tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 7, 2013 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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hello, everyone. i'm ashleigh banfield reporting live today from phoenix, arizona. in about on two hours a jury of eight men and four women are going to assemble in this courthouse behind me, and they're going to resume their deliberations in the jodi arias murder trial. beth karas and jane very well esmitchell will join me in just a moment, but our top story is unfolding. 2,000 miles away at this moment and what a tale it is. authorities in cleveland are now giving us a bit more information on the incredible rescue of
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three young women who are virtually snatched off the city streets a decade ago. amanda berry, kidnapped a day before her 17th brt day in 2003. gina dejesus, kidnapped in 2004, at the age of 14. michelle knight, kidnapped in 2002, age 20. all of them found not far from where the crime scenes from where they were taken. all found seemingly unhurt and now safe. a 6-year-old girl who apparently belongs to berry was also rescued. the house belongs to this man, 512-year-old ariel castro, who is in custody today along with his older brother, pedro, and younger brother o'neil. my cnn colleague martin savidge is following every new development, and i'm joined here in phoenix by hln's nancy grace. i want to start with you, marty, if i can. let's get right to the latest in
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what's going on. they had a news conference this morning, but are they really telling us the heart of what happened here? >> no, because there are so many questions. the fbi admit it, the fbi admits it, that they have a lot of the leads. they're glad that these young women have been found after all this time alive and well. how did it happen? how is it that they were targeted? how is it that they were kidnapped? how is it that they were kept in a home on this street for ten years and nobody really seems to know of the horror that was playing out behind the closed doors? that's what authorities want to know today? fbi forensic teams are inside what they say is ten years of evidence to begin building their case and trying to understand what happened. here is what question know so far about the young women and how they were rescued. >> michelle knight disappeared when she was 19. that was 2002. amanda berry disappeared the day before her 17th birthday.
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that was 2003. gina dejesus disappeared when she was 14. that was 2004. then monday evening the decade-long nightmare ended when amanda berry made an emotional 911 call to police. >> help me. i'm amanda why berry. >> do you need police, fire, or ambulance? >> i need police. >> what's going there? >> i have been missing for ten years, and i'm here. i'm free now. >> okay. what's your address? >> sorry. 2207 seymour? >> looks like you're calling me from 2210. >> huh 1234. >> looks like you're calling me from 2210. >> i can't hear wrush. >> looks like you are calling me from 20210 seymour. >> i'm using the neighbor's phone. >> stay there with the neighbors and talk to police when they get there. >> okay. >> okay. talk to the police when they get there. >> okay. hello? >> yes, talk to the police when they get there. >> okay. are they on their way right now? >> we're going to send them as soon as we get a car open.
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>> no, i need them now before he gets back. >> we're sending them, okay? >> okay. >> who is the guy you're -- who is the guy who went out? >> his name is ariel castro. >> all right. how old is he? >> he was, like, 52. >> all right. i'm amanda berry. i've been on the news for the last ten years. >> i got that here. >> you say what was his name again? >> ariel castro. >> is he white or hispanic? >> hispanic. >> what was he wearing? >> i don't know. he is nott here right now. >> when he left what was he wearing? >>. >> the police are on their way. talk to them when they get there. >> okay. i neat -- >> i told you they're on their way. talk to them when they get there. okay. >> bye. >> she made that call after she was able to look out of the house without being held and flag down a neighbor.
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i come outside and see this girl going nuts trying to get out of the house. i go on the porch, and she said help me get out. i've been in here a long time. i figured it was a domestic violence dispute. i open the door and we can't get in that way. elts so much that a body can't fit through. just a hand. she comes out with the little girl, and she says call 911. my name is amanda berry. >> do you know what that was when she said that? >> we she told me it didn't register until i got the call to 911, and i thought i'm calling the 911 for amanda why berry. i thought this girl was dead. you know what i mean? she got on the phone, and she said, yes, this is me. the girl amanda told the police i ain't just the only one. there's more girls up in that house. they going up there 30, 40 feet, and when they came out it was just astonishing. >> police moved in swarming the
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house. rescuing women they arrested a 52-year-old former school bus driver that lives there ariel castro. they arrested his fwo brothers. >> they made some statements to the responding officers that gave us enough probable cause to affect their arrest. the rescued women were table to a hospital and checked out. the photo of a beaming amanda berry appeared to facebook. >> currently they're safe. we're in the process of evaluating their medical needs. they appear to be in fair condition at the moment. this is really good because this isn't the ending we usually hear to these stories. we're very happy. >> that sense of happy ands relief shared by police. >> it's a great day. >> and the people of cleveland. >> it's an unbelievable day. >> unbelievable story. martin, it begs the question,
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it's been ten years, three victims. is it possible there are more victims out there? is it possible there are more suspects out there? >> i think that's the real question that authorities need to know and need to know right away. is it possible that there could be some other missing person cases that are somehow connected? is there other victims? the law enforcement agencies will be looking at other missing persons cases in the area, and the real evidence will come from the three young women that now will die vulg what they've learned, what they knew from the ten years of being inside of that home. a short while ago i had a conversation with julio castro. he is the uncle of the three men that are now considered suspects in this case, and i asked him about what is the family reaction to this? listen. >>. >> i haven't been able to talk
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to immediate family other than my -- their reaction is surprising. everybody is surprised what's happening. >> what would you say to your nephew if you could talk to him? >> what would you want to know? >> what can i say? >> shame on you. >> number one question probably by law enforcement, by everybody in this city is how come nobody knew? how could it go on so long? i can't answer that for you yet. >> trr so many -- i can hear the din just around you with the number of reporters that descend odd that street and that the amount of information that's still yet to be unearthed in this. martin savidge, thank you for scrambling so quickly overnight to get what you have. i want to turn my attention to you, nancy, because the minute we heard this, we were all
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reminded right away of jaycee dugard, kidnapped as a child in california. freed in 2009. if you do the math, that was 18 years. today she's released a statement, obviously, you know, she's following this as well. she says this, nancy. these individuals need the opportunity to heal. she went on to say they need to connect back into the world. this isn't who they are. it is only what happened to them. the human spirit is incredibly resilient. more than ever this reaffirmed we should never give up hope. nancy, you know, you spent years as a prosecutor when investigators begin the process of trying to gleen evidence from these three victims and possibly any others that might be out there. where do they begin? is how do they do this, keeping in mind the delicate nature of what went on? sfla the reality is in a
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criminal prosecution, police investigators and prosecutors are out for evidence. they will handle the three victims as delicately as possible while at the same time building a felony case. there are multiple felonies available to pick, to prosecute. kidnapping likely. >> these men are looking at multiple life sentences running consecutively, which means one after the other. many years ago for a case like this, the death peblt would have been possible. not so anymore. everyone is wondering this morning how could it happen, how could it happen? well, i'll tell you how it happened. the same way it happened to jaycee dugard, the same way it
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happens to hornbeck and the same way it happened to elizabeth smart. they were taken either in their home or very close to their homes. we know one of these brothers, we believe, was a bus driver. all of the girls were taken in their early or late teens from very near their homes. we also know the brothe knew amanda's family. you have a milial connection. you have them taken from their homes and being held close to their homes. this is not necessarily stranger on stranger. there is a connection. i just need to ask you, you know, this morning in the news conference given that we are so in the early stages of this investigation, it seems that there was a red sense on the part of investigators to even tell us what the nature of their captivity was, whether it was a voluntary captivity by mind
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control or whether it was physical, you know -- physical, you know, chains or locks. are you surprised they're not telling us that yet? >> no, i'm not surprised that the police are not telling us. we are the media. we are reporters. they probably view us as an irritation to them as they are trying to investigate this case. if you hear a wham scream and trying to get out of the door, you know it's not voluntary. now this woman that was taken at 16 now has a 6-year-old child. two and two equals four. these three girls were taken from near their homes and held against their will and most likely were repeatedly violated. they have been in a living hell.
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they were fighting desperate to get out. what upsets me is that apparently there were reports a couple of years ago by neighbors that they heard screaming from a house, and police couldn't identify which home it was. these young women have been subjected to the worst possible nightmare. they are alive, and they can start over. >> thaens, does it make any difference when a defense attorney is trying to put together some kind of a defense in a case like this whether it's an -- i'm going to go back to ed smart, elizabeth smart's father, who said it was remarkable that elizabeth had police officers in front of her and still stayed quiet because of the fear that her captors held over here? she had the opportunity to go and didn't. do defense attorneys seize on this, or does it make any difference whether one of the capital is had the chance to leave and didn't? >> that hes a good point. the defense may well argue if it
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in their minds it makes a big difference, but the reality is the crime is formed. the mens rea or the intent to xhet a crime. it's formed at the time of the krooer crime. for instance, to rob a store, to commit a rape, to commit a kidnapping. it doesn't matter. if you have mind control over the victim some years later. what matters is at the time of the crime your malice, your intent, your criminal intent, and let me also point out that all of that is complete b.s. maybe it's too early in the morning for some people to hear that, but these girls, these women were beating on the door. they were screaming. they were tied up when investigators got there. i don't know how much mind control was used if the women were still being tied up according to some reports all these years later. that is the way they lived. >> we still have confirmation on that. we're still looking for the
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police to confirm that. we're still looking for any detail we can. >> a 6-year-old child, you know, that victim was almost ten years many captivity and it's clear that child was born in captivity. jays sigh dugard was reportedly alone giving birth to those two children. if that's the same story with amanda, what kind of charges are add odd that have to do with that kind of endangerment? >> of course, there are going to be charges relating to -- i'm going to refer to it as an infant. dwoent know how old the child is. there have been wildly conflicting reports, and the child is as old as 6 years old. the chiltd -- child also is going to be a victim in this case, and she can you imagine a young girl as she was at the time of her kidnap getting pregnant and giving birth probably in that boarded up home
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with no medical assistance whatsoever? >> just unbelievable. nancy, thank you for your last minute perspective on this. i know it's just unfolding as we speak, and it's so much more that we need to learn about this. we do appreciate your perspective. nancy grace. we have another big story here today. it comes from where i'm standing. a superior courthouse behind me. the jodi arias jury is getting back to work deliberating this woman's fate. a fate that could include death. they have already logged more than -- we ka get a verdict at any time once they get started. we're going to dissect what the sticking points might be in that jury deliberation room and a whole lot more in just a moment.
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people have been literally rivet bid this television -- this televised trial. since january 2d. some people have seem leg dropped everything just to get a firsthand look at the woman who is accused of brutally murdering her ex-boyfriend travis alexander. here's ted rolands. >> on verdict watch outside the courthouse at phoenix along with the cameras and microphones, spectators obsessed with the jodi arias trial wait to hear from the verdict. >> hopefully a verdict. hopefully a good verdict. >> arias is accused of planning the brutal murder of her ex-boyfriend travis alexander and says she killed him in self-defense. across the country people have been watching every moment of the trial. like a television soap opera. the direct mail production manager in washington d.c. >> i'm addicted. i get home and i immediately trn my tv on. i turn my computer on. >> she also lives in los angeles and says she watches any way she
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can, even when she's at work. >> even when i'm on the phone, i -- good thing can i multi-task because i'm over here doing important stuff, talking on the phone, but i'm also listening or, like, wait, hold on a second. i'm listening. that's a good part. oh, sorry. i had computer problems. >> a.p. reporter brian saw the interest in the trial, so he co-wrote a book, killer girlfriend, the jodi arias story. >> people have traveled around the country, taken off work to be a part of this, and what they say is just bauching it on tv wasn't enough. watch it on-line wasn't enough. they want to see the jury's face. they wanted to see reaction in the courtroom. for better or worse, to these spectators it's become like a daytime live soap opera for them. >> i don't know what i'm going to do when this is done. probably find another trial to watch. >> wow. ted rolands is here with me. jane velez-mitchell who is host of jane velez-mitchell and legal correspondent beth karas who has been here since day one covering
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every moment of this trial. as recently as last night knee been able to send one out, and i just want to read a couple. >> i was refused a plea. the state and the family refused to settle. since she put that out there, let's settle the record. is it true? do we know anything about any potential conversations anywhere along this trial? >> yes. the problem she isn't saying is that the plea deal they were offering was for second degree murder, and it was a sentence of 16 years and, of course, the prosecution with the evidence that they have against her and the family rejected that and did not go along with it. >> so it was refused, a plea
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deal, not the only plea deal. get it. another one that she sent out -- again, this is through a friend. don't think for a moment she has a cell phone in her cell block. i wanted so much to avoid trial, but the state forced it. my only other option was suicide and, well, i would like you to step in. that's not the first time miss arias has brought up the idea of suicide. it's a dramatic interview where she said no jury will ever convict me because i'm innocent. then later in court she suggested maybe suicide would be the reason. can you play that out? >> she plays the suicide card often, and, of course, the prosecutor said that this is a sign of her borderline personality disorder. the idea that she's brazen enough to be tweeting and is always the victim in her tweets,
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and she's supposed to be speaking out for victims and survivors and to be speaking out for battered women. well, i spoke to a battered woman yesterday, a william who was a survivor of domestic violence, and she's highly offend thad this woman is using this particular defense because she says essentially she's making a mockery out of domestic violence. >> she's also been using the tweet setup. let me remind viewers. this is through a friend, or at least an associate, and she's promoting her artwork and even selling the artwork. there are survivor t-shirts as well. can you give me the legal basis by which this is actually okay and when it becomes not okay to do this? >> is that a question for me? i couldn't hear you. >> yeah. sorry, beth karas, to you. >> okay. let me tell you, she can do this because she hasn't been convicted of anything yet. she cannot profit from her crime by selling her story. this is not selling her story.
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she is i understand jent. she is making thousands of dollars, but if she gives her artwork away, and it's a gift to somebody, and they sell it, then that's okay. if she's getting the money herself, maybe the state could say, hey, wait a second. there's a lot of evidence to go over and a lot of testimony, but what if your estimation having been here for all of that, beth, would be the key element that they have to get through? >> the jury has to start with first degree murder first, and it's premeditated murder. alternative felony murder. it's really a premeditated murder case wrosh for them to
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reject premeditation, they have to reject the state's evidence of a week's worth of planning a and. >> and filling her car with gas cans so she doesn't have to stop at a gas station in arizona in or out. she had enough gas so she doesn't get on video or have any cash or credit card transaction in the state. if the jury rejects that, then they're buying her story that all of these things are going to happen anyway, and she was on her way to utah to visit a friend six hours out of the way to visit travis alexander. >> beth karas, stand by, if you will. jane and kenneth. we'll have a lot more coverage on just what's been said in that courtroom, what sounds
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outlandish and why jurors may not think so in just a moment. we're also working a very big story in ohio. three young women found alive nearly a decade after they were all snatched in different locations at different times. all okay, but really how okay when you think about what they've gone through? back in just a moment. as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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who have been stuck in a courtroom listening to testimony they probably would have preferred never to have learned of in the first place. they're the jury in the jodi arias case, and they are hard at work today after 1:00 eastern on day three of deliberations. it is a critical deliberation. it is not just any case. it is a death penalty case. literally they hold they are life in their hands. the evidence has been overwhelming. the lies, the revision of lies, the other evidence, the prosecutor, the defense, jodi herself. three weeks on the stand. i'm joined again by ted rolands, beth karas, and jane velez mitchell to parse through some of the things she said that sounded preposterous and why maybe it could be explained why. first, beth, to you. is it the lies that are going to be so critical and the debunking of those lies that she did for those, what, 19 or 18 days on the stand, or will it be the other physical stuff that just
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listed out before the break that will really be the hard hurdle for that jury to get passed? >> well, i actually think it's iffing to be a combination of those things, ashleigh, because jodi arias did get on that stand and said i lied a lot in the past, but i'm not lying right now. however, the prosecutor confronted her with other evidence to show, yes, she was lying about certain things, so she did lie to the jury. certainly about, like, buying gas cans. an innocuous point one could argue, and she lied about that, and then she could have lied about other things. she perhaps didn't help herself by being on the stand for 18 days. a lot of people, i have talked to legal analysts, saying she should have been on and off that stand and not stretch it out from february 4th through march almost or into march. >> yeah. it could be incredibly extensive if you have yours that believe they're being lied to to hear it over and over and over again. jane velez mitchell now. the revisions of the stories we
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were told. the admission says and explanations and the coincidences one after another after another that had to be explained why. call, the phone call that jodi arias admittedly made to the victim's voice mail after the killing, and the tone of voice and what she did with that voice mail. can you explain what happened there? >> this is die bol cal. okay? she killed travis alexander. slitting his throat, stabbing him 29 times. shooting him in the face. then she stays off. when she's in this so-called -- at some point she calls the dead man and leaves him a voice mail, and she does it a couple of times to make sure she gets it absolutely right, and you whan she does? she invites him to go through othello. a friend of mine and i are going to see some shake peer. we would love you to join us. it gets worse. she then drives to utah, and she kanoodles with another guy who is a business associate of travis alexander and she goes to a business meeting and sits down
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at a chilli's restaurant with all of travis alexander's friends, and they're asking why do you have all these cuts on your hands? she's got them covered with band-aids. she said, oh, i'm a bartender. i cut my hand. they didn't put it together because they didn't know travis alexander was dead at that point, but once they found out that travis alexander was dead, they suddenly remembered that dinner and they went, wow. >> that was odd. >> beth, just quickly, the way the defense attorney will look at a case like this is to explain it as best they can under the guidance of what it is like to be a battered woman, and this certainly seems to be the prevailing biz wiz dom of this defense in jodi's case. here's the question when it comes to evidence, hard evidence, of any kind of battered woman's syndrome. is it just the words of an admitted and repeated liar that the jury has to go on in that room? >> yes. it's all from jodi. now, she has a crooked finger. her left hand, ring finger, she
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says was broken by travis alec anneder in january 2008. a month before she killed him. she says in one of these violent incidents, she says, and that was one of them. it's broken in a way that p -- it looks like the tendon was cut and it healed shorter so the finger is upright like that. some think that she actually cut the tendon killing him. there's no evidence about that broken finger, but she says he did, but there's no corroboration, no police report, no medical report, nothing. >> that is a very difficult case. the only story you have to tell is your own with no evidence backing it. a mountain of evidence on the other side. it could be a short deliberation, but the three of us have been through other -- we've been surprised aat a whole lot of things. thank you to both of you. stand by if you will because next up we have details that are still coming out of ohio on the shocking case of three missing women, all of them found alive.
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police have said so far today about the investigation into what these three went through for the last decade. u again! hey! i almost didn't recognize you without the suit. well, this is my weekend suit. weekend getaways just got better. well, enjoy your round! alright, thanks! save a ton on our best available rate when you book early and feel the hamptonality. it's the most powerful thing on the planet. love holds us in the beginning. comforts us as we grow old. love is the reason you care. for all the things in your life... that make life worth living. ♪ ♪ sweet love of mine
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welcome back. i'm ashleigh banfield reporting live. again, this amazing story in ohio. three women each missing for somewhere close to a decade, but found in a cleveland neighborhood in an unassuming home really not far from where each of them was snatched off the street. amanda berry, gina dejesus, and knight. here's part of her dramatic 911 call. >> help me. i'm amanda berry. >> you need mrishgs fire, or ambulance? >> i need police. >> okay. and what is going on there?
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>> i have been kidnapped, and i've been missing for ten years, and i'm here. i'm free now. >> okay. what's your address? >> 2207 seymour avenue? >> 2207 seymour? it looks like you're calling me from 2210. >> i can't hear you. >> it looks like you are calling me from 2210 seymour. >> yeah. i'm across the street. i'm using their phone. >> okay. stay there with those neighbors. talk to police when they get there. >> okay. >> okay. talk to the police when they get there. >> okay. hello. >> yes, talk to the police when they get there. >> okay. are they on their way right now? >> we're going to send them as soon as we get a car open. >> no, i need them now. before he gets back. >> amanda berry absolutely heroic. can you hear the fear in her voice, and there's another hero in this story as well. a neighbor named charles ramsey. he liberated her. he got her out of that house of horrors, and she actually made
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that 911 phone call from his home nearby. here is how he describes his part in all of this. >> she comes out with a little girl, and she says call 911. my name is amanda berry. >> did you know who that was when she said that? >> when she told me it didn't register until i got to calling 911, and i'm, like, i'm calling the 911 for amanda berry. i thought this girl was dead. we seen this dude every day. i mean, every day. >> how long have yu lived here? >> i have been here a year. i barbecue with this dude. we eat ribs and what not. listen to salsa music. >> had you no indication that there was -- >> not -- bro, not a clue that that girl was in that house or anybody else in there against their will because how he is -- he just comes up to his backyard, plays with the dogs, tinkering with his cars and motorcycles, goes back in the house. he is somebody you look and look away. he is not doing nothing but the
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average stuff. nothing exciting about him. well, until the other day. >> three people are now in custody, including aa man named ariel castro. he is the one who lived in the house, owned the house, his brothers are the others that the police brought in. early this morning we heard from the authorities in cleveland with more details on this case. >> the cleveland division of police and our law enforcement partners which includes the fbi, cuyahoga county sheriff's office, u.s. martial's office remains committed to these causes over the years. led by the cleveland office of the fbi, we have continued to investigate my and all leads in these cases. these leads came in over the years and were investigated time and again. possible suspects were interviewed. search warrants were executed.
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thankfully, and i mean thankfully, due to amanda's brave actions, these three women are alive today. three men have been arrested in this case, and they are ariel castro, 52 years old, brother pedro, 54 years old, and another brother o'neil, 50 years old. the original task force will now continue the follow-up investigation relative to the recovery of and processing of the scene, interviewing and the investigation. next steps, there's ten years of logistical information that has to be sorted through. numerous interviews have to be completed. the fbi evidence recovery team is processing the scene. they worked until 5:00 a.m. this morning. they will regroup later this morning, and i anticipate it will take a few days to
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completely process the scene there on seymour. >> for amanda's family, for gina's family, for michelle's family, prayers have finally been answered. the nightmare is over. these three young ladies have provided us with the ultimate definition of survival and perseverance. the healing can now begin. every evening year after year as you well know family members and law enforcement kept the faith that one day they might see their daughters, their sisters, their nieces again. monday evening that happened. >> you can only imagine the scene last night at the hospital with the family and the friends. it was just -- it was chaotic, and we really didn't divulge and really didn't get into a deep, deep line of questioning. our concern -- our first and foremost concern last night was the physical and mental well being. >> while we celebrate today, we
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and our law enforcement partners continue to work shoulder to shoulder with the cleveland police department to answer the many questions, the many questions that investigators have, and rest assured the fbi will bring every resource to bear to assist our partners in this case, to bring the full weight of justice behind those responsible for this horrific, horrific case. >> what these young girls went through and if would you have saw them last night, you would have nothing but compassion and love in your heart for them. as far as investigations, we believe we have three suspects. we're going to charge those suspects. we believe we have the people responsible for that, so right now, you know, we want to let them spend time with their family and take this process very, very, very slow and respectful to their families and to the young girls' needs. >> wow. to say that the investigators have mentioned there are so many
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unanswered questions is such an understatement. we are in the next phase of this horrible crime, and the solution. to that end, a decade. all three of them gone. right under our noses, did the police do enough? was there anything more they could have done? that's coming up next with our legal expert. ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about... with ted's now ex-girlfriend. wheeeee! whoo! later ted! online claims appointments. just a click away on
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never lost hope now have their loved ones back. a short time ago we heard from the aunt of gina dejisz, one of the three young women who was discovered safe yesterday. >> those women are so strong. what we do out here, what we've done in ten years is nothing compared to what those women have done together to survive. >> a decade in captivity, though. from atlanta now i want to bring in cmn legal analyst joey jackson and former juvenile court judge tv host and author glenda hatchet. i want to begin this way. the police say this they actually were at this suspect's home in 2004, and presumably that would have been a time when all three may have been in captivity there, but it was for another investigation. they say there was no one when they came to the door. no one answered the door. joey, is that enough? is that enough when you are supposed to be investigating something to knock on a door and then walk away?
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should they have done more? >> police have to walk a delicate balance because everybody has rights, and police certainly could have done morning ut but you can't go knocking people's doors down because neighbors say there's some kind of criminal at. police do what they can do, and hindsight, of course, is 2020. we expect police to be thorough and do what they can to unearth any types of crime, but i'm loathe to blame them in this case because certainly i know these girls who have been abducted. they were fearful for their lives. they were fearful to do anything that would bring attention to them because they could be harmed, ashleigh. >> glenda, i want to just re-introduce that jaycee dugard case. there were so many elements of it as well. she was kidnapped and held captive in a home for 18 years. she had two children in that home. she got a $20 million settlement in response to the allegations that the police hadn't done enough to keep an eye out for her abductor, who was a registered sex offender. police have been to that home as
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well. i know this is very, very early in this investigation, and there's so much more we need to know, but was that one of the first things you started to think about when you thought about recourse of these victims. >> because of the dugard case, i really did think about couple o about this case, quickly. and in the news conference, they basically said that they didn't have these calls from the neighbors, as i understood the press conference. they went twice, once before the abductions and the second time on an investigation allegedly he left the child on a bus when he was a bus driver. there's some discrepancy here in the report. i think the mayor is very wise to call for a full investigation because people have a lot of questions. and there may well be a civil case if they can prove that the police didn't do enough. but this investigation has gone on for more than a decade. we'll have to wait to see exactly what happens. and i agree with joey the police are walking a delicate line on this. i also want to say, to us, as
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citizens, if we suspect something, we've got to keep following up and not just say it's none of my business. >> vigilance, we learned this in the boston bombing. public vigilance. phillip was a registered pedophile in the jaycee dugard case. i have to switch gears. thank you to both of you. another big story that had just captivated this country. literally living a nightmare in an italian prison. two years after gaining freedom amanda knox is talking a lot about it and telling cnn about what her greatest fear has been. >> i'm afraid to go back there. i don't want to go back into prison. >> a lot more of amanda knox's interview with cnn's chris cuomo coming up right after the break. [ female announcer ] crest + scope
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italy and being retried for the murder of her study abroad roommate six years ago. knox did four years in that italian prison before the jury overturned her murder conviction and she quickly returns to her home state in seattle, believing her nightmare was over. but earlier this year an italian appeals court overturned knox's conviction -- rather, her acquittal and the pressing question now is, will the state department extradited her to be retried in italy? and in an interview with cnn's chris cuomo, knox describes the emotional struggles of maintaining her innocence even during interrogations with italian prosecutors. >> you think you come off to you can't prove it and not enough i didn't do it? understand the distinction between those two? >> i mean -- >> ask me if i killed somebody. the answer's, no, i didn't do it. i didn't do it. i didn't do it. not you can't prove it. not you can't place me at the
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scene. you understand how you can't place me at the scene sounds cagey? >> yeah. i mean, i have professed from the very beginning that i didn't do it and no one believed me. i -- i was screaming at -- to the prosecutor when they were screaming at me during my interrogation, tell me i had amnesia, i had to know and i told them i didn't do it and i want there, and no one listened to me. it's like i'm having to prove my innocence instead of just saying it. >> my cnn colleague chris cuomo joins me live now from new york. chris, it is one thing as a television viewer to watch over and over again a beautiful, young woman marched in and out of courtrooms and handcuffs and hearing her try to profess her innocence in italian and it's another thing to sit across her interview her and look into her eyes. what struck you about her? >> what she wanted, ashleigh, the opportunity to deal with the
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questions that fueled doubts about her innocence. that's what this was. and that's going to be a tough conversation for her because a lot of it is what she expresses frustration about, that i can't prove i didn't do it. but that's the position i'm put in. that's what this investigation has done. and she's clearly been damaged by this. incarceration is very difficult especially at a young age to have the prospect of this perception of her as a killer, which she believes obviously is false, but to have people believe she's a killer is a heavyweight on her. not just back then, not just when she was in prison but today. she believes she carries it as a heavy burden not just the remoteness of a possibility of getting sent back to italy, but what they say about her in america, how they look at her, threats sheaf received. she's carrying a lot of weight regard office the litigation. >> and i think that we will all be watching carefully, specially when the americans have to weigh in on this, as well. flat out of time. i would have asked you about the likelihood, if you can give me one answer, that the americans
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would extradited her. >> small. >> that's it, right? wow. that's a good answer, chris. i will look forward to this tonight. thank you. chris cuomo great job. like i said you don't want to miss chris cuomo's special interview amanda knox the unanswered questions tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern only here on cnn. great job, chris. congratulations on getting that interview. thanks for watching, everyone. our program "around the world" starts after this quick break. p. a special place we go to smooth out the ripples of the day. it might be off a dock or on a boat. upstream or in the middle of nowhere. wherever it may be, casting a line in the clear, fresh waters of michigan lets us leave anything weighing us down back on shore. our perfect spot is calling. our perfect spot is pure michigan. your trip begins at before global opportunities
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were part of their investment strategy... before they funded scholarships to the schools that gave them scholarships... before they planned for their parents' future needs and their son's future... they chose a partner to help manage their wealth -- one whose insights, solutions, and approach have been relied on for over 200 years. that's the value of trusted connections. that's u.s. trust. welcome to "around the world" i'm suzanne malveaux. >> i'm michael holms. >> prayers of three families answered out of cleveland, ohio. three young women, they are free today after held captive for about ten years or so in the neighborhood home, three middle age men, brothers, not related to victims now under arrest. >> police say the real hero,
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their words, is amanda. talking about amanda berry whose frantic call to 911 led officers to them last night. >> so i want to get down to it. finding out how those amazing rescue happened. what are police saying about the investigation and how did this happen in the first place? >> extraordinary story. martin savidge get us to speed. >> reporter: michele knight disappeared when she was 19, that was 2002. amanda berry disappeared the day before her 17th birthday. that was 2003. gina dejesus disappeared when she was 14. that was 2004. then, monday evening decade-long nightmare ended when amanda berry made an emotional 911 call to police. >> help me. i'm amanda berry. >> do you need police, fire or ambulance? >> i need police. >> okay, and what's going on there? >> i've been kidnapped, and i've been missing for ten years, and i'm here. i'm free now.
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