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tv   Early Start  CNN  April 23, 2013 2:00am-4:00am PDT

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new this morning, major developments in the boston marathon bombings, the surviving suspect answering questions in the hospital about his older brother's role, their motive and what if any terror groups backed their attack. plus the cnn exclusive, a first-hand account of one suspect's last stand from the s.w.a.t team that took him down. >> a developing story an alleged plot to attack a passenger train between canada and the united states. this morning the suspects due in court. good morning to you. welcome to "early start."
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>> i'm john berman, live in boston. it is tuesday, april 23rd. it is 5:00 a.m. in the east. we have big developments overnight in the boston bombing investigation. the suspect is communicating and the city he and his brother are charged with terrorizing is prepared to take back its street today. this is the latest. dzhokhar tsarnaev said that his brother was behind the terror attack, no groups were involved and the motivation of the bombing was to defend islam. all of these claims must now be verified by investigators. one other piece of news overnight. residents, and people who work on boyleston street, which is the crime scene. residents and people who work there, will be allowed back
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today. we'll start our coverage with miguel marquez at the medical center where the suspect remains being treated. good morning. miguel. >> reporter: good morning. he is being treated. there's little change in his condition overnight and investigators occasionally speak with him. dzhokhar tsarnaev was read his rights, has a lawyer and will be tried as any other citizen, not as an enemy combat. >> we i have v a long history here of b successfully prosecuting terrorists and bringing them to justice and the president fully believes that that process will work in this case. >> reporter: despite his injuries including a bullet wound to a neck, sedated on a ventilator and restrained,
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tsarnaev still can nod his head. the judge said when asked if he can afford a lawyer, dzhokhar whispered no. they billed a minute by minute account as they moved through the crowd. at one point dzhokhar had his phone to the ear, maybe a rue, seconds later the first bomb. only then does he begin to walk away from the bag he left amid the crowd. ten seconds later, the second bomb is detonated. we are also learning about his older brother, tamerlan tsarnaev. in 2009 he was arrested for domestic assault after his girlfriend said he beat her up no last year he openly argued with a preacher at a mosque, telling him holiday celebrations were not allowed by islam.
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last year he disrupted a sermon by martin luther king calling him a nonbeliever. today marks one week since the attack. from the oval office and around the country a solemn tribute. >> the boston area, most every spot in the city is silent. >> reporter: another step toward normal, boyleston street turned over by federal investigators to the city of boston in the sign of ip ves gags intensity, a tree possibly touched by dzhokhar. taken as evidence. and photos of him, possibly tracking the murder of officer
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carter. some seriously injured in the hospital, hope. >> nearly all of the patients that have lost legs are already walking the halls with physical therapists. >> reporter: still, grim reminders here just about everywhere. in medford the funeral for krystle campbell. one more step to normal. at 10:00 a.m. today, over effort hours, people will get back a painstaking effort to make sure things go normally as they reopen that little bit of boston. john. >> miguel it's the first time in eight days these people will be allowed back home and their offices. as we said it's the victims we want to think about and keep in
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our minds. we have more information on the suspects. dzhokhar tsarnaev may have confirmed no terrorist groups involved but the lingering questions how they got their hans on the guns and bomb-making material. here's barbara starr. >> one week after authorities say they attacked boston. >> the two suspects were armed with handguns at the scene of the shootout. >> reporter: neither brother had a license for the guns. investigators are looking to the brothers connections to any individuals or groups that might have trained them to make explosives or supplied them with material and what did russia know about the older brother, tamerlan tsarnaev? an aspiring boxer. in 2011. russia asked the fbi to look into his activities even before he spent six months in russia last year. >> did he sit in his aunt and
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uncle's home for six months or did he do something else? when he came back to this country, why didn't it ring a bell with the fbi intelligence unit that he should be checked out and vetted again? >> reporter: the russians asked the u.s. to check out tamerlan, because, quote, his lifestyle had changed. after coming home from russia. his youtube channel carried radical videos as well as names of militant leaders. as for his what to do with him. >> he will not be treated as an enemy combatant. he will be prosecuted through the civilian of justice. >> i strongly disagree with the obama's administration decision to rule out enemy combatant suspect. >> reporter: labeling him as an enemy combatant would allow the government to question him
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without an attorney president and maybe get some of those answers. barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. >> thanks, barbara. most of us can't even begin to imagine the incredibly tense moments that led up to the arrest of dzhokhar cztsarnaev. but that's what they are trained to do. the s.w.a.t team that took tsarnaev into custody describes the final moments to anderson cooper. let's listen. >> let's do it. let's do what we're trained to do. this is the suspect. we're trained to go in and apprehend him. you can see one hand is clear of any weapons each time he went the other way, his hand went down inside the boat out of our view. i know everybody here we've spoken about it. each time he did that, we had to assume he was reaching for either a weapon, a firearm or some explosive ignition device to kind of draw us in and take
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us out in a suicide type manner. he did that a couple of times as we're still approaching him. we got close enough that at one point where both of his hands were up because of the rocking back and forth. both of his hands were up, we could see there were no weapons in them. no ignition devices we broke away from the shield protective cover. and we just rushed him. we put hands on him, grabbed him and pulled him off the boat. >> amazing. coming up at 5:30 eastern, we're going to talk to cnn international security analyst jim walsh about what tsarnaev is apparently communicating to investigators to his hospital bed. meanwhile there's a lot of other news going on. let's go back to new york for that. there is. developing story, an alleged plot to attack a train between canada and the united states. police also say the planned attack was real but that the public was never in danger.
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they last r also say the suspects had support from al queda in iran. ted rolawlands is live with us. >> good morning. the latest these two suspects will be appearing in i a toronto court later this morning. the 30-year-old was brought here from montreal. he will join the 35-year-old working out of toronto according to canadian authorities. authorities say they had these two under surveillance for a number of months and made the arrest yesterday. they did not say why they made the arrest at that time but they did, as you mentioned, make a point to tell the public that these two were never close, pulling off what they were trying to pull off. however, they said they were absolutely capable of doing it. in fact, they said they were getting support from al qaeda in
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iran. >> the individuals were receiving support from al qaeda elements located in iran. now, i can tell you that there is no information to indicate that these attacks were state sponsored. now, the government, zoraida is saying -- they're vehemently denying it could be operating out of their country. the chairman of the sub committee out of counter terrorism. he was told an attack was going to be censored on a commuter train from canada to the united states. authorities say they thwarted this attack before it could get going. but, again, these two individuals will be in court here in toronto at 10:00 eastern time. >> i think he actually said
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specifically new york city as well and that he was very grateful they thwarted that attack. thank you very much. ted rowlands. police say they arrested two al qaeda terrorists. the pair is to have aprofile similar to the suspects in the boston bombings. that event in madrid is expected to draw 26,000 runners. still ahead heavy rains and spring you that not a good combination in the nation's mid section where there is record flooding. we'll have a live report from hard-hit illinois coming up next. we've reduced taxes and lowered costs to save businesses more than two billion dollars to grow jobs, cut middle class income taxes to the lowest rate in sixty years, and we're creating tax free zones for business startups. the new new york is working creating tens of thousands of new businesses, and we're just getting started.
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has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so...
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well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. welcome back to "early start" everyone, i'm john berman live in boston this morning. they acted alone in defense of islam, at least that is the message for now. cnn learned the marathon bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev is now
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communicating with investigators. tsarnaev said his older brother was behind the aattack. he also said no foreign terror groups were involved and motivation was to defend islam. tsarnaev unable to talk but is charged with malicious of deinstruction of the property. those are counts that could bring him the death penalty. mean while residents that work on boyleston street may be allowed back in today a day or so before the general public will be allowed back in. zoraida. >> thank you very much. there's more rain and snow in the forecast to add to the record flooding taking place all across the midwest. the grand river is three feet over flood stage. in illinois, governor quinn declared disaster areas in more than 40 counties. we're live in spring bay
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illinois where the river is over flowing into the streets since sunday. i read that the water levels grew 13 feet in five days there. what is the situation now? >> reporter: it's now close to 16 feet over this illinois river usually sits. zoraida, we haven't yet heard wide spread reports of damage but small riverside communities like this one, spring bay are being hit hard by these floodwaters. last mut last minute in spring bay illinois, as floodwaters inundates this community. where is your home? >> my home is the gray and white mobile home with the black shutters on it. >> you can't get to your home by foot now? >> no. >> have you ever seen this much water come up here? >> no. >> scary? >> yep. >> starling's home lives in this
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community where the water continues to rise. >> yesterday i cried all day. >> today i'm not cry but the more i see the water come up the more i'll cry. >> reporter: the fire chief assesses the area as they prepare for the worst. mandatory evacuations for residents in low-lying arias. his biggest fear, people ignoring the order and getting trapped in hard to reach parents of this community. >> some of these places i simply can't get to. that's a big disadvantage for us. >> reporter: jerry moved there a month ago. >> welcome to the neighborhood. >> reporter: he guilt bit this homemade levee out of sand. so far it's working. >> we're doing all right. better than most. >> reporter: his neighbor, brad, among those not doing as well. >> kind of emotional to kind of see this situation. you know, it's bad deal. >> reporter: he's worked at this
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bar, beamer's village inn since he was a teenager, eventually buying it. he said repairs total more than 50 thousand. will he reopen? >> no, i don't think so. it's going to be a total loss. i really do. >> reporter: we leave the river is cresting right now. but fire officials tell us it will be a week and a half before the water drains back to the river and they can get back to normal. jim spellman, thank you very much. let go to jennifer standing by in the cnn weather center. earlier i was saying snow and more rain. is that for the midwestern section of the united states? >> definitely more rain. looks like we could see a little flurry action moving into chicago. you can see in the area in green. these are areas dealing with flood warnings from wisconsin to michigan down to missouri.
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across parts of illinois river, they are dealing with major flooding. as you look at some of these locates for the illinois river at pea orie, current states at 29.34. that is that major level is expected to stay that way. it looks like flew potentially thursday. it will be flow to receive, even for other areas along the mississippi river. right now, we started off the morning with very light rain out there with more that is heading in that direction, as we go through the next 24 hours, some parts could pick up about an inch or an inch and a quarter of rainfall. so, that means it will take a little logger for some of these river levels to recede as that frontal system makes its way from west to east. as we track through tuesday at 8:00, we're talking about heavy rainfall. especially across parts of central illinois and indiana. on a wider view. more snow in the forecast for area, including up north and as i said, we could see snow
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flurries moving into parts of chicago but heavier know? the four correspondence. we'll be watching this. they certainly don't need more rain. >> and these blustery temperatures as well. jennifer, thank you, appreciate it. coming up. sales are hot for boston marathon merchandise. but if you want to help the cause, you have to be careful what you buy. we'll explain, coming up. written by people just like you. no company can pay to be on angie's list, so you can trust what you're reading. angie's list is like having thousands of close neighbors where i can go ask for personal recommendations. that's the idea. before you have any work done, check angie's list. from roofers to plumbers to dentists and more, angie's list -- reviews you can trust. i love you, angie. sorry, honey. ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history.
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this morning. stocks posted solid gains monday recovering some of last week's losses. we are happy to report christine, the big question will we see more gains? >> at this point looks like things will pull back. futures are lower, there was a big drop in asia markets. look where we stand for the year. zoraida is the optimist, you like to look at the bright side. >> we've had a lot of bad news. a little bit of good news. dow up 11 percent. nasdaq 7 percent. s&p up almost 10 percent. stocks aren't the only thing americans are buying. boston marathon merchandise flying off the shelf. not all of the items help the victims. this may be the hottest item. after the bostons bombings they made these. boston stands as one. adidas raised 1 million bucks from the sales.
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you can buy one at adid what is not selling, nike has pulled some shirts that say boston massacre across the front. they pulled those out of the factory stores. they were made to commemorate the 1978 playoff series between the red sox and new york yankees. you know, just because it's not a good tone to be setting right now. there's also a ton of merchandise selling on ebay, but a few manufacturers are speaking out against those ebay sales. some sellers claim the proceeds will go to certain funds. it's really hard to know for sure. a group of people that definitely need your business, store and restaurant owners on boyleston street. getting back into their businesses today. the mayor is opening the area block by block. it's been remained closed to the public for some time.
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get a bite to eat if you can on boyleston street as soon as you are able. >> such a beautiful area, right? >> so the one fund boston does that go to the victims? >> they say it's going directly to the fund for the victims. >> fantastic. >> i've warned about this. there are always people who want to reach into your pocket. just be -- your generosity is so wonderful. be careful with your generosity. >> there are bad people out there that take advantage of situations like this. 26 minutes past the hour. next on early start a survivor speaks out. >> are you angry? >> yeah, i'm angry. i'm not angry 100 percent of the time but i'm angry. >> that is an amazing woman. we'll have more from a dance instructor who lost her foot and part of her leg in the boston marathon bombings. it is a cnn exclusive. [ jackie ] it's just so frustrating...
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new this morning a break through for investigators in the boston marathon bombing investigation, cnn learning what the surviving suspect has revealed about his older brother and what drove both of them to this attack. plus the cnn exclusive from a woman who stood just five feet from one of the blasts. >> a lot of debris falling and i remember telling adam, oh, my gosh, i'm alive. >> welcome back to "early start" everyone, i'm john berman live in boston this morning. this is tuesday, april 23rd, about half past the hour right now.
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boston marathon bombing suspect, dzhokhar tsarnaev is communicating with investigators from his hospital bed. apparently he has a lot to say even if he can't talk. tsarnaev said he and his brother acted alone in defense of islam. miguel marquez is live in boston. miguel, what else is tsarnaev communicating? >> quite a bit if it is to be believed keep in mind this a person facing possible death. it's nor fair how communicative and honest he's being but he said his older brother is the prime force and mover behind the plot to bomb the boston marathon. they said they're self-radicalized. they watched videos online and had no communication to outside groups but came to these conclusions on their own and probably the most important bid
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of information that authorities want to know is whether or not there's any outside influence in their hatching of this plan and so far he has said there has not. it's not clear how exactly he's communicating with them during the time he was arraigned yesterday. he is only mostly able to nod his head. but he's able to say no once. investigators are able to get in there and talk to him and get some communication how to steer this investigation. miguel marquez brings up an interesting point. this important information to us and investigators, they really need to follow up on these leads. they you are not certain if it's true. meanwhile. residents that work on boyleston street, behind me in boston, they will be allowed back in today. it could be a few more days before the general public is allowed in.
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jim, you heard in that report right there that we're getting information from the suspect, dzhokhar tsarnaev from his hospital bed that they learned the radicalization from online videos but not direct communication with people overseas. does that make sense to you? >> it's possible. we've heard that before from people aspirational, not from terrorists competent enough to execute an attack. it is good news. there's never been a terror plot based in chechnya or the russian cau caucuses. the yes becomes how did they learn to do everything they did. was it online. to me, at least, making three explosives, no matter how simple
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it is. >> that's right. it's one thing to have a blew print. it's another to build a working bomb. the most important thing for the terrorist is that the bomb be reliable. that is you want it to go off when you want it to go off. not after, not before. terrorists have been lost because the bomb went off on them before you reach the target area. where do you get the hands on experience to figure out whether it works or not. that means they either termsed locally, rural massachusetts, somewhere where people didn't notice or they got assistance. based on this latest information we have to treat cautiously. if it's purely the internet -- the only guidance they got was on the internet, i'm wondering how they spent their time in the last few weeks whether they tested what they had. they had plenty of explosive muches. 19-year-old dzhokhar tsarnaev who is still alive. is indicating to officials that
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it has his brother that was the driving force behind this. where does that leave investigators? >> in some way, obviously, it's no surprise. i guess the real question is, yes, the older brother may have been the leader of this particular attack, but how much did he share with his brother. you know, did he tell him everything and therefore the younger brother is going to be able to relay that to law enforcement or are they going to continue these sort of dark patches where we have questions that will never be answered. >> last about the latest incident. two men in canada that apparently wanted to derail a train from canada probably headed to the u.s. they are identified as having support from al qaeda in iran. >> right. >> a lot of threads here. do they make sense to you? >> they don't make sense to me. that doesn't mean they aren't true. but as we've learned this week. as we've learned in the past, we should always be cautious about the early reports. one thing the canadian mounted police said there is no state sponsor. even if there is an al qaeda
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link it's not iran supporting attack. and it makes no sense what iran is doing. we're in negotiations. they're about to have a presidential campaign. this is not the way iran tens to operate. of course al qaeda and
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injury. she vows to dance again and run in the boston marathon. this is what she had to say to cnn's anderson cooper. >> i landed and was -- sort of close made eyes, was underneath adam and covered my head and face. it was very gray and quiet. gray, smoke and ashes, and a lot of debris falling, and i remember telling adam, oh, my gosh, i'm alive. and he said, i'm okay, i'm okay.
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oh, my gosh, are you okay? and i said, i think we're okay. and i couldn't believe it. i couldn't believe that we survived. and we weren't hurt at all. i didn't feel any pain. i had no idea what happened and then i sat up, and i tried -- he said we got to get out of here or something like that. i sat up and tried to move. i said oh, my gosh. there's something wrong with my afoot. he lifted up my leg and we just lost it. i don't want this to be the end. i'm only 32. i don't want this to be the end. you know, whether it's running the marathon, crawling the marathon, being the last one across. i didn't say i'd win it. i am defiant and i want to come out stronger. >> i love that smile. haslet-davis has never won a marathon before but she says the one point in her life she wasn't a ballroom dancer either.
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interesting. can't wait to see her out here running the marathon soon. to find out how to help those affected bite boston bombings, you can go to still ahead new details emerging about the brothers and the radical influence one appears to have had on the other "early start" continues right after this break. but, i wish it was more dangerous, like a monster truck or dune buggy! you can't have the same car as me! [ male announcer ] now everyone's going to want one. let's get a jetta. [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there's no better time to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month. visit today. but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now i can help make this a great block party.
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and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it. welcome back to early start, fun, live from boston this morning. we're all waking up to new details in the investigation into alleged boston bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev. from the hospital he conveyed that his older brother, tamerlan is the mastermind, now we're learning signs that tamerlan might have become radicalized.
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>> reporter: january 18, friday play prayers at the mosque in cambridge, a mosque leader is giving a service, extolling the virtues of the prophet muhammad and martin luther king. according to witnesses, it was too much for tamerlan. >> some people say you cannot make a compare between a prophet and nonmuslim. some people referred to the person giving the sermon as a hypocrite. the disruption was clear sky lags of mosque etiquette. bee people explained that to tamerlan tsarnaev holding him to back off. it was the second time he objected to something said at a sermon. we pressed him. were there any red flags that tamerlan tsarnaev had-cad
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ralizeraliz radicalized. >> if trained fbi cannot see anything. you can understand how people merely acquainted with these individuals seeing them sporadically at prayers, would not see anything of this nature as well. >> reporter: mosque officials said dzhokhar never came to the most without his older brother. he said tamerlan was the leader, and saying dzhokhar was the follower. john owns a restaurant in the cz tsarnaev restaurant. he said tamerlan always walked in front of his brother, swaggering, looking tough. >> he's like the one that's in command. he's like, let's go, we do this, we do this, whatever.
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and the other one just followed behind him. >> reporter: it may not have always been that way. rose lifeguarded with dzhokhar tsarnaev in the spring and summer of 2011. she said this about the younger brother. >> he wanted to create some distance between his brother, because they didn't see the world quite in the same ray. >> reporter: neighbors gave us new information about the broader family dynamic. >> this is the apartment where the tsarnaev family lived. neighbors said the entire family, lived here. one told us he observed tension. it was this address where tamerlan was arrested in july 2009 for assaulting his girlfriend. the complaint does not show her name but tamerlan said yes, i slap her. neighbors told us tension dissipated after the parents and sisters moved out a couple years
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ago. brian todd, cnn, boston. >> our thanks to brian todd. now more news about the victims of this attack. sadly in stead of graduation a memorial for lingzi lu at boston university. ♪ last night's service included music from her piano teacher, also loving words from her roommate who said they became fast, inseparable friends. >> we were long last sisters and could not wait to begin our adventure in boston. >> i was so grateful that i found such a lovely sister in my life, but i had no idea that this friendship could only last one year. >> such a loss. friends and family of krystle campbell also said their good-byes, hundreds of people
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lined the streets as the hearse approached. no funeral has been set for 8-year-old martin richard. hundreds turned out for a wake for sean collier and a public memorial service is scheduled tomorrow. vice president joe biden and jill biden are set to attend. >> so tragic. thank you, john. 48 minutes past the hour. still ahead airline passengers will have to keep their knives, bats and golf clubs at home at least for a while longer. why the tsa is delaying the new policy that was scheduled to take effect this week.
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welcome back, everyone. i'm john berman live in boston this morning and we're getting our first real look inside the mind of a suspected terrorist this morning. boston marathon bombing suspect
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dzhokhar tsarnaev is now communicating with investigators even though he can barely speak. tsarnaev told law enforcement that his older brother, tamerlan was the driving force behind the attack. he also said the brothers acted alone and no foreign terrorists were involved and motivation was to defend islam from attack. mean while residents who live and work on boyleston street which is behind me will be allowed in their homes. this is a few days before the general public will be allowed. for those people who live and work there, it's welcome news. >> it is good new, i suspect you'll be having lunch in one of those restaurants today, john. >> we'll see. hope so. >> we'll check back in with you. other stories making news this morning. the tsa's plan to let passengers
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bring small knives on planes is on hold. the new policy was to take effect thursday but the agency wants more input. critics say letting knives back in the cabin is a dangerous idea but supporters say it will let agents focus on bigger threats. a football coach in steubenville, ohio, getting a two-year contract extension. the superintendent says it's for his work as administrator not as a coach. two of his players were convicted last month of raping a 16-year-old girl. critics say the coach knew about the rape but didn't help the investigation. more people could be charged in this case. a smoking new health plan in new york city. the first big city could raise the smoking age from 18 to 21. the city counsel ruled out the idea monday. supporters said it could cut smoking from 18 to 20-year-olds by more than half. so, you never know who or what you'll run into in the sir
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ki cuss /* circus bathroom. the clown is scary enough but a kansas woman ran into that, a tiger. the big cat bolted after the performance and ended up in the woman's restroom along with jenna crable. >> i called my wife and said lock herself in the stall. my first thought, be calm, you'll be fine. that's what i did. >> oh, my goodness. funny enough the tiger was a female in the right restroom. circus workers got her back in her cage. luckily no one was hurt there. she survives to tell the story. still ahead days after neil diamond led a fenway park sing along to "sweet caroline." remember that? it was a special moment. so we're learning that he is writing a new song inspired by the boston bombings. it's one of the stories that's trending this morning. that's headed your way next.
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[ male announcer ] you are a business pro. omnipotent of opportunity. you know how to mix business... with business. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay the mid-size price. i could get used to this. [ male announcer ] yes, you could business pro. yes, you could. go national. go like a pro.
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all right. welcome back to "early start" everyone. trending online. yes, he is a native new yorker, but singer neil diamond is boston strong these days. ♪ sweet caroline >> that's so beautiful. >> so good, so good, so good. you will never get that song out of your head. none of us will. >> i think it's great. >> hey, berman, i just want to interrupt here for a second.
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you are a native of boston and this really had a healing and unifying effect, didn't it? >> absolutely. neil diamond always brings us all together. "sweet caroline" is a song they play at fenway. we love to hear it, we love to sing it. neil diamond came and sang it to all of us. nearly everyone around the world. but get this. neil diamond tells "rolling stone" magazine he's writing a new song inspired by the tragedy in boston. no word when it may be released. he's putting the song on the fast track. can't wait to hear it. >> i'm sure you're going to be singing it. singing it. 59 minutes past the hour. -- captions by vitac -- weiner is considering a
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possible run. as everybody knows he was forced to resign from congress, after posting a suggestiveaccou account @anthonyweiner has just under 7,000 followers. there's a peek at that account for you right there. "early start" continues right now. new this morning, major developments in the boston marathon bombings. the surviving suspect answering questions in the hospital about his older brother's role. their possible motive, and what, if any, terror groups may have backed their attack. plus a cnn exclusive. a firsthand account of one suspect's last stand. that account from the s.w.a.t. team that took him down. and a developing story, an alleged -- >> we put hands on him, grabbed him and pulled him off the boat. >> and a developing story, an alleged plot to attack a passenger train traveling
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between canada and the united states, and this morning the suspects are due in court. good morning to you. welcome to "early start." thanks for being with us this morning, i'm zoraida sambolin in new york. >> and i'm john berman live in boston this morning. it is tuesday, april 23rd. it is 6:00 a.m. in the east right now. and boston marathon terror suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev is talking, not necessarily with words. at least he's communicating. cnn's jake tapper, my friend and colleague, has key information from a government official that tsarnaev is communicating to law enforcement, claiming that he and his brother pulled off last week's attack and their motivation seemed to be that of a jihadist. jake is with us this morning. so good to see you. based on what your source is telling you, what did tsarnaev have to say? >> first of all, let's just say this is a preliminary interview with dzhokhar tsarnaev. law enforcement officials are cautioning this is what he's saying initially. they still need to check out all the facts and make sure what he is saying is accurate. what he's saying is first of
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all, this was not planned. the terrorist attack was not planned in conjunction with any foreign terrorist group. second, that they were radicalized online. that there was a video component to their being radicalized, that they were self-radicalized. there was not necessarily any internet communication. but they learned what they learned in terms of ideology, and other things, from the internet. the older brother, according to dzhokhar, tamerlan tsarnaev, was the driving force. of course we'd expect him to say something like that. but according to all accounts that was their relationship anyway. and from this initial impression, the initial interviews, investigators believe that these individuals, at least according to dzhokhar were self-starters, self-radicalized, their motivation was that of a jihadist. they were driven by the jihadist thought, the political and religious motivations, believing that islam is under attack. believing that they need to fight back against it. that is what investigators are garnering from these initial interviews with dzhokhar.
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>> radicalized online. not through communication, but radicalized simply by watching videos? >> by watching videos. obviously we know that tamerlan spent time abroad in chechnya where there is a big islamic ideology in dealing with the fight against russia, the war with russia. but from what we know they were radicalized here at home, from these videos, and again, you know, this is all this initial, the investigation is just days old. they were just picked up on friday. dzhokhar was picked up on friday. everything still needs to be checked out. >> we don't know how much of this communication was verbal or written or just nodding. >> right. >> the other thing, do we know if this information was conveyed before or after he was given his miranda rights? >> we don't know as of yet. he has been read his miranda rights. but we don't know if this information came before or after. as you know there was a public safety exemption before he was read his miranda rights. so there was time when law enforcement had the opportunity to talk to him before he had
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quote/unquote lawyered up. but we don't know yet whether or not this information came before he said he understood his rights, or after. >> all right, jake tapper, terrific reporting. great to have you here this morning. >> thanks, john. >> don't miss "the lead" every day at 4:00. we're also learning more this morning about -- we're learning more this morning about criminal complaints against tsarnaev detailing step by step how the deadly attack on the boston marathon unfolded. our coverage continues this morning with miguel marquez outside best israel deaconess medical center right here in boston. good morning, miguel. >> good morning, john. this is the criminal complaint that contains what we expect are the first charges. we'll see many more against mr. tsarnaev. in the criminal complaint, investigators built a minute by minute account of the tsarnaev brothers as they moved the crowds at the marathon. at one point dzhokhar had his phone to his ear. maybe a ruse. seconds later, the first bomb.
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only then does he begin to walk away from the bag he's left amid the crowd. ten seconds later, the second bomb is detonated. we are also learning about his older brother, tamerlan tsarnaev. in 2009, he was arrested for domestic assault after his girlfriend said he beat her up. last year, he openly argued with a preacher at a mosque he sometimes attended, telling him that holiday celebrations were not allowed by islam. again, last january, he disrupted a sermon about martin luther king, calling the civil rights leader a nonbeliever. the revelations and charges just as this city is struggling to recover a moment of silence marking one week since the attack from the oval office and around the country. a solemn tribute. >> -- in boston, almost every
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spot in this city is silent and still. >> reporter: another step toward normal, boylston street turned over by federal investigators to the city of boston. in a sign of the investigation's intensity, a tree, possibly touched by dzhokhar removed, taken as evidence, and photos of dzhokhar withdrawing money from an atm after a carjacking and the murder of m.i.t. police officer sean collier. this, as the victims continue to heal. 50 in the hospital. two still critical. for some seriously injured, hope. >> nearly all of the patients that have lost legs are already walking the halls with physical therapists. >> reporter: still, grim reminders here, just about everywhere. in medford the funeral for 29-year-old krystle campbell. the church overflowing, the grief unbearable.
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now, another good sign for boston today, boylston street will begin to open at 10:00 a.m. eastern time for residents and business owners only. they'll stage that out throughout the day. it's a painstaking process to get it reopened but hopefully it will be opened both to traffic and the general public very soon, as well. john? >> miguel, most business owners and homeowners need to go in, they have to make sure all the residences are safe. they have to fix the windows that may have broken. there's a lot of work to be done behind me right on that crime scene on boylston street. miguel marquez, thanks so much for joining us this morning. dzhokhar tsarnaev may have conveyed no foreign terrorist groups were involved in these attacks, but there are lingering questions like how the brothers got their guns, how they got their explosives. barbara starr joins us now from washington with that angle. barbara, what can you tell us this morning? >> well, good morning, john. the brothers, the younger brother, of course, is claiming that they were radicalized online. even if that is true, the question for investigators now
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is that somebody, somewhere, knows something about how they carried it off. one week after authorities say that tsarnaev brothers atacked boston -- >> the two suspects were armed with handguns at the scene of the shoot-out. >> reporter: but neither brother had a license for a gun. a senior u.s. official says investigators are looking at the brothers' connections to any individuals or groups that might have trained them to make explosives, or supplied them with material. and what did russia know about the older brother, tamerlan tsarnaev, an aspiring boxer? in 2011, russia asked the fbi to look into his activities even before tsarnaev spent six months in russia last year. >> did he sit in his aunt and uncle's home for six months? or was he doing something else? and when he came back to this country, why didn't it ring a bell with the fbi intelligence unit that he should be checked
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out? and vetted again. >> reporter: the russians asked the u.s. to check out tamerlan because, quote, his lifestyle had changed. after coming home from russia, his youtube channel carried radical videos, as well as names of militant leaders. as for his younger brother, the wounded dzhokhar tsarnaev, controversy in washington over what to do with him. >> he will not be treated as an enemy combatant. we will prosecute this terrorist through our civilian system of justice. >> i strongly disagree with the obama administration's decision to rule out enemy combatant status for this suspect. >> reporter: and the question of whether the fbi dropped the ball in 2011 when it looked at tamerlan tsarnaev's activity will be the subject of a closed-door briefing on capitol hill later today, when law enforcement officials brief lawmakers. john? >> barbara, i know members of congress have a lot of questions they want to ask today.
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barbara starr in washington. thanks so much. there is other news going on, including a developing story we want to tell you about. let's go back to zoraida. >> thank you, john. it is a developing story this morning. cnn learning just an hour ago about the arrest of two suspected al qaeda terrorists in spain. spanish officials say the men, one algerian, the other moroccan, have a profile very similar to the boston marathon bombing suspects. although they did not say how. it is also unclear if the pair were planning any attacks. their arrest comes just days before the madrid marathon and that event on sunday is expected to draw 26,000 runners. another developing story that we're following for you this morning an alleged plot to attack a passenger train traveling between canada and the united states. canadian police arrested two men who will appear in court later today. police say the planned attack was real, but they said that the public was never in any danger. they also claim the suspects had support from elements of al qaeda in iran.
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cnn's ted rowlands is live in toronto this morning. what's the latest, ted? >> reporter: well, zoraida, the latest is that these two suspects are expected in a toronto courtroom at 10:00 eastern for a bail hearing. they believe that they were targeting a specific train from toronto to new york city. about 300 passengers travel on that train that goes both ways twice a day, each day. chiheb esseghaier out of toronto was transferred here to toronto last night, raed jaser was working out of toronto. one was in montreal, one was in toronto. they'd been under surveillance for several months after a local imam in toronto alerted authorities that one of these individuals was acting strangely. that's when the surveillance started. the canadian authorities were working with the fbi during this entire procedure, as well. again, they believe that the train that was targeted was headed from toronto to new york and they would not comment if
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they expect, while this investigation continues, if they expect more arrests to come. >> ted, what they did say is they believe the public was actually never in danger. so how close were these suspected terrorists, close to carrying out this attack? >> well, it's a good question. and why did they make the arrest at this time? they say that the threat was not imminent. however, they do believe that these individuals were capable of pulling this off. >> a lot more to investigate here. ted rowlands, live for us. thank you very much. up next on "early start," rain and snow in today's forecast means, sadly, more flooding across the midwest. take a look at these pictures. and apparently it is far from over. we're going to take you live to spring bay, illinois. really hard-hit. the rain swollen illinois river is continuing to rise. pores just by washing your face? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® pore refining cleanser. alpha-hydroxy and exfoliating beads work to clean and tighten pores so they can look half their size. pores...shrink 'em down to size! [ female announcer ] pore refining cleanser. neutrogena.®
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you are looking at live pictures right now of just one of the many, many memorials that have popped up in and around boston for the victims of the terror attacks here at the finish line of the boston marathon. eight days ago now, people still going by these memorials leaving mementos for all those people affected. welcome back, everyone, i'm john berman live in boston this morning. news about the investigation.
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they acted on their own to defend islam from attack. at least those are the initial indications. cnn has learned that marathon bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev is now communicating with investigators. a government official tells our jake tapper that tsarnaev has told law enforcement that his older brother tamerlan was the driving force behind last monday's attack. he also said that no foreign terror groups were involved and he indicated that their motivation was to defend islam. tsarnaev wounded and unable to talk in a hospital bed, he is charged with using a weapon of mass destruction and malicious destruction of property. those are counts that could bring him the death penalty. meantime this morning, there is some good news. residents and people who work on boylston street which is just behind me right there, those people who live and work there, they will be allowed back in today. it could be a few more days or at least a day before the general public is allowed to go back, or that street opens for business.
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zoraida? >> there's a little good news, that they're back into their homes and that business is going to hopefully get back to normal soon. thank you, john. we'll check back in with you. 17 minutes past the hour. rain and snow in the forecast means record flooding across the midwest. the grand river is now more than two feet over flood stage. this is grand rapids, michigan. the mississippi river is topping levees in missouri. and governors have declared disaster areas in iowa and illinois. 40 counties in illinois. cnn's jim spellman is live in spring bay, illinois, where the illinois river has been flooding the streets since sunday. jim, how are the people there holding up? >> it's definitely stressful. this is a trailer park community just south of where we are right now, about 40 homes there under water. the good news is we haven't heard widespread reports of this kind of damage. but for these sort of small, riverside communities, it's just devastating when this floodwater comes in. take a look. last minute preps in spring bay, illinois, as floodwaters
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inundate this river side community. where is your home? >> my home is that gray and white mobile home with the black shutters on it. >> you can't get to your home by foot now? >> no. >> have you ever seen this much water come up here? >> no. >> scary? >> yep. >> the home, along with about 40 others in this trailer community, began to flood sunday and the water has continued to rise. >> yesterday i cried all day. >> reporter: and today? >> today i'm not crying yet, but the more i see that water come up, the more i'll cry. >> reporter: the red cross is on site assessing the area as the fire chief prepares for the worse. >> this is the evacuation order? >> this is the evacuation notice. >> reporter: mandatory evacuations for residents in low-lying areas. his biggest fear, people ignoring the order and getting trapped in hard-to-reach parts of the community. >> some of these places i simply can't get to and that's going to be a real big disadvantage to us. >> reporter: jared teagarden just moved to spring bay a few
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months ago. >> welcome to the neighborhood. >> reporter: as the river began to flood he built his homemade levee from four dump trucks full of sand. so far, it's working. >> there would be four feet of water here if not. so we're doing all right. beater than most. >> reporter: his neighbor brad loman among those not doing as well. >> it's kind of emotional. to kind of see this situation and, you know, it's bad deal. >> reporter: he's worked at this bar since he was a teenager, eventually buying it. he says repairs will total more than $50,000. will he reopen? >> no, i don't think so. i think we're going to be a total loss. i really do. >> reporter: the illinois river here in spring bay is probably cresting right about now, zoraida. but, going to be about a week and a half before all this water drains out of here and they can really start cleaning up this mess. >> can i tell you that there's more water headed their way? so, you know, tell them to brace themselves. >> they don't want to hear about
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that. >> i know. i know. all right, jim spellman live for us. thank you, appreciate it. and lots of people complain about their jobs, right? but only a few can say that they have the worst job in america. is yours at the top of the list? find out when we come back. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro. governor of getting it done. you know how to dance... with a deadline. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. this is awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is, business pro. yes, it is. go national. go like a pro. gives you 1% cash back on all purchases
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. welcome back. good morning to you. 24 minutes past the hour. christine romans is here. she is "minding your business." we want to know how the markets are looking. >> a little soft this morning. stock futures improving. the nasdaq is mossive territory.
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more corporate earnings on tap today including apple. apple is -- we're going to be watching for how many iphones and ipads it sold during the quarter. big question, has the rest of the tech industry caught up with apple? is the shine off the apple? sorry, i had to use that terrible little pun. but still be watching apple. and another big story for you, the list is out. and sorry to all of you newspaper reporters out there, you officially have the worst job in america. >> the worst job? >> the worst job in america. with the median income of about $36,000 a year. career cast does this study every year. the results are based on things like income, industry outlook, stress, physical demands. >> so not happiness? >> happiness is in there. here's the rest of the top five worst jobs. lumberjack is number two, followed by enlisted military personnel, actor, and oil rig worker. so the best jobs in america? the number one job in america according to career cast an actuary, make about 87 grand a year, biomedical engineers,
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software engineers, an audiologist and financial planner round out the top five. when i look at the best jobs in america, all top ten or 20 of them, it's a lot of s.t.e.m. jobs, science, technology, engineering, math. a lot of very high-skilled, high-tech jobs in health care, and also in engineering. so listen up if you've got a kid in college if you're planning for your own future, science, technology, engineering, math, that's where the growth is on a lot of these jobs and that's where the money is, too. i'm going to tweet that whole list out and send it to your kid -- >> i know but here's the problem. what if the passion doesn't lie there, right? >> it's true. but remember what you can do well, what they'll pay you for and what you like -- >> make equal happiness. >> exactly. >> what's the one thing we need to know about our money? >> mortgage rates. the average 30 year fixed rate mortgage 3.41%. following for four weeks in a row now. 15 year mortgage 2.64. that's the popular refinancing option. look at those numbers. if you have a mortgage still in the 5% range you must refinance and you must do whatever you can
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to refinance. if you have not bought a home yet, still a lot of excitement about the spring selling season. we're going to get a bunch of data today, too. those numbers are really important. that's real money for real families there. watch those mortgage rates. they've been low and they're staying low. >> that is incredible. thank you for sharing. appreciate it. 27 minutes past the hour. up next, new information on the boston marathon bombing investigation from cnn's jake tapper. telling us what terror suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev is communicating to investigators about last monday's deadly attack.
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new this morning. a breakthrough for investigators here in the boston marathon bombing. cnn learning what the surviving suspect has revealed about his older brother, and what drove both of them, perhaps, to this
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attack. plus a cnn exclusive from a woman who stood just five feet from one of the blasts. and survived. >> a lot of debris falling, and i remember telling adam, oh, my gosh, i'm alive. >> welcome back to "early start," everyone, i'm john berman live in boston this morning. it is tuesday, april 23rd. about half past the hour right now. and for more than a week we've been wondering, what drove these two brothers to allegedly set off two bombs right at the finish line of the boston marathon? now, new this morning, it appears we are starting to get some answers. cnn's jake tapper has learned from a government official that dzhokhar tsarnaev is communicating with law enforcement, telling investigators that he and his brother exkited last week's attacks to defend islam. jake is with us here this morning with his terrific reporting. what have you heard? >> u.s. government official tells me, and we should caution this is just a preliminary report from preliminary
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investigation, and interviews with dzhokhar tsarnaev, but what he is telling investigators is first of all, there were no foreign groups involved with the terrorist attacks. that this was just the brothers. second of all, that they were radicalized online. that there was an online component, watching videos, downloading information, not e-mailing back and forth with anybody abroad. but there was a big online component to their self-radicalization. also, as you might expect dzhokhar to say, and as we've heard when others in the family have described the family dynamic, the older brother, according to dzhokhar, was the driving force behind the attacks. now, according to investigators from these initial preliminary interviews with dzhokhar, these brothers seem to be self-starter, self-radicalized jihadists, motivated by traditional jihadist thought, as we see in these types of incidents, with a religious and political component to it. the idea that they believe islam to be under attack and they needed to strike back. gut again, all caveats still remain in place, this is just
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from initial interview with dzhokhar. investigators have a lot of work to do to find out that this is all accurate. to make sure that it's true. >> any sign of how they're actually communicating with him? whether or not he's saying a lot of this out loud or written or other kind of communication? >> it does not appear to be spoken out loud. it appears to be through nodding, through writing, through those interviews, through that communication. he's still obviously has a bullet wound in his neck, and has difficulty talking. >> finally again to reiterate, they're saying that these had no -- the brothers had no direct communication with any outside terrorist group? >> that's what he says. >> somehow they were radicalized by watching videos. >> that's right. according to this interview here at home by the investigators in the hospital, they were radicalized here at home, not abroad, and that a lot of it was done online. through watching videos online. and we've seen this before in other incidents where individuals here at home, watch these jihadist videos, this is
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the reason they put these videos online, to radicalize individuals, and in this instance it appears to have worked. there's still a lot more work to be done. obviously we know tamerlan tsarnaev, the older brother who is now dead, spent six months abroad in dagestan and chechnya where there's a big jihadist movement. according to dzhokhar, the younger brother, no foreign group was involved. >> terrific reporting. again, though, this is just the information we're getting from initial communications with dzhokhar from the hospital. >> that's not to say the investigators necessarily believe what he's tell being them. but this is what he's telling them. >> thanks so much. >> we have an exclusive look this morning inside the precise tactic a s.w.a.t. team used to arrest dzhokhar tsarnaev. they did not know if he would pull out a weapon or explosive device. they described to anderson cooper how they subdued him.
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>> we got close enough that at one point where both of his hands were up because of the rocking back and forth, both of his hands were up, we could see that there were no weapons in them, no ignition devices we broke away from the shield protective cover. and we just rushed him. put hands on him, grabbed him and pulled him off the boat down onto the grounds. >> all right the reason the s.w.a.t. team immediately pulled off his shirt was to check if he was wearing explosives inside a suicide vest, perhaps. let's bring in jim walsh, cnn's international security analyst. we heard from jake tapper. his reporting indicated that investigators are now communicating with dzhokhar tsarnaev, the 19-year-old suspect in the boston marathon bombing attack and learning from him, at least initially, he says that they were radicalized by watching videos online. no direct communication with any outside terrorist groups, but they learned their islamic, deeply held religious beliefs, radicalized by watching videos.
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>> it raises some interesting puzzles. and it sort of makes sense at another level. there seemed to be an attack that combined levels of confidence with gross incompetence. the fact that they have found the younger brothers acoat and hat that he wore on the day of the bomb iing back in his colle dorm room. that he went back to his college with the clothes he wore to the attack. that seems pret time incompetent. on the other hand, these bombs went off. so there's some level of competence here. there are thousands of videos out there watched by millions of people and the number of them who simply because of watching a video suddenly turn into a terrorist who carries out an act, that's a really small percentage. so i think there's some facts left to be filled in here. >> that makes you raise your eyebrow. another thing that might make you raise your eyebrow is the quality of these explosive devices. three bombs made in pressure cookers. we've heard them called crude. nevertheless, they did go off. >> they went off. >> they were put together successfully. is that the type of thing that two brothers could do on their own or would it require or does
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it indicate to you that there may have been some training? >> it wasn't just that. three pressure cooker bombs. there were other pipe bombs which the police were calling grenades at one point, and a fair amount of explosives. i want to see more. i think there's some distance between reading a blueprint, or reading something online and constructing something that's going to work that you have confidence is going to work, not going to blow up before, and not going to blow up too late. i would have thought they would have had to have gotten some real experience constructing, practicing, either here or elsewhere, so that's one of the things that remains a mystery. >> i want to shift gears right now to this alleged attack that was broken up in canada. two suspects now in custody, the royal canadian mounted police say they have the suspects in custody who, with the help of al qaeda from iran, had planned to blow up a train or at least derail a train from canada potentially headed to the united states. >> i mean, in some ways, this, you know, for the viewer who is waking up who is not aware of this to hear terrorist attack, al qaeda and iran all in the same sentence is a pretty scary
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thing. but i think we should take a deep breath here, the police said that there is no evidence of state involvement. in other words, iran or any other country being involved. it's not clear whether these folks were aspirational in nature. in other words, didn't really know much, didn't have much confidence but sort of followed this along, and the police were keeping an eye on them. or whether they actually knew what they were doing. they said they got, quote, guidance from al qaeda. and that remains to be defined. what does guidance mean? does it mean active direction by phone, e-mail, whatever, or were they reading things again online and sort of following taking guidance in that way. the press conference yesterday, or last night with canadian mounted police was brief and there weren't a lot of details. so if there's one thing we've learned this week and from previous experiences, we shouldn't rush to judgment when there are so few details. >> and we do know we have been told in these preliminary stages, no connection to what's happening in canada and here in boston. jim walsh, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, john. >> moving on to other news, now
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to another cnn exclusive. we're hearing for the first time in a dance instructor who lost a foot, and part of her leg here in the attacks at the boston marathon. 32-year-old adrianne haslet-davis was watching the marathon with her husband adam davis, air force captain, when they were hit by the second explosion. despite her injuries, haslet-davis is vowing to dance again, and to run in the boston marathon. here's what she had to say to cnn's anderson cooper. >> i landed, and sort of closed my eyes and was underneath adam and kind of covering my head, and my face, it was very gray and quiet. gray smoke and ashes, and and a lot of debris falling, and i remember telling adam, oh, my gosh, i'm alive. and then he said i'm okay. i'm okay. oh, my gosh, are you okay? and i said i think we're okay. and i couldn't believe it. couldn't believe that we survived and that we weren't hurt at all.
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and i didn't feel any pain. i had no idea what was -- what had happened. and then i sat up, and i try -- he said we've got to get out of here or something like that. and i sat up and tried to move and i said oh, my gosh, my foot, there's something wrong with my foot and he lifted up my leg and we just lost it. i don't want this to be the end. i'm only 32. i don't want this to be the end. so whether it's, you know, running the marathon or walking the marathon or crawling the marathon and being the last one across, i'm okay with that. i didn't say i'd win it. but i am defiant, and i want -- i want to come out stronger. >> so great to see her smile and see her laugh. haslet-davis has never run a marathon before. but she says at one point in her life, she wasn't a ball room dancer either. can't wait to see her in this marathon soon. to find out how you can help those affected by the boston bombings go to our impact your world page online at
3:41 am and still ahead, he can barely spoke but dzhokhar tsarnaev is said to be telling investigators that it was his older brother who was the driving force behind the attacks here. we're going to take a closer look at this brotherly influence next. [ lane ] are you growing old waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula. to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®.
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ahead on "starting point," john berman and i continue special coverage of the boston bombings with new information this morning. the surviving suspect is communicating from his hospital bed that his brother was the mastermind behind that attack, and that they worked alone. this as dzhokhar tsarnaev is
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charged with using a weapon of mass destruction. then deadly floodwaters are rising in the midwest. swallowing up homes. is there any relief in sight? plus a 6-year-old survives a horrifying alligator attack. we're going to talk to joey welch about the very moment an eight foot alligator chomped down on his arm and how he just walked away with a few scratches. john, this 6-year-old little guy, i mean, he says i told my dad, are we going to see an alligator? maybe we shouldn't do this. he's a very cute kid. i can't wait for you to see him. >> cute and lucky and brave. all right, christine romans, thanks so much. back here in boston, we are getting new details into the investigation into the alleged boston bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev. we're learning more about signs that his older brother tamerlan may have become radicalized, and when dzhokhar possibly began to follow his brother's lead. here's cnn's brian todd.
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>> reporter: new information on tamerlan tsarnaev's perspective on islam. january 18th, friday brayers at the islamic society of boston's mosque in cambridge. a mosque leader is giving a service, extolling the virtues of the prophet mohammed and martin luther king jr. according to mosque officials it was too much for tamerlan tsarnaev. >> some people said that he said something to the fit that you cannot, you know, compare or make a parallel between our prophet and a non-muslim. some people said that he referred to the person who was giving the sermon as a hypocrite. >> reporter: he says the disruption was a clear violation of mosque etiquette. he says people in attendance explained that to tamerlan tsarnaev, told him to back off. mosque officials say it was the second time he had on jetted to something said at a sermon. we pressed them. were there any red flags that tamerlan tsarnaev had been radicalized? >> unfortunately, there were no
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indications, and if trained specialists from the fbi were not able to see anything, i'm, you know, i'm sure you can understand how people who are merely acquainted with these individuals, seeing them sporadically at prayers, would not see, you know, anything of this nature, as well. >> reporter: mosque officials say dzhokhar tsarnaev never came to the mosque without his older brother. friends and acquaintances tell cnn tamerlan tsarnaev was the leader between the two brothers. one friend saying dzhokhar was, quote, definitely the follower in this situation. john pinto co-owns a brazilian restaurant in the tsarnaev's neighborhood. in recent months he saw the brothers come in. sometimes sitting down. sometimes getting chicken and lamb for take-out. pinto says tamerlan tsarnaev always walked in front of his younger brother, swaggering, looking serious and tough. >> -- one of the commands. like he's say okay, let's go, we
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do this, we do this, whatever. he always in the front. and the other one just behind him. >> reporter: it may not have always been that way. rose life guarded with dzhokhar tsarnaev at hard ward in the spring and summer of 2011. she says this about the younger brother. >> there was an effort to sort of create some distance between himself and his older brother just because they didn't see the world kwied in the same way. >> reporter: neighbors gave us new information on the broader family dynamic. this is the top floor apartment here on norfolk street in cambridge for the tsarnaev families lived. neighbors say the entire family, parents, brothers, and sisters, lived here together at one point. one neighbor told us he observed tension in the family when they all lived together. it was at this address where tamerlan tsarnaev was arrested in july 2009 for assaulting his girlfriend. the complaint doesn't show her name. but quotes tamerlan tsarnaev as saying, yes, i slapped her. neighbors tell us they thought the tension in the family dissipated after the parents and
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sisters moved out a couple of years ago. brian todd, cnn, boston. >> our thanks to brian todd. i should tell you i'm standing here in boston just a block away from boylston street. that's where the finish line was for the boston marathon. and for the last eight days that area behind me has been completely closed to the public. even if you lived or worked there. today we do have some good news. people who live and work on boylston street, that area that has been a crime scene, they will be allowed back into their homes and offices today. they'll check to see if they're safe. they'll probably fix the broken windows that may be there. they'll get their things in order. this is before it opens to the general public. that will happen, hopefully, within the next 24 to 48 hours. but the news today, if you live or work in the crime scene area behind me on boylston street, you will be allowed to head back in. zoraida? >> that is quite a bit of good news. thank you, john. the tsa was just days away from loosening some of its rules. but hold everything, it turns
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welcome back to "early start," 52 minutes past the hour. the tsa's plan to let passengers bring small knives on planes is now officially on hold. the new policy was supposed to go into effect thursday, but the agency says that they want more input. critics, including flight attendants, say letting knives back in the cabin is a dangerous idea. supporters say it will speed up lines and let agents focus on bigger threats. that will go back and forth for awhile. the big time nba playoff action in full effect in los angeles last night. it did not involve the lakers. the clippers, i can't even say it, and grizzlies had one go down to the wire i understand. jared greenberg is here with this morning's "bleacher report." >> it still feels weird to say it. dramatic finish, the second buzzer beating win in the first three days, the nba playoffs while you were sleeping, the l.a. clippers took a commanding advantage in their best of seven series. trailing by as many as 12 points in the fourth quarter insert
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chris paul. arguably basketball's best point guard. final seconds, paul drives for the wind. you betcha! a two-point clipper victory. a franchise known best for its inability to win. the clippers have taken the first two games of the playoff series for just the second time ever. needing just two more wins to advance to the second round the series moves to memphis for the next two. boston continues to remember and honor. watertown police officers that were involved in thursday's gun fight took center stage on the top of the fenway dugout. an inning later, the red sox down a run, bases loaded for nike napoli and he got all of it, some spring yard work. that's a grand slam. the first place red sox, hope john could hear me, the first place red sox won 9-6. more than 100 new england patriot employees spelled out 1 boston on the football field. best retirement strategy in
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history. from the andes mountains in peru, scott fujita signed a one-day contract then announced that his football career is done. not sure the best decisions are made 10,000 feet above sea level overlooking machu picchu, but, then again, maybe those are the best decisions in life. fujita played 11 seasons in the nfl. including four in new orleans where he helped the saints win a super bowl. unfortunately, fujita may be best remembered for his role in the saints bountygate program. >> another reason to be envious of a professional athlete, shane battier won with the heat last year. he's a key reason they could repeat this year. he has a pregame ritual to indulge in a beer prior to each game. naturally the beer company donated a truck load of beer to a man who has already earned more than $50 million during his playing career.
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>> mr. shane battier, we've got a special delivery for you, man. bud light. >> get out of here. >> yes. got a whole truck full. >> i'll take it all. i'll take it all. >> let me know where you want it. >> can't say that i have the same preshow ritual but zoraida, how about getting sports casters involved here. >> what's the shelf life of beer? that's a whole lot of beer. >> well it is. more than 1100 cases. so good thing he's a pretty popular guy and he knows a few people and i'm sure he'll have no trouble getting rid of that. >> if he wasn't popular before, he is now. jared greenberg, thank you very much. >> you got it. "starting point" on deck. families and businessesere r is our business. we've reduced taxes and lowered costs to save businesses more than two billion dollars to grow jobs, cut middle class income taxes to the lowest rate in sixty years,
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that is it for "early start." thanks for being with us. cnn's continuing live coverage of the aftermath of the boston bombings continues on "starting point" with join berman live in boston. good morning, everyone, i'm john berman live in boston this morning. our "starting point," major new developments in the boston marathon bombing. the surviving suspects revealing new details about his brother, also the plot also who might have been involved. and we're learning more about tamerlan tsarnaev. how did he become so radicalized. what did his wife know? we have worldwide cnn team coverage from boston to bag stan. we're also hearing about the intense momentst


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