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tv   Around the World  CNN  May 14, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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welcome to around the world. i'm suzanne malveaux. >> i'm michael holmes. we begin with rising tensions between the u.s. and russia. why? russian security forces detaining an american diplomat in moscow, accusing him of being a spy. >> they say they caught him red handed trying to recruit a member of russia's special services. phil black is in moscow for us. first of all, this american, he's been detained. now he's been released. what exactly was he accused of, and do we know where he is? >> reporter: well, suzanne, this man, ryan fogel, according to the united states, he works in the embassy as the third secretary of their political department. according to the russians, he works for the cia. they say they caught him red handed in an unconvincing blond wig in the process of trying to recruit some of their own or one of their own, russian special services agents.
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they say they caught him with what essentially amounts to a spy kit, which included a compass, a flashlight, a couple of pocket knives and they also say a big bundle of cash, sunglasses, another wig, and a written letter which they say were instructions for the man that he is trying or accused of trying to recruit there. he's been released back to u.s. embassy officials. and the russian foreign min sfree now says that he's persona non grata, he's been being exspelled from the country. >> it's not surprise that the russia has spies and the u.s. has spies and they're out there spying on each other. this comes at an awkward time in the relationship between the two countries which was frothy and then is thawing out a little. >> it has been frosty over the last 18 months since vladimir putin returned to the presidency of this country and the russian government has on numerous occasions accused the united
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states of trying to interfere and meddle in russian affairs trying to influence politics by financing ngos on the ground which deal with democratic shoshs human rights. in the last few weeks we've seen an improvement, since the boston bombings, we've seen both presidents of both countries saying they're going to work more closely together on counterterrorism issues. the intelligence agencies will be closer. in addition to that we've seen the u.s. secretary john kerry in moscow just last week as these countries try to work more closely together on syria. it now remains to be seen if this red-faced alleged spy will in some way damage or derail that recent progress. >> a little embarrassing. phil, good to see you. phil black in our moscow bureau. our top story, oscar winning actress angelina jolie revealing to the world a very personal decision here and a brave one, that is to have a double ma mastectomy. >> the mother of six wrote about her surgery and breast reconstruction in a "new york
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times" op-ed article out today. she said she did it as a preventive measure after learning she carries a gene mutation that made it extremely likely really that she would develop breast cancer. >> her mother who was also an actress dried of ovarian cancer at the age of 56. jolie said i wanted to write this to tell other women that the decision to have a ma mastectomy was not easy but it is one i'm very happy that i made. my chances of developing breast cancer have dropped from 87% to under 5%. >> she goes on to say, i can tell my children that they don't need to fear they will lose me to breast cancer. elizabeth cohen joins us now to talk about her decision. tell us more about this gene mutation and what it means and why it then guided her towards this decision. >> right, so we all have breast cancer genes. we have them. even men have them. when you have a mutated version of it, it means that you likely will have an increase of getting breast cancer. the amount of that increase
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depends upon which mutation she has. she has one that gives her an 87% chance of getting breast cancer. i should put that in the past tense. she had. so she got her breast res moved. so now she's not 100% free of that risk but she has a little bit of breast tissue left under her arms because they always leave some. so now she has less than a 5% chance. if you have a family history of breast cancer or ovarian cancer, you can talk to a genetic counselor, is this the right move for me. >> do we need to get tested, have a gene test or is it so rare that that is something that not all of us need to do to find out if we will get breast cancer. >> so great that she's come out like this but there's one down side that women will go bananas and everyone will want this test. doctors i talked to this morning said they fear that. >> why? >> because if you don't have a family history of breast cancer, there's no reason to suspect
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that you have a breast cancer gene. if all the women in your family have been fine and the men, then you probably don't have that gene. if you have a test that will say you have some weird mutation but we don't know what it is. you may be fine, you may not be. we don't know. then you're stuck. what do you do? do you remove your breasts with a question mark? do you not? do you take drugs? you don't get that difficult fuzzy answer unless you really need to -- >> the other thing, too, this gene mutation, it's a very small percentage of breast cancers. tiny. >> about 85% of women who get breast cancer have no family history, no jeanetgenetic anywat this very bad luck. women get breast cancer, they probably had a family history. probably they didn't. probably it's just bad luck. >> this is expensive, this is not a cheap thing to get tested like this. >> it is not a cheap thing to do. angelina jolie mentioned that it cost her about $3,000.
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insurance often covers it but not 100% of the time. >> and some don't. >> and some don't. and if you're uninsured, you're really in a pickle. here is the reason why one of the tests are expensive. only one company makes it. they own the patent on tit. the supreme court is reviewing this. soon they may tell this company sorry, but your patent's up. other companies can make it and maybe the price will come down. >> in the uk and other countries it's free under socialized med since. >> when obama care comes into full swing next year it will be covered by more insurance. >> good for angelina jolie. >> so brave and so important. >> all right, later this hour we're actually going to be talking with a miss usa contestant about her decision to have a double mastectomy next month. her mother actually died from breast cancer. >> the white house is under fire, on the defensive today
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facing a lot of tough questions on several fronts. you've got allegations involving the irs, documents showing the agency targeted tea party organizations and other groups that are focused on government spending and federal debt. you've got conservative groups that were given extra scrutiny. and focused on the words tea party in applications for tax exempt status. >> then the department collecting two months of phone records from reporters and editors at the associated press. the news agency calling it a massive and unprecedented intrusion into its reporting. ap's president says federal agents collected records from more than 20 phone lines including personal phones and ap numbers in new york, connecticut and washington. >> on top of that there's still the fallout of the terrorist attack in benghazi, libya. we'll bring in jessica yellin at the white house, gloria borger. jessica, having covered the
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white house for years we know what it's like, to have that and tension in the briefing room. jay carney is always pretty cool here. but typically go to reporters one by one and try to start put out these fires. how are they handling this all right now? >> they know that they are under intense scrutiny right now and that this briefing will be watched very closely. look, i don't expect to get a lot of satisfaction from jay carney at this briefing, to be frank, because they're going to argue that there is a firewall effectively between the white house and the justice department or the justice department and the irs on the two big stories of the day. and the justice department in that story they'll say this is what i'm -- this is my understanding at this point. the justice department, you know, because they're investigating links at the white house, the white house doesn't have control over what the attorney general people do over there, so you can just see jay carney saying, we can't direct
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that investigation and the white house already arguing the president didn't know about it. and then on the other hand when you look over at the irs, post water-gate there were reforms that put into place that bars the white house from intervening in the irs. so that's their defense on that front. it's the very same reason why it's a huge problem if they did intervene. so i don't expect to get a whole lot of detailed answer, but we're certainly going to push for them. i will point out that the attorney general is the one person who should be speaking today, suzanne. he oversaw the doj with his ap subpoena was issued and he's been silent all morning despite our repeated requests for information about whether he approved the subpoena, we get kicked back and forth between different public information officials with no answer. the attorney general is supposed to speak at 1:00 today. we'll see if the white house waits for the attorney general to speak before jay carney goes before cameras. >> gloria, let's bring you in now. what are your thoughts on the
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amount of trouble the white house is in or not in. but you wrote a column on about benghazi. i want to just quote from that. we're in dangerous territory right now, although the president himself seems to be having none o of it, calling the investigation a political circus. sure it is. but in the center ring is something that still begs an explanation. explain what you mean by that. >> well, in the case of benghazi, they've got questions to answer and the questions are how did these now infamous talking points describing to the american public or to congress which was going to describe to the american public hourks did these talking points go through a dozen iterations starting out with something that was more broad, probably closer to the truth and winding up with something that was so bland and gauzy that it only contains something that actually was not the truth, which was that the --
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that the attack was inspired by a video, right? and so -- or that the protests were spontaneous, i guess, is what the final talking point said. so there's an interesting story here, and i think what it may really end up in the end telling us is what happens at the very high levels of government when you have the state department and the cia going at logger heads at each other over how to characterize something that occurred overseas. because after all, as we now know, benghazi was much more of a cia outpost than it was part of the state department, yet the state department was having to answer questions about it. >> yeah, yeah. gloria, we'll leave it there. thanks so much. a little preview of what we might hear coming up. >> it's a royal mess. needs to sort out a lot of that
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stuff. the white house briefing set to get under way at the bottom of the hour. we expect a lot of questions on a lot of those controversies there and the whole thing with the ap, associated press, very upset about this, the possibility of the justice department poring over their phone records not to their knowledge. >> they are annoyed, that's for sure. i think most journalists would be if it happened. we'll take you live to that briefing as it starts. as suzanne said, 12:30 eastern. here's more of what we're working on this hour for "around the world." >> we're talking about barbed wire, chain, even a girl's bicycle. these are exclusive pictures from the kidnap suspect arial castro's backyard. prince harry's been on a tour of the storm-damaged jersey shore from a pretty high profile tour guide. [ male announcer ] a guide to good dipping. everything is better with sabra hummus.
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other possible side effects include injection site reactions. tell your health care provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions such as body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat, or sweating. flexpen® is insulin delivery my way. covered by most insurance plans, including medicare. ask your health care provider about levemir® flexpen today. ...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. we're getting a disturbing new look today inside and outside the house where ariel castro, suspected of holding three women captive for more
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than a decade. >> and what a neighbor saw in the backyard raising even more questions about what might have gone on in that house. pamela brown with details. >> reporter: chilling new photos give us a glimpse of ariel castro's backyard taken over the weekend by a neighbor. the backyard resembling a junkyard, spools of barbed wire and probably the most unnerving, chains. the neighbor said he saw hundreds of nick heavy chains in the yardp and then this mirror hanging on castro's back door that may have alloweded him to see if someone was coming up his driveway, possibly using it to prevent any surprise visitors. and finally, a pink barbie bicycle fit for a little girl. a bicycle that may have belonged to amanda berry's daughter fathered by ariel castro. moments after this cell phone video was shot. >> we've got onil castro and ariel castro in custody down here at mcdonald's. >> reporter: just released
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dispatcher reporting that revealed the arrest of ariel castro. and we're now learning more about him from six different police reports filed about castro since 1989 when he had an argument with his wife in which he allegedly, quote, slapped her across the face several time, grabbed her and slammed her against the wall. in 1994, a neighbor claimed castro attempted to hit him with a shovel and threatened that he was going to take care of him when arguing over a chain link fence. >> bond set at $5 million. cast castro remains on suicide precaution. locked up in solitude, receiving no visitor, no friends, no family, no mail. a life in those respects not unlike what dejesus, knight, and berry and her daughter sfoufrd years. >> we're getting a look at this backyard. we heard from one of the castro brothers, martin savidge saying that the kitchen and the
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curtains that led to the rest of the house that were off limits. do we have a sense of when investigators are going to get inside of the house and give some of the details, the information of what took place and what it looks like inside the home? >> reporter: well, actually, suzanne, they were here yesterday. the medical examiner's office was here using what's called a steer-on camera. essentially it allows investigators to get a panoramic view inside the home, a 360-degree view inside each room, the kitchen, attic, basement. so pretty much every room in the house. we're hearing that the medical examiner's presence here yesterday had nothing to do with searching for bodies or the only agency with a special camera. that evidence is going to be used and taken to the grand jury so that they can then come up with additional charges that castro will likely face. >> any updates on the victims today? >> reporter: well, we spoke to a family friend of gina dejesus. we're hearing that she's in good
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spirits, that she's bouncing around the house, that she's doing activities within the home. she's enjoying being with her family and friends. in fact, she's asking for old friends that she knew before she disappeared, but we're also hearing that as much as she wants to get back to normal and live an everyday life, that she's afraid to leave her home. she's afraid of being bombarded by people and that she's still having her issues. that she's still recovering from the horrific ordeal. and she likely has a long path ahead of her in her healing. as far as michelle knight goes, still a mystery where she is. i've been speaking to her family and they still don't know where she is. in fact they asked me if i could give them the information. as far as amanda berry go, we haven't heard much from her family yet. >> i can only imagine how trying to deal with it. pam, good to see you. thanks. pam brown there. >> it's going to be a long process. >> i'm sure it is. >> still ahead, a look at prince
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harry's tour of the united states. on the agenda, touring the towns that were hit hard by superstorm sandy. >> we'll take you live to the jersey shore right after this. you see his tour guide there. you've known? isn we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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welcome back, everyone, to around the world. the top stories for you. right now in washington, federal safety officials all want us to drink less if we are going to drive. the national transportation board voting to recommend dropping the legal blood alcohol limit from 0.8 to 0.5. >> so they are actually saying that it can save 500 to 800 lives every year with these tougher standards. so just for comparison here, while the uk and canada, they also have 0.08 limits, legal limit for drivers in australia, 0.05, in sweden it's 0.02 and in albania, 0.01. i mean you can't drink. >> no, you can't. no, no, no. and in australia, too, 0.05, they will shut down entire roads
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and test every driver. they're dead serious by drink driving there, you do not want to drink and get behind the wheel in australia. >> you can always call a cab. there are so many services now. ask for it where you don't have to get in trouble. >> you'd be terrified to do it down under. now britain's prince harry is out surveying the storm damage. >> so the prince is touring the jersey shore, spent part of his morning in seaside. governor chris christie, actually, he was the tour guide, you noticed, too, that he's getting smaller. >> yeah. >> but they met. first responders obviously who were part of helping people out of the devastation. and poppy harlow there and part of it all in the mix there. so what do they think? what do people in the jersey shore think of the prince? >> well, i will tell you, they were thrilled, elated when his motorcade pulled up here to the boardwalk, suzanne, in seaside
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heights. you could hear jubilation from women of all age, very excited that the royal, prince harry, was here. but this is something that he really wanted to do. it was a personal thing for him. he wanted to come, he wanted to see the devastation. actually we're told he wanted to see some of the worst-hit towns here. that's what he did. he toured one of the nearby areas here. he shook hands with first responders. governor christie giving him the tour just as governor christie gave president obama the tour. this place still has a lot of rebuilding to do. then the prince came over here to where i'm standing. it was the boardwalk and it was under water in sandy. he came here, played some game, some carnival games, toured around again with the governor. and he was thrown a lot of questions by people in the crowd. we couldn't get that close to him. but i wanted you to take a listen to what prince harry to to say. >> what your thoughts on seeing
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the community here today? >> this is fantastic american spirit, isn't it? everyone getting together and making things right. it's fantastic. >> reporter: now, we're also told by a source close to the prince on this u.s. tour that governor christie was very happy to hear that the prince was planning to come here because what it does, guys, is it puts this coastline back on the map in terms of a recovery effort and the billions of dollars that are needed for it. on a lighter note, a young 11-year-old girl named taylor had her first meeting, possibly only meeting, with the prince. here's what she told me. >> it was really exciting because, well, like, i got to take off of school and, like, just meeting him and the governor, it's really cool. and like to know that you got to meet him and like when you grow up, you can tell all your friends and when you have kids, you can tell your kids, i got to meet the prince. so it's really cool.
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>> reporter: and of course the big focus -- a big focus, guys, for the prince was meeting those first responders here, thanking them for all they did. now he's on his way to manhattan-he'll go to an prevent promoting british trade. then up to harl lem for a baseball event for under privileged youth. when you're in new york, you have to raise money. he's going to raise money for a number of his foundations. >> i love it, the little kid, the first thing on her list was i got off school. then it was the prince. >> planning for stories to tell her grandkids. >> good to see you, poppy. poppy harlow. athletes say that's in the spotlight more than ever after last month's boston marathon bombings. we'll show you what russia is doing to increase security ahead of next year's olympic games in sochi. we went out and asked people a simple question:
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how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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the white house dealing with controversies on several fronts. the irs targeting conservatives to the justice department collecting journalist's phone records. also the continuing fallout of the terror attack on benghazi. >> the white house briefing set to start any time now. will they be on time? we don't think so. when it does get under way, we'll take you there straight
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away so you won't miss any of it. >> yeah, we'll see. it's on the schedule. >> you're betting a little late. >> it will be delayed. british prime minister david cameron offering his condolences to the victims and the people of boss on the tod boston today. >> just a short time ago he visited a makeshift memorial in the city square there along with the massachusetts governor, deval patrick. let's bring in deborah feyerick joining us from boston. we notice that cameron met with the president at the white house, but this visit was a lot more solemn. what did he say? >> reporter: this visit was a little bit different. you have to remember tomorrow will be four weeks to the day that those terrorists attacked the boston marathon. the prime minister's visit was really a show of solidarity. london and the uk have had their fair share of terror attacks. he knows what it's like to be hit, he knows what it's like to have people recover and try to get back on their feet. he came here with the governor. they discussed, among other
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things, the way to secure and be vigilant about certain terror attacks. but they also discussed the threat of radicalization and the serious threat that it presents and the need for law enforcement agencies to coordinate to combat it. take a listen. >> there's always more to do. look, there is a really vital role for law enforcement, a really vital role for intelligence. there's a tough side to all this that we have to get right. but there's also a side, as i said, of challenging the narrative of violence and extremism that we have to get right to stop young minds being poisoned by this dreadful radical extremist narrative. and there's always more work to do on that. but in the end, how do we do it? we stand up for the values we believe in, for freedom, democracy, for the fact that we're proud to live in an open and tolerant society. >> reporter: and that's clearly a shared threat between the uk and here in the united states that the awareness of radic radicalizati radicalization, whether it's
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radicalization online or men to go elsewhere and be trained and then come back, a real threat. and a prior of both governments clearly. we know the prime minister headed to new york. he's at the united nations. he is focused right now on global development. actually, the governor, he's headed to ireland. so a little bit of a swap there. suzanne, michael? >> it will be one month tomorrow since the boston bombings. of course, you're not going to want to miss anderson cooper's special report back to boston. that is this friday night. you'll hear really some incredible stories from some of the photographers who captured the moments of last month's bombing. that is this friday, 10:00 p.m. eastern. >> and the deadly boston marathon bombings reviving fears about security in all kinds of sporting events. you've got the winter games coming up in russia. that's not so far away. we talk about sochi, a resort town where the russian government is fighting an islamist insurgency.
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>> they insist they're prepared to protect the players, the fans as well as the games' image. a part of the game plan. >> reporter: these men are not elite athletes. they're all amateur ice hockey players. they're in sochi, russia's olympic city, so they get a police escort. and because they're playing in sochi's new olympic venue, the bolshoi ice dome, every bus is skand and everyone is screened as if they were boarding an international flight. but it's even more thorough. everyone gets a pat-down. journalists also get the full treatment. all of this for an amateur hockey match. the russian authorities say proves what they've been saying all along, that they've been taking security very seriously in this city long before the boston attack. russia is racing to finish its new olympic venues by the black sea and in the mountains above sochi. like all other host countries, its other priority is security,
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but international terrorism isn't the only concern here. this country is also dealing with an ongoing security threat within its own borders. russia will host these him pick games while also fighting an islamist insurgency. and the fight centers on a region just 500 kilometers that way, across those mountens, in an area known as the north caucasus. it's a place where militants and security forces regularly clash and from where terrorists have planned numerous, devastating attacks in other parts of russia. the most recent, a suicide bombing at moscow's busiest airport killed 35 people in january 2011. this man is an expert on the north caucasus and the groups fighting there to establish an independent islamist state. >> translator: it's clear that having that kind of neighbor increases the risk for the olympics themselves and for the people who visit.
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>> reporter: there's also a connection between the north caucasus and the boston marathon attack. suspect tamerlan tsarnaev visited there in 2012 and was interested enough in the region's militants to post some of their videos online. in sochi some are feeling the shock waves of boston. this bottom says she's worried about security of the games and since boston she's been avoiding crowded places. but sochi's organizers say they still believe they can stage the safest olympics ever. and this is part of that effort. sochi's deputy mayor tells me this network of cctv cameras has software that monitors crowd behavior to detect possible threats. russia's security services are always planning a massive effort to protect the olympics here. they'll now face greater scrutiny an boston reminded the world big sporting events are vulnerable targets.
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phil black, cnn, sochi, russia. still ahead, shocking images from syria. this time the rebels who are behind the atrocity. we'll show you how ugly things have gotten there. hoo-hoo. hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo. hoo-hoo hoo. sir... i'll get it together i promise... heeheehee. jimmy: ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? ronny: i'd say happier than the pillsbury doughboy on his way to a baking convention. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. and you wouldn't have it any other way.e. but your erectile dysfunction - you know, that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently.
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there actually could be a hopeful prospect in a dismal war. john kerry says he expects both sides of the conflict to attend a peace conference in june. he told reporters that the syrian government has given names of potential negotiators now to russia. >> russia, of course, a longtime ally of syrian president bashar al and trying to arrange talks about their differences about the assad government.
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>> the prospect of any kind of peace really can't come soon enough. our next story shows us this is really just how ugly things have gotten there. this is a video of a syrian rebel purportedly cutting out a government soldier's heart and eating it. >> taking a bite out of it. and the liver as well. it is gruesome stuff. mohammed jamjoon has been following this from beirut. clearly a war crime on video, if this is confirmed. tell us who this guy is and tell people who don't know about it how gruesome it is. what we see. >> reporter: michael, it's a video that really illustrates just how barbaric things have become in the syrian civil war. here is a video so gruesome that even when it's heavily blurred we can only show you a few images of it. this was reportedly shot in homs more than two weeks ago. the man in question, we're told by a syrian rebel spokesman,
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that his name is abu sakar, one of the founder of the brigade that's based in homs. in the video, you see this man standing over the mutilated corporation of a regime soldier. he then reaches into, starts carving into the chest of the syrian soldier, rips out the man's heart and liver, looks up towards the camera. says, i swear to god we will eat your hearts out, you soldiers of bashar, you dog, then proceeds to bite into the heart. he looks very proud as he's doing this and proclaiming what he's doing to the camera. now, this is a video that has shocked many. we can't independently verify its authenticity, but other members of the rebels that we spoked with confirm that this did actually take place. the opposition syria national coalition has strongly condemned this video. i spoke a few hours ago with human rights watch group here in
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beirut. he says this is how bad thins have got number syria. >> the clip is shocking, but what's even more shocking frankly is the inaction of the international community at this point. every day there's atrocities taking place, there's footage coming out of syria. there's no sense of urgency in the international community. and for people like the man identified in the video, there has to be a sense that there will be a punishment for this behavior. right now there's complete impunity in syria for both sides, and this is the outcome. >> reporter: mr. houdy spoke about even though there's a preponderance of evidence to show that the regime has committed mounting atrocities, but there's evidence showing that the rebels have gone into lots of atrocities there as well. he says there has to be a mechanism in place to stop this sort of thing from happening in the future. >> that is the problem, of course that they don't really
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have any say or sway over the period on the ground inside the country. tell me this, by all accounts, this guy is part of a unit, a brigade, if you like, that is allied with the free syrian army. now, this isn't some radical islamic group. in is the guy that the government is debating to arm or not, for a guy of one brigade that's affiliated with the syrian free army. doing a lot of damage. >> absolutely. this is something that's extremely damaging for the rebels in syria. now, the rebels, for their part, have condemned this. they said this is not an action that should be carried out by anybody, that this goes against the morals of the syrian people and the morals of the free syrian army. but there is a question as to how affiliated this man with with is free syrian army. they're watching whether or not the farouk brigade falls under the structure of the free syrian
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army. there is whether this man split off and has his own independent brigade that's affiliated with the farouk brigade. but this plays into the hands of the assad regime. they believe that the rebels there are committing atrocities. and this does not look good for the rebels or for the free syrian army. >> mohammed jamjoon, appreciate it. secretary kerry is trying to convince the russians, let's get to the bargaining table. he's got a tough sell when you take a look at what's happening on both sides now. >> yes, exactly. horrible stuff. and the free syrian army is not going to be pleased about this, that's for sure. >> angelina jolie's double ma mastectomy. it has women all over the world wondering what they would do if they were in her shoes. we'll talk to a miss america contestant who has confronted the very same tough choice. if you're seeing spots before your eyes, it's time for aveeno® positively radiant face moisturizer.
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welcome back, everyone. angelina jolie's announcement that she had a double mastectomy has lots of people talking about that very procedure. >> so this 24-year-old miss america contestant says she, too, now, is planning to have a double mastectomy because she also has a very high risk of getting breast cancer. her mom died when she was just 16 years old.
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ellen rose is joining us now. and you -- thank you for being so brave and very forthcoming about this. you are currently miss d.c. for miss america. you've now been faced with this decision. and this is a preemptive move, really, a preventive measure, is that right? >> yes. you know, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time at the age of 27, with a really invasive stage 3 breast cancer. it came back 20 years later on the other side. she was going in to have this exact surgery and that's when they found the stage 3 tumor in her other breast. that's what ultimately took her life. >> i'm curious what your emotions are as you consider this. i don't know, does this provide in 134 ways a measure of relief, as i think angelina jolie was saying. almost takes away that equation. >> absolutely. it's something where it's a pretty daunting process, but at the same time it is taking away that fear of having to look over
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your shoulder for the rest of your life and think is this a disease that will take my life the way it took my mother's life, my grandmother's life, my great-aunt's. she's incredibly courageous for coming out and saying, i don't feel like any less of a woman. i have the support of my friend, my family, my spouse. and i think it's a very powerful move for her. i think it's going to inspire a lot of women. >> allyn, talk about your own journey, if you will, getting to this point. i imagine that it was probably a process that you had to go through to accept that you're going to have this kind of procedure. >> sure, well, when i was 18, two years after my mom had passed away. my dad sat me down and brought up the idea of having the surgery. at first i said, absolutely not. why would i have the surgery? and my dad looked me straight in the face and said, you're going to end up dead like your mom. and that's a pretty aggressive thing for my dad to say to me, but my dad wanted me to be alive. and he realized that i didn't have the luxury of my youth the
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same way that so many people do. i needed to be vigilant. as time went on, i saw the wisdom in that remark. i said this might be the right option for me. >> and you don't have the gene mutation that angelina jolie has. yours is just looking back as elizabeth cohen was telling us earlier, you're just looking back at family history and saying chances are going to be good or bad or however you want to say it. thankfully i'm brca 1 and 2 negative. brca 1 and 2 account for only a small portion of breast cancers. there's so many other opportunities for breast cancer to affect your life and it only is a test for 90% of your genes. we're lucky we're in the technological age that we can map our genome. i'm going to be doing that in the -- you know, pretty recent future. i said this is the right decision for me to have this family history, i'm going to
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make the proactive decision. >> allyn, if you would, talk to young women. i think there are a lot of women out there who in some ways their value is tied up to the way they look, the way they present themselves. and you are a part of, you know, contests and miss d.c., and this is obviously something that you've thought about very -- very passionately about. do you have some words for young women who are thinking about how that influences how they feel on the inside? >> right. i mean, i work in the beauty industry. i'm a full-time model. i competed in the miss usa program, competed in the miss america pageant. something that affects my daily life, making this decision. but at the end of the day, i want to be alive. and having a body that people say is, you know, beautiful or, you know, iconic or associated with womanhood, that's not important to me. what's important to me, the same thing that angelina spoke about, being around for her kids. i know what it was like for my
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mom to struggle and to know that she was going to leave her most precious job of raising her kids unfinished. angelina is making that conscious decision to not have to go through what my mom did, and so am i. >> allyn, courageous of you and good information for people, too, allyn rose there. it's important to mention reconstruction is so good now. so it's not like disfigured for life or whatever. >> and it really is not about being incomplete. it's about being whole. >> exactly. nicely put. we'll be right back. [ chirp ] all good? [ chirp ] getty up. seriously, this is really happening! [ cellphone rings ] hello? it's a giant helicopter ma'am. [ male announcer ] get it done [ chirp ] with the ultra-rugged kyocera torque, only from sprint direct connect. buy one get four free for your business.
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welcome back. amanda berry, gina dejesus and michelle knight saw the end to over a decade of confinement of course last week in cleveland. >> but throughout the world, million of victims still, of course, lack their freedom. u.n. ambassador mira sorvino talks with us about the fight to combat human trafficking on "impact your world." >> a lot of what i've learned about human trafficking has been through direct conversations with victims. i've interviewed many, many victims in several different countries and different situations and different age ranges. almost all the victims i've spoken to have been women. and most of them have been in sexual exploitation. some is so shocking that it almost like ruins you for a few weeks. like you can't actually escape
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the horrendousness of what people are telling you and the pain they lived through. i met a little girl at the shelter and she was showing me her homework and her addition and subtraction. she was very proud. then they took me aside and said that her father murdered her mother in front of her and then he dropped her off with some relatives in cancun and they sold her to a brothel at age 4. 4 to 7 she was working in a brothel doing things that she did not know how to describe except she knew they were incorrectos, incorrect, wrong. then somehow liberated in this shelter. to think that there's a sex tourism demand for children the age of 4, it's one of the most stomach turning things that i could imagine as a mother. if all of us raise up, this is going to change because it's morally intolerable. >> that's it for us. thanks for watching "around the world." cnn newsroom starts right after this.
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