tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 12, 2013 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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thanks. thanks for joining us for this conversation today. find me on faceboo facebook @christineromancecnn. have a good weekend. we begin with breaking news out of new orleans. cnn affiliate wdsu is reporting 10 to 12 people have been shot at the intersection of frenchman and north viler were streets. we understand an informal mother's day parade was going on. people who were injured were taken to the hospital for treatment. as soon as we get more on this we'll update you with our information. also ahead from the "newsroom" db wro "newsroom," the broerts thers o kidnapping suspect ariel castro
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peek eccluesively with cnn. investigators have arrested the 12-year-old brother of a girl locked away. if o.j. simpson gets his way been he'll be back in court. we'll explain in a few minutes. martin savidge is exclusive interview with the broefrs kidnapping suspect ariel castro. martin joins me live from cleveland now. this is the first time pedro and onil castro have spoken publicly. >> reporter: they have a remarkable story to tell, it goes all the way from the very first moments of being arrested to talking about what they knew, what went on inside the home. but the very first thing they wanted to talk about was how relieved, how thankful, how grateful they were that those
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women were now free and back with their families. then they wanted the world to know that they had nothing to do with what their brother did. listen. do you worry now that people will always suspect that you actually did have a role? >> absolutely. >> yes. >> and the people out there that know me, they know that onil castro is not that person, has nothing to do with that. would never even think of something like that. i was a very liked person, individual. i have never had any enemies. no reason for anybody to think that i would ever do something like that. it's a shock to all my friend. they couldn't believe it. >> same. i couldn't never think of doing anything like that. if i knew that my brother was doing this, i would have -- i
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would not -- in a minute, i would call the cops. because that ain't right. but yeah, it's going to haunt me down because people are going to think, pedro got something to do with this. pedro don't have nothing to do with this. if i knew? i would have reported it. brother or no brother. >> that's something they repeated over and over. they would have reported if they knew. they say their brother is now dead to them, that he is no longer considered part of their family. above all, they say that they are sorry for all that has happened but they were not part of it. there's so much more that they talk about and so much they get into, and we'll have the rest beginning tomorrow morning. >> it is incredible that they are talking right now. how did this interview come about? >> well, it was a combination of factors. one, they like me, they like the
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way i do things and the way i report. they also like cnn and the way they do it. that was significant. because their images, they know, have been shown around the world and that they were sort of cast into this mold of being described as a monster along with their brother. so they wanted to make sure that they were able to talk to as many people to tell them they were not responsible and they knew that cnn was the best way to do it. >> well, we certainly will be watching for more. martin savidge, thanks. watch the full exclusive interview with ariel castro's two brothers, tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. eastern on cnn's "starting point." we're also hearing today from the legal team representing the three women allegedly kept captive in ariel castro's home for almost a decade. the lawyers have volunteered to help the women for free. they are part after pro bono team that includes public relations people and counselors. morning the attorneys called a news conference to deliver a message from the women to their
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supporters. >> amanda berry says, "thank you so much for everything you're doing and continue to do. i am so happy to be home with my family." gina dejesus says, "i am so happy to be home, i want to thank everyone for all your prayers. i just want time now to be with my family." michelle knight says, "thank you to everyone for your support and good wishes. i am healthy, happy and safe and will reach out to family, friends and supporters in good time." >> the legal team says the women will not be talking to the media until the case against ariel as stroe has been tried. dramatic video of police breaking down the door of the home to free them. this video was taken by a cleveland woman. she and her friend stopped monday in front of the now
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infamous house when they saw squad cars and flashing lights. women who lived nearby told a cnn affiliate they thought they were being pulled over. instead, they got to witness one of the most dramatic hos stanl rescues in recent memory. she told wews that gina dejesus was shaking, she was huddled together with the other survivors. witnesses say amanda berry was "crying like she was amazed." back to the breaking news out of new orleans, a shooting in new orleans today. 10 to 12 people have been shot at the intersection of frenchman and northville villery streets. those injured are being taken to the hospital right now for treatment. as we get more information we'll update you with that new information. an arrest in the death of 8-year-old leila fowler is
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bringing more heartache to her family. her 12-year-old brother was arrested yetd in connection with the homicide. dan simon joins me now live from valley springs, california. dan, when this investigation began two weeks ago, what did the brother tell police? >> reporter: well, he actually had several conversations with investigators in this sheriff's office behind me here in calaveras county. we know that the boy told police that he was alone with his sister. his parents were at a baseball game, a little league baseball game, and that he heard an intruder come into the house and he realized his sister was stabbed. then he saw an intruder, in his words, leaving the house. he described this man as being 6'0" with muscular build, gray hair. there was an all-out search to try to find this individual, a fran sick search. this is a small community, 7,500 people. the town was obviously rattled. now the fact they have arrested somebody, it eases feelings
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somewhat, people are glad somebody was arrested but there is a lot of shock that it was in fact the brother. listen to what the sheriff had to say when he announced the brother's arrest. >> at 5:10 p.m. detectives arrested leila's 12-year-old brother at the valley springs substation on charges of homicide. >> i did not want to believe it. you kind of thought so but it's not something you want to believe. >> when i went to kid's place he always went next door to talk to his sister and give her a hug. >> reporter: well, that's a little bit of the reaction coming from people who live in this community. it is hard to overstate how people have felt here. it's very small. hundreds of people attended the vigil. lot of people in this community know the families so they took it very, very hard and obviously a lot of shock that in fact this 12-year-old boy has been
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arrested. what ultimately led authorities to make this arrest and charge him with murder we don't know. we don't know if there was dna evidence, whether there might have been a confession. that we don't know. of course we don't know motive either. a grisly crime scene has shocked waynesville, indiana. officials are calling it a quadruple homicide but no arrest has been made. a three-day standoff has ended in new jersey with a suspect dead and three hostages freed. police got a call friday to check on the woman who lived in the trenton house with her boyfriend and five children. when the officers arrived the boyfriend grabbed three of her kids and held them hostage upstairs. police burst in early this morning, killing the boyfriend, gerald tyrone murphy. the mother and her 13-year-old son were already dead. police say they believe they were killed two weeks ago. the woman's child who is 19 was
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hiding in the basement. growing outrage over how the irs treated tea party groups in the run-up to the presidential election. as far back as 2011. >> this is truly outrageous and it contributes to the profound mistrust that the american people have in government. it is absolutely chilling that the irs was singling out conservative groups for extra review. >> details are contained in a new treasury department report that's expected to come out this week. candy crowley has more in about ten minutes from now. more now in our breaking news out of new orleans. cnn affiliate wdsu reporting now that 10 to 12 people have been shot at the intersection of frenchman and north villery
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streets. they're being taken to the hospital for treatments. there was an pay parentally an inform at mother's day parade going on. we'll update you with more information as we get it. she is a convicted murderer now on suicide watch but the jodi arias saga not over yet. same jury that convicted her will be back in court this week. i'll tell you what's coming up in the case next. oh, hey mike. what are you up to? oh, just diagramming this accident with my state farm pocket agent app. you can also get a quote and pay your premium with this thing. i thought state farm didn't have all those apps? where did you hear that? the internet. and you believed it? yeah. they can't put anything on the internet that isn't true. where did you hear that? [ both ] the internet. oh look. here comes my date.
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new details of the cleveland kidnapping case are right out after horror movie. police say the three victims were chained in ariel castro's basement, beaten and terrorized. one of the victims michelle knight told investigators she was impregnated five times by ariel kags stroe and each time he puvlged her in the stomach until she miscarried. prosecutors say because he that they'll pursue aggravated murder charges against castro. joining us live from newton, massachusetts, wendy murphy, a former prosecutor. b wendy, prosecutors have cited an ohio law that exists which permits murder charges in cases where unborn children are killed. how successful do you think prosecutors are going to be? >> well, in terms of proving that it was in fact a murder of an unborn child and having that
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past constitutional midwester, there is no question that's okay. 38 states have laws that allow for murder charges to be filed when an unborn child is killed. in some states the difference lies at the viability line. for example, in massachusetts it can only be brought in the child is far enough long in gestation to be viable outside the womb. the real kicker here is whether they can prove death penalty charges. because that raises a different constitutional question. the united states has never answered that and no one in this country right now is on death row for killing an unborn fetus. you can bet this case will probably land before the supreme court if a jury finds her guilty and imposes death because the supreme court may want to answer the question is it cruel and unusual imposing the death penalty against a person for killing an unborn human being, someone who isn't yet recognized in law as a full human being. i don't know the answer. >> would witness testimony be
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enough in this or would there have to be actual medical evidence? >> yeah. really good question. there's no doubt that we've seen convictions for murder in this country of live born people where the body never shows up and those cases are -- they land with guilty verdicts. those people are imprisoned. some get the death penalty. the fact that they may not be able to prove that there was a fetus or even necessarily that he knew and then there was a miscarriage and then he did something with the remains, all they need is for the victim to say, i told him i was pregnant. he punched me in the stomach and i had a miscarriage. that's enough. if the jury believes her, that's enough to prove the charge beyond a reasonable doubt. >> there's been a lot of criticism of how the cleveland police handled this case. many saying they didn't do enough to search for these victims. could there be any civil action taken by these women against the city? >> boy, don't you wish?
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the answer is civil lawsuits against the police for failing to do a good investigation are extremely difficult, if not impossible, because they enjoy immunity. also perfect immunity under what's called the castlerock rule, even if cops know someone is in danger and just don't do anything about it, you can't sue them. so it is a tough case. only possibility i see here is if you can show that the cops intentionally didn't do a good job in violation of these women's civil rights. in other words, they looked the other way because of their gender or their ethnicity or their race. then you get a good lawsuit, at least you can file a good lawsuit on the ground their constitutional civil rights were violated but they don't yet have evidence that even if the police didn't do a good investigation they didn't do a good investigation because they were discriminating against the
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victims. >> wendy murphy, thanks very much for your insight. >> you're welcome. o.j. simpson wants a new trial. we'll tell you the argument his lawyers are making that could actually see him take the stand this time. plus, the irs is being used as a political tool? it's happened before but did the agency target tea party groups that tried to get tax exempt status? candy crowley knows what's going on in washington. i'll ask her. th angie's list, i save time, money, and i avoid frustration. you'll find reviews on home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. you want to be sure the money you're about to spend is money well spent. angie's list -- reviews you can trust.
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collins, a moderate republican from maine. >> this is truly outrageous and it contributes to the profound distrust that the american people have in government. it is absolutely chilling that the irs was singling out conservative groups for extra review. >> candy, this was going on from 2010 through last year. the irs says there were mistakes made but that it was not politically targeting tea party or conservatives. will the irs get a pass or does this smack of the nixon era and water gate times when the white house was accused of using government agencies to go after its enemies? >> the first answer is no, the irs will not get a pass. second answer is we don't know. the problem is the irs being used to target people has happened in more than the nixon administration. it has this horrible feel to it.
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it is something everyone can understand. we don't know the scope of this. the irs says this was a small group of agents, we didn't really know the details of it. but the irs had said to congress, the irs commissioner had said to congress, listen, no one's being targeted. so this will -- has yet to play out but i don't think there will be a pass here. >> because you say there won't and pass, what could be the repercussions for the irs in this situation? >> the irs won't go away, that much we know. i think we're going to look and see who knew what when. those are the important points when you talk about the hierarchy of the irs and whether or not the agents who did this now remembering that the irs says this was not intended to be political. it was intended to kind of sift through various groups. so again, you have to see how that plays out and how people feel about it but it is something the white house knows to at least get ahead of.
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>> the other issue abuzz in washington, the benghazi hearing. gop house members say there is much more going on, even suggesting the obama administration refused to send any military help to save the lives the ambassador and others killed in the attack on the consulate last december. democrats say it is political posturing designed to hurt hillary clinton's chances if she runs for the white house. who's right? >> i think in the end they're both right. policy in washington can hardly be separated from the politics that surrounds it. so even if you assumed everyone in washington had lofty goals about trying to find out what happened, let's face it, this is serious business. this is about the deaths of four americans. this is about the honesty of the u.s. government and its word to the american people. those are big issues so that's a policy. but even big policy things with pure motives have political implications. i think it is pretty clear from some of the ads we've seen, it
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is pretty clear there are political implications out there and that raps will play them. >> candy crowley in washington, thanks. and a happy mother's day to you. >> hey, happy mother's day to you, too. their brother has been called a monster and worse, but they say they have nothing to do with the alleged ohio kidnapper. >> if i knew that my brother was doing this, i would not be -- i would not -- in a minute, i would call the cops. >> more of our exclusive interview with ariel castro's brothers right after this. yeah, i'm married. does it matter? you'd do that for me? really? yeah, i'd like that. who are you talking to? uh, it's jake from state farm. sounds like a really good deal. jake from state farm at three in the morning. who is this? it's jake from state farm. what are you wearing, jake from state farm? [ jake ] uh... khakis. she sounds hideous. well she's a guy, so...
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welcome back to the "cnn newsroom." i'm alison kosik. thank you for joining us. we want to update you on that breaking news, back to the mother's day parade shooting in new orleans. our affiliate wgno is reporting at least 11 people have been shot but no one has been killed. victims suffered only minor injuries. youngest victim believed to be only 10 years old. three suspects were involved. we'll update with you more information on this shooting when we get it. to a cnn worldwide exclusive. when ariel castro was arrested on charges of kidnapping and raping three women for over a decade in his home, police also arrested his two brothers showing their faces to the world.
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in the minds of many, all three men were mon terse. but last thursday police arrested pedro and onil saying neither man had anything to do with the alleged and ducks and torture of amanda berry been gina dejesus and michelle knight. now for the first time since their release both sat down and talked exclusive with martin savidge about their brother and ordeal. they are grateful the three women and 6-year-old are finally safe but they are haunted by missing clues, the media and receiving death threats for something they say they did not do. >> do you worry now that people will always suspect that you did actually have a role if. >> absolutely. >> yes. >> and the people out there that know me, they know that onil castro is not that person, has nothing to do with that. would never even think of
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something like that. i was a very liked person, individual. i have never had any enemies. no reason for anybody to think that i would ever do something like that. it's a shock to all my friend. they couldn't believe it. >> same. i couldn't never think of doing anything like that. if i knew that my brother was doing this, i would have -- i would not be -- i would not -- in a minute, i would call the cops. because that ain't right. but yeah, it's going to haunt me down because people going to think, yeah, pedro got something to do with this. pedro don't have nothing to do with this. if i knew? i would have reported it. brother or no brother. >> you can see much more of martin's exclusive interview, including hearing the one strange rule they say ariel
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castro demanded his brothers when inside his home. and what happened when one brother confronted ariel about the mysterious little girl that looked so much like him. that and much more beginning tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. eastern on cnn's "starting point." seth meyers has a new late night gig. he'll be the new host of nbc's "late night." meyers takes over for jimmy fallon who will be host the "tonight show" early next year. and canada, several homes have been destroyed by a massive wall of creeping ice. the ice moved in suddenly taking residents by surprised. no one has been injured but homes evacuated. billionaire richard branson is sporting bright orange uniform of his virgin atlantic flight attendants. he dressed up as a stewardess yesterday and served drinks on a flight.
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he says had he fun but he's glad it is over. there is a vote scheduled for later this week in the republican led house. it is another try to repeal obama care. also mitt romney makes an appearance or jay leno and mark sanford cements his political comeback. cnn's political editor paul steinhauser takes a look at how it is all going to come together. the house of representatives is expected to vote again this week to try and repeal the affordable care act, better known as obama care. the republican-controlled house has voted more than 30 times to repeal parts or all of the national health care measure since passed into law three years ago. >> obama care is going to drive up the cost of health care, drive up the cost of health insurance. >> reporter: the white house and congressional democrats obviously disagree. so what do you think? one of the most recent polls suggest americans are divided with 41% approving of the law and 46% opposed. as you can imagine, that quinnipiac university survey, like all the rest, indicates a
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wide partisan divide. also this week, mark sanford comes to washington wednesday to get sworn in. the former south carolina governor whose career was left for dead following an infamous affair, last week won election to a congressional seat he once held. how about this for an odd couple? britain's prince harley teams up with njer chris christie. ael tour parts of new jersey hard hit last year by hurricanen is day. makes a rare appearance in the media spotlight this week. last year's gop presidential nominee joins jay leno on late night television. >> thanks, paul. hollywood and high fashion joining forces but not on the runway. halle berry and michael kors are teaming up with the world food program to fight global hunger. >> i'm halle berry. >> i'm michael kors. as a designer, i'm fort nat enough to do what i love. there is no question part of
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that equation you have to give back. this is a solvable problem. the food is there. can you change someone's life immediately. would the with the world food program we're talking about what i've been doing in my own backyard globally. >> i care so much about women and children. we do have a choice and a way to help each other. it is so important what happens to the baby in utero. good nutrition during that time period is fundamental. they are helping to educate women about that fact. >> the problem with hunger is often about getting the food to the people who need it the most. the u.n. and world food program can inby where. they have the man pow are and they have the food. >> we can work together and make a difference. there's a disturbing new report from the pentagon. reports of sexual assault in the military are up 35%. but we're going beyond the numbe numbers. i'll talk with a brave woman telling her story of sexual assault in the military. the capital one cash rewards card
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an air force officer who was in charge after unit aimed at preventing sexual assaults in the military has been charged with sexual battery. lieutenant colonel jeffrey kosinski was in court on thursday but did not enter a plea to charges he allegedly grabbed a woman inappropriately in arlington county. police say the woman fought off the attacker around called police. he's set to go on trial in july. the unit he ran is part of
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an overall move by the pentagon to combat a huge problem with pentagon assaults. 26,000 military members are assaulted each year. the woman i am about to interview says not enough is being done. in 1988 she was a private in the army. she served in the signal corps in germany. just two weeks away from her 19th birthd ddy day, she was ra by another office person it didn't stop there though. she was also sexually harassed by two officers who were in her direct line of command. earlier this year she testified to a congressional committee. she said when she filed a formal complaint about the harassment she felt like she was the one being punished. >> i received more reprimand for not passing a pt test during my
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time than the perpetrator of sexual harassment and sexual assault toward me received with me filing official papers to my command. there is no standardized -- if you assault someone, if you sexually harass, these are the things that are going to happen to you in an absolute and finite way. >> she's also the founder of a support group called women veterans social justice. she joins me now. thank you for sharing your story with us. >> thank you so much for having me. >> we've seen these congressional heerns like the one you testified at and the defense secretary just last week expressed outrage over these sexual assaults. there is a lot of talk about this but you say not enough is being done to prevent these assaults. explain why this is. >> this isn't something new. we've been having these types of issues since before 1991 but we had the tailhook, all of this has been going on for 15, 20, 30
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years and the same rhetoric is being said, we're going to do something, this is -- we're going to handle this. and it is not. there's not being substantially done because numbers are rising of people being sexually assaulted in the military. >> what's the solution to prevent these sexual assaults in the military? >> i think it will take more than one thing. absolutely we have to prosecute and absolutely they have to follow through with the prosecution and those people need to serve time. besides that we absolutely need victim support. it needs to be something that is with teeth. it doesn't need just to be somebody who's counseling the service member but someone that's will to protect them while they're serving. >> it is nots to cosm forward. especially in the military. it is just not easy. why is it hard to come forward especially in the military? >> because there is a system in place you have to report to your chain of command. even though people in the chain
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of command are pushing orders forward to prosecute, somewhere up the chain of command even further someone is saying, no, we don't need to do that. we saw that with the lieutenant colonel wilkinson issue. it is amazing to me that you could go through this whole process to have someone just say, no, we're not going to go along with those rulings. >> your grandfather served in world war ii. your father served in vietnam. you proudly followed in their footsteps and you say that you still love the military. >> absolutely. >> are you optimistic though about the future of the military, about change, when dealing with these sexual assaults? >> i said it at the senate. i'm cautiously optimistic. i believe now that the president has come on-board and is saying in an absolute way this will not be tolerated and the first lady is meeting to put some things in place to change things, i think that the national attention will be more.
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because people won't say that this is just some small thing. the president has chimed in on it. it is not a little thing that just a few people have stepped forward and said this is a problem. the number, 26,000, talking about just this year. if you add those numbers up every single year and go back ten years and just high pot thiz for last ten years that's happening, that's 260,000 people. it is a huge, huge issue. >> thanks for being with us. thank you for your service to our country. >> thank you. could o.j. simpson be let out of jail? why his lawyer are saying he didn't get a fair trial the first time around. [ female announcer ] love. it's the most powerful thing on the planet. love holds us in the beginning. comforts us as we grow old. love is the reason you care. for all the things in your life...
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you. hi. i just want to wish my mother and my ma a happy mother's day. i love you guys. >> this is b. antonio from kandahar, afghanistan, saying happy mother's day to miss vanessa and philadelphia, pennsylvania and everyone else in the tri-state. happy mother's day. >> i'm with 37 in afghanistan. i'd like to say happy mother's day to sandra rivera. she lives in cleveland. i love you, mom. >> i'm pnc dale wagner. shout out to the mothers on
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mother's day. happy mother's day and y'all have a good day. o.j. simpson says he wants a new trial. his new lawyers claim there were so many problems with the last one he should also be set free. >> reporter: these are the last images of o.j. simpson in public being led out of a las vegas courtroom to prison in late 2008. simpson was convicted of kidnapping and armed robbery for leading armed men into a hotel room to try to settle a dispute over sports memorabilia he wanted back. simpson was secretly record during the could be frontation which became part of the 2008 trial testimony. his new lawyers will argue their client was so horribly represented in that kidnapping trial he desefbz a new trial and freedom. >> we firmly believe did he not get a fair trial. think that's going to bear out during the hearing. we want the judge to take a
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fresh look at this, what should have been presented before, what wasn't presented, what was said, what wasn't said. >> reporter: simpson is expected to take the witness stand this week. that's something he never did in the las vegas kidnapping trial or his sensational televised trial in 1995. where he was acquitted of murdering his ex-wife nicole brown simpson and her frernd, ronald goldman. other witnesses expected this week are the now retired prosecutors and yale galanter, simpson's lead attorney in the former trial and his new ally. lawyers will argue galanter had a conflict in interest. simpson has been housed in northern nevada. his lawyers call him a model inmate. >> it's common in the prison system, there will be different factions that don't get along with each other. because of his status as a celebrity, and his personality,
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he's sometimes immediate yates between different groups when they're having conflicts. >> reporter: simpson now hopes his new legal team will spring him from prison for good. cnn, las vegas. okay. let's talk about sports and what a weekend it's been in baseball from the special moment at menway park in boston to the league honoring moms everywhere on mother's day. cnn sports andy shoals is here with today's "bleacher report." >> it was a red sox game that brought heather abbott to boston on the day of the bombings. she lost part of her left leg in the explosion. she had been in the hospital rehabbing until yesterday when she made her way back to fenway. abbott threw out the first pitch to a standing ovation. despite everything she's gone through, she's found a way to remain positive. >>ive a's never really thrown a pitch before.
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i decided there's nothing i can do about it. that it's -- the situation i've been dealt and the best way to overcome it is to focus on recovery. >> reporter: we also saw a very special moment in chicago yet. guinea paige thought she was randomly selected ow of the crowd to throw the first ceremonial pitch. after she took the mound, her daughter surprised her on the field. guinea hadn't seen amanda in 16 months. made for a great mother's day surprise. >> if you watch any major league baseball games today, teams are breaking out the paint bats, gloves and wrist bands to support breast cancer awareness. the baseball youths today will have pink stitching instead of traditional red. tomorrow many of the bats used today will be auctioned off for charity. that will do it for the
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"bleacher report." back to you. just ahead we'll turn back to one of our top stories. ohio women who made it out of captivity and people around the world watched as the story of these three young women in ohio played out. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. gives you 1% cash back on all purchases, plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone but her... no. no! no. ...likes 50% more cash. but i don't give up easy...
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tomorrow marks one week since the heroic escape from captivity of amanda berry, her daughter, gina dejesus and michelle knight. the events in cleveland this past week have revealed an almost unimaginable crime per traited by an alleged monster who hid in plain sight for over a decade. we want to take a look back at how we got here. >> help me. i'm amanda berry. i've been kidnapped and i've
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been missing for ten years and i'm here. i'm free now. >> the girl amanda, told the police, ain't just the only one. there's some more dpirls up gir that house. >> i have a female on the phone that says she's amanda berry and that she was kidnapped ten years ago. >> gina dejesus also. we also have a michelle knight in the house. >> very emotional day especially for amanda berry's family. >> i thought about ler every day and i knew she would come home. >> what an incredible night in cleveland. a night where you can truly believe that miracles truly do happen. >> prosecutors announced they are charging ariel castro with four counts of kidnapping, three counts of rape. >> the law allows for the death penalty for those most depraved criminals who commit aggravated murder during the course of a kidnapping. >> we seen this dude every day! i mean every day!
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>> it seemed like they was looking at us like we were just looking for attention. >> the police. >> yeah. they didn't seem to give any real true desire to the case. know what i'm sayin'? >> i'm just very, very confident in the ability of those investigators and those law enforcement officers that they checked every single lead. they followed it up very, very aggressively. >> my husband and i are in complete disbelief that the friendly, caring, doting man i knew as my daddy was in fact the most evil, vile, demonic criminal that i have met or heard of. >> i just want to say we are so happy to have amanda and her daughter home. want to thank the public and the media for their support.
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>> there she comes on the other side. my first reaction as i saw my daughter -- only thickdy was grab her and hug her. i didn't want to let go. it took for this moment -- for me, i still feel as if it is a dream. >> it is hard to imagine what parents of missing children go through but one man knows all too well. mark clac klaas, the father of she was abducted and murdered. stay here.'d it go? well, dad, i spent my childhood living with monks learning the art of dealmaking. you've mastered monkey-style kung fu? no. priceline is different now.
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2:00 pm
welcome back. how was london? [ female announcer ] when people talk, great things happen. hello. i'm alison kosik in for fredricka whitfield. thanks for joining us. these stories are topping our news this hour. in hiding after being wrongly linked to a shocking crime. brothers of kidnapping suspect ariel castro are now speaking out exclusively to cnn. a break in the mysterious case of an 8-year-old girl found stabbed to death in her california home. investigators have arrested her 12-year-old brother. shocking details ahead. in washington, top irs officials knew as far back as 20
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