tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 2, 2013 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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boston bombing. there are pictures of the raid itself by s.w.a.t. members. what authorities say the suspects did to help their friend, the surviving alleged bomber. that and the phone conversation the alleged widow's wife had after the bombing. will it make her suspect number six. tonight we'll meet the woman who lost her mom at sandy hook elementary. now she's confronting lawmakers who say they care about what happened and voted no on tougher laws. and what made this jumbo jet to fall to earth. the video is hard to watch. it is incredible. what can a pilot actually do when a plane stalls on takeoff. we'll ask a pro to take us inside the cockpit. we begin with everything new we're learning about the bombing
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investigation. there's a lot to bring you up to date on. there's three new suspects of the friend of dzhokhar tsarnaev. two kazak friends who are charged with destruction of evidence and the third with lying to authorities. now according to court documents one texted tsarnaev just after the fbi released pictures of the bomb suspects telling him, quote, he looked like the suspect on television. lol dzhokhar stated, come to my room and take whatever you want. authorities say he and the other two did just that. what they found and what they allegedly did next is potentially very incriminating to theirselves as well as their friend dzhokhar. there's so much more we've been learning since their arrest. susan candiotti learned about the raid that swept them up. joe johns has more and sue
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griffin has specific items and gloria borgen has more on the phone conversation. we want to go through it step by step. first, susan candiotti. susan, you have this exclusive video when the s.w.a.t. team came to arrest the two students? >> that's right. it was on the 19th. this neighborhood didn't know what to think. over my shoulder is the apartment that was raided. that's where the s.w.a.t. team came down the street, barrelling in with armored trucks, everyone armed to the hit. people started running and getting their iphones and smart phones to take pictures of what was going on. i talked with a neighbor who showed us what he had. >> oh, my god. >> put your hands up and no one will get hurt. >> everybody stay down, okay?
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do not move. >> dzhokar tsarnaev, come out. dzhokar tsarnaev, you are being arrested. so, susan, they believe that dzhokhar tsarnaev was in that house. he was not in that house though obviously, and the two kazec students were, correct? >> that's right. neighbors here said they had seen dzhokar and sometimes the brother. they saw the students come out, in their skivvies, being questioned, no, no, no. they were taken away. they were released, picked up again and held on immigration charges, violations of their student visa. >> i just want to see the video
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again. at first it's hard, the people taking the video are talking. you can clearly hear the authorities say, dzhokar tsarnaev, come out. dzhokar, put your hands up and no one will get hurt. >> everybody stay down, okay? do not move. >> dzhokar tsarnaev, come out. >> susan, why did they believe he was in that house, do we know? >> reporter: well, we do know this, hours after those videos were initially released by the fbi, we know from the criminal complaint that immediately the people in this house started to get nervous. the roommates, the friends, the students. and we know that within literally three hours or so, a few hours of those videos coming out that on the facebook page of one of the students who lived
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here, dias kadyrbayev, he tweeted a picture of him having dinner with dzhokar and within 15 minutes both dzhokar and this student, both changed their facebook photos, dzhokar making his photo black and white and the other student changing his photo to wearing an ironman mask. why they did this, you can answer it yourself, come up with your own reasons. these were actions at least of dzhokar, someone being on a run, what the students were trying to allegedly do, to ditch some of the evidence in this case. >> susan, i appreciate that. the criminal complaint, joe johnson has been following that. they were saying that dzhokar found out about the bomb plot a couple weeks earlier. what's in the court papers contradict that?
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>> that's true. the affidavit says the two men from kaz zek stand got a hint of what was to come several weeks before it actually all happened. if you look at what we have up on the screen. essentially it says tsarnaev told the two men from kazekstan a month before the marathon that he knew how to make a bomb. obviously it wasn't two weeks, it was more like a full month all the way back into march. >> that's not coming from tsarnaev himself, that's coming from one of the kazec guys? >> reporter: that's true. >> the attorneys for the man said their clients didn't know what they were doing. it seems pretty clear, if this affidavit is correct, that they were at least aware their friend was in a lot of trouble. >> reporter: that's true, and there are several references in the papers to the idea that these men knew something was up once the pictures of the bombing
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suspects were released. the papers say phillipos, he, kadyrbayev and tazhayakov began to freak out because it became clear from a cnn report that they were watching, that dzhokar was one of the boston marathon bombers. that, of course, is important because the government wants to show that they were part of a coverup. >> what they're alleging is that one of them texted dzhokar saying, you look like the bomber. dzhokar said, lol, come over and take whatever you want and they did. >> reporter: they did. according to the fbi, they did go over and took several items out of his apartment, that would include a backpack, some vaseline, it included a laptop
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and the authorities essentially are saying, look, you know, put two and two together and it equals four, anderson. >> and is that the backpack -- have authorities found that backpack? >> they have found that backpack an it had some fireworks that actually had some of the insides of those fireworks apparently taken out. so that certainly is important evidence for them. >> okay. joe johns, i appreciate it. drew griffin has been following part of the puzzling parts of the complaint. they removed a jar of vaseline. why would they do that? >> reporter: the vaseline is an interesting ingredient in terms of making a bomb. you would use vaseline to prevent any kind of friction from taking place which could spark powder. you basically would use it as an insulator between metal and in this case perhaps the inside powder found in a firework so that's very specific to bomb
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making. anderson, i think that's telling in two ways. number one, it tells you dzhokar, he has some kind of proficiency in knowing how to put together bombs and, number two, it lets you know that at least one of these students arrested today knew that because, let's face it, you get rid of the computer, you get rid of a backpack with empty fireworks inside, why would you then go and reach for a jar of vaseline unless you knew specifically that vaseline was used in the process of making some kind of improvised explosive device. >> drew, we may not know this from this affidavit, from this court document, do we know that dzhokar said to them not only go over and take whatever you want, please get rid of my computer, please get rid of the bag of fireworks and get rid of this vaseline? >> reporter: we don't know that. we know one of the students, dias kadyrbayev said in the complaint that the u.s. put out
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today that they also did take the vaseline, that they specifically went over and made sure they got the vaseline as well. and that's why i say it's very telling. >> right. >> it wasn't common to me to know that vaseline was used when i woke up this morning in the creation of any kind of a device, but apparently it was to one of these students. >> you know, we talked a lot about this in the last two weeks or so, that bomb makers have specific signatures and often they can kind of track down where maybe someone learned how to make the bomb based on what kind of a bomb they're making. do we know of any other kinds of cases in the united states in which vaseline has been used? >> we do, nagi bligizzi, an al qaeda bomber who tried to blow up the new york subway, during testimony in his case one of his co-conspirators talked about how they were learning to make bombs at an al qaeda training camp in pakistan and they had a list of ingredients and one of the
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ingredients was vaseline. so we do know that it has been brought up at least at one al qaeda camp. there are some references to it online. not widely known and certainly not widely known how or why you would use that vaseline. it is very specific information. >> have they actually found the laptop? i know they were searching that land if i am? we believe that was one of the items they were searching for. joe said they found a backpack at the landfill. >> the prosecutors released i believe a photo of the backpack with the empty fireworks inside but missing from that was whether or not they actually did find the laptop computer. they may have found that computer and just don't want to let us know that. maybe they just weren't able to find it. >> okay. a lot is happening in the last couple of hours, drew. appreciate the reporting. let us know what you think about the investigation. follow me on twitter. gloria borger on the widow, on
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tsarnaev might have been in that building. >> dzhokar, put your hands up and no one will get hurt. >> oh, my god. everybody stay down, okay? do not move. >> dzhokar tsarnaev, come out. dzhokar tsarnaev, you are being arrested now. come out with your hands up. >> ashleigh banfield has gotten ahold of a pair of photos of dzhokar tsarnaev and one of the three suspects charged today robel phillipos. we don't know whether they were friends at the time, only that they had friends in common. meantime, federal officials say that investigators are very interested in talking with tamerlan tsarnaev's widow, kathryn russell.
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investigators remain very interested in talking with the widow. these are new photos i should point out, booking photos, mug shots from her arrest on shoplifting charges back in 2007. she is not, however, in custody now nor has she been charged with anything yet. authorities do want to know a lot from her, including a phone call that we learned about that she had with tamerlan shortly after the bombing. gloria borger has more on that. what do we know about this phone call? >> well, my colleen deborah feyerick and i are reporting that she spoke with her husband tamerlan after these pictures were plastered all over national television. what we don't know, anderson, is the exact nature of that conversation. my sources are not clear whether they spoke because she was horrified at what she saw, she was questioning whether this was, in fact, tamerlan, or whether she was tipping him off. what they do express some concern about is that she spoke with him but apparently did not
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speak with law enforcement. now that's not a crime from a legal standpoint. from a moral standpoint you might think it was. and, you know, she remains a very, very murky person here. there's no clear picture of who she is and what she actually knows about all of this. >> now her -- her attorneys days ago, i think last week, had said she's doing all she can to cooperate which sounded like lawyer speak. you would think that would say she's cooperating and doing interviews with the fbi. to our knowledge, has she actually sat down and done interviews with the fbi? >> well, we believe that they've gotten some dna from her. we're not clear about the extent of her conversations. there was a report in "the new york times" today that she had been talking but that she is, in fact, clamming up. and there's also, you know, different reads on her. i've spoken with a couple of law enforcement officials, you know, one of whom says you've got to really look closely at her because we need to know what she knew, for example, about his
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trip to russia. we need to know what she knows about his affiliations and it's hard to believe she didn't know anything. then i spoke with another law enforcement source who said to me, you know what, she was the bread winner in the family. she worked very long weeks. she wasn't with him all the time and she had a young child and there's a possibility that he was doing things that she didn't know about but, you know, bottom line is, anderson, she's a very, very important person to them and they need to get as much information from her in any way that they can. >> what i don't understand though, if he -- you know, he's married to her. he leaves her for six months with a newborn baby and she doesn't have any thoughts about what he's doing over there? >> right. i mean, you're asking the same questions law enforcement is asking. i mean, he leaves for six months. what does she know about the people he was meeting with? what was the story he gave her about why he was going there? >> and also if -- you know,
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there was a blog posting from a woman who used to get facials in their home and reported that the mother was spouting all sorts of 9/11 conspiracy theories, that the government was behind it. she said that tamerlan heard it on the internet. certainly the wife must have heard this as well. >> right. >> and can certainly shed light on whatever evolution and character her husband underwent. >> and also what did she know about her mother-in-law who is somebody they're very interested in. >> right. >> what she knows about her mother-in-law's politics and her relationship with her son. >> it'll be interesting to see if she does fully cooperate with law enforcement. >> one way or another. >> gloria, appreciate it. more on the legal angles of the surviving bomber. we're joined by harvard law school, alan dershowitz. and juliet kayem. professor dershowitz, this news of the wife speaking with her
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husband naming him as a suspect, if she knew her husband was a suspect and didn't report him, is she in any legal jeopardy? is there a spousal privilege? >> well, there is no spousal privilege for protecting against a crime like this, and there is an old statute called misprison of felony that if you know about a crime and fail to report it, you're guilty of a misdemeanor. it's never prosecuted. it really all depends on the nature of the conversation. if she gave him any advice at all about how to keep from being arrested, it could be a crime, but if she just said, oh, my god, or something like that, knew about it and failed to report, unlikely, but i suspect that the authorities are going to figure out some grounds on which to actually arrest her and try to squeeze her and put pressure on her and see if she will cooperate more than she's currently cooperating. that will not surprise me. >> professor, with regard to the
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three young men charged today with obstruction of justice, how do you see these charges? do they seem weak to you? >> no. the charges of obstruction of justice seem very strong. if they, in fact, received a phone call after the pictures were on television and as a result of that phone call got rid of very crucial evidence, including a computer, what could be more important than a computer which may have history of the past, indications of the future, contact information. they either knew, actually knew that they were obstructing justice or they should have known. they were engaging in willful blindness. they should have not prevented themselves from learning. you don't just throw away a computer after a bombing like this when you see other kinds of evidence, including the vaseline. i don't think the government will have much trouble proving the kind of knowledge that's required for obstruction of justice. as to the lying to the police and law enforcement authorities, that's always a hard crime to
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prove because there's usually no transcript, no warning, most people don't know that it's a crime to lie to law enforcement authorities. you're talking one word against the other, but it's a serious crime here. not allowed to lie to law enforcement, particularly when they're investigating something as serious as terrorism. >> jewel yet kayem, one of these students, his student visa wasn't valid. his college said they did what they were supposed to do in reporting this that he was no longer an active student but somehow there was a breakdown at the federal level. it sounds like another case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand was doing. >> reporter: right. so how it's supposed to work, this is a lot of the post 9/11 architecture that was created. if people are allowed in on student visas, there's actually no way that the federal government can keep track of all of them so universities and colleges are under an order to
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notify federal authorities, we have this period in december of 2012 of when was i.c.e., immigration notified, and why did it get into the system. that breakdown, if it is a breakdown, we have to identify when the school notified them. he returns in january of this year, 2013. that is going to be a key issue. but just to put it in perspective, first of all, his student visa was okay until august of this year, so it's valid. the other issue is would that really have triggered anything? i know it's odd for people to wonder why wouldn't that have gotten him arrested? millions of people come through our borders every day and there was just priority lists. if he's on no other list but, you know, he extended his student visa, it's just one of those triage issues where you want to focus on people with records. putting both pieces together, it looks like we need to look at what happened in december of 2012 when he returns in january
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of 2013. >> poirofessor, we have this charging document, he's sitting at dinner saying he knows how to make a bomb. when you hear that, what's your reaction? does it undermine this notion that they had no idea what was going on until they saw him talking about him on the news? >> it's not an independent crime. it's not even a crime to know that somebody is planning to bomb the marathon and killing lots of people. it's not a crime to just know that and not report it. you have to have more involvement to be a conspirator, but it does relate to their state of knowledge when they helped destroy evidence. so when they get the phone call, the knowledge that they had weeks or months earlier is attributable to them and they had to at that point have a suspicion and put one and one together and say, hey, wait a minute, are you asking me to dispose of bomb making material? are you asking me to dispose of evidence? i think they really had very
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little chance of prevailing if they put together the defense of lack of knowledge based on this combination of circumstances. >> interesting. professor and juliet, 245u7k. we have dramatic pictures of a 747 falling from the sky. it's a nightmare. it's believed to be the plane that crashed monday in afghanistan. we'll talk to a former pilot about what could have gone wrong on this jet. and the daughter of dawn who can sprung is talking to us about why she's going to the nra tomorrow and what she plans on doing there.
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possibly the final moments of the cargo plane crash in afghanistan that apparently killed seven crew members. we say this was apparently driven by a crew member, we say apparently because we can't confirm that. a warning the video is disturbing to watch. chris lawrence reports. >> reporter: the video is dramatic and disturbing. a 747 just stalls and falls back to earth. while cnn can't confirm how authentic the video is, it does appear to show a cargo plane that crashed. that crash killed brad hasler. >> if i could trade places so he could be with his family, i
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would. >> reporter: that's brad's brother. >> we don't see the baby who's on the way who we expect to see in october. >> reporter: the 747 was bound for dubai carrying equipment as part of the u.s. military's drawdown from afghanistan. the civilian cargo plane was loaded with more than 60 tons of gear. >> securing them is absolutely critical to safety. >> reporter: steven wallace is the former director of the faa's accident investigation unit. he says there's no forgiveness in a plane's center of gravity. >> basically there can only be so much weight at each part of the plane. >> so it's critical that the total weight be within the limit and that the plane be balanced. >> reporter: the 747 can take off a couple different ways. when it's carrying passengers it will take four to five minutes to reach 15,000 feet, but in afghanistan there's always the danger of being shot out of the sky so the pilots need to gain as much altitude as possible while they're still over bagram.
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a 747 carrying cargo can reach altitude two minutes faster. >> the typical concern with a cargo aircraft, this has caused accidents before, when the airplane is rotated with the nose up, the cargo moves if it's not properly secured. >> reporter: cargo is chained down but if one of the chain attachments failed, it could shift. >> we don't know that that happened here. it has happened in prior accidents. >> reporter: chris lawrence, washington. joining me is john nance. it's good to have you on the program. i'm sorry it's under these circumstances. i've never seen anything like this. it's everybody's nightmare. the plane looks like it drops out of the sky. i want to play the video for you. if you could tell us what you see step by step. >> absolutely. basically what you've got here is an airplane that is running out of air speed and running out
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of arrow dynamics. you can see the high angle which could be a result of cargo shifting as the gentleman from the faa said. if that happened and it was out of what we call cg envelope at this point he is literally stalling, trying to roll the airplane into some attitude that makes sense. you see it begin to roll off to the right wing. this is what we know to do if we're trying to gain control of too great of a pitchup. if it's not done quick enough, you become basically 6 or 700 or 800,000 pounds of metal falling towards earth. at this point the airplane is absolutely not aerodynamic, it is a ballistic thing falling to the ground. >> at that point the pilots know there's nothing you can do? >> they would have flown to the very last micro second. that's what pilots do. by the same token, they would have known that there wasn't a lot of room to be able to recover. this is actually what we begin to call a stall stem accident but there's no room really for a
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spin to develop. i think the pilot was trying to roll the wings over. there was 1500 feet. that's not enough for a 747 or anything else. >> i've flown on plenty of c-130 cargo planes. they work really hard to make sure the cargo is, you know, exactly where it should be on the aircraft, that it's roped down from all different angles. do you think it likely that this is some sort of a cargo shift? how much would it have to shift to make a stall like that? >> i can see a scenario. this has happened a couple of times in the history of large planes. imagine the vehicle brakes free, hits another one causes it to break free. suddenly you have thousands of pounds shifting beyond the point of survival, so to speak. the nose pitches up. the crew is moving it forward. there's not enough time and not enough altitude to be able to do that. we don't know that that's the scenario, but that certainly is a very likely explanation for
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what you're seeing here. the fact is they don't have apertures doing these things. it's done precisely. they are restrained with chains and with things that tie them down. those things can break. >> i've flown out of bagram. you get up high as quickly as possible while you're still over bagram airbase for safety reasons. do you have no doubt that sort of exacerbates a situation like this, the chance of the stall? >> yeah, it does. i mean, any time that you're trying to get out of an area and get up higher than anybody can shoot a missile at you or shoot a hand held shoulder mount, yeah, you're going to have a closer air speed to stall than you would normally do. it's not dangerous. something like this happens. >> it is just sickening. just terrible for the families of those on board. john nance, i appreciate you being on board. just ahead, senators who voted against the gun control bill feeling heat. erica lafferty whose mom was killed in the sandy hook shooting said those who voted no have some explaining to do.
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>> i want be answers that no one has given me. i still haven't gotten them. >> she's confronting them face to face. also a new twist in the benghazi terror case. the fbi is looking for three men who they say may have information about the deadly attack on the consulate. i wake up in the morning with no back pain. i can adjust it if i need to...if my back's a little more sore. and by the time i get up in the morning, i feel great! if you have back pain, toss and turn at night or wake up tired with no energy, the sleep number bed could be your solution. the sleep number bed's secret is it's air chambers which provide ideal support and put you in control of the firmness. and the bed is perfect for couples because each side adjusts independently to their unique sleep number. here's what clinical research has found: 93% of participants experienced back-pain relief 90% reported reduced aches and pains 87% fell asleep faster and enjoyed more deep sleep. for study summaries, call this number now.
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since senate republicans defeated a bipartisan proposal to expand background checks on gun purchases. the 54-46 vote. while the terror attack drew attention away from the vote, senators are starting to feel the heat including passionate voices from the debate for whom the debate was very personal. >> reporter: sandy hook elementary principal dawn hochsprung was shot and killed in newtown. this week her daughter drove from connecticut to new hampshire to confront kelly ayotte who voted against the gun control bill. >> i'm just wondering why the burden of my mother being gunned down in the elementary school isn't important? >> i felt the enhanced improvements to our background checks system, as you and i both know, the issue wasn't a background check system issue in
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sandy hook. >> reporter: erica lafferty didn't just do this on her own. she was send by the group mayors against gun control. mayor bloomberg also plans to launch this tv ad thursday. >> senator ayotte is giving criminals a past. >> reporter: it's trying to ep could the gun control issue alive despite losing a pof voe tall vote two weeks ago to expand background checks. >> the amendment is not agreed to. >> reporter: in order to find the 60 votes needed to pass a background check bill, supporters need to change some half a dozen senate minds. they're going after these senators, republicans and democrats. >> mr. bachus -- >> reporter: montana's max bachus was one of four senate
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tors to vote no. >> i aimed my handgun at the door. handguns can protect us. we're less safe with the guns in the wrong hand. >> reporter: the nra isn't taking anything for granted. they're pushing just as hard to keep the senators in their corner. >> it's why kelly had the courage to keep misguided gun laws. >> reporter: senators are taking a hit with constituents. a new survey conducted by a pro democratic polling firm did indicate a drop in support for ayotte after her vote against the background checks provision. that same poll named arizona republican jeff blake who also voted against the gun control measure the most unpopular senator in the country. nothing like waking up to a poll saying you're the nation's least popular senator. he went on to say, probably puts
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me somewhere just below pond scum. >> dana bash joins us from washington. will any of this have an impact? >> it is really an open question and it is an untold that there are some general discussions still going on amongst some senators about a way to revive this. a lot of that really depends on how successful all of this effort is during this recess, whether or not they can effectively shame these senators or convince them that the public opinion is really on the side of gun control. so you see the numbers but they actually want the senators to feel it. i will tell you that a senate source that's familiar with their thinking says senator ayotte is willing to consider an alternative. we'll see how that goes. but the other thing i wanted to mention though, potential problem, is that the republican who is on this background check problem, pat toomey, has said that he's done. he doesn't want to do this. he said something very revealing just this week to a local paper.
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he said that -- admitted that there are some on his side, the republican side, who didn't want to being f to go for this because they didn't want to give the president a victory. to hear this from a republican is very revealing. >> thanks. leading up to the senate votes two weeks ago, erica lafferty, lobbied senators to support the bill. she called them, texted them, went to capitol hill. she didn't get the outcome she wanted but she says she's not giving up. erica lafferty is joining me. erica, how are you holding up? it's been almost five months since you lost your mom. >> definitely doesn't get any easier, but i'm trying to keep myself busy and just doing as much as i can every day. >> i want to ask you about your confrontation with senator ayotte yesterday. you found out she was having a town hall a few hours away from you. what made you decide to drive to new hampshire to the town hall? >> because i want answers that no one has given me and i still
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haven't gotten them. and it was my first opportunity to, you know, ask the questions that i've been trying to get answered since i left d.c. >> what are the biggest questions you want answered? >> well, primarily from her, she had mentioned when i was in her office the day after the vote that she was concerned about the burden that would be imposed on people who are trying to sell firearms, and i just wanted to know why that was more important than the burden that my family's been dealing with since my mother was gunned down in an elementary school. >> what happened when you asked the question? >> the same thing that happened the last time. she kind of just trailed off and went into, well, i do support mental health. well, i'm pretty sure all of america supports mental health legislation. it's obviously something that needs to be brought up. she really just dodged the question just as i expected her to do. >> you expected her to?
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you didn't think she would answer. >> i tonigdon't think she has a answer. i don't think there's any way she can look me in the eye and justify to me why she doesn't care that my mother was murdered. >> you don't think she cares? >> she voted that she didn't. >> you admit you were in her office before. what happened back then, as you said, the day after the vote? >> she went into, you know, the whole burden issue and really just kind of went around in a circle and, you know, just saying this is what i do support and, you know, not really giving me any reason why my mother doesn't matter to her, why five other educators don't matter to her, why the 33 people that are gunned down every single day in america don't matter to her. >> what do you -- if this comes back, if this legislation resurfaces by the end of the year, do you think it will be any different, the result? >> when it does come back i am absolutely confident that it will be different because i know
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there's a lot of people out there that aren't giving up until -- until this does go through. >> i know last month when a group of senators were threat yeng to filibuster the gun legislation you took to twitter against them. the tweet writes this is the picture of my mom and sister on her wedding day. i don't get one in july. that's a pretty gutsy, bold thing to do. is that something you get you think from your mom? >> absolutely it is. and, you know, really it was just pure frustration that my phone calls hadn't been returned and my e-mails hadn't been returned and, you know, that was my next option. when that didn't work, i went to d.c. >> and do you plan to continue to show up at town halls, at other events? >> without a doubt. >> i heard and i don't know if this is true that you may be going down to houston later this week to attend the nra convention? >> i fly out tomorrow. i will be there. >> what do you expect there?
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i mean, that -- you're going right into it. >> i am. my goal is honestly to put a face to the name that people have been hearing and i know they've seen pictures of my mom being flashed on a tv screen, but that's a little easier to dismiss than to have to look me in the eye and, you know -- i don't know. i'm just hoping that it will sway some people. >> are you -- are you scared to do this or intimidated at all? it's an intimidating thing -- >> no. >> -- to stand up in a town hall and confront a representative or senator. to go to the nra meeting. >> no? >> no? >> i don't think so. i mean, i definitely am not intimidated. i'm angry and disgusted and i'm disappointed and i'm outraged and i want answers and the gentle approach isn't working so this is my option now. i haven't been left with any other option. >> erica, it's good to have you on the program again.
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isha's here with a "360" build ton. >> a department of justice appeal is lifting a ruling on the age restriction for buying the morning after pill. they planned to make plan b one step a brand of emergency contraception pill available over the counter for females 15 and older. the fbi has three unidentified men who were allegedly at the scene of the u.s. deadly consulate attack in benghazi last year. the men aren't being called suspects but they are wanted for questioning. the fbi is asking for tips. a brawl broke out in venezuela's parliament after the recent election results boiled way over. two weeks ago authorities announced narrow results in the presidential election to pick hugo chavez's successor. some rough and tumble there. >> it certainly was. isha, thanks very much. up next we'll have the
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time now for the ridiculist. tonight a story from new hampshire, a man named henry who dared to go toe-to-toe with a carnival game and lost. really lost. as in his life savings. the game is called tubs of fun. you throw balls into a tub. what could possibly go wrong, right? it seems like it would be really easy. henry certainly thought so. >> the ball just bounces right out, you know what i mean? there is really no way of doing
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it. but when you're throwing it in at first, it sinks in. no issue at all, eight balls, seven mistakes, fool-proof. >> fool-proof until you spend $300 in a few minutes, which is what henry did, and then you go home and get 2,300 more dollars and spend that too, which is also what henry did. >> for once in my life, i happen to become that sucker. >> i think henry is being way too hard on himself. it's not like he left empty-handed. after he spent more than $2000, he got a prize, a giant stuffed banana with dreadlocks and how can you put a price on something like that any guess you can put a price on something like that. for henry, the price was $2600. i know you're asking where can i get my hands on one of these sweet, sweet dread lock bananas and also how does someone lose so much money on the carnival game? >> because you get caught up in the double or nothing, i have got to get my money back. >> it's the double or nothing. they will get you all the time.
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this is why i always pick with the duck pond game. skeet ball. tilt-a-whirl action. so henry is quite upset and says the game was rigged and was made all sorts of promises and really if you cannot trust the worth of some guy running the tubs of fun game at a transient carnival, what can you trust? >> i was going to get all my money back. i was going to get an x box kinect and because i was keeping everybody's attention, they were going to still give me the banana. they lied to me. >> they were still going to give him the banana. he thought he was going to win an xbox. if only there was some other way to turn $2600 into an xbox. the carnival company says the game is run by an independent contractor, which is a fancy way of saying carney. a carney runs it. i guess they're investigating said carney. and henry may get his life savings back courtesy of an offer from a website called college humor. >> is prepared to buy that banana from you for the full price of $2600. all we need is for 26,000 people to like this post.
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>> last we checked, that post on was well on its way to 26,000, so it looks like in the startling allegations of a cover-up in the wake of the boston marathon bombings. three pals accused of hiding evidence from a dorm room. hang right now, it is a wall of flames. 3,000 acres wide creeping ever closer to homes and lives. [ beep ] fighting in the streets while you were sleeping. cops in a violent clash with angry protesters. pretty dramatic video there. good morning, everyone. welcome to "early start." i'm john berman. >> it is thursday, may 2nd. 5:00 a.m. in the east.
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