tv Piers Morgan Live CNN May 7, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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> this is "piers morgan live." welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. tonight, live, late breaking news from cleveland's house of horrors. we're asking all the big questions, what did the fbi find today, where are the castro brothers right now and what about amanda berry, gina dejesus and michele knight and the 6-year-old found in the house? were there more children? plus the most important question of all. how could all this have happened in plain sight? tonight, what the neighbors saw and what the people who knew the suspects think now. >> this has come to a shock to me, to hear that he's involved in all this. >> i'll talk to tito dejesus in a moment. we have learned that the three castro brothers, ariel, pedro and onil will be interviewed tomorrow and could be charged thursday. a jeep cherokee and pickup truck have been towed from the home on seymour avenue. now we go live to the scene.
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kevin, thank you for joining me. obviously, for anyone like you who has covered this for so many years, it's a quite extraordinary end to three concurrent investigations, i guess. what is the latest and let's start with the three young women. my understanding is that two of them are heading home and they're okay but the one is not in great shape. what can you tell me? >> officially, all the fbi will tell us is that they are in the custody of fbi victim specialists. there was talk -- we did learn two of them have been released from the hospital yesterday, but at this point, they won't tell us exactly where they are and investigators right now aren't even speaking with them in very much detail. they just want their mental state and their physical state, they want to focus on that before they start delving into more details. but right now, they're protecting them pretty closely. >> we think, though, that maybe michele knight, who is the
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oldest of the three women, that she is the one that's been having most difficulties, is that right? >> well, that's what we've heard. again, nothing official. police and fbi won't tell us exactly who may be still in the hospital, if one still is, but yes, that is what we have been hearing, what people have been saying. >> now, in terms of the three brothers, they are still in custody. they have to i believe under cleveland law, they have to be charged within 36 hours, and we are expecting them to all be charged. looking at pictures of them now. do you know what the charges may be? we're hearing that they may all be charged with kidnap and rape of these women, but have you heard any more? >> well, that would be a start, certainly, and as you mentioned, 36 hours, they must charge them within 36 hours. it's been over 24 hours at this point, so you would imagine that there would probably be charges tomorrow, maybe thursday, but they haven't said exactly what
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they would be charged with, but certainly the charges that you mentioned would most definitely be a start and probably many, many more. >> kevin, how do you feel as a reporter that's covered this story almost from the start, so for a decade, really, how do you feel personally about the way this has all turned out? because it is quite extraordinary. >> you know, it's very extraordinary and actually, i'd say it's a little personal, too, because i started ten years ago when these women went missing, at least gina dejesus and amanda berry. we didn't do a lot on michele because we didn't know a lot about her. but their families held vigils every single year. their families made sure that people always remembered them, that their names and faces stayed on the news, that they stayed on poles and you know, for me to see the ending of this, an ending that a lot of people didn't expect, you know, i just wasn't sure what had happened to them. but yesterday was a pretty
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emotional day for the entire city, and definitely for me, but the entire city. i mean, we had people, hundreds and hundreds of people coming out here just to be on this scene. >> kevin, we'll get a shot now which i think shows really how quite remarkable this is, the story, because it will show where these women were all taken and of course, where they ended up and really, you're talking about an area of all within three miles. as somebody who knows that area well, are you staggered as most people seem to be that all this could have happened in such a close area where almost all the people in that area would have known these girls or known their family? are you as amazed as the rest of us that they have been found right in the heart of the area where they were taken? >> yes, i am amazed at that. the fact that they probably have been here in this home for the entire ten years, and as you mentioned, it's not far from where each one disappeared.
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they each disappeared a year apart. they each disappeared within blocks apart and what boggles my mind is that at least the two of them, gina dejesus and amanda berry, they were snatched in broad daylight. amanda was coming home from her job at burger king. gina dejesus was walking home from school so it was daytime and lorraine avenue, which is where they were, that's a very heavily traveled thoroughfare so yeah, that is certainly amazing. >> kevin, finally, the house of horrors as it's now being known is behind you. more and more details are coming out, not being completely confirmed yet, but we're hearing about chains and dungeons under the house, we're hearing about all sorts of despicable things, names apparently scrawled across walls and so on, plus this suggestion that the women between them may have had a series of pregnancies which may have been deliberately terminated by these brothers or at least one or two of them, with severe beatings.
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do we know anything about this in a factual sense? are we still waiting for confirmation? >> yes. well, from a source, from another reporter who has worked on this story, a source, a very good source says that the letters r.i.p. are scrawled on the wall in the basement and there's a woman's name which would lead you to believe another woman was in there at some time. they also say one of the girls told investigators that that woman was with them for awhile and then one day, she woke up and the girl was no longer there. the other thing i can say is that this fbi investigation that's going on as well, they have, in the search warrant, they say they are looking for evidence of a birth or births, plural, which would lead you to believe that possibly they are looking possibly for bodies of fetuses or possibly just evidence there had been children, more children, there. we know amanda berry has a
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6-year-old daughter that was rescued at the time she and the other girls were. >> kevin freeman, thank you very much indeed. i now want to bring in three neighbors who noticed some strange doings at the house on seymour avenue but never guessed the horrible truth. joining me is anita and her daughters, feliciana and nina. welcome to all three of you. obviously, an enormous shock, first of all. let me start with you, anita, as you're the mother of these girls. to find out this utter horror story has been going on for ten years right on your doorstep, how does that make you feel? >> it's very -- i have a lot of mixed emotions. very mixed emotions. i feel like i wish i could have did something, you know. but really didn't know. witnessed a few little things -- well, i didn't witness, you know, i witnessed a situation, my daughters witnessed another situation. it was all weird to me, but i really never called the police
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or nothing. >> feliciana, you are i believe 16 years old, is that right? >> yes. >> now, you witnessed two years ago ariel castro, one of the three brothers who is being held, the man that owns that house, you witnessed something extraordinary in his backyard. tell me about that. >> well, me and my sister nina, we were across the street on top of a neighbor's porch and we were all just hanging out having fun and i hear my sister say look, and we look across the street and it's ariel, and he has a woman, she's naked, and she's just in the backyard, and my sister said something or he heard us, and like he like told her get down, get down, get in the house, and she like -- she was naked and he had like a mattress up, and he was like trying to disguise but he didn't know that we could still see over it, and he made her crawl on her hands and knees to get
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into the back and he took her to the back like of the door and that's the last time we seen her. she was just like -- she was naked and it was hard, and we didn't really think nothing of it at first, then we just thought it was weird so we like waited and just went home and told our mom, and that's just what happened from there. >> anita, when they came back and told you this story, clearly it's more than weird now, given what we now know. but at the time, did you take any action? >> no, i didn't, but i was kind of hurt that they didn't tell me as soon as they saw it, you know. they have cell phones for a reason, you know. you see awkward stuff like that, because i definitely would have called then but it was hours later and i really -- i really, you know, i was just stuck. i was dumbfounded, didn't know how to take it, you know? >> and let me turn to you, nina. in terms of ariel castro, you guys knew him quite well. what was he like?
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>> he was -- he was fun. we all thought he was very nice. he hung around with us, he gave us a ride on his bike like around the block and he was just a cool guy. >> and he had children of his own. did you ever see them? >> no. i haven't seen his children. >> did you ever see -- sorry, yes, anita? >> yeah. his children, i really haven't noticed them there since him and his wife, you know, separated many, many years ago. that was the last time i have ever even seen a woman over there or kids, other than when i seen that little girl in his window last fall. >> what we're being told by various people is that he had a pattern of turning up during the day in some kind of van or truck, and he would deliver, it would appear now, a large amount of mcdonald's food, which clearly we would suspect now was intended for these women. did you ever see that?
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did people ever talk about that? because clearly if he's living on his own, that would be a strange thing to be doing. >> yes. yes. i definitely witnessed that and what brought that to my attention is that my daughter at the time was taking the school bus and it would pick her up in front of the house, and i would get upset, there was a couple times in the winter where his bus was parked almost in front of our house or in that field right next to our house, if you notice, you know, the field next to it. so he was blocking the driveway a lot and i started watching his movements and sure enough, every morning he had a bag of mcdonald's. he would park his bus there, leave it running for at least 45 minutes to an hour at a time, and he went in the house and came back out. clockwork. >> feliciana, in terms of the house itself, were you ever allowed inside it? did you ever get into the house or the garden? >> the closest i ever came to his house was to the door, and he had it cracked open and he gave us popsicles. it was a couple summers ago but
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that was it. he never let us go in his backyard. i think we attended his backyard once to help him put his little dogs away. but it wasn't even over his gate. it was like to his gate and that was it. >> how do you feel, nina, finally, about the revelation that he may be this absolute monster along with his brothers, and there were three young women not entirely dissimilar ages to you when they were taken, who have been kept in this dungeon, no other way to describe it, for so long? >> it's sad to know that he lived so close and he was a friend to all of us, but then it's like -- we really feel we got another bad guy off the street. >> well, listen, it's obviously been a huge shock to all of you. i'm very sorry that you've had to go through this. there can't be many things worse than discovering somebody you thought you knew so well, a neighbor, has turned out to be
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allegedly a complete monster. i thank you all for joining me. >> thank you. >> three young women held captive for nearly ten years in what looked like an ordinary house. how could that happen? joining me now is tito dejesus, a friend of suspect ariel castro, who also knew the family of gina dejesus. welcome to you, tito. just to clarify for viewers, you have the same name as gina dejesus but you're not related at all, right? >> that i know of, no. i've been told that we might be very distant cousins, but i have never done a family tree to actually find that out. i've known the family since i was a child, and basically, my father knew the family since before i was born. >> you have also known ariel castro for a long time. you've played in a band with him for a long time. you must be shocked by this. was there anything -- tell me first of all about how you feel about the fact that he's been arrested. >> it was a shock to me. when i found out last night, i
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was actually watching live streaming on the internet and it kept saying seymour avenue and it was a latino and when they finally said it was a school bus driver, and i knew who lived there and they panned the camera to his house, it was like i turned white. my wife told me what's wrong, are you okay? i was like -- i was dumbfounded. i was in shock, i couldn't talk. my heart started beating really, really fast. i just don't believe it. >> did he never give any clue at all that things weren't quite right? that he may have been leading some strange other life you weren't privy to? >> no. never. he seemed like a normal guy to me. i've known him for like 20 years and we shared the stage many, many times, many, many bands. he's been to my house many times to rehearse and we have spoken on the phone, and chit-chat about music and everything. and that's one thing, we never
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spoke about his personal life. some guys just don't like to mix their personal life with business and pretty much i respect that, but he seemed like a normal guy. never gave it any bad vibes above, you know, the stuff he was doing with these three women. never. >> tito, i'm going to have to end it there. we're going to go live actually to a situation in washington, where jaycee dugard, who was of course herself abducted, she's appearing at an event with john walsh, who i interviewed last night at length. it's the annual hope awards of the national center for missing and exploited children in washington. we'll just go live to this. this could be very interesting.
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>> thank you. thank you. that story is me. just thank you. i want to say what an amazing time to be talking about hope, with everything that's happening. i want to thank the family advocate division team, especially marcia. they have been amazing and wonderful and i can't thank them enough. i feel like i have come full circle and we are all finally together celebrating the wonderful hope that you keep
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alive every day. i'm so thankful for the team of people that have supported me throughout these last few years. i am so grateful to all of you. i can't say that it's been easy, but anything in life worth doing is sometimes hard, like speaking. i want to thank my mom for the hope she has always had for me, even when i was far away. to my sister, shana, who -- i want to say that although i wish she could be here tonight, i want to say how proud i am of her today and every day. i want to thank all my family members for their patience and
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unconditional love and support and last of all, i would like all of us to remember to just ask yourself to care. >> jaycee dugard speaking live in washington, receiving the hope award and never has there been a more poignant day really for her to be doing that, given the discovery of three other young women who had been through exactly what she had been through. next, a fourth missing girl who vanished from the same area in cleveland. her fate remains a mystery. i'll talk to the family of ashley summers, hoping this case could mean some news for them, too. you have the potential to do more in business.
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got to give them space. we're overbearing. give them space, guys. we will communicate with you guys. i promise. i promise that we will communicate with all of you guys. okay? >> sandra ruiz speaking a few moments ago, she's the aunt of gina dejesus. cnn's poppy harlow is outside the family home tonight where the guardian angels are patrolling. poppy, what is the mood there? obviously one of great joy that she's back but also i would imagine a lot of concern about
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her wellbeing and what she's been through. >> reporter: good evening, piers. you're right, and that's exactly what this family is focused on. you just heard some of what sandra ruiz, she's the aunt of gina dejesus, gina's mother's sister, what she had to say to us, the press, here. we heard from her earlier today and she spoke with us again tonight. she said be patient. she said you will hear from gina. she said you will hear from all of the girls when the time is right but right now, we need to focus on gina. it has been, you know, 24 hours since they discovered that she is still alive and with them. they need to focus on that. she said interestingly, piers, you will hear from her in one large space and you will all be there. so that makes you wonder are they going to hold a press conference at some point in time. i was with the family and at this house all day since early this morning. it was a place of a lot of happiness, joy, surprise, a bit of shock that they have found gina now. they last saw her when she was
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14 years old. now she is 23 years old, piers. so the scene here is -- the focus needs to be on this young woman now, 23-year-old gina, but at the same time, they are all ecstatic and have had family, friends over here all day long. >> poppy, you spoke to gina's older sister, myra, who obviously has been talking to gina. did she give any indication of how gina is? >> reporter: she did, a very positive report. she was with gina at the hospital all night last night. she was with her pretty much all day today until this evening. she said that gina is in good spirits. myra is nine years older than gina and it's interesting, i said well, she's a young woman now, right, and she said well, she still looks like my young sister that i knew nine years ago. so she doesn't look much different, frankly, myra said, than she did when she last saw her. i asked if they talked about the ordeal at all, did they discuss that last night. she said no. we're not focusing on that. the family is focusing on being
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with her sister, the parents with their daughter that they haven't seen in nine years. but she did report that she is in good spirits and that they're focusing on being together as a family right now. >> poppy harlow, thank you very much indeed. despite the joy of finding three kidnap victims alive there's a fourth case that's still uninvolved. ashley summers was 14 when she vanished in the same neighborhood in 2007. joining me now, ashley's sister vicky and her aunts, tina and debbie, another sister janet and erica bennett. welcome to you all. let me start if i could with you, tina. obviously for your family, this must come as a huge shock and it must i guess give you some hope that you may be possibly able to find out what happened to ashley. how do you feel? >> oh, i feel like i hope she does come back and i hope that they do find her. >> do you feel that in some way,
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her disappearance is connected to the disappearance of these other three young women? >> it seems like it would, you know. all the same neighborhood and you know, no sign of any of them. >> victoria, you're 16 now. you're ashley's sister. so you would have been 10, i guess, when she disappeared. have you ever given up hope as a family that she would be alive out there somewhere? >> i have never gave up hope. got to keep pushing, regardless of what, like everything that happens. i mean, amanda berry and them came home safe so makes you push and hope more that she will come home one day, too. >> what kind of person was your sister? >> she was outgoing, had a lot of friends. bringing a lot of friends home.
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she was known in school, everybody. >> let me turn to you, debbie. you're ashley's aunt. clearly this is a huge news story, not just in cleveland but in america. if anybody's out there who may have any information, i assume you would like them to go straight to the authorities. >> yes. >> do you feel, debbie, that in your gut, that this is all connected, that the timing of when ashley was taken, the age that she was, the area that she was taken, do you just feel collectively as a family this has to be connected? >> yes, i do feel it's connected. they're all like the same area. so it has to be. >> tina, yeah, i mean, tina, on the day that ashley disappeared, was she in any trouble, any distress? had you as a family been able to work out if there could have been any other reason why she would disappear? >> no.
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she loved her family. she was a very friendly person. she would never, never run away. without calling nobody. it's not her. >> have you had any leads at all in the last few years as to what may have happened to her? >> we had a couple false ones. beside that, no real ones. >> have you been contacted at all by the police since the discovery of these three other women yesterday? >> no. my sister was, not me. >> so your sister has been contacted. so the police have made contact with you as a family. >> yeah. >> so that would be ashley's mother they rang, was it? >> um-hum. >> and did the police give any suggestion that they believe that there may be a link here? >> not really. no. >> well, it must an incredibly shocking new development for you after the appalling disappearance of ashley.
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thank you so much, all of you, for sparing the time to come on the show and talk about it. we just have to hope and pray that she, too, turns up and that you as a family get ashley back. i'm sure you would like nothing better than that and we all wish you all the very best with that. thank you for joining me. >> thank you. coming up, what happens next for these three young women. i will ask a doctor who knows the case very well. hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true.
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she specializes in treating childhood trauma and rape. dr. lolita mcdavid is a medical director of university at rainbow babies and children's hospital in cleveland. before we start this, doctor, i just want to play again the 911 tape that amanda berry made yesterday, which basically brought this drama to an end. i want to get your idea of her state of mind here and what you can detect from this. listen to this. >> talk to the police when they get there. >> as soon as we get a car open. >> i need them now, before he gets back. >> we're sending them, okay? >> okay. i need them now. >> who's the guy who went out? >> his name is ariel castro. >> how old is he? >> he's like 52. and i'm amanda berry. i've been on the news for the last ten years. >> okay, i got that, dear. >> dr. mcdavid, obviously she
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was desperate, desperate to get out of that situation, hardly surprising now we know what it was. did you read anything else into her voice, into her demeanor in that call? >> well, no, i think she was very frightened and i think she had a very small time window that she was working at. from what we understand, he left, she had him leave to pick up some food for the child and she knew she had a very small window of time that she could work with, and she was clearly very afraid. the other thing that we know is that these girls had access or we think they had access to a tv, so they knew every year when their families were looking for them and celebrating the loss, they knew that this was going on. >> you've had lots of experience of issues relating to this kind of situation but nothing quite like this, i shouldn't imagine. one thing people keep asking today is as these women got older, they were there for ten
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years, could they not have collectively tried to get out? would there have been some psychological hold that the owner of the house or the three brothers collectively had on them, either physically or mentally, that would have prevented them from doing that? >> well, i think that's obvious that that's what happened. that happens, people are victimized and they do not feel that they have the ability. we don't know what they were told. we don't know if they were told if you leave, something's going to happen to your family. if you leave, we will track you down. we don't know. we know that with children, which is who i deal with, that people will say to them things like i'll kill your puppy or i'll hurt your mother or nobody will believe you, they'll think you ran away to be with me. so we understand that they are victims. but they are very strong survivors and one of the things that i'm concerned about is that in all of the therapy that they're going to need, and they're going to need a lot of therapy, that perhaps in the
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beginning, they can start working on their therapy as a group, because they're really family to each other. if you think about it, they've been together eight, nine, ten years, and they are all that they know. they are the family that this child knows. and so we have to approach it like that. families would like for them to come back and really i think what the families would like, and i can understand this, is they would like that 14-year-old girl who left for school that day to be the person who is going to walk through the door but that's not what's going to happen. >> no. of course it isn't. in terms of the little girl, we believe she's 6 years old, and clearly has been born into this hell and knows nothing else, she would require, i would imagine, pretty different treatment to the others because of her age? >> well, very different, yes. and what we do with children, though, is not going to be a lot different than what we do with the adults. they will take their time. they will probably only have one or two interviews, what are
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called forensic interviews with them because you don't want to retraumatize people. you don't want them to keep having to tell their story over and over again. so they will bring in someone who is very skilled at getting the initial story, and then from there, they are going to work on healing them. now, with children, we do a lot of play therapy and we allow them to act out how they feel and therapists are very good at this. i'm a pediatrician. i'm not a psychiatrist. but therapists are very good with this. with the adults, they are going to have to wait and let them decide how much they want to divulge and deal with right now and what's for the future. but we know and we've done some really good work in this country with people in the military, with ptsd, we know that the trauma is going to be there for a long time. >> dr. mcdavid, thank you very much indeed. >> thank you. coming up, i'll ask my legal eagles what happens next.
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to the castro brothers and how authorities will try to make their case and did the police drop the ball in the investigation? >> it was disbelief, we were crying, we were shaking. i was just happy. i was very excited. i'm glad i'm able to see her. it was nine years. nine long years. i'm just happy i was able to hug her and say you're finally home. hwelcome back.. nice to see you again! hey! i almost didn't recognize you without the suit. well, this is my weekend suit. weekend getaways just got better. well, enjoy your round! alright, thanks! save a ton on our best available rate when you book early and feel the hamptonality. in-wash scent boosters, here with my favorite new intern, jimmy. mmm! fresh! and it's been in the closet for 12 weeks! unbelievable!
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could i have -- bro, this is cleveland. since they haven't found that girl and i guess stopped looking for that girl, we figured that girl met her demise. so berry didn't register with me until i was on the phone like wait a minute, i thought this girl was dead. >> charles ramsey, cleveland's hometown hero talking to anderson cooper earlier today. the three suspects in the case, ariel, pedro and onil castro, behind bars awaiting charges. what happens next? joining me now, legal analyst lisa bloom, also ernie allen, presidents and ceo of the international center for missing and exploited children, and attorney mark geragos. welcome to you all. let me start with you, lisa, if i may. the one sense we're getting today, very, very conflicting reports coming out of a lot of neighbors and locals who all claim in various ways to have been concerned about stuff they had seen at this house, some claiming to have gone further and notified the authorities and
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police and so on. is there anything from everything you've seen which should raise serious concern about the way the police have handled or mishandled this investigation? >> well, listen, in the jaycee dugard case, we know there was an exhaustive review of law enforcement and rightly so and there were conclusions that you know, law enforcement missed the signs. that's what needs to happen here. if we have girls screaming from a house and law enforcement comes, knocks on the door, nobody answers and that's the end of their investigation, according to some reports today, if those are the facts, law enforcement clearly dropped the ball. now, we have to hear all sides before we reach a conclusion like that, but we've got three women and a little child in a house, in a heavily populated area near other houses. it seems hard to understand how these girls were not found sooner. >> mark geragos, would you agree with that? >> yeah, absolutely. i think that the jaycee dugard investigation revealed all kinds
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of missed opportunities. i think lisa is being charitable when she talks about it. it was almost like a keystone kops situation. here, you take a look at that neighborhood, this is a densely populated, houses sitting on top of one another. it's hard to believe that somebody could be there for a decade and as lisa says, screaming, if that's the case, and nobody does any kind of further investigation, especially given this kind of neighborhood, where apparently these guys are coming and going as well. the whole thing, there's got to be much more to this story, given my experience in handling criminal cases. i can't believe that we're not going to find in the days ahead or the weeks ahead much more that unravels about this that blows your mind. >> ernie allen, in terms of the psychology of all this, quite unusual, i would think, but you can tell me this, that the chief suspect here, ariel castro, who may have been working with his brothers in this monstrous activity, he seems to have been
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a perfectly normal member of the local society. people talk about him in a very normal, friendly way. nothing raised any alarm bells. he drank with them, he partied with them. nothing out of the ordinary whatsoever. is that normal? >> well, unfortunately, it is not atypical. these offenders tend to hide in plain sight. they fit in. and as a result, people around them in the community don't consider them suspicious. what average citizens want to see is aberrant, bizarre behavior that would point you out as something evil. mr. castro clearly didn't do that. >> lisa, in terms of the geography of where these girls were snatched and where they were all found, all within three miles of each other, again, is that a typical scenario for pedophile behavior or for sex offenders generally, they try to keep it in the locality if they can? >> well, sure. in fact, most molestation of
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children happens within their own family. i mean, that's about 80% to 90%. when it is by a stranger, it's usually by somebody who either has observed the person from a distance or even has some connection with them and really isn't a stranger and that's what this is sounding like now. and by the way, i think we all have to give a huge round of applause to charles ramsey, the neighbor who says he heard screaming and thought it was domestic violence. that's a very important detail. because a lot of people if they think it's domestic violence, they don't want to get involved. they run the other way. and he went in to help. hats off to him. it's like that new york city, if you see something, say something. we need more of that in this country and more people can be saved. >> yeah. he's a hero and a great character, too. he really did do his civic duty. >> he's a phenomenal character. i think his interview's already gone viral. he's -- the prosecutor, i guarantee you, when and if they go get that indictment, they will put him in front of the grand jury, they will want him in front of the grand jury. he's going to make a spectacular witness for the prosecution.
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>> absolutely. let's take a short break. when we come back, i want to talk about stockholm syndrome and what you all think amanda berry, did she show signs of that. tony used priceline to book this 4 star hotel. tell 'em why. free breakfast with express deals, you can save big and find a hotel with free breakfast without bidding. don't you just love those little cereal boxes? priceline savings without the bidding. you know it even after all these years. but your erectile dysfunction - you know,that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis.
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great to have you back. i thought you were gone. >> extraordinary moment. amanda berry on the phone with her grandmother. back here, let me turn to you again, ernie allen about the so-called stockholm syndrome where people who get into these situations can often become irrationally attached, emotionally. do you see any sign that this may have happened here? >> i don't think i do. >> i think certainly amanda berry and gin dejesus, what is most important to realize, people ask why don't these kids
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try to escape? well, the human brain can only take so much trauma. these kids figure out how to survive. and that's what these young women did. >> the three brothers, they have 36 hours, cleveland police, to charge them. we're up to about 24 now. we are expecting charges to come, possibly a false imprisonment, kidnap and rape. we just don't know whether it will apply to all three brothers or one or two or any yet. would you expect that to be the natural course of things? >> absolutely. i don't think they've got time to get in front of a grand jury, so they'll probably just file the charges tomorrow. my guess is that they will file more rather than less because they're going to be seeking no bail in a case like this. >> lisa, if it goes to trial, are these young women compelled to give evidence?
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>> i love that question. yes, they do need to go in and testify. and they should go in and testify. you know why? because these guys are going to get locked up for the rest of their lives. and this will be a very empowering experience. i prepare young women like this to testify on a regular basis. and, yes, they're afraid. but it's such an empowering experience, ult patly, piers, to go in there, to look him right in the eyes, to tell the jury what that piece of scum did to them. i'm sure they were raped and beaten repeatedly. i know they were tied up, allegedly, when they were rescued yesterday. these women should walk out of the courtroom with their head
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held high. >> which is okay. but i think piers' question is are they compelled to? i don't know the answer in ohio. you can't imprison a victim of sexual abuse if they refuse to testify. and i've had cases where the victims have just said i'm not going to do it. or the prosecutor has said i'm not going to put them through it. >> but we should encourage them to testify. we should give them the emotional support that they need to go in and testify which should make it easier for rape victims to testify. >> i understand all of that. but at the same time, there are some people who don't need to be retraumatized by going through that. if you go in there and subpoena somebody and they don't want to do it and they're the victim, they shouldn't be retraumatized again by being thrown in jail. >> of course not. but there's too many voices in our society that think it's so
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traumatic to go in and testify. and it's not. the only way to get rape artists locked up is to go in and testify. she sounded very strong to me on that 9-1-1 call. i think she's going to go in there and the other two are going to go in there and testify against them. >> if i could just come back in a moment, i want to play a little bit of new sound that we have from amanda berry. listen to this. >> the little girl is your baby? >> yes, she's my daughter. >> just a short clip there op her confirming to her grandmother that she has this daughter that was obviously born in captivity there. on that particular point, that is horribly complex issue, isn't it? you would have to assume that she has born this child out of brutal rape and beatings. >> it is horribly complex.
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but this 6-year-old is probably very important to her and probably an intragal part of her life. she and the other victims need help. they need therapy. they basically proceed one day at a time. these kind of victims do get better, but it is something in which you can't restore those ten lost years. you basically have to work to ward achieving a kind of new normal. >> thank you very much. that's all for us tonight. anderson cooper is now live in cleveland and he goes next. administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand.
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three women who were missing for about a decade are finally free. you know that after allegedly being held captive in a home. there is breaking news tonight on the condition of at least one of the women held for nearly a decade. also, a phone call, amanda berry made today to her grandmother. you'll hear that in a moment. before we get to that, here is the latest information that we have. amanda berry, gina dejesus and michelle knight were found alive here after berry screamed for help and got the attention of neighbors who helped her escape. you're going to hear from one of those neighbors tonight. now, three suspects, former school bus driar
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