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tv   Piers Morgan Live  CNN  April 13, 2013 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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24/7 monitoring against burglary, fire, and high levels of carbon monoxide starting at just over $1 a day. and now get adt installed for just $99. isn't your family worth america's number-one security company, adt? our girls got us thinking, but the break-in got us calling. and after buying two of everything, it was nice to only need one security system -- adt. [ male announcer ] get adt installed for just $99. and ask about adt pulse, advanced home management here today. adt. always there. tonight a madman in north korea, the young leader and military machine. we'll take you inside the bizarre rogue nation. kidd rock slamming his own political party.
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power, money and guns. >> when i go to detroit, i never leave detroit without my gun. his way, a legendary paul averagea. >> i was there. i saw it. i lived it. i breathed it. >> extraordinary life, what it was really like. >> sure, frank loved to have a good time. every time you turned around, they were throwing themselves at him. this is "piers morgan live." north korea isn't backing down. john kerry across the board in south korea says the u.s. will not accept the rogue nation as a nuclear power. at the same time north korea's reportedly warning japan it will strike tokyo first. north korea is armed to the teeth. there are 1 million starving in
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a very strange and very dangerous country. the former director of asian affairs with the national security council, and former chief north korean negotiator for president clinton, and advocacy director for human rights. welcome to you all, gentlemen. robin, you've been in this position on behalf of president clinton as the chief negotiator with north korea. what would you be doing right now, if you were in that job now? >> if i was in that job now, i would probably be sitting in washington waiting for the current crisis to pass. i don't think it is plausible, no matter how enthusiastic one might be, for negotiations with north korea as a method of settling it by nonviolent means. i don't think it's plausible in this atmosphere one would be negotiating. the north is maybe doing any number of things with the current threats, and activity. one of them clearly is to raise
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the threshold here for negotiation eventually, so that they have brought fear to the region and elsewhere, so that someone who is at the table with the north will be willing to trade. and that's not an environment in which one wants to start a negotiation. >> victor, do you share that view? do you think there's a lot of bluff and posturing going on? or is there a chance this could be more serious? >> i think it sounds kind of similar, piers, but i think there is something different this time. first, we have a new young, inexperienced leadership that seems to be pushing the envelope and doesn't know where the red line is. secondly, the level of rhetoric we've seen from north korea compared to what we've seen in the past, you know, in 1994 when bob was negotiating, and also in 2005, 2007, they are way off the scale in terms of their rhetoric.
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and of course, the actions, the fact that they're standing up missiles, pointing them in the direction of the korean peninsula, in japan and u.s. territories, i think these are all signs that things are a little bit different. and finally, they did a set of tests last december, in february, december of 2012 and february 2013, that showed successful demonstration of a longer-range ballistic missile launch capability than they've ever shown in the past. based on the seismic signature, what appears to be a more successful nuclear test. it looks like they're getting closer to the objective of developing a nuclear tipped ballistic missile to reach the united states. they're not there yet, but there's nothing stopping them right now. >> the situation is that north korea's two medium-range missiles remain fueled and ready to fire on the country's east coast. there's been no heightened movement or activity in the country's military that would suggest an imminent rocket launch.
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this is a very strange country, as well as being a pretty dangerous country. everyone there when they're born gets given a number. what is the significance of that? >> well, the amazing thing about north korea is that it takes totalitarianism to an entirely new level, besides all the control and the repression, there's a classification system that is superimposed on the entire society. you're literally born into a station in life and the rest of your life is dictated by that station. hundreds of thousands of people are sent to work camps of different orders. there are camps for lesser offenses, misdemeanors, and you can spend the rest of your life in a penal camp if you do something really, really bad. this is how most north koreans live. and yet, the media feed out of the capital, some of the visits by notable people, none of that really gets seen by these visitors.
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the real day-to-day life i think remains under wraps. >> robert, in terms of oddities about north korea, another one is this sort of uniformity of even haircuts, as only a few approved haircuts for the people of north korea. it is, as john was saying there, totalitarianism gone crackers, isn't it? >> it is an unusual place. if negotiating with north koreans, one is acutely aware that one is not dealing with canadians on anyone else that is in a normal range, as both of my colleagues said. all that makes the situation more dangerous. i think if there's one thing everybody's concerned about, it is someone making a miscalculation. it young man, who is the totalitarian leader, presumably with some influence from his relatives, is outside of the normal range of diplomatic leadership. i think we're fortunate that in
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south korea we have -- well, she's a new president. she's quite experienced, president pak. that's a good thing in a time of crisis. but what you're referring to here, the uniformity, the totalitarianism, all this creates an atmosphere in which, as much as we want to dismiss the bluster, wouldn't be a wise thing to do. >> victor cha, a lot of american comedians have had a lot of fun at kim jong-un's expense. and generally at north korea. but that probably doesn't help in a country where saving face and honor are extremely important to the leadership here. what should the american administration led by, say, john kerry in south korea, how should they be conducting themselves with the north koreans would you say? >> i would agree with what bob said earlier. for any u.s. administration and secretary kerry, it's difficult at this point given the threats that have been made against the united states specifically, and u.s. cities specifically, it's
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difficult to advocate any sort of direct diplomacy. i think the obama administration has been pretty clear that they're open though that. at the right time when the north shows some sort of commitment to getting back on a negotiation track. i think all of the action now falls to china, in the sense that china seems to be upset with what the north koreans have done. their third nuclear test, signed on to a chapter 7 resolution, and hopefully will enforce the sanctions that would put pressure on the north koreans to stop this sort of provocation and come back to the negotiation table to reimplement the agreements that were negotiated in 2005 and 2007. and then the other is, of course, south korea, as bob mentioned, you have a new south korean leader. she does want to improve relations with the north, but certainly not on the north's terms. she's quite experienced. the only south korean leader who has visited north korea. she's no novice when it comes to this. i think when she visits washington in the first week of
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may, many here will be very interested to hear what her plan is going forward on this problem. >> john, going back to the lifestyle of the north koreans, you know, a lot of poverty there, abject poverty. there is a belief that people are physically smaller, the further they are from pyongyang, because of mal nutrition. is that true? as far as you're aware? >> yeah. one of the most amazing things is the malnutrition, the acute malnutrition going on. a lot of people think about the crimes against humanity and think of kinetic force, violence. but the fact is in north korea, the crimes against humanity are starvation. in the '90s, somewhere between half a million and 1.1 million people died as a direct result of poor governance, and decisions by the north korean regime to withhold aid or divert aid, divert food from certain north koreans and give it instead to the military. so we think kerry is missing the opportunity to push the north
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korean regime not just to abandon its nuclear program, but to close the gulags. there are no negotiations. they're already being provocative by speaking about reunification. secretary kerry spoke about that in seoul today. so it's not going to add to the temperature at all to talk about closing the gulags and everything else. this is an open-and-shut case as far as we're concerned. president roosevelt spoke about the human rights abuses of the axis powers. this is the kind of thing you do when you're speaking about a re re kals i trast enemy. >> thank you. >> thank you. kidd rock, completely honest. what he has to say about obama, the gop and about money.
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i also want to be real clear, that i'm very proud to say that we have had elected our first black president.
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all right? i'm sorry. all right. i'm sorry he didn't do a better job. i really wish that he would have, i do. >> kidd rock at a romney/ryan event last year. i had a conversation, we talked politics, we drank, his bad-ass beer and he came out with this afterwards. >> [ bleep ], this piers morgan. >> we'll discuss that in a moment. he's promising fans the best night ever. joining me again is kidd rock. how are you? >> good. nice to see you. >> you were the very first interview i conducted on cnn. >> mm-hmm. >> it wasn't the first one that aired, it was the first one i did. you gave the legendary promo to the bleep piers morgan. you said, hello, piers. called me by name. >> you've come a long way. congratulations. welcome to american pop culture. >> i feel like i've made it. kid rock knows who i am.
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let's get serious. i love your promotional ticket. 29 concerts. ticket prices would normally have been between, $30, $40. you decided to nail your mask to a flat fee of $20, and $4 a beer. for 12-ounce beer. what do you hope to achieve? >> it's gotten out of hand. the price of concerts, the price of entertainment, period. whether it's a sporting event, going to the movies, buying a soda, whatever. i'm a musician who plays concerts. i've been very fortunate. i've been trying to keep prices what i think are fair and i'm proud that i can walk around with my head held high and knowing i haven't taken an honest dollar from a working man. the artists come in and say we want to get paid this much to show up. which is usually an astronomical -- a lot of money.
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i went with live nation and said, how can we go in, take everything, the beer, the parking, whatever the price of tickets are and put it in a pot, split it up fairly based on the number of people that come. they said, you have to take a pay cut. all my friends are taking pay cuts that are in the unions, farming in alabama, whatever it is. i can surely take a pay cut, too. not cutting down my show or the people who work for me. i can take a pay cut. >> do you know how much this is going to cost you? >> it could be from $50,000 to $100,000 a night. but if we do the numbers, it will not be that much. if 5,000 people show up, it's going to be a long summer. >> justin timberlake and jay-z, they're going for $125 each. >> garbage. >> what do you think when -- >> that's garbage. that's garbage. it's highway robbery. i don't care who you are. i would consider both them, you
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know, in a circle of friends in the business. but i don't agree with it one -- i know sometimes the market determines that. what i'm going to do for that is scalp 1,000 of my own tickets. a lot of artists already do it, i think i've been guilty in the past, too. look what the market determines they're worth. i'm taking 1,000 of them and scalping them. sometimes you buy them from the scalper, you get there, and there's somebody already in your seats. be transparent with people. t-shirts are going to be $20. $4 a beer. people will be surprised when they see four hot dogs and two coax cokes for $20. i've got jimmy john's -- >> free coffee as well? >> free coffee as well. free subs outside in certain markets. jimmy john's agreed to do tastings.
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so i'm just trying to go above and beyond to make it -- crossing my fingers that it works, that people are really looking for a good night of entertainment. it's not just me. the first leg of the tour is me, cool and the gang and uncle cracker. $20, every seat. 90% of the seats. >> that's amazing. predominantly, you have sensed the economy in america, for many people, is still very tough. >> i live in clarkson, michigan. i have a home in malibu. if i lived there full-time, i wouldn't be thinking the way i'm thinking. but living in a small town in michigan, obviously we've been hit very, very hard over the last several years. harder than i dare say anybody around the detroit area has in america. i see it every day with my friends. >> what do you see? what is the reality in america right now? >> it's embarrassing. you have people you think are middle class and have families, one day their house is gone. they were embarrassed to tell you, or to ask you for help. that's one of the biggest things i've seen in my hometown and where i live.
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>> what do you make of the dysfunction in washington where they can't seem to get any kind of budget deals done, any kind of economic plan sorted? nothing? >> they're out of their frickin' minds. the people are so upset with them, and rightfully so. me included. that everything has to be so damn extreme. you know, i don't think anybody wants a bunch of pot smoking hippies running the country and nobody wants a bunch of crazy bible thumpers running it either. there's room to come together on all this stuff. everybody takes everyone out of context. they bring up their own stats, which nobody knows. the common man, myself included, we don't know what we're paying in taxes. i don't think the rich should be demonized over it. i think -- i know a lot of rich people at this point. i know a lot of poor people, too. all over the board. i still see a lot of the private
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sector people. my friends do a lot of good, especially in detroit. look at the big names there, they do tons of good. millions of dollars. more than the government can tax them. at the same time you have a very corrupt government there where people are scared to help that out. what it boils down to, above everything else, is family. family structure. i don't care what you're talking about nowadays, politics, guns, any of the hot topics going on, it comes down to family. and having a family. some say family can be a community. you know, people that are around to help raise you, this, that and the other. the lack of the family, you know, presence is paralyzing this country. >> let's come back and talk more about the hot-button topics. i want to talk to you about guns, gays, god, abortion, clint eastwood and anything else i can think of. >> see you later. i'm outta here. >> announcer: you never know
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kid rock, i'm back now with the kid. >> can we talk about fun stuff, girls, lakes, summertime. >> don't you worry. you know me, i'll get to the girls. you're a fascinating creature politically. because you're pro-gay marriage.
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you're pro-choice when it comes to abortion. you're pro-guns, on that side of the debate. we'll talk about that in a moment. you supported obama in '08. actually performed at his inauguration. then you switched to romney. how would you describe where you are politically now? >> i'm pretty confused still. i don't know, i just -- i've always tried not to be so vocal about it. when i see celebrities talking about it, it's like, oh, man, stop talking. what am i doing up there, vote for romney! i don't know. you grow, you learn, people seem to be interested in what you have to say. i don't know. i'm sure the majority aren't. >> why did you give up on obama? >> just the way things were going with, especially just separating the country even more. it seemed like it was a time everyone should really be coming together.
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>> was it his fault? >> someone's got to take the blame. it's always the guy at the top. if we have a bad show and a guitar player screws it up, people will say, kid rock screwed up. >> i get that every night with my producers. let's go through some of these things. on the gay rights, gay marriage thing, you couldn't really give a damn category. >> i don't care. i'm catholic. i don't think -- i really don't think it's right. because i think a man and a woman and creating a child, there's something to be said for that. but if people are going to make this much of a stink over it, we've got way bigger problems. i'm conflicted with internally how i feel myself with it. but people want to get married, go for it. >> i have no problem with that. >> i like to joke that everybody should be able to be miserable. >> pro-choice is interesting, though.
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there aren't many republicans who would be pro choice. >> i just think it's a woman's right. very touchy, but at the end of the day, it's got to fall on the woman, you know? >> guns, you are pro-guns. are you in favor of any gun control? >> the only thing that i think -- no, i'm not for gun control. i'll give you one thing i thought of. i was thinking this today. i thought you might bring this up. is maybe family, it comes back to the family structure. i know someone in my family who probably shouldn't have assault weapons or, you know, big guns. maybe they should have a home protection if they want it, that's it. as a family member maybe you should get my mom, my dad, maybe an uncle, four or five of us to flag him. flag him. so when he goes to try to get the gun, he's been flagged by his family. you know what i mean? then he has to go through something to be evaluated. we're really talking about mental health at the end of the day, is what i feel. we're talking about mental health.
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>> do you own a lot of guns yourself? >> yeah, tons. >> would you consider yourself to be safe with them? >> yes. >> why do you trust 315 million other americans to be completely safe with them? >> because i got one. >> simple as that? >> yeah. >> you need to have one for protection? >> when i go to detroit, i never leave detroit without my gun, ever. right by my side. loaded, ready. >> you wouldn't hesitate to use it? >> no. not at all. >> is that healthy for a society? >> it's not healthy, it's just the way it is. like getting into a conversation about racism. is it dumb because we've got a black president? no. we just have to learn better ways to deal with it. everybody needs to calm down. the tragedies, learn more about them other than finding a henchman or something. >> it's easy to say calm down. what if you're one of the families from sandy hook school? >> i think there are families on both sides, from what i've read.
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>> that's true. >> so like i said, i think there's a conversation to be had. an open and honest one, which seems like we don't have too many of those these days. >> very little compromise, isn't it. >> people get so up in arms and hell-bent one way or the other. it's like when i did the romney thing. so many people got their panties in a bunch. as a musician, a rock 'n' roll musician, you wa nt to find ways to piss people off. if i knew people got so -- i would have gotten into politics years ago. it makes people so upset. at the end of the day, it's like, come on, it's okay to have a different viewpoint and voice it. >> you met obama after he met again and romney had lost. did he have a little joke at your expense? >> i've always said this about obama, no matter what, he's cool. i've been fortunate enough to meet all the living presidents. there's nobody cooler than obama. george bush is a pretty funny guy.
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but obama -- >> what did he say to you? >> i think when i popped up in the receiving line, he was like, kid rock. i was like, hey, man, no hard feelings. he's like, i won. i'm lik, damn it, i know. it was all fun and games. i can't imagine what those guys deal with, just punching each other in the head over what their beliefs, this, that and the other and they probably sit down and have a ham sandwich. >> we'll come back and talk about pot. we haven't talked about legalizing pot. >> we should. >> clint eastwood, the performance at the republican convention, many thought he was on pot. >> i thought he was great.
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kid rock joining us. welcome to you. the moment when kid rock said we're not going to charge $200 a ticket, we're going to charge $20 a ticket. did you have a heart attack? what goes on in that moment? >> because it came from kid, it was expected. but all kidding aside, we had a dinner in malibu and talked about the tour. i've done many of his tours. and we talked about, we know what autopilot is. we can do it and charge too much probably, and let's try to break some of the rules. kid is an innovator and he wanted to think about the fans, talking about how we make a difference this summer. >> a big gamble, isn't it is this. >> i will say we left that night, we've had many of those dinners, and usually the call comes back and says let's get back at the routine. he did call me a couple days later and said i put it together, i got the idea, it's $20.
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let's make a difference. let's help out the fans. make a difference. >> what's $20. >> so you know what, he said, are you in? and i said, you know what, kid, the business needs to change. we need to be the example. and if you're willing, because really the artist sets the price. >> you know, i can't imagine justin bieber watching this and going, that's a great idea. going to the manager and say let's charge $20 a ticket. >> well, you know -- >> or the rolling stones. >> listen, the business is different. one shoe doesn't fit all. i will say this. the smart ones, the ones that have been around for a lock time, or plan on being around for a long time, bruce springsteen, does realize that the fan does matter. >> the business model has completely changed. it's all about touring. >> it's always been -- song writing, yes, there's money to be made. and things like that. but when you talk about the real money, you talk about touring.
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no question. >> let's turn to drugs. >> do you have some? >> the debate, we have a situation where marijuana is basically legal in most states in america. >> legalize it, tax the hell out of it. >> simple as that? >> yeah. i know lots of people that smoke lots of pot, they don't get a lot done. but there are people who smoke in their leasher time and they're fine. everybody "different. one thing i've learned, from being in a band, i've done drugs now and then. some people can handle it, some people fly off the rail. how do you dictate that? you don't. if they screw up, throw them in jail or get them some treatment. other than that, legalize it and tax the hell out of it. >> how old is your boy now? >> 20. he'll be 20 soon. >> what did you say to him about drugs? >> careful. >> not, don't do it? >> no. remember that time i came home,
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fell down, i think it was christmas eve, splept on the bathroom floor. i did drugs that night. you didn't like that, did you? no, it scared me. that's what happens sometime. >> you're a living warning? >> kind of, yeah. he's going to make decisions at the end of the day. i think he has enough information from being raised in a household that he was in, you know, i just say -- anybody's got to be careful. because i don't know what makes people tick. but, you know, somebody can do a line of blow and they can't go to work. somebody else is like, who do i sell this tv to and freaks out. that person, i'm just going to go out on a limb and say, probably shouldn't be doing any drugs. should the other person? it's up to them to decide. >> go to kid, or live clint eastwood, he did a big commercial, did the republican convention supporting romney. is he a mate?
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>> i got to have dinner with clint. people always say, like, he's a bad ass, this, that and the other. he is. he totally is. 100%. just a great guy, down to earth. great american, i'll call him. love him. >> kid, great to see you again. i'm so glad you remembered my name this time. good to see you. good luck with the tour. i think you should go watch kid rock, $20 a ticket, $4 for a beer. this is what people should be doing when america is suffering financially. i applaud you for it. i'll be there. >> thank you. >> i'll be right back, too.
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hey, thanks for stopping by. you know, i've followed your character since the first episode. i'm a big fan, big, big fan... thank you. listen, your storyline makes for incredible tv drama. thing is, your drug use is very adult content. too adult for the kids. so, i'm gonna have to block you. aw, man.
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yeahh... well. have a good one. you're a nice lady. ♪ to say the things ♪ he truly feels >> the song he wrote for frank sinatra.
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music icon, sold tens of millions of records, decades as a superstar entertainer. his latest album. paul, welcome to you. >> good to be here. >> i've wanted to meet you for a long time. >> waving at you in restaurants did not do it for me. >> you've always within very kind to me. it's a riveting book. anyone who loves that era, those songs, those guys. the rat pack and onwards. it's just a delicious romp through that period. what made you write it? >> well, i'd wrestled with perhaps doing a book one day. the editor of st. marks came to me and they herd that i was interested in doing a book. i sat down and felt, well, here i am approaching 70. by the time i got around to it, i'd probably be too old to remember anything. so i figured i better get this done right now. and it's something that was
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always on the radar for me. i just thought about, well, you know, how much do i want to open the veins, how much do i want to tell knowing that today everybody's kind of b.s.'ing a little too much and they never tell the truth about anything and it's fluff. once i made the decision that i was going to tell it, i said, okay, we're going to do it. and it took me a couple of years to -- >> it's a brilliant story about people like sinatra. he was notoriously private, hated stuff being written about him. were you worried about that aspect? that he wouldn't have liked you talking about him? >> no, not at all. i wasn't concerned whatsoever. if you look at frank sinatra, indigenous to what you said, there's nobody in my business that i can think of that's been in the press more than him. right? there's nobody in this country, there's no other singer that's as good, or has had the effect that frank sinatra has had, and still today. when you say concerned, there's
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no confidenced broken here. this isn't a book about "as told to," it's "as lived by." i lived it, i breathed it. what i really tried to do in the book is the more i got to know him, sammy davis, and those guys, the more i realized a lot of it was hearsay. that's what he didn't like. and everything that's in the book is things that i've spoken to him about, things that i've witnessed, things that the honest guy that he was, and this was a stand-up guy, he would say, that's okay, it's the way i live my life. and i promise you, there are no signs being torn down in hoboken because of this book. >> he was a very complicated character, sinatra, wasn't he. almost a dark side to him. he could be quite punchy, hard drinking, with women he never seemed to get women. a complex man. >> sounds like about a million guys i know. has anybody solved that problem? listen, because he was in the public eye, because he was frank
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sinatra, they overanalyzed him. he was a human being. what this book does is really sends the message that me, the rat pack, all these performers that are idolized, they're human beings. they make mistakes. sure, frank loved to have a good time. how could he not like women. every time you turned around they were throwing themselves at him. i didn't find him dark and complex, even though you knew there were other sides to him. but you really loved the fact that he was so straightforward and such a good guy and a gentleman. >> i was in a restaurant in beverly hills the other day with my three teenage sons, i saw you in the corner. i didn't get a chance to speak to him, and i said, guys, in the corner, in the corner is the guy who wrote "my way." at the time sinatra was going through a bit of a downturn in his career, getting depressed about it, thinking of packing it in. >> he did. >> in comes paul anka with this
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song. >> he always teased me for all the years i knew him, all the guys. i was the youngest. i don't profess to know him totally like others. >> you were the kid. >> i was the kid. he was saying to me, hey, kid, when are you going to write me a song? well, i couldn't. i was scared to death. i was writing all this teenage stuff. if i had given him puppy love, he would have thrown me out of the steam room. probably barred from it. it kind of manifested itself and worked subliminally. i heard this melody in france and brought it back and put it in the drawer. i was in miami beach at the hang then, and he was there doing a film. he said, kid, we're going to dinner. when he says you're going to dinner, you drop everything and go to dinner. in the course of the meal he said, kid, i'm getting out of the business, i'm retiring. i've had it, i'm fed up. too much going on, don't like it. i'm doing one more album with don costa, who is my producer.
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he said, you never wrote me that song. i came back to new york, sitting up in my apartment 1:00 in the morning and i still cannot get my arms around the fact that sinatra is leaving. i started typing. i was a journalist back in canada, a cub reporter, and i said, what would frank do with this if he were writing it. met forricly, i started creating this song as if frank were writing it, and now the end is near, the final curtain, wrote it until 5:00 in the morning. and at the end of it i knew i had something that i wouldn't be afraid to give him. i did a demonstration record, flew out to vegas where he was at caesar's, played it to him. i knew by the reaction that he gave me he was going to do it. fade out, fade in. i'm in new york two months later, the phone rings, mr. sinatra on the phone. he said, kid, listen to this. took the phone, put it up to the speaker, i heard "my way" for the first time. >> amazing.
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"my way" i'm told is one of the most played songs in history. >> yes. >> and is literally being played somewhere in the world every second of every day. >> i hope so. >> you must know the answer. you get the checks. >> yes, i get the checks. >> do you know how much money -- and i hate to be so intrusive. it's such a great statistic. how much has "my way" earned on its own over the years? >> you know, i never looked into it. the gross number. you're involved, you're writing, you're doing all of this stuff. it's earned a lot. it's the biggest karaoke song. i've been to china, you go to russia with putin, he loves my way. but to tell you the figure, i wish i could give you an accurate number. >> but it's a fortune, right? >> i would imagine to most people it's a fortune. it's a fortune to me. >> what were some other big-earning songs? every time that gets played, it's a kaching.
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>> and i didn't know about it and johnny didn't know about it. i was in england doing a tv special. and it was a long show. i just felt i need some humor. i said let's get a comic over here. so someone sent me this clip that was about a guy that drank all night, but he had a kidney show the next morning. he showed up with a hangover and the kids were screams. i thought it was hilarious. i ran into him in new york. i said hey, what's up. he said i'm taking over the show. i'm going to do it for a couple of years. i'm changing everything. he said do you have a song? he came up with a song i had originally written for anette, may she rest in peace. the conductor at the time, was a guy named skitch henderson.
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he said we're not using that song. who's that kid? i said johnny, i really think it works. by the way, i forgot to tell you, i'm going to give you half the profits. well skitch henderson didn't like me. that guy couldn't even look at me. >> you've had an amazing life. you're married twice, six kids. one is a young boy. >> one is seven years old. i married a catholic woman with bad rhythm. >> and if i could say to you, of all of the things that have happened outside of marriage and children, what would be the moment, if i could relive it for you now, that you'd choose? the great moment of your life? >> wow, that's so, so tough. i'd have to go back to the
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beginnings and the first time that i went on ed sullivan, a show that i watched when my link to life was the radio. and there i was on ed sullivan singing that song "dianna". and later, dick clark with his number one hit. and that was trama for me. they taught me something called lip syncing. and what it is, you know, they do it a lot today unfortunately, you need to stand there and follow a record. i'm in the middle of this song. i'm elated i'm with dick clark and kids are screaming. i'm carrying on, oh my darling, oh my lover, i love you with all of my heart. uh-oh. uh-oh. uh-oh. uh-oh. the damn record got stuck and i'm on national television. i said i'm quitting. i'm going home. >> well, thank god you didn't quit. if you had quit, we never would
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have had "my way" or any of this stuff. it's a terrific book. it's called "my way. paul anka." >> i had people on there. there's people in there i really admire. the real magic for me in there was singing with michael jackson and frank sinatra. because of the technology, i was able to do that as if they were standing in the room with you. >> it's a fantastic album. it's been a real pleasure. >> whenever you want. >> my check. >> darn right it's your check. i'm even sing you a monologue. >> oh, no, we won't go that far. >> we'll be right back.
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every night, chef bruno cerato serves meals to 300 kids in california. it's work, but he was honored in 2011 for a top-ten cnn hero. but it was bruno who wanted to do more wanting to help families living in area hotels. >> when i send the kids back to the hotel, i always feel sad at
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that moment. >> sit right here and color. >> it's a hard life to escape. just ask the gutierez family who lived in their hotel with their five children for more than a year. >> he got laid off. i started working just a month ago. it's really hard for us to save up to get into an actual home. >> i said to her let us pay the first and last month. >> bruno helps families leave the hotel life behind for good. working with a local non-profit, 29 families have gotten a fresh start in a home of their own. >> i love it. >> the kids explored, found their rooms. >> this is yours. >> congratulations. >> thank you.


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