tv The Situation Room CNN April 17, 2013 3:00pm-3:55pm PDT
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that's another reason why the public,us, are going to have to patient of the when they get a break, they sometimes get a promising lead, you don't want to tell everybody that yet because you don't want to alert the perpetrator that you're getting close. >> you keep saying perpetrator. can i assume -- >> no, no, no, don't read anything into that. >> you didn't say perpetrator or perpetrators. >> oh, all right. >> am i being too -- >> i'm not really being cute, wolf. >> i understand that. >> i just want people to understand that i am patient with this for a reason. it is -- it has something to do with my own experience with large criminal investigations, and my respect for the quality of this investigation and the thoroughness of it. >> is this the biggest investigation you personally have ever been engaged in? >> it certainly feels like the most pressing. anyone at any given time feels critical to the victims. but we have all been victimized
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all throughout this city, all across the frankly, in the country. and it is important that we get to the bottom of this. but it's also important we get to it in the right way. and in a way that sticks. and that's why some amount of patience is going to be required of us. >> do you know if we will have an fbi briefing today? >> i don't know. i don't think so. but i don't know. >> you don't think so, because of it little disruption at the courthouse? >> exactly. exactly. you know, the -- a lot of the folks who are working at their desks, at their laptops and so forth, had to separate themselves from that for a little while. but as soon as i know, you'll know. >> you'll be there looking back, was there anything that knowing what we know now, and we're all a lot smarter after a horrible event like this, is there anything that could have been done that should have been done that potentially could have averted this tragedy? >> i don't think any of us know
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the answer to that just yet. >> we want to learn lessons to make sure it never happens again. >> absolutely. i made the point inside yesterday, we've had 116 years of incident-free marathons. and after every one, there's been an after-event meeting where everybody has thought thu how to make the next one lesson this one, have been tragic and bloody. we'll make sure we learn from this so the next marathon is bigger and better than ever. >> the first lady will be here for the interfaith service. you'll be leading it, you'll be there as well obviously. what will you say to the president? >> i've talked to the president a couple times alread his empatt comfortness has come through, and i thinkill come through tomorrow. i think that's an important part of his leadership. and something we can use right now. >> you've met with some of the
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survivors? >> i have. i have, with a number of them. it's extraordinary. their lives are shattered in many ways. and yet the grace they show, the kindness they show, the gratitude to the medical professionals who have stepped in. the kindness of strangers that they respond to, so inspired by the source of inspiration. >> is there one story you want to share with our viewers right now? something that you were told by one of these survivors, or a family member that really sticks out in your mind? yesterday you told -- >> about victoria and tyler. >> have we found tyler? >> i don't think so. i think there was a -- there may have been a couple people who came forward who were not. >> not the real tyler? >> not the real tyler. >> just to remind you, tyler really helped save the life of someone. >> that's right. and comforted someone who was
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understandably hysterical over in that medical tent right after the blast. she had a shrapnel wound herself. and she remembered a man named tyler explaining to her that he had been an army sergeant in afghanistan, and he had survived a shrapnel injury himself and she would be okay. i had a chance to visit with bill and denise richard today, who lost their son, and whose daughter was so badly injured. they lost an 8-year-old. they've been wonderful supporters of my campaign in the past. >> from dorchester. >> from dorchester. i had a chance to visit with them just three of us quietly if the hospital today. and for them, and all the victims, my heart just goes out. >> good luck, governor. thanks so much for sharing a few moments with us. we'll stay obviously in close touch. >> thank you. >> boston, massachusetts, will be resilient. >> we absolutely will.
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we'll stand tall. we're going to have a great marathon next year. and we're going to heal between now and then. >> and you're encouraged by the latest developments in the investigation? >> i am. >> that eventually sooner rather than later, we will find a killer or killers? >> eventually. i hope it's sooner rather than later. like i said, i'm going to -- when i was traveling with my grandparents as a kid, and, you know, i'd say, are we there yet? are we there yet? my grandmother would say, we'll be there when we get there. you know, in the context of this investigation, we'll be there when we get there. >> we used to say that as soon as we were pulling out of the driveway. >> nice to see you, wolf. >> thanks very much. appreciate it. good luck. >> i appreciate it. thank you. >> governor deval patrick. helping us better appreciate what's going on. we have people over here giving a nice round of applause. we appreciate it very, very much. all right. to continue to watch what's going on. i want to go to fran townsend,
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tom fuentes, to get a little better sense of what we just heard. fran, give us your thoughts on what we just heard from governor deval patrick? >> i think he's trying to assure the people it will come to a conclusion and people will be brought to justice. interesting he didn't acknowledge the special agent in charge in boston, acknowledged the recovery of the pressure cooker. we talked about that this morning. the lid, there are pictures now out with the forensics. we know law enforcement has gone through these videotapes and are focused on particular individuals. they've gotten a lot of investigative work done today. and they are much closer. it was interesting to me, wolf, he didn't really want to acknowledge the -- all of the investigative progress that's pn made, other than to say they's encouraged by it and it will take time. look, they want to build
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themselves space to complete this thing on their own time frame. i do think it's interesting that he doesn't think there's going to be a press conference today, as you reported, wolf. it's been pushed back, it's been delayed. we don't know if it's going to happen. you know, you don't really understand why. there's a lot of coordination that needs to take place before they can have it. it seems like they're having a problem with that. >> yeah. obviously the governor suggesting there's not going to be an fbi news conference. if it happens, it happens. but right now he doesn't think it will. tom fuentes, what are your thoughts? >> i agree with fran, i think he's trying to reassure the public even though he didn't concur with all the details already publicly provided in the investigation. so he's doing his job, as the governor, to tell the people that everything's being done i think with regard to the press conference, you really -- having go on and what to say and all the people that will be at the podium, you have
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competing interests here. you have on the one hand the need to inform the public and tell them and reassure the public that the investigative agencies are working together and covering every lead. again, requesting the public's assistance. but you have the competition of, you need to solve the case. and when that special agent in charge, or the police commissioner and oers walk in front of the microphones, they know in their mind that the bad guy, or bad guys are probably watching that press conference, listening to what they say, and they have to be very careful of what they put out to not reveal the specific strategy of what they're doing at the moment and how much they have or don't have. you do have the possibility of nflicting information, always being produced in a situation like this, as to whether they have a specific subject or whether he's been identified or whether they haven't. and oftentimes, even if a subject is identified, even if that's all been true and somebody puts out some information along those lines, they may not want that to be
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public because they may be following that person secretly, hoping that that leads to others, or at least whether to rule out there were other co-conspirators that are involved in this, and need to be located and also apprehended. they don't want to get one person only to have ten others scatter away, if it's a larger conspiracy. and they also are trying to resolve it. if it is the so-called lone wolf, or two lone wolves banded together, that they get the whole conspiracy at the time they can do it, and not drive the others away and turn them into fugitives that are harder to locate later. and also, to determine whether there are other attacks in the planning, maybe other places in the country, whether it's a larger scale conspiracy, that's always an issue as well. is this the only place that was scheduled to be attacked. >> tom, hold on for a moment. fran, hold on. john king is here as well. clearly the governor said they're all cooperating. the state, local, federal law enforcement. and they presumably are, the fbi
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is the lead organization in charge of this investigation. but clearly there is some confusion amongst some of these sources about what's going on, even though the governor seemed to suggest that there wasn't. >> i think in the sense of cooperating with the investigation, sharing information, making sure if one agency comes into possession of some information, a photograph, maybe forensics, there's no question at all there's been very good cooperation. you've got federal officials, state officials and that's not always the case. there's no indication of any command and control issues here at all. there has certainly been consrnation about leaks. we've been told by srces about a possible arrest being made. operation under way leading to an arrest, specific identification of the suspect. i do know from following back on sources there's some consternation, and the agencies talking about who's leaking, why would they be leaking, let's pull back. the governor now seems to think we may not get a public briefing
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at all today. they're saying because the courthouse was briefly evacuated. if they a public briefing, the courthouse is now secured. they could do it in other locations. is that the only reason? are they trying to get their ducks in order in the investigation? i don't know. one thing i want to share, this morning when we were told there was a break-through if the investigation and told that it was the key to the break-through, was the lord and taylor department store video, i learned that information just before a conversation with the boston mayor, tom menino. the governor was careful, he didn't want to sea anything. the mayor was quite careful. we have the mayor here and he did say a little bit more about why they were optimistic about them making progress. >> more video on this, on it case than any law enforcement has ever have. more details on where the second bombing happened. they have direct camera right on the location. and that's part of the work, i believe, that's going on with the fbi and other law
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enforcement agencies. i'll tell you, honestly, i've never seen so many law enforcement agenciesk on an investigation. >> you heard the mayor at the end echoing the governor, never seeing them work so well. the mayor said he had been told the video from the lord and taylor department store, and i was told by another source, helped to make that video identification of a drop at the scene of a black bag right at the scene of the second explosion. from that, i'm told the fbi through the enhanced video, enhancement techniques identified what they believed to be a suspect. from there, we've had a lot of conflicting information throughout the day. now we're without a public update. >> the governor seemed upbeat that eventually they would find the killer or killers. the perpetrator or perpetrators. he refused to stay if there was one or several that they're looking at. he refused to say domestic or foreign, which is understandable. he doesn't want to say anything that will get in the way of the clearly sensitive investigation.
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>> without a doubt. there were folks earlier today, there's no question er much more optimism when you talk to people today. there was conflicting information, and we reported some of it here, about people were telling us a federal source told fran townsend, a boston source told me, that arrests had been made. my source would not say that. so clearly, either there was some confusion or misinformation. sometimes that happens in a case like this. but these are sources we've been talking about for a couple days. so there's always a question mark when things like that happen, is there confusion in the ranks, or just somehow miscommunications and misinformation. >> john, don't go too far away. fran, tom, also don't go too far away. much more on the criminal investigation here in boston. another dramatic story we're following, a very, very emotional reaction from president obama. you just saw it live here on cnn, to the failed gun control
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vote in the united states senate. we'll analyze that as well. and he was a trauma surgeon in the u.s. army reserves. a hero of the boston bombings. he said he hasn't seen wounds this bad since he operated in a war zone in iraq and afghanistan. the trauma surgeon is here with me. we'll talk about what he has seen, what he has done. stay with us. our special coverage will continue. ♪ [ male announcer ] the distances aren't getting shorter. ♪ the trucks are going farther. the 2013 ram 1500 with best-in-class fuel economy. engineered to move heaven and earth. guts. glory. ram. the new ram 1500. motor trend's 2013 truck of the year.
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we'll get back to the criminal investigation into the boston bombing shortly. but another important story we're following in washington. moments ago, you saw it live here on cnn, a very angry president obama blasted the senate for blocking an expansion of background checks for gun buyers in the united states. the vote in the senate, 54-46. but 60 votes were needed to pass this bill. >> a few minutes ago, 90% of democrats in the senate voted for that idea. but it's not going to happen. because 90% of republicans in the senate just voted against that idea. a majority of senators voted yes to protecting more of our citizens with smarter background checks. but by this continuing distortion of senate rules, a minority was able to block it
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from moving forward. all if all, this was a pretty shameful day for washington. but it effort is not over. i want to make it clear to the american people, we can still bring about meaningful changes that reduce gun violence, so long as the american people don't give up on it. the fact is, most of these senators could not offer any good reason why we wouldn't want to make it harder for criminals and those with severe mental illnesses to buy a gun. there were no coherent arguments as to why we wouldn't do down . unfortunately this pattern of spreading untruths about this legislation served a purpose. because those might upset some gun owners and that in turn intimidated some senators.
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>> the president surrounded by the vice president, and gabby giffords and victims of the newtown connecticut massacre. you were an abc correspondent for a while, you got to know the president. it's rare in public we see the president show that kind of anger and emotion. >> anger and disdain, i would say. you saw him use words like shameful. saying that all in all, this is a very shameful day in washington. he used a word that is seldom used in politics, lie. people in washington say almost every possible%ka synonym for except for lie. but he said, he accused gun rights groups of lying about what was in the legislation. and he was -- his tone was angry, as you say. he was -- he had invested something in this legislation passing. >> it wasn't even universal background checks, it was a modified compromise that a conservative democrat, a
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conservative republican had put together. >> pat toomey, from pennsylvania, very conservative, and democrat from west virginia, both of them put this bill together. it was actually surprisingly strong. it would have required background checks for guns purchased at gun shows and on the internet. and it didn't really -- >> not private transactions. >> not private transactions at all. there were a lot of sweeteners in there. the national rifle association didn't have a position on it, then they came out against it. there were things in the bill that expanded rights for gun owners. but ultimately the nra is very powerful and there are a lot of people, democrats and republicans in the senate, that don't think more regulations are what's needed to prevent future newtown mass borger has been watching this. gloria, 80% or 90% of the american people support background checks. why can't the senate approve it? >> if you dig deeper into both parties, you'll see that it's overwhelming on the democratic
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side, and on the republican side a majority of republicans don't support assorted brands of background checks. and so you see this very much is a party issue. and what i heard from the president today, not only his anger and his disdain, as jake points out, but i also really heard him framing the 2014 election, the midterm election. what he said is, we're going to be back at this, and yout this e you can rally around. this is an issue you will have a chance to vote on. and when you look at all the republicans running for reelection in the senate, wolf, there is only one of them, and that's susan collins of maine, who actually voted to support this expanded background check measure. so, you know, the president did lose four of his democrats, but it's very, very much republicans running for reelection in 2014.
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and you can be sure this is an issue the president will campaign on in those states. >> let's bring in our chief white house correspondent, jessica yellin. the president said this is round one, a setback but not giving up. realistically what can he do now? >> wolf, while we're here talking about this, the president is out having dinner with democrat senators. he can focus on what gloria just mentioned, the 2014 election. now, i am -- i'm confident that when he said this is round one, he was not talking necessarily about 2014 alone. but democrats will now make this an issue in 2014. they can use the president's organizing ofa, his group, to help put this on ballots in states. gun issues on ballots in states, to target members who voted against this, and the president will no doubt make this an ongoing issue throughout his
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second term. because he has expended more political capital on this one issue than on any other single issue, frankly since health care reform. when he spoke hast week at a rally on guns, just to push the guns legislation, he said the day of the newtown shootings was the toughest day of his presidency. but he said, i've got to tell you, if we don't respond to this, meaning pass legislation, that will be a tough day for me, too. and that day is today. so the president in january, signed 23 executive orders, and now today he vowed to make this issue an ongoing cause for him througut the remainder of his presidency, wolf. >> i'm sure it will be. there's no doubt about that. let's see if he gets anywhere on it. that's a little more difficult. dana bash is up on capitol hill. dana, they couldn't get this through. what does that say about comprehensive immigration reform? what does that say about a grand
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bargain as far as the budget is concerned? is anything going to get through this deeply divided u.s. senate and house of representatives? >> that's a good question in some ways. in some ways it is an indicator of how difficult it will be to get some of the other pieces of legislation that genuinely are under discussion in a bipartisan way. but i think this issue of guns is in a category by itself. the reason is because it is a tough issue, unlike the others for so many democrats. yes, you only saw four democrats defect today. but if you had those four, and then they were able to sort of tell some of these republicans who were on the fence, look, we have 60, come onboard with us, that would have made the difference. and they weren't able to do that. because of, frankly, what the president said. that so many of these senators, including members of his own party, were just scared of taking the political risk. it is just that simple. i just talked to peter k args rason who is the executive
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director of gabby giffords and mark kelly's group trying to push for new gun legislation, and they went to meeting after meeting saying they were trying to find ways to help the senators get to yes, and the pushback they got was very clear they were trying to find ways to get to no, any excuse they could find to get to no because of the political risk. we knew that at the beginning of this debate. thought the newtown families and others would help bring them along. it just didn't happen. they felt it was just not worth it. >> certainly didn't happen on this day. dana bash, thanks very much. jake tapper, gloria borger, jessica yellin, all of you for complete analysis of what has happened. the major setback for the president as far as background checks for gun purchasers. if you're just joining us for team coverage on the boston bombing, we're awaiting delayed news conference. we're told there's been significant progress in the case
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but no arrests or arrest. the massive investigation continues. you're looking at live pictures of the painstaking work happening right now. the governor of massachusetts, deval patrick, just told me a few moments ago, you saw it live here on cnn, the investigation is going to take, in his words, a long time. he for everyone. 103 people injured in monday's bombings have now been released from hospitals here in the boston area. 13 of those still hospitalized, remain in what's described as critical, critical condition. we want to bring in one of the heroes who rushed to help the victims. the doctor finished running the marathon when the bombs went off. he's a military trauma surgeon, served in both iraq and afghanistan, a member of the u.s. army reserves. lieutenant colonel, is that right? >> yes. >> sanjay gupta, chief medical
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correspondent, himself a neosurgeon. a trauma surgeon, you're a neurosurgeon, who is higher on the scale. >> we won't get into that. >> i want sanjay to continue this conversation with us. and dr., tell us a little where you were, what happened, because you saved people's lives. >> you know, wolf, i crossed the finish line, was recovering in the athlete recovery area. met up with my family. probably about 15 minutes before the bomb went off. we got in a cab and headed home. i got a text message telling me that there was a bombing. so i immediately left the family at home, went to the hospital. >> massachusetts mny$general? >> massachusetts general hospital. and at the hospital, the infrastructure was already in place. and the emergency department was responding to the multiple casualties coming. within about 90 seconds of arriving, i was taking the first patient to surgery. >> and these patients had
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shrapnel, bbs, nails, this is the kind of stuff that you haven't seen since you were in iraq or afghanistan. have you seen anything like this at massachusetts general? >> nothing like this. these patients had what any military surgeon would describe as a common pattern for a blast in multiple fragmentation. fragments all over their entire torso, head, arms, legs, with bilateral, or both lower extremity blast injury. those blast injuries to the legs are often devastating. >> so you were dealing with amputees? >> that's exactly right. >> sanjay, enter this conversation. when i spoke to the doctor yesterday, he was telling me that in dealing with these kinds of surgeries, you have to do them sort of piecemeal. you can't just do them complete. >> right. and people oftentimes think that's because something either went wrong or there's complications. it's exactly the opposite in
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fact. >> we don't operate multiple times because something went wrong. in fact, we do that in order to make it go right. when patients are severely injured, like these patients are, with massive blood loss, what we try to do on the first operation is only stop the bleeding, and control the contamination. and that may mean leaving wounds open, not completing entire operations. we let them recover in the intensive care unit. and then the next day, or the day after that, or the day after that, we go back, we do a little more surgery. we let them recover from that. and we keep repeating this cycle to try to minimize the amount of insult to their body. we give them small discreet surgical insult, let them recover and we go back again. this staged approach enables the patients to cope better with the stresses of surgery. >> it's worth pointing out, wolf, when we're talking about the amputations, but dave and i
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both know, this is a long road. what does lie ahead for many of your patients? >> so, right now, we're dealing with fixing the surgical wounds. closing wounds, fixing fragments and so on. this is the very, very beginning of a long process. these patients will have months or years of rehabilitation. they'll have to be fitted for prostheti prosthetics, learn how to use the prosthetics. that's only the medical side of it. the post-traumatic stresses and coping with this kind of traumatic ent, that kind of thereapy could take years, or quite honestly a lifetime. >> normally you've dealt with these kinds of injuries on the battlefield, you never expected in boston to have to keel with these kinds of injuries. but your military training prepared you precisely for this disaster. >> i can tell you when i walked
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into the emergency room, and i saw the first five casualties there, i felt like i could have been back in afghanistan. it looked exactly the same. >> were these young kids? adults? all of the above? >> the patients we received at the massachusetts general hospital varied. we had no children come to us. our youngest was in the 20s. and the oldest in the 70s. a large spectrum. >> will they survive? >> no one can predict the future. but i can tell you that today we removed the breathing tube for the last patient who was on a breathing machine. are awake and can talk our to us, and no one is on a breathing machine anymore. and for us, this is a big victory. so i can't tell you for certain that everybody will survive. but we are extremely hopeful.
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and all evidence suggests they will make a full recovery. >> give us your final thoughts, sanjay. >> he"c had just run a marathon himself. >> you've got the medal. >> there's the medal. >> you're proud of that. and you did two other marathons recently, i didn't know if i was supposed to mention that. in terms of psychologically, how are you doing? >> i haven't stopped yet. so -- >> you went 40 hours in a goinge but the entire room, emergency room, operating room, intensive care team, the entire system that makes it possible to care for this many patients with these kinds of severe injuries is remarkable. and the entire system has been going nonstop since the moment the event happened. i just can't say enough about how proud i am of our team and of our hospital. >> thank you very much for your
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service here in boston, thank you for your service of the united states of america. and you've got a lot of people who are grateful for you for saving lives over there, and over here. we really appreciate it. >> my pleasure. much more on the investigation. the hunt for a killer or killers, right here in boston. e. we believe it can be the most valuable real estate on earth. ♪ that's why we designed our newest subaru from the back seat forward. introducing the all-new, completely restyled subaru forester. love. it's whamakes a subaru, a subaru. [ slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium-rich tums starts working so fast you'll forget you had heartburn. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums
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black backpack and what appears to be metal pellets or ball bearings. let's go to the virtual studio for a better explanation. >> this is one of the key things they've been looking at all day today, the physical evidence and the photographic evidence that we've been talking about all day. and that we said would be important today. like this picture from a tv station showing that one pack, in front of a railing with a crowd of people behind it. and the other thing we've heard so much about, video from a lord & taylor security camera. let me flip around and go behind and look from that camera down, where this explosion happened. the camera i actually way over to the side over here. that's the location. a little more perspective on this. i'll bring in the models and talk about precisely where this is, so you can understand why investigators are so excited about all of this. this is where your position is, rights here, where cnn has been operating all day long. as we move up here, i'll light
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up in yellow where the lord & taylor's is. if you go right down to the corner there, you can see that right down there, that blue dot, that's that camera. there's the second explosion site. the first one is up the street. you can see what a commanding view that camera has. that's why people are excited. because they're saying that may have a very clear image of what happened on the street during the day, wolf. and as you mentioned, that may be tied in to other things. this is where the blast occurred, right there, where they were pointing that camera. and they found evidence of just what you're talking about. that pressure cooker up and down the street. wolf? >> what about the efforts, tom, to essentially rebuild these two bombs? >> it's really important. people may not think so. think about what you mentioned, you have the backpack that they think was associated with all of this. you also have the portions of the pressure cooker itself. remember, we said some of this might be found on a rooftop, in
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fact the lid of one of these was found up on a rooftop. and you have other electrical components. the reason they want to find everything, and pull this all together and have a sense of how it would have existed as a complete bomb is because that lets them know if they're missing anything, and every single piece may have a key that links them back to a person on that street. wolf? >> tom foreman, thanks for that explanation. our own pentagon correspondent, chris lawrence, went over the videos of this season with a former atf assistant director michael bouchard. >> can they take that video from the second scene and start to build the case backwards to photos like these? >> yes. what the investigators will do will look at the cameras an hour and a half, two hours before the bomb blasts to see who was in the area at the time. checking it every 15, 20 minutes. if they see the same person in the same pictures, it's not likely they were there to watch
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someone else finish the race. >> can we tell pretty much where that first bomb was plant? >> yes, in this picture between the light pole and the building, you can see how heavily concentrated the people are. so if someone left a backpack or duffel bag on the ground, people wouldn't really notice it. >> is there any way the bomb could have been placed on the curb? >> it's highly unlikely the bomb was placed on the curb. because when the bomb went off, this were runners who were going by at the same time. and they were uninjured. it was more likely to be placed up in this area where all the victims were obviously so badly injured that they couldn't walk away. they immediately fell where they were struck. there should be residue of the explosive on the clothing of te victims closest to the device. the more residue you have, the closer you were to the bomb itself. >> correct. so when they start to look for where and who placed that first
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bomb, they're going to be looking basically rate here. >> correct. they should see a crack in the sidewalk, or a burn, or something from where the device was placed. >> and you can see why it's so important and trying so hard to get any spectator to give them the video and the photos, because they can literally establish a timeline minute by minute. wolf, remember, they're not just collecting evidence to catch a suspect, at the same time they're also trying to build a case. wolf? >> they certainly are. they need that evidence to do so. chris lawrence, thanks very much. still ahead here, our security at the boston marathon, was it tight enough? we're taking a closer look at what was done, what more could have been done. stay with us. carfirmation.
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story for us. brian, what are you finding out? >> reporter: new information tonight the level of security. we are told police had stepped up their presence. a boston law enforcement official tells cnn, 70 to 75 more police officers were deployed for this year's boston marathon than were on the streets last year. the official says between city, state and other law enforcement agencies, there were more than 1,000 officers and soldiers deployed before the explosions. the police commissioner says this about the spot where the blasts occurred. >> the finish line this year and assigned more officers down in thatarea. if you look at the videotapes you can see that. >> that includes canine units, air patrols and -- what's going on on the rooftops. >> you'll see officers with high powered rifles and binoculars deployed and they may move from one location to another. >> former boston police lewis
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tom nowlan worked 30 boston that are thons--nowlan says given the information boston police had before the race, security was more than sufficient. nowlan says security is the most heightened as the elite runners approach the finish line right down this street. the boston law enforcement official we spoke with says security does not recede after those runners cross. lorena hospitaler finished in the middle of the pack yesterday. >> this was probably the most secure marathon than i have seechblt thereas police at every single corner that we turned. >> the period after the pop runners come in and the roof swells with many others. >> that heightened sense of awareness, that hyper vigilance if you want to consider it that, diminishes over the hours. >> the explosions occurred right about then.
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more than four hours into the race. nowlan says from now on police offic officers will be told to be more hyper vigilant. >> i think you' see more plain clothed offers in the next running of the marathon. that will be an emphasis and there will be a heavy presence of plain clothes officers infiltrating the crowd. >> and what they'll be looking for is obvious, backpacks, boxes, discarded containers, anything left unattended. >> brian todd, thanks very much and the governor of massachusetts told us a little while ago that they were going to learn all of the lessons from this tragedy and try to make sure it doesn't happen again. erin burnett will have all the latest information that's coming up right at the top of the hour and that's next.
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pay tribute to those who were killed and injured in the double bombings on monday at the end of the boston marathon. president obama and the first lady michelle obama will be here as well. we will have special coverage, anderson cooper and i will begin that coverage at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow morning. until then thanks very much for watching, our nonstop special coverage of the aftermath of the boston bombings continues now. >> out front next, we begin with breaking news, significant development in the investigation here in boston, according to sources, policeng for someone they saw on video as a possible suspect. plus what we're just learning about the devices used during the bombings and how authorities are using that information they were trying to piece together to locate the attacker. and the poison ricin sent to our lawmakers and this time to the president of the united states.
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