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tv   Sanjay Gupta MD  CNN  May 4, 2013 1:30pm-2:01pm PDT

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out. the bear simply ran off into the woods. tomorrow i will find out what this experience was like for evan neilsen. he'll join me in the cnn newsroom at 2:30 eastern time. i know the insurance company has never seen damage like that. that will do it for me. newsroom continues at the top of the hour with don lemon. first, do bad brains lead to bad behavior? dr. sanjay gupta explores the anatomy of violence on sanjay gupta, md, which starts now. hey there. thanks for joining us. lots to get to today. starting off with a couple of people you know well but who are doing things that are going to surprise and inspire you. alicia keys will talk about her passion backhand yond tbeyond t music. you will see her in a new light. and jonny lee miller. you may know him from ser lock holmes. this weekend he's running a
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50-mile ultra marathon to try to save a 4-year-old boy. first, the anatomy of violence. how does an innocent child grow up to be one of the accused boston bomber or any criminal. what's happening inside the brain? it's controversial but scientists say biology plays a bigger role than we once thought. in the wake of tragedy come the inevitable questions. what makes a killer? is there a switch that turns on a rampage? and why? why would someone do this? >> you can just say the person is evil. i think that's 13th century thinking. i think we have moved beyond that. >> adrian raine is author of "the anatomy of violence." he's studied cold blooded killer and says there are biological reasons for violence. he's convinced brain dysfunction may in part explain the terror
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unleashed in boston. >> were they normal people who decided one day, you know what, we want to create mayhem? i don't think so. i think it's more complicated than that. >> when you see all the tragedies that have happened recently with dzhokhar tsarnaev or adam lanza, with your background, experience, what you have learned, what do you look for? what would you advise researchers investigating the cases. >> there is no research on terrorists or mass murderers at a biological level. you can always speculate based on what i have learned about violence that, you know, with the bombings in boston these perpetrators did not have poor frontal lobe functioning. they were able to plan, regulate and control. if i brain scanned them, i don't think we'd see poor frontal functioning. i think what we would see is an
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impairment, a volume deduction and poor functioning in a part of the brain called the amygdala, the seat of emotion. we have been finding on psychopathic offenders they have an 18% reduction in the volume in the amygdala. when they contemplate making moral decisions like should i kill someone or not, that part of the brain is just not as active as in normal people. >> you have done a terrific job making the science accessible for people. i want to show a couple of images that will be important. you should read the book. take a look there at a scan of the brain, a p.e.t. scan. normal on the left and a murderer on the right. what are we looking at there? >> we are looking down on the brain. this is a p.e.t. scan looking at brain functioning. the red and yellow indicate high glucose metabolism or high brain
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functioning. on the left there with the normal control you can see there is a lot of good functioning in the very frontal region of the brain. see right at the top there -- >> the orange, yellow area. >> right at the top. that's good frontal lobe functioning. look on the right. the murderer, a distinct lack of activation in the very frontal region of the brain. >> that's an area of the brain often associated with judgment, but also inhibition. >> absolutely. it's part of the brain that regulates emotion, regulates impulsive action. a bit like the guardian angel on behavior or like the brakes on a car. if the brakes are open the car gets out of control. the same could be said of an individual with poor frontal lobe function. they can get out of control and become impulsively violent. >> you make these revelations about what's happening in the brain but also the physiology.
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talking about something as simple as heart rate. regardless of what's happening in the brain and the heart rate, what have you found? >> what many researchers are finding is low resting heart rate is one of the best replicated correlates of aggressive, violent behavior. not just in adults bus in children. >> in part of the studies you took somebody, put them in a condition, like a loud noise or something and tried to figure out does their heart rate go up as you expect? if it didn't, that was a flag. >> absolutely. >> we put 1800 3-year-old children into this experiment. we measured fear conditioning. do they have fear before a punishment comes? we found 3-year-olds who really showed a lack of fear at that time were more likely to go on to become criminal offenders 20 years later. >> again as a neuroscientist, i'm interested in this.
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if you know some of the risk factors you describe in the book, is there something that can be done at that point to say, look, we know -- we have identified high risk people because we have objective evidence that this caused changes in the brain. what can we do as individuals or as a society? >> we can certainly do something to change things. in fact, one of the reasons for writing the anatomy of violence is i wanted to open up a new door to everyone. a new way of looking at violence and the causes of crime and violence. and the brain can change for the better with a better environment. so, for example, we enrich the environment of 3-year-old children by giving them better nutrition, more physical exercise and a cognitive stimulation for two years from age 3 to 5. that resulted in better brain functioning at age 11 and a 35% reduction in criminal offending at age 23. so it's not biology by itself.
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it's not a social environment by itself. it's the mix of them coming together that conspire to create the violent offender. >> if everyone is out there measuring their heart rate or something it's not that simple. >> not as simple as that. i have a low resting heart rate, too. >> my thanks again to adrian raine for joining us. fascinating stuff. still ahead on sgmd, see what tv's sherlock holmes is doing to help scientists find real clues to cure a rare disease before it's too late. gn we call the internet of everything. ♪ it's going to be amazing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. we're going to wake the world up. and watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. cisco. tomorrow starts here.
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4-year-old kid. >> that tastes like apples! his parents aren't so carefree. >> on his 1-year well visit he noticed his head was large, off the charts. then more genetic testing determined what it was. >> the doctor got more and more into it and i was like, wait a second. tears are just coming down my eyes. i was like, what are you telling me here? my son has a fatal disease? >> the diagnosis, san philipo syndrome resulting in jonah's inability to break down a sulfate in his body. >> it attacks the central nervous system. so we have brain injury, minor bone deformities, hearing loss,
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blind, organ failure, death. >> reporter: for now, jonah is more or less healthy. doctors say he may develop profound brain injury by the time he's 6. without effective treatment he won't expect to live beyond his teens. >> look. >> where? oh, my goodness. >> reporter: when not at the park with his son his dad works on "elementary" starring jonny lee miller as holmes. >> i am a tattoo artist. i did a lot myself. >> how did you -- >> ambidextrous. >> he said he wanted to do something for us to help the people he's standing next to essentially. something he's good at, leverage his position to help out. >> i spend every day with this man. i look at him and he's -- he radiates calm. he has the toughest job on the
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set. it's a high pressure job. i see this man. he's a source of calm, very good natured. we spend more time with each other over the course of filming and you find out it's more about jonah, what's going on. my son is the same age. so we are exchanging kid stories and the more you find out about this if more you're like, this is terrible. for me, i was impressed by his strength and fortitude. i would only hope that in a similar situation i would be the same. >> what was his reaction when you told him you were going to do this? >> you know, people say a lot of stuff. i asked if we could do fund raising or something. then it got serious.
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we wanted to do this properly. i spoke with his wife and she told me they had nine research projects going. i said, what can we actually achieve now? we could procrastinate about curing diseases all day long. what can we do? she said, well, this one, the natural history study. this is the most important key right now for moving towards drug trials. >> you're able to train, do this event and you find the time to train? >> i do. most of the hard training is done. i will train before work, after work. i run to work, home from work. you make it fit into your life. the point of ultra running really is not the medal and belt buckle and t-shirt at the end or whatever you will get. it's how you prepare for that.
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that feeds into your life. the race is really won by getting up at 5:00 in the morning when it's snowing. that's when you -- there is no winning really for people like me. i'm not competitive. there is no chance of winning. it's the doing and how you prepare life and get there. that really feeds into then how do i conduct myself and i do along the way to benefit someone else? then we end up sitting in this television studio having a conversation about the syndrome. >> we wish jonah and jonny well. we'll tell you how it went next weekend. vinnie marino started practicing yoga as a teenager in new york city. the serenity didn't last and in
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the 70s he turned to drugs to feel free. want to show you how he turned his life around. >> open your chests. >> reporter: he's been called the unlikely yoga king of l.a. vinnie morena, a recovering drug addict regularly fill it is room with die hard devotes of his unique style of yoga. >> i think what happens with my class and probably any class is a community is built around the class. >> reporter: vinnie's purpose-driven life wasn't always so grounded. >> i started stealing alcohol from my mother -- you know, from the bar in her tupperware containers. then i started sniffing glue and smoking pot. started doing pills.
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started doing psychedelics, ended up shooting cocaine and heroin. >> reporter: growing up in the 1970s in new york city, drugs were everywhere. marino said he couldn't get enough of the high life. >> it was a psychic thing but no matter how much i do i will come down. >> reporter: after a stint in rehab and another nine months using he finally got clean and immersed himself in yoga. >> it physically felt great because my body and all of our bodies hold stress and yoga, like the poses and breathing opened me up. it just felt right. ♪ don't you want somebody to love ♪ >> reporter: he found more inspiration when a mutual friend introduced him to grace slick, lead singer of jefferson airplane and jefferson starship. >> grace always reminded me to do what you love. i was like, i don't know what to do. she said, teach yoga. i said, all right. the opposite for me was going to take a teacher training program. i was like, i don't have the money. she said, i'll pay for it. >> straight out in front of you. >> reporter: today he gets the same rush from yoga as he used
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to get from drugs. >> even the search with drugs is a search for connection and joy. yoga is a healthy way to get there. >> still ahead, alicia keys on the front lines of the fight against aids. >> the human factor is brought to you by honey nut cheerios. be happy. be healthy. and by cancer treatment centers of america. care that never quits. [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it.
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you probably know alicia keys as a singer, songwriter and producer who happens to have 14 grammys. she also raises money for aids in africa. she's bringing her passion back to the state and specifically to washington, d.c. ♪ >> reporter: she told more than 30 million albums worldwide. this is the hit super woman. ♪ >> reporter: it's an anthem to celebrate, motivate and inspire women. now keys wants women with hiv to feel empowered. >> there are not the headlines about the aids pandemic here in america that there should be.
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it is shocking and unacceptable. >> reporter: so unacceptable she came to washington to launch a campaign she hopes will help women get tested, protect themselves, lead full, healthy lives and speak openly about the disease. >> we can't act like it's not happening. we have to know we are all at risk. this is all of our issue. we can't go around and not let people be who they are in the light of day. it can't be like this anymore. we are too far in the future now. >> reporter: keys has an ally in white house senior adviser valerie jarrett. her sister-in-law died of aids nearly 20 years ago. >> she was married with a young child and really didn't get the testing she should have had early in the illness. it never occurred to anyone that a married mom would be hiv positive. >> reporter: keys met with women willing to share their stories. she hopes to start an open
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dialogue about the epidemic. several are featured in the campaign. 26-year-old stephanie brown was diagnosed at 19. >> for me to come out and speak help it is next person who is newly diagnosed. >> reporter: the campaign is building on momentum. the cdc says new infections among women dropped 21% between 2008 and 2010. still, more than a million americans are infected. one in four of those is a woman. >> strength, wisdom and courage to continue. >> reporter: empowered provides grants, up to $25,000, to programs like this one at the united medical center in southeast washington. >> everybody is so hush-hush. >> i am, you know, hopefully, you know, giving people the opportunity to feel like we can engage in a conversation that there is not something bad about you if you are hiv positive.
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you are beautiful, gorgeous human being who has so much to offer the world. >> here's something everyone should know. this week a federal government panel offered a formal recommendation that every american age 15 to 65 should be screened for hiv once a year. something to keep in mind. david was just 26 when he helped invent modern oerl rehydration therapy. no other breakthrough could prevent so many deaths over a period of time over w a short period of time. for people dying of he delaware hydration, a leading killer in the dwopg world, it means everything. that's why we are showing you his life's work. >> this photograph shows me during the first clinical trial in spring of 1968 in former east pakistan, now bangladesh.
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i had an e fif any. i still remember i felt a chill down my spine. follow the basic rule of replacing losses with equal volumes of a matching but absorbable solution with glucose. you meet many people who say, oh, it saved my little child's life. it saved my brother's life. that's one of the most gratifying thing to see it's gone through clinical research and reached the very people we wanted it to reach. the mothers of infants with diarrhea in the developing world. >> i'll tell you, i have seen firsthand what that simple solution can do all over the world. amazing stuff. we have a check of the top stories minutes away. coming up next, tricks for beating the seasonal allergies. ♪
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[ agent smith ] i've found software that intrigues me. it appears it's an agent of good. ♪ [ agent smith ] ge software connects patients to nurses to the right machines while dramatically reducing waiting time. [ telephone ringing ] now a waiting room is just a room. [ static warbles ] even in stupid loud places. to prove it, we set up our call center right here... [ chirp ] all good? [ chirp ] getty up. seriously, this is really happening! [ cellphone rings ] hello? it's a giant helicopter ma'am. [ male announcer ] get it done [ chirp ] with the ultra-rugged kyocera torque, only from sprint direct connect. buy one get four free for your business.
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you have heard this before. april showers bring may flowers. you also know they bring plenty of allergy symptoms to millions of americans. if you are one of them, best advise, don't push your luck. stay indoors when the pollen count is highest. when you do go outside, change your clothes right away when you get back in so you don't spread pollen all over the house. some people need prescription medications for allergies. everyone can try a saline nasal
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rinse. find out which pollen, molds and grasses you are allergic to by getting an allergy test from the doct doctor. good luck. check out the featured fit nation section of the cnn ipad app for the latest on next week's training trip. keep it here for a check of the top story this is the nn newsroom. coming up this hour, new information on how boston bombing suspect tamerlan tsarnaev died, where he will be buried and why police continue to question his widow. residents near los angeles running for their lives as wildfires burn out of control and threaten thousands of homes. in florida, investigators are coming the beaches for cocaine. i will explain. plus a pennsylvania mom who abandoned her kids more than a decade ago and turned up in florida this week back in jail tonight. we've got the details for you. you're


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