tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 14, 2013 11:00am-1:01pm PDT
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that? >> let me come back out and let you know you've been listening to attorney general eric holder answering a barrage of questions on what we assumed would happen here as part of this department of justice briefing where he and kathleen sebelius were talking medicare fraud and now all the reporters are asking questions about this, what is made public now about this secret decision to seize these phone numbers and records from the associated press, from ap offices and reporters, this was for a two-month period last year. so this is the first time we have heard from eric holder talking specifically about this investigation that goes back into last year. and what this means. obviously for, you know, freedom of the press, but also privacy issues and questions about what the white house's involvement could have been here. let me bring in wolf blitzer and gloria borger and dana bash who all join me live to go through this. wolf, let me begin with you. listening to the attorney general, talking specifically
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about this investigation, this approach, and also it struck me the fact that he says he recused himself. what did you hear? >> well, on the ap issue, he did recuse himself, he says, because he does deal with the media. he himself was questioned about these leaks, these national security leaks. didn't go into specific details. but at one point he did say, brooke, these were among the most serious leaks endangering of the american people he has ever seen. and as a result, there was good reason to go ahead and try to find out who was leaking this kind of national security information to the associated press. he says it was one of the most damaging ever and he was very firm on that. even while saying he had nothing to do with it. he, himself had been questioned. he had recused himself. the deputy attorney general james cole was in charge, he was the one that authorized the subpoenas to go ahead and monitor the phone calls of the associated press, the reporters, and trying to determine who may have leaked this kind of
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information to the associated press. what he did say that was also explosive, just now, is that the justice department, brooke, has launched a potential criminal investigation into the irs to see if any criminal laws were violated by going after conservative organizations, specifically tea party organizations, organizations that were patriot or patriots in their name, and he says a control investigation is being considered right now to see if any laws were actually broken. he says it was outrageous, unacceptable, for the irs to be targeting these conservative organizations for special scrutiny to determine whether or not they had a legitimate tax exempt status. he did say an investigation is now started. that takes this to a whole new level. this irs part of the story. >> so, gloria, then to you, you think big picture, the last couple of days in washington, between the questions over
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benghazi and that aftermath, questions here about wolf was mentioning this criminal probe into the irs, specifically and now the associated press and the seizing of phone records. what a week it's been. >> yeah. it's been a very difficult week. and earlier we were listening to the white house spokesman jay carney talk about this, and you can sort of hear his sense of frustration here, because, of course, the irs is something they say they knew nothing about, they had not been told about until a couple of weeks ago. they're calling benghazi a political circus, and on this most recent matter with the ap, they say they can't intervene at this particular point because the investigation is being carried out by the justice department. so on two out of three of those issues, brooke, they have to keep an arm's length and say
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only things like they believe in the freedom of the press, and reporters right to unfettered access, and the president believes in investigative journalism. on the other hand, they also believe that they need to find a way to keep classified information classified. so they're really walking a fine line here. of course, the timing of all of this, coming all at once, with, you know, half a dozen congressional investigations, which dana can talk about, is difficult for any white house. >> right. we know about the ways and means committee hearing, dana bash, on friday. but if you can, what is the pulse on capitol hill? what are members of congress saying on both sides of the political aisle? >> i think everybody here, frankly, has whiplash because there is just so much going on at once. and nobody can really fathom the idea that there is just one issue after another after another that they are frankly now having to investigate with regard to the executive branch. with regard to the irs, the news that we definitely just heard
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the attorney general make that there is an investigation going on to see whether there was any criminal wrongdoing at irs actually interviewed a lawyer for 27 tea party groups earlier today, brooke, who said they too are trying to figure out whether they want to press charges for any criminal wrongdoing to get damages for the way that these tea party groups are going. so these are, you know, issues that have, of course, all political, but these are issues that are sort of wider and have more breadth than just the investigation of sort of what went wrong and could go very, very deep. >> well, with the whiplash, dana bash, and all these tough questions, and rightfully so, that these members of the media are throwing both at attorney general eric holder and also at white house spokesperson jay carney, let me play some sound. this is our own chief white house correspondent jessica yellin just a short time ago. >> this involved multiple months, multiple locations, many phones. is the president at all
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concerned that -- about the breadth of the investigation, about the breadth and depth that the doj's using to pursue leaks in general, which has become a priority for this president. he's prosecuted, in this administration, more people for leaks than every other president put together. >> jessica, what i can tell you is that this president believes strongly in first amendment, and as a strong defender of the first amendment. he believes strongly in the need for the press to be unfettered in its pursuit of investigative journalism. he also believes strongly as a citizen and as president in the need to ensure that classified information is not leaked. >> so, wolf, my final question to you, i think it bears repeating, a nugget of information that i didn't know until today, that jessica said, president obama, his administration has prosecuted more people in terms of leaks than any other president combined. that said, in terms of optics, how does the white house handle this moving forward? >> it is going to be really difficult. there is going to be a real
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problem for the white house right now because these issues are only snowballing right now. they're escalating dramatically. i've uncovered several administrations over these many years, i can tell you that once a formal criminal investigation begins, whether the justice department or elsewhere, once congress begins its aggressive oversight looking into these kinds of matters and there is a lot of sensitivity whether on the irs, the phone records of the associated press, whether benghazi, what happened then as jay carney, the white house press secretary, kept saying four americans were killed in benghazi, once the investigations begin, it is a lot easier to begin an investigation than it is to end an investigation. so it is going to be a nightmare for the obama administration, dealing with this. and it is going to cause some serious problems as far as the other legislative agenda that the president has, some of the reporters spoke about a siege mentality what is going to happen to all the other agenda
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items that the president wants. this is going to distract a lot of attention from what the president is trying to achieve. it is going to cause a lot of problems and i suspect it is going to cause a lot of administration officials to go out and retain attorneys right now because once an investigation like this begins, first thing you got to do is hire a lawyer, going to be expensive. i've seen this going on in republican administrations, and democratic administrations, it is going to be a major, major problem. >> wolf blitzer, gloria borger, dana bash on the whiplash in washington this week. my thanks to all of you. and from washington, let's turn to a story that really everyone has an eye on today. something that has everyone talking. watch this. >> angelina jolie, she's a fighter in her films. but when the cameras stop rolling, she continues that fight.
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today, the actress dropped a bombshell, telling the world she made the decision to have both of her breasts removed earlier this year. the decision, she says, came after discovering she had a high risk of developing breast cancer caused by a rare gene, the brca mutation, if you opened up the new york times, you saw her op-ed. i wanted to write this to tell other women that the decision to have a mastectomy was not easy. but it's one i'm very happy i made. my chances of developing breast cancer have dropped from 87% to under 5%. i can tell my children that they don't need to fear they will lose me to breast cancer. and i know for many women out there, angelina's decision here has given them food for thought. encouragement to have the test or even go ahead with their own preventive mastectomy and in the case of cnn's own zoraida sambolin, our anchor, on early start, she chose angelina
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jolie's revelation to make her own brave announcement to the world. zoraida is joining me now here today. my goodness, just as a friend, welcome to you. and you are brave, my friend, and also with me, dr. lisa newman, a surgical on kaulcolog. zoraida, to you first, doctors detected breast cancer in one of your breasts but you made a decision to have both of your breasts removed. can't be an easy decision. or perhaps it was. >> oh, no, it wasn't an easy decision. i'll say when i was first diagnosed, what i thought of was get it out, take it out, i don't want to deal with this anymore. but, you know, it is kind of evolved because i had that initial diagnosis, then an mri, i've gotten several opinions, and so it became a little bit more complicated along the way. that initial diagnosis became a little large, the other side had some other issues of concern, and so, you know, after spending a lot of time and doing a lot of sole searching, a lot of research talking to the doctors
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and radiologists, i decided best decision for me was to go ahead and have a double mastectomy. >> i want to come back to you. here we were just talking in cleveland last week and you continue on, obviously, working and having to handle all this on a very personal level. but, doctor, to you. in this op-ed in the new york times, angelina jolie says because of this brca gene that her risk of developing breast cancer was a huge number. it was 87%. now she says post surgery it is down to 5%. is the kind of reduction in risk here, the huge number differential, doctor, is that the norm? >> yes, i would say that the numbers that miss jolie quoted are quite appropriate for women with known hereditary predisposition because of mutations in the brca gene, for example. there is a range of risks from 50% to 87% lifetime risk of getting breast cancer. and the double mastectomy or prevention mastectomy absolutely is the most aggressive and the most effective step that these
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women can take to lower their chances of getting breast cancer. but it is not 100% protection. we estimated that it lowers the risk by about 90%, 95%, so it certainly does bring those women down to the very low single digits percentiles of risk. >> zoraida, back to you. i know you have some grown boys in your life, and i imagine that part of your decision to do this, in addition to, obviously what is best for you, right, as a mom, but also for your boys. >> i have a boy and a girl. you're taking a look at a picture of niko there, and then there is sofia, my 9-year-old girl. and, you know, that rocked my world. you know, at the end of the day, they are the single most important people in my life. and, you know, i kept on thinking, i kept on thinking worst case scenario and i had to bring myself away from that. and i had to think differently about, you know, what can i do, how can i empower myself, and how can i make sure i'm going to be here long-term. and so that really was what my
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decision was all about. i would do anything for my children, just like i know that any woman who is in my same situation feels the same way. and, you know, some people call it motivated by fear. i felt that it is what allowed know sleep at night. and to do what's right by them and by me. i know they need me but i need them. i wanted to see that long-term. >> what about also, we know angelina jolie, she's in the very visual business, right, of film. and you think of, we're talking to a contested miss america was talking about having a double mastectomy as well and she's in the business of beauty and there is a lot of talk, zoraida, about -- or a fear of losing one's femininity when you lose your breasts. how do you work through that? >> you know, i have to tell you that that, this morning, was probably what allowed me to share my voice the most. two things that angelina talked about, her children, and her
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femininity. because at the very beginning, when i was diagnosed, i thought about my children first, but i thought about, you know, my breasts, and what they mean to me and what they mean for femininity and sexuality and the purpose that they have served in all of that. and, you know, as i'm making this decision, i thought, you know, why am i even concerned about this? most important thing are my kids. i really struggled with this, brooke. i did. and so when she talked about it, it allowed me to talk about it too. it allowed know say, yes, yes, this is something that you think about. and you will come out on the other side, you just have to go through the process of thinking about it, of dealing with it, of dealing with the loss of what you're going through. and then you will come out on the other side. >> zoraida sambolin, i absolusa you, my friend. doctor, thank you for joining me. we appreciate it. more on this opinion piece that angelina jolie
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we have miss d.c. to talk about her path moving forward without her breasts. coming up, we'll take you to cleveland as we're learning more about ariel castro's odd behavior behind bars. and some new pictures from his backyard. it's eerie. ♪ ♪ fly me to the moon ♪ let me play among the stars ♪ and let me see what spring is like ♪ ♪ on jupiter and mars ♪ in other words [ male announcer ] the classic is back. ♪ i love [ male announcer ] the all-new chevrolet impala. chevrolet. find new roads. ♪ you the wright brothers became the first in flight. [ goodall ] i think the most amazing thing is how like us these chimpanzees are. [ laughing ] [ woman ] can you hear me? and you hear your voice? oh, it's exciting!
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chilling photographs you will only see here on cnn of the backyard where ariel castro allegedly held these three women and a child locked up inside. look at this. it is just junk. but it also offers hints at the potential horrors that amanda berry, gina dejesus and michelle knight faced inside this home. pamela brown has been in cleveland for us. let me bring you in and walk me through some of the photos. because even just looking at this child's bike, it is kind of disturbing. >> reporter: yeah, just a picture of innocence there in the midst of a treasure trove of evidence and ariel castro's backyard, brooke. you look at the backyard, and it just looks like a yard full of junk, just a dinghy backyard, with old materials and we see a basketball hoop and bikes. but then you look a little bit closer at these pictures and perhaps there are clues as to what went on inside the house of horrors here.
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we see spools and spools of barbed wire. thick spools of barbed wire. and then we see chains in these pictures. now, we know from authorities, we have learned, that these women were restrained in the basement of the home. we don't know if these items were used for that. but it is a possibility, brooke. there is the mirror. this is a strategically placed mirror on the outside of the home, presumably so ariel castro could keep an eye on any unexpected visitors coming up the driveway. and then we see the bike that you mentioned, brooke, this pink bike, fit for a little girl, perhaps a 6-year-old girl, that we know lived in this home that was fathered by ariel castro. so that's -- it is just chilling to see that. you see these bikes and you see the mini basketball hoop, so clearly these are items that were used for children, and then they're in the midst of the chains and spools of barbed
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wire. it is disturbing when you look at these items, brooke. >> as we look through these photos, and here is a tarp, perhaps this was ariel castro's way of keeping prying eyes out of the backyard. we know he's in jail and apparently exhibiting strange behavior. what have you learned? >> reporter: yeah, we obtained the jail logs for ariel castro, essentially guards have to log every ten minutes what he's doing. so we took a look at several pages of this log, and most of it is mundane, just him laying down, resting. but then you come across a few that says he's in his cell naked, and then there is one entry that says he was flossing his teeth with loose strings of the mat in his cell. so very, very bizarre behavior here, brooke. >> pamela brown in cleveland. pamela, thank you. coming up next, it is a punishment making waves all
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across the u.s. a judge wants this bully banned from every school in her county. but the superintendent disagrees and this is the video, shows one of the girls attacked. that bully remains in school, the victim in this video is about to join me live. you'll hear her story and why this case could actually set a precedent. don't miss this. [ male announcer ] research suggests cell health
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a florida superintendent finds himself in the unexpected position of backing a bully. not just any bully here. the one seen in this video, pummeling a middle schooler to the point of a concussion and a fractured skull. as a result, this young woman on the top, she was charged with felony battery and what's more,
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she has a history of beatings. so, a florida judge made this unprecedented move. he banned this 14-year-old girl from every single public school in duvall county, florida. we're not naming her because she's a minor, but that is when the school superintendent stepped in. viti talked to cbs news and told this correspondent that every student has a constitutional right to a public education. here is a quote. quote, i don't think we should use the bad decision that children make outside of school as an example or scapegoat to make a message. joining me now, the target of that attack in the video and her attorney. welcome to both of you. and also joining me is our own legal analyst and attorney for our sister network hln joey jackson. so, aria, let me begin with you. help me understand what happened. from what i understand, the day you were beaten up, a fellow student lured you off school
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grounds, do you have any idea why you were targeted? >> not really. like -- >> go ahead. >> i didn't know it was coming. and it was, like, unexpected. >> it was unexpected for you. but from what i can tell, aria, there were a bunch of people standing around. how many people were standing there watching? >> the police officer said there was around 20. >> wow. and we're looking at you now, i know you recovered. but according to the florida court ruling, this girl, this bully can now go back to class. i know she is back in class, not at your school, but given what happened to you, how do you feel about that? >> i'm getting pulled out of school now because i don't want to be -- every time i go back i think about that and so i don't trust anybody. so i'm just going to be home
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schooled. >> you're going to be home schooled, even though this young woman, who was accused of attacking you, isn't even at your school anymore. is that correct? >> yes. >> do you think she can -- this young woman, do you think she can ever stop being violent? >> it's a possibility if she gets help. >> t.c., here is my question to you. i know that there are a lot of bully stories out there. we wanted to talk about this one. it struck us because this judge made this unprecedented move, you know, banning this student from all the schools in the county. want to tell you that the girl's attorney did tell us this, quote, from their perspective, our goal has been to return our client, a child, to a public school so she can complete her studies for this academic year. we believe the child should be educated in, not banned from the public school system. you're a lawyer. you know the law.
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what do you make of the point that any child has a constitutional right to public education? >> when they're speaking of that constitutional right, they're referring to the florida constitution. and they -- the florida constitution says that every student in florida has a right to public education. and that's what they're referring to. as far as our position is that, you know, initially we didn't want aria's attacker back in her school. and that's what we're asking for as far as how the judge ruled. the judge ruled that she's not allowed in duvall county schools. there is a saying in law school that we -- that we live by, the law at the time is what the judge says it is at the time. and, you know, that's how the judge ruled. and that's something we supported from day one. he obviously thought that the
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attacker was a threat to other students, not only aria, but other students as well. >> okay. joey, let me go to you as an objective legal voice, because we know how the judge ruled. we have this higher court ruling putting a pause on that and allowing this child, this attacker to be in another school. what do you make of this? >> what happens in any scenario is courts have to balance equities and, of course, the florida constitution speaks to the issue of public education. the united states constitution does not and historically has not spoken to that because we know education is a localized issue. however what a court has to do is balance the violent and vicious propensities of a student versus the need for that student to get an education and not harm other people. how this plays out, of course, as we know, a judge felt it appropriate to ban this student from the whole county. and then, of course, a judge stepped in and said, no, you can't do that, but it would be appropriate, i guess, to ban her from the school. i guess the ultimate objective
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that students are educated, they're educated in an environment where they can learn, that they're not subject to other people's vicious propensities and they can continue to grow and develop into a wonderful as i'm sure aria will do. >> my final question to you, beyond all the legal talk, you talk about how, you know, you're going to be home schooled, but this young woman, who you say attacked you what do you think should happen to her? >> i believe everyone should get their learning education, but i think that it goes to a certain content. if she started harming other people and stopping them from learning, i think she should get taken out. and, i don't know. >> you think this school she's at now, you think she does deserve a second chance or perhaps this is a third or fourth chance for her? >> she's used all her chances. >> aria and t.c., thanks to both
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of you and, of course, joey jackson. appreciate it. now to this. sounds like a story straight from the cold war, russia claims it caught an american spy red-handed and it is expelling him now from the country. he's identified by moscow as ryan fogle, the third secretary of the political department of the u.s. embassy in the russian capital. the russians say he's actually a cia agent trying to recruit a staff member of one of the russian special services. the russians say he was caught with wigs, cash, a knife and dark glasses. phil black live in moscow. wow. phil, tell me more about this spying claim there. >> reporter: sure, brooke. russia's leading spy agency, the fsb, says it picked up ryan fogle, detained him on the streets of moscow, overnight, and they videotaped the whole encounter. that's where we got the pictures we can show you now. it shows this man who is said to be ryan fogle, initially in a pretty unconvincing blonde wig,
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when he's first detained and then taken into the fsb building and questioned and they said they found him carrying as you described essentially a spy kit as well as all those little technical devices you described. he's also said to be carrying a big pile of cash and a written letter that the russians say were instructions and a financial offer to the man, the russian agent, that he was trying to turn, he was trying to recruit on behalf of the united states. he was later released to the u.s. embassy and he's now been ordered to leave the country by the russian government. but the fsb, that spy agency, says this is the latest in a series of recent tips by the americans to recruit russian agents in its security and law enforcement agencies. but they say they have been watching and monitoring these all along. brooke? >> so what is the u.s. government, if anything, saying about all this? >> reporter: so far no comment from the u.s. government, from the u.s. embassy near moscow, no comment at all. the russian foreign ministry
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says that this is provocative, this is all in the spirit of the cold war, and it raises serious questions about america's intentions and they have summoned the u.s. ambassador to the foreign ministry to explain precisely what was going on. it takes place in an environment where u.s. russian relations had been improving in recent weeks. the last 18 months had been very cold, very chilly. the last few weeks or so, russia and the us us have been talking about working closely together again on counterterrorism, finding a solution for syria, so forth. now remains to be seen if the continued reaction to this one embarrassed spy is enough to derail some of that recent progress. brooke? >> phil black for us in moscow. phil, thank you. next, o.j. simpson smiling as he entered the court today. take a look. four years in jail, he will take the stand, to try to convince a judge he deserves a whole new trial and that could happen as soon as today. we're live in vegas next. yeah. mm. some laxatives like dulcolax can cause cramps.
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reduced to a grimace there. he's trying to earn a shot at a new robbery trial based on the fact he had a lousy lawyer, so says o.j. simpson. ted rowlands is live us with from las vegas. i know it's been 17, 18 years, but i cannot get over the difference in the o.j. simpson, you know, the way he looks in court today there, versus how he looked in court during his double murder trial back in '95. back then, there he is in the fancy suit, animated. today, prison blues and, i mean, is he shackled to his chair today? >> yeah, actually, he is. he's shackled. he has his right arm is unshackled and they had to fight this morning with the judge to allow him not to be completely shackled. so his right arm is free so he can put his glasses on and take notes. otherwise, he's locked in that chair much different than seeing o.j. simpson in a courtroom normally, during every break he
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would jump up and look around and talk to everybody. as you mentioned, much different o.j. than 19 years ago and also four years ago here in this courthouse. >> okay, so, tomorrow, ted, tomorrow is the big day, that's the day we expect to see o.j. simpson testifying and we know, ted, the prisons are full of inmates who claim they had lousy lawyers. what is o.j. going to say? >> reporter: well, there is two things that the defense really wants o.j. to come through on. and that is two of their prongs why they believe he needs a new trial, because of ineffective counsel. the first is that he's going to say he didn't know that there was a deal on the table during this trial for two years in prison. and he'll say that if he had known that, he would have taken it. they'll say yale galanter denied the deal without consulting o.j. yale galanter i'm sure will tell a different story when he testifies. the other important point will be that he will say that yale galanter, his lawyer, knew about this robbery before it happened, that he planned it with him, and that would make him a potential
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co-conspirator. surely a conflict of interest. if this judge believes that yale galanter knew about this going in, then o.j. does have a real good shot at getting a new trial. >> we'll see if he can pull it off. we'll check back in with you tomorrow, ted rowlands in las vegas. thank you. up next, prince harry getting a little bit of heat for his football skills. see this? well, any minute, we're back to see how he handles baseball in harlem. we'll take you there live next. ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up.
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how you work so hard without looking like you do. how you make every dollar stretch so far and keep your family so close. so we brought back the things you liked about jcpenney. gave you new things to explore. and now, we're happy to say, you've come back to us. ♪ we're speechless. except for two little words. ♪
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britain's prince harry. any minute now he'll be in harlem taking in a little baseball, all part of this week-long tour of the u.s. earlier new jersey governor chris christie played royal tour guide to -- actually view damage to last year's superstorm sandy, meeting with survivors and first responders. today, even taking a little time to play some games on the boardwalk. cnn's max foster is now in harlem. and, max, i know this whole trip you've been surrounded by screaming women and i'm sure half the reason is because of you and half the reason because of prince harry. tell me where he is right now.
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>> reporter: well, he's about to ar and n re, you know. this is a sport he's never played before. the whole world's media is here. just heard that the pitcher is going to be the new york yankees mark teixeira. so no pressure on him here. but he has been practicing, i'm told, confused about whether you spin the ball or throw it. you know more about that than me. you see behind me, it all being set up. so he's going to go to different stations around the field here and do some batting and pitching and all sorts of things. we'll see how he does. he's had a good day. hurricane sandy, went to see the damage done down there and gave a few sound bites to the gathered media. talked about the american spirit very much being alive there. and then popped in on the prime minister. this is interesting, brooke. speaking to the foreign office, the prime minister struggling to get publicity on his tour of the u.s., but prince harry is not struggling at all. >> not struggling at all. i see some little ones running behind you. max foster, listen, we'll come back to you as soon as we see prince harry take to the mound,
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maybe for a little batting practice. we kind of want to see that. max, we'll be back to you momentarily. meantime, the fate of your favorite tv show being revealed right now in hollywood. networks announcing which shows are canceled, which news shows are coming. you're about to get a special inside look as to how the pilots get approved in the first place. we will speak to a couple of special guests here coming up next. matt's brakes didn't sound right... i brought my car to mike at meineke...
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can you hear it? can you hear it? it is the sound of the ax falling over and over again in hollywood as the networks are announcing which tv shows they plan to cancel. the list is so long, we tried to make a full screen graphic and couldn't fit all the titles on for you here. according to entertainment weekly, deception, animal
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practice, smash, vegas, fringe, the ax. networks are figuring out what to leave behind, they're also investing millions on what is ahead. tv's next big hit, all this in the fast changing medium when the competition doesn't even have commercials. house of cards, anyone? all 13 episodes went straight to netflix. to help us sort this out, we have two veterans of the industry, david boreanis starred on a tv show for, like, the last 17 years, buffy the vampire slayer, angel, bones, you like that? a good introduction for you. >> that's fantastic. >> jared moses, united entertainment group, matches entertainers with advertisers, et cetera. welcome. >> thank you. >> jared, so many canceled shows, this go round. why is that? what is happening? >> the networks are not patient anymore. it is very hard to maintain an
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audience, let alone build one. now they are just putting shows out there, if it is not happening within a few episodes, they'll cross it off the list and try to replenish it with something new. they have a huge queue of pilots waiting to be aired. >> david, you've been through two decades of tv. you've seen all kinds of things. what is it you think that it takes now to get a tv show, not just to be on air, but to be a success? >> it is the writing. comes down to the writing, obviously. you come out with huge pilots that cost a lot of money to do, and these shows they get picked up and all of a sudden, you start shooting episode one in the fall time and you have a quarter of the budget and have to shoot it in eight days versus 18 days and see how fast those shows decline or fall off because they can't keep up with what they are trying to produce. so it really starts with the writing. and the quality in the cast, and what you put out there. >> okay. so then you, though, now, this isn't just all on network, as we pointed out. you have house of cards, this
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ginormous success now on netflix. you have also walking dead, not even on abc or cbs, et cetera. jared, what is a network executive to do at this moment? >> i mean, the playing field is so wide open now. as you said, house of cards, i mean, they have an audience of 30 million that they can market towards. they get 10% of the audience, which they have done, maybe even more, it is a successful show by any means, on any network. amc, they stacked the deck with an amazing amount of shows with lead-ins and just continuing to build their content up and up. now as an executive, on a network, you have to -- look at the quality of content, as david said, and find a team of writers and actors that are going to deliver a great product. and the advertisers will follow if the product is there. instead of just looking for a short-term game, look to build something for long-term growth for a network. >> david, what do you think is the next big hit? what do viewers want to see? >> the next big hit, well,
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obviously something that has characters that are invested in a relationship with each other. television, you go into people's homes and what happens is if they can identify with those characters, then they're going to welcome them back every week. so there is an identification. identify with booth or brennan because they're solving cases, but talking about life. for me it always has been relationship and the story. so the next big hit, i kind of like michael j. fox's news comi. subject matter for him that he's attacking right on, and i think it is going to be a very successful show. >> and maybe we'll just see a lot more zombies and cia agents as well. >> lots of zombies yeah. >> we keep watching tv. david and jared, thank you. best of luck to all of you in your tv endeavors for years to come. >> yes, yes. and chrome girl, we got to get some cnn red nail polish to you, a new product, talking about social media, this is something
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we're launching that has been launched and we're going to get some to you. >> all right, sounds good. thank you so much. >> thank you. in next hour of "cnn newsroom," a federal agency starts a new push to curb drinking and driving. learn why it is being met with actually a lot of criticism. i i had pain in my abdomen...g. it just wouldn't go away. i was spotting, but i had already gone through menopause. these symptoms may be nothing... but they could be early warning signs of a gynecologic cancer, such as cervical, ovarian, or uterine cancer. feeling bloated for no reason. that's what i remember. seeing my doctor probably saved my life. warning signs are not the same for everyone. if you think something's wrong... see your doctor. ask about gynecologic cancer. and get the inside knowledge. constipated? yeah. mm. some laxatives like dulcolax can cause cramps. but phillips' caplets don't. they have magnesium. for effective relief of occasional constipation. thanks. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life.
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hit play. ♪ i will always love you ♪ >> a flight from new york to l.a. diverted because this woman would not stop singing whitney. ♪ will always love you yep. still going. even while they led her off the plane. the woman has since been released, no charges filed. it is not quite grand theft auto, the cars at this texas dealership are still there. but the wheels and tires gone. on 48 of them. police say the thieves got away with parts worth more than $100,000. implosion fail. 220 pounds of explosives, not enough to bring down this australian building. yep, the 4,000 ton silo not going down without a fight. a forklift brought in for the final nudge.
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how's this for a catch? 69 pounds, four feet long, this stri striped bass, the largest ever caught in the world. it was reeled in from a river in alabama back in february. the proud owner of the fish says he'll melt the prize at his favorite hangout shop, an auto shop, of course. boston strong, a comeback for history books last night. down by three in a final period, the bruins erupt for one, two, three scores to tie the game before sending toronto home in overtime. oh, dwyane wade, expect a call from the fashion police. >> whoa. >> he got floods? >> the heat star called out for last night's pregame outfit, a polka dot capri pantsuit. hmm. well, miami did go on to win despite six points from wade. and that's today's hit play.
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polka dot capri pants. much more on angelina jolie's decision to have her breasts removed. i'll speak live with miss america contestant alen rose who says she is also getting a double mastectomy. we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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revelation, inside the gene test that led to angelina jolie's double mastectomy. spy games, wigs, weapons, dark glasses, how russia says it nabbed a cia agent. inside the obama administration's horrible no good very bad week. plus, a teen athlete found dead inside a gym mat. after a picture surfaces, his parents are demanding answers. >> did you believe that? >> no. >> and you still don't believe it? >> no, i don't. and attention space geeks, buzz aldrin joins me live on why america should colonize mars very soon. here we go. hour two. i'm brooke baldwin. thanks for being with me here. i want to begin this hour with some strange goings on in washington. on the justice department's
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snooping today, the president's chief spokesman says that the white house learned about it yesterday when the rest of us heard the news about the far reaching subpoena covering journalists. and then there is the story concerning the irs apparently making conservative groups jump through all kinds of hoops just to get tax exempt status. jay carney said, hold on, let's get more facts. in washington now, jessica yellin, chief white house correspondent, and gloria borg, chief political analyst. so, jessica, first to you there. i know you peppered jay carney today about this whole irs story. what's the movement on that? >> well, brooke, as you saw today, jay carney got questions from just about every direction on this story. and his response was something that is very familiar to anybody who has watched white house briefings over the years. can't comment on an ongoing investigation. listen. you say check our history, rapid commentary, but you have to understand and hear how it
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sounds like the administration might be hiding something. so can we take these one at a time? on the irs, on friday, they gave one version of the story that has changed several times since then. can you just say plainly, does the president believe they're being truthful and does he think the leadership there needs to change? >> well, i don't have that -- i don't understand how that tracks with your first sentence about assertion here. we have seen the reports as the president said, and if the reports are true, he would consider them -- >> even the irs acknowledged some of this happened. so the president and this administration could agree -- >> i think you heard the president say yesterday, if it turns out to be the case, and, again, there is a lot of reporting, not all of it complimentary, some of it contradictory -- >> we now learned -- >> how could irs personnel be isolated. that could be the entire agency. he's facing -- jessica, he's facing -- >> does he think this is a
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broader problem? >> he's concerned by every report he sees on this. you can believe he's concerned by that. and that is why he looks forward to finding out what the ig report says. >> brooke, jay wouldn't say what the result or consequence of the president's concern or outrage would be. we'll have to wait and see what the results of that report are. so we'll wait and see. i should point out real quick that at the same time almost identical time that jay carney was briefing the attorney general said he's going to open an investigation into the irs issue. unclear what that could produce. >> criminal probe specifically. jessica, thank you. let me bounce to this whole associated press view. we heard eric holder speaking for first time about this, about the department of justice, you know, seizing these phone records from the associated press over the course of two months. >> without their knowledge. the subpoena without their
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knowledge. >> without their knowledge. what more did he share? >> well, look, i think that the big complaint from the ap is that not only was this a subpoena, but a subpoena without their knowledge, which in their view is almost unprecedented. eric holder, of course, has recused himself from this matter because he was interviewed as part of this leak investigation. and so he obviously had to recuse himself. what is interesting what is going on here in washington, i should say, is that don't forget it was republicans in congress who said to the administration, you got to get a handle on these, you have to investigate these leaks, so of national security matters. so the white house investigates these leaks and republicans and democrats, by the way, but republicans in particular are now the defenders of the first
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amendment and many have been before, of course, but now saying along with the press, wait a minute, you cannot do this. this has a chilling effect on the first amendment and the way reporters gather information. so it is a kind of topsy-turvy situation here, but the white house can't win. in two out of three of these cases, i would argue, on the irs, in particular, and on the ag subpoenas, the white house is really a step or two removed on benghazi. they are not removed. but on two or three out of these, the timing is completely unfortunate for them. >> gloria borger, thank you. and jessica yellin, thanks to you as well. from washington we go to harlem. it is not often i hear in my ear my executive producer telling me that prince harry is now playing baseball. but here you have it, live pictures, prince harry playing some ball with some underprivileged kids there in harlem. max foster is there.
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max teixeira, the first baseman for the yankees, going to hop over to the mound and toss out some pitches to these guys and gals. big doings in harlem. >> reporter: yeah. no pressure on prince harry. doesn't really play baseball. not particularly good at cricket even. so he's out here in front of the world media, getting some practice in. but he's out, as you say, he's got the experts on site. we'll see how he does. just been given this jersey with prince harry written on it, which is quite fun. hopefully he'll put that on as well. it is all about promoting his charities and one of the big causes he's interested in is getting young people into sport. this is interesting this project here, this is all about getting underprivileged kids into sports coaching, give them the confidence to coach teams, not necessarily go on to become coaches, but give them confidence that they can achieve. he's got a similar charity in the uk. so he's putting himself in here. he was throwing a ball a minute ago. the other day he was playing
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american football, brooke, and he actually managed to plant a football in the media pen. some think that was on purpose. hopefully won't happen this time. >> his throwing arm has made headlines, i know, here in the u.s. and now he's talking to this little knows the cameras are on him or shall we wait? let's see. let's stay with this for the moment and see if we see a little baseball. are these live pictures or is this tape, guys? okay. so these are live. max foster, we're going to leave it there. we see him enjoying a nice sunny day in harlem. he's been working with the wounded warriors in colorado, touring some of damaged areas of new jersey today with chris christie, the super storm sandy impact. so good to see him there and maybe not in vegas this time around. max foster, thank you so much. now to a story that impacts almost every american, this is one of the biggest killers in the united states. drunk driving accidents. claiming the lives of about 10,000 americans each and every
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year. and so today, the national transportation safety board took a bold step, it recommended that states lower the blood alcohol threshold for drivers. cnn's shannon travis joins me in washington and what was the recommendation, shannon? >> the recommendations from the ntsb are basically to lower the blood alcohol content, brooke, from .08 to .05. now, to explain a little bit more about that in a moment, there are a few other recommendations they're making to all 50 states. they want for the states to allow cops, police officers, basically, who pull over drunk drivers, to basically be able to quickly confiscate their driver's licenses, another thing they're recommending is that cops who pull over a first time offender, that they basically make those people get these ignition locking devices where you have to breathe into it for the car to start. now, back to this .08 vers versus .05, what does that mean in practical terms? let's say, brooke, you go out
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after work, you're hanging out, what have you, you have a few beers or what have you, take a look at what i've set up here in terms of a simulation. this is not real, brooke. this is apple juice and this is water. >> you're not making a beer run in the middle of your tuesday? >> i'm not going to have it. not right now. maybe later on. i won't drive definitely. but just want to give people a real sense of what this actually means. estimates. for a person who is about 200 pounds, obviously, depends whether you're a male or female, what kind of food you've eaten, how long you've been drinking, your health condition, let's take a rough estimate according to a calculator we use. right now, you would be able to have four of these beers and be at the limit, be just fine at the blood alcohol content limit. three gin and tonic. if these new rules, if these new rules are adopted across different states, brooke, take way two of those beers, you would only be able to have two before you reach the legal limit
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before being considered drunk and take away one of the gin and tonics. we're talking about separate, not all of this together. this basically means that you will have to drink less, but the ntsb says there is a very good reason for this, brooke. they estimate that between 500 and 800 people will stay alive every year if this change goes into effect. >> which is a positive outcome of this potential change, but at the same time, shannon travis, i know some people not at all happy about this. >> that's right. as you can imagine, there is some opposition, namely from the american beverage institute. i'll read this quote. this recommendation is ludicrous, moving from .08 to .05 would criminalize perfectly responsible behavior, further restricting the moderate consumption of alcohol by responsible adults prior to driving does nothing to stop hard core drunk drivers from getting behind the wheel. again, that's from the american beverage institute. one last thing, could this be
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coming to your state? i mentioned earlier that this -- these recommendations are only that, brooke, these do not have the force of law. the stakes pretty much set their own bac rates on their own. but there could be financial incentives for the states to adopt this new lower rate and also a number of the states to already kind of open to lowering the rate anyway. so could be coming to a state near you. we'll have to wait and see on that. >> okay, shannon travis. people are wondering certainly if it could affect them. shannon, thank you so much. and american diplomat in russia is ordered out of the country after he is accused of spying. he is identified by moscow as ryan fogle, the third secretary of the political department of the u.s. embassy in the russian capital. the russians claim he's actually a cia agent who is trying to recruit a staff member of one of the -- from one of the russian special services. they say he was caught with wigs. saw the table, right? wigs and cash, a knife, dark glasses. he was detained and then turned
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over to the u.s. embassy. mike baker is with me now from new york. good to see you, mike. a former cia covert operations officer. listen, these aren't the cold war days. we know spying still happens. what can you tell me about the case. >> this is -- most people thought after the fall of the wall, that was it. we're all holding hands and everybody is getting along really well. make no mistake, you know, we spend a great deal of time as do our allies and others that are hostile, trying to find out other people's secrets. so, you know is it shocking that the agency is involved in trying to recruit a russian intel officer? absolutely not. the russians do this and spend a great deal of time trying to do the same. remember that story, not that long ago, we expelled ten russians from the us us.
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>> the red head, of course. >> everybody said what a funny story. but we have to remember how much resources the russians put into that and putting people here in our own country. so of and by itself, not that interesting. what is interesting is the timing. typically the way these things play out is that it is not as if the fsb, the russian service, and, remember, putin is an old school former kgb officer, he's very close to the fsb, it is not as if they just stumbled across this young man in moscow, overnight, and now they raised it. they had this in their pocket waiting to use this for a period of time, when to play the card. they decided now is a good time to play it. >> while they're playing the card, we know they detained this guy, ordered him out of russia. why not arrest him? >> well, because there is a traditional game that goes on between, you know, us and others out there in this area. it tends to be a tit for tat. and in this case, and, you know, bear with me on this one, i
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think the timing of this is fascinating. coming on the heels of the boston bombing, remember, we all said, the russians, they were trying to help us, gave us a name, they gave us a date of birth of tamerlan tsarnaev, they were trying to cooperate and the white house after the boston bombings talking about the new cooperation. in reality, the russians had a massive file on tamerlan. it is not as if they weren't surveilling him the whole time he was over in dagestan during the six months. they had that file. we started to make some noise about the fact that, you know in reality, after the dust had settled, and looking at the situation, we probably could have prevented the boston bombing if the russians were more forth coming, if they agreed to cooperate with us on the war on terror and shared some of that information they had on tamerlan before the attack. because that noise was coming out, the russians decide to play this card about this individual in moscow, who is committing, they say, espionage, and we're going, wait a minute, it deflects, distracts the attention of the public and now
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the public is saying why are we spying on the russians with we need their cooperation on the war on terror. >> tit for tat information sharing and perhaps lack thereof. mike baker, thank you. >> thank you. coming up next, a chilling story without answers. a teenager found dead in his school gymnasium, wrapped up in this cheerleading mat. police initially said no foul play. but his parents after seeing this picture are demanding answers. a cnn investigation is next. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about... with ted's now ex-girlfriend. wheeeee! whoo! later ted! online claims appointments. just a click away on
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. you are about to hear ay, a answers, at least not yet. parents of a high school athlete are demanding answers, they say police are covering up their son's death. the 17-year-old was found dead at his school in valdosta, georgia. police called it an accident. but kendrick johnson's parents aren't buying it. they saw their son's face after he was pronounced dead and say the police explanation just doesn't add up. cnn's victor blackwell has this story, but, first, just have to warn you, we obtained that photo of kendrick johnson's face after his death. it is within this story you're
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about to see. it is extremely graphic. so, please, be advised. here's victor. >> i wish this on no one. >> reporter: kenneth and jacqueline johnson knew something was wrong when their 17-year-old son kendrick did not come home from school january 10th. >> there is a dead body out here. >> okay, where at, sir? >> old gym. >> reporter: the next day, kendrick was found upside down in a rolled cheerleading mat, like these. >> weak, nervous. >> reporter: investigators say it appeared kendrick, who was 5'10", was reaching for his shoe that had fallen into the center of a 6 foot mat and got stuck. a tragic accident. >> no foul play. he had no bruises, no nothing. >> reporter: did you believe that? >> no. >> reporter: and you still don't believe it? >> no, i don't. >> reporter: they think the story about the mat is a cover-up. >> well, i don't know what to find. >> reporter: according to
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georgia law, the coroner should have been contacted immediately. kendrick's body was found at about 10:30. >> i was notified at a quarter of 4:00. >> reporter:utenan jones is with the sheriff's office. >> it is a time consuming process to work your way from the outside in. once our investigators got to the deceased, the coroner was contacted immediately. >> the only reason that i was questioned this incident whatsoever was i wasn't called to the scene in a timely fashion. >> reporter: the johnsons say the story does not make sense. >> he could have pushed that rocked and it would have fell over. i tried to get in it. i couldn't get no forward -- my neck muscles into the mat. >> reporter: then this photo of kendrick's face. >> as handsome as my son was, you see him like that, it is crazy. i really feel he was murdered.
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>> reporter: the photo has been shared thousands of times online. there is a facebook page dedicated to the case and a local rapper has written a song. ♪ i see the sheriff got all the wrong answers ♪ ♪ he must be blind if he can't see something happened ♪ >> we want justice. we want justice. >> reporter: there are now rallies nearly every day in valdosta. >> no matter who you are, how much money your parents have, the color of your skin, everyone deserves justice. everyone. >> reporter: more than 100 days after kendrick's body was discovered, scores of interviews and hours of investigation, the georgia bureau of investigation determined kendrick accidentally smothered to death. >> we examined all the alternatives that were presented to us. and the only one that fit, the physical evidence, and the forensic evidence and the testimonial evidence was this was an accident. >> reporter: hours after the release of the report -- ♪
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-- as scheduled, another rally. >> victor blackwell joins me now with all the rallies in valdosta, i was sitting here asking you, when he was found, he's a fairly decent-sized man, he was found inside the mat? >> inside the mat. the coroner tells us that this hole in the center of the mat is 14 inches wide. his shoulders were 19 inches wide. he says that he was found in a -- like a swimmer's position with one arm extended. the family asks if his arm is extended, he's reaching for something on the floor, and he's 5'10", how can that extended arm and his 5'10" frame not peek out past the mat and how can he be there overnight? >> where does this stand now? >> the sheriff's office says it was closed, but they're willing to listen to credible evidence. the johnson family has hired an
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attorney. they say their son was beaten and killed. they're lobbying the department of justice to look into not only kendrick's death, but the sheriff's office investigation of his death. i called the u.s. attorney there in that district, michael moore, and he says when family comes forward with such serious allegations, they are listening. he has not said yet if they will take this case. >> stay on it. could be more than meets the eye here. victor blackwell, thank you very much. coming up next, we'll look into the backyard of the man charged with kidnapping three young women in cleveland, plus we're learning more about ariel castro's bizarre behavior behind bars. ed by you. how you work so hard without looking like you do. how you make every dollar stretch so far and keep your family so close. so we brought back the things you liked about jcpenney. gave you new things to explore. and now, we're happy to say, you've come back to us. ♪ we're speechless.
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want to take you to cleveland now and show you some chilling photographs you will only see here on cnn of this backyard where ariel castro allegedly held those three women and a young girl, young child, locked up inside. i know it looks like a pile of junk here, but this could be really a treasure trove hinting at the potential horrors that
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amanda berry and gina dejesus and michelle knight faced inside those walls. pamela brown is live in cleveland. and, pamela, let's begin with the photos, walk me through what we see. >> reporter: yeah, brooke. you look at these photos and it looks just like a mini junkyard eric bunch of different knicknack items gathered together in the backyard of ariel castro's home. and then you take a closer look and put them in context of what allegedly happened inside castro's home and you start to put together a more disturbing picture. we see spools, large spools of barbed wire throughout the yard in these pictures. and also the pictures show chains. now, we're hearing from the person that took these pictures that there were several chains throughout this yard. so we know that the women, according to authorities, they did were chained up, bound inside the home, we don't know if these items were used for that. certainly a possibility. also, a mirror. not just any mirror.
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it is a mirror that is strategically placed on the outside of the home, presumably so that ariel castro could see who was coming up his driveway. so that he could keep an eye out for any unexpected visitors. and then also, brooke, a picture of innocence here. we see a little pink barbie bicycle in the midst of all this clutter, this mess. and we know that ariel castro had a 6-year-old daughter living in the house. so, again, you can only imagine that this bike was used by his little girl. as far as ariel castro goes, he's still in restriction at the county jail, which means this is a certain protocol for high profile inmates like himself. we looked through a jail log that we obtained, guards have to log every ten minutes what he's doing, and a lot of it is just pretty mundane stuff, like he's eating, sleeping, but then, brooke, we saw a couple of things that stood out. one in a couple of the logs he was walking around his cell naked and then a second one, a guard had to go in and talk to him because he was apparently
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flossing his teeth with part of his mat. strange. >> beyond strange. but, again, it is a man facing charges of kidnapping and rape. pamela brown for me in cleveland, thank you. bottom of the hour now. it is the bombshell announcement that sent ripples through hollywood and across the world today. angelina jolie revealing in this new york times opinion piece that earlier this year she had not just one, but both of her breasts removed. and she isn't the first woman, obviously, at high risk of breast cancer to make this kind of a decision. and she will not be the last either. this is 24-year-old alen rose, miss d.c., she doesn't have breast cancer, but she has decided she, too, will have both of her breasts surgically removed. rose has a genetic mutation, which means there is a good chance she could develop the disease in the coming years. it is a disease that has already claimed the lives of three women in her family, including her
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mother and her grandmother. and she joins me live here to talk about this. good to see you. and also joining me here in studio, elizabeth cohen, our senior medical correspondent. so alin, let me begin with you. i remember when you made the public announcement earlier this year, saying after taking the pageant stage that you would have both of your breasts removed. i'm curious, have you booked the surgery? >> it is one of those things where i wanted to make sure i was in the best mental and physical state before i undertook this, you know, pretty drastic decision. i gave up my miss gk tigd.c. ti june 9th and that's when i'll delve in this, find the right surgical staff for me. i have my entire calendar booked out. it is a big decision. and it is something that you shouldn't go into lightly and i think it is an incredibly courageous thing that angelina has come o and been so candid
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about this. >> and same to you as well. >> thank you. >> when you read the opinion piece from angelina jolie, she talks about femininity, and, you know, listen, you're beautiful, you're in the business of beauty, talk to me about how you arrived at this as you call it a drastic decision that would forever change your body. >> i think she said a lot of the similar things that i said earlier. or later last year. you know, my body is not the important thing. being around for my kids some day is the important thing. my mom left me her journals and in them she talked about what it was like to, you know, not go through chemotherapy, not have cancer, but just fear leaving her most precious job of raising her kids unfinished and that was a central theme. and i never wanted that to be me. and that's how angelina feels and that's what she put out. i want to be around for my kids. >> you want to be around for your kids. you are losing a part of your self. i know there are reconstructive surgeries that one can endure.
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is that something that you would look into? >> yes, i will have reconstructive surgery. and i'm so grateful that i live in the world that we live in now and that there can be reconstruction. there are a lot of women who choose not to have reconstruction. i think that's an important thing to note, that, you know, not having your breasts doesn't make you any less beautiful. my mom had one breast her entire life and didn't stop her from being a good mom, a good wife or living her life being a successful businesswoman. so i think it is nice for someone like angelina to come out and say that's not what's important, life is important. >> allyn, i'll come back to you. elizabeth cohen, you hear this and the bravery of -- it is one thing, i remember when allyn came forward and then angelina jolie, boom in the new york times, and it is something that women and men here read and they think, hmm, maybe i should be tested, maybe i should look into this. >> right. and that is -- i was talking to a doctor today, and he was saying, that's the one, if you can put it this way, downside of today's news, he's afraid women
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will -- all these women will rush out and want this test. this test is really meant for women who have a family history of breast or ovarian cancer. if you don't have a significant family history, there is no reason to go looking for a gene. because nothing bad has happened in your family. so you don't want to run out and get the test. not just because it is expensive, you can sort of put that to the side for a minute, but because, and this gets confusing, there is a possibility that the answer you're going to get is, well, ma'am, you've got some weird gene mutation, but we don't know what it is and we don't know what it means, but it is kind of weird. >> and you're left thinking -- >> what i do now? it is very clear for angelina jolie, her mutation meant an 87% chance of getting breast cancer in her lifetime. she said, you know, for her, it was obvious she would have her breasts removed. if you get that murky answer, it will weigh on you psychologically and you don't know what to do. you only want to walk down that road if you have breast cancer in your family, like angelina
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and allyn do. if you don't have it in your family, you don't need this test. >> the woman who speaks for empowered patients. thank you for joining me. if you would like to better educate yourself here, learn more about the genetic testing that angelina jolie had and whether to elizabeth's point it is right for you, go to coming up next, a closer look at how this announcement impacts jolie's career in hollywood. she's still the one for you - you know it even after all these years. but your erectile dysfunction - you know,that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently.
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angelina jolie and she called it my medical choice in this opinion piece she penned in the new york times. so, christa, this woman has been a sex symbol for years. how is hollywood reacting to this? >> this is a really bold, strong choice of hers. and she's always had a lot of moxie as an actress. so it is not surprising she would come out with this kind of full disclosure and be incredibly candid. it is kind of a rally cry for women. i think this is only going to help her, how can it not? women, i've been looking at this stuff on twitter. people are so overwhelmingly supportive of her and her decision to come out. and also the very difficult decision. i just loved how she spoke about it. and this is a very real issue one in eight women will get breast cancer in their lifetime. her mother died at the age of 56 at ovarian cancer after fighting for almost a decade.
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so she's also the mother of six kids. i really commend her for making this public. >> i like the word you used, moxie, a great adjective. the sex symbol will continue to rain on. is that what i'm hearing you say? >> absolutely. she has always been -- when we first met her, when she starred in "gia" in the hbo movie, when she won her golden globe, she was jumping in pools and then her various marriages and then got together with brad and six children. she doesn't do anything in moderation. i think for her to make this public announcement is fantastic. and also i think she addresses some very real issues. this test is very expensive. it is cost prohibitive. a lot of times insurance actio s agencies will not cover tit. i went through a similar thing. i lost my mother through cancer and i was trying to do the tests
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and i had to fight with the insurance companies. so good for you, angelina. ry about your mom. christa smith, thank you for coming on and good for angelina jolie is what i say. thank you very much, with vanity fair. just ahead, one of the biggest trade secrets in history, the formula for coca-cola. have you heard this? it is for sale on ebay. and the document they're selling is the real thing. coca-cola says, yeah, that's impossible. we're going to take you inside the headquarters of coca-cola. to eat. then rest. to fuel the metabolic cycle they were born to have, purina one created new healthy metabolism wet and dry. with purina one and the right activity, we're turning feeding into a true nature experience. join us at you deserve more than justo flexibility and convenience.
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ebay for a cool $5 million. the seller says whoever wrote the document appears to have had inside information. >> on the last page of this, it says on page 83, extractor is the original coca-cola formula. that's what i'm basing most of this on. they had access to the original formula. >> must be legit, right? maybe not. maybe not. because just a short while ago, we went over to the world of coke where the secret formula is kept in a secure vault, of course. coke says the recipe is one of the most closely guarded trade secrets in history. this thing has been under lock and key since it was written down, more than 90 years ago. and, guess what, there is no copy of it. >> we know the history of the formula. and we know everything about it. so when people show up with copies, i know it's not true. >> thus this document on ebay was someone's attempt a long time ago to imitate coca-cola, but extremely unlikely the recipe is, in fact, as i said,
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the real thing. up next, new information about the benghazi terror attack. jake tapper host of "the lead" got a hold of a potentially telling e-mail. we'll talk to jake about that next. on home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. with angie's list, i know who to call, and i know the results will be fantastic. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. i i had pain in my abdomen...g. it just wouldn't go away. i was spotting, but i had already gone through menopause. these symptoms may be nothing... but they could be early warning signs of a gynecologic cancer, such as cervical, ovarian, or uterine cancer. feeling bloated for no reason. that's what i remember. seeing my doctor probably saved my life. warning signs are not the same for everyone. if you think something's wrong... see your doctor. ask about gynecologic cancer. and get the inside knowledge. where over seventy-five percent of store management started as i'm the next american success story. working for a company
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and we talked about the snooping by the department of justice, the broadly worded subpoena that investigators used to seize some journalists records. now let's talk about benghazi. jake tapper has gotten a hold of a potentially telling e-mail. jake tapper, tell me about it. >> well, what's interesting here, brooke, is that this e-mail that we obtained indicates that some of the leaks coming out about benghazi were inaccurate. previous media organizations and previous reports have reported that ben rhodes, a deputy national security adviser for president obama, in that long e-mail chain in which the state department expresses concerns about whether or not the talking points for congress would mention terrorist groups, or whether the warnings that the cia had made would make it easier for members of congress to beat up on congress, previous reports suggested that ben rhodes from the white house said in an e-mail that he wanted to
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make sure the state department's concerns were reflected in the talking points. but we obtained an actual copy of ben rhodes' e-mail and he doesn't mention the state department, he doesn't mention talking points, though that's the subject line of the whole e-mail chain, and it is principally what they were talking about. seemed to be doing something more cautious, which is saying that all of the players on the e-mail chain should have everything resolved and they would come to terms with that. so what is significant about this is that the rhodes e-mail had been discussed as evidence that the white house was using -- playing politics. and siding with the state department's concerns, which seemed political, over other concerns. this would seem to suggest that the rhode s e-mail does not say what some of the leakers told other media organizations what they claimed to have. >> i'll be interested to see who you have on your show and how you use this e-mail you have your hands on. jake tapper, thank you. we'll see you at the top of the
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hour on "the lead". up next, the one, the only buzz aldrin, why the legendary astronaut insists americans should go to mars very, very soon and we should stay there for a . ♪ in other words [ male announcer ] the classic is back. ♪ i love [ male announcer ] the all-new chevrolet impala. chevrolet. find new roads. ♪ you even in stupid loud places. to prove it, we set up our call center right here... [ chirp ] all good? [ chirp ] getty up. seriously, this is really happening! [ cellphone rings ]
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buzz aldrin says there are new finish lines ahead. he has written this new book called "mission to mars, my vision for space exploration." he explains why the red planet is in the lead. he joins me live. such a pleasure, buzz aldrin, thank you for coming on. i want to get to mars and your book in a moment. >> sure. >> but something i learned today. not only was your mother born, sir, the same year as the wright brothers' famous flight, but given your history, her last name was -- >> moon. m-o-o-n. my grandfather's name as an army chaplain was faye arnold moon. >> just wanted to share that. okay. you lived the history and excitement, sir. now here we have a couple space shuttles collecting dust on display. we have to rely on russia to get us to the international space station. how do you get, in terms of getting people excited again, let me just play this clip. commander chris hatfield, he's
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been singing, tweeting. here he was from yesterday. ♪ to ground control >> is this the kind of personality that we need to get our young people excited again? >> well, i certainly hope so. things that are timely and things that are unusual catch the public interest, and i'm quite aware of that. i think that there's a mission being planned right now called inspiration mars. >> yes. >> that will take a married couple to fly by the moon, launching in january, 2018. >> that's right. i love that it has to be a married couple. you say in this book not only will we get to mars. we should set up shop on mars. stay on mars. tell me why we should do that. >> well, the expense and the difficulty of setting up the
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stepping stones to get to mars are such that if we were to go and then come back shortly and then go again and come back, i'm sure that someone in our congress would say, well, we know how to do that. let's find another place where we can spend the money. so the investment in going to the moon years ago has paid tremendous dividends in our advancing technology and our education systems. and the same thing will come from the step by step approach qualifying the interplanetary spacecraft much more than those that were needed to be able to go to the moon and bring somebody back after three or four days. this is a very determined activity, building the base on the surface of mars is something that should be done very close
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by having human intelligence in orbit at the moon of mars, and they can be assembling just like i hope that we will do on the moon by the u.s. and also trained to do that on the big island of hawaii, believe it or not. >> just quickly, 20 seconds, sir, what do you think mars is like if you were to put boot prints on mars? >> it's much more habitable than the moon is. the one day is a little over 24 hours. the inclination of mars gives it seasons. the one year takes 689 days. it has water that's been demonstrated, and i'm sure that we can grow the food necessary to sustain people. and if we send people to the surface, they should stay there.
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this is the time historically for humans from the planet earth to begin to occupy permanently. >> yes. >> another planet in the solar system, and the president, who makes such a commitment, will go down in history for hundreds of thousands of years. >> buzz aldrin, a pleasure, sir. thank you so much. >> thank you very much. coming up next video you have to see. one of those tech. we teach cutting-edge engineering technology, computer information systems, networking and communications management -- the things that our students need to know in the world today. our country needs more college grads to help fill all the open technology jobs. to help meet that need, here at devry university, we're offering $4 million dollars in tech scholarships for qualified new students. learn more at
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close your eyes a spire being lifted to the top of the one world trade center in new york now 1776 feet tall, one of the tallest in the world. look at that. thanks so much for being with me today. i'm brooke baldwin. now "the lead" with jake tapper. allegations of snooping and spying. russia claims covert ops by a state department official and right here at home spying on the free press by the obama administration. i'm jake tapper and this is "the lead." the politics lead. verbal gymnastics from the obama administration today. the white house and the justice department turn on the full spin cycle in the middle of a scandal pileup. the world lead. at first it read like james bond but the more we hear the more it sounds like austin powers. the russians say they've caught an american spy and, hey, they've got the wigs to
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