tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 1, 2013 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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it's called "dear piers." sound off to me and i get a chance to reply. send your tweets to @piersmorgan. anderson cooper starts right now. there is breaking news tonight. new reporting on what the dead bombing suspect may have been doing in russia while under russian surveillance. we're also learning that the government may also be thinking about taking the death penalty off the table for the younger suspect. you're going to meet a new lawyer who specializes in saving the worst killers from the worst punishment. later, spike lee. he's not known for holding back. he'll join me to talk about jason collins story. also actress catherine zeta-jones openly fighting bipolar disorder. dr. sanjay gupta joins me to
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discuss her decision. why being candid can help a whole lot of people. she is in the hospital right now. we begin though with breaking news. the first ink links to an answer. did they act alone? the younger suspect told investigators, they were self-radicalized. it may come from learning what tamerlan tsarnaev was doing when he took the six-month trip. he left his wife and child behind for all that time. tonight quoting a russian security official, the associated press reports that for some of that time he was under surveillance. according to the a.p.'s reporting, russian agents lost track of him in july shortly after they killed a canadian boxer named william plodnokof. he left russia not waiting to pick up his new russian passport which was supposedly the key reason for the entire trip.
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there's that. new developments back home's well. the lawyer hired to keep the younger suspect out of the death chamber if convicted already working and getting down to business. joe johns, bob bahre joins us as well. nick peyton walsh on the phone. nick, the a.p. reporting tonight that russian security services had tamerlan tsarnaev under surveillance during some of his trip to russia during 2011, that six-month trip. you've been there for a couple of weeks. if this associated press report is true, would that surprise you? >> reporter: to be honest, not at all really. we did know that russian authorities had that mosque under surveillance. a leading police officer in the region told us. the leading militant in the area called abu dujan who was killed last year frequented the mosque a lot.
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we know from the mother and father, they're both saying that their son tamerlan tsarnaev attended that mosque. there's a lot of overlap. what we don't know, if the two met. if tamerlan tsarnaev met him while at that mosque. a.p., a russian official, is telling us that they extended the surveillance of him because of attending that mosque. who was the militant that tamerlan potentially met. police told us they were looking at that particular mosque he was linked to from tamerlan tsarnaev's youtube channel. >> was this surveillance motivated by a pre-existing surveillance on that mosque or was it because of the eavesdropping on a phone conversation between the mother and the suspect tamerlan where a brief mention of jihad was made.
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susan, another potential break in the investigation today. new evidence dealing with a fingerprint found on one of the bombs. what have you learned? >> reporter: that's right. this could be an important new lead for investigators, anderson, learning that at least one fingerprint has been found on part of the bomb debris. we don't know to whom that fingerprint belongs. we are still waiting on word whether there has been an identity match for the female dna that was found on the piece of the pressure cooker as well. you'll remember, anderson, that dna samples according to our sources were taken from the widow of tamerlan tsarnaev yesterday up there in rhode island where she is staying. these could all be key pieces of evidence when this case goes to trial. >> authorities were also quick to point out yesterday just a caution that that female dna evidence which they say was on one of the devices could very easily have come from somebody who sold a -- a shop clerk who
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sold one of the component devices. that's an open question where that may lead. susan, we're also hearing tonight some new information about tamerlan tsarnaev's body. what is it? >> that's right. well, her widow has now officially reached out, put out a statement as well, letting authorities know that she would like to take possession of his remains from the medical examiner's office. we don't know when that will happen. and she issued a statement at the same time saying that she regrets the loss of life and the lives that have been changed by the terrible tragedy or the boston marathon, however, we're also learning that a family member contacted the mosque that the two brothers attended here in boston inquiring about funeral services. now that mosque in turn simply referred that family member and uncle to a funeral home. for now the mosque says that no one from the mosque, none of the
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emams will be in charge of that funeral service because they said they don't want to give the appearance in any way, shape or form that they condone what happened at the marathon. >> joe, let's go to you now. discussions going on between dzhokhar tsarnaev and authorities about his potential punishment through his representatives, i assume. what do we know about it? >> reporter: anderson, right now it's about the two sides making the very preliminary contact that happened at the beginning of a death penalty eligible case. each side wants something, we're told. the justice department wants to talk to the suspect to get more information than they've already got. what does he know? who has he met with? the defense team wants to get their guy a deal that takes the death penalty off the table even though the justice department hasn't even said whether it's going to pursue the death penalty. we're told very preliminary talks have been underway, as is customary. nobody is ready to make any deals. we're told the two sides have talked. the justice officials have said these are not negotiations.
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no discussions over a penalty, anderson. >> bob bahre, former cia officer, what do you make of this ap reports that the russians were surveilling tamerlan sa tamerlan tsarnaev for the better part of the six months that he was there. it could be as nick peyton walsh said it was pre-existing surveillance from the mosque in d dagestan or it could be the phone intercept and the information they had about tamerlan tsarnaev before he got there? >> anderson, i read more into it. going on in the a.p. report it said that the russians panicked when they lost tamerlan. that means they were having active surveillance on him and it was more than the mosque. there was something that caused the russians to put surveillance. this is time consuming. they're over burdened in the caucuses. they really need a good lead to
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follow up something like this so i think we're going to hear a lot more from the russians why they were so concerned about this man to put surveillance, why they panicked, what was he up to, what were his contacts? they were probably all over his phone or neighbor's phones and, you know, if we can get the russians to tell us more, i think we'll probably find this foreign contact, if, indeed, there was one. >> nick, it's also interesting that he reportedly left shortly after this other boxer from canada was killed by russian authorities allegedly jihadist and he left without his russian passport which he had applied for while there. >> we can't describe the motivation for it, but obviously it's a massive could he incidence. william plodkonof, also born in the former soviet union, also a boxer, also going to dagestan to
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pursue extremism. he himself killed by russian special forces in a firefight. he leaves the country seemingly in a hurry. >> those images we were showing were william plodkonof not tamerlan. there's a link between tamerlan and a man named mahmoud nidal. what do you know about him? >> cnn knows that they are looking at a potential link between these two men. nidal claims to be involved in some reports in bringing certain people into the fold of extremism in that area. extraordinarily young, i think it's fair to say, about 17, 18,
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19, very young given the secrecy, killed may 19th in an attack by russian special forces. you're getting a picture here, anderson, of a man like tamerlan tsarnaev. were he connected to these people? seeing all the militants potentially extending wished around him. nidal and then plotnokof. we're speculating he knew these people and he were linked to em this. were that the case, these particular events may have led him to flee the country two days after plotkonof's death. >> you're saying that's the key, the six-month window of why he was there, what was he doing, learning how much we can. how quickly do you think the full picture will become clear, if it ever will? i suppose that's really entirely dependent on how cooperative the russian authorities decide to be
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with the u.s. >> oh, absolutely, anderson. we don't know what the russians are willing to tell us and whether they're not. maybe they did attempt to contact him and recruit him. they won't tell us that. not that they knew about the attack in boston but intelligence services will do that, particularly in particular the russians, try to recruit him, go back, find another chechen. there's a whole file that they have that they're probably a little bit embarrassed about at this point. i'll go back to the explosives. i'm sorry for running this into the ground, but i talked to the fbi today, they said that this bomb absolutely could not have been made by those two men. it was run o of a speed control off a toy car. there was all sorts of, you know, command detonated signal tests they need today do. this is a very complicated plot with a lot of international travel. i think it's wrong for us to just take the narrative it was all home grown, done off the
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narrative. i just don't think the story is going that way. >> you're saying you heard it couldn't have been made by them, meaning it couldn't have been made by them without instruction, or it couldn't have been made by them, period, someone else made it, they were just carrying it. >> they said the pyrotechnics, taking them apart is extremely dicey. one spark could set this off. someone had to go down to that area and test the signal strength from one of these toys. you just can't hope that it's going to go off if you stand a mile away or half a mile away. you actually need to test the signals. there's so many layers of complication in in, it almost suggests that somebody was standing over tsarnaev's shoulder and reminding him how do to this or telling him to. that is pure speculation at this point. that's certainly something the fbi is looking at. that's why it's moving so quickly to look for accomplices, if there were any. >> bob baer, nick payton walsh, joe, susan. more on the death penalty case.
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judy clark, not many lawyers do that. now she's defending dzhokhar tsarnaev. >> reporter: her clients may be very high profile, but she manages to maintain a low profile for herself. >> whether or not you'll appeal this? >> reporter: an attorney who has worked tirelessly to save the lives of some despised people. her name is judy clark and she has helped some of the most notorious criminals of our time avoid the death penalty. terrorists, bombers, baby killers. these clients, all violent people who clark has managed to get sentenced to prison for life instead of death. judy clark does not do news media interviews. >> you said -- >> reporter: clark is a former federal public defender who is now a defense attorney. she is well liked and praised by her peers and she's a staunch
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opponent of the death penalty. quinn denver says she is a walking encyclopedia. she has empathy for the client. she does it all. most recently she worked on jared loughner's case, the gunman who pleaded guilty to murdering six and wounding 13, including arizona congresswoman gabby giffords. the death penalty was on the case, but thanks to clark, no longer. alleged 20th 9/11, zu care yus me so you ri, un na bomber, ted kosinski, susan smith who said her two kids were killed. >> we've got to get them home. that's who they belong with, their ma ma and daddy. >> she had drowned her children. all these criminals managed to get life sentences and evade the death penalty. judy clark doesn't talk to
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reporters, she does talk to her law students. she's been a visiting law poif. we stand between the power of the state and the individual and in doing so defend the core values that make this country great. none of us, including those accused of a crime. wants to be defined by the worst moment or the who day of our lives. she is expected to bring similar attitude and zealousness to the case of dzhokhar tsarnaev. gary tuchman, cnn, atlanta. piers, do you think they should take the death penalty off the table. let me know what you think on twitter @anderson cooper. jason collins, a pioneer. coming up, filmmaker and nba fan spike lee talks to me about collins' decision to come out and the response he's been hearing. also ahead, accused killer amanda knox is facing out as she
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interaction. he'll talk about the journey he's been on with george stephanopoulos. >> they talk about the 12 steps, you go through anger, denial. you know, it's just -- but when you finally get to that point of acceptance, there's nothing more beautiful than just allowing yourself to, you know, really be happy and be comfortable in your own skin. >> as i said, that decision to be open about who he is did not come without a measure of condemnation by some but the detractors seem outnumbered by others including filmmaker, spike lee, joins me now. despite his decision to come out, were you surprised by it? what do you make of it? >> i wasn't surprised. the day is coming. the world is changing, and at the same time, it took a courageous -- it was a courageous act by jason. and you're always going to have your haters out there, but i
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feel good about all the players. a lots of people, kobe, a whole bunch of people come out in full support of jason collins. so i think it was a momentous, historic day yesterday when they came out and it's on the cover of "sports illustrated." >> it's interesting. there was a lot of public support from other players, president obama, the first lady. i was reading your twitter feed from yesterday and there seemed to be in addition to a lot of praise, there was a lot of vitreol against him. >> they were coming at me like i was the one who said i was coming out. in my tweet i supported jason and then the haters started the hate tweets. i had to go back at them and say, you know, whoever is doing this to the individual, you're ignorant and you need to wake up. >> it was interesting because in some of your tweets, i talked to julian bond about this probably about a month or so ago, about -- he sees the sort of equality for gay and lesbian
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americans as part and parcel, a continuation of the civil rights struggle. >> what people forget is that women's liberation, everything even that's happening now with gay rights is started with the civil rights movement. i always find it very peculiar. people who want rights and forget about who started it, you know, so human rights is human rights. so you can't be for gay rights and still be, you know, racist against anybody. as julian bond said, as you just stated, it started with the civil rights movement and the woman's rights movement came after that, now we're going with the gay movement. >> but there are people, and i've talked to a number of african-americans, who do not believe -- or who in fact defended that comparison, who say, you know, look, it's completely different. >> anderson, there is no -- i cannot make any excuse for that. there are i would say a large
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segment of african-americans who are very homophobic. there's no getting around that. >> where do you think that comes from? >> in fact, chris boussard came out yesterday on air -- he didn't come out but he said that, you know, he feels a sin against god, homosexuals. and he's african-american brother from new orleans. >> so do you see that in -- >> he's a christian. >> -- in the community as something based on religious beliefs and religious traditions? >> to be honest, they mitigate people in the church. there are gay people in the black church so you just can't say i believe in god and that means that i'm against homosexuality. >> jason collins makes a point of saying he's a christian and this is -- i mean, this is in line with his beliefs.
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how do you think fans are going to respond? how do you think other players are going to respond, not just publicly, in the locker room, on the court? >> look, there will be a couple of jokes but i think that with the tweets that i've read, if he does happen to get on a team next year, he's going to get respect from the -- definitely from the league because the commissioner has said already this is a great thing. so i think we'll be -- he's going get a warm welcome from fans, majority of fans, as he goes around. once again, he's a free agent. there's no guarantee he's going to be picked up next year. i think he'll get a warm response. i think this nation is moving forward. we're progressing, and i think people are more forward thinking and going to let live -- live let live. >> do you expect other basketball players, other football players, do you see
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other pro athletes coming out soon? >> oh, it's going to happen, and here's the thing, there are gay players in the four major sports. their teammates know it. the organizations know it. they're not going to put them out full blast and -- what i mean by full blast, not going to out them. so there are gay -- known gay players playing professional sports and i think that what jason collins did is give them maybe the same courage for them to do the same thing. so i would say that coming next few months jason collins will not be the only one who will step forward and say, you know, how he's living. >> the tide of history is moving forward. spike lee, great to have you on. >> always, my man, anderson cooper. >> spike, you take care. >> bye-bye. >> spike lee spoke briefly about
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the cross current running through the african-american community when it comes to gay and lesbian rights. joining me is espn writer l.z. granderson and syracuse professor boyce lockjen. >> do you agree with what he says? he says there's a lot of homophobia in the black community, do you buy that? >> i think that there's homophobia everywhere. i think that to talk about the conservative black church tradition in a way that that describes it as pathological because the traditions are different from main street america is a little bit insulting. it almost implies that the african-american community is backward if they don't agree with a gay lifestyle. i think that disagreeing with someone does not mean that people have to be disrespected and so i don't think anybody can
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support clear homophobic remarks if someone is being attacked for being gay. i think to impose the idea that every individual has to be entirely comfortable with the idea of their children being introduced to separate lifestyles of them that is a viable alternative that they should consider, i think that's offensive from some people. i come to a southern baptist family. they're not as comfortable with it as, say, my friends in the northeast. i don't think that makes them bad people. i think we have to be careful with making that decision. >> l.z., julian bond as i mentioned to spike, he was on the program recently, he talked about the fight for equality for gays and lesbians now as being part of the continuum of the civil rights movement for african-americans. do you see it that way? because that offends some people making that comparison. >> well, i definitely see it as a continuum for civil rights. there's a civil rights movement with a capital c, capital r and
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a little c and a little r. we're still fighting for all equality. as far as the african-american community is concerned, i think you heard a lot of the hesitation voiced in what the professor said and how he characterized things. from my perspective, a lot of what he believes or at least is characterizing it as being a choice, like a viable alternative lifestyle like there's some gay lifestyle that can be chosen. sexual orientation is part of your being, just like eye color and part of your skin. at that part makes african-americans uncomfortable but i can't help the fact that people are going to be uncomfortable with the truth. >> professor, what about that and what about those like julian bond who say that this is part of and a continuation of the civil rights movement? >> well, the first thing i'll say is that i think most people should try to understand the fact that being gay in many cases is not a choice. i don't believe it's a choice and i think that people should be accepted for who they are.
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i think that the idea, however, that the gay rights movement is piggybacking or is similar to the civil rights movement i think makes people uncomfortable. i think the gay rights movement can be seen as something that is powerful, beautiful in itself. i don't think that saying, well, this is just like the civil rights movement or because you are a black person who was oppressed in alabama in 1855, that you should -- or 1955, you should identify with what the gay community is going through. i think that people are going to choose their battles and i think that you compare the gay rights movement to the civil rights movement is like comparing the civil rights movement to the american revolution. these were all movements in their own right and i think the imposition or somehow imperiallizing the thinking of a group of people and saying that you have to be on board with this and if you disagree in any way we're going to ostracize you, i think that that's incredibly unfair. i can't support that. >> l.z., what about that?
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what kind of an impact do you think president obama finally, you know, as he said, evolving on this issue? those were his words. to now support same-sex marriage, what kind of an impact do you think that's had? >> i think it's certainly had a significant impact. in my opinion, having covered this subject for a number of years, it seems to me that there are through lines outside of race that connects a person's viewpoint of sexual orientation. education, the role of religion in their lives, geography, socioeconomic status. i don't want to spend too much time making it about black people against gay people, i'm one of them, black gay people, but there are other people who are worried about sexual orientation. president obama is held in a highlight seen as a hero coming out supporting marriage equality makes having the conversation easier. it doesn't mean he's going to help everyone get to the point
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where they accept it and all of the other things that are important to a gay community, but at least it allows us to have a conversation. in the black community one of the things that's held us back in this conversation and others is we have a don't ask don't testimony sort of policy on things that make us uncomfortable. this allows us to ask and tell. >> professor watkins, you have been saying that the president coming out for same-sex marriage has created some divisions within the african-american community? >> yeah. if you go down to the south side of chicago and you survey the black pastors, you're going to see the hat fields and mccoys. you have some pastors who fully embrace the liberal agenda and they're following in lock step with what president obama says is right and you have others who say, you know, the bible taught me something different and i believe something different and i think at the end of the day it's a matter of respecting different points of view. i will agree, however, that there's really no group of americans more marginalized than the black gay community. i think that a lot of what you
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see happening in the black gay community in terms of hiv infection and things like that, it really says that our community needs to embrace those individuals. i think it's important that we do that, but at the same time we cannot attack people because their religious beliefs lead them a different direction. i don't think that's rice. >> professor watkins, great to have you on. l.z. granderson, appreciate it. go to for more on the story. two years after going public about having bipolar disorder, catherine zeta-jones checked herself back into a facility. dr. sanjay gupta tells us what her condition is. also, a first look inside an elaborate drug tunnel. the mexican government shut it down recently. >> hi. >> hi. you know, i can save you 15% today if you open up a charge card account with us. >> you just read my mind. >> announcer: just one little piece of information and they can open bogus accounts, stealing your credit, your money
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you may have heard that the actress catherine zeta-jones has checked herself into a treatment facility. it's not clear for how long. two years ago the 43-year-old actress has announced she has bipolar ii disorder. this disorder that affects millions of people and i am one of them. if my revelation of having bipolar ii has encouraged one person to seek help, then it is worth it. there is no need to suffer silently and there is no shame in seeking help. sanjay gupta joins me now. there's such stigma around mental health issues, i just think it takes a tremendous amount of courage for her to be open about what she's facing. this is the second time in two years she checked into a treatment facility. is that common for people who suffer from bipolar condition? >> yeah, it is not that
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uncommon, especially for bipolar ii. i'll say i agree with you completely, anderson. we talk so much about depression and there's such a stigma around this disease even in the medical community. it's remarkable that she's out there speaking about this. she's been in the hospital before. she's in the hospital again. typically, this is a sort of almost planned thing. medication can be very effective, particularly for bipolar ii, which is what she has, but a lot of times these medications need to be adjusted, and that's not something that can often be done as an out-patient. >> what's the difference between bipolar ii and bipolar i? >> you know, they both -- bipolar, they both have these sort of back and forth between manic behavior and depression. with bipolar i it's much more characterized by the manic sort of behavior. it's not something that you would easily miss if you notice this in somebody. bipolar ii tends to be a little bit milder but also much more in
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the -- people stay in the depressive phase for much longer periods of time. >> it's interesting though, she was diagnosed just two years ago when she was 41 years old. does it develop as an adult or is this something that would have -- she would have been suffering from and dealing with her whole life and just not realized it? >> yeah, that's a really good point. it is possible that you could develop this as an adult but the more common scenario is what you described, anderson. more typically it's late teens, early 20s, but people don't recognize the symptoms. again, with bipolar ii they can be a little bit milder. they may not be recognized. people sort of suffer with this, don't realize that it's actually some sort of specific diagnose sisz and as a result they don't get diagnosed until late. so it's a lot of suffering that goes on. >> what triggers a manic or a depressive episode? is it a situational depression? is it actually based on life events or is it, you know, chemical based? >> this is considered chemical imbalance in the brain, and for a long time this was a purely
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clinical diagnosis, meaning people would get the diagnosis by describing certain aspects of their life and how it's changed over time. now you and i have talked about this before, there are more objective measures. people can actually measure, you know, the impacts of depression on the brain and it's made it much more objective, i think, anderson, as well. >> how is it treated? is there effective medicine that doesn't -- that allows you to function? >> yeah, with bipolar ii there are effective medications. keep in mind when you're not treated, very difficult for you to function. this renders you much more functional, these medications. it's not that some of them don't have side effects from them in terms of stong the toggling back and forth between the depressive and manic episodes of your life, you know, these medications can be very effective. they may need to be adjusted, again, in the hospital, which is what she's going through now. >> all right. sanjay gupta, thanks very much. >> you've got it, anderson. let's get you caught up on
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some of the other stories. isha's here with the "360" bulletin. president obama is saying he needs more information about the chemical weapons we use before deciding how we respond. >> what we now have is evidence that chemical weapons have been used inside of syria, but we don't know how they were used, had they were used, who used them. we don't have a chain of custody that establishes what exactly happened, and when i am making decisions about america's national security and the potential for taking additional action in response to chemical weapon use, i've got to make sure i've got the facts. >> a mask linked to the 41-year-old mississippi man is linked to ricin. he was charged with sending
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ricin tainted letters to president obama and two other officials. authorities initially charged and then cleared another mississippi man in the case. anderson, check this out. san diego's kgtv got a rare look inside a drug smuggling tunnel in tijuana, mexico. it was discovered back in february before it was completed. 17 people were arrested. the u.s. border is just four blocks from the warehouse where the tunnel begins. according to a report it had an elevator, electricity, and a rail system. >> it's amazing. i've been in a couple of those tunnels. they're extraordinarily complex. up next, amanda noiknox speaking out. susan page from "usa today" spent hours with her. she joins us to talk about her in depth interview next. çñ
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welcome back. in crime and punishment tonight, amanda knox is speaking out. the american exchange student has spent four years in an italian prison before an appeals court reversed her decision. a new book out shows her side of the ordeal. she has done a few in depth ordeal. in a minute i'll speak with s s susan page who had an in depth interview. a doctor told her they analyzed the blood sample and that he had bad news.
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>> the doctor told me that i had tested positive for hiv. i was stunned. i went back to my room with one of the prison officials telling me, well, you should have thought about it before you had sex with all those people. >> so she made a list of the seven sexual encounters of her life. >> and they leaked it? >> they leaked it to the media. >> afterward knox was told it was a miss stick and she wasn't hiv positive. susan page is a washington bureau chief. you spent about five hours? >> five hours with her in her hometown of seattle. interviewed her at some length. we went to a park and a coffee shop where she likes to hang out. >> how did she seem like you? >> very nice. she seems like in many ways an ordinary college student. she expects to graduate in may with a creative writing degree and she has a boyfriend. in some ways she's like every other college student. in some ways she's really
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shadowed, both by her experiences of the last five years and also by the prospect that she could be convicted again. >> you interviewed her just five days after she found out the appeals court decision. i mean, she talks about going back to italy even though obviously her defense team is saying that's not going to happen. >> when i interviewed her she said that she wanted to go back for the trial to make a statement about how important it was to her. now soon after the interview was over her lawyers made it clear she would not be going back to italy for that trial. she doesn't have to legally. >> right. >> that doesn't mean she's in the clear. if she's convicted, there could be extradition hearings. the u.s. government would have to decide if it was going to comply with that. >> she also talked about wanting to visit meredith's grave. why is that so important to her? meredith's parents have cast doubt on her. >> one of the things she said is most painful for her is that meredith kercher's parents believe she killed their daughter and mr. kercher wrote a book about it can i she said she
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read. >> she read the book. >> she said she has read the book. she hopes they read her book. they said today in a statement in england that they will not read her book but she hopes that the day will come when they accept her innocence and let her -- give her permission to visit meredith's grave. she said she never had a chance to grieve, accused almost from the beginning of her murder. >> when you look at the evidence, it just does not seem to be there. >> here's the extraordinary thing. people in italy believe she is guilty. a lot of people in britain believe she is guilty, but in the you states and in the appeals court that set her free, independent analysts looking a the the physical evidence say that it isn't really there, that it isn't reliable, that it was mishandled and tainted. raised real questions in the way in which she was convicted. >> is she still close to rafael? >> they are close, yes. they talk occasionally. he's come to seattle twice and
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they've met. she expresses very warm feelings toward him. you know, he did not make a deal saying that she was guilty, a deal he says he was offered by italian authorities. he stuck with his story, as she did with hers, that they were not involved in this horrible, brutal murder. >> does she know what she wants to do with her life? >> she wants to be a creative writer. she's dating a musician. i think she doesn't know exactly how that works out into the life -- a career of a lifetime. >> right. >> i think she would very much like to move past this chapter in her life. >> one of the things that she said in the interview, she said it does hurt i lot to have people think that that's me and that's the kind of person that i am. it doesn't affect me in the day to day. i haven't had people come up and threaten me or key nouns me. >> she's been called all sorts of horrible names. you ask anyone in america amanda knox, they know who you're talking about. they may have an opinion about
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whether she's guilty or not. we went into a coffee shop. there was a table of teenagers. they saw her, pointed at her, took pictures of her with their smart phones. she faces that all the time. >> it's an unimaginable life. >> it is. if you believe her protest tagss that she's innocent, she has been caught in a terrible web of injustice. >> thank you so much, susan. appreciate it. the growing search for the robber of laila.
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have hail damage to both their cars. ted ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about... with ted's now ex-girlfriend. wheeeee! whoo! later ted! online claims appointments. just a click away on
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try capzasin-hp. it penetrates deep to block pain signals for hours of relief. capzasin-hp. take the pain out of arthritis. there's a lot more happening tonight. isha's back. >> investigators in valley springs, california, have interviewed registered sex offenders as they search for the killer of 8-year-old laila fowler. she was stabbed to death in her home over the weekend. her 12-year-old brother said he saw an intruder in the home before he found her with the stab wounds. the judge in the michael jackson wrongful death civil trial has ruled only one of the singer's brothers or sisters can be in the courtroom at a time. lawyers for the defendant claim there was a risk having any of the siblings there because they
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fear they'll influence the jury. in a florida courtroom george zimmerman waives his right to seek immunity under the state's stand your ground law. the state will prove zimmerman acted in self-defense when he shot and killed teenager trayvon martin last year. new moms at yahoo can take 16 weeks. they get $500 to pay for baby clothes. and in new orleans a man grabbed a shotgun out of the hands of a would-be robber and tries to chase him down. moments later a car approached. the driver said, give me my gun back and i'll give you your phone that you dropped. the victim refused and hit the back window with the shotgun shattering it. police are searching for the suspect. i guess that's one way of handling it. >> incredible that he got the shotgun away from the guy so quickly.
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that's it for us. thanks for watching. "early start" begins now. another key clue in the boston terror attack. what investigators are saying about a fingerprint found on a bomb fragment. so politics turns into punches. take a look at this all out brawl that left some lawmakers bloody and bruised. not supposed to play like that. >> no, you're not. the calendar might say may, but the calendar says something else. you're not going to believe it -- snow. yes, you are going to believe it because we talked about it yesterday. welcome to "early start." i'm zoraida sam
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