tv The Situation Room CNN April 16, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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that's all for us. we'll be back at 9:00 p.m. for the latest on the boston bombings. that's all, good night. there are many late development this is evening in the bombing and the breaking news back in washington as well. we have just gotten photos of what is left of one of the pressure cookers likely used to make the crude bombs. they come by way of local atlanta station waga, we confirmed they are from a series of evidence photos taken by authorities. one of the fragments you can see a part of a logo and a serial number or product id. here's another shot with possibly traceable numbers, the pictures some of which appear to be taken at the scene show the
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remains of a backpack all of which is being analyzed by authorities. it was sent out to law enforcement agency so this everyone can compare notes. there's this picture showing a bag next to the mailbox right where the first bomb went offer. question tonight, was it one of the bombs? the fbi is analyzing it along with fragments of the pressure cooker. there is that and this, breaking news out of washington wac letter to a u.s. senator testing positive both in the field and now in the lab for the deadly poison ricin. dana bash is working her source on that and will join us. we have learned more about those who lost their lives and the wounded, and the loers who rose up to help others. we don't know about the third fatality, she was a chinese national, a graduate student at boston university not for farr from here, her name is being witt held at the request of her
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family and krisle camp eltame yesterday to watch her friend cross the finish line. she worked 16 hour days but was never too tired to share her love and a smile. she was just 29 years old. martin richard was 8 years old. his mother and sister -- the sign says no more hurting people. dozens more lives changed forever. we honor them tonight and we also honor this strong city for all that has happened here, you should know this is not a city under siege, not a city of fear tonight. yes, people are holding their kids a little tighter and keeping their eyes open wider, but today life and love and liberty continued. people went jogging today, they walked their dogs, brought their children to the playground and to the schools. boston has been battered, but it is by no means broken, not now,
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not ever. we have perhaps what we've learned most is that in the face of horror and in the face of hate, we must all stand tall and stand proud and stand together. and never let anyone with a bomb in a backpack stop us from moving forward. never let anyone with a bomb in a backpack stop us from finishing the race. we do have a lot to cover in the hour ahead. let's get a quick start -- quickly update you on where things stand right now. >> reporter: targeting the most photographed spot that day in a crowded city full of cameras. it may also seal the bomber's fate. >> any videos or photographs that happened, not just at that scene, but anywhere in the immediate vicinity could be helpful to this investigation. >> already looking at hundreds of videos and photographs searching for a face, a bundle, a bomb. two devices, not four as first reported and feared. >> all other parcels in the area of the blast have been examined,
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but there are no unexploded bombs. there were no unexploded explosive devices found. >> and the two that caused all this, explosives and shrapnel packed into pressure cookers stuffed into sacks likely detonated by timers, not by cell phones. also, a device a would be bomber could find on the internet. proved deadly and troubling. >> these pressure cookers are a technique that is used by the taliban and by al qaeda in afghanistan. they're very effective weapons, they try to pick these up wherever they can. they use them to make their ieds. >> the fbi is investigating as an act of terrorism. any time bombs are used to target civilians, it is an act of terror. >> reporter: terror, he went on to say, murder, maiming, traumatic amputations by persons unknown, nationality unknown, allegiance unknown. his homeland security secretary ruling out a broader plot.
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a high-level source going further. >> the senior u.s. official is now telling me that, quote, there is no reporting indicating a foreign connection or any reaction from al qaeda. >> so it might be the video that tells for the forensics. the crime scene still hot, still active. it's already borne witness to ordinary people doing extraordinary things to stop the bleeding, to ease the suffering and to start the healing. >> well, more now on the investigation. the fbi saying fragments of a pressure cooker found at the scene as well as shreds of what might be black nylon bags. that plus the photo we showed you a minute ago that might show a bag at the start of the first bomb blast. drew griffin and john king are with me here tonight each working their sources, as they have been over the last 24 hours.
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individual or if that doesn't work, can you get something from the serial number, something from the brand name, something to trace back to where was purchased and maybe where it was purchased. what was the device, what were they like, they have made a lot of progress. >> is there is a serial number, that would be a big break and allowing them to perhaps figure out where it was purchased. >> where the manufacturer since his death and then you do actual strong for work, sending detectives out to the stores going through the receipts as the fbi said today. also interesting the pictures we are seeing are part of this bulletin that has gone out here the farm community in the united states is a small fraternity. they share information with each other because it is a dangerous thing. what they are also doing in relief within that community is saying, did you ever have a case like this?
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has there been anything found, did you find anybody practicing with the cougars in the last couple of years or couple of weeks, couple of days. anything that would spark a connection. it is rare to have pressure cooker bombs. it is not hard to make apparently but there might be some kind of link that would give them an edge and that is why they do this? >> you are also joining us. there is a backlog of intelligence on the international front that still has to be gone through, signals of intelligence, all sorts of reports. >> that is right. the bomb forensics that they are talking about will be taken and try to match that and link it with photographs and international intelligence that you are describing. all of that is the sort of stuff you have to weave together to try to make sense.
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who is the big question. we talk a lot about is that a domestic driven attack, a former attack, or frankly a combination of a homegrown jihadists inspired. we have seen these pressure cookers before, the failed times square bombing, they used pressure cookers and that was unsuccessful. if you have to say to yourself they did not the together one that went off, they put together two. did they act alone or part of a small group? all of those are questions that remain unanswered tonight. why understanding is the pressure cooker found in the vehicle in times square is different than the device we are seeing at this time around, is that correct? >> the pressure cooker that we found at times square was not the actual device that was going to explode. it contained wires and equipment and contain things that you would want to keep. >> you have a pressure cooker. >> obviously we have no idea
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what kind of pressure cooker was used in this case but i want to show you one. it is easy to get. i went to a local store, and i bought it for $42. also this fits into anything you see around here, any kind of nylon bag. all of these runners we have been seen walking route backpacks, this is for anybody who has a backpack. easy to contain and put stuff inside. it is hard to defend even though there were two bomb suite set this very location, very hard with a lot of people and in the openness of boston and our society. >> if there were timing devices involved, it seems like there would be a certain window of time that authorities would not to look at. that this was not a device that could have been placed a day or two ended in advance. >> one circuit board was recovered in proximity so they believe the circuit board was part of the timing trigger. to the point about timing, that
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is why the surveillance piecing it together is important. what they believe, more dignitaries, security, people at the finish line when the elite runners are crossing. almost two hours before the bombing. after that things get loose and that is what the peace is. the finish line is changing, the lead leave and the everyday runners, they start to show up and easier for someone to come through that is 1 they think these were placed. i was told this afternoon they're hoping to find video to get help from the public or business surveillance camera to show the placement and that is what they are trying to put together. >> what is the significance of the circuit board. >> when you look at the construction and frankly it is available, a crude device on the internet, it is not all that, does not take that many pieces. the 86 aboard, a timing device and they get linked up in what
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you would call a closed circuit and that is how you get native. what it does is it ignites the powder, we presume the gun powder inside, the pressure builds and builds to the point that it actually explodes. the pressure cooker does from the pressure inside. >> for our viewers, we should point out this is information that is readily available on the internet unfortunately these days and people have known about this for years. i want people thinking we're giving away instructions or advice. we appreciate your reporting. at the risk of embarrassing my next guest, he did a row of things yesterday. she was certainly running the race with her dad near the finish line when the explosions hit. she swung into action, helping to save lives. thanks so much for being with us. we talked two hours ago but i don't want to make you relive
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this. but i think it is more important to highlight what you and so many other people did which is running toward this class, to do what you could to help. you have finished this race or you're in the final stretch of the race, you were exhausted. you are the glass and you knew you had to do something. >> i did. i think a lot of us who go into the medical profession have this instant that we need to be there, we can be there and we can help. that instinct kicks in and you think of nothing else. you also have the instinct that i need to get to the finish line. you have two of those things together and it creates a powerful surge. a surge of emotion and fear and intensity. >> you never know how you will react hear people think they will be calm and controlled. freak out and people will think they will freak out and actually
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find themselves able to operate. you are clearly able to operate. when you ran toward it, can you describe what it was like? >> it was, i had a thought in my mind i needed to get there to help these people and that is all i could focus on at that time. that there had to be something i could do to help these people and fortunately after i told one of the police officers i was a pediatric resident, they said we need your help out the front. we need you to be there to help us. and i tried to get them to escort me down. >> you were running faster even after running the marathon? >> i was. >> we you talking to people, the people you were training or the unconscious? >> the first woman i saw was unconscious. i never did speak to her.
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the second one, the woman i saw she had a wound in her mind and i told her we were putting pressure on that and the ambulance would be there soon. the third woman i saw with a foot injury, will be okay, will be okay, dr. i put a tourniquet on the leg and i said yes, you'll be okay. >> did you believe that at the time? >> i think so, i think i did. i was hoping. i was hoping it, for sure. it just breaks my heart that people who came to watch us run our most of the reason why we get to the marathon care because of these people and their generosity and their spirit. and to see them suffering, it is gut-wrenching. >> i talked to a spectator today in a hospital and we'll play that later in the broadcast. what he remembers was the first
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thing, runners kicking off their shirts, running to him and tying tourniquets around his leg with their shirts and i think many of the spectator's eye no feel glad they were there despite all of what happened. he would go back next year and do it again. >> powerful. >> process, how you deal with this? you see a lot of terrible things in your work but to see it on a mass scale in a place she did not expect, how are you doing? >> i am doing okay. we have wonderful support systems in the residency program and people reach out. people who reach out any time of tragedy. i am so blessed. my family, my mother was 100 feet from the blast. my dad was right behind me and we are safe and i feel such a
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loss, i feel such a loss for the people and whether or not this is true or how i should feel, i philly sounds of responsibility. they were there cheering for me, for me as a collective group and it is hard to process that. something so tragic happens because they were there for me. >> all of us are so moved by your response and by the responses so many citizens and first responders, people that could have run away. but didn't. at a great risk to themselves. >> i am grateful, too, and for all the people who came in. citizens and civilians, everyone. >> fell 1 to bring an sanjay gupta who has been working with doctors all day. is really a testament and i think it made a huge difference, the fact there were doctors there and so many nurses because
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it was the end of the race and the head tree alleged units set up. >> she saved lives and i think almost assuredly because of simply being able to stop the bleeding in a situation like that long enough to allow the transport to happen and get someone to a hospital. it makes a huge difference. talking about the on the battlefield. not the mass casualty situation like this suddenly became. she ran four hours and was still able to do this, pretty extraordinary. >> did you know instantly just by the nature of the ones that this was an explosive device that maybe was low to the ground? most injuries were lower extremities. >> all i can say is that i knew was something horrific and i was treating people and i was trying to treat people and sing to myself this cannot be real. i must have passed out from dehydration or something. it must be a dream at the end of
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a marathon. i can't sang this can't be real. i have never seen anything like this. the casualties in the amount of the damage that was done to so many people. >> in a situation like this, it is if front line and then you walk a few blocks and there were people running and people walking their dogs and playing with children. >> feels real and very sad. it is a deep sadness that i feel that it's hard to explain. >> if either of you can speak to this, talking to people while literally walking with their kids and plan, there is a sense of defiance that people do not want this to define the city, to define who we are, and a sense of we need to stand tall in the
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face of this and live our lives and the defiant. >> i think there is a great spirit in the city, and i think there is a great spirit amongst runners in general and amongst the crowd that supports us. and i feel like in times like this, people come together, and my dad made a real good analogy. at the end of the race was heartbreak hill, and this is almost like the heartbreak hill part and we're trying to help each other through it. and hopefully at the end, we'll be able to come out with some sort of peace and an ability to move forward. i know i plan on running the marathon next year. >> you do. >> i do. and i hope my dad will run it with me so we can cross the finish line as planned, cheesingly holding hands for the picture. >> i'd like to think i could run it. >> you can run it. i believe in you. >> we'll see. it's hard to train. doctor gupta, a number of
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patients have already been released but a number of patients will be in the hospital for a long time. >> i think so. there are nine hospitals who have these patients, and some are in critical condition. critical condition means just that. their vital signs are unstable to the point where doctors and nurses are quite concerned about them, and that's going to be a long road. even for the patients that are now improved but have undergone these amputations, just the rehab and all the things that go into their lives from now on, that's going to be quite a road for them. so this is -- you know, we talk about this every time, anderson, the news cycle will continue for a period of time, and there will be a lot of this galvaniization around these people, and hopefully when you leave they will continue to get that support. >> none of us will ever forget this, and i'll never forget the efforts of all of those. >> thank you, anderson. thank you.
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>> we were talking a moment ago about a man i visited in the hospital earlier who owes his life to critical action on the scene. his name is ron bussard. take a look at what we talked about today. >> it was just this explosion, and very nearby. it was so close that you couldn't hear after the explosion. >> really, so you couldn't actually hear anything? >> i could see people's mouths moving and stuff, but i couldn't hear anything. >> how close were you? >> i think we were probably about 10 feet away. when we saw on the news today where the explosion occurred. >> he considers himself, obviously, very lucky and he wanted to make sure that everybody knows his thoughts are with those whose lives were lost and those less fortunate than he is, and his wife is at a separate hospital. they hope she will be transferred to tufts medical center so they can at least be together and see each other regularly.
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let us know what your thoughts are on this this evening. you can twitter me at anderson@andersoncooper. we have the latest on the poisoned rice. remember those who lost their lives in the tragedy. martin richard, an eight-year-old boy with big dreams for his future. we'll take a look at his life and the life of 29-year-old krystle campbell who went to watch the marathon every single year, wouldn't miss it for the world. we remember the victims and we want to tell you about their lives, ahead. wait for it... wait for it...
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sleep number. comfort.individualized. to find your store, visit welcome back for live continuing coverage from boston. we have more breaking news tonight. a letter that tested positive for poisoned ricin was reviewed in the capitol's mail facility in washington. they said the letter did test positive for ricin and it was addressed to the office of republican senator roger wicker of mississippi. the letter is undergoing further testing. senator wicker now has a protective detail assigned to him. we have dana bash live. the initial testing was positive. further testing is going on now. what's the latest you've heard? >> well, anderson, we can now report from the senate sergeant in arms terry gaynor that the envelope did test positive today at the actual lab, so they feel confident at this point that it
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is a positive test for ricin. they had the initial test, as you pointed out, in the field office which historically are not that reliable but this was done in the actual lab. the other things we can report are the mysterious markings on the envelope sent to senator wicker are not outwardly suspicious, but it was postmarked from memphis, tennessee which is not far from wick r's home state of mississippi. it had no return address, and at this hour one senator thought there was a suspect in custody. we can report that it is still an ongoing case and that is not true. senate officials are taking precautions. they've closed the postal facilities. i believe we have a picture of the one -- there you see it, the one where this particular letter was sent. they closed them for two or three days while the testing goes on, while law enforcement continues to investigate. so this is something that is very, very important to senators, as you can imagine, and they got a briefing earlier
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tonight about everything that has gone on. >> we should also point out that mail at the capitol doesn't go directly to congressional ofrsz anymore. >> it doesn't. the first stop for capitol mail right now is for off-site facilities like the one we just showed you. it doesn't come directly to the capitol complex and there is a specific reason for that, exactly what we're seeing tonight, the concern that people will send things that are toxic or poisonous. and that is because of what happened back in 2001. a couple senate offices received letters that were laced with anthrax. senators say tonight that they're happy that this process changed all those years ago, because in this case, the process worked. >> dana, i appreciate the reporting. thank you very much. joining me right now live is former new york city mayor rudy giuliani. mayor, i appreciate you being with us. you obviously have experience with a city that's come under attack. this is the kind of attack that big cities have been on the lookout for and really concerned about for years now.
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what do you make of where this investigation is? >> well, you know, this is the kind of attack that i thought, and i think many others did, was going to happen quite frequently after september 11. i think we first have to say that we're fortunate we've been able to stop so many of them. i think the government has done a good job of interrupting many of these attacks that could have taken place. this one is really horrible. horrible because of the death of a young child. the other fatalities that took place, the injuries, the reality that no matter how hard you try, no matter how good a job you do, and i have no doubt the boston police did a great job in policing the marathon, these people, whoever they are, can get through. and we don't know yet what this is. is it idealogically based? is it some kind of an insane situation? there is no way of knowing right now, you know, exactly what it is. all we can do is speculate. >> in terms of, you know, fears -- i've talked to so many
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people today who said, look, we don't want to live in fear. we don't want this to change the way we live, and i think that's an important message to get across. but at a public event, there is no way you can have 100% safety. >> no question about it. i've faced it many, many times when i was mayor of new york. we almost canceled the marathon in 2001 because it was shortly after september 11. big debate about whether to go forward with it. we almost canceled the millenium celebration in 2000. i think they canceled the one in seattle as a result of terrorist threats. while they're going on, you wonder, did you make the right decision? you often say a little prayer. i remember getting up at the celebration in 2000 thinking, well, if anybody is here, i'm dead. i mean, so these are threats we live with, but the reality is, and this is hard for people to absorb a day after an attack like this, this is not the way you're going to die. the reality is there are many, many more things to threaten us
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far more than terrorism. these are terrible when they happen. it is hardly any solace to someone who has lost a child or lost an arm, but the reality is the threat of terrorism is sporadic, and then the way they use it, they sort of spread that fear by frightening us so much. >> i also feel sort of a sense of defiance among people here that i think we've really learned from 9/11, a sense of kind of fighting back, and i think we saw that in the heroism of the first responders and the citizens who rolled up their sleeves and ran toward the blast to those in need. >> wasn't that fantastic? i said that to mayor menino tonight, it reminded me of my firefighters and police officers and citizens on september 11. as soon as i got out of the building we were trapped in, the first thing i looked for was how were they reacting, how were they acting, and wait they were acting was very brave, very calm, helping each other,
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firefighters, police officers going in and trying to take people out. when you look at that film footage, you see the firefighters and police officers jumping over the fence, it looks like, and then some of the runners jumping over the fence headed right for the flames. and, boy, that gives you a sense that these people in boston are pretty darn tough, just like the people in new york and just like the people all over america. >> yeah, i talked to a man we just played part of the interview in a hospital who was wounded, and he said the first people who got him were actually runners and the first thing they did was rip off their shirts and made tourniquets to try to stop the bleeding on his leg. i think that's sort of an important image to put out there. mayor giuliani, i really appreciate you being with us tonight. >> really good coverage, anderson. it's terrific. >> thank you very much. i appreciate it. it's a privilege to be in this city at this time. just ahead, we're going to talk to some of those people just like you've been talking about who ran into danger to save lives. we'll be right back.
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to be better. we're dedicated to being a company you can count on, because you've always been customers we believe in. your energy plus ours. together, there's no limit to what we can achieve. my pants, my clothes -- >> show me that flag. >> this is the flag i was holding the whole time, and this is how the flag ended up, carrying the blood of all these victims. >> that was carlos arendondo. when many people acted heroically yesterday, he lost a son in iraq, he lost another son to suicide. he had people running in honor of his sons during the race. when the bomb went off, he ran right toward the explosion.
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he helped a man who lost both of his legs, likely helped save that man's life. just one of the many heroes who rose up after the explosions. despite the heroic efforts of so many people, three lives were lost. the chinese consulate in new york tonight is saying they've confirmed that one chinese citizen was killed. she was a graduate student of boston university. as we said earlier, her name is not being released at the request of her family. also killed, 29-year-old krystle campbell, and adding tragedy on top of tragedy, a doctor at the hospital mistakenly telling her parents she was alive. >> reporter: krystle campbell's mother patty so overcome by grief as she stood on her front porch, each word was a struggle. >> we are heartbroken at the death of our daughter, krystle marie. she was a wonderful person. everybody that knew her loved her. >> a family spokesman finally had to read her statement and say what she could not.
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>> everyone who knew her loved her. she was sweet and kind and friendly, always smiling. she worked so hard at everything she did. >> krystle campbell's story, a tragic case of mistaken identity. the 29-year-old had gone to the marathon with her friend. both were caught in the first explosion. her parents say doctors told them her daughter survived and they were trying to save her leg. but when campbell's parents were finally allowed to see her, they discovered it wasn't her at all but her friend. >> this doesn't make any sense. >> what kind of daughter was she, ma'am? >> she was the best. >> campbell, described as sweet and kind by those who knew her here at the restaurant where she worked. >> you would like her immediately, and she was one of the hardest workers we had, and i think that's what our crew here enjoyed most about her, is
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she would get in the trenches and work right next to you. she wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty, so she was a very, very popular manager. >> a devastating mix-up leaving a grief-stricken family wondering how it all could have happened. >> jason carroll joins us now. what are folks at the hospital saying about it? >> they are still looking into it, anderson, but a spokeswoman would only tell us tonight that at this point there is no official record of krystle campbell being at the hospital, but her family says this is the place she was identified, so you can imagine this whole ordeal has just compounded their grief. >> jason, appreciate your reporting today. tonight we also remember martin richard. eight years old, a bright, energetic young boy from dorchester. gary tucker has more on the little boy whose life end wade too soon. >> this is how martin richard will be remembered.
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the beaming eight-year-old boy holding a sign in a picture taken last year when he participated in a walk to promote peace in inner city boston. the sign declaring, no more hurting people, and the word peace. this is also how he'll be remembered. as a brother and son. martin was attending the marathon with his entire family on monday, the finish line in boston's back bay. his father bill and brother henry on the lower left were not hurt, but his sister denise and his mother jane were seriously injured. his sister, who was a dancer, lost a leg and may lose part of another leg. his father releasing a statement says, my dear son martin has died from the injury sustained in the attack in boston. my wife and daughter are both recovering from serious injuries. we thank our family and friends, those we know and those we have never met, for their thoughts and prayers. i ask that you continue to pray for my family as we remember martin. we also ask for your patience
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and for privacy as we work to simultaneously grieve and recover. thank you. in front of the richard family house in the dorchester section of boston, we saw flowers. we saw bill richard come home monday night without his son, daughter and wife. >> he looked like he was in a state of shock, and i said bill. he didn't answer me. he just walked slowly into the house. his friend came over, and i said, is everything okay, and he said no. martin was the little boy that was killed. and i was speechless. and i didn't -- i think he probably said something about denise and the little girl, but i was really interested -- >> his wife and daughter? >> right. i was in such a state of shock, i didn't hear what he said. i started to cry, and i said please, if there's anything we can do, just let him know i am here. >> this is also how martin will be remembered. a boston bruins fan, attending a hockey game at the rink.
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he will also be remembered like this, a faithful boy who regularly attended church with his family. and friendly and smart, too, as his school said in a statement. martin was a bright, energetic young boy who had big dreams and high hopes for his future. we are heartbroken by this loss. martin's relatives took to twitter to write about the eight-year-old. one cousin saying, i love you, martin. you will be in my mind forever and ever. and martin will also be remembered this way, from an aunt on twitter writing, martin, you were the sweetest, funniest boy. i'm going to miss you so much. but now you are an angel. >> it's still all so hard to believe, gary tucker joinds me now. you were at a vigil for the victims tonight in dorchester. >> it was very moving because it was entirely word of mouth. early this afternoon there was no word of any vigil. it turns out tonight between 1,000 and 1200 people showed up
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to seek solace with each other, comfort with each other and honor all three of the people who died, including little martin. it was only about a mile away from his house. an interesting thing, anderson, they also honored the first responders who did such an amazing job helping so many people. >> and saved so many lives, no doubt about it. gary, i appreciate the reporting. a lot more to talk about. joining me now is bill fiore, a friend of the richard family. bill, i'm so sorry for your loss. what was martin like? >> wow. martin was a remarkable young man and just a kid, really. eight years old. a wonderful athlete, a bright student. >> he loved the bruins. >> he loved the bruins. he loved the red sox, too. the headmaster at the school, i was talking to him before we went on the air, and he wanted me to emphasize he was not only a great athlete, but a great student, very compassionate, very caring.
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when there was another student struggling in the class, they turned to martin to help tutor him along. a quiet but compassionate kid and someone who was a leader. >> we don't want to do anything to intrude on the family's privacy, but martin's mom and sister are also in the hospital. >> yeah. i'm sorry to say that denise, his mom, took a wound to the head with shrapnel, and she's been in surgery. and his little sister janie, wonderful, sweet girl, also lost a limb. lost a leg. >> and she just started dancing. >> yeah, she's an irish step dancer, loves it, and everyone said if anybody is going to bounce back from this, it's janie. she's a pistol, a tough kid, energetic. i don't think her dancing days are over. >> i certainly hope not. i know we haven't talked to martin's dad, but the family, it's -- they'll never be the same, obviously.
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>> no. we've always thought of them -- we've lived in the same neighborhood and i've had the opportunity to cover them in the local newspaper, and they're a family you would want for neighbors. they are totally civic minded. the neighborhood runs around their house. we've always thought of them as one unit, almost like a singular, the richards. they're always together anywhere they go, to the sports fields, school or church, you see all five of them. that's no longer the case. >> we saw the community coming out for them tonight and no doubt will be there for them in the days ahead. >> there's no question boston is going to rally, dorchester is going to rally in a big way for this family. dad i'm still worried about, but we're also worried about the health of janie and denise. >> our thoughts definitely go on or group respons act of terror.
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some late developments, photos of what's left of one of the pressure cookers likely used to make one of the crude bombs. we'll get our expert's take just ahead. and everyone but her... no. no! no. ...likes 50% more cash. but i don't give up easy... do you want 50% more cash? yes! yes?! ♪ [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase, plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. ♪ what's in your wallet? why? and we've hit the why phase...
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suspects, let alone arrests, nothing. they have a lot of information to sort through and analyze, and that, obviously, is going to take time. joining me now is cnn contributor secretary for homeland security julieann kyle, and a former fbi director, tom fuentes. julie ann, we've been showing this picture of a pressure cooker device in a bag. what do you make of where this investigation stands? >> it's going to be for the forensics to reassemble the devices. this black wrapping around it, where might that have come from, as well as the eyewitness accounts and pictures and all the stuff the fbi is asking for from people who were there, runners, family members. they're going to both go on simultaneously, one at quantico and one obviously here or at d.c. they're putting tremendous emphasis on who saw what here,
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and that's because i think there are probably gaps in terms of timing of the photographs they have. they're probably thinking the perpetrator was here on-site and put the packages down. they're hoping someone has pictures and someone comes forward. >> the fact they're still asking for the public's help -- >> means there's a gap, or they want as much information as possible, and then it's just going to take days and weeks and months. and that's the one thing to say to people watching, that this is not going to happen in tv time. this may be very slow, methodical. you heard almost all the political leadership say today, you know, this may not be tomorrow. it might not even be friday. this is going to take a long time, but eventually there will be an arrest. it's not just investigation, they're building a criminal case as well that they've got to put in a u.s. court, and that has to be very, very clean. >> john, what are you hearing from your sources? >> given the chaos of the scene, people running around frantically, people kicked
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around, they think they did a good job of the pieces from the pressure cooker. they think they've done a fantastic job finding out what happened, how this was done. but julie, in an investigative term, layman's terms, they're looking for help. they have a pretty good idea of the timing, of where the devices were, but nothing yet that they've seen in the imagery that has a placement. the who part is the big missing question here. so now it's off to quantico, everything they've recovered, and they're still looking at that site. everything over there is still in lockdown to see if they can find a fingerprint, any kind of personal identifyer, a dna sample, something. and if that doesn't work, you look at serial numbers, try to retrace where this product came from, who might have sold it, and if you can get there, to whom? >> you were involved in the olympic park bombing in that investigation down in atlanta. in terms of that timeline, can
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you kind of walk us through the steps in that investigation which might give kind of a sense of the timeline on this investigation? obviously very different, but how long, how methodical an investigation is it? how long does it take? >> well, it was a little bit quicker putting the device information together. the night of the bombing, i was on duty. i was the assistant commander that evening and the bomb went off about 1:10 or 1:15 a.m., and we got the phone call about 30 seconds later that we had the bombing. we could see it on one of the screens in the command post. put it up on the bigger screen. and we knew because an individual, in fact, richard jewel, working as a security guard for that pavilion, had reported to a georgia bureau of investigation officer and an fbi agent that he knew walking by that there was a suspicious green knapsack under a park bench. so they went over, they looked under the flap and they saw what appeared to be the pipe bomb, the wires and a plastic food storage container containing
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nails. so the two law enforcement officers immediately moved the crowd down the hill, and as they were getting the crowd out of the way and further down below, the device detonated, killing one woman, and then later a journalist had a heart attack running to the scene. but the fact that a trained -- two trained bomb techs actually saw a look at that device under the lid of the knapsack and immediately went to work to get the people out of harm's way gave them a great indication of how it was set up, how it was put together even before it exploded. so that was huge. and the fbi was able to trace later, but it took months to track down the roofing nails that were used because they were able to determine what company made those nails, and then because of a unique glitch in the company's equipment, there was a batch made that had a slight deformity that made that unique. they were able to match those nails to a particular batch sold
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at a particular time and place prior to the bombing. so these investigations, even that investigation with all of that advanced information took weeks and months to put all that information together. >> are you optimistic, julia? >> i don't think in those terms. i've been in government too long. you get lucky and you combine facts, and i think people who don't work in this field have to just recognize that it's -- you know, a lot of times it is luck. a lot of times it's putting the pieces together, but it's not perfect. a lot of people say, how could this happen? there is one safe marathon and that's no marathon at all. we live in a society where people like to move around, they like to go to events. so i'm optimistic that we'll put a lot of the pieces together, and i'm also optimistic that this will be a serious investment of time and money. if it leads to the right person any time soon, somebody may know but it's certainly not us on the outside. >> julia, thank you, tom fuentes.
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we've been talking to a people shaken by the blasts, but also a city standing tall, moving forward. today president obama repeated his promise to bring the killers to justice. he also said the people of boston is proof that americans will prevail. listen. >> the american people refuse to be terrorized. because what the world saw yesterday, the aftermath of the explosion, are stories of heroism, kindness, generosity and love. >> i looked down and there was actually a person who was bleeding on the street. they were right off the sidewalk just laying down. luckily this restaurant was helping them and it was great to actually see people teaming up together to help the people that were in need. >> exhausted runners who kept running to the nearest hospital to give blood, and those who stayed to tend to the wounded, some tearing off their own clothes to make tourniquets. the first responders who ran into the chaos to save lives. >> you see on the video now all these guys jumping over fences trying to help out.
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people activated immediately, whether they were volunteers or the boston police. >> the men and women were still treating the wounded at some of the best hospitals in the world. and the medical students who hurried to help saying, when we heard, we all came in. >> i thought that i would be one of the first people there because i was 25 yards away from the finish line when the bombs went off, and by the time i got there, there were so many first responders and volunteer physicians, it was -- i've never seen anything like that. >> the police who opened their churches and ministered to the hurt and the fearful, and the good people of boston who opened their homes to the victims of this attack and those shaken by it. so if you want to know who we are, what america is, how we respond to evil, that's it. selflessly, compassionately, unafraid. >> we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] does your prescription medication give you the burden of constipation?
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