough times. today's talk was how to survive your worst day. according to the church, matthew warren was an important part of the church but he was more of a behind the scenes kind of guy. he played a very quiet role here. he worked at a saddleback resources warehouse where they distributed books and dvds. earlier a church spokesperson provided two people that knew matthew. they talked to us about his legacy and what legacy he leaves behind. he was an extremely sweet person, very compassionate
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person that was able to sense people's pain because he, too, was suffering from so much. earlier i asked one of his friends how matthew warren would have wanted to be remembered. >> he was one of those young men who even in his most challenging times, when other people kind of shared their problems, he would just enter into those times and express his concern for them and how he wanted to somehow try and help them and reach out to them even in those most challenging times. >> even before his son's death, pastor rick warren was not expected to be here at the weekend service. he gave a handful of services over easter weekend and he caught pneumonia. he's battling that right now. his brother-in-law stepped in this today's sermon. but before -- on saturday, earlier saturday after the news of his death was surfaced, pat tore rick warren issued this statement. i want to read it. "i'll never forget how many years ago after another approach
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had failed to give relief, matthew said, dad, i know i'm going to heaven. why can't i just die and end this pain?" pastor rick warren says it was one of those moments, dark moments of despair, that matthew took his own life. a lot of people here in lake forest, california are grieving his loss. fred? >> all right, nick valencia, thanks so much for bringing that to us. from 68 teams to two. it's louisville and michigan. they will square off in atlanta tomorrow night for college basketball's national title. last night louisville knocked off wichita state and michigan ousted syracuse. so no game today, but that hasn't stopped the fans from flooding downtown atlanta. live look right now at a packed centennial olympic park. a gorgeous day today. free concerts all weekend long.
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initi kn >> reporter: fred, you know what a good muse ic venue is all abo. you can barely see up to the stage because there is a sea of people up there. we are waiting for grace potter and the nocturnals. she's supposed to take the stage in about ten minutes. that's -- she's like number one on the bill today. the other two big headliners -- sting at 6:00, dave matthews at 8:00. this is like the appetizer to the big game. everybody on a sunday, nothing much else to do, they're waiting for the big game. people have really come out for the big dance concert series. is free. so i mean hello. this is a good time. yesterday ludacris took the stage and everybody had their hand in the air. the place was rocking. it was a lot of fun.
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muse closed out the show last night. they were really, really good. i got to talk to the guys beforehand. you know they're from england so they were kind of having a hard time figuring out this whole final four mystique and why everybody gets so crazy. i think we may -- >> you schooled them. >> yeah, i think so. i think we made a little ground with them. check what we did backstage. >> can we just test this theory out? can you still spin a ball? >> don't put it out there if you can't do. >> it's going to be fun. >> whoa! >> not bad, not bad. >> i like that. >> that was on the first try? >> that was on a first try. guys from muse can spin a ball. can you spin a ball on your finger? i'm going to see in my fans out here -- go ahead. let's see. oh, good nice! he did well, right?
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>> his little brother had to get here. he didn't want to be left out. we'll send it back to you. >> having fun out there. i like it. all right. thanks so much. we're going to have in-depth coverage of the ncaa championship game. cnn's rachel nichols joins me on set and joe carter will be live outside the georgia dome. both will be with us momentarily. two little boys right now missing. police think they were kidnapped by their own parents. the latest on the search in the gulf of mexico coming up. and north korea ramps up the missile threat rhetoric. they've done that before but this time many say it is different. find out why.'d it go? well, dad, i spent my childhood
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philadelphia was about to honor two firefighters who died on the job when a third was killed. he fell through a third story roof while battling a fire in south philly. another firefighter was injured. firefighters set up an honor guard outside the hospital where efforts to save him failed. searchers are looking through the gulf of mexico for two boys believed kidnapped by their parents, joshua haken and
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his wife, sharon, are accused of taking the 2 and 4-year-old boys from their grandparents' house in tampa. the parents have custody of the boys. the parents are believed to be anti-government and police say they may all be on this sailboat. north korea put world leaders on edge with escalating threats an now reports that a missile test could be on the way. but inside the country tour groups are running somewhat like normal. these pictures are from a british tour earlier this month. operator told cnn it's continuing tours and people in the country were acting as they usually do. embassies in north korea are not pulling their people out just yet. i'm joined now by a man who was in north korea two times last year. he's a professor at the university of georgia. good to see you, professor. give us an idea. we've heard a lot about the rhetoric and the threats, the fear. but we haven't heard much about
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the real lifestyle inside north korea. you have visited that country. what have you seen -- how do you describe what living there, what visiting there's like? >> well, the people there, including the military, they're extremely supportive of the regime and the leader, as well of the government in general. >> but they have to be, right? >> but it's not really forced. >> it's not. >> because the kind of culture they have created over the years and decade. it is in fact -- kim jong-un, kim jong-il's dynasty that have created it. it is not like egypt and gadhafi's libya. so there's no possibility in my view for regime change through
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internal implosion. >> most of the north koreans accept that. they honor that. they're saying when they salute the president or the military they really do mean it. they don't feel like they're forced to do so. but then what about the conditions of people? if are you visiting north korea, do you get an opportunity to see how people really do live or are you only getting to see what the government with the leaders want you to see. >> no, no, no. i got to see economic hardships. they're not hiding that anymore. because now they're capable of spinning it in a way that the responsibility lies with the external world, the sanctions over the decades that made have problem. >> in about 20 second or less, why do you most fear that kim jong-un more than any of his predecessors. >> kim jong-un. right now of course he is young
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and everything. i think he dug his hole, so to speak. he cornered himself that he cannot retreat what from he promised the army. he has to deliver or he needs to a darn good reason not to. so that scares me. >> thank you so much. appreciate your time. thank you for your insight. appreciate it. have you been following the ncaa action? you had to get through the parking and on the street so to speak. michigan and louisville facing off tomorrow night now. we talked to rachel nichols and joe carter is coming up next. and a 7-year-old boy lives his dream and scores a touchdown. what makes him so special and why is he such an inspiration? and if you can't wait for the "mad men" premier tonight, i have exactly what you might be looking for. i talked to a "madman" star who
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the big dance is not just on the court. they are dancing big time to free great music in atlanta's centennial olympic park. right now live pictures. in just a couple of hours, sting and dave matthews band. pretty huge -- >> too bad they couldn't get anyone good, right? >> they had to pull from the bottom. rachel nichols covering the ncaa madness. along with joe carter who's at the georgia dome as well. let's talk about these two teams, louisville, michigan. for both, this is really historic to be part of this big
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dance, rachel. you've been following the louisville story, kind of the darling story of kevin ware. it's been a while since '96 since they made it to this point. what are the strengths that louisville has this go round that really makes them a serious contender up against michigan? >> what's so interesting about this dynamic and this match-up, first you have two great teams, two offensive teams so we should hopefully get a really good basketball game tomorrow night. they're going to score a lot of points hopefully if they both play up to their abilities. the ncaa this year has had a lot of blowouts or defenseless games in the tournament. >> maybe this go-round just seems so much more electric. maybe it is because of kevin ware's story. >> it is not an amazing thing. here is a team who is the number one overall seed. they're supposed to be the big, bad one everyone's rooting against. this young kid who's handled
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this adversity so well. they've become the sentimental favorite. you are going to see these. does this look good? maybe kevin ware can do -- >> kevin ware's in the house! i like it. very cool. >> you're going to see these. these were donated by amare stoudemire, the new york knicks superstar because they can't do anything themselves because of north carolina rules. donated these. on the back it says "win for ware." you'll see a lot of these in the arena tomorrow night, people waving them around. he's been a real presence for his team on the bench and actually went up on to the court last night to try to help them when they were down by double digits, root them on. >> oh, my goodness. joe, here you are at the dome. you're going to have to pump it up for michigan. they haven't been to this kind of dance since '93. they're really up against quite a bit of pressure when you talk about the sentimental favorite. of course louisville was the number one seed team but now
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you've got this story. michigan really has to bring it. how will they do that? >> well, fredricka and rachel, perhaps it's the secret sauce that john beilein's been able to put together by building a team around teams with both nba and all-star blood lines. it's that invaluable advice that the dads and brother were able to give to these current players. how to prepare, how to play, how to shine on the biggest stage. that's right now. not to get too high, not to get too low. these guys were around when their fathers were under this kind of pressure when al horford was playing for a national championship for florida back-to-back years. he won won of those championships in the building
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behind me. perhaps john beilein and the nba and college bloodlines that he has on his team might just be the edge that michigan needs in order to beat obvious lay great louisville team. >> you'd think with those blood lines that might bring additional pressure, too. but maybe that really does bring an advantage. there's a sort of comfort level that maybe we're seeing in these players. >> both these programs are such big-time programs these guys know how to be on this stage. it has been a very lucky week for rick pitino. his team in the national championship tomorrow night. his son just got the head coaching joefr job over at minnesota and he has a horse he is part owner of that just qualified for the kentucky derby. but a lot can change in an instant. >> rachel nichols, joe carter at the dome, thanks for bringing us all the ncaa action to us.
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the feds say there is a problem with iphones out there. but you might not be too upset about it. find out how your phone could be helping to protect your privacy. and i can't wait to see requested mad men" tonight. are you a big fan? >> absolutely. >> you'll get a special trooe p preview coming up from the show's creator.
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many cereals say they're good for your heart, but did you know there's a cereal that's recommended by doctors? it's post shredded wheat. recommended by nine out of ten doctors to help reduce the risk of heart disease. post shredded wheat is made with only one ingredient: one hundred percent whole grain wheat, with no added sugar or salt. try adding fruit for more health benefits and more taste in your bowl. it's the ideal way to start your heart healthy day.
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michael dell started dell computers years ago before making it public. now he is offering $24 billion to buy it back. but a large shareholder is trying to force him to pay out a big premium first. and if you're thinking of buying a house, now is the time. 30-year mortgage rates dropped to 3.5% this week. close to the all-time low of 3.3%. request friday's tough jobs report hyped them, investors this week may turn their attention to more global issues. there is concern tensions in north korea could impact the markets.
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scott bligher joins me now from new york. so markets slipped on friday because of the weak jobs report. but looking ahead to this week, how much are investors trading on rising global tensions? >> that's a great question. you would think that markets would suffer a little bit with what's going on in korea. so far the only market that's suffering is south korea down about 4% this year. japan up 25% this year. philippines up 15% this year. and our market up 9% to 10% this year. if you go back 63 years when the korean war began, our market went down about 6% in the first day and by the end of the war, in three years, it was higher by 30%. >> so what else will investors be concerned about this week as it pertains to the world economic flow? europe perhaps. is that still a viable contender of being disruptive for the
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markets? >> this is a busy week. it is not a week for economic numbers those earnings are going to begin for the first quarter. this week is a bunch of federal reserve governors and fed heads out talking and jawboning trying to stabilize markets and get economies growing. the fed here is pumping $85 billion a month into our markets and on monday bernanke speaks, friday ben bernanke speaks. he's the chairman of the federal reserve. on wednesday the federal reserve releases its fed minutes. that's what they're thinking about, what they've talked about over the last month an chairman little, the new treasury secretary, is going to be meeting with his ecb counterparts in europe. on wednesday there's a g-8 meeting and on friday secretary of state kerry goes and makes a whirlwind tour to our allies
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overseas -- korea, japan and china. >> big week. we're watching that money. thanks, scott bligher. appreciate it. was jodi arias an abused woman or a jealous one? the jury in her murder trial is back at it again tomorrow trying to figure all of that out. i'll tell you who is going to be on the stand likely. and he's the man behind "mad men." find out what he's planning for this new season coming up in the "newsroom." welcnew york state, where cutting taxes for families and businesses is our business. we've reduced taxes and lowered costs to save businesses more than two billion dollars to grow jobs, cut middle class income taxes to the lowest rate in sixty years, and we're creating tax free zones for business startups. the new new york is working creating tens of thousands of new businesses, and we're just getting started.
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the power couple in havana, waving to fans last week. two florida republican lawmakers want the treasury department to look into whether the trip was legal. last year the obama administration lifted some of the travel restrictions to cuba. u.s. citizens can now go to cuba but strictly for educational purposes. someone paid $231,000 for a piece of "star trek" mem ra peel ya. actor william shatner who played captain james kirk carried the rifle in the baltimore '60s televisioner is rise. the auction thousand thought it might bring in $50,000 to $70,000 right there. that rifle. amc's award winning series "mad men" is back on the air tonight. popular drama is a retro look at the lives of advertising executives in new york in the 1960s. cnn's jake tapper sat down with the creator matthew wiener to talk about the show and its much
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await season premier. >> it's been a long ten months since we left don draper at the bar. waiting for season six of "mad men." >> so this is goings to be the second to last season. >> yes. >> going well? doesn't seem any compelling reason to end it any time soon. for me. >> first, it is exhausting. i need a break. but the reality of it is that the show has a life span. it is mortal. you really want to end it before you have exceeded the ability to tell a story. are your heavy drinking, heavy petting and heavy drama have kept viewers tuned in to a buy
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gone era of boys clubs. >> how worried or concerned or aware are you when you're writing for your women characters about them not just being joan and megan and peggy but then being symbolic of women in general. >> that's a really good question. i don't want the characters to everen symbolic in general. did women have it harder? yes. were there pioneers? >> yes. >> how did someone succeed in that world? i want people to know these people could be their mothers. >> reporter: but the dark heart of requested mad men is mistearess womanizing don draper. >> is this what the show is about? >> ill think it is a big part of his life, yeah.
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and the ambiguity of that statement after we've seen this man having found love and seeming less alone, i think there's a quality in him as a hero. >> i don't want to know how don draper dies but if the though is about this existential question, can i be alone, there needs to be a hint at the end -- >> i am going to try to use the machinery of my show to give a satisfying ending. >> of course we can't talk about the new season of "mad men" without mentioning the worst kept secret in town. part of the new season will include scenes shot in hawaii. let the speculation begin. jake tapper, cnn, washington. >> season six of "mad men"
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begins this sunday -- that cobb would be today. it begins tonight. catch "lead" with jake tapper weekdays at 4:00 right here on cnn. more requested mad men" talk. my confers with the star who plays one of the newest breakout characters. a 7-year-old boy balloting brain cancer got to play on the field with his favorite football team. jack hoffman suited up with the university of nebraska. for a scrimmage game yesterday. he's met some of the players before and he won their hearts so they called him out on the field for a play. you have to see what happens next. >> he's got blockers out in front. listen to this crowd. as jack hoffman, the young man
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that as i mentioned has really been adopted by this football team has scored a touchdown. >> oh, my goodness. that's too, too sweet! >> both teams rushing to the end zone lifting him up on their shoulders! a nebraska told us the omaha world herald that the team came up with the play 30 seconds before it actually happened. he said he's pretty fast for a little guy like that. a big decision in the michael jackson wrongful death trial. i'll tell you what the judge said and we'll look at which side may have a better case. but i wondered what a i tcustomer thought? is great, hi nia... nice to meet you nia, i'm mike. what do you drive? i have a ford explorer, i love my car. and you're treating it well? yes i am. there are a lot of places you could take your explorer for service, why do you bring it back to the ford dealership? they specifically work on fords. it seems to me like the best care. and it's equal or less money, so it's a value for me. get a free brake inspection and brake pads installed for just 49.95 after rebates when you
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has never been stronger. the michael jackson civil trial will not be televised. the judge made that ruling before the yeweekend. jackson's mother is suing the concert promoters for billions. katherine jackson blames aeg live for hiring the pop star's doctor conrad murray. murray is now in prison for involuntary manslaughter. case finally comes down to whether murray worked for the promoter aeg live or for michael jackson. let's bring in my next guest, diane dimon. she wrote "be careful who you love -- inside the michael jackson case," about jackson's molestation trials. she's covering this trial as well for "newsweek" and for "the daily beast." good to see you, diane. >> thanks, fred. nice to see you. >> first off, what ground did the judge base the decision --
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no cameras inside the court. >> well, and it was completely up to her. in the state of california, that's one of the states that do allow cameras in the courtroom but it is at the judge's discretion. there are 19 reasons she could have chosen not to do it and she didn't make it clear which 19 reasons she chose but cnn and some others had put on a lively defense, a reason why there should be cameras in the courtroom. there's a lot of public interest in this case and, boy, i was rooting for it. because it is a really teeny, tiny civil courtroom. it is not like the criminal trial where there is a big courtroom where we all fit in. there's going to be very few members of the press there. >> now let's talk about the case. the family is saying aeg live is responsible in large part for michael jackson's well being because it's aeg live that did the hiring of dr. conrad murray. but aeg will say michael jackson said he wanted this doctor, period. so what kind of evidence do we have that's going to go back and
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forth here on who might be able to build the best case? >> i think it is xleer conrad murray came from michael jackson. michael met him years and years ago in las vegas where he had come to treat his children. had the flu in a hotel room. that's where michael jackson first met him and he liked him and that's the doctor he wanted. there is some evidence that aeg wanted a london-based doctor. that's of course where the concert tour was going to be. but michael insisted it be conrad murray. the question here is who actually hired him and then who actually was paying him. well, the answer to the second question, fred, is nobody ever paid him and there was never -- >> he never got paid a dime. >> not a dime. he was supposed to make $150,000 a month. can you imagine. and he never made a dime. >> well what happened there? >> well, michael kept insisting apparently that it was aeg who was supposed to pay him and aeg said well we haven't signed a contract and michael this is the one you wanted, you pay him. there was some internal
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squabbling going on. in california though, a verbal agreement is pretty solid and aeg had written up a contract for conrad murray but it just wasn't quite signed yet. >> so that there is no proof of payment then, might that mean that there's some real difficulty for the jack some estate to be able to say that aeg was in any way complicit? >> this was a case that was about this big when it first started. then the judge whittled down all the charges. now it is just negligent hiring. katherine jackson's side has to prove that aeg negligently hired conrad murray. okay. but then further they have to prove that aeg knew that conrad murray was taking steps that were detrimental to michael jackson's health. well, how did they know about the propofol? however, they did know what bad shape he was in. everybody was talking about that. there were a lot of e-mails back and forth. so i can't sit here and tell you who i think might win this
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because in california the juries are really different. they do things that you would never, ever expect. >> we're going to see that unfold. all right, diane dimon, thanks so much. >> my pleasure. the world is on edge waiting to see what north korea will do. will they carry through on threats to launch a missile? we go live to washington for some answers. but next, he survived a nazi death camp. now he's using social media to search for his twin brother. a brother he hasn't seen in over 60 years. new car!
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honor the 6 million jewish men, women and children who were murdered by hitler and his followers. one survivor of the death camp last saw his twin brother as a 4-year-old in 1945 in ouch wiau. now 68 years later he's taken to social media to find his missing brother. atika shubert has that story. >> this is my father. >> reporter: this is menachem's memory at just 3 years old. >> translator: i remember my mother when she was wearing a green skirt with white flowers and white blouse," he says. "on the left was a bag and my brother was sleeping. i remember i had a brother." until a few months ago, menac m menachem, now 73, had no idea if his brother even existed. he was a survivor of auschwitz. he was 4 1/2 when the camp was liberated. in the chaos and confusion he does not remember how he was separated from his brother.
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his adopted father took him to israel and named him menachem. over the years his father searched for his adoptive son's birth family but without success. menachem began to wonder if his memories were simply dreams. last year he started the search again with a genealogist. he showed her two photos including a family photo that was in his pocket the day auschwitz was liberated. she took one look and knew it was not his. there was no brother in the photo. at first, menachem was crushed. one of the few clues he had was a false start. by she reminded him he had another lead. one he would never forget. the numbers are faded but the auschwitz i.d. tattooed on his arm is still visible. >> 87733. you're looking for -- "34."
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>> reporter: through this number she discovered menachem is from hungary and did he have a brother, an identical twin named yeno, last seen lie allied doctors in auschwitz. >> we know that he was declared healthy. on the 9th of february, 1945 by a medical staff, there was -- this is really the last. >> reporter: together they set up facebook page a-7734 now viewed more than a million times. each time the page is shared, they hope it will bring them one step closer to finding yeno. but menachem knows even if he finds yeno, it may be too late. he says, "i closed a circle. it is just good to know that what i was dreaming was real and not my imagination." menachem is still searching for his twin brother, but along the way he he has also found
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himself. atika shubert, cnn, tel aviv. coming up in the next hour, singer and actress rita mareno, her life, her loves and her career. [ male announcer ] this is bob, a regular guy with an irregular heartbeat. the usual, bob? not today. [ male announcer ] bob has afib: atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem, a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. i don't think so. [ male announcer ] for years, bob took warfarin, and made a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but not anymore. bob's doctor recommended a different option:
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