tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 2, 2013 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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this is the "cnn newsroom," i'm wolf blitzer reporting in washington. let's begin this hour with special coverage of the boston bombings investigation and new information coming in. we now have confirmation that a key piece of evidence has been found. two federal law enforcement officials tell cnn the fbi has in fact recovered the laptop the bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev left in his dorm room. it's not clear how or when the fbi got the laptop, but one official says it was not found during the search of a landfill near the university of massachusetts dartmouth where he was a student. three of dzhokhar's buddies are accused of removing that laptop from the suspect's room along with a backpack and vaseline. the 19-year-olds were arrested yesterday. they're in custody of the fbi right now. their lawyers say their clients are cooperating with investigators. authorities also want to know
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more from the widow of the older suspected bomber, tamerlan tsarnaev. investigators say kathrine russell had a phone call with her husband after his picture appeared on national television but before investigators had identified him. two sources tell cnn authorities want to know the nature of that phone conversation and why she didn't notify police. the discovery of the suspect, dzhokhar tsarnaev's computer is a big break in the boston investigation. it's one of the pieces of evidence three of his friends are accused of taking from that dorm room to try to throw investigators off his trail. they're in the custody of the federal authorities right now facing specific charges. deborah feyerick is joining us now with more on what's going on. deb, all of us want to know how the laptop was found, what the investigators hope to learn from it? what are you learning? >> well, here's what we can tell you. we know that the computer was here at the university of massachusetts dartmouth in
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dzhokhar tsarnaev's dorm room the night he went on the run. he and another friend, dias c d carder bev were texts each other. at that point dzhokhar tsarnaev said if you want anything, come to my room and take it. the friend came with two other men, all of them now facing charges, but the friend came to dzhokhar tsarnaev's dorm room here. and they took a backpack which was filled with empty fireworks container. the black powder had been removed. they also took the computer. now, kadyrbayev was questioned as early as april 19th even before the bomb suspect was discovered hiding in that boat. he was already in custody. he was already being questioned by investigators. and one of the reasons they're doing a whole electronic trail of people that the two individuals were talking to, communicating with, e-mails, cell phones. and that's why this man dias
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popped up on their radar. they found -- dias told investigators according to the complaint that he had gotten rid of the backpack. they found all that in the landfill, but the suggestion is he held on to the laptop. so investigators may have had it for a few days now. that's one of the things we're looking into, wolf. >> i'm sure they're trying to find out everything that was on that laptop. a lot of potential clues. we're also learning more about tsarnaev's three friends and the charges they face. what else is going on? >> well, what we know is that the two kazakhstan students are facing charges of obstructing justice and destroying potential evidence that was to be used in a criminal case. the third, an american, he's simply being charged -- and it's a serious charge still, but he's being charged with making materially false statements to fbi agents. some people i'm talking to say that he may have just been at the wrong place, wrong time because he's the one who initially reached out to one of the kazak students and said,
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hey, have you seen who's on television? so serious charges the foreign minister of kazakhstan did reach out and made very clear he said that the two students are charged with destroying evidence. they are not charged with being involved in a terror group. so the foreign ministry clarifying that as well. and right now they're being questioned. they are in custody. and it will be interesting to see whether in fact fbi agents are able to get additional information on them or perhaps get information that suggests how much they knew before the bombing. because apparently dias did tell them that tsarnaev had told them about a month earlier he knew how to build a bomb, wolf. >> yeah, that was an intriguing part of the criminal complaint. the investigators also have some serious questions for kathrine russell, the widow of tamerlan tsarnaev, the older brother. i understand they're especially curious, deb, about a conversation she had with her husband after his photo was released in connection with the bombing. what do we know about that?
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>> well, what we do know is that there is a record of a phone call that was placed between the two phones, between kathrine russell's phone and the phone of her late-husband. that phone call was made after the pictures were released about 5:00 in the evening and before the shootout which led in turn to her husband's death. also interesting wolf, she's distancing herself a little bit. she decided not to claim tamerlan tsarnaev's body instead saying it belonged to the family, the mother and father. >> have her lawyers ever explained why she didn't call the police if -- and this is still a big if, if she recognized from the photo that this was in fact her husband and brother-in-law? >> no. it's not clear. and it could be something as simple as she saw her husband and was calling up to say what's going on? or that perhaps she had a deeper understanding about what was going to happen and therefore may have been alerting him.
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that's -- those are the two possibilities. and that's what they're looking into. but, again, it happened after the pictures were released but before the shootout with the m.i.t. officer, wolf. >> if in fact she recognized her husband and if, a big if, if she would have called police or the fbi, maybe the police officer at m. tich m.i.t. sean collier would not have been killed later that night. thanks very much, deborah feyerick reporting. we have some dramatic new video coming in from a s.w.a.t. team raid during the boston bombing investigation. that would be on april 19th. the boston area as a lot of our viewers will remember was on lockdown. one bombing suspect was dead, the other on the run. during the search a s.w.a.t. team raids a location in new bedford, massachusetts. >> oh, my god, do you think it's him? >> no one will get hurt. >> do not move.
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>> cell phone video shot while a man and his family took cover inside their house. earlier today he described the tense situation. >> i actually thought that they had caught the suspect in the neighborhood and that he was in the house at that moment. and of course i was very terrified, my children and i hid downstairs in the basement closet. we were just waiting for anything to happen, you know. boston is about an hour away from where i live, so i thought, wow, i definitely feel sorry for the folks in boston and everything. but i was like good thing it didn't happen over here because we're a pretty small town. and for this to happen, i mean, 40, 50 s.w.a.t. people and police and state police and everything to show up on your doorstep, rifles trained with a storm moving in, a literal storm, it really was one of the scariest moments of my life. >> of course dzhokhar tsarnaev was not there. he was found later in watertown,
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massachusetts. remember he was hiding in that boat in someone's backyard. but this is where his two friends from kazakhstan were first taken into custody. tragic story coming out of kentucky involving kids and guns. a 2-year-old was shot and killed by her 5-year-old brother with a .22 caliber rifle the boy got for his birthday. police say the boy was playing with his cricket single-shot rifle when it discharged hitting the toddler. family members say it was an accident. >> he just picked it up before he realized. >> just a tragic accident. it's just tragic. he was just -- it's something you can't prepare for. >> i just know she's in heaven right now and i know she's in good hands with the lord. >> the cricket rifle website features .22 caliber guns for kids in bright colors. my first rifle is the company slogan. martin savidge is following this story for us. martin, we reached out to the makers of the cricket rifle, they decline comment pending an
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investigation into the deadly shooting. what more are you learning? >> this particular company is saying right now and it's keystone sporting arms out of pennsylvania, they say that right now given the sensitivities, given of course the grief this family must be going through and until an investigation determines exactly what happened, they're reserving any kind of comment. and authorities are also going very carefully in kentucky. this is cumberland county, kentucky, where this all occurred on wednesday because, again, the grief that's involved of what they believe is nothing more than a tragic accident. but what has many people talking here is of course there's a great sensitivity in this country right now over the issue of guns and who should have access and maybe who should not. and that has many looking at this saying, well, perhaps there was a way to legislate this accident from happening. and those opposed to any kind of gun control or further gun control say that's not the case. ben ferguson speaking on piers morgan last night. >> if you want to, you know,
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legislate parents being dumb or not dumb, you figure out how to do it and we'll see if it works. but you can't blame the gun for the situation where you have a dumb parent. >> this in his mind is not a case of a gun control debate issue, it is talking about whether a child should have had access to the firearm. the child by the way was given that gun as a birthday present. >> is it unusual, martin, for a company to market guns to children? >> well, certainly that is the focus of this particular gun manufacturer. they make the guns smaller in size, easier for children to handle and make them in colors in pink and blue. you know, wolf, in this country there are many areas where the hunt -- joining the hunt, being part of the family tradition, handing down guns, firearms training, all of that is almost considered a rite of passage. so as much as in the urban areas where you teach a child to throw a football and catch a baseball,
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firearm -- proper use of firearms is widely practiced in many rural areas. so fst not surprising that perhaps a young child could be shown a weapon, taught how to handle a weapon. i think the question that's going to be raised here is why was a loaded gun in reach of a child? how did a parent in that house allow that to happen? the mother says she stepped out for just a moment, but that is all it took. she heard the gunshot, came inside and found the 2-year-old wounded, later died at the hospital. >> yeah. 5-year-old kid with a loaded gun. that's obviously something wrong there. all right, martin, thanks very much. here's what we're working on this hour, other news we're following. republican senators are under pressure right now as victims of gun violence demand answers about why they voted against expanding background checks. also, no food, rough weather and under siege, researchers say there's early evidence that the early american settlers practiced cannibalism to
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survive. and it's being called the most racist commercial in history. we're talking about the new mountain dew ad that has african-american men in a police lineup along with a battered white woman and a very rude goat. now pepsi is scrambling to try to repair the image. ♪ [ female announcer ] recently, jcpenney changed. some changes you liked. and some you didn't. come back to see us. we listened to you. now we'd love to see you. ♪
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let's get to paul on the phone from newbury park in california, not far from los angeles. i take it firefighters are continuing to battle, paul, what has been a fast growing southern california wildfire? what's the latest? >> well, on this fire here which started in camareo, it's jumped over a large here and gone into the newbury park area. right now where we sit we can see four, five, six-foot walls of flame. we also see firefighters being extremely aggressive. flames are burning about 20 yards, 25 yards from some homes right here in upscale neighborhood using fire to fight fire. they're trying to head off this blaze from going into this
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newbury park area on the other side of this large hill to the south. the winds shifted dramatically, wolf. they say the winds are blowing about 25 miles an hour. but there are no -- there's no doubt that some of these gusts are even more than that. and that's what fanned these flames so quickly. so now this other flank has become extremely active and there's a fierce fire fight. this is called the lo siento neighborhood. there are mandatory evacuations, people are gathering their belongings and head on out. you can see go around the neighborhoods setting up what's called structure protection, in other words trying to build fire lines and save homes. >> do they have some of the aircraft coming in with water to try to deal with this? is that happening yet? >> yes and no. here's part of the problem. the smoke is so utterly thick right now, for example, we are in the middle of it and we can't see much more than let's say a quarter mile.
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and visibility is -- dramatically. had a problem getting up some of the fixed-wing aircraft because they can't see well enough to drop the retardant. i did hear from a commander they got three helicopters, but there are a lot -- there's a long active flank of flames. many different hot spots right now. so they've got a lot to reckon with. and they're going to have to pick and choose. so far we have not seen any homes burn down here in newbury park, but it's quite a battle. i mean, i can tell you right now where i am in this one neighborhood, let's see i can see ten houses along the fire line. there's active flames threatening all of those houses. and it looks like the fire is now coming down the hill. they are using the backfire to burn back up the hill and hopefully cut off its advance. >> we'll stay in close touch with you and hope for the best. thank our affiliate ktla for those pictures as well. very dramatic stuff going on. let's hope they get this under control very, very soon. look at those pictures.
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let's get to politics right now. some lawmakers who voted against expanding the background checks system for gun sales in the united states, they are now dealing with the blowback from gun control advocates. just this week the daughter of the principal killed in the sandy hook school massacre presented. in another meeting erica walked out when she didn't get an answer to her questions. also gun control -- i want to bring in our chief political analyst gloria borger. gloria, how much pressure are some of these lawmakers who voted against expanding background checks beginning to feel right now? >> i think some of them in some states as you just pointed out in arizona, in new hampshire, are beginning to feel the pressure. they're beginning to see the popularity go down because what you're seeing is the pro-gun
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control groups with the backing of someone's money like mayor bloomberg starting to run ads in their districts and in their states, they're taking a page from the nra book. and they're saying, you know what, our people have to have the same kind of passion on our side that the nra has on its side. and we want to hold members accountable. we're going to start score cards of our own because we have 80% to 90% of the american public with us. and we have to start behaving that way. so what you're seeing is stepping up on the pressure and really trying to shift the paradigm in american politic which is is if you're a republican from a red state or a democrat from a conservative state, that you can't vote for any kind of gun control. they really want to shift that. and i think they may have an opportunity to do it, wolf. >> you know, as you know, gloria, the republican senator from pennsylvania, pat toomey, he co-sponsored the background
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check -- measure expanding background checks, he had this to say about the defeat in the senate. i'll put it up on the screen. in the end it didn't pass because we're so politicized. there were some on my side who do not want to be seen helping the president do something he wanted to get done just because the president wanted to do it. the toughest thing to do in politics is to do the right thing when your sporters think the right thing is something else. he's being pretty blunt, isn't he? >> he is. actually, wolf, i think that's why we elect politicians. we elect them because they're supposed to learn about issues and explain to us when in fact they may discover something they didn't know before. and we expect them to go back to their constituencies and say, you know what, actually, this is the way it is. this is how this would work. and this is why i'm changing my mind. i understand that voters are very cynical and skeptical of politicians for flip-flopping,
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but if somebody changes like pat toomey, you have to listen to him and let him explain to you why he's doing it. and these reflects of kind of politics we have are because people are elected from districts that are increasingly polarized, states that are increasingly polarized. so it's really not in anyone's political self-interest to say, you know what, i kind of have to disagree with my base on this. >> good point. fair point. see you later in "the situation room." >> sure. >> gloria, thanks very much. a missing mother of two from pennsylvania found in florida, get this, 11 years after she vanished without a trace. we got this, right? dry cleaning done. gift for your aunt... done. today, we're gonna be talking about your body after baby. yep. we're done. okay. let's get some lunch. yes! [ laughs ] all right! yes, honey. all natural -- everything. done. oh! i forgot the check. [ camera clicks ]
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a woman who disappeared from her pennsylvania home 11 years ago has now resurfaced in florida. brenda heist turned herself in to authorities in key largo, florida, last week telling them she thought she might be wanted in another county. heist had been last seen in february 2002 dropping her children off for school. the former neighbor shocked to learn she's still alive.
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police say she had been living on the streets in key largo. >> she's pretty much at the end of her rope down there living on the streets. i mean, i think she just has had it. her health wasn't good. and she was just tired of running. >> what a shock. what a shock. but i'm glad she's alive. >> now heist admits she simply walked out on her family. so far no charges have been filed. now to the high-tech front lines. what if your child was in surgery, you were not in the operating room, but you got a text about how it was going? that's exactly what is in the works. our laurie seagal brings us the story. >> dr. bailey's performing a two procedure right now and there wasn't enough room in the o.r., so we're following on twitter. >> live updates aren't just for tv shows like "grey's anatomy".
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>> your child is now asleep comfortably under anesthesia. >> a pediatric surgeon using an app called md connect me. >> surgery in itself takes anywhere from four, six, eight hours. that's a lot of time these kids are away from their parents. in this modern age of technology parents really love getting those updates. >> usually they're sent by a nurse or medical resident. how do you manage to get notifications out during the surgery? >> well, we have help. part of the system is you need somebody in the operating room who can work with you. >> medicine is starting to take a small dose of high-tech. congress has created incentives for using electronic health records. the latest being the provisions in the affordable care act. >> the first thing you have to do in health care to have technology transform it is the data has to be electronic. >> matt turner sold his last company to google at age 24. now he's taking on another
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problem, cancer with big data. flatiron helps doctors to use treatment plans for patients with similar die knagnose. >> we're senting back did you know these are working better than you thought? >> they came from his then-7-year-old cousin with leukemia. this is his cousin. >> the biggest change will be data driven health care where the patient sitting there with her ipad, not this is what you have to do, but here are 15 things you should consider based on past historical with patients. >> laurie seagal, cnn money, new york. a facial recognition failed. why video of the boston suspect came up empty on computer software and law enforcement had to ask the public for help. ♪
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check out these live pictures we're getting from our affiliate ktla out in california. look at this mobile park -- these mobile homes. they are on fire now. these wildfires there really escalating right now. if we get a bigger picture, you can see what's going on. an enormous amount of smoke. a very, very dry area. the conditions firefighters say with the winds making it very, very difficult to contain. we're told the blaze now grown to nearly 3,000 acres out there. winds are the wild card as i said in trying to deal with the blaze picking up as the sun is intensifying as well. at least 425 firefighters are involved in dealing with this. but this is a tough situation. hard for aircraft to come in
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with water because there is simply so much smoke. but you see these mobile homes on fire. there you get a better shot right there of what's going on. take a look at this. dramatic wildfires out of control. they got to do something to contain these fires because they're increasingly getting closer and closer to other residential areas as well. look at the smoke, look at the flames. don't see a whole lot of effort underway to deal with that because it's so dangerous to get in. smoke so intense right now. we'll continue to update you on what's going on with the wildfires out in california. let's get you up to speed on the boston terror investigation. the fbi has recovered the laptop that the bombing suspect, dzhokhar tsarnaev, left in his dorm room. it's not clear how or when the investigators got it. three of dzhokhar's college buddies, they are accused of removing that laptop from the suspect's room along with a backpack and vaseline. the 19-year-olds were arrested
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yesterday. their lawyers say their clients are cooperating with investigators. authorities also want to know what the widow of the older suspected bomber, tamerlan tsarnaev, said to her husband in a phone call that took place after his picture appeared on national television and before investigators had identified him. authorities want to question her why -- ask her why she didn't notify the police. when it came to quickly catching the suspected boston marathon bombings, some software systems actually failed. tom foreman takes a closer look right now and finds out what's being done to improve the technology. >> when the fbi released these photos during the search for the boston suspects, there was hope that computer might help as they do on shows like csi, comparing facial features with existing data and coming up with a name. >> hello harry. >> but even though pictures of both brothers were in public databases, the computers that searched that data missed them and came up empty.
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the government has been working on facial identification software since the 1960s. and companies like facebook and apple use similar technology to tag people in photos. but security analysts widely admit this technology is not good enough to spot a suspect in a crowd. at carnegie melon, this man runs the biometric center. >> one of the toughest problems is low resolution. when you look at images collected from standard tv footage, the faces are way too small. >> his team is developing next generation software to change poor and partial images into much clearer pictures. they are creating programs that can reliably match images of people to their true identities despite low light, movement, odd positions. >> a big challenge. how do you match an off angle image say 50 degrees, 60 degrees, 45 degrees off angle to a face that's just a frontal
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sort of, you know, passport-type photo? >> they're even transforming flat pictures into 3d. look at what their lab did with a single photo of me. in less than an hour it was turned into a series of images showing how i might look from above, from the left, from the right. he believes such programs can and will substantially improve the reliability of facial recognition and lead police to suspects much faster. >> and ultimately hopefully save a life because that's our aim, that's our goal, that's everything we do here. >> for now the fbi is installing its latest version of facial identification software to work with security cameras coast-to-coast as part of a billion-dollar program called next generation identification. still, in boston, it wasn't technology but human investigators who triumphed. tom foreman, cnn, washington. interesting stuff, thank you, tom. they were only 13 years old when
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their debut song "jump" topped the charts. now the lead rapper kriss kross is dead. how the entertainment community is reacting. anybody that goes to war going to be changed. it's just a reality. on the other hand, ptsd is a significant challenge. it's not about being weak. it's about having an experience of stress that really has a neurological impact. >> we've seen now potentially hundreds of thousands of veterans maybe returning from iraq or afghanistan with post-traumatic stress disorder. conservative estimates say one in five folks coming home. >> prepare people to deal with stress better, and if that doesn't help out, work with them to fight through the challenges in the aftermath of stress. i'm skip risso, clinical psychologist at the university of southern california institute for creative technologies. ♪
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their music and style of wearing their clothes backwards became nationally known and widely copied. "showbiz tonight" host a.j. hammer joining us from new york. a.j., what more first of all are we learning about kelly's death? >> well, at this stage, wolf, the cause is still under investigation. atlanta police telling cnn that they're looking into the possibility that kelly may have died from a drug overdose. they do have an eyewitness who claims kelly was using heroin and cocaine on tuesday night. but an autopsy is going to be conducted to determine the cause of death. even though the song "jump" was their only top ten hit and one of only four singles that hit the chart for kriss kross, the song was huge. it was the song in the summer of 1992. spent an incredible two months at number one. they reunited planning a concert that celebrated the 20th anniversary of their old record label. it was founded by their mentor jermaine dupree. he said to the world chris was
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mac daddy, but to me he was a son i never had. as much as i think i taught him, he taught me. god has blessed me to be in the presence of so many naturally talented people and chris was one. i will always love you, chris, and i will never let the world forget you. wolf, i was working on the radio back in the summer of '92 here in new york city, and it was one of those songs where nine out of ten people calling up on the request line were saying you got to play "jump" by kriss kross. >> it was a huge, huge hit. sad story. only 34 years old. talented young man. all right, a.j., thanks very much. there have been rumors for years, but now we're learning some gory details about what america's first columnists ate when they ran out of food.
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and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. some fascinating new research is shedding light on a horrific chapter in american history. it happened more than 400 years ago in the colony called jamestown. the settlers were starving to death, and scientists today say it looks like they resorted to some of the most desperate acts imaginable. here's cnn's lisa sylvester. >> they came by the ship with their hope, jamestown, the first permanent english colony in north america in 1607. it was long believed that james fort on the island had over time washed away, but beginning in 1994 archaeologists began finding the remains of the original four.
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and then something even more astounding was discovered last year. this is a skull that forensic archaeologists say was that of a 14-year-old girl of european decent who they are calling jane. she was on board a ship that arrived in 1609. it couldn't have been a worse time. the food supplies they were bringing from england were lost in a severe storm and tensions were high between the indians and settlers. >> all of a sudden 300 settlers who survived the crossing arrive at jamestown very little in the way of food supplies. and it's at that very moment that the powetans and english began an all-out war. the fort is cut off. it's besieged by the indians and the 300 men, women and children are trapped within the confines of the fort itself. >> they had only enough food to last two months, just as winter was setting in. a winter known as the starving
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time of jamestown. no food, disease and war. >> in the records there were accounts of the fact that when things were so desperate and it was very hopeless for the cokol lonists that they resorted to some cannibalism. but they are kind of ineggmatic references. it's the only physical evidence ever been found in the sites that date to the colonial period in america that proves that this took place. >> that proof is this skull. it was found in an abandoned cellar of the fort. forensic archaeologists now have confirmed that on jane's jaw there were cuts from a very sharp knife consistent with efforts to remove flesh, consistent with cannibalism. >> this discovery really to me has made such an impact on my empathy with the hardships that the settlers went through for
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that time period. and how close jamestown came to failing. if it failed, the course of american history would be very different. >> november of 1609 there were 300 settlers. by the time more provisions arrived the following spring, there were only 60 settlers left. >> lisa's joining us now live. lisa, what more can scientists tell us about this teenage girl known as jane? how did she die? >> well, they don't know how she died. they do know that at the time of the cannibalism that she was already dead. and it's a very sad part of the story that you have these settlers who were so desperate that they were resorting essentially to digging up dead bodies and consuming dead bodies. but they are now trying to find out her true identity. they know she was 14. they can do modern science has allowed us they know her age, they know she's of european decent. now it's a matter of poring over the archives and historical records to try to find out her identity because they want to
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give her due credit as to all the settlers of what they actually went through when they came to this country, wolf. >> what a story. thanks very much, lisa, for that report. a battered woman, a police lineup with african-american men and a goat. pepsi has a lot of explaining to do now about a new mt. dew commercial. he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. that was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again, and now i gotta take more pills. ♪ yup another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] this may, buy aleve and help those in need. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and the streetsmart edge trading platform from charles schwab... tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 gives me tools that help me find opportunities more easily. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 i can even access it from the cloud and trade on any computer.
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an angry talking goat in a criminal lineup intimidating a victim. that's the premise for a new mountain dew ad, but it's triggering outrage from critics who are calling it extremely racist. here's cnn's zane asher. >> reporter: it never aired on tv, and it never will, but it did get posted online by pepsi-co and now is being called the most racist commercial in history. five black men and a goat in a police lineup, a battered white woman on the other side of the glass, and the lawyer saying "just pick one." it was supposed to sell mountain dew, now it's managed to offend just about anyone who's seen it. >> it conveys the wrong message about black criminality and snitching. it is not a funny subject. >> it has a lot of stereotypes, and it's not what this country is about. and i find it pretty offensive. >> reporter: the ad was produced by tyler the creator, a
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22-year-old african-american rapper and record producer. he apologized for the ad, but his manager defended it, saying it was, quote, never intended to spark a controversy about race, it was simply an admittedly absurd story that was never meant to be taken seriously. the fact such an ad could be the work of an african-american is also raising eyebrows. it may say something about people who are like minded, but i don't know it says a whole lot about black men in general. >> reporter: also the issue why pepsi allowed the ad to be produced and posted in the first place. >> why wasn't it reviewed by senior management? why wasn't it reviewed by a focus group? because clearly that probably would have put a stop to it. >> reporter: in a statement, pepsi told cnn, quote, we apologize for this video and take full responsibility. we have reviewed it from all mountain dew channels and tyler is removing it, as well.
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>> it is not enough. they need an explanation of how it got through and what they are going to do to make sure something like this does not happen. >> and zane asher is joining us now live from new york. zane, pepsi, obviously, didn't learn from mistakes made by some other big companies, hyundai, mcdonald's, they got in big trouble from some of their ads, as well. >> absolutely, wolf, mountain dew is one of several companies to issue and release ads and backfire in recent weeks. mcdonald's apologized for an ad poking fun at developmental illness and hyundai for suicide. the ad was made for a niche audience and see the irony of it all. that, of course, is no excuse and in a digital age, you have to expect everyone will see it, people from all ethnic backgrounds and walks of life are offended by this. there's also a video, by the
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way, wolf, circulating on youtube that tyler discussed the idea with executives in pitch meetings and couldn't believe how much they liked it, wolf? >> for that, zain asher reporting. the calendar says it's may, but for the midwest, it feels like february. plus, this sunday night, anthony bourdain heads north to canada. a tour of the country by train. this is a show you won't want to miss, sunday 9:00 p.m. eastern only here on cnn.
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have hail damage to both their cars. ted ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about... with ted's now ex-girlfriend. wheeeee! whoo! later ted! online claims appointments. just a click away on
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other news we're following right now, major health concern in saudi arabia. five people have died from a sars-like virus. it swept from country to country across continents ten years ago killing hundreds of people, most in asia where it originated. there's no vaccination or preventive antibiotic treatment for the virus. things have quieted down, but officers still keeping a close watch on the downtown areas to prevent more of this. the violence erupted yesterday's may day protests. police say they had to use pepper spray and flash-bang
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grenades against demonstrators, anything they could get their hands on. eight officers were slightly injured. 17 people were arrested. in southern california right now, flames are ripping through entire hillsides, threatening homes and lives. the summit wild fire in banning is just 40% contained, that's what we're told. almost 3,000 acres have been scorched. at least one house has been destroyed. firefighters made some progress overnight. strong winds today could complicate their efforts. in fact, we're getting more information right now. look at these mobile homes. these pictures coming in from our affiliate ktla. take a look at these mobile homes. they are on fire. right now, we're told the smoke is so intense, it's hard for aircraft even to get close to these flames to douse them, try to douse them, with water or other repellents or anything along those lines. we're told that there are literally almost 500 firefighters involved in dealing
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with this flames, but there are clearly major, major problems. many of these mobile homes now being destroyed as a result of this. that's it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'll be back at 5:00 p.m. in "the situation room." brooke baldwin is coming up live brooke baldwin is coming up live from boston right now. -- captions by vitac -- hi, there, i'm brooke baldwin live here in boston as the search for answers in the boston marathon bombings now turns to the suspect's laptop. this is a new development today. the fbi has found that this laptop belonging to dzhokhar tsarnaev, although we're not sure exactly where they found this laptop, they have it. we know his college buddies accused are now sitting in jail today for what they are accused of doing after the boston bombings. as the world watched in horror,
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