tv CNN Saturday Morning CNN May 11, 2013 5:00am-6:31am PDT
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morning," we are live in everything that you thought was important to you cleveland, ohio. 8:00 only the east coast, 5:00 changes in light of having a child out west and we're so glad that needs you every moment. you're up with us. all of the cleveland victims are out of the hospitals but michelle knight's family has yet to see her. new information on what ariel castro's dna revealed. i wouldn't trade him for the world. jessica muhlenberg joins me live who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, to shed light on what life looks and they matter most to us. if you're caring for a child with special needs, like. an ammonia leak at the our innovative special care program international space station is offers strategies that can help. prompting an emergency space walk. we are minutes away from a live look at that mission. all stations come over to mithis is for real this time. step seven point two one two. the cleveland man accused of verify and lock. command is locked. holding three women captive for almost a decade is locked in a 9 five seconds. x 9 foot cell. three, two, one. officials say tests of ariel
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castro's dna confirm he is the father of that 6-year-old girl standing by for capture. born to kidnapping survivor the most innovative software on the planet... amanda berry. police boarded up castro's home dragon is captured. is connecting today's leading companies to places beyond it. to preserve the crime scene and siemens. answers. the prosecutor handling the case plans to charge castro for "each and every act of sexual violence you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... he carried out." if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... castro could face charges that you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... he starved and punched michelle well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. knight to make her have five and zyrtec® is different than claritin® miscarriages. because zyrtec® starts working at hour one the 32-year-old woman has been on the first day you take it. released from the hospital but claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. police won't tell them where she zyrtec®. love the air. went, a family spokesman says. authorities know where michelle with one extraordinary purpose... knight is. her family does not. to get "man of steel" advanced screening tickets. >> i spoke to the stepbrother of [ movie announcer voice ] at walmart. michelle knight and he says they see "man of steel" at your local theater before anyone else. had no idea, the mother has been get in line 8 a.m. may 18th at walmart. trying to make contact, she rated pg-13. visited her at the hospital, denied access.
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she's here in cleveland still trying to find her and the family doesn't know where. the stepbrother said if you know where she is, please tell us. police know, they're not telling us. the brother says the mom misses her, loves her, been trying to contact her and actually said that she hopes to get a call from michelle tomorrow on mother's day, but at this point, the family is left in the dark. the grandmother of michelle knight went to the home of gina dejesus hoping to find michelle knight yesterday, she arrived in a van full of balloons but found out michelle wasn't there. susan candiotti spoke with the grandmother and here is what the grandmother had to say. >> she has be let's take a live look at pictures from the international space station. this is an emergency space walk that is under way. you are getting a point of view . >> there are indications michelle did have a strained shot from the astronaut's
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relationship with her family cameras. they are actually trying to before she disappeared. repair an ammonia leak that they there was some family tumult detected. this could cause problems with the cooling and the power about custody of her child and systems. they detected this leak on it's a little bit complicated thursday and we are going to and we're trying to get the continue to be checking in on answers and trying to find out their progress throughout this why authorities are not telling half hour. police where she is. obviously a very delicate sort >> that sort of does make a of i guess you could say a little bit of sense. we don't know the answer for why repair job that they're doing up she hasn't made contact with her there in space at the international space station. family exactly but perhaps that we'll be monitoring this. sheds some light on it. meantime at least one the other thing is that michelle knight was on the fbi missing lawmaker is saying russia dropped the ball on the boston bombing suspect and things might have turned out differently if moscow it shared more of its person's list. what's going on there? intelligence. >> we checked the missing cnn's paula newton it in boston person's database, it says with more details on this. recovered for >> reporter: good morning, brianna. that law maker is mike rogers amanda berry and nothing for and he's saying russia had a piece of information, this was first reported by "the wall michelle knight. her case remained open with street journal" that tamer san cleveland police. according to the missing persons tsarnaev, the older brother, did
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report police tried contacting want to join an extremist group her family 12 times. in russia, he made the text the police say that according to messages to his mother and there their protocol, they took the had been that discussion. the problem, brianna, american name off because they couldn't reach a family member to confirm officials are saying even if we she was still missing. had that information to give the it says, though, that as russians we may not have given recently as january of last year it says validated, so we're that information over to them just trying to protect sources. trying to find out does that what came out during mean they did reach a family congressional hearings this week in washington is that there were member last january and if so, more pieces to this puzzle that why wasn't her name put back on could have been put together before and what would that have the national missing persons changed? it might have meant tamerlan database. >> pam brown, thank you for following the story for us. tsarnaev would have been under some surveillance before the boston bombings and that might ariel castro is being watched 24 have meant things would have hours a day through a small turned out differently. window in his cell. brianna? >> paula newton live in boston officials say the constant guard is to prevent him from killing this morning. himself and the procedure is standard for high-profile for women, being pregnant can be scary enough but inmates like castro. in his cell he has a bed, a snk, certainly -- actually we're not going to be covering that story, a toilet but no television and we are going back to those live it's not clear whether he's visited with an attorney. pictures coming to us from outer
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we have some breaking news spa now coming to us from the white space of the international space station. house. the secret service is evacuating you're getting an interesting view here from a camera of one the west wing because of a of the astronauts outside the possible fire. i will caution, we're still international space station. trying to figure out exactly on thursday they detected an ammonia leak. it almost kind of looked like because of the zero gravity up what this entails, if there is a fire, if there is just smoke. there, it almost looked like snow was coming off of the we know there have been reports of smoke and an odor, we're not international space station so they detected that leak and now sure if this is coming obviously they are trying to fix this, from the white house proper or a very critical, this is an building outside of the white emergency space walk as they try house that's part of the white to make sure that they can house complex. agents are stressing this was done out of an abundance of restrict that leak, fix it up, and so that it won't have any caution as authorities investigate the source of that effect on their cooling systems smoke coming out of what they which as you can imagine are believe is a mechanical closet, critical up there. we are going to continue to and athena jones is on the phone monitor this. we'll bring you more after the break. hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol with us now to tell us more. i know, athena, i think you've as part of a heart healthy diet. been in touch with the secret is service. can you tell us what they're telling you? >> i have. that's what the secret service has been telling us, they evacuated the west wing out of an abundance of caution because of smoke that had been seen coming out of what they believe was a mechanical closet in the
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west wing. they did not believe it was a serious issue but i can tell you our producer who was kept out of the white house tells us there were at least five fire trucks on the avenue between the white house and the building next to it, an office building, but since then the fire trucks have moved away, this all happened in the last hour. i would expect we'll be getting and all clear at some point soon since the fire trucks moved away from the white house. this was done out of an abundance of caution. they believe they saw smoke coming out of the mechanical closet in the west wing. >> it's important to note as we know because we've worked there covering the white house and you're seeing pictures of it there a larger building to the right of the white house, that is the eisenhower building, the
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west wing obviously kind of across the street and adjacent to it, beyond that the press briefing room and the residence. it does appear that these vehicles, the fire vehicles were there at the eisenhower building but athena, even if this is something just done out of an abundance of caution, we have seen a fire at the eisenhower building in the past, and i know that when it comes to security threats or any sort of concerns like this, officials at the white house, the secret service, they take these things very, very seriously, don't they? >> reporter: absolutely. this is where the head of the united states is living and working so anything that happens there is going to be taken very seriously so that's what i was told this morning, i was cautioned. i haven't heard reports from the secret service of actual flames. it was about smoke coming out of a mechanical closet on the west
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wing side. now it makes sense that the fire trucks would have pulled up in that west executive driveway just in terms of for logistical reasons but we've been told by our producer those trucks are clearing out. we expect we'll find out the situation may have been resolved, but that was our report earlier this morning, keeping folks out of the west wing in order to investigate the source of this smoke we believe to be a mechanical source but of course any kind of smoke odor is going to always be fully investigated by authorities, anywhere in the vicinity of the president of the united states. >> athena jones for us keeping an eye on things in washington, d.c., you may not recall but . this weekend we celebrate mother's day but across the there was a fire several years ago in 2007 in the eisenhower country lots of mothers to be are homeless. building and that was something they're living on the streets or in shelters.
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quite involved, this appears to san francisco in particular is seeing some of the highest number of pregnant homeless be smoke as fire crew there is women in its history and this respond and we are just getting word here at cnn that folks are week's cnn hero is helping these being allowed back in there to expect ant moms break the cycle of poverty for good. the west wing and to the press meet martha ryan. briefing area, and the fire crews are leaving but this is very good news. >> years ago my daughter and i having watched several years were homeless. ago, there was a fire in the my main priority was to get white house complex at the high. then i got pregnant again and i eisenhower building, it was a horrible sight to bloeld and we was like what am i doing? are happy to report that it appears everything has been i need to change. >> i have never met a woman who resolved there at the white wanted to hurt her unborn baby, house. we are keeping our eye on a but i've met a lot of women that number of stories in cleveland, did not know how to do the right ohio, and around the country. at least one lawmaker says that thing. the common denominator is russia dropped the ball on the poverty and poverty is an accident of birth. boston bombing suspect and the things might have turned out pregnancy is a wonderful window different if moscow had shared of opportunity. more of its intelligence. mother can turn her life around. my name is martha ryan and i paula newton is in boston for help expect ant mothers, many more details. paula, could it have made a who were homeless, break the
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difference, do you think, or are cycle of poverty for good. these allegations that might you can't just be saved. just be being leveled at russia, you have to do the work could it have made a difference? yourself. >> reporter: it's hard to know. i learned very early on that prenatal care alone was not it was first reported there were enough. >> we need a place as soon as possible. >> we will help you with housing texts from the mother saying as well. they needed help with complex issues and now we serve the tamerlan wanted to join the extremist groups in the entire family. >> thank you so much. >> you're so welcome. >> given opportunities. nothing stops. >> getting over my addiction wasn't the hardest part. i love you. caucuses, thocaucuse getting my kids stable, finding caucasus, and authorities say would that have made a decision? my confidence. smaller circles. i work here now. the fbi might have said we're i am so happy to be able to going to tail this guy or watch relay the things i've learned to him or not let him travel. he did then subsequently go to moms. this program gave me the tools russia. i know brianna you deal with and i found my self-worth. this on the daily basis in >> we are investing in people. washington, american authorities say even if we had that piece of believe in yourself and just information we might not have take one day at a time. their ability to change their shared that with the russians because we wouldn't want to lives. now that is inspiring.
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divulge our sources. >> we need your help to find russia alerted american great stories like this one so authorities at least two times go to to nominate and in hearings in washington the police commissioner, edward someone you know who is making a davis basically said i don't difference and deserves to be know if it would have made a recognized. we're also monitoring live difference. clearly you always want to work with as much information as you picture this is morning from the have so brianna that's part of international space station. we've got helmet cams live from parsing what is going on in the investigation and could the bombings have been prevented. 240 miles above the earth. >> that's right, you never know it's amazing that we can watch but it's always that question of this live, an emergency space what if that you don't want to be asking. walk is happening right now to paula, let's talk a little bit fix an ammonia leak that could about tamerlan tsarnaev, the cause some problems with the cooling and power systems there. bomber who was killed. stay with us. he has finally been buried but we'll have more right after this. nowhere near where he lived in cambridge, massachusetts. where was he buried? >> reporter: he was buried in rural virginia, and basically i can tell you from speaking to hassan tsarni, his uncle, they looked far and wide for anyone willing to take the body. what was an interfaith coalition led by a christian woman she have hail damage to both their cars. ted describes herself that way, ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent.
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martha miller, everyone deserves a burial, got together with maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment other religious groups and found with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. a mall muslim cemetery to bury maxwell is not and just confirmed him. unfortunately it doesn't put the a 5:30 time for tuesday. controversy to rest. members of the community said we ted, is still waiting. weren't given a heads up, we yes! maxwell is out and about... don't want this bombing suspect with ted's now ex-girlfriend. to be buried forever in our wheeeee! whoo! later ted! county but many, and i can tell online claims appointments. you, brianna from here being in just a click away on boston many victims and their families have mixed feelings britta olsen is my patient. about the entire controversy. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, they did not want the distraction and many are feeling administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. a measure of relief is he finally buried. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, brianna? >> and buried far, far away from boston, massachusetts. "when a person dies," she said, paula newton live for thus "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." morning, thank you for that. i smiled and squeezed her hand. let's head back to atlanta and victor blackwell standing by "not tonight, britta. with some of the other morning's not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, top stories. sandy hook elementary school thank you, from johnson & johnson. should be demolished and a new school built in its place, that's the unanimous recommendation from the sandy we're not in london, are we?
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hook task force. tearing it down will help the no. why? apparently my debit card is. community heal after last year's what? i know. mass shooting. don't worry, we have cancelled your old card. great. thank you. you remember 26 people, 20 of them children, were killed. in addition to us monitoring your accounts the proposal will be presented for unusual activity, to the school board and then it you could also set up free account alerts. okay. will go to voters. [ female announcer ] at wells fargo we're working in exactly two minutes, nasa around the clock to help protect your money astronauts are scheduled to and financial information. here's your temporary card. start an emergency spacewalk to welcome back. how was london? [ female announcer ] when people talk, fix an ammonia leak at the great things happen. international space station. live pictures in and out, johnson space center in houston and the iss, live pictures there. the ammonia is used to cool the power systems and it's leaking there. nasa noticed this leak on thursday. if the leak is not fixed, nasa says it could shut down cooling systems in a matter of hours. we'll show the emergency spacewalk live in just a couple of minutes. if there was a pill to help protect your eye health as you age... would you take it? well, there is. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin dedicated to your eyes,
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from bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite is uniquely formulated to help protect your eye health. now that's a pill worth taking. [ male announcer ] ocuvite. help protect your eye health. and now there's ocuvite eye + multi. an eye vitamin and multivitamin in one. [ female an[growl] ] when people talk, we used to live with a bear. we'd always have to go everywhere with it. get in the front. we drive. it was so embarrasing that we just wanted to say, well, go away. shoo bear. but we can't really tell bears what to do. moooooommmmmm!!! then one day, it was just gone. mom! [announcer] you are how you sleep. tempur-pedic.
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. checking top stories the man accused of holding three women captive for almost a decade is locked in a 9'x 9'cell. tests of ariel castro's dna confirm he is the father of a 6-year-old girl born to kidnapping survivor amanda berry. the lead prosecutor says he may charge castro with murder related to claims he starved and punched michelle knight to induce five miscarriages. and this morning, while relatives of berry and gina dejesus continue to celebrate their safe return, knight's family doesn't know where she is.
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the 32-year-old woman has been released from the hospital but a family spokesman says police won't tell them where she went. next hour you will be hearing more from this man, charles ramsey, hero, from the cleveland kidnappings and an internet sensation. is he in washington today talking about the rescue. and in west texas, one of the emergency responders on the scene of that horrific fertilizer plant explosion has been arrested. police say bryce reed had all the parts needed to build a pipe bomb. texas officials have opened up a criminal investigation into the fire and blast that killed 14 people. despite the timing, agents have not suggested that reed played a role in that disaster. these are live pictures of a live look at pictures the international space station, coming to us from the international space station. this is where an emergency space a space walk scheduled to start walk is under way. at 8:15. astronauts trying to repair an it is now 8:16. ammonia leak that could cause problems with cooling and power chris cassidy and tom marshburn systems. the leak was discovered on thursday. nasa astronauts chris cassidy are in the air lock and they'll
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and tom marshburn are the guys be headed out to fix an ammonia making the repairs and we will leak in just a moment. we want to bring in cnn's john be keeping an eye on this with zarrella covering this from cnn's john zarrella. he's covering this from miami, miami. walk us through leading up to and i know john looks at this this moment, what's going to and he sees some things that i happen as they start this don't necessarily see. what are they doing, john? emergency space walk as they call it. >> reporter: sure, they're a little bit behind schedule, had >> they're preparing to remove a little more difficulty getting that pump that they think is suited up and getting into the where the ammonia leak and that's a cooling substance that they use to remove heat outer portion where they are now but as you mentioned they should literally from the instruments and systems on the international be out momentarily. space station and 48 hours ago what happened was about 48 hours they noticed white flakes coming ago the crew began to notice out of the station in this area, flakes, white flakes coming out of a section of the so they decided to go in and take a look. international space station. now right there you're looking so they fairly quickly at that i believe yes, chris identified that it was ammonia leaking out, and ammonia is used cassidy's helmet cam, on the bottom right you may be able to to cool the space station. make out the number 20. space station generates a lot of that's an indication that it's chris cassidy's camera we're heat. looking at, as he's doing some ammonia absorbs the heat and it's pumped out of the space prep work and the helmet cam 18, station. now give the viewers a look at if you see that one, that's tom what we're talking about here. the astronauts will traverse out marshburn's camera and he
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here along this truss, the literally had a camera in his backbone of the station and in this area, right around where hand a few minutes ago, they're all of these solar arrays are, going to take images to send there's a pump out here, these down to mission control so they are the radiators that take the can get an idea of what may or may not be happening but cassidy heat and pull it off and send it already reported at one point that he doesn't see anything, out into space, and they believe that in this pump area, victor, they don't see any flakes out there, brianna, those white is where the leak is, but they flakes again, so this may be a wanted to get out there very, very quickly, because if that little more difficult than they had anticipated finding this leak. leak should stop, if they lose all of the ammonia in there, they'll never be able to spot >> john zarrella, thank you so where the leak is coming from, much for that as we keep an eye so first order of business, get out there, and then identify on this emergency space walk and thank you to all of where the leak is, if they can. if they determine it's in that pump in there, they will go and remove a spare pump that is stored at the station and replace that bad pump. but this space walk should take about six and a half hours to accomplish everything that they need to do, and of course, if they can't fix it, they're going to have to go back to square one, but important thing to know, crew's never been in a
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danger, crew still not in any danger but you do want to get this fixed because you're down one of your cooling systems, so clearly you need every one of them and want every one of them operating properly on the space station so that you don't have any issues with overheating. >> the man you see on the screen is commander chris hatfield who is going to choreograph the space walk. we'll come back to you john, when they leave and head out to fix the ammonia leak. about four minutes behind now. john zarrella, thank you. the white house on defense as some in washington allege a coverup. we'll take you inside the investigation into the terror attack in benghazi.
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[ male [growl]er ] that's handy. we used to live with a bear. we'd always have to go everywhere with it. get in the front. we drive. it was so embarrasing that we just wanted to say, well, go away. shoo bear. but we can't really tell bears what to do. moooooommmmmm!!! then one day, it was just gone. mom! [announcer] you are how you sleep. tempur-pedic.
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the deadly attack on the u.s. diplomatic compound is now back in the spotlight and the white house is on the defensive. it's coming under pressure over what it initially disclosed about the attack last september 11th that killed four americans, including ambassador chris stevens and cnn's athena jones is following this story as well as others for us in washington. first off, athena, there are some key e-mails taking center stage here. what are we talking about? >> good morning, briannabrianna. slew of e-mails between several officials in the government from the white house, the state department, the cia, the fbi, and the justice department. all a group of people trying to figure out what they can say initially to congress, what they can make public to congress and ultimately what the ambassador to the u.n., susan rice, was
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able to say publicly on sunday talk shows. the debate is over what was left in and what was left out. e-mails showed there was maybe more involvement by the state department and white house on changing the content of those e-mails. the two main things that we're hearing a lot of discussion about being taken out were references to several cia warnings about possible potential terrorist attacks in the region, in benghazi, libya, and the other was a specific reference to ansar al sharia, an al qaeda linked group initially believed to be part of this attack. the concern among some especially in the state department was they didn't want to provide too much of this information. they say that would compromise the investigation and possibly give members of congress fuel to criticize the state department, to criticize the administration, brianna, so this is a big issue that republicans have been
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pushing since pretty much immediately after those attacks in september. they still want more answers, and the white house has had to deal with that. >> obviously the white house really doesn't want very much, athena, to be talking a lot about this. they feel like it distracts from president obama, certainly wants to be discussing. how big of an issue looking forward for hillary clinton, how much of an issue do you think this is going to be down the road in 2016 for her? >> that's really the issue that's being discussed here. that's the big question, because certainly even though she hasn't said that she's running for president in 2016, many people think that the former secretary of state will do that, and so the question here is, is whether or not the republicans are trying to bring her in to this mix and show that she had a direct involvement in this discussion. the thinking is that this could eventually harm her and harm her
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political ambitions but whether or not that happens is the real question here, brianna. >> still to be seen. athena jones in washington thanks for following that. meantime back here in cleveland, many of us just learned about the cases involving the missing women here but others have followed their cases for years. we'll be talking to one of those people in our special live from cleveland returns. vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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it was so embarrasing that we just wanted to say, well, go away. shoo bear. but we can't really tell bears what to do. moooooommmmmm!!! then one day, it was just gone. mom! [announcer] you are how you sleep. tempur-pedic. ...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. bottom of the hour now, welcome back, everyone. i'm brianna keilar. thank you for starting your morning with us.
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the man accused of holding three women cap dave for almost a decade is now locked in a 9 x 9 foot cell. tests of ariel castro's dna confirmed he fathered aman da berry's child. the lead prosecutor says he may charge castro with murder based on claims he punched and starved michelle knight to induce five miscarriages. scott taylor is a reporter with woio tv here in cleveland. you have been following this story very closely. you are i would say kind of the lead reporter who has been following this story. what is the latest that you can tell us about the investigation? >> well there's a lot of reporters who have really broke stories here. the latest, though, to be honest with you, is the dna, we were talking about it in the break, the dna as you mentioned a few minutes ago that matched with amanda's daughter, it went through the ohio crime bureau, through the attorney general's office, called a bci.
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it cleared all the open cases with murders, rapes, kidnappings. now that dna has been moved over to the fbi and the fbi is taking a closer look at this to see if it matches anything across the nation. i can also tell you about what's going on right now ariel castro. he's in jail. he's in a single cell all by himself. he doesn't have a tv, radio, had no contact with anybody since monday and he's under what's called suicide precaution. doesn't mean that he has actually told people that he is going to kill himself but he is a prime suspect. prosecutors really everybody wants to make sure this guy gets to trial. >> you've been reporting on this letter that castro wrote it appears maybe 2004, 2005, perhaps he had favorites here as we've reported, that he punched and allegedly starved one of the women, trying to induce
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miscarriages while at the same time it appears fathered a child with one of the other women and sort of tried to raise her perhaps or certainly allowing her to live and raising her as a daughter, taking her out in public. were there favorites? is that the sense you're getting? >> yeah, i think there were. michelle the favorite first and then in the letter after they had all the three women, ariel castro had all three women in the basement he said he really didn't understand his urge to have two and then need another. then amanda became the second favorite. we know that relatives have actually said that he called her a girlfriend, and then gina dejesus came in, in 2004, and with gina, he mentioned that he didn't have an urge to do anything at all or even touch her at first. he thought that gina was a lot older, but she was only 14 years old, and also, and this gets even more bizarre, he had no idea that gina was the daughter
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of felix, her dad. he actually says that it seemed like he was a little shocked when he found that out. >> it was a daughter of someone he knew. >> a classmate, in that letter it says that i didn't know that felix's daughter is in my house basically and that this guy is my classmate. they went to lincoln west. we've reached out to felix and he said, yeah, i went to school with this guy briefly but we were definitely not close friends, not best buddies at all. >> the fascinating, very troubling, and we know you will continue to be working this story. scott taylor with woio tv in cleveland thanks for talking with us. amanda berry, gina dejesus, michelle knight, they're free after a decade of abuse very few people could understand. jessica muhlenberg christianson knows what that life was like. she was kidnapped by a teacher in 1995 at the age of 13.
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she suffered physical, mental and sexual abuse for more than three months until she was rescued after someone saw her kidnaper on "america's most wanted." jessica muhlenberg christianson joins us now. thank you so much for talking with us and if you could, just tell us a little bit about these girls who have had barely a week of freedom, after being locked up for years, what advice would you give them? >> i would tell amanda, gina and michelle to get one day at a time. it's going to be hard but do what's best for you so that you're comfortable and just know that your family, your friends and the community are there to support you if you need help in any way. >> that's certainly something i've been hearing in cleveland, a lot of people want to rally around the women. they know it's a long road ahead and they want to be there for them and provide the supports
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they need. jessyca in addition to the time you were held captive what was different between what happened to you and what happened to the women in cleveland, aside from just how much time we're talking about? >> when i was kidnapped times were a lot different. back then there wasn't a lot of the amber alerts. i was taken to the airport with a knife. they didn't have metal detectors then. security is a lot higher. we're based in a time, the kidnappings are all the same with abuse, psychological damage and the brainwashing so they're more similar than they are different. >> and jessyca i want to ask you about this, this is one of the things that has been very difficult for to you deal with over the years. you've said that you've gotten a lot of blame as a victim, that people questioned why didn't you
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just leave, and i think some people might look at the home behind me and wonder why didn't these women just make noise, why didn't they just leave? but i suspect that you would explain to someone that it's really not that simple, right? >> excuse me, it's not that simple. these guys are gone for ten years and there's no doubt in my mind that these guys did not try to get away, and i'm sure they were threatened with their lives, their family members were threatened. if they would have had a chance to get away i'm sure they would have. in my circumstance i was tied, i was locked up to the back rooms of days inn, i couldn't get away, even if there was access to a phone they might not have had the chance to call somebody for help. in my circumstances, oliver had changed all the numbers on the phone so when i tried to call i couldn't get out, and just like them, i wasn't allowed to talk to anybody or go outside so you really can't get help when you
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can't get out and you're tied up against your will. >> i know that in your case when you tried and there was any resistance, you suffered for it, you were beaten more for it. i am wondering and i've heard this, we've heard from elizabeth smart's father, he said that in the days following the discovery of his daughter, it was such a time of immense celebration, but i imagine that quickly gives way to the very real issues that these women are dealing with. can you tell us what it was like for you in the weeks and the initial months following your being returned to your family? >> you know, it is very overwhelming to be home and with your family and your friends but on the other hand it's really hard because you're getting used to all the attention from the media. i was blamed for not trying to call, not trying to get away, so it's a lot of self-doubt and
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wondering why didn't i do this. you put a lot of blame on yourself. it's really hard. lot of issues i had to deal with were medical issues from being hit in the face so many times and other places, you know, i had to deal with ten jaw surgeries, post traumatic stress disorder, so they have a lot of things that they're going to need to work through and it's going to be hard to get back to a routine life and maybe school for them. that was a big part for me, trying to go back to school and catch up in school so it's a long road. >> and you have been very successful, but you've also been very honest about the fact that there are still a number of challenges for you. we appreciate you coming on, jessica, and talking with us about this. jessyka mullenberg christianson
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joining us via skype. we're following a number of stories as well as the kidnappings in cleveland. weeks after the deadly explosion in west texas one of the first responders there is under arrest. we'll be getting much more on the allegations and the paramedic at the center of that case, next. but first, hollywood and high fashion are joining forces not on the runway, though. actress halle berry and michael coors are teaming up to fight global hunger, all too impact your world. >> i'm halle berry. >> i'm michael coors. as a designer i'm fortunate enough to do what i love. there's not a question that part of the equation you have to give back. this is a solvable problem. the food is there. you can change someone's life immediately. with the world food program we're talking about doing what i've been doing in my backyard but globally. >> i care so much about women and children. we're finding that we do have a
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voice and we do have a way to help each other. it's so important what happens to the baby while they're in t utero. good education is important. >> the problem with hunger is often getting the food to the people who need it the most. the u.n. and world food program, they can go anywhere. they have the manpower and we have the food. >> we can work together and we really can make a difference.
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the recent increase in cafeteria prices is not cool. when you vote for flo, we'll have discounts. ice-cream discounts. multi-cookie discounts. pizza loyalty discounts! [ kids chanting "flo!" ] i also have some great ideas on car insurance. [ silence ] finding you discounts since back in the day. call or click today. i like her. the wright brothers became the first in flight. [ goodall ] i think the most amazing thing is how like us these chimpanzees are. [ laughing ] [ woman ] can you hear me? and you hear your voice? oh, it's exciting! [ man ] touchdown confirmed. we're safe on mars. [ cheers and applause ]
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a paramedic who responded to last month's fertilizer plant explosion in west texas is now charged with having materials to build a pipe bomb. federal prosecutors have charged bryce reed. they haven't drawn any connection to the blast that killed 14 people. that's why this is somewhat confusing. authorities are launching a criminal investigation into the explosion. the state fire marshal's office has ruled out several causes and officials are trying to figure out where the fire started. joining me now on the phone is johnny curry out of las cruces, inment number. he rented a house to bryce reed for two years. johnny, were you surprised to hear that bryce reed was arrested? did this seem out of character to, when you think of him? >> i was surprised to learn yesterday about his arrest.
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didn't have any indication in our experience with him. he seemed like a pretty normal guy. >> did he seem like a nice guy to you, johnny? did he just kind of seem like a nice guy doing his job, which is obviously, you know, pretty admirable work, that profession. >> yeah, he did seem like a nice, normal guy, him and his girlfriend and later wife rented from us for about a year and a half and there was never any indication of him having any violence, violence, anything like that. seemed to get along well with people and overall nice guy. >> no indications that he had interest in anything to do with explosives? >> no, no indication of that at all. >> now one of the things, john, is that he actually left new
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mexico pretty abruptly in 2010, and can you tell us why? did you get a sense of why he just took off? >> i'm not exactly sure why he left new mexico, 100%. i do know that he worked for an air medical transport company here, and i know that there might have been an accident where a helicopter crashed and some of his co-workers on board, and i think that affected him emotionally a little bit. at least that's what he told me at the time. but don't know any more about that really, don't know any cause for that. >> that's interesting, that's what he told you. john curry, thanks so much for chatting with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you.
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another story we're keeping an eye on way up in space, the hatch is now open at the international space station. the space walk that we've been waiting for is about to get under way. we will have live details next. [ male announcer ] one ordinary family... with one extraordinary purpose... to get "man of steel" advanced screening tickets. [ movie announcer voice ] at walmart. see "man of steel" at your local theater before anyone else. get in line 8 a.m. may 18th at walmart. rated pg-13. get in line 8 a.m. may 18th at walmart. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises.
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and miles and miles above earth. it also says on the commander's twitter account following both of them depressurization complete, e.v.a. now under way, working in the vacuum of space traveling at 17,500 miles per hour. tell us what's happening. >> it's phenomenal that when you think about it, that this is the 168th space walk in connection with construction of the international space station, maintenance of the international space station, and they make it so easy but clearly it is extremely dangerous out there working in the vacuum of space. they have to be oh so careful, oh so meticulous and unfortunately right now we're in one of those over the desert and out of range of the tracking and relay data satellite system so that's why we're seeing these pictures from mission control and not from space. the astronauts did open the air lock. again you mentioned victor about
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30 minutes behind schedule. they'll get out there and what they're going to do is go through their tool kits, make sure they have everything they need and that will take about 45 minutes and then we'll show the viewers quickly on this space station mind me here, these are the solar arrays and they'll be working out here. there is a pump box in this area that they think is where ammonia cool ant is leaking from and what they'll want to do is go out there and the first thing they're going to do, victor, is eyeball that area, see if they can find exactly where the leak is. they think it's in the pump. if it is, there's a spare pump, they'll replace this one with the spare and hopefully that will cure the problem. now, if it isn't in the pump, then nasa is going to have to go back to the drawing board on that, but all in all, it's going to take about six and a half hours, the space walk. it's about the normal time that the astronauts are usually out on space walks. don't want them out any longer simply because of the fatigue
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factor that sets in. in the next 10, 15 minutes or so we ought to be age ble to get t first live pictures back from the international space station and we'll see the astronauts outside and preparing to begin a long day of work, trying to find the leak and hopefully fix the leak in the cooling system. victor? >> john, every time we talk about this i want to make sure everyone knows this is not something that is threatening the safety of the crew there at the iss. >> that's absolutely correct. the crew was never in any danger from this, but it is a critical item. you don't want to be down one of your cooling systems for obvious reasons. heat builds up, everything on the station creates heat. the heat has to be removed. ammonia removes the heat from the space station and brings it into this radiator area where it is radiated out into space so
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you need that cooling system working. that's why they wanted to get this e.v.a. under way within two days of discovering the problem. >> john we'll check back when we can get a look of them as they start this six and a half hour sbauk. thank you, john. >> sure. two minneapolis police officers are in stable condition after a shoot-out yesterday afternoon. they shot back and forth, traded some gunfire with a man after stopping him at a traffic stop. the suspect was killed, another man was killed and a woman was hurt when a police car responding to the scene slammed into the motorcycle they were riding. the police chief "this is a very tough day for the minneapolis police department." police in mexico city are investigating the possible murder of malcolm x's grandson. he was badly beaten at a bar in mexico meeting with a recently deported leader of a california
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activist group. the grandson of the civil rights icon was just 29 years old. the irs denies the so-called political bias played a role in how it handled tax requests from conservative groups but the director admits mistakes were made in considering applications for tax exempt status. several tea party groups faced delays in their requests, they said. of the 300 groups singled out for review 75 were picked because they had the words "tea party" or "patriot" in their name. on friday the white house called those actions by the irs "inappropriate." new details on the kidnapping investigation in cleveland when "cnn saturday morning" returns. my mantra?
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good morning, everyone. i'm brianna keilar and you're watching our special edition of "cnn saturday morning". it is 9:00 and we're coming to you live from cleveland, ohio, and we're so glad that you could be with us this morning. the cleveland man accused of holding three women captive for almost a decade is now locked in a 9'x 9'cell. dna confirms he is the father of the 6-year-old girl born to kidnapping survivor amanda berry. police also have boarded up castro's home to preserve the
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crime scene. meantime, the prosecutor handling the case says he plans to charge castro for "each and every act" of sexual violence. he could face murder charges related to claims he starved and munchd michelle knight to induce at least five miscarriages. relatives of berry and dejesus celebrate, the family of michelle knight do not know where she is. police won't tell them where she went. it's not that she's missing. she is safe, we understand she is comfortable but she is not in touch with her family. >> that's right, we know she has left the hospital. she was released yesterday and according to the stepbrother of michelle knight, the family doesn't know where she is. michelle knight is 32 years old, she is an adult. she could have asked authorities not to tell her family where she
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is. we know according to reports that she had a strained relationship with some of her family members and that according to her family she was angry before her disappearance about losing custody of her son. so it's a little bit complicated here but the stepbrother i spoke with here says that the mom has been actively trying to reach out to michelle, that she went to the hospital and denied access, she's been trying to reach her and the brother says the mom hopes she'll get a call from her on mother's day, that she misses her and loves her. authorities know where she is and not telling the family, this could be because michelle has requested authorities not tell the family, that's a possibility. we don't know that for sure. >> the other issue is that ariel castro is facing four counts of kidnapping charges for the three women and the 6-year-old but the dna evidence raises a legal question. even if this is his child by
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rape, does he have some sort of parental rights? is this really did he kidnap someone who is his child? it's sort of a strange question, in an unprecedented case. >> it is. it's very unusual, brianna. i spoke to a legal expert about this, paulcallan and a couple of factors at play. amanda berry's little girl was allegedly conceived through rape so that brings more complicating factors but according to the legal expert there's no viability to this fourth kidnapping charge of the little girl because he is a legitimate parent but he does add that a judge could look at a statute and say castro doesn't deserve any benefits from this, because the child was allegedly conceived through rape that he shouldn't have legitimate parental rights. let's take a listen. >> the question and it's really an astounding question when you consider it is does a rapist have parental rights with the child who was conceived through
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the rape. there's been some debate about this throughout the united states. two-thirds of american states have no laws about the issue of whether a rapist has rights when a child is born from the rape. so the question is could a judge look at this and say it's not written specifically in the statute but he shouldn't benefit from his crime, which in effect he would be by not facing the kidnapping charges. >> and paul callan told me he does believe that particular charge will be dropped but prosecutors have so many other charges they're exploring in addition to what he faces with the rape and kidnapping charges so they'll have enough to work with there and it's just too difficult to prove this charge is what he's saying. >> sure. it sort of shows you what an unprecedented case this is both in the facts of the case and also in what is going to happen in the sort of legal arena that will come after this. >> right. lot of people will be looking at the case of jaycee dugard.
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she had two children and, but her, you know, her kidnaper did plead guilty to kidnapping and rape charges so i think that's something we can look at as a precedent for this. >> pam brown here in cleveland with me, thank you very much. of course that road to recovery is likely painful for these kidnap victims. no one knows that better than colleen stan. she was abducted and kept in a box for seven years. her incredible story of survival and hope will amaze you. let's head back to atlanta and victor blackwell is standing by with some of the other morning top stories. >> live pictures from the international space station. an emergency space walk has started and we're looking at mission control and these are the two men who are going out on this 168th space walk at the iss, chris cassidy and tom marshburn, they have done each two space walks in the past so this is not the first for them.
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they're going to go out and repair an ammonia leak that could cause some problems. i want to bring back john zarrella, he's covering this from miami. i don't know, nasa tells us that there was a leak that was repaired back in november. do we know if this is the same leak that's being repaired again? >> they don't think so. nasa believes that this is a whole different leak and the same general area where that one took place but that this may well be and probably is a different leak in a pump box out there or right close to that pump box, so what we know right now is the astronauts are moving pretty quickly, marshburn and cassidy are already along the handrails making their way to the "work site" the work station where they're going to try to determine, eyeballing first exactly what the situation is there, if they can find the leak and they do determine it's in the pump box which pumps ammonia
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coolant, which is used to remove heat from the international space station, clearly it's a critical item. they have other cooling units but they want all of them working. one of the things obviously we're not seeing pictures from inside, now right there in that picture you see there, the man in the blue shirt there, that is veteran astronaut mike fink. whenever they have the space walks they call in a vet van space walking astronaut to help them through the entire process. fink is a veteran of nine space walks, so he's got plenty of experience. they're running through a checklist of dos and don'ts and things they don't want the astronauts to touch, along the handrails, for instance they're even telling them when you get to handrail 5337 there's going to be a sharp, jagged edge there. be careful. so everything is choreographed so nothing happens while they're out there so they can get this space walk in, hopefully isolate the problem and if it's determined that it's from that
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pump, they'll pull that old pump out and they'll put a replacement pump in that's being stored at the space station. we should be getting pictures back momentarily from the space station, victor, as soon as they reestablish contact through the tracking and relay satellite system up there. right now they're just in one of those few blackout areas and when they do come back it will be nighttime where they're flying, so we'll see the first video we should have of the astronauts will be a nighttime video of them working outside the space station. >> all right, john, we'll check back with you when we get the video of marshburn and cassidy on the space walk. thank you, john. in newtown, connecticut, one group proposed tearing down the site of last year's mass shooting, in a unanimous decision the sandy hook task force says the elementary school should be demolished and another one built in its place. the group says that this will help the community erase at least some of the emotional scars, not all, but some that
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are left behind after 26 children and adults were killed in december. this proposal will go to the school board and then to the voters. while texas authorities open a criminal investigation into last month's deadly sert leiser plant explosion in west texas, they're also pursuing charges against one of the first emergency responders on the scene that day. the only question is do these two things have anything to do with each other? cnn's david mattingly is covering the story for us in waco. david, the man's name is bryce reed. who is he? >> reporter: well, bryce reed was one of the emergency medical responders responding to that explosion at the fertilizer plant three weeks ago, that massive explosion in west texas, and what we're finding out is that on friday, he was arrested and appeared in federal court facing charges now, he is accused of possessing bomb-making materials the way authorities found out about this, a resident in the area
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according to court documents unwittingly accepted these materials from this man. they turned those over to authorities and able to find these included a small pipe, caps, fuses, also a powder used in making pipe bombs. so now he's charged with a federal charge with these materials and if found guilty, this is a pretty serious charge, he could be seeing up to ten years in prison if he's found guilty, but federal prosecutors are not even speculating at this point and making it clear that they are not having any connection at this point between this charge, this man, and the explosion at that fertilizer facility. victor? >> the timing would be astounding if they have nothing to do with each other but let's look at it from the other angle. is there anything explicit that says that he indeed played a
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role in causing the fire or the explosion thus far? >> well, we have a couple of investigations going on right now. the investigation into the fire, and now a criminal investigation that's been launched by state and county authorities. county authorities and the state are saying they have no information. they have nothing to link this man and this device or any explosive device to that fire but out of an abundance of caution, out of trying to make sure that there is public confidence in this investigation, this criminal investigation has been launched to see if there is any stone that has not been unturned, also to make sure that everyone is aware that every question has been asked, every possible person has been talked to in this criminal investigation, so that's going on. also fire officials in texas are telling us this happened earlier this week, they said that they originally had planned to give an announcement yesterday about
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what their findings were but earlier in the week they said we'll have to push this back a couple of weeks saying they've only been able to rule out a couple of factors like whether any natural occurrence that might have caused that explosion, what they have not been able to do is actually find the cause. victor? >> david mattingly for us in waco, texas, david, thanks. a question, important question, did russia drop the ball on the boston bombing suspect? one lawmaker says yes. more on that coming up. plus the suspect's body has put a rural community in virginia on the map and people there are not thrilled about this. new live pictures coming in from the international space station as the two men, chris cassidy and tom marshburn, both nasa astronauts start this space walk. live pictures right now as they begin what will be a six and a half hour journey, they're about 25 minutes in. we will continue to follow this
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