tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 27, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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overcoming obstacles and challenging themselves and, you know, i have worn shoes like these and i remember transporting me to a place where i can be alone with my thoughts and my dreams, it's a special place. this week we salute the courage, the conviction, the compassion of the bostonians who continue to support one another chasing life. that's going to do it for us. time if a check of the top stories making news right now. charged, a mississippi man under arrest for sending ric ricin-laced letters to president obama and others. discovered a possible piece of a plane that crashed in to the world trade center. clues in the boston marathon. digging through a landfill look frg a laps do top. looking more about the social media life of dzhokhar tsarnaev. mourning the victims today at the site of the bombing.
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you are live in the cnn "newsroom." i'm don lemon. a man in jail in mississippi charged in connection with letters sent to president obama and other officials that contained the deadly poison ricin. this is the man, james everett dutschke. second man of tupelo arrested in the investigation charges against the first suspect were dropped. want to go to tupelo now and alino muchado watching the developments right there. tell us who this guy is and why the fbi went looking for him. >> reporter: yeah, don. we have been talking to neighbors here all day. we talked to one man who says that james everett dutschke lived in the neighborhood for several years, in the house behind me with his wife and children that he lived here and that he kept primarily to himself. now, his attorney tells us that he operated a martial arts studio in town and closed after
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he was charged with child molestation earlier this year. now, we don't know exactly why the fbi went looking for him. what we do know is that his name came up in a hearing for the initial suspect of this case. that man is paul kevin curtis. he told -- he said in that hearing on monday that he had been framed and he mentioned dutschke as a possible suspect. a day after that hearing, all the charges filed against curtis were dismissed. curtis's name cleared and he was released from jail. and then, something interesting happened. authorities seemed to focus their attention, turned attention towards dutschke. we know of several searches here in tupelo, one at the former location for the martial arts studio and one at his house. one of the ricin letters was sent to lee county judge holland. her son ran against dutschke for
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a seat in the mississippi house in 2007. we caught up with steve earlier today and here's what he had to say about the arrest. >> this could have been devastating. very devastating. i mean, mom could have died. had this taken the worst-case scenario and that would have been tragic, of course. thank goodness she's fine. we just want to move on. >> reporter: move on and also get justice for his mother. that's what holland told us today, don. >> so listen. does the fbi think that dutschke personally packed envelopes with ricin or played some other role, alina? >> reporter: those are details we're hoping to learn as the details become public what we know that the charges in this case are very telling. we know that dutschke charged with developing, retaining and
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possessing and using a biological agent as a weapon. so that kind of gives us a sense of what authorities are thinking. >> alina, thank you very much. this is not the first time poison has been sent through the mail as an attack. remember shortly after 9/11, letters with anthrax sent to washington, new york and florida. five people died. those letters sent to a couple of u.s. senators and to a few national news outlets. the lead suspect committed inside. police in england police busted a group of suspected terrorist who is claimed they were making ricin. to show how deadly the stuff is, a man nearly died after exposure in a las vegas motel room. the fbi arrested him later for making the stuff.
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we're going to burn to the boston bombings investigation. investigators spent another day at this landfill near the tsarnaev dorm room where he was spotted. cnn learned they were scouring the receipts at the landfill, this time they were looking for his laptop. meantime, tsarnaev is in a federal prison camp after a week spent in the hospital as many of the victims he is accused of wounding. he was moved to a facility holding detainees that need medical care. officials say his condition is improving and able to sit up and write. all this as his parents left their home for another part of russia. his father abandoning his plans to come to the u.s. saying his trip is delayed indefinitely. tsarnaev in a hospital but as the condition improves he's
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become a lot less talkative. sources say he had a lot to talk about before being given the miranda rights. now he is shuting down and susan candiotti is in massachusetts where dzhokhar is being held. what are you hearing about the unwillingness now to talk to investigators? >> reporter: well, here'shat we're hearing, don. we are hearing from -- this is coming to us from a u.s. law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation with whom i've been in touch with from the very beginning and is this. he has been talking, he had been talking quite a lot before he was read his rights. before he was mirandized and received a lot of helpful information, a lot of information and tips and leads to work with. since he was read his rights, however, he hasn't said anything
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substanti substantive. according to the source, they have a lot to work with and by reading the rights after he was formally charged, it is not according to this official hindering their investigation, don. >> for the laptop, suzanne, that is just wrapped up. what led authorities to believe his computer was dumped and do we know if they found anything on it? >> reporter: well, according to my source, they were led there to the landfill to look to the laptop in part from the bedside interview with the suspect himself. and from other investigative leads from other people who i am told had knowledge of the laptop and perhaps an effort it would appear to get rid of it. and that's why eater in a dumpster, following the dumpster to the landfill, they searched on thursday. they searched all day yesterday. however, now we understand that the search is over. what we don't know at this time is whether they were successful in finding that laptop but, boy, because they're not saying.
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but we know they would like to get the hands on it for obvious reasons. imagine all the information to tell them about this alleged plot. >> that's the question. we don't know. they're not saying if they found it. let's move on and talk about what we're hearing of two friends of dzhokhar in immigration hot water. what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: these are two friends and previously reported on initially questioned just hours before the suspect was found in that boat. and these are people who know of the suspect in this case, dzhokhar tsarnaev. they're russian exchange student that is go to the same school. in fact, according to our sources, they purchased a cell phone together because they didn't have enough money to buy one and they leaned on the suspect in this case because he speaks perfect english. however, they were picked up and questioned and charged now with
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violating their student visa not attending classes but sources tell us that authorities still want to talk to them as much as they can to get as much information as they can about what he may know about the suspect who is now in custody. >> susan candiotti following the story from the beginning. doing a great job. thank you. the wife of the deceased bombing suspect spotted today. here's katherine russell leaving her family's home hours ago in rhode island. that's about noon today. we don't know where she was headed and she returned home a short time ago. her attorney says russell did not know about her husband's alleged bombing plans. meantime, a federal law enforcement official says there's evidence that leads investigators to believe that tamerlan tsarnaev was involved in drug dealing. the source would not elaborate, though. for many in boston the focus
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less on the investigation and trying to return to life before the bombs wept off. today they were consoling each other at memorials near the site of the bombs' blast on boylston street. turning now to cnn's carol costello covering this all day. what's the mood like there today? >> reporter: i think it's safe to say, don, on this beautiful spring day, i think i feel love in the air and coming together and trying to live life as normal. all day long, hundreds, thous d thousands of people leaving messages of love and boston strong. one of the people is shantel. you have a sunflower there. tell me why you came here and wanted to leave the flower behind. >> i wanted to pay respect to all the victims and it's a wonderful city and we're not afraid to come about and come together. as a community. and share. our love. and support for everybody. >> i noticed you picked a sun flower. why did you choose this flower? >> yeah.
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yellow stands out among all the colors and i think it is beautiful. >> >> reporter: it's happiness and hope. >> it is. we need hope. we are all strong and we're a community that stands together. >> do you feel more united than ever? >> i do. especially after even the first day. i could feel -- and my community, everyone's standing strong and together. it is a great feeling. i'll let you get to it. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> i want to talk to this young man, too. brendan. you came down here. you live not far away, right? >> yes. i live arlington. >> reporter: not far from boston. why did your family come down here? >> to look at the memorials and stuff and see all the great things. >> reporter: what do you think you'll take away? >> boston strong. >> reporter: i'm going to talk to your brother, justin, right? >> yes. >> reporter: you have the same freckles. why do you think your family came down today? >> just, like, to be a part of
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boston. and look at all the memorials. >> reporter: you said before, this was impressive to you. why do you think it's impressive? >> i'm just glad that everyone's like donated to the people who have died. >> reporter: it's nice to see the flowers and the well wishes and all the people, right? >> yes. it's very nice. >> reporter: that's awesome. thanks to all of you. thank you so much. >> stay strong. >> reporter: thank you. boston strong. >> we are strong. >> reporter: that's right. >> nothing to fear. >> reporter: absolutely. easy to cry down here, don. also really easy to feel the hope and the love and the strength and community and that's really what you need to beat out the evil in the world. right? >> that's right. as the president said, they picked the among city to mess with. boston strong. thank you, carol. we'll get back to you. nice job today, as well. back and forth over the last week when dzhokhar tsarnaev and
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when his rights were read to him. that's next. and a surprising find near ground zero, part of the landing gear to a plane, maybe one of those that hit the world trade center on 9/11. we are live from the scene. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. [ robert ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. and make your business dream a reality. at tyco integrated security, we consider ourselves business optihow?rs. by building custom security solutions that integrate video, access control, fire and intrusion protection. all backed up with world-class monitoring centers,
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several lawmakers say reading the suspect's miranda rights may have kept intelligence from the investigators. among the critics mike rogers of michigan. let's go down to athena jones at the white house. >> reporter: he's the chairman of the house intelligence committee and wants to know more about how this suspect came to be read his rights on monday at the hospital. he's written a letter to attorney general holder listing a long list of questions including who decided this initial appearance should happen at this specific place and time and did anyone from the department of justice or fbi raise concerns about the timing of reading the suspect those rights. the department of justice hasn't responded to the specific questions in the letter but they have said that the fbi agents and prosecutors were alerted ahead of time that this initial appearance was being scheduled and we heard a few minutes ago
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of susan candiotti at least one law enforcement official has said that those bedside interviews early on so thorough they don't believe they were hindered. in the end, the investigation was hindered by the reading ofrt rights at that time but doesn't put an end to conversation in washington, don. >> white house reaction? >> reporter: we haven't heard much from the president on this day in the last few days but the vice president did speak about this case in general last night at a forum in sedona, arizona. one of the things he talked about was this idea of if the suspects were self radicalized, not following the rules or directed by any one person to carry out the attack, that's the lone wolf suspects hardest to detect with the capabilities of the united states. but that's an interesting point that he raised because one of the criticisms is not so much about not using technical capabilities but not following the advisories of russia about the elder tsarnaev and his
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radicalization. so another thing that people will be discussing in washington here. don? >> thank you very much. we appreciate your reporting. so, was it a mistake to have read tsarnaev the rights this monday? i'll turn to the director of palombo investigations. good to see you. unfortunately always talking about disturbing stories and it's just a reality of it. critics say if tsarnaev was treated as an enemy combatant, investigators would have had more time to question him without mirandizing him. should that have been the way to go? >> my opinion, don, issues the miranda warning was a proper course of action. the proper thing is the integrity of the prosecution and i think they were concerned that by not issuing a miranda warning, if down the road they weren't able to determine or
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establish the fact that he had some support of people that were enemy combatants and making him an enemy combatant, there would be civil rights issues and, you know, a lot of legal wrangling to take place. they have a good success rate in prosecuting individuals such as this gentleman in the criminal court systems. charged him with a complaint. the massachusetts on the 21 z and i think what they did was proper. i don't think they have any issue going forward and another thing, don, i think is important. you know, clearly there is a high value in speaking to this young man. to try to -- some ties together about associates and support, foreign in particular. but there was so much forensics and so much other evidence involved in this case, whether they even spoke to him once i think was academic from the standpoint of a conviction. >> just sources i have spoken to within the fbi said, you know, listen. in order to convict him, they don't need what happened at the
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marathon bombings. everything he's accused of doing after that is enough to convict him and put him away forever and if not have his life taken away from him. reading the miranda rights, doesn't mean he is denied the rights. they're just not reminding him of them, right? >> that's correct. the interesting thing about the interview process, there's a distinct difference of interviewing someone and interrogating them n. an interview, they can speak freely. you don't have to issue a miranda warning. at that point in an interview, you are not necessarily set on a course of charging them with a crime. the minute you feel that you're going to charge them, and the nature of an interview changed to an interrogation, you have to issue them their miranda warning if you're going to interrogate them. there's a lot of caveats to this. >> if you want to use the information at trial, for sure, even not mirandized, a judge may
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say, i will let it in. i want to move on. now that the older brother and the alleged master mind on three watch lists, three watch lists of terrorism databases here's the tecs, the fbi terrorist screening watch list. a huge database of 500,000 and yet no one know tamerlan returned to the u.s. from russia if 2012. what do you make of that, lou? >> very simple. we do not have a single database that all of our law enforcement agencies are tied in to. so we can share and comingle our information so that regardless of the impetus of information, whether it's the fbi, the social security or atf or dea, it should go to one central location. and clearly, our i.c.e. immigration customs enforcement
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agents should have information of anyone of concern. there's a systemic failure issue going on here and the fact that at times certain federal agencies are a bit conservative and how they manage their information. >> lou, i have a thought. you know we have this new value interrogation agency now. group. that interviews high value suspects after incidents like this. one, with the fbi and the cia. do you think we need a central group? one would think that's the office of homeland security. one database, one way to go by for every single case. >> yes, absolutely, don. the problem is information sharing. that seems to be the glitch in this whole process. for whatever reason, there seems to be reluctance or hesitation in dissemination of sensitive information. >> okay. >> we're experiencing it in new york city where the media's reporting that approximately 48 hours before new york city got the heads up, that these individuals were heading towards
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new york, there was some lack of information over the two-day period. that's part of the problem here. >> all right. we have to run. we'll talk to you soon. thank you. appreciate it. >> thank you, buddy. >>. surprising find near ground zero. part of the landing gear to an airliner, maybe one of the planes that hit the twin towers on 9/11. live report is coming up. people join angie's list for all kinds of reasons. i go to angie's list to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget.
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live pictures now. this is copley square in boston on boylston street just near where that explosion was at the finish of the boston marathon. i'll anchor there live tomorrow. we have developments on other stories here in the united states. police think they may have found part of one of the planes that
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hit the world trade center. will be back on the scene first thing monday. authorities are guarding the site, family members of victims say they find it's opening up old wounds. alina cho reports now. >> reporter: the dits cover ri of what authorities believe is the landing gear of one of the two planes that crashed in to the twin towers on 9/11 is remarkable. for one, the sheer size of the piece. five feet by four feet by 17 inches. and then there's the location of it. in a narrow space just 18 inches wide wedged between two buildings. one of them the site of that controversial islamic community center. the part first discovered on wednesday by sur voiers who alerted authorities. >> not certain what it is. we responded. getting closer on the part you can see a serial number and you see the word "boeing." before that serial number. >> reporter: it is then that
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investigators realized what they have. but how did it get there? >> it certainly is possible that it was wedged down there and went directly in to that alley. depends on the angle it hit and also looking in the possibility it was lowered by a rope. >> reporter: there's clearly rope tangle in the rope. why would anyone deliberately put it here? if that's indeed what happened. nobody knows. what is clear is that investigators will be back on monday for about a week to look for toxic material and human remains. >> it's heartbreaking. it should have been searched better. >> reporter: jim riches is a retired deputy chief. his son jimmy was a firefighter who on 9/11 ran bravely in to the north tower to try to save lives. the 29-year-old never came out. >> i stayed down there from september 11th that day and dug
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on my hands and knees until we found him on his brother's birthday on march 22 and we hope for the thousand other families never recovered anything, to at least be able to go to a cemetery and leave flowers. we are talking about human remains, body parts that should have been searched before. you turn the news on. stabs you in the heart again. >> alina cho with more. from lower manhattan, hi, alina. near the world trade center but not that close. explain how far it is. >> reporter: we're about, don, and hello to you. we are about five blocks, actually, north of ground zero. but what is incredible about this site where we are right now is that on 9/11 the day itself another large piece of landing gear actually crashed through the roof at the very same location right down to the basement and so when you ask the question, how did this piece get
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here, it is entirely plausible that it did the same thing, that it fell out of the sky and wedged tlooits between the two buildings in the back alley on 9/11 and just wasn't discovered until now. that's one operating theory. another bright spot that we should mention, don, we just got word actually in terms of rebuilding down at ground zero that the final two sections of a 408-foot spire will be placed on top of world trade center on monday and making that building the very tallest in the western hemisphere. don? >> alina cho, downtown, thank you. appreciate your reporting. now learning more about the social media live of dzhokhar tsarnaev. what it means for the investigation is ahead. marjorie, i can't stand you. you're too perfect.
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welcome backs, everyone. an instagram account linked to bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev is gone. cnn money tech correspondent laurie siegel did incredible digging on this case and you won't see these images anyone else. >> reporter: a deleted account, unlike the rest of the digital life, it's not gotten much
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attention. close friends say dzhokhar used the name jmaister but a dilgtal trail still shows images that he liked in the past. several include references to chechnya marked with dozens of hashthattings one with a warlord that master minded terrorist attacks against rush why and killed if 2006. several show dzhokhar interacting with other experts. they show an understanding of chechnya and struggle for independence of russia. the close friends tell cnn money from what they saw her used it for social purposes so how were we able to resurrect them? >> we are looking at a photo of inthat gram on a site of statagram and how it exists on the web today and see that the 19 users liked it and we can see there's six comments on the photos and here's the hashtags. however, we can go back in time
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thanks to the google web cache. here's detail f the same photo and see the same six comments of today and a list of users that liked it. most of which are already on there and there's new ones and one that liked it in the april 10th version of the page. jmaister1. >> reporter: law enforcement experts say that the deleted account is lickly to get a close look from investigators. >> if i were an investigator right now, obviously, the platform he deleted matters the most. were there clues embedded in the combination of images to tell us something he was thinking? some of the pictures are railroad benign. some of them standing alone don't mean anything. >> reporter: digital footprints get bigger as more and more people are willing to put their lives on the line. >> let's bring in laurie siegel now in new york. how come we haven't heard about this instagram account before?
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we knew about the twitter accounts an he tweeted after the attack. >> sure. that's the good question but he deleted the account before and this account wasn't widely known about. we called a lot of his friends, a lot of them said, i know dzhokhar and i would know if he had an instagram but they didn't know and we were able to confirm it from sources close to him and looks like a handful of people followed him and knew about this account but it's definitely one to imagine that law enforcement could be interested in, now that this is out there, don. >> all right. laurie will be back with us next hour with more information. thank you. investigators are taking a closer look at an unsolved triple murder in massachusetts. the reason is compelling. one of the victims was close friends with one of the boston bombing suspects. [ beeping ] ♪ [ male announcer ] we don't just certify our pre-owned vehicles. we inspect, analyze and recondition each one,
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the murders didn't add up, certainly not in town. the victims who were each killed in different rooms in the house were covered in marijuana. investigators describe it as a symbolic gesture. robbery wasn't a motive. police found thousands of dollars of cash. the theory is that the victims knew their killers. >> we have no evidence of a break in the apartment. and we have other evidence that the desee dants and assail lapts were known to each other. at least two people not in the apartment now who were there earlier. >> reporter: that's 19 months ago but the trail went cold. no arrests. no named suspects. but the attack on the boston marathon resooifed interest in the case because one of the victims, 25-year-old brendan mess was close friends with bomb suspect tamerlan tsarnaev. tsarnaev was a golden gloves boxer. his buddy was trained in mixed martial arts. coaches describe tamerlan as
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confident, full of bra va do, a man that hugged the coaches and competitors and bragged about the young wife and newborn daughter after the 2010 boxing nationals. a source says tsarnaev is one of the last people known to have seen mess alive and never interviewed by police in connection with the murders. more curious says the source, he did not go to the friend's funeral or memorial service. based on text messages, police believe brendan mess, tekin was killed on around september 11th, exactly ten years after the attacks. four months after the murders, tamerlan left for russia staying there six months. investigators searched the y crew last week removing boxes. the owner of the gym refused to speak to cnn. brendan's friends and family continued to push for answers as have those of the other victims. brendan and eric spent time at this timer and friendly with the
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owner who says his son competed in mixed martial arts. >> he was involved in martial arts and brendan. he didn't speak too much about it but he did to my father a lot and tried to get my younger brother involved in martial arts and a strange link between them. >> reporter: deborah feyerick, cnn, boston, massachusetts. surviving boston bombing suspect isn't talking anymore. why did the feds wait 16 hours before mirandizing him? we'll go live to boston, copley square, boylston street, very near where the explosion happened at the finish of the boston marathon. live reports coming up here on cnn. it's our seafood dinner for two for just 25 dollars! a handcrafted seafood feast made to share. first you each get salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. then choose two from a wide variety
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much since being read his rights, including the right to remain silent. we go to holly hughes, she joins us. holly, we heard this before, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. >> correct. >> why did the feds wait so long before mirandizing him, what's the legal strategy behind this. >> there's a couple things at play. number one, you have the public safety exception which means the greater good is we need to find out if there's anyone else involved, if there's any more bombs out there still. so let's get to what we need to get to immediately. there's a couple other reasons. if this suspect started voluntarily talking, sort of knew he was in the hot seat, said hey, let me tell you what happened, wasn't my fault, was my brother got me into this, if he starts to voluntarily give up information, they don't stop him midstream, say let me tell you about your rights. they can continue to gather that information without violating any of his rights. >> so the thing is if they don't read him his rights, then
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there's the possibility that they will not be able to use what he says in court, but it is not that they won't be able to, it is just possibly. >> that's exactly right. there are several factors that go into that. they're going to look at was the statement, any information given, voluntarily, intelligently and knowingly given. they're going to go into that. but bear in mind, if the defense attorney never files a motion to suppress the confession, there's no challenge to it at all. everything is wide open. if there's a challenge, it is possible that a judge will say well, it wasn't voluntarily, it wasn't knowing, has to be an interrogation, has to be aspect of coercion to be suppressed. >> they're saying now since he was mirandized, he's not talking as much. >> right. >> i am guessing here, thinking that's part of his attorney strategy, don't talk, because we're going to need to use that in order to get the death penalty off the table. my client will cooperate with you. >> right. >> if you take that off the table. >> and it may well be a bargaining chip, it absolutely can become, because this young
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man is facing federal charges that would carry the death penalty. so it may be that his lawyer advised him don't say anything else because they want to keep that card in their back pocket should something come up in the future. >> is there a legal risk declaring him enemy combatant and holding him indefinitely? >> absolutely. an enemy combatant, this is something the bush administration used a lot, then the obama administration said we are backing off that classification and only going to classify you as enemy combatant if there's substantial assistance given to al qaeda or the taliban or one of those known groups. so if you can't prove substantial assistance, you can't justify classifying him as that. what you do is he has a right to challenge that at a hearing, then a court will hear the evidence, say there's no evidence whatsoever, so what you have done is delayed the process, delayed the judicial system from him being charged in the appropriate court and going forward and getting that info. >> it is always interesting to me when people, suspects, cases,
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even if found guilty, they will sue. >> right. >> are we at risk of lawsuits here, especially city of boston moving forward? >> no, it is what we call an intervening act. there's no way that the boston authorities and folks that put together the marathon could have foreseen that these two brothers, and right now they're -- one of them is facing charges, but he hasn't been convicted, these two suspects, there's no way they could have foreseen someone would commit a criminal act like that. there's nothing additional they could have done to protect the citizens there because they had no way of knowing that a criminal would come in and commit this act, injure these folks. >> don't think i am nuts, i know you they ever try someone that no longer with us? >> no. >> no, i understand, you're saying if somebody is deceased, is there any way to get justice from that person. >> to say they did it, guilty. >> you can't do it, they have a right to defend themselves.
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if they're not there, everybody under the constitution has a right to cross examine the accuser. >> the reason i asked, if that happens, sometimes people take it to their grave, sometimes people want to show this person absolutely did it. >> it cannot be done with a deceased brother, yes. it is a legitimate inquiry, a lot of people say why should he get the benefit, you know. >> thank you. >> you got it. >> we'll be right back. e something neatly tucked away in the back of our mind. a secret hope. that thing we've always wanted to do. it's not about having dreams, it's about reaching them. ♪ an ally for real possibilities. aarp. find tools and direction at
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for sibling, caring for a special needs child or parent, can get you more financial aid. erica is asking more since her mom supports her grandfather in ecuador. one school already responded. >> they went up in pell grant, free money, they went up about a thousand dollars. >> christine romans, cnn new york. top of the hour, thank you for joining us. i am don lemon, you're in the cnn newsroom. a man is in jail in mississippi right now, charged in connection with letters sent to president obama and other officials that contained the deadly poison ricin. this man is charged with possessing and use of a biological toxin as a weapon. he is the second man arrested in this investigation, charges against the first suspect were dropped. head now to tupelo and alina ma chot oh, watching as things develop. lean a, who is this
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