tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN April 18, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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we'll have more tomorrow as well as well as the latest in the search for the two bomb suspects in washington. thank you. erin burnett "outfront" is next. >> outfront next, the fbi releasing a video of two possible suspects in the bombing. our forensic experts break it down frame by frame. plus, the latest developments from the massive explosion at a fertilizer plant in texas. they are, working around the clock 24 hours to find more survivors. let's go "outfront." good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett, live from boston, we begin with breaking news. suspects reveal today fbi officials released video and photos of two male suspects in the boston bombings. officials say they have video of
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at least one suspect planting a bomb. at this point, though, they have chosen not to release that specific video. i want to show you the video that they have released. i'll show you first suspect one. that's the man wearing the dark hat walking in front of suspect two in the white hat. they are washing in the direction of the marathon finish line about 12 minutes before the blast went off. this is according to the time stamp on the video we've received. the men stayed at the scene to watch the carnage unfold. then, they casually walked away. and here are the photos released today. suspect one, as you can see, these are the freeze frames in the dark hat carrying the dark-colored backpack. suspect two in the backwards white cap, much better picture of his face because of that. with a profile and a frontal. authorities say he left a bag that they believe could have contained one of the blasts on
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boylston street within minutes of the explosions. that was the site of the second blast which caused the fatalities. the fbi is asking for your help in finding these men. >> we consider them to be armed and extremely dangerous. no one should approach them. no one should attempt to apprehend them except law enforcement. let me reiterate that caution. do not take any action on your own. if you see these men, contact law enforcement. >> anyone with information is asked to contact the fbi at 1-800-call-fbi or go to their website at >> i believe and i think mostly talking to the rest of your
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show, they have video of these guys all the way through this event, lots of incriminating video, i'm sure, which brings them right to the crime scene and away from the crime scene. with he know from our own reporter how they behaved afterwards. also, what the fbi said today specifically, rick deslauriers said, look at these photos, no description. we're not giving you the height, weight, ethnicity. forget every other photo you saw and tell us who these people are. so they want, for some reason or another, they want the public to just focus on these two exact people and these two exact images. >> do not lead people? >> do not lead people. maybe they want that information kept so they can convict these people. maybe they don't want to release too much information to a
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suspect about what the police may or may not know about their actions. this could have something to do with the investigation, et cetera. but we do know, susan candiotti spoke to a law enforcement official who said the second guy did pack a backpack in front of the restaurant where it blew up and these guys acted very -- they acted different than everyone else after the explosion. while most people are running aways and victims were lying on the ground, these two suspects walk away casually. that is what focused them on these two guys. >> how are they able to isolate them? there's that reaction at the end but when you think about the video? how are you able to isolate these two? >> i think it's the evidence. the black nylon bags. who's carrying black nylon bags, black backpack. we know about where the bombs were placed.
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so who was walking in that general area with a black backpack? i think there would be a process of video elimination that brought them to these two specific people and then once they locate these possible -- and there's probably many different people they were looking at and then they look at the video of these two people and then at their reactions and then they might have more witnesses that we don't know about. they have isolated them. they are armed and dangerous. tell us where they are. we want to arrest them. >> suspect. it's just a suspect but it's very different than we just want to talk to you. >> yes. >> drew griffin, thank you very much. why they chose to put just this part of it out and only this part to the public around the world. i want to bring in now former counterterrorism expert jeff bead dee and don borelli.
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thank you for taking the time. jeff, you're here with me. you hear drew talking about this video, why they chose to put this and only this. what is your take on that? they have an incredible amount of video out there. they only wanted us to see this. >> i think they want to keep it simple. it's going to get the job done for them. >> we're hearing that they are getting a lot of calls. >> very you can saysful. even from this i had have ohio, you can infer some great things. you can see that there was no city plan in their hand. there was no gps in their hand. what does that tell us? they were very dleliberately ona route. they knew where they were going. clearly they had rehearsed that. a lot of inference could still be drawn by that. i think the fbi wants to keep it
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simple and he think it's proving good results for them. >> don, let me ask you about that point that jeff raises. they knew what they were doing. they had done dry runs. it would seem you would assume there's going to be video footage, if not cctv. you're at the finish line. these people seem so disciplined in some ways. did they know that and don't care or did they not think of it? >> i think that there's a good chance that they knew this and didn't care. they had a plan in place. they had rehearsed this -- this to me seems just like these guys had some training. they were very cool, calm, and collected, and it also leads me to believe that they must have had a get away plan and didn't really care about the fact that they were going to be on videotape. they a plhad a plan in place af the bomb went off. >> i want to interrupt this
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conversation and we have breaking news and update you on what we know here. m.i.t., massachusetts university is reporting gunshots. the area where the gunshots are presumed to be taking place. stay away from that area. it's building 32 until further notice. we'll bring you updates on this as we get them. that's obviously near where we are here in boston. we have a reporter -- we're going to check that out and find out what is happening at m.i.t. as we get more information on that, we'll bring that to you. jeff, it does show a country on edge. >> well, it certainly does. with the m.i.t. incident here and we've been doing research and your staff has been doing research about rehearsals. they would rehearse their choreography on the street but also how this weapon might be detonated. >> and you're you cantalking ab
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detonation? >> yes. and there are some indications of previous investigations law enforcement has done and found some crude explosive devices and that's being developed right now. so we'll get more information on that. >> don, do you also think, when you look at how these men walk in this video, so casually, so confidently, the backpack over their shoulders. they not only mapped out the route but had to test it. that's something you would think at some point somebody else would have noticed. >> absolutely. it looks like these guys definitely had some training. it reminds me of what we saw in mumbai. the people in that attack rehearsed, moved with a purpose, they didn't panic. they just went about their business. i'm not going to go out on a limb and say these guys had that
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same type of training but it just reminds me of the way that they moved from place to place without seeming to panic or anything like that. they seem to have it down pat. >> people have described it as a discipline that is almost military like. that these people have received training? >> well, absolutely. i was at mumbai, investigated that. military-type precision with the attacks and then of course we backtrack and find out that was exactly the case launched out of pakistan. military, paramilitary background, clearly folks who were prepared, folks who knew their mission, and folks, as your other guests say, had a plan from beginning to end, from planning, reconnaissance, the attack, ex filtration, and then
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where do they go from there? >> that, of course, is where the world is trying to find these two suspects. don borelli, jeff beatty, thank you. we are going to take a break but we have more as we continue to breakdown this video frame by frame by the boston terror attack. the chairman of the homeland security is here with the latest intelligence. could this be an hallmark on an al qaeda attack? and we try to track down the men. this could really open this case. [ female announcer ] what if the next big thing, isn't a thing at all?
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authorities believe that the two men, the suspects stayed at the scene to actually watch the carnage. and then they left casually. this video, suspect in the plaque hat and white hat was taken 12 minutes before the blasts and released today by the fc fbi. now, these are the first pictures that we have seen. i spoke with the congressman mike mccall, chairman of the house homeland security and talked about the latest intelligence he has received. these two men were in fact the suspects in the case. >> i think as you and i have talked over the last several evenings, this videotape and explosive forensics are really the key to this case and now the videotape has come out. i want to first of all commend
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the joint terrorism and boston police department for making significant progress in this case. remember, this -- these images are going to go viral all over the world to millions of people and this is where they obviously can apprehend them on their own. this is where the american people can really make a difference and i hope that that will happen soon. but as you mentioned, i think a very important point to all of this, this is not a lone wolf case. there are two. and where there are two, there may be more. this is a conspiracy now because you have two actors working together. we probably have a terrorist cell now. other individuals may have worked to prepare for this terrorist attack and so i think, again, it's good news. i'm concerned about the flight risk here. but it's significant progresses in this is case. >> i want to ask you about the flight risk. you say now we have a terrorist
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cell. my question to you is, from your briefings, are you concerned that there could be other attacks being planned? or was this really done on the day of the boston marathon? how much more fear should there be? >> i think it's more like the '93 bombing, world trade center on a less scale. which was a one-time event. i think they have plotted this, prepared it. you can see the trade craft these two individuals and sort of ordinary clothes walking very methodically. they knew what they were doing and so they clearly prepared this. and there are two but i would argue that there could be a bigger conspiracy out there and i think the fbi is very interested in having the american people apprehend these two individuals so if there are other actors out there, they can get to them as well. >> and in terms of the flight risk, we're now more than 72 hours after the blast. obviously this is a significant
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breakthrough but these men, we are all under the belief that they knew they would be filmed. they are very confident. do you think they are long gone or are you certain that law enforcement will be able to apprehend them? >> as every day goes by, certainly it's more difficult. first 24 hours are important. their images can be screened through tsa video to see if they've already departed, which i'm sure the fbi has already done or if they are entering airports as we speak. on the other hand, the canadian border is not very far from boston. and the idea of them getting in a car and driving across the border into canada is another flight risk that i would be very concerned about. now, i know that the justice department has requested the assistance of foreign countries in terms of foreign travel, which i think is a very
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significant point here. >> foreign travel? >> well, foreign travel in the sense that there may be some sort of foreign connection here. and the idea that they may have flown out of country to some other place. so this is all ee vovolving. >> you said foreign connection. even though they look like they are from here, this may be linked to a for renteign terror group? >> the nationality is unclear from the images that you see. >> yes. >> this particular device is very common in afghanistan and pakistan and i will say that the al qaeda playbook is usually to hit sporting events. we read this all the time. sporting events, mass casualties. this marathon bombing kind of plays into the al qaeda playbook.
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so i would not discount it. again, as i've said throughout your programs, we still don't know if it's a foreign or domestic terror plot. >> and our thanks to congressman mccaul. and investigators are hoping that people, someone somewhere is going to recognize one of these two individuals or locate them in a picture they also took during the marathon. our tom foreman has been watching the video over and over again like you have and we have. he's going over it pixel by pixel. tom, what have you learned? >> that's exactly what the fbi wants you to do. they want you to watch it again and again. let's scroll through the actual sequence of it. there's suspect number one and two. they cover in all about 50 feet of walking as they go down this way. there's the second shot in the sequence m you can see him coming this way.
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you can see the green bag down here. they continue this way and then there's a shot from behind as they go away. now, i want to give you a little bit of context here so people can understand where this all is. the running street is right over here. this is the direction they are coming. so i'm going to let this cycle back. you can see them coming back us again. this is suspect number one, suspect number two. this is the street. the race is up here going this direction. these gentlemen are coming around and they are headed in a dleax is generally from the west to the east. they are also in the right sequence. if this is number one, he is currently associated by the fbi with the first bomb. if this is number two, he's associated with the second bomb. and those bombs were on the route in this order. if he is in fact the person who is responsible for the bomb nearest the finish line, he had about three blocks to walk from this position. if he is he person responsible
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for the second bomb, he had about a block and a half. all of this is happening around 12, 12 1/2 minutes before the bombs actually go off. that's one of the things that people are looking at. one of the other things that's being considered by authorities is simply this. look at the shapes of the backpacks and size of the pack backs. if they found parts of this pressure cooker. if you outline the bag, it's big enough to hold something. i'll move it down to see what we're talking about. this is one of the packs that they believe they found that contained one of these explosives. look at the colors. it's black. and this is part of one of the pressure cookers. you can see the size of the glove so you can get a size of scale. important to note here as well, this pack is generally black. if i move the video on, though, you can see that with the second pack here, and this is kind of interesting, that pack is not
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black. we haven't heard much about the second bomb. we've heard a great more deal about what happened with the bomb near the finish line, not so much the second one that is wa further away and as you can see right there, i'm stopping it so you can get a good look at it. this pack is much more of a light gray or white color where the one up ahead, this is the one that is black. so erin, it's just context. it doesn't necessarily tell us a whole lot but you're absolutely right. when you say you just want to watch it and watch it again, this is what the fbi wants people to do. watch this and watch this and look at the individual pictures of these people and see if somehow in doing that you can spot somebody or something that will help them make an arrest. erin? >> all right. tom, thanks very much to you. the images that the fbi released earlier this evening could reveal clues about the suspects. not because they are getting a close look at their faces but
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there are other things, too. i'm joined live here in boston with deb feyerick. you have an understanding of talking with investigators that they are looking at every single step that these two people took all the way down the road. >> absolutely. and to give a little more perspective, we do know -- i've spoken with a number of analysts. those two men were heading down in the path towards the finish line. they were just about eight feet apart. they have practiced this route multiple times. they knew exactly where they were going. they knew exactly how much time they had in between the various stops. these men are carrying explosives. they are carrying bombs on their backs and yet they don't look nervous, not in the least. that's why investigators believed they rehearsed this route many, many times. the two men are walking in direction of the finish line. the man in the black hat, he keeps walking. the man in the white hat stops at an earlier point.
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there's a distinctive picture of him looking back down towards the racers. he has the second device. the man in the black hat, he keeps walking. they know exactly how much time they have between point one and point two. it's about three minutes, according to analysts that i spoke with. they are using, according to investigators, some sort of a device, a detonation device. and that's what is key in many of these bomb incidents that we've seen, it's the initiator that fails. that's why they did a dry run. the man in the white hat is south of the finish line, the man in the black hat who is at the finish line. that bomb goes off. that is the bomb at the finish line that kills the two women. it's the bomb that is further south down the route that kills the little boy and injures those folks, the dramatic picture of the man with his legs blown off. investigators are, working under the assumption that the two men
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didn't cross over the route. once they distanced themselves and detonated the devices, they turned and began walking away to parallel roads, either newberry streets or commonwealth. investigators are looking at videos of subways, buses -- >> their escape route. >> they knew where they were going, how to get in and how to get out and the question is, did anyone help them? and that is a big point of the investigation. >> yeah. >> those cell phones, they may have been used to detonate the device. right now we're working on the premise that it may have been something more like a model plane detonator. it could have been used to communicate with a third individual. all of that they are looking at. and what kind of cell phones are most interested, the kind that don't leave a record, those that are disposable. all of this is under investigation. this is so active but that's what we know right now. the man in the black hat, he kept walking. the man in the white hat, he stopped south.
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they knew the timing, they walked away, detonated almost simultaneously and then they were gone. they disappeared. >> deb, thank you very much. it's an incredibly active and changing minute by minute. a big question now, the shock tonight was when we found out there was not a lone wolf. there were two. you heard the homeland security committee say, are there more? is there a conspiracy? a big question as they try to find these men and everyone responsible. still to come live tonight, we take you to the site of a massive explosion in texas. the fertilizer plant which, unfortunately, people have died. emergency workers are, working nonstop to try to save the possible survivors even though emergency workers themselves are among the fallen. plus, more of our coverage of the boston bombing investigation. what investigators are learning from the video of the two possible suspects. we'll be back live from boston in a moment. ♪ [ indistinct shouting ]
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and now to the other breaking story that we're following tonight live, the search and rescue in texas. we have new images of the devastation in west, texas, which some have described like a bomb site in baghdad. others have described it as a nuclear explosion. the small town, which is really only about 20 miles, 18 to 20 miles north of waco, was almost
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leveled by a massive explosion at a fertilizer plant. >> roll-up the window. >> dad? >> are you okay? >> i can't hear. i can't hear. >> the blast could be felt as far as 50 miles away and there are reports that as many as 35 people have lost their lives. we do know that more than 160 have been injured in the explosion and at least three firefighters are still missing right now. our miguel marquez is in west, texas, right now. miguel, what do we know about who has lost their lives? i know there are first responders. >> reporter: yeah. it was the mayor of west here that told "usa today" that some 35 people have perished that they have found because they are going painstakingly through this area. he also said that ten of those that are dead are first responders.
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i can tell you i spoke to the fire department here early this morning. the person answered the phone sobbing barely able to talk to me. this has clearly a tragedy that has affected the entire area. >> there doesn't seem to be a lot of official information released. i was watching the press conference and they didn't have a lot of answers. do you know why? >> reporter: as i said before, it's a town of 2800 people, maybe a few fewer than that. it is a very small place. i think officials here are shocked by what has happened. everybody in this town knows someone who died in this. it literally turned lives upside down in an instant. >> the call came at dinnertime, 7:29, a fire at west fertilizer company. 24 minutes later, 7:53 p.m., firefighters on the scene, an explosion so big it registered
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as a 2.1 magnitude earthquake. >> i was sitting in my truck and then, boom, a big explosion, fire everywhere and then bodies on the ground, bloody bodies, people in panic. >> a bomb just went off inside here. it's pretty bad. >> within the last radius, a nursing home, a high school. >> they were the ones that actually went to the scene on their call, their page out. they responded to the scene and were actively fighting the fire at the time the explosion occurred. >> reporter: the firefighters, volunteers. anhydrous ammonia,ed a water, a lethal mix. >> someone asked me their firefighting methods, i have no clue other than to tell you they were here. they knew it was a chemical issue. i feel fairly confident those folks knew what they were doing.
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i don't know what apparatus they have. >> west fertilizer company fined previously. last year, the department of transportation fined the company after it failed to file a property security plan for the transport of anhydrous ammonia and in 2006 fined for failing to file a risk management plan. most troubling, the west fertilizer told the epa the 54,000 pounds of anhydrous ammonia presented no is arisk o fire or explosion. >> has the company responded? have they said anything yet? >> reporter: despite several calls and e-mails, we have not heard back from the company. officials say they are working with the company in order to get the facts. so it's not like they are hiding. everybody knows them in town. there are eight or 12 employees there. i think that they are all struggling to get to the bottom
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of this. erin? >> thank you very much, miguel, reporting live tonight from west texas. and now back here live in boston, i want to update you on the breaking news that we're following at m.i.t., massachusetts institute of technology. here's what we know. there's been a shooting at the school. we have just learned from massachusetts police that an m.i.t. police officer has been shot and has been taken to the hospital. i understand that he's been taken to massachusetts general hospital. the university is telling students right now and others to stay away from the area. building 32 is where this took place. until further notice, it's been cordoned off. i have drew griffin now on the phone who is over at m.i.t. drew, what do you see? >> reporter: a huge police presence. the scene is cordoned off. it seems like everything is under control. we don't have any official information but i can tell you from past experience it looks like this is a quiet scene. in other words, there's no -- apparently no active search at
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the exact crime scene where i'm at right now. there are multitudes of cambridge and state police and obviously i am looking for federal authorities which at first brush i do not see at the moment. we're hoping to get some kind of detailed information from the police as soon as they can wrap up the scene. but right now that is all we know. this is at m.i.t. campus in where the shooting has taken place. we have a large taped off crime scene in the courtyard. erin? >> at this point, drew, i know it's hard from where you are, we obviously are reporting that there was an m.i.t. police officer shot. is it your understanding the same, that that was the only person shot? we know that he's in the hospital. we don't know yet his condition. or do you know if that went beyond that?
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>> that is all i have right now. that is my understanding. i am looking to see if there is anything beyond that. we're looking right now -- a police dog has been brought in by the state police. i'm going to see what activity that dog may or may not be performing. i don't see any kind of bomb sniffing activity at the moment. i can't tell you what is happening. right now it's very sketchy information but it's huge, huge police presence and i think in the background of everybody's mind is whether or not this is connected to anything else that took place here in boston today with regard to the suspects. i can just tell you that it does not appear at first blush to be any federal authorities at this location. >> all right. drew griffin, thank you. drew, as you know now, is there.
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he's going to try to get more information. we don't know the status of the shooter and obviously there are questions. it's not just m.i.t. it's a country on edge. m.i.t. saying that the situation is active and extremely dangerous. we'll update you as we get more on that as drew reports on the scene live tonight from m.i.t. and now to the latest from the investigation here in boston. jeff beatty is here with me. jeff, as drew just said -- he's on the campus of m.i.t., huge police presence. he's noting from what he sees -- he's trying to find out more but he doesn't yet see a federal presence but a lot of police presence and with everything that happened here today, with the video coming out and with what happened in the city earlier this week, people are asking the question as to whether this could be related. >> well, i think it's too early to tell if it's related the good news is, i was listening to a bit of drew's report, if they
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are cordoned off a building, it's not a semiautomatic rifle that will reach out so that means maybe a firearm that became available from a scuffle with law enforcement or whatever. we don't know that yet. related or not? won't know. but at this point, you know, there's no indication of a federal crime. as a former fbi agent i can tell you that until there's an indication that there's a federal crime involved, the fbi certainly has our hands full with a few other things right now and they are going to leave that to the very capable police forces at m.i.t. and within the boston police department. >> but it is interesting that what you're saying from cordoning off a building -- >> the maximum range of a
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handgun in a really good shooter is 50 to 100 yards maximum. whereas if you take a rifle you can reach out 3, 4, 500 yards. they would have to cordon off blocks and blocks. >> all right. now, i just want to -- we're looking at the video. we'll see if we have that. but we did just see several men with fbi on their jacket. so it does seem now that there is an fbi presence there, given what they have going on, that's important? >> they may have some information that we don't have yet, that indicates that they should go there. but this is, from what we know so far, not related to the incident on the marathon but it's also, you know, a very touchy day tonight and tomorrow. april 19th in this court is such a big anniversary for many
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things that happen. i know that the federal officials are on edge about what might unfold yet on april 19th. >> well, thank you very much. jeff will be with us. we're continuing to gather information on this, as you can tell, incredibly, rapidly developing story at m.i.t. with a shooter. we'll be right back after this. ♪ [ male announcer ] every car we build must make adrenaline pump and pulses quicken. ♪ to help you not just stay alive... but feel alive. the c-class is no exception. it's a mercedes-benz, through and through. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. hey-- carol! introducing bbm video with screen share. update on 171 woodward... lets other people see what's on your screen. and these are the materials studies.
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we are back live from boston tonight and we have two new pictures that we want to show you that have just come in about the marathon bombing. there are two pictures. one of them is from further away. we're going to show you that first and then i'm going to show you a tight shot, a still frame of suspect number two. so this is the first picture. this is a high-quality, high resolution photo and over on the left you can see the woman with the green shirt and then in between her and the man behind her there is the man with the white baseball cap turned backwards. so this is the wide shot. you can see in the street, the explosion, and now this is a close-up of that man. suspect number two walking away. i want to hold this up. i have jeff beatty here and i want to ask you what you see here. you see a look of anguish on everyone's face and then you see
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suspect number two, what do you see? >> i don't see any look of anguish. everybody else appears to be anxious, trying to escape, et cetera. this individual looks a little more calm, a little more deliberate in miss movements. >> and he's doing something with his hands. i know at this point as you look at every picture it could be -- >> i can see his one hand but i can't see the other hand from where i'm looking at it. i think you're right. when you just look at this picture and you say, pick out the picture who doesn't seem agitated, who seems calm, it's certainly the guy in the white hat. >> that's right. this picture was taken by david green who is going to be on piers to talk more about this. i want to pull out to the wide shot again. this to me when you talk about your experience of counterterrorism, you see that wide shot and you see in the far left corner a speck of a person and then you see the tight shot
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and you think about what law enforcement officials have had to go through and how quickly they have had to go through it. when you look at this picture to go and hone in on this person and see this look on their face isn't right? >> absolutely. but they have a tremendous mutual support operation going on here in boston. you know, i've talked to police officials from other place in massachusetts who have sent detectives here to be a part of this process, to help go through these images and so it has been a real coming together of folks who have been supporting the fbi and not just fbi resources, not just boston police resources, but neighboring communities who have volunteered and sent their personnel here to process all of these things. you can see that every hour or so we're getting more and more progress on identifying these people and eventually we're going to see and put together other surveillance imagery. where do they go from here?
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did they get into a car? and the park area on the subway system? >> deb feyerick was reporting, it was fantastic, reporting a minute by minute about what happened. they were eight feet apart, giving you a real re-enactment moment by moment and she was reporting they each went down two different streets, that they, of course, had rehearsed that but they each went down two different streets. >> yes. >> so they are going to be looking for every surveillance video and any other cctv video that they have about where they went. >> they will. and again, they will go back not only after the blast but they will go back before the blast and go back in the blocks around the area and they will look at those surveillance images. they are looking at them already. they may in fact find how did these people come into the area? did somebody drop them off in a car? did they come out of the t? how did they get into the area?
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was there another person driving them? another person who was meeting them? so this is going to be a very thorough investigation. there's going to be an awful lot of evidence that they are going to be able to bring to bear when they capture these individuals and it's just great to see the progress that the fbi is making here. >> are you confident at this point they will find them? someone was saying no matter where they go, they are going to find them. are you confident? >> i'm confident but not certain. they rehearsed everything else about it. you know they rehearsed an ex filtration plan. it all depends on how fast people put in plans to block that exfiltration plan. when we look at eric robert rudolph, he was at large for five years in the mountains of north carolina. so i think the odds are that they are going to get them and get them soon but if these folks managed to make it out of the country and, let's face it, we
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have some pretty open borders to the north and to the south. and so challenge is out there. if they are still in the united states, i think we have a very, very good chance of getting them. >> jeff beatty, thank you much. still to come, we're following live tonight from boston, a police officer shot at m.i.t. we'll be right back. [ ship horn blows ] no, no, no! stop! humans. one day we're coming up with the theory of relativity, the next... not so much. but that's okay -- you're covered with great ideas like optional better car replacement from liberty mutual insurance. total your car and we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. learn about it at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy?
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we are back with an update. a police officer has been shot on the campus tonight. our drew griffin is there on the scene. drew, you saw a lot of law enforcement. we saw some fbi jackets a moment ago. what are you seeing? >> i'm still seeing a prevalence of state and local police. i cannot get a good angle on where the fbi officers are. this does appear to be turning into an investigative phase. we have just been moved back a block. i've talked to an officer not for security reasons but because they wanted to expand the perimeter area and now we're getting moved back again. but i've got it tell you that this is probably not connected.
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it seems like there may be a robbery of a convenience store and then the police officer may have confronted that robber and then the shooting took place. that is just preliminary information that i have right now and police are not answering any questions at the moment. erin? >> all right. drew, thank you very much. drew is there on the campus of m.i.t. where we can confirm that an m.i.t. police officer was shot. he's now at massachusetts general hospital. we don't know his condition. we don't know much, as you can see right now, about the shooter. we can confirm that the fbi is there. our live breaking news coverage of the boston bombings also now with piers morgan live. se -- your house was built on an ancient burial ground. [ ghosts moaning ] surprise -- your car needs a new transmission.
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