tv Piers Morgan Live CNN April 17, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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now. this is cnn breaking news. this is "piers morgan live." we want to welcome our viewers from the states and around the world. the team coverage of the boston marathon bombing. no arrests yet. the latest on the hunt for the killer or killers, plus a hero who jumped into action to save victims, then disappeared. he's here tonight exclusively. now the latest on the investigation. here's what we know. authorities say they want to talk to two men with backpacks or bags, in the photo near the finishing line. sources tell cnn authorities also want to talk to a man seen on video wearing a white baseball cap. one of the sources said the man had the cap on backwards. was wearing a light-colored hoodie and black jacket. in washington, the senate votes down a bill on expanding background checks and a furious president obama calls it shameful. >> while this compromise didn't contain everything i wanted or everything these families wanted, it did represent progress. it represented moderation and
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common sense. that's why 90% of the american people supported it. but instead of supporting this compromise, the gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill. >> we'll have more on that later in the show. and the arrest in the ricin case. we begin with jake tapper live from boston where the president will travel for an interfaith service tomorrow in memory of the victims. jake, a pretty chaotic day in many ways. lots of claim, counterclaim, leak, counter leak. where are we now, 9:00 p.m. eastern, there has been no arrest as we speak. but what has there been today in terms of development? >> reporter: well, we know that there has been some -- there have been some advances made in the investigation. specifically through videotape obtained from the lord & taylor store in copley square, not far from where i'm standing right
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now. and that with that, surveillance video investigators do believe they found someone whose behavior, at least warrants further investigation. that's as far as we -- that's as much as we have as of right now. but investigators do feel good, they feel as if progress oh is being made. there is some oh other questions out there about whether or not there are other individuals involved. certainly the investigators are combing through every photograph, every image, not just the ones from official -- surveillance cameras, but also using a great deal of crowd sourcing, going to individuals who were there, going to individuals who were videotaping or using their smartphones to take pictures or movies of the boston marathon, and through all of that data, combing through all of it, they are hoping to have even more advances tomorrow. >> let's talk about some photographs which have emerged involving the bag. we had two pictures yesterday. before and after. showing this brown-colored bag. there's been a third picture
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that has emerged today, which they think was taken an hour and a half before the explosion. which seems to show a similar bag, but slightly behind the railing here. is this significant, jay? do we know what any of this means? >> well, potentially it is significant. it's very interesting. a third image appeared, cnn was able to obtain this photograph, which shows this bag that a lot of people have been wondering about and speculating about whether or not it contained an incendiary device or is related at all to this investigation. having been placed in a different location than it's appeared in other locations, this time behind the barricade instead of in front of the barricade in the general location of where one of the explosions went off. and i know, piers, you and your team, national security team, will be talking about this at greater length later on in the show. >> we will. jake, for now, thank you very much indeed. i want to bring in now deborah feyerick, she has been on top of
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the photograph situation here. deborah, tell me where we are with this. because there have been dozens, tens of hundreds of various pictures, the usual stuff. but there does seem to be some credence to a certain batch of pictures the authorities are now investigating. >> reporter: absolutely. what we can tell you is that those pictures, there are a handful of pictures that have really reached the highest levels. those are the pictures being circulated, those are the pictures being put out and agents are being asked, do you know these people. do any of these people look familiar. and there are a couple people that are of particular interest. but, again, they don't know who these people are, and they don't know where these people are. but they're trying to isolate the individuals. one i think you mentioned in a white baseball hat. because there are -- there is something about them. the way they were carrying themselves. the things they were carrying. there's one picture of a man, and he's kind of got his hand up like this, and i was told by an international terror expert, that's trade craft.
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people who don't want to appear they're talking will sometimes sort of cover their mouth. and so all of these are sort of tells that law enforcement is looking at. and as i said, there are probably a handful of pictures that have definitely reached the highest levels that are of the most interest, and that means they want to find these individuals, piers. >>s wi >> also, two terrorism experts about what kind of chatter there may be on jihadi websites. and interestingly, there isn't much. is that right? >> reporter: yeah. that's what's so surprising about this. and this is what has terrorism experts a little confused as to what the motive is of this. you know, usually when there is an event that's connected to a transnational, somebody from overse overseas, they will look for certain events. well, the events that were associated with this particular day had nothing to do with any sort of transnational incident. you know, on 9/11, everybody sort of gets worried that there is going to be another attack. sort of anniversary attack.
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but not the case. the forums have been especially quiet. there is not the usual chatter that people are not claiming credit for this, which you usually get. it may not be the actual bomber, but it may be somebody from the group like al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. but now quiet, quiet, quiet. they're not hearing anything, and someone i spoke to in london told me, it's strange, it doesn't feel like the normal sort of terror attacks. and he's dealt with a lot of the islamists, a lot of the jihadis. and he says this one is very, very different. because it has been so quiet. also, piers, the fact that these devices were actually successful. you look at the times square bomber. that failed. you look at other bombs. those didn't go off. these did. so while the device themselves were rather crude, the way they were able to go off made them successful, and, again, think of all of the bombings, piers, and these particular bombings. the first ones since the 9/11 attacks to actually detonate.
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so that's another thing that's on the radar. something that experts and intelligence officials are all thinking about. and there are a million different pieces they've got to sort of strain and process and try to get through to reach the kind of conclusion that they're looking for. >> there seems to be a slightly jumpy nature to the flow here, and cnn got sourced information that turned out not to be right about an arrest. there was supposed to be an fbi press conference this evening. it got delayed a couple times, then it got cancelled outright. should we be reading anything into this? has there been chaos behind the scenes? >> reporter: that's probably what you should be reading into. that, in fact, there is chaos going on. look, you've got many agencies responding to this. you've got the boston police department, they've got their own investigators. then you bring in the fbi, you bring in all these federal law enforcement. and everybody has got to be coordinated to be on the same page. and so you know, i'm speaking of
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people who are saying, yes, they have the identity of somebody. and then i speak to them ten minutes later, there is no identity. i heard there was an arrest. and i sort of waited, made a round of calls. by the time i finished the calls, there was no arrest, nobody in custody. and you're parsing everything that is said. oh-oh, there is nobody who has been arrested, does that mean they're detaining somebody? does that mean they're questioning them? what does it mean? so, yeah. i think you're right. i think chaos is definitely what's going on. but the fbi press conference -- i did speak to somebody, and they said the only reason they didn't do the fbi press conference is because they couldn't get the players available to speak to members of the media. they're trying to communicate information, but sometimes it doesn't go fluidly. >> i've actually got one of coot the key players with me now, deval patrick. a deadly terrorist attack in his state. and he joins me now.
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governor, how are you? >> i'm well, piers, how are you? >> you're such a cheery individual by nature. but even you must have been a bit rocked by the events that happened here with your marathon. >> well, it's been -- it's been a shocking and for many people a shattering time. but, you know, as a community, of greater boston and commonwealth wide community and as a national community, we have really pulled together. and there are millions of acts of kindness and grace alongside the horror, and that's a part of how we will heal. >> the fbi, we're expected to have a press conference this evening. they cancelled it in the end after some delay. is there anything we should be reading into this? do you know why they cancelled it? >> no. no. it's a fluid investigation. it's a very comprehensive and methodical investigation, which i think is important for all of us. and, you know, i have said to people, it isn't so until the fbi says it's so.
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they've led a broad and well-coordinated investigation with all of these different federal, state and local agencies. so, you know, i think i can understand why people are hungry for information, but also as a distant former prosecutor, i can understand why it's important not to make investigation available prematurely, because it can affect the investigation itself. >> in terms of the development involving this video, two videos, one from the department store overlooking the finishing line, the other from a local television station. clearly, this has revealed some kind of photographic evidence, which the authorities, the fbi, and the police are getting pretty excited by. do you know much about this? do you know what they have seen or how clear the images are? >> well, i've been briefed, and i understand some of that and other -- and other oh evidence that is being pursued -- yesterday the fbi asked the
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general public to submit their own photographs and videotape. everybody has got a pda these days. and they were inundated with responses in a very, very helpful way. but there is a lot to process. so it's going to take some time. and it very much is about piecing together individual bits of information, and data and stuff that is found, debris and so forth that is found at the scene. and building from there rather than starting from a theory and building back toward the facts. and that will, as i say, take some time. >> governor, we've got a bit of footage i want to play you, which is of cnn brooke baldwin who spoke with a firefighter, and the young richard martin, the young 8-year-old boy. listen to this. >> i saw a little girl that another guy grabbed. her leg was severed, her right leg. and behind her was a little person that had to be this
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little boy that they talked about. and -- >> he didn't -- >> we couldn't do anything for him. his name was martin. and we put a sheet over him, just out of respect for him. >> it's just desperately sad, isn't it, governor, that this little boy, he went with his whole family, his mom, his dad, his sister, his brother, and he didn't go home. you know, he's been -- been killed. >> piers, it's horrible. i know that family. his parents have been active in my campaigns. i talked to his dad yesterday and visited with both his mom and dad today. and the older brother, henry, who really helped to save his sister's life. and you know their lives have been turned upside down. they are very, very important parts of our community, and the community is grieving with them. but again, even in that account, was a gesture of kindness and
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heroism among many, many, many that will be a big part of how we heal. >> well, you're doing a terrific job, governor, raising morale and keeping spirits high in boston. there has been some amazing stories of courage and heroism amid all the despair. and just keep doing what you're doing. and let's hope he gets to the bottom of who did this quickly. thank you for joining me. >> in time we will. thank you, piers. >> deval patrick there. want to turn to one of the unsung heroes until now. tyl tyler dunn had just left the finish line, and jumped into the action helping everybody he could, including a young woman named victoria. from her hospital bed she put out an appeal asking to get in touch so she could thank him. tyler joins me exclusively now. tyler, you're a real hero. i want to take you back to before the explosions went off. why did you go to the marathon, and how had your day been until
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that point? >> good to see you tonight, piers. actually, i was just at a meeting, kind of -- i've been in boston for about a year. i had the opportunity to go to the marathon. went to the finish line. i had some circumstances come up. i decided to walk to back bay, and i was about halfway to the station when i heard the first explosion go off. i kind of knew it was a bad thing right from the get-go. when i heard the second one, i knew. something bad had happened. >> the most people in that situation would run for their lives. but instead you ran into what is no more than a battle zone. what made you do that? >> i honestly can't tell you where i drew the power from to do that. i live by a set of principles that i kind of wake up in the morning and kind of pray to how i can help.
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and have god use me as an instrument. and i heard it, and i prayed for that morning, and i knew what i had to do. >> what did you see around you? as you went into try and help. >> i approached an officer first, and told her i had had some medical training in the past with mass casualty stuff. i was able to tell by the look on her face that something very bad had happened. suspect she told me to go 800 boylston, i believe is what she said. and she pointed me in the direction. as i was running that direction, i saw people running away, and as i got closer, i started noticing more people were injured. and i had to prepare myself for what i knew i was about to see at that time. >> this young student called victoria, she was wounded by shrapnel. she remains in hospital. and she made this appeal to find out who you were and where you
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were. have you made any contact with her? >> i haven't been able to make any contact with her. piers. i knew the next morning i woke up, i went to a couple hospitals looking for her. but without her last name, i was unable to find her. i spent the whole day looking for her. out of all of the people i was able to console and help, she stuck out in my mind more than anyone else for some reason. we had some kind of unspoken bond. that i can't really vocalize on. not really any words to describe the bond i felt with this girl. >> what is it that you were able to say to her by way of comfort in that moment of acute agony for her? >> i got her to look at me, first off. she looked me right in my eyes. and i asked her what her name was. and to be honest with you, she kind of looked at me funny, wondering why i was asking her name in this situation. she told me, "my name is
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victoria." i told her, "my name is tyler." and kind of just had a conversation with her. i don't remember exactly what was said. i remember trying to be aware of my body language and not to look at her injuries as to make the situation worse for her. i tried to keep as calm as i could and to keep her as calm. and i drew my strength from her strength. >> you said that you had had experience with mass casualties. where did you have that? >> i was actually employed by a couple oil companies working in the gulf of mexico on off shore drilling rigs, and at that time that was a requirement to be on the rigs, was to have mass casualty and first aid training. >> and that clearly came very sharply into focus for you. did you feel that it was usually helpful of that you had been through that? >> absolutely. it was invaluable that i had been through that. i still have a hard time knowing where i drew the knowledge, what part from inside me that it came
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from. but i guess it paid off, because i knew what to do. and i just tried to help the best way i knew how to. >> you brought the shirt with you that you were wearing on the day of the marathon. it's -- i know it's covered in blood. >> yeah. >> if you could raise it up. there's a reason why you brought this. because you said that you never intend washing this. tell me why. >> just -- actually, you know, what i drew from it, whoever is responsible for -- responsible for this, intended to instill terror and fear on boston, and the world. and what i took away from it is that i don't see it as doing such. i saw humanity at its finest. i saw people of all different cultural backgrounds, and nationalities helping each other. and a terrible, terrible time. and the human spirit truly rising above what had happened. and it was an amazing they think
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to be a part of. i'm truly blessed to have been able to work alongside such heroes. >> i believe you're currently unemployed, is that right, tyler? >> yeah. i am, actually. >> i find that quite extraordinary, given the resourcefulness. i'm sure it's not going to last for long after what you did. finally, victoria goes into surgery tomorrow, we understand. i'm sure that we can arrange it for you to meet up with her. would you like to do that? >> absolutely. i would love to meet her, piers. i just want to let victoria know that she is in my prayers throughout the day, almost constantly. her family. i'm so glad that she is surrounded by family and friends now. i've been getting constant reports about her. i can't stop thinking about how she is doing and the rest of the families. and my heart goes out to the ones who had loved ones injured or lost loved ones. >> well, you were one of many
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heroes of the day. tyler dodd, an honor to talk to you. thank you for what you did. thank you for your service. and like i say, i'm sure you're not going to be out of a job for much longer after this, because i would hire you in a heartbeat. so thank you very much. and we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] at his current pace, bob will retire when he's 153, which would be fine if bob were a vampire. but he's not. ♪ he's an architect with two kids and a mortgage.
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developments tonight in the boston bombing, new photographs from the attack, could we be on the verge of a break through? cnn contributor bob bear, chad sweet and former fbi assistant director bill gavin who led the investigation of the 1993 bombing of the world trade center. welcome. bob bear, again in the world of speculation here. but we do know a lot more than
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we did when we spoke yesterday. in terms of speculation, where is your head taking you with this investigation? >> well, piers, i keep on going back and forth. you know, i think it could be a domestic group or a psychotic. but i've been talking to people in afghanistan and analysts around washington. and they're looking at al qaeda. and the way they're explaining it is that zawahiri made a tape a couple days ago in which could have been a coded message for operatives in this country to strike. again, this is speculation analysis. in particular, he's been pushing for taking retaliation for the drone strikes in pack stab pakistan and yemen. going to his people and saying we've got to hit back at these people. when i give the signal, let's do it. they're putting two and two together. whether it equals four or not, i don't know. but they're just looking at the mass casualties, patriots day. a national holiday.
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with a lot of cameras on it. and it's an act of pure revenge. and, again, this is analysis. but i find it very interesting. >> chad sweet, would you go along with that? is it all pointing now to the hall marks of an al qaeda strike? >> it does. and i would agree with bob. if you look at -- if this were something like an anti tax motive, they would probably be targeting the irs buildings. if it were some sort of anti federalism motivation, they would attack some other oh federal institution. but to bob's point, these are soft targets. it's exactly what zawahiri was calling for. we recovered from the materials of the site when bin laden was killed there was a debate going on between the leadership of al qaeda and its lieutenants where bin laden wanted them to continue to focus on these very dramatic events like 9/11, and the lieutenants, the so-called generation 2.0, wanted to say, look t at the end of the day
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that's great you did that, older generation, but we have to deal with the realities we're up against. and these low-level ied attacks at least allow us to get points on the board so anwar al al awlaki was supporting this effort. and the signature here does suggest there is a possibility of some type of violent islamic extremist connection. >> bob, the fbi running this investigation under huge pressure. the modern media age where even after two hours people are screaming for a result. what do you make of the way the fbi is conducting this so far? >> piers, i think it's a very difficult investigation to conduct. the bottom line is, with this whole investigation, is that it's like taking a monet painting and cutting it in 25,000 pieces, scattering it all over the neighborhood, then telling people to go recover all
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the pieces, put the painting back together again. but you never tell them what the painting was. it is a difficult set of circumstances. but they will do it. they will make sure they put this whole -- all of these pieces of evidence that are scattered over a six or seven-block area. they will make sure that they put this back together again and get the results. and i -- believe they will put somebody in jail over this. >> we have seen the development today of the video which may have identified potential suspects. again to you bill gavin, what would the fbi be looking to do with that? does it help them to publicize those pictures? there is a word they may be preparing to do that tomorrow. is it better to keep it to themselves? how would you be playing that if you were the fbi? >> i think it would depend upon how much other information they had to go along with these pictures. you know, when -- the pictures -- the number of pictures, they've got thousands of pictures and a lot of them
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are dated, time-dated pictures. so what they do, they go right to the heart of the matter when the bomb first went off. they put a collage of these pictures together to see if they can see the same person in each of the pictures. then they may move back 25 yards, 40 yards, 100 yards to see if the same people are there. if the same people are there in the shots before the finish line, they're carrying a back pag. and after the finish line not carrying a backpack, that's a tremendous piece of help. and what they do with all these painstakingly try to identify these people to see whether or not they're involved. people of interest. i think that's what's going on right now. when they talk about the people they've they're looking at out of the photos from lord & taylor's building. >> final point for you, bill, on that. how much more difficult is it for the fbi that the internet is now so ramp ant with rumor, speculation and indeed, many images of the exact type you're talking about, being broadcast
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not just obviously to the public, but also to any terrorists who may have been involved in this. they can also see what is being put up. and it may act as a warning to them. >> sometimes it's difficult, but it's a down side of an investigation. but piers, it's also the strength of a democracy and the transparency of what's going on. how to try to complete this mosaic and put everything back together again to identify the individual or individuals that are responsible for this horrific act of terrorism. >> let's please all stay where you are. we'll go back to this. fascinating investigation. the mall of america wants to know who has done this and why. we're going to try to get to more of the theories after the break and explore what are the most likely. we had never used a contractor before and didn't know where to start. at angie's list, you'll find reviews
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investigators are combing through thousands of photographs of the bomb scene tonight. but what to they reveal? michael mccasey former attorney general and cnn terrorist contributor. bob bear and chad sweet and bill gavin. what is your overview here? you've been in a top position in a government that had to deal with stuff like this. >> well, the overview is that we're down to homemade devices, fabricated devices. this is not 9/11. not anything near 9/11. and yet we could have had the
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same thing in times square. it didn't go off. we were lucky. we ducked that one. but this one did. and so that's the level that we're dealing with. and that seems to be the new approach. >> we do not know who has done this. and i keep stressing that. this is speculative theorizing, but with experts. is your head moving towards al qaeda, as many others seem to be? >> as the -- two of the three people you spoke to just a minute ago were, it is tending toward that. particularly if it turns out that -- we've gotten different reports on one suspect or two. if it's one suspect, then, you know, this could be the unabomber or somebody like eric rudolph or somebody like that. but when you start to get to two people, then you're getting closer to a sort of coordinated attack with obviously more than one person. and the likelihood that somebody just went off on a tear, being diminished. >> paul, when we spoke the other night, you mentioned this "inspire" magazine which is a
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periodical magazine basically produced by al qaeda supporters. and in it is this extraordinarily explicit detailed account of how you use a pressure cooker as a bomb. and this is the kind of pressure cooker here which was used, we believe, at the boston marathon, pretty small. pretty -- it's quite firm and heavy, actually. but i would imagine extremely easy to use. particularly if you have this manual from people telling you how to do it. >> well, that's right. it's a seven-page how-to guide put out by the group in english in the summer of 2010. and it's been linked to multiple terrorism plots by islamists on both sides of the atlantic and the uk in 2010 but also here in the united states. two plots in 2011. so the question is, you know, may this be a link to islamists. but similar devices have also been used by right wing extremist groups, white supremacist groups in the united states. so i'm not sure whether it really does narrow the playing field of who is responsible.
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>> chad sweet, if you were at the homeland security department now, given this stuff is all over the internet, clearly any crackpot out there can read this kind of thing and try and emulate, try and copycat. it creates a whole new world of amateur terrorist activity. what do you do about that? >> well, you defeat a network with a network. we should flip the use of the internet to our advantage, which is we need to empower citizens and our first responders who are in the front line to be able to do the reverse, which is -- there's a tremendous opportunity to crowd source, which means use this internet in the same way that is somewhat enabling these terrorists. we can enable our citizens and our first responders to equally be able to identify signatures that this is happening. and so right now if you think about the analogy of a star fish or a spider, if a star fish ends up getting cut off an arm, it continues to grow. if a spider does, it dies. in the case of al qaeda, it's more like the star fish.
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bin laden was killed, al awlaki was killed, et cetera. but this is continuing to met as it size. so generation 2.0 of jihad, they are going to use the internet. this is a younger generation and it's imperative, piers, we use the internet to actually teach our people and first responders to identify this. and there are programs like trip wire and dhs and the office of bombing prevention that are being cut by over 50%. we're spending less than 1% of the money we spent on defeating ied in iraq and afghanistan. this is an opportunity now to do -- to cross-apply it at home. >> has there been a failure of intelligence? if it turns out this wasn't al qaeda-hit on a relatively soft target like the boston marathon, would heads have to roll? is this a failure? >> not necessarily. if -- sure f it turns out that it's an al qaeda hit that was coordinated by al qaeda from abroad, then you would think that is something that should have been detected. but it doesn't have the hall marks of that.
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it does have the hallmarks of something that is put together on an ad hoc basis. and something that is much more improvisational than a long-distance al qaeda call. >> final question, do you think it's a failure of intelligence? you have been part of the cia for many years. >> no. we can't stop all of these groups. no way. they're too small. we can get people in the country all you want. it's -- it's not a failure of intelligence. >> okay. bob bear, chad sweet, bill gavin, thank you very much indeed. next, the rejects background checks. i'll talk to the sister of a sandy hook teacher, vicki soto. ♪
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today on capitol hill, a stunning and crushing defeat on gun control. the senate rejected a bill to expand background checks. verdict down seven amendments, including a ban on assault weapons, high-capacity magazines. in fact, just about everything. it's a huge victory for the nra and the bitter defeat for president obama. today angry, lashed out at lawmakers. >> i've heard some say that blocking this step would be a victory. my question is, a victory for
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who? a victory for what? all that happened today was the preservation of the loophole that let's dangerous criminals buy guns without a background check. that didn't make our kids safer. victory for not doing something that 90% of americans, 80% of republicans, the vast majority of your constituents wanted to get done? it begs the question, who are we here to represent? >> today's senate vote comes more than four months after adam lanza shot to death 20 children, and 6 adults, including vicki societia. her sister joins me now. thank you for joining me again. you were there today at the senate to witness what happened. what is your reaction? >> i am disgusted and so disappointed in our senate. >> what is the matter with them, do you think? what would it take? if the deaths of 20 young
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children and your sister and five other adults at an elementary school, if that isn't enough to bring in something, what is? >> you know, if they were to lose a loved one to a horrific tragedy like we did, they would feel the same way. and i don't wish that upon anyone. but if they had to bury their loved one, they would feel the same way i do. >> i saw sarah palin tweet that it was a great victory for the second amendment, for law-abiding citizens. i've seen right wing radio hosts saying today that the newtown family should go to hell, because they were attacking their second amendment rights, and they lost and so on and so on. are you staggered by the reaction of fellow americans? to this? >> i'm disgusted with it. how can you -- how can you say that? you know? it's awful to think that. and i love sarah palin, and i can't even -- i can't even believe that she would say that.
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you know, this -- this isn't all about the second amendment. yes, it is, but no one is trying to take away your guns. it's just a background check. a simple background check. >> 90% of the american people in polls say they support it. all it does is mean that if somebody wants to sell a gun to somebody at a gun show or do it privately that they have to basically have it checked to find out if they're criminals or mentally ill, apart from anything else and it's getting thrown out by politicians who are more concerned with keeping their jobs, perhaps, than principle. what do you say to those senators that voted all this stuff down today? >> that they should be ashamed. you know, we vote for these people to be -- you know, have a voice for us. they're supposed to be there for us. and speak for us. and who were they speaking for today? 90% of the country agree that we need background checks. stronger he background checks. who are they speaking for today?
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because clearly, it was not -- it was not the states that they were representing. >> what will you do now, carley, because the president said it doesn't end here. you're one of the families from newtown. what do you intend to do next? >> keep fighting. i've been down in d.c. since sunday, and i plan on keep coming down. and being here and fighting for my sister. i won't let what happened to my sister happen to other people. have to feel this pain that i have to feel. not one more name should be added to the list of names. >> well, we will keep fighting on this show, too, in the memory of your sister, those poor kids at sandy hook that were blown to pieces. and we're going to do what we can, too. carley soto, thank you very much indeed. >> thank you. >> quite extraordinary, isn't it? coming next, saving lives in boston. my exclusive interview with a doctor who was in er wh when th
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it must be the stuff of nightmares when this kind of thing happens. what was your reaction that suddenly all these people were being brought to you? >> well, you know, we got very little notice in advance. and so we really didn't have time to think about what to do. just get ready and take care of them when they showed up. >> in terms of the severity and scale of the injuries, have you encountered anything quite like it? >> in what we do, we will see people with injuries like this, but what's unique in the civilian population, we almost never see. >> in terms of the speed that you were able to deal with people and the speed of the first responders, do you believe that saved a lot of lives here? it seems extraordinary that so many were hit and yet so few in
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the end ended up losing their lives? >> yeah, i think this was a unique situation. we were already as a city geared up because the marathon brings so many people to boston and we're prepared for a lot of patients with much more minor injuries or issues that come to the hospital. there was a lot of resources right in this area. and i think when the event occurred. when the first explosion occurred, the amount of people who could get to the victims so quickly and quickly get them to hospitals was a key factor in the survival rate that we saw. >> so many people have lost limbs and had amputations. there's a report breaking tonight that newlyweds, both of them have lost a limb, which is clearly an appalling tragedy for them. how do you deal with that psychologically with people. i'm told there are still some patients who don't know they've
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lost their leg for example. >> yeah, you know, i think the recovery process is going to be an extended process. it's going to take a long time. i think initially, in the very first minutes and hours and days. it's really aimed at the recovery or the resuscitation. doing the best we can for the patients. i think as the days progress and the families and patients sort of come to more realizations as to what happened. there's going to be a lot of work to be done in a lot of places and a lot of people needed to help recover from this. the patients themselves are going to have an incredible recovery period. the families are going to have a tough time. and i think anybody who's involved in all different layers, whether they observed it, helped here on the scene or they're in the hospital. i think it's going to leave a real lasting impression.
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i think everybody's going to have to figure out how to go forward and to deal with it, and deal with it the best way they can. >> the youngest patient was five years old. how hard is it for you as a human being to see a 5-year-old kid brought in who's been blown up by somebody, by a terrorist? >> you know, i think it's very difficult for all of us, for all the patients. you know, certainly the younger the patient is, the more emotionally difficult it is for people to deal with. i think what's remarkable and what's still -- i'm still amazed about how everybody is able to sort of get together and do what they needed to do. and be able to deal with it in such a really horrific environment. and people were able to do the things they had to do quickly, efficiently, it was really the most collaborative team effort that i have ever seen. i've been doing this now for over 20 years.
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i get involved in a number of other situations or events. really not to this extent. certainly not to the degree that we saw, with this one. but this is one that brought everybody to the table. and it was a remarkable effort from the people who dealt with the patients in the field to the ones who dealt with them in the hospital. it's difficult emotionally, when you're dealing with a very, very injured, young, young child. it raises more feelings, but i think the key is to be able to do what you do. and do it as quickly as you can. >> you've done an extraordinary job. you and your staff i want to thank you for your service, on behalf of everyone from around the world. i'm sure your actions saved a lot of lives. for that we're all incredibly grateful. thank you. >> thank you very much. we'll be right back. zap technology.
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