tv Early Start CNN April 10, 2013 2:00am-4:00am PDT
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to speak. communicate with the north and prepare the south. that's it for our special report. i'm wolf blitzer in washington. the news continues next on cnn. they are back in the united states. new this morning, two boys abducted by sailboat and taken to cuba returned a short time ago, now in florida. a sick fantasy turned to brutal reality. new information on the suspect in a mass stabbing attack at a texas college. and the united states and the world waiting, with north korea expected to launch a ballistic missile. do we have a breakthrough on background checks, folks? we're just hours away from a bipartisan senate announcement on gun control in america. good morning to you. thanks for being with us this morning. welcome to "early start."
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i'm zoraida sambolin. >> and i'm john berman. empanada day. >> he's already had five. >> could be a rough one. news overnight. the end of a kidnapping drama that turned into a man hunt and ended under the shadow of the cold war. the parents accused of an ducting their two young sons and sailing off to cuba are back on u.s. soil and placed under arrest. it was cuba that turned the hakken family over. florida authorities sent a plane to havana to bring them back to tampa overnight. victor blackwell is live in tampa this morning. good morning, victor. what's the latest? >> reporter: good morning. the headline is chase and cole hakken are safe at home with their grandparents. their parents, joshua and sharon hakken are in jail.
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we have video of their arrival overnight in hillsborough county on that plane that was sent to cuba to retrieve them. here's how it all went down. this is from the fbi and the hillsborough county sheriff's office. it was the state department that received information that the hakken family had arrived in cuba. initially the fbi said that it received information the family was headed south. they started that search on land and by boat. after the information came to the state department that was shared with the fbi, shared with the sheriff's office, and that was late monday when it was released to the media. and patrick ottman of cnn confirmed tuesday morning that indeed the hakken family was in cuba. after that, we're told the cuban authorities were cooperative throughout the entire process. that plane was sent to cuba with officials locally here, also the fbi, to retrieve the family. they arrested the parents joshua and sharon hakken, took the boys
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0 into custody. the parents were held a few hours for questioning, and the boys were taken back to their grandparents. it was a week ago on wednesday when they were snatched. this wednesday they're waking up in their beds at home. their grandfather, robert hauser, thanked everyone in this process for bringing the boys back home. here's what he said in his news conference. >> right now we're just looking forward to sitting, getting them in our arms and hugging them, and being with them and getting them home where they'll be safe again. >> there were the four hakkens that were taken into custody there, the parents and those boys, but also the family dog, a terrier. we're still working to get the name of that dog. that dog is with the boys back home here in tampa. john? >> we're thrilled the boys are safe and the fact they have their dog, victor. what charges will joshua hakken face? what about the wife? do we have any details about her involvement in this whole thing? >> reporter: we do know now she
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also will be facing charges. two counts of kidnapping, cruelty to children, burglary charge with battery, also grand theft auough auto for joshua har stealing patricia's car. and charges to avoid prosecution, state charges and now a federal count, both behind bars here in hillsborough county. >> a whole litany of charges. again, we are so thrilled those kids are back safely. thank you so much. the united states and the world bracing right now for north korea's next move. cnn has learned the white house believes it is likely the north could test fire a mobile ballistic missile at any moment. based on recent intelligence reports as well, it appears pyongyang has already completed the necessary launch preparations. jim clancy is live from seoul this morning. jim, a couple of things here. i have a list in front of me, and it's a brief history of north korean missile tests, and
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it's quite a few of them. they've done this before. there's been a lot of rhetoric before, and typically around the birthday of north korea's leader, they like to show their military prowess. what is different here? >> reporter: well, this is coming during these military maneuvers, and it's also coming at a time when kim jong-un himself and pyongyang have really raised the stakes with fiery rhetoric. it's raised eyes of the south koreans, the russians, the chinese. the japanese have upped their missile defense system, so have the south koreans. everybody is more on edge, precisely of what we've been hearing coming out of pyongyang over the course of the past three weeks. >> jim, is there any way to gauge how far kim jong-un is willing to go this time?
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>> reporter: well, there isn't -- we don't know that much about this young leader. we don't know who may be pushing him to do this. there are some older relatives of his that are also involved in the government. they may be counseling him that he's got to take it further than did his father or grandfather. here in south korea -- i talked to the unification minister today, and he was very clear. he doesn't see a war here on the korean peninsula. listen. >> translator: it is impossible for war to break out on the korean peninsula unless north korea makes unreasonable and insane decisions. the u.s.-south korea alliance creates a strong deterrent, and also china and russia will never allow war to break out. >> reporter: you know, it may also be zoraida, that north korea is saying one thing and doing another. they told us, if you recall, 24 hours ago that diplomats should
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be leaving pyongyang, considering getting out of the country. now today we find out that they're inviting athletes from 16 different countries who are going to be in pyongyang to run a marathon for, guess what, kim il-song's birthday that comes up on the 15th. >> jim clancy, thank you very much. new developments this morning on the stabbing rampage on a college campus in texas. the suspect under arrest, 20-year-old dylan quick, is accused of injuring 14 people in yesterday's attack. quick told investigators he planned the assault, and he has fantasized about be staibbing people to death since he was in elementary school. cnn's ed lavandera is live with the latest. >> reporter: classes here at the lone star college campus in cypress, texas, will resume. everything back to normal today. yesterday everything was far from normal, but it thankfully came to an end when three students jumped into action and
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took out an attacker. investigators say dylan quick unleashed a rapid and frightening attack on 14 people as he walked through the hallway at the lone star college campus in cypress, texas. cassie foe says it was surreal to watch the horrific scene unfold. she was in a classroom when she heard students screaming. how in the world did someone stab 14 people? >> he used his backpack as a shield and gets close to the person and bumps into them and stabs them statement. >> reporter: so it was that quick? >> that quick and out and then walks the other way. >> reporter: so he's walking down the hall and leaving a trail of pain behind him? is >> exactly. he was stabbing people in his way. there was no pattern. there was no method. it was completely random. >> reporter: 14 people were wounded in the surprising assault. four had to be airlifted to hospitals. for many, it was all over before they could figure out what had happened. the wounds were gruesome, a piece of a blade broke off in
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one victim's cheek. others were stabbed in the throat and face. as students ran from the chaos, a group of three students went after the attacker. one of them was steven meda. >> there was a guy stabbing girls in the face. i was like, all right, i've got to go in there and help and see what i can do. >> reporter: meda says he and two other students started chasing quick through the building and finally caught up with him in a parking lot. >> i jumped on him. i didn't want to take a chance. i put him on his stomach and put his hands on his back, and that's when the cops showed up and started searching him. >> reporter: what did he say? >> i was on top of him, why did you do this? what made you want to stab these girls? >> reporter: meda said he didn't get an answer, but investigators say dylan quick has had fanta fantasies of stabbing people since he was in elementary school and had planned these attacks for some time. investigators say dylan quick
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used a razor type knife and has been charged with three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. and the latest we've heard is that two of those students who were wounded are still in critical condition. we'll continue to monitor the updates on those students. a lot of thoughts and prayers going out to them this morning. as i mentioned off the top here, classes resume as this campus tries to get back to normal today. john? >> ed lavandera, thank you so much. a lot of questions about this story still. coming up on "early start," we're going to speak with maya kalil, who's a student at lone star college and was on campus when the violence erupted. that's ahead at 6:00 a.m. eastern time this morning. >> she also took pictures throughout. we have those as well. also new this morning, president obama's budget for fiscal year 2014 will be released in a few hours. copies will be delivered to capitol hill in the south. later this morning in the rose garden, the president will make a statement. he'll propose changes to social security and medicare and calls for new tax increases.
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in france, the senate passing key portions of legislation that would make marriage and adoption legal for all same-sex couples. the marriage bill passed the lower houses of parliament back in february. and the university of connecticut rewriting the history books by winning the nak women's basketball championship for the eighth time. yeah, freshman sensation breanna stewart scoring 18 of 24 points in the first half as the huskies crushed louisville 93-60. >> look at that steal. >> yes, it was the most lopsided win ever in a final. uconn are now tied for the most women's national titles with eight each. congratulatio congratulations, ladies. >> that's awesome. what a program they have up there in connecticut. fantastic to see. 11 minutes after the hour. we could find out within a matter of hours whether a deal has been reached to turn a major gun proposal into reality. we'll give you the details coming up. h scent boosters, here with my favorite new intern, jimmy.
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welcome back to "early start." it's 14 minutes past the hour. there's word that a bipartisan deal may be near in the senate that would increase background checks on gun control. they have scheduled a news conference for 11:00 a.m. today. and a new cnn poll shows there is overwhelming support for it. nearly 9 out of 10 americans are in favor. all day today on cnn, we're taking an in depth look on the legislation, the debate, and what's at stake. "guns under fire," a cnn special report on background checks. here's brianna keilar. >> reporter: family members of some of the 26 students and teachers in the newtown shooting, visited capitol hill. sandy, whose sister died in
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sandy hook, visited republicans. >> it's hard to wrap your arms around that this even happened. we're taking it day by day, going to washington and demanding something happen. >> thank you. thank you for being here. >> reporter: the high profile visits come as the senate's top democrat harry reid announced he will force a vote this week on whether to start debate on tougher gun laws, and they coincide with a week long white house offensive. >> safer for our children. so let's do the right thing. >> reporter: monday president obama pressed the senate from connecticut with a campaign style event. tuesday at a white house event with law enforcement officials, vice president joe biden and attorney general eric holder applied more pressure as a growing group of republicans say they plan to block the senate from even debating the democratic authored bill. >> won't even proceed. now, maybe, between now and the time it gets to the floor,
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maybe, as my mother says, they will have seen the light. maybe that will change. what an embarrassing thing to say. >> reporter: democrats are hoping for support from at least a handful of republicans like georgia's isaakson and told cnn news that despite his opposition, he won't filibuster it. >> i think it deserves an up or down. >> thank you, brianna. let's bring you up to date. the florida couple accuseded of abducting their two sons and sailing off to cuba are back in florida this morning, where they have been placed under arrest. cuba turned the hakken family turned them over to u.s. authorities after they were discovered at a marina in havana. the boys will be returned to their maternal grandparents. north korea is likely to fire a ballistic mobile missile at any time, and it could come without advanced warning. intelligence reports indicate the north has already completed
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launch preparations. pyongyang now telling foreigners in south korea to take steps to protect themselves. could congressman anthony weiner be planning for a run as mayor of new york city? he stepped down in 2011 after he was caught sending out explicit images on twitter. he is sending out feelers to see if he could be considered as a mayor for new york city. the fbi confirms they are looking at secret tapes that recorded a strategy session in minority leader mitch mcconnell's office. the tapes reveal kentucky republican was considering attacking then prospective candidate ashley judd over her political views and battles with depression. mcconnell was furious. >> as i indicated, last week they were attacking my wife's ethnicity and apparently also bugging my headquarters, much like nixon and watergate. that's what the political left
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does these days. >> actress ashley judd released a statement responding to what was said in the tape saying, in part, "we expected nothing less from mitch mcconnell and his camp than to take a personal struggle such as depression, which many americans cope with on a daily basis, and turn it into a laughing matter." >> a lot of people saying mcconnell's response to this yesterday was sort of textbook rapid response, instead of talking about the accusation, of course, that mcconnell was having meetings talking about ashley judd and depression. he turned around immediately and said, i was bugged. i was bugged. this was dirty tricks. >> would have been much nicer. what does waste in washington have to do with catfish? the answer coming up. this is for real this time. step seven point two one two. verify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture.
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you need an ally. hello? ally bank. your money needs an ally. minding your business, a very busy day for business news. looks like the dow is going to add to the record close at the open today. christine romans has one story today. >> this is a day when there's so many stories about your money, i can hardly choose. let's start with the president's budget. it's expected to include $25 million in wasteful spending cuts. it includes $14 million in savings if we eliminate one of two federal catfish inspection programs. there are bigger fish in this budget too. $87 million on military uniforms. if the defense department cuts back on the number of camouflage patterns that currently we pay
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for. $1.2 billion through limiting crop insurance for high income farmers. and at least $615 million in additional revenue can come in if the government taxes pipe tobacco at the same rate as roll your own tobacco and taxes small cigars at the same rate as large cigars. that's what's in the budget. that's what we parse over and come up with money. still an awfully big gap to close. another story i'm watching this morning. this is a story that every family should prepare for. americans need to start looking for cost savings of their own in private nursing home care bills. those bills have sky rocketed 24% in the last five years. this is according to genworth financial. the median cost of home nursing care, $83,000 a year. and that's for a private room. genworth blames a combination of factors, higher insurance, food, labor cost. all of that gets passed on to
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customers. also, a shocking report from the treasury department that shows that banks did not use funds -- they used -- let me say this again. they used funds from the small business lending program. they used those to pay back their t.a.r.p., their government bailout loans. that's right. they used money that was meant to be pushed to small business and instead used it to pay back the government. christie row mehr om romero, th general of t.a.r.p. said, "sblf serves as a vehicle for a significant number of t.a.r.p. banks to exit t.a.r.p. using government funds, with little resulting benefit for small businesses." that's exactly what people who hated the legislation said. banks would always get the best end of the deal. when the government is handing out free money, banks would find the way to use it to their advantage, and that's what the report found. when "early start" returns,
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new this morning, the parents that abducted their children and took them to cuba are back in u.s. custody. and you can watch us any time on your desktop or mobile phone. go to on everything from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. no company can pay to be on angie's list, so you can trust what you're reading. angie's list is like having thousands of close neighbors where i can go ask for personal recommendations. that's the idea. before you have any work done, check angie's list. from roofers to plumbers to dentists and more, angie's list -- reviews you can trust. i love you, angie. sorry, honey. with the innovating and the transforming and the revolutionizing. it's enough to make you forget that you're flying five hundred miles an hour on a chair that just became a bed. you see, we're doing some changing of our own. ah, we can talk about it later.
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a report from north korea coming at any time. plus a cnn exclusive with gabby giffords. she isn't speaking like she used to, but she's still making her voice heard in america's gun control debate. >> let's get started here. the parents accused of abducting their two young sons and sailing off to cuba, they are back in florida this morning, where they are now under arrest. officials turned the hakken family over to the u.s. after they were spotted by a cnn reporter at a marina in havana. the family was flown back to the u.s., arriving in florida just a few moments ago. victor blackwell is live in tampa with the latest. >> reporter: it was monday evening when sheriffs in hillsborough county first received information the hakkens were in cuba. well, that information came from the state department. and those parents, joshua and
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sharon hakken had been arrested. we now have the first video since the arrest. they're being walked into a jail here where they were questioned for hours, and their booking photos show two very sunburned faces, probably happening during the journey to cuba south of florida. here's the information from the sheriff's office. they got the information from the state department they were there in cuba. our reporter, patrick offerman in cuba, walked up to the boat, confirmed they indeed were there. authorities flying to havana to arrest the hakken parents, take custody of those boys. we're told they were kept separate on the plane, the boys in one area, the parents in another. when they landed here in hillsborough county, they were put in two separate vehicles. the parents taken off for questioning, and the boys returned to their grandparents. we heard from their grandfather robert hauser last night as he awaited their return. >> right now we're just looking forward to sitting, getting them in our arms, and hugging them,
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and being with them and getting them home where they'll be safe again. >> reporter: we have been told that those grandparents and the boys will make themselves available to talk more about this ordeal starting last wednesday when the grandmother, patricia hauser was bound and those boys were taken all the way up to the point now that they're back home. they were told medically, physically are fine, but it will take some time to determine if there are any psychological scars from their last week, this really terrible ordeal. john? >> kids back with the grandparents, which is terrific news. what about the parents? what about joshua hakken? what charges might he face now? there was a question about the wife. it's a mystery. was she involved? was she a victim of the kidnapping? what do we know now about her involvement? >> reporter: police believe she indeed was involved. we've got the list of charges. this goes for both of them. two counts of kid p napping for each. two counts of interference in child custody for each. two counts of child neglect for
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each. accounts with burglary and battery for each, that patricia hauser was bound, according to authorities. and an extra count, a federal charge for joshua hakken, that flight to avoid prosecution in the process of leaving to avoid those charges. >> so a litany of charges that he's facing now. no question about that. victor blackwell, thanks very much in tampa for us this morning. at this moment, the u.s. and japan have all eyes glued on south korea. >> go ahead. we're on you now. >> according to one u.s. official, the white house believes the test firing of a mobile ballistic missile by the north could be imminent. jim clancy monitoring the latest developments for us. he joins us live from seoul. reuters reporting that south korea has asked china to stop, to step in and help. >> that's right. the foreign ministry announced they approached beijing as well as moscow, asking the two biggest trading partners really
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of north korea to try to cool the provocations that have been coming from pyongyang. obviously, it's elevated tensions in the region. obviously, china has been an interested party that's told pyongyang to dial things back several times in the past. this is a way -- they want them to curtail the provocations, the kinds of provocations, and i think we could include in this, john, this impending missile launch that they are going to fi fire. everyone at least says they suspect they're going to fire a medium range missile with a range of some 4,000 kilometers. if you look on a map and you see just how far that can go, it's causing some disquiet in japan, south korea, as well as all the way to guam, where the u.s. has a couple of military bases. patriot anti-missile batteries have been set up in south korea and in japan, that we know of. there is also an anti-missile system that is on the island of guam, but the military commander for the pacific, the u.s.
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admiral says he doesn't want to see the missile shot down unless it is threatening, that it is going to make a landfall, that is, to hit one of those countries we just talked about. back to you, john. >> is there any way to doubt that north korea will go ahead with this test launch of one or both missiles, and what might the repercussions, the immediate repercussions be? >> i think that it's very, very likely. look, you've got kim il-sung's birthday coming up on the 15th. there's going to be major celebrations of that up in pyongyang. this is the perfect time during these kinds of joint maneuvers by the u.s. and south korean militaries, there is a higher chance of provocations coming from the north. so a missile launch in the eyes of most experts is almost a sure thing. >> watching what the north koreans might do next. could happen at any minute now. thanks, jim. a 39-year-old asian elephant
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with the ringling brothers circus is expected to fully recover after getting hit by a bullet in a drive by shooting. it happened yesterday morning in mississippi. the elephant was in an enclosure outside the arena where the circus was performing when she was shot in the shoulder. police say leads are slim, and they don't have a suspect. the air force has begun grounding one-third of its fighter jets due to the forced budget cuts that kick in last month. yesterday the navy announced it is canceling all air shows put on my blue angels flight demonstration squadron. they are canceling them for the rest of the year. >> we've been directed to focus our resources locally. we can't use any government funds to send air crew to other facilities. >> what it means in order to maintain their flight status, blue angels pilots can fly 10 hours a month.
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in order to maintain their show schedule, they need to fly 30 to 40 hours a month. the treasury department confirms that jay-z and beyonce's recent trip to cuba was approved in advance by the u.s. government. the couple has been taking heat from several lawmakers over the controversial trip. the tourism embargo prohibits americans from visiting cuba for tourism. but two members of congress state that their visit was part of an educational exchange program. president obama paid tribute to memphis soul music with an all-star concert last night at the white house. no al green, unfortunately. the president was impressed when booker t. and the memphis soul stars greeteded h ehim with oni. >> is hail to the chief, we're going with that. >> justin timberlake sang "dock of the bay" with the guitarist who co-wrote the famous otis
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redding classic, and mavis staples performed "i'll take you there." al green was supposed to be there but -- >> we were looking forward to the president singing as well. did he not sing? >> the president always said al green was his favorite. al green couldn't go because he had back problems. no chance for the duty we weet all looking for. >> he could have sung anyway. >> later, we'll learn about the whole performance in memphis soul member booker t. and how gabby giffords wants to influence congress on gun control. >> if you were to name the number one thing that congress could do to prevent the kind of violence that you were the victim of, what would it be? >> background checks. >> wow. >> without a doubt. >> dana bash sits down exclusively with giffords and
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her husband mark kelly when we come back. newborns. it's no wonder i'm getting gray. but kate -- still looks like...kate. with nice'n easy, all they see is you -- in one simple step, nice'n easy with colorblend technology, gives expert highlights and lowlights. for color that's perfectly true to you. i don't know all her secrets, but i do know kate's more beautiful now, than the day i married her. with the expert highlights and lowlights of nice 'n easy, all they see is you. by the armful? by the barrelful? the carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula. to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®. to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week.
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welcnew york state, where cutting taxes for families and businesses is our business. we've reduced taxes and lowered costs to save businesses more than two billion dollars to grow jobs, cut middle class income taxes to the lowest rate in sixty years, and we're creating tax free zones for business startups. the new new york is working creating tens of thousands of new businesses, and we're just getting started. to grow or start your business visit
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how do you recover from a near fatal gunshot and wage an uphill political battle all at the same time? three months ago on the second anniversary of gabby giffords being shot, she and her husband mark kelly started americans for responsible solutions. the group's goal is to curb gun violence and to act as a political counterweight to the nra. dana bash spent time with giffords and kelly at their home in arizona and has this exclusive look at her political efforts and her personal battle to recover. >> reporter: the sandy hook shooting in december spurred gabby giffords and husband mark kelly to take a stand. >> sandy brook. >> sandy hook. >> hook. >> reporter: the brain damage from giffords' own gunshot wound makes it difficult for her to find words, even sandy hook.
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>> sandy brook. >> sandy hook. >> sandy brook. >> sandy hook. >> hook. >> sandy hook elementary. it's something we just can't -- 20 first graders. >> died. >> in their classrooms. >> is awful. >> reporter: the couple originally called for a ban on assault weapons and limits to high capacity manage magazines. giffords made a dramatic plea to senators. >> be bold. be courageous. americans are counting on you. >> reporter: but they now admit there are limits on what is politically realistic. if you were to name the number one thing that congress could do to prevent the kind of violence that you were the victim of, what would it be? >> background checks. >> yeah, certainly. without a doubt. >> reporter: giffords has learned to navigate an ipad for
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e-mail with her left hand because her right hand is paralyzed, but most of her communicating with former colleagues, pressing them for new gun laws, goes through kelly, mostly on the phone. there's irony that you are such a good spokesperson for new laws to curb gun violence because you can't speak very well. >> yeah, i guess it's kind of -- maybe it's bad irony, i don't know. it's something that -- >> stinks. >> it stinks. >> reporter: there is no question the gun culture is deeply ingrained in giffords. even after her near fatal shooting, she still owns a gun, which her husband uses in target practice with her looking on. what's it like to sit and hear the gunshot go off? does it startle you? is >> no. >> i think it's because gabby doesn't remember the gunshot going off the day she was injured. right? you don't remember that. >> no. >> reporter: is your hope to be
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able to shoot a gun again? >> i don't know. >> reporter: not a big priority in your life right now? >> not really. >> not at the top of the list. >> reporter: dana bash, cnn, tucson, arizona. >> giffords insists she's optimistic about getting an expansion of background checks for some private gun sales like at gun shows. dana will speak more to giffords about how she maintains her unbelievable optimistic outlook despite the fact her gunshot wound makes it tough to speak and walk and see. that will be tonight on at "ac 360" at 8:00 p.m. that interview was so revealing. >> you see as dana asks her questions, it seems she totally understands but struggles to answer. we wish her well. she's taken on this mission, so proud of her. >> so much energy, it takes so much work to overcome something like that. it's a day of weather
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extremes, from heavy snow in the plains to a major storm threat. can you believe we're talking about this coming up. jennifer delgado tells us who is in mother nature's cross fire. who has angered her this morning? if you're watching us right now, you can watch on your mobile phone at hey. they're coming. yeah. british. later. sorry. ok...four words... scarecrow in the wind... a baboon... monkey? hot stew saturday!? ronny: hey jimmy, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? jimmy: happier than paul revere with a cell phone. ronny: why not? anncr: get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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[ male announcer ] from the way the bristles move to the way they clean, once you try an oral-b deep sweep power brush, you'll never go back to a regular manual brush. its three cleaning zones with dynamic power bristles reach between teeth with more brush movements to remove up to 100% more plaque than a regular manual brush. and even 76% more plaque than sonicare flexcare in hard to reach areas. oral-b deep sweep 5000 power brush. life opens up when you do. ...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke.
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welcome back. 49 minutes past the hour. let's get you up to date. the florida couple accuseded of abducting their two sons and sailing off to cuba back in florida this morning, and they are under arrest. cuba turned to josh and sharon hakken over to the united states along with the two little boys. the family was spotted tuesday on a 25-foot sailboat at a marina in havana. florida authorities sent a plane to cuba to fly them back overnight. the two boys have already been returned to their grandparents.
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>> imminent. that's how one u.s. official describes the possibility of north korea test firing a mobile ballistic missile. intelligence reports indicate pyongyang has already completed launch preparations. the north warning foreigners in the south to take steps to protect themselves. a dramatic apartment fire rescue caught on tape in eastern china. a man identified as mr. tang was on his way to work when he saw the flames. he climbed three stories with an ax and some rope to rescue a girl who was trapped inside. oh, my. firefighters and police arrived and helped him lower the girl down to safety. >> how incredible is that? fantastic. how would you like to win $40,000? you'd be pretty excited, right? >> absolutely. >> a woman in toronto thought she won $40,000 in canada's lotto max drawing. then maria carrere took a closer look, and guess what, her prize turned out to be $40 million. she plans on buying her two
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daughters, both single moms, new homes and cars. >> it still hasn't sunk in. my dad worked so hard, and we've been struggling so much. $40 million is so much money. >> that is an incredible response. you cry a little. you dance a little. you laugh a little. first things first, though. the entire family, guess where they're headed to? disney world! that is fantastic. all right. so the monster storm that dumped several inches of snow out west cancel almost 500 flights to denver international airport. dropped hail on iowa and nebraska. that storm is on the move. >> where is it going? >> that's what i want to know, and that's why we have jennifer delgado with us to tell us everything. jennifer? >> hi, guys. it's been moving really slowly, bringing snow, hail, everything out there. look out there.
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we have a lot of lightning to start off the morning. it's spinning from areas from texas all the way to michigan. what we're looking at now in the pink, that's that wintry mix. we're talking freezing rain. that's going to make for a messy and dangerous commute out there. anywhere you're seeing in pink. oklahoma city getting pounded with the lightning. heads up, dallas. that is going to be heading in your direction in the next hour and a half. we are not done with the snow by any means. we do still have quite a few warnings out there. that's winter storm warnings from areas, including the dakotas, even over now from areas like minnesota, where we could see a foot of snowfall. yes, it is april. april does not care what is on the calendar because winter still feels like it out there. for today, we do have severe weather threat in place. anywhere you're seeing in red all the way down towards houston into maryland. that means this boundary system is going to be a few more areas for clouds in the northeast. the reality is you could see an isolated shower for areas like boston or into connecticut, or
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they could start off the morning with shower activity. look at this high temperature map for you. it almost looks like we have a computer glitch for you. it's not. it's a mother nature glitch. look at the 40s and 30s for areas like denver. 30 for a high. 45 in chicago. look at memphis. 82 degrees. a very sharp gradient. that is what's going to cause the severe weather. washington, d.c., say hello to 90 degrees this afternoon. you got to 89 yesterday. you were warmer than us in hot-lanta. >> 90? >> 90 degrees. i lose my mind in the heat. i love it. i love it. >> be careful. thanks so much. we call it mother nature's glitch. that's dangerous, going off on mother nature there. just ahead, from "30 rock" to late night, could alec baldwin be looking at a new gig. the battle of bataan, 1942. [ all ] fort benning, georgia, in 1999.
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[ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto-insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. did you see mr. clean disinfecting bath cleaner killing that bacteria yesterday, just flaunting it? and did you see the magic eraser
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clean up that crazy kitchen mess? it was like super dirty, super clean. how? wish i hadn't. [ sniffs ] what's that amazing smell? it's mr. clean with the amazing scent of gain. wow! you know, if i had a team, you'd be on it. [ gasps ] our mascot could be a cleanosarus rex. you're off the team. [ male announcer ] dirt and grime have nowhere to hide with the mr. clean clean team on your side. with new lean cuisine salad additions. the perfect combination of grilled chicken plump edamame ripe pineapple crunchy broccoli colorful carrots all topped with a savory ginger vinaigrette and crispy noodles. for 300 delicious calories. all you have to do is bring your own lettuce. we'll dress it up. new lean cuisine salad additions. just byol. they're the hottest thing to hit the frozen aisle. nestle. good food, good life.
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welcome back to "early start." a look at what is trending online. they're called breastaurants. hooters, twin peaks, cans. you get the picture. food, bear, and lots of scantily clad waitresses. now the texas-based chain bikini's bar and grill is making a bold move in the breastaurant. they've been expanding with locations in texas, oklahoma, and north carolina. there you have it. you like that story? you're checking it out.
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>> your story. i had nothing to do with that story. this is my story. so now that we know jimmy fallon is taking over "the tonight show," there's plenty of speculation over who will replace jimmy. "the new york times" says alec baldwin is in for a spot in nbc's late night lineup. it's quoting an executive involved in program planning. it says the most likely landing place for baldwin would be the latest of nbc's late shows, the spot now occupied by "last call with carson daly." when all is said and done, nbc could have three new late night hosts. >> to check out other top cnn trends, head to >> "early start" continues right now. they're back in the united states. new this morning, two boys abducted by sailboat, taken to cuba, returned a short time ago to their grandparents in florida.
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when did a sick fantasy turn brutal reality? new information on the suspect in a mass stabbing at a texas college. and it could happen at any moment. the united states and the entire world waiting with north korea expected to launch a ballistic missile. do we have a breakthrough on background checks? we're just hours away from a bipartisan senate announcement on gun control in america. that will be interesting to see. good morning, everyone. welcome to "early start." i'm john berman. >> and i'm zoraida sambolin. it is wednesday, april 10th. just about 6:00 a.m. in the east. new developments overnight. the parents accused of abducting their two young sons and sailing from florida all the way to cuba are back in the u.s. they are under arrest. cuban officials turned the hakken family over to the united states after they were spotted tuesday by a cnn reporter at a marina in havana. florida authorities sent a plane there to bring the hakkens back to tampa. that happened overnight. cnn's victor blackwell is live in tampa this morning. what is the very latest there,
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victor? >> reporter: the very latest, the good news, those boys, chase and cole, at home with their grandparents. it was a week from start to finish. last authorities say joshua hakken went into his mother-in-law's home, took those kids, now a week later they are back in that home. the parents are in jail. we've got the first video of them being taken into a local jail which is just a few hundred yards from me where they were questioned. we know that this started once the state department received information that the hakkens were headed south to cuba and were in cuba, and that started the wheels turning. cnn's oppmann found the boat, spoke with joshua hakken and sharyn hakken and then the authorities flew to havana. we know that the grandparents, robert and patricia hauser were able to speak with those boys before they boarded the plane on the way back. here's what robert hauser said last night as he awaited those boys' return to their home here in tampa.
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>> right now we're just looking forward to sitting, getting them in our arms and hugging them and being with them, getting them home where they'll be safe again. >> and before they were taken into custody the big question was, was this going to be some international mess, like elian gonzalez in reverse? well, the fbi spoke about the cooperation of the cuban government. listen. >> in talking to the state department, and our coordination, you know, the u.s. officials with the government of cuba, they've been very supportive and they were very cooperative, and all our requests and trained to make sure that we got the family back safely. >> so a safe, local, and federal now international cooperation to bring these boys back home, and their parents, authorities say, to justice, zoraida. >> i know yesterday we were talking a lot about the fact that there's no extradition treaty and what would actually happen. and this morning i was reading, which i thought was really fascinating, is that they were left on the boat. they were not allowed to get off
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the boat. and they said if, in fact, they would have been housed in a hotel, perhaps that could have been a sign that there was some trouble looming? >> you know what? patrick oppmann spoke about this, about the protection of that boat, and keeping the family there. he says that there were agents there, police officers with the state, who some were uniform, some in plain clothes, who came up and kept people away from that boat. also, as we understand now, to likely keep them on it to make sure that this did not become some international incident. but we know once they got on the plane they were separated from their children. once they got on the ground they were taken to one jail, questioned. now they're in another jail. they're going to make their first appearance, i'm sure, sometime today or either tomorrow. and we're hoping to hear, also, from the grandparents and the boys. they have said they will make themselves available to talk more about this week-long ordeal. zpard? >> those parents facing a lot of charges this morning. victor blackwell, thank you very much. right now in washington, and tokyo, they're waiting nervously
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for north korea to make its next move. one u.s. official tells cnn the white house believes that it is likely the north could test-fire a mobile ballistic missile at any moment. and based on intelligence reports pyongyang has already completed the necessary launch preparations. jim clancy live from seoul, south korea this morning. jim, at this point, any reason to doubt that north korea is go to go ahead with these tests? >> no, i don't think so. everybody in south korea that i've talked to, and i did sit down with the unification minister today and talk with him at some length, everyone is convinced there's going to be a missile launch. keep this in mind, john. the last thing that north korea wants is for this missile not to go right. in other words, if it were to be a failed launch what a huge embarrassment for north korea and it may be that they've got some problems with the missile. they don't want to take that risk. it may be they're not quite ready yet. we're moving towards the
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birthday of the founding father kim il-sung. they're going to have sporting events and other things going on in pyongyang to celebrate. what better way to celebrate than with the launch of a intermediate range missile that threatens all of your neighbors. back to you, john. >> jim, reuters reporting that south korea has asked china to step in and try to help with this whole diplomatic mess right now. what's the status there? >> they have. the foreign ministry says that they asked them. i kind of wonder why, john, because china has been playing the role here, telling everybody to tone it down. i think what they were calling on china to do here was to make some specific steps to end the provocation. you know, they're on a higher state of alert here in south korea. there's a lot of talk about sleeper cells. you know, some of the north korean defectors that came to south korea, some of them are thought to still be loyal, and people say well that's the kind of an attack you really can't retaliate for. could that be some way that kim
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jong-un could up the ante here? so they're on alert for those kind of things. and they believe that they're ready for it. john? >> jim clancy in seoul, south korea. again that test launch from the north could come at any moment. thanks, jim. >> interesting op-ed piece in "the new york times" today, and it's titled stay cool, call north korea's bluff. very interesting read with all the details there. five minutes past the hour. new developments this morning about a frightening scene on a college campus in texas. it is a stabbing rampage. the suspect under arrest, 20-year-old dylan quick is accused of injuring 14 people in yesterday's attack. officials say quick told investigators that he planned the assault and that he fantasized about stabbing people to death since he was in elementary school. cnn's ed lavandera is live in cypress, texas, for us. good morning to you, ed. >> good morning, zoraida. well, things are scheduled to resume here, back to normal on the campus of lone star college here in cypress, texas. but for a few moments yesterday
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afternoon, it was all but normal. and extremely scary. investigators say dylan quick unleashed a rapid and frightening attack on 14 people, as he walked through a hallway of the lone star college campus in cypress, texas. kathy foe says it was surreal to watch the horrific scene unfold. she was in a classroom when she heard students screaming. how in the world does someone stab 14 people? >> he used his back pack as a shield and he gets close to the person, kind of bumps into them and stabs them at the same time. >> that quick. >> it was that quick, just and then out. and down the other way. >> this guy's walking and he's just leaving this trail of pain behind him, right? >> basically. he's just stabbing anyone in his way. there was no pattern. there was no method. it -- it was completely random. >> reporter: 14 people were wounded in the surprising assault. four had to be airlifted to hospitals. for many, it was all over before
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they could figure out what had happened. the wounds were gruesome. a piece of a blade broke off in one victim's cheek. others were stabbed in the throat and face as students ran from the chaos a group of three students went after the attacker. one of them was steven maydap >> he said there's a guy stabbing girls in the face. i was like, all right, we got to go in there. >> reporter: he says he and two other students started chasing dylan quick through the building, and finally caught up with him outside by a parking lot. >> jumped back on him, and i didn't want to take a chance, i put him on his stomach, put his hands behind his back and that's when the first cop came and put the cuffs on him. >> when you guys get on top of him, what did he say? >> he said i give up right away. i give up. i was just on top of him. why did you do this? what made you want to stab these girls? >> reporter: maida said he didn't get an answer but investigators said dylan quick said he's had fantasies of stabbing people since he was in elementary school and had
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planned this attack for some time. investigators also say dylan quick used a razor-type knife and has been charged with three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. and, zoraida, this morning, the last we heard there were two victims that were still in critical condition, so we'll continue to monitor their conditions throughout the day. and whether or not more charges will be filed against dylan quick because of this rampage here on the campus of lone star college. zoraida? >> all right, ed lavandera reporting live. thank you very much. coming up in just a few moments at 6:30 eastern we'll talk with a student at lone star college who was on campus yesterday as all of the violence unfolded. she was taking pictures. we're going to chat with her about her experience yesterday. >> also new this morning, president obama's budget for fiscal year 2014 will be released in just a few hours. copies will be delivered to the capitol to both the senate and the house. senate later this morning in the rose garden the president will make a formal statement. his budget will propose changes to social security and medicare and call for some new tax
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increases. in france the senate passing a key portion of the marriage for all bill. this would make marriage and adoption legal for same-sex couples. french president francois hollande voied to make same-sex marriage legal during his election campaign. and uconn lady huskies celebrating their record-tying ncaa basketball championship this morning. how many do they have? eight. >> how many do they have? i thought it was nine. >> eight, eight, eight. brianna stewart scoring 18 of her 23 points in the first half as the huskies crushed louisville 93-60. this was the most lop-sided win ever. >> i know. so many people were rooting for louisville because you know they would have made history, too. >> not, however, connecticut. uconn the most women's national titles as we said. how many? >> eight, eight, eight, i was going to give them nine. congratulations. we could find out in a matter of hours whether a deal's been reached to turn a major gun control proposal finally into
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reality. details coming up. hwelcome back.. nice to see you again! hey! i almost didn't recognize you without the suit. well, this is my weekend suit. weekend getaways just got better. well, enjoy your round! alright, thanks! save a ton on our best available rate when you book early and feel the hamptonality. welcnew york state, where cutting taxes for families and businesses is our business. we've reduced taxes and lowered costs to save businesses more than two billion dollars to grow jobs, cut middle class income taxes to the lowest rate in sixty years, and we're creating tax free zones for business startups. the new new york is working creating tens of thousands of new businesses, and we're just getting started. to grow or start your business visit just seem to fade away...?
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welcome back to "early start," everyone. we've learned that a bipartisan deal may be near in the senate that would expand federal background checks on some gun sales. democratic senator joe manchin, and republican senator pat toomey, have scheduled a news conference for 11:00 a.m. and a new cnn poll shows there is overwhelming support for background checks. nearly nine out of ten americans favor them. all day today on cnn we're taking an in-depth look at the legislation, the debate and what's at stake in our coverage "guns under fire: a cnn special report on background checks." here's brianna keilar. >> reporter: family members of some of the 26 students and teachers killed in the newtown, connecticut, shooting visited capitol hill. lobbying lawmakers to take up gun legislation. jillian soto, whose sister vicky, died at sandy hook elementary school, met with
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democrats and republicans. >> it's hard to even wrap your arms around this that this ever even happened. we're just taking it day by day. and you know, going to washington, and demanding something happen. >> thank you. >> reporter: the high-profile visit come as the senate's top democrat, harry reid, announced he will force a vote this week on whether to start debate on tougher gun laws. and they coincide with a week-long white house offensive. >> safer for our children, so let's do the right thing. >> reporter: monday, president obama pressed the senate from connecticut with a campaign-style event. tuesday, at a white house event with law enforcement officials, vice president joe biden and attorney general eric holder applied more pressure, as a growing group of republicans say they plan to block the senate from even debating the democratic offered bill. >> won't even proceed. now maybe between now and the time it gets to the floor they will, as my mother will say,
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they will have seen the light. maybe that will change. what an embarrassing thing to say. >> reporter: democrats are hoping for support from at least a handful of republicans. like georgia's johnny isakson. he met with the newtown families tuesday and told cbs news that despite his opposition to the bill, he won't filibuster it. >> but i think it deserves a vote up or down. >> reporter: brianna keilar, cnn, washington. >> our thanks to brianna. it is 15 minutes past the hour. the florida couple accused of abducting their own two sons and sailing off to cuba are back in florida this morning where they have been placed under arrest. the parents have. cuba turned the hakken family over to the united states yesterday. they were first spotted right there, by a cnn reporter, tuesday, at a marina in havana. florida authorities sent a plane to fly them back to tampa overnight, along with those two precious little boys, who have been returned to their maternal grandparents. imminent is how one u.s. official describes the threat of north korea test-firing a mobile
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ballistic missile. and it could come without any advance warning. intelligence reports indicate the north has already completed launch preparations. pyongyang now telling foreigners in south korea to leave the country. a sad story this morning in canada. a 17-year-old girl has committed suicide. her family says that she could no longer take being bullied. she was sexually assaulted a year and a half ago by four boys. in a photo taken during that incident was posted online, as well. and that led to relentless harassment in her high school. no charges were ever filed in the sexual assault, and police said they just did not have enough evidence to prosecute. >> that's awful. >> unbelievable. could former congressman anthony weiner be considering a political comeback? the answer is yes. weiner stepped down in 2011 after he was caught sending out explicit messages on twitter. now there are reports in "the new york times" weiner polling new york city residents to see
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if they would consider him as a candidate for mayor. weiner still has more than $4 million in his campaign war chest and still maintains a campaign office. >> we were talking about these disgraced politicians who rerun for office and we came up with quite a list, right? >> growing by the day. >> minority leader mitch mcconnell has called in the fbi to investigate what he calls watergate type tactics by his political opponent. >> as i indicated, last week they were attacking my wife's ethnicity, and apparently also bugging my headquarters, much like nixon and watergate. that's what the political left does these days. >> secret tapes from a strategy session at mcconnell's office revealed the kentucky republican was considering attacking then prospective candidate ashley judd over her religious views and battles with depression. the actress released a statement responding to what was said in the tape saying in part, quote, we expected nothing less from mitch mcconnell and his camp than to take a personal struggle such as depression, which many
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americans cope with on a daily basis, and turn it into a laughing matter. >> so, you just got your college diploma, now you have to get a job. christine romans with a reality check for new grads. what you need to do to get that job coming up. look younger? get younger looking skin fast. with new olay regenerist micro-sculpting cream. with 2 new anti-aging ingredients. visible wrinkle reduction starts day 1. see younger looking skin before you finish one jar. new from olay.
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we are "minding your business" this morning. oh, take a look at that. new york city. how lovely you look this morning. i think what did i see, was it 78 today? >> just perfect. >> i don't know. but i'm guessing, and if it's not, don't get mad at me. it's a busy day for business news. lots of money stories out there, including the dow at another record high and on track to add to those gains at the opening bell today. christine romans, you got a lot going on. >> i know investors, look investors have really been rewarded over the past year. you've got the dow poised for probably another record this morning, if the futures hold
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true. at the same time, here's this two americas, right? good for investors. but look at the news out for college seniors. a really important new report from the left-leaning economic policies, who find the class of 2013 faces a very difficult labor market. 52% of their slightly older colleagues are working in jobs that do not require bachelor's degrees. that's right you now need a bachelor's degree to work in a job that didn't require a bachelor's degree for the people who graduated even ten years ago. 8.8% of recent college grads are unemployed. 18% are unemployed. both of those figures are much higher than they were in 2007. the recession really accelerating these trends. and average hourly wages have been falling for young college graduates who do have jobs down 7.6% since 2007. the report says the best way to improve the situation is to improve the overall labor market. and we do have more evidence, and this is the good news, more evidence of that is happening. there are now just slightly more than three job openings for every unemployed person in
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america. for every job seeker there are three job openings. that sounds daunting. you've got to beat out two other people for a job but you know what? it's much better than the peak of the recession when seven people were looking for every job opening. the labor department's job opening and labor turnover survey finding 3.9 million job openings in america in february. the one thing you need to know about your money, banks about to begin sending checks to 4.2 million of you. that's right. banks are going to be giving 4.2 million people money. why? well, because they have to because piece people lost their homes or suffered other financial damages as the result of unlawful foreclosure proceedings. 3.6 billion to be paid out and all the biggest checks going to military service members whose homes were repossessed while they were on active duty. that's illegal. >> that's shameful. >> banks did it. they took the homes of people on active duty. and it's interesting because those people are going to get up to $125,000. people -- it's going to be a
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$300 to $125,000 is the range for what people are going to be getting back from the banks. they were notified back in march. so you know who you are. those checks are going out this week. and it is -- it is -- it's absolutely necessary. especially in the case of those military veterans. >> the fact that it's illegal and they did it anyway. >> they did it in more cases than you would -- it was outrageous and they'll have to pony up. >> thank you, christine. >> you're welcome. new this morning the parents who abducted their children and took them to cuba are no u.s. custody facing a lot of charges. the latest in the case when we come back. >> if you're leaving the house, watch us any time on your desk top or mobile phone,
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increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about the only underarm low t treatment, axiron. new this morning, two kids abducted to cuba by sailboat are returned to the united states by plane. their parents, those are their mug shots. they're in jail. crazed attacker armed with a knife taken down by a group of college students. we're going to have a live report from campus coming up. the world on watch over north korea. the u.s. expecting a missile launch, they say at any time. welcome back to "early start" nice to have you with us this morning. i'm zoraida sambolin. >> i'm john berman. it is wednesday morning right now. 28 minutes past the hour. lead news right now the parents accused of abducting their two young sons and sailing off to cuba are back on u.s. soil this
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morning. and they are under arrest. cuban officials turned the family back over to the united states after they were spotted tuesday by a cnn reporter in havana. authorities flew a plane to havana to bring them back overnight. victor blackwell is live in tampa with the latest. >> good morning, john. those parents facing state charges. joshua hakken facing a federal charge in hillsboro county, florida. the boys, chase and cole are safe at home with their grandparents who now have paternal rights. the parents lost their paternal rights the day before this alleged kidnapping. it was the state department that originally received information that the hakkens had arrived in cuba. they shared that information with the hillsboro county sheriff's office. also with the fbi. and last night, after the arrest, as the parents and the boys were in u.s. air space, there was a news conference here and we heard from the boy's
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grandparents, robert and patricia hauser. robert spoke for the pair and he talked about the anticipation of having those boys back at home. listen. >> right now we're just looking forward to sitting, getting them in our arms and hugging them and being with them, getting them home where they'll be safe again. >> now we're told that medically, physically, they're fine. it will take some time to determine if there are any psychological scars of what happened over the last week. but we also know that there was a question yesterday after patrick oppmann of cnn spotted and spoke with the hakkens. what now? will the cuban government extradite them, send them back to the u.s., because the extradition between the u.s. and cuba, inconsistent, unpredictal. he also talked about the cooperation of the government. >> in talking to the state department, and our coordination, you know, with the u.s. officials with the
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government of cuba, they've been very supportive and they were very cooperative, and all our requests and trying to make sure that we got the family back safely. >> of course there are more questions in this story. we're hoping to get those answers. we're told that the grandparents will make themselves, as well as the boys, chase and cole, available to answer questions about the ordeal of the last week. john? >> interesting to hear from them. victor blackwell live in tampa for us this morning. thanks, victor. yesterday a cnn crew spotted the hakkens' boat at that marina in havana. cnn's patrick oppmann has more. >> reporter: this is how we started our search for american fugitives joshua and sharyn hakken. right now we're heading out to the marina just west of havana, one of the larger marinas in cuba. it's also where a lot of foreigners go to keep their boats here, and where they stay when they're coming to cuba. to get past the marina security, it helps to keep your camera out of view.
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the guards soon tell me to leave. we're being bothered now by the security they're asking us to leave. [ speaking spanish ] we're outside the marina hemingway where there's a lot more security than when we were here earlier. then we were just able to drive in and immediately start looking for the hakkens' boat. we went back up in this area here and there are lots of boats from the united states but none that match the description we've gotten from police. the last boat that we saw the salty really stood out because it was a much smaller boat, and as soon as we got there and started filming i saw josh hakken get out of the boat. he asked me who i was. i said i was an american reporter. he confirmed who he was and immediately got back in the boat. cuban authorities came out immediately, some of them packing pistols and told us that we needed to leave. but we were able to convince them before they kicked us out to allow me to go up without a camera and speak to josh hakken. they let us go up to the boat and he wouldn't speak to me but his wife confirmed to us that both their sons are with them.
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as she said, they're doing fine. patrick oppmann, cnn havana. >> just terrific reporting from patrick. >> it really is incredible. thank you for that. 32 minutes past the hour. new developments this morning about a frightening scene on a college campus in texas. a stabbing rampage. the suspect under arrest. 20-year-old dylan quick is accused of injuring 14 people in yesterday's attack. there he is. officials say quick told investigators that he planned the assault and that he had fantasized about stabbing people to death since he was in elementary school. cnn's ed lavandera is live in cypress, texas. good morning to you, ed. >> good morning, zoraida. students are hoping that things get back to normal here today on the campus of lone star college, where the buildings will reopen as normal. but yesterday was far from normal, as a student, as you mentioned, went on this rampage and thanks to three students in particular, it was all brought to a close quickly.
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investigators say dylan quick unleashed a rapid and frightening attract on 14 people as he walked through a hallway of the lone star college campus in cypress, texas. kathy foe says it was surreal to watch the horrific scene unfold. she was in a classroom when she heard students screaming. how in the world does someone stab 14 people? >> he used his back pack as a shield and he gets close to the person, kind of bumps into them and stabs them at the same time. >> that quick. >> it was that quick, just and then out. and down the other way. >> this guy's walking and he's just leaving this trail of pain behind him, right? >> basically. he's just stabbing anyone in his way. there was no pattern. there was no method. it -- it was completely random. >> reporter: 14 people were wounded in the surprising assault. four had to be airlifted to hospitals. for many, it was all over before they could figure out what had happened. the wounds were gruesome. a piece of a blade broke off in one victim's cheek. others were stabbed in the throat and face as students ran
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from the chaos a group of three students went after the attacker. one of them was steven maida. >> the next thing, there's a guy stabbing girls in the face. i was like, all right, we got to go in there. gotta go help, see what i can do. >> reporter: he says he and two other students started chasing dylan quick through the building, and finally caught up with him outside by a parking lot. >> jumped back on him, and i didn't want to take a chance, i put him on his stomach, put his hands behind his back and that's when the first cop came and put the cuffs on him. >> when you guys get on top of him, what did he say? >> he said i give up right away. i give up. i was just on top of him. why did you do this? what made you want to stab these girls? >> reporter: maida said he didn't get an answer but investigators said dylan quick said he's had fantasies of stabbing people since he was in elementary school and had planned this attack for some time. investigators also say dylan quick used a razor-type knife and has been charged with three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
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several witnesses did also tell us that they saw male victims that were wounded, as well, in all of this. and the last we heard, there are two of these victims that are still in critical condition, so, zoraida, we'll continue to monitor that situation throughout the day, as well. >> so scary that he said that he fantasized about this since he was in elementary school. ed lavandera live for us, thank you. 36 minutes after the hour. the crisis in north korea threatening to boil over this morning. according to one u.s. official, the white house believes the test firing of a mobile ballistic missile by the north could be imminent. the world's waiting anxiously to find out if kim jong-un's next move. reuters reporting south korea is asking china to step in and help. jim clancy monitoring the latest developments for us. he is in seoul, south korea. good morning, jim. >> good morning to you, john. it's now a waiting game. i'm told that usually these missiles are launched during daylight hours.
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you can see behind me it is now past sundown here in seoul. so it may be another 12 hours before the window opens up again. but officials are convinced it is going ahead. like japan and south korea, they have batteries of patriot missiles to protect urban areas from the possibility of a missile coming down here, whether on purpose or whether by consistent. those have all been activated. also, they're on a higher state of alert. you know, there's long been a suspicion of sleeper cells. north koreans who defected and came here but are still loyal to pyongyang. we talked to the unification minister today about that threat, and whether or not south korea was prepared to deal with it. here's what he had to say. >> translator: south korea has been living under such threats in the past and we are always prepared for it. we are prepared for any kinds of complications, and we think this is an ordinary situation. we will deal with the situation wisely.
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>> now, the south koreans do not expect a frontal assault by the north koreans. they don't expect this missile launch as anything more than a test. but they're worried about those smaller-scale provocations, sleeper cells, just one of their concerns, john. >> i imagine for both south korea and the united states the first question will be, is it a successful test? and then the question will be, what kind of response to give to the north koreans, jim, and how quickly. >> well, you know, a lot of people have asked about the response. could there be more sanctions? well, that is a possibility. i think what it really does is it makes more distance, north korea's hopes of engagement, because this has been three relentless weeks of fiery rhetoric aimed at both washington, and seoul, that has rattled the neighborhood, so to speak, here. and it's not likely that many people on the security council, many people in washington, are really willing to seriously engage the north right now.
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it has been wholly counterproductive for them. but they're not convinced of that, of course, john. >> jim clancy for us in seoul, south korea, monitoring the situation there. 38 minutes past the hour. trending online, after taking heat from florida lawmakers over their trip to cuba, beyonce and jay-z are getting some support from the u.s. treasury. the treasury department confirms that beyonce and jay-z's recent trip to cuba was approved in advance by the u.s. government. the travel embargo prohibits americans from visiting cuba for tourism, but a letter sent by treasury officials to two members of congress states that their visit was part of an educational exchange program. which is allowed. the white house paid tribute to memphis soul music with an all-star concert last night. the president obviously impressed when booker t. and the memphis soul all-stars greeted him with the instrumental. >> it is now my second term, so rather than hail to the chief, we're going with that.
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>> sam moore of sam and dave was there to sing his anthem soul man. justin timberlake sang dock of the bay with guitarist steve cropper who co-wrote the classic. >> can we just listen in? >> you have money in your wallet? mavis staples performed i'll take you there. here's one presidential favorite al green was supposed to perform but had to cancel because of a back injury. coming up later this morning on "starting point" we're going to hear all about last night from music director and legendary memphis soul keyboardist booker t. >> cool. maybe we'll find out if the president sang a little bit. although i would imagine we have a little bit of that. that's better than winning $40,000? finding out you've actually a heck of a lot more. you will be dancing like this woman if you did. we'll be right back. [ driver ] today, my ambulance knew all about a bike accident, just by talking to a helmet. it grabbed the patient's record before we even picked him up. it found out the doctor we needed was at st. anne's.
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christine romans with a look ahead at what's on "starting point." >> a lot of news. breaking news overnight two young boys abducted to cuba by their paints are now back home. and their parents are in custody. we're live on the ground in tampa and havana with the developing details. then, as the senate considers debating tougher gun laws, two lawmakers may have reached a deal on background checks. all this week, cnn looking at how those checks really work. and later we'll talk with the sister of one of the newtown shooting victims. that first grade teacher vicky soto. we're going to talk to her sister about this move for background checks.
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plus the white house had a little soul last night. the president and first lady hosted a talented cast of musicians. we'll talk to the band leader and music legend booker t. jones. and john berman got a chance to sit down with sir richard branson. the moog yule's airline expanding in a big way and john played business reporter. i'm not jealous at all. >> i got to sit in first class. >> where were you headed? >> in the front row. we got all the way from newark. we went from newark to newark. it was an epic flight. >> did you taxi? >> we did not even move. >> i bet it was a fascinating interview. >> the guy's very, very interesting guy. >> very smart. >> thanks, christine. the monster storm that dumped several inches of snow out west, canceled almost 500 flights at denver international and dropped hail on iowa and nebraska, that storm is on the move. jennifer delgado watching the storm for us from the severe weather center. jennifer, where isate going? >> you know, it's going very
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slowly right now, john and zoraida. but it's going to be making its way over towards the east. and that means eventually we're going to see showers and thunderstorms moving into the northeast. on the radar right now there is a lot of action out there. we're getting a big workout this morning. look at the lightning from areas including michigan, chicago, down towards texas, a lot of lightning. and in the pink, that is that freezing rain, that sleet mix that's coming down through parts of kansas, oklahoma, even into texas. this is going to make for dangerous commute on the roadways. so take it slowly. and of course, this is going to cause a lot of cancellations with the flights today. down to texas from abilene into dallas, getting hammered with the lightning. more of that is going to be on the way, because we're also talking severe weather as we go through the afternoon. but before that, more snow coming down, ice warnings, as well as winter storm warnings in place. even up towards regions like minnesota, they're expecting a foot or potentially more for areas like minneapolis, even
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into green bay, the snow is not done. even though it says april. as we go through the day here's the setup. the snow is going to be up to the north. also looking at a flood threat for parts of the upper mississippi valley. severe storms from texas, we're talking houston all the way over towards maryland. warm air still in the south. and look what's going to be happening today with the temperatures. we're talking 80s and 90s. d.c., the first 90 degree weather. 30s and 40s out towards the west. and then the cold air will continue to progress from west to east. watch those numbers drop from wednesday, as well as into thursday, say good-bye to those 80s, new york city. >> oh. >> thanks so much, jennifer. >> it was short lived. >> we enjoyed it. 47 minutes past the hour. a woman in toronto, canada was thrilled at winning $40,000 in the lottery. but, when maria carreiro took a closer look at the lotto ticket. she couldn't believe her eyes. you know what she won? $40 million! . one of her two daughters was
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simply overcome with emotion. >> it still hasn't sunk in you know that my dad works so hard and we've been struggling so much. and it's just -- it's so -- $40 million! that's so much money. >> look at mom. >> look at the dance. >> that's a $40 million dance. >> love it. maria plans on buying herself and her daughters new homes and cars. you can be crying for joy little girl. first she'll take the entire family to disney world. >> the $40 million dance, by the way, is that much more exciting and active than the $40,000 dance. >> can you imagine? $40,000, $40 million. >> i would like it so much. >> i would like it, too. they say there's no crying in baseball. but bubba watson making it okay in golf. oh, look at this. >> this was wonderful. this was wonderful. >> the "bleacher report," it was wonderful according to berman. headed your way next.
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one year later and he is still crying tears of joy. masters champion bubba watson broke down yesterday, sharing a personal story about the green jacket. joe carter has more in the "bleacher report." that was quite a moment. >> yeah, it was. you know what i like about bubba is that he's real. that's what a lot of people attach to bubba watson. last year the world watched when he won the masters like a man and then shortly after cried like a baby. there he is gushing tears of joy with mom. one year later bubba's back in augusta, recalling a story about
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what he did with his infant son caleb after he won the green jacket. >> i told him that i was going to go home and wrap caleb up in it. but i -- >> out of respect. out of honor, i'll -- i'll finish. try to. out of respect and honor for augusta national and one of the greatest clubs we have, one of the greatest tournaments, out of respect for them, i didn't do any of my funny antics that i normally would do. the only thing i did was wrap caleb up in it. >> see, that's a sweet story. very sweet. since bubba's the defending champion he got to pick the menu for the champions dinner. and bubba, well he went bubba.
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chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, mac and cheese. comfort food. now tiger woods, of course, is a past champion. he's won the masters four times before. this year watch out competition. he says he's feeling very balanced with his life, and very comfortable with every aspect of his golf game. now coming into this tournament he's won three tournaments so far. he's ranked number one in the world again, so he's obviously the favorite to win the masters. the annual par three contest is this afternoon in augusta, it's always a family affair. bring out the kids and grand kids. rory mcilroy on the other hand is bringing his girlfriend, tennis superstar carolyn wozniacki is going to be carrying his back. caroline should be in for a great day, which means maybe next year tiger and lindsey vonn will be pairing up. you can also check out a complete guide to this year's masters which starts tomorrow at louisville men's basketball
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coach rick pitino made the flight from atlanta to new orleans to watch the lady cardinals take on uconn in the national championship game. but the women's team did not fare as well as the men. uconn dominated from start to finish. they cruised to a 93-60 win. it was the most lopsided win in women's final ever. it's also uconn's eighth national title. uconn's coach geno auriemma has won eight national titles with the team. he ties pat summitt for all-time national championships. >> berman, joy for the uconn girls this morning. >> bubba watson-like tears of joy. >> so special. thank you, joe. >> i did not cry during the bubba watson story. she was staring at me to see if i would mist up when bubba watson was talking about his son. >> "early start" back after the break. #%tia[
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[ male announcer ] engine light on? come to meineke now for a free code scan read and you'll money. my choice. my meineke. that is it for "early start." i'm zoraida sambolin. "starting point" with john and christine romans starts right now. good morning, everyone. i'm john berman. >> i'm christine romans. breaking news overthiet. two brothers abducted to cuba by
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their parents are back home in the u.s. we're in tampa and havana where cnn was the first to find them. >> new this morning, intelligence reports saying north korea could launch a missile at any moment. the world watching to see what kim jong-un will do next. we are live in seoul with the implications. and a student goes on a stabbing spree, injuring 14 people, terrifying his classmates. >> he started stabbing anyone in his way. and there was no pattern. there was no method. it -- it was completely random. >> but why did he do it? we're talking to the sheriff of harris county who has got some answers for us. >> plus we may be hours away from a major deal on background checks to buy guns. it's part of our day-long special coverage, guns under fire. and the women huskies make history. it's wednesday, april 10th, "starting point" begins right now.
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