tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 4, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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rinse. find out which pollen, molds and grasses you are allergic to by getting an allergy test from the doct doctor. good luck. check out the featured fit nation section of the cnn ipad app for the latest on next week's training trip. keep it here for a check of the top story this is the nn newsroom. coming up this hour, new information on how boston bombing suspect tamerlan tsarnaev died, where he will be buried and why police continue to question his widow. residents near los angeles running for their lives as wildfires burn out of control and threaten thousands of homes. in florida, investigators are coming the beaches for cocaine. i will explain. plus a pennsylvania mom who abandoned her kids more than a decade ago and turned up in florida this week back in jail tonight. we've got the details for you. you're in the cnn newsroom,
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everyone. i'm don lemon. it has been nearly three weeks since the deadly attacks at the boston marathon and the country's most visible gun rights activist referred to the bombings when he spoke at the nra national meeting today in texas. take a listen. >> how many bostonians wish they had a gun two weeks ago? >> we'll say we have more on lapierre's comments in a moment. in boston today we know the officially report on how one of the bombing suspects died. in a word, it was violently. we have the death certificate. that says tamerlan tsarnaev died after several gunshot wounds and blunt trauma to his head and upper body. police believe he was run over and dragged by his younger brother trying to get away. president obama is standing by the fbi and other law enforcement agencies who worked together in those days and hours after the bombing.
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he said this today. i don't think it is fair to say that law enforcement dropped the ball. i think this is a very difficult challenge when you have individuals who are self-radicalizing. they are not part of some massive conspiracy or a network. i will be making sure that we are following up on any additional improvements that can be made. i want to get to erin mcpike in rhode island where the wife, now widow of tamerlan tsarnaev is staying with family. katherine russell has stayed out of sight since the bombings. police had questions for her today. tell us what you know. has she been cooperative? >> don, she has been cooperating. she's been meeting with investigators about 90 minutes at a time. on average every other day we have seen her go to her attorney's office in downtown providence. she did it thursday morning. on friday morning i talked to the attorney. he made clear that investigators
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are questioning her, not trying to cut a deal. in fact they are showing her pictures and asking her to comment on them. this investigation is ongoing. she'll continue to meet with investigators in the coming days. >> it was more than two weeks since katherine russell's husband tamerlan tsarnaev died. have they buried him yet? >> they have not. his body is now in a funeral home in massachusetts. as you know there's been a lot of controversy over whether or not he'll be buried in boston. a lot of people at the boston marathon have complained about this. the director of the funeral home spoke with cnn this morning about why he made the call when tamerlan tsarnaev's uncle has been trying to find a place for him. let's listen. >> here, i can't separate the sin from the sinners with what i do. i can't pick and choose. if someone comes to me and says, look, i want you to bury my uncle freddy, but he murdered
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nine members of the family, i can't say, i don't bury murde r murderers here. it's not that type of thing. also, being a civilized society i'm not burying a terrorist. i'm burying a dead body. we buried the oswalds, mcveigh, b bundies. if they want to stop, let me know and i will stop being civil, too. >> reporter: they are looking for a place to bury the body. it remains in the funeral parlor now. >> thank you very much. the main speaker at the nra convention in houston today linked the boston bombings to the debate over gun rights. wayne lapierre reminded supporters the day boston was shut down while police searched for the marathon bombing suspects. >> imagine waking up to a phone call from the police at 3:00 in the morning warning that a terrorist event is occurring outside and ordering you to stay
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inside your home. i'm talking of course about boston where residents were imprisoned behind the locked doors of their own homes. a terrorist with bombs and guns just outside. frightened citizens sheltered in place with no means to defend themselves or their families from whatever might come crashing through their door. how many bostonians wished they had a gun two weeks ago? >> athena jones at the nra national convention. lapierre didn't stop with boston. he had strong words for president obama and lawmakers in washington, too, right? >> that's right, don. good afternoon. wayne lapierre isn't the only person with strong words for president obama. pretty much every speaker we have heard from for the past two days had strong words for president obama and folks like new york mayor michael bloomberg. anyone they feel is trying to
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restrict their second amendment right to bear arms and while there's been a lot of celebration of the defeat a couple of weeks ago in the senate of a series gun measures including one that would have expanded background checks on gun buyers, wayne lapierre is telling them they are part of a long battle to continue to fight for their rights. let's continue to listen to what he had to say. >> it's up to us. every single nra member. every single gun owner. all americans, all over this country to get to work right now and to meet them head on with an nra that's strong enough, large enough to defeat any and all threats to our freedom. today -- [ applause ] today we are a record 5 million strong. we must not and we will not slow down, not one single bit. by the time we are finished the
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nra must and will be 10 million strong. 10 million. >> reporter: so there you heard from lapierre. the goal for the nra membership. he also said the members should be ready to get to work. you know that the nra is a big political force. what is he talking about? he's talking about making sure pro gun rights representatives are elected to congress in 2014. don? >> so the newtown school shootings launched the latest push for gun control. did lapierre mention newtown in his remarks? >> reporter: he did. that's an interesting theme we have seen over the last couple of days mentioned by wayne lapierre and folks like sarah palin and chris cox, part of the legislative arm of the nra. they have said people like president obama, people like new york mayor michael bloomberg and the people who want to see gun control measures go through congress are using events like the shooting in newtown, like aurora and various gun tragedies to play on the emotions of people and manipulate them
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emotionally in order to take away the rights of law abiding gun owners. that's one of the themes we have seen here. some people i have spoken with coming from as far as california and florida who traveled here to attend this nra convention. they have said they are worried about the government trying to take away their rights. even if they would support a measure of expanded background checks the big concern is it would be a slippery slope to take away gun rights. don? >> thank you very much. as far as wayne lapierre's comments how would it make a difference if people in boston had guns? at 7:00 p.m. eastern i will talk with the executive director of the violence policy center at the nra convention. he says it is a way for the gun industry to promote the latest, greatest products. even some of those at newtown and aurora here on cnn. the pennsylvania mom who made headlines this week after being missing for 11 years is back in jail now. police say years ago brenda heist freaked out and walked
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away from her husband and two kids. she was secretly living in florida, often homeless. yesterday she turned herself in to authorities on a parole violations. earlier this year she served two months after stealing a woman's driver's license. now video we must warn you is pretty disturbing. police in middlefield, ohio, released dash cam video of a shootout during a march traffic stop. [ screaming ] >> police had just pulled over the suspect, james gilkerson when he opened fire with an ak-47. two officers returned fire and gilkerson was killed. inside the car they found an arnl of weapons and ammunition. the officers were wounded but later released from the hospital. wildfires out of control
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near los angeles. >> reporter: there is also something in the air that has firefighters and residents here rather optimistic. we'll tell you about it coming up on cnn. yeah, let's do it! let's do it. the average fast food breakfast can run you over $4 a meal per person. i know. walmart has a ton of breakfast options. a meal like this costs about $1.64 per serving. if you replace just one fast food breakfast each week with a breakfast like this from walmart, your family of four can save over $500 bucks a year. wow, that's amazing! and i could cook for you. [ male announcer ] save money on a delicious breakfast with kraft american singles and oscar mayer fully cooked bacon with our low price guarantee. walmart. britta olsen is my patient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand.
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[ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, ♪ don't our dogs deserve to eat fresher less processed foods introducing freshpet recipes so fresh the only preservative we use is the fridge freshpet fresh food for fido good news for firefighters in southern california. winds are calming down, helping the efforts to battle a massive wildfire. flames got out of control fast devouring 20,000 acres and 15 homes. 4,000 homes still in danger.
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this picture taken from space earlier this week shows the smoke coming off the california coast. look at that. paul vercammen in newbury park. how are things looking now? >> reporter: they are looking so much better. we have smouldering hot spots and no active flames anymore. they say the fire has not grown. that's a great sign. then a short time ago they told us this. predicted 100% containment. for monday if there is no change in the temperature. that's super good news. what's leading this? moisture is in the air for the first time in a long time. it's 38% humidity now. better than single digits on thursday and friday. residents are keeping an eye on
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everything that's going on wanting a complete sigh of relief. imagine what it's like for children in the area told they b might need to evacuate. we talked to brothers and listened to what they had to say about their fire experience. >> this was probably one of the coolest but saddest things ever. so many plants died and stuff. >> it's been kind of scary. we were getting packed up to be ready for evacuation. when we were dismissed from school there have been ashes coming down and the sun's all different color from the pollution. it's been crazy. >> reporter: as we look at the live pictures that's the kind of thing they have to monitor, flare-ups like this. the last thing they want is for some reason this to burst into more flames. possibly threatening more homes. so far so good, don.
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a great day for firefighters as they got just what they needed. you want humidity to rise and temperatures to go down. back to you. >> all right. a chance of rain in the forest. thank you very much. appreciate that, paul vercammen. the taliban claiming responsibility for killing five u.s. service members in afghanistan. they were killed by a roadside bomb in kandahar province earlier today. in a separate attack, two coalition service members were killed in western afghanistan when an afghan soldiers turned their weapon on them. their nationalities weren't immediately released. a factory collapse in bangladesh, the death toll has risen to 547. heavy machinery and faulty construction are blamed for the tragedy. they say the way three illegal floors were added to the building contributed to the disaster. the building's owner was arrested last weekend trying to flee to india. the tragedy linked the places you probably shop. seven stores that do business in
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bangladesh are on the screen now. bangladesh is the third biggest exporter of apparel to the country. representatives from the garment industry and government put together a so-called action plan to prevent disasters in the future. cameras captured the dramatic rescue of a man who fell into railroad tracks in china. he appeared to faint during rush hour and fell from an elevated platform. others waiting for the train rushed to help him, some leaping on to the tracks themselves. coming up, nearly a hundred baggage handlers busted, rummaging through people's bags. plus the fate of jodi arias now in the hands of the jury. [ nurse ] i'm a hospice nurse.
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britta olsen is my patient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson.
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caught in the act -- kind of. you are looking at italian baggage handlers rifling through luggage being loaded and unloaded on aircraft. 86 handlers were arrested. they worked for the italian airline air italia at rome, naples and milan. if convicted they could get up to six years in prison. it's an fbi first. a woman has been placed on the agency's most wanted terrorist list. jam is joanne chesimard. convicted of killing a new jersey state trooper 40 years ago. she was sent to prison but escaped two years later, fled to
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cuba where she received political asylum and has been living freely there ever since. a reward for her capture has been doubled to $2 million. the jodi arias murder trial and the media circus that's following it is in its final stretch, finally. jodi arias is on trial for killing travis alexander in 2008. the jury began deliberations yesterday following dramatic closing arguments. >> she was in reasonable fear that he was going to end her life. it's part of the reality, ladies and gentlemen, of this day is that out of this scene, out of this picture, behind which many dirty little secrets were held, somebody was not going to make it out alive. it was either going to be jodi
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or travis. >> criminal defense attorney holly hughes is here. let's talk about how the defense summed up the case and closing arguments. they say prosecutors didn't prove the case so you can't convict her. what do you think of the strategy? >> well, they used what they had, don. the problem with this particular case and this particular defendant is she loves to talk. before this particular team of lawyers got involved she gave interviews to television stations all over the place proclaiming she's innocent. she lied to the police, gave three different stories. they were hemmed in. they were hog tied by their client's own words. they had to work with what they had. i think they did an effective job of pointing out to the jury it's possible it happened this way. it could be self-defense, if you believe the liar because it's been proven she lied over and over. if you don't believe self-defense think about manslaughter. maybe it's not first-degree murder. maybe she just snapped. honestly, they did the best they
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could with what they had. i've got to tell you, i've been critical of the prosecutor in the case, don. he's pit bullish, aggressive. when it came to the closing argument in this case, he really brought it home. what he did was he brought the victim back into the case. oh, sex, lies and audio tape and the trial has gotten off track. we lose sight of the fact. >> this is about -- >> a man was slaughtered in his bathroom. >> for people who aren't -- i know you are and -- you have been living and breathing it for -- >> four months now. >> you stream the testimony in your office the whole time. >> absolutely. >> what is there to say in four months on the stand? like how many times can you go over -- >> a lot of people asked this. i have to tell you. this has a lot to do with how a
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judge runs a courtroom. the judge in this case, sherry stevens was permissive. she allowed both sides to go over a lot of testimony. what we call cumulative. the same thing over and over but in different ways. >> is it too much for the jury at some point to absorb? >> this is a death penalty case. and death is different. what the judge did here in an effort to make sure this doesn't come back on appeal, let's look at it this way. you can take four months to try it once or rush them through, have them file a successful appeal and have to try the whole thing over again two and a half years later when some of the witnesses might not be available. >> how long do you think the jury will deliberate? >> i think it will be quick. she confesses in the end to having done the killing. the only question for the jury is do they think this was premeditated cold blooded murder, that she drove hundreds of miles fully intending to kill
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travis alexander or did she act in self-defense or heat of passion? that's all it comes down to. why did it happen? this case is not a who done it, but why did she do it? >> what are the possible outcomes? >> first-degree murder which could happen with a premeditation or a felony murder charge. then if they convict her we go to what we call the penalty phase. it's another mini trial. the state is seeking death. >> really? >> yes. this could go on for another two weeks if they return first-degree murder. then we have mitigation experts. both sides will say the defense will argue have mercy, she's messed up, had a bad childhood and the state will say this is a brutal, heinous, vicious crime. she did it intentionally and doesn't deserve another chance to do it again. kill her. >> oh! >> i know. that's what we come down to with first-degree. if it's anything less, she may get out on parole. scary thought. >> are you kidding me?
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>> no. if it's manslaughter or second-delaware agree at some point in her life she will be parolable. we are talking about a woman who stabbed 29 times, slit a throat from ear to ear, almost decapitating the man, and shot him in the head. frightening, isn't it? >> sleep now if you can. if that happens you will be on tv 24 hours a day. >> back on our sister network hln. great to see you, don. >> you as well. we are an hour away from the start of the kentucky derby. coming up, meet the man who hopes to become the first african-american jockey to win the race in over a century. from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. if you want to save yourself time and avoid a hassle, go to angie's list. at angie's list, you'll find the right person to do the job you need. and you'll find the right person quickly and easily. i'm busy, busy, busy, busy. thank goodness for angie's list. from roofers to plumbers to dentists and more, angie's list -- reviews you can trust. oh, angie? i have her on speed dial.
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getting close to the bottom of the hour. we want to update you on the latest on the boston bombings. the woman married to one of the suspects is cooperating with police. katherine russell is the widow of tamerlan tsarnaev who was killed in a police shootout in the days after the marathon attack. our rhode island crew says she met with investigators, meets with investigators about every other day and her attorney says she is looking at pictures and answering questions, not cutting a deal of any kind. given what happened in boston, security has been tightened at the kentucky derby. once fans get through security fans will have to contend with some very messy conditions. pamela brown is in louisville, kentucky, with more. pamela? >> reporter: don, more than 160,000 people turned out today
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to watch the run for the roses. everything is going smoothly from security to the horse racing here today. officials have been scrambling to put new measures into place. after 9/11 security was tightened. now officials are cracking down more in the wake of the boston bombings. banning coolers, cans and purses larger than a food. increased wanding at the entrances and local, state and federal authorities out in force with a hundred more here today than normal. also additional bomb sniffing dogs were brought in. this is the largest sporting event since boston but people aren't letting fear hold them back. >> i was happy to hear they had increased security. it means, you know, less makeup and goodies we can bring in, but it's worth it to be more comfortable and know that we are all going to look after each other. >> reporter: is what happened in boston on your mind today at all? >> yes. it definitely is on my mind just
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for the fact that it's such a large crowd. you never know how people's intentions are. definitely. but i'm not going to let that spoil my time. we're going to enjoy ourselves. >> reporter: according to a cnn/time -- orc poll only a quarter of those polled said they would be less likely to attend an event because of terrorism fears. based on the turnout here that seems to be the case. >> pamela, thank you very much. today's derby could mark a revival of history. kevin krigger is riding the horse golden sense today. he's african-american and an african-american jockey hasn't won the derby since 1902. krigger said there is no reason why he can't win today's race. >> i thank these guys for sticking with me. i have thought of myself as the best rider in the world. there is no reason i shouldn't. golden sense will help me prove it. that's what i'm out to prove.
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>> krigger grew up in the u.s. virgin islands. his horse is partly owned by university of louisville basketball coach rick patino. see the guy right there? there he is. that's former nfl star leroy butler. you know, the guy who invented the lambeau leap. coming up, how a supportive four-word tweet got him axed from a speaking gig. first, here's christine romans with this week's smart is the new rich. >> reporter: would you trust justin bieber with your money? what about russell simmons? suze orman? they are pushing prepaid debit cards. load it with cash and swipe away. it will cost you. >> the fees run from a monthly service fee to an activation fee. even fees for doing things like calling customer service or having a transaction declined due to insufficient balance. sometimes even checking your
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balance at an atm triggers a fee. >> reporter: maybe consumers don't mind paying so much for prepaid debit cards. the amount of money put on them almost tripled from 2008 to 2012 expected to top $168 billion by 2015. >> essentially it is spending money to use your own money. but they don't necessarily fix your credit. it's too expensive. >> reporter: mack says look for a credit union in the area. check out a smarter or go to join bankon to find a local bank to help you build your credit or open an account. christine romans, cnn, new york. the american dream is of a better future, a confident retirement. those dreams have taken a beating lately. but no way we're going to let them die. ♪ ameriprise advisors can help keep your dreams alive like they helped millions of others.
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nba player jay con collins's announcement that he's gay has triggered a lot of reaction. some is positive, some is not. then there's leroy butler. he spent his career in green bay, invented the famous lambeau leap and speaks out about bullying to youth groups. his four word tweet "congrats to jason collins" caused a church to cancel his speech on bullying. he joins me now. good to see you. doing okay? >> good, don. how are you? >> i'm great. thanks for coming on. they didn't want you voicing support for jason collins but they said you could make the speech if you did several specific things. what did they want you to do? >> i think for the most part they wanted i guess to protect the kid that i wouldn't mention anything having to do with
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homosexuality, gay rights or anything like that. if i was able to take the tweet back and ask for forgiveness they said i could do my speech and i would get paid my speaker's fee. that really bothered me. for the most part i thought -- because i shot a lot of videos and talked to a lot of kids. i have polled a lot of kids, where is bullying coming from, and church was one of the top ones. i thought, if i took that back i would take away the voice of so many young kids right now determining whether or not they should come out. if it could be violence against them or things of that nature, i wasn't willing to do that. >> i'm sure you explained how could you do a speech on bullying without mentioning gay kids because they are a big portion of kids who get bullied? >> no question about it. i don't judge which kids we talk to. we took a hundred random kids and we just sat down and talked to them. i'm a social science major at
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florida state. it gives you a chance to just talk to some of the kids. we learned some of them were gay. i said, well, what happens to you at school? that's when it got vicious. it caught me by surprise. i thought in america in 2013, i didn't know this many people hate gays. i was shocked. not to know how can we put this bullying thing under wraps, that's when i started to continue to shoot the documentary and interviewing the kids. i learned a lot of gruesome things. >> you learned from your experience probably how many gay kids -- i mean, you can empathize more i'm sure now with gay kids. >> yeah. >> okay. you're not naming the church. why? >> well, don, here's what me and my mom sat down and talked about. i thought we would be doing evil for evil. if i release the church, the pastor's name, his family and
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kids then there may be people who come after them. we didn't want that. we don't want people to go, think church is bad or vandalize the church. we just want to get the message that hurt me personally by not letting me speak and hurting me economically. if you don't believe what i believe then you have to walk a fine line. i wanted to concentrate on the issue at hand. not make it so much something happens to the church. i didn't want that to be one of the focuses. >> okay. you've been invited to speak by a different church that heard what happened. is that encouraging to you? >> oh, yeah. it is. it really is. don, to be honest with you, i have gotten a lot of churches reaching out. as a matter of fact, there is a church in madison that's going to take their place and we are putting that together now. it seems like a lot of people try to make it political. it's not the church people, the religious people that i'm
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getting all the negative stuff. it's the conservative people who are making it more conservative. it's not political. this has nothing to do with political. has really nothing to do with religion. it's about a young man, african-american who came from the projects. single parent home. from my mom eunice butler taught me to love everybody. that's a message i want to spread to kids. that's why i wrote the book, how can i turn this into something positive. it seems political and i get dis appointed by that. >> seems like a godly thing to do. >> that's what i was taught. >> i appreciate you coming on. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> coming up, take a ride on the medex express. a marijuana delivery company that probably isn't legal -- yet. ♪ the chevrolet malibu eco with eassist captures downhill energy, unleashing it later to help propel you uphill. ♪
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voters in colorado legalize the sale and use of pot for personal use in november. authorized retail stores won't open for several months but many illegal weed dealers in the state are getting ahead of the game, going so far as to advertise on craigslist and offering delivery. jim spellman went along for the ride. >> reporter: it's saturday night in a suburban denver office and eric's work day is just getting started. his business is marijuana delivered to your door anywhere in the denver area, usually in 45 minutes or less. >> now it's just a matter of a
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small wait. we should see an order or something come in. >> reporter: his company is called med-ex ek press. they advertise on craigslist and have five drivers and employees who prepare the marijuana for delivery. >> this is on-demand. if you have product they have cash. >> reporter: within minutes of placing the ad the first order comes in. >> how much are you looking for today? okay, okay. >> reporter: the order completed online, his client gets an e-mail confirmation and eric hit it is road. first stop, the fulfillment center, aka the apartment where they keep the weed. no cameras allowed. what did you get? >> the packaging is done. we guarantee freshness, so that's why we use these. this is 3.5 grams of l.a. confidential. ♪ >> reporter: weed in hand, dr.
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dre on the radio and eric is on the way. the first customer is a businessman from out of town staying at a hotel. he ordered an eighth of an ounce and will pay $45 for that and a $5 delivery surcharge. last year colorado voters passed amendment 64 making recreational use of marijuana legal. retail sales won't go online until january 2014. under state law anyone in colorado can possess small amounts of marijuana. eric says this means colorado is in a gray area. he thinks this makes his business legal. it's probably not. but so far he says the police haven't bothered him. he says the payment is a donation. make of that what you will. >> we understand it's rogue as far as what's going on. but we want to be the pioneers to set up a legitimate business instead of this being ran by some thugs. >> reporter: 35 minutes after the order was placed he pulls into the hotel parking lot. >> hey, this is eric. i just pulled up. >> reporter: they agree to meet
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in front of the hotel, trade cash for weed, shake hands and go their separate ways. he finished his first delivery and two more orders have come in. eric won't say where the pot comes from. his employees and customers all declined to go on camera. back at the fulfillment center his team has another order ready to go. >> this looks like mountain gorilla. >> reporter: that's an ounce. >> an ounce. >> reporter: he runs a financial services company and a debt consolidation business but thinks this will be his most successful business yet. where do you want your business to be? >> i'm a big planner. i'm an entrepreneur and a businessman. i want this to be the future. i want this to be something we can set up that has a great operation. maybe a franchise. >> reporter: back for another order headed to a house in an up scale denver suburb. >> this is a quarter. mountain gorilla. hot special tonight.
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then this is going to be also a quarter of white fire. >> reporter: he'll keep going all night, delivering marijuana, staking his claim in colorado's marijuana gold rush. >> if this was crack or something like that, i wouldn't do this. this is something that probably should have been legalized long before. it's not something i'm ashamed of in any way. i think it's a great business opportunity, a great way to support my family. >> reporter: jim spellman, cnn, parker, colorado. >> starting monday morning with our carol costello at 9:00 a.m. eastern on cnn we'll spotlight colorado's new industry. watch "pot boom: colorado's road to establishing, creating and implementing a legal pot for reck national use industry" here on cnn. a pennsylvania mom who abandoned her kids more than a decade ago and turned up in florida last week is in jail tonight. new details next.
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the family of the mother who just turned up after disappearing 11 years ago in pennsylvania for now at least doesn't want to see her. here is brenda heist in 2002, this is brenda now. there she is. in 2002, facing divorce and financial troubles, police say she was sitting on a park bench and crying. two guys and a woman approached her concerned. on a whim she joined them hitchhiking to florida, abandoning her husband and children. she was homeless and approached police and told them who she was. the husband since remarried. those left behind spoke to piers morgan. >> one of your tweets said you
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hope she rots in hell. i understand the anger. do you think your anger may calm enough to be more rational or is it beyond redemption or apology? >> i hope to eventually forgive her one day for myself, not for her. i hope to forgive her and move on with my life. >> now mom is back in jail. just yesterday turned herself into the florida authorities for a parole violation. she served two months after stealing a woman's driver's license. clearly she has issues. we will go to psychologist wendy walsh here in studio. >> here in atlanta. good to see you. >> your book, i left it on my desk, sorry. >> i'll autograph it later. >> your book is finally out. we will talk about that in a little bit. real quick, the story of the mom and family. is there any value letting her back into their lives? >> not really. i was at cnn new york yesterday talking with dr. drew about this, both of us agree she probably has frontal lobe
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damage, whether she suffered injury to frontal lobe or from drug use. we haven't examined her, there may be personality disorders, too, but the bottom line, probably the best gift she could have given them was to leave, she didn't have the psychology to be a good mom. >> hope it works out for all of them. you have been on the show for years talking about relationships, poring over research, all the culmination of this, the 30 day love detox. 30 day love detox. it is out now. and a lot of this is about men, but how do you talk about men in general? >> you know, it is a way to purge yourself of men that won't commit is what it's about. bi you know, i do talk a lot about men because i don't think women understand men and male psychology. it is important you don't categorize them. if you do, that's trying to pick one color of opi nail polish. there are so many kinds of men
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out there, trust me. >> you say men are dogs. >> i do not. >> i heard that. >> i do not. >> wendy and i are friends, she will tell you. i heard men called dogs, pigs, what have you. basically we are animals. haven't guys moved beyond animal though? do we still have something in common with animals? >> here is the fascinating thing. human males have the widest range of paternal investment and sexual appetite of any pry mate species. do you know how they figured it out, size of the family jewels. you knew i had to go there. think about the other species. chimpanzees, big coconuts, tiny body weight. very promiscuous. human beings, somewhere in the middle. so that don't judge an individual man, by the way, talking species wide. what that means is that some men's investment in their child might only be a teaspoon of
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juice. another might be a baby wearing softball, throwing car pool, doting dad and everything in between. when women are so powerful and have risen in economic power, trying to get what they call the george clooney effect, more gorgeous, makes more money than them, need to look at those nurturers. >> 30 day love detox. you're a show favorite. you have been coming on forever. appreciate you being part of our show. >> thank you. >> get out, get that book. >> thank you. happy to be in atlanta. >> we will be back with our cnn hero of the week next.
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it is paralyzing when you hear those words your child has cancer. i know what those families are going through. >> the sun is coming out. >> it is extremely difficult. my son, he was diagnosed with cancer. it was such a horrifying time. we were fortunate we had rides to the hospital, many families don't have that support. we found out many of them were missing appointments. my name is richard nares. no child should miss cancer treatment due to lack of transportation. ready to go? we give over 2,000 rides a year. our furthest cancer patient is 120 miles. riding plays an important part of the treatment. we get them here in a nice,
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clean environment and on time. >> we live here. it is every day treatment. we want to fight. we're in this together. that's all i care now, my daughter's life. >> you're fighting for your child's life, nothing else matters. >> they pick us up in the morning and give us our ride back. >> they help us every step of the way. >> 70% of families are spanish speaking. i feel like it is my obligation to help them navigate the system. >> take good care of yourself. >> from someone who has been there. >> thank you. >> even though he passed away almost 13 years, he is the main force of this, and i feel that i am the right person to help. i am don lemon. "the situation room" with wolf blitzer begins right now. new details emerge about the boston bombing suspects, their alleged plo a
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