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tv   Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown  CNN  May 19, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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of milk. [ speaking foreign language ] ♪ ♪ i took a walk ♪ through this beautiful world
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♪ felt the cool rain on shoulder ♪ ♪ found something good ♪ in this beautiful world ♪ i felt the rain getting colder ♪ ♪ sha, la, la, la, la ♪ ♪ sha, la, la, la, la, la ♪ it takes a special breed to live in a province like quebec. it gets cold in winter, and winters are long.
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it takes a special kind of person for whom frozen rivers, icy wind-whipped streets, deep seemingly endless forests are the norm. i will confess my partisanship up front. i love montreal. it is my favorite place in canada. the people who live there are tough, crazy bastards, and i admire them for it. toronto, vancouver, i love you, but not like montreal. why? i shall explain. all will be revealed. in the meantime, check this guy out. what's the post office's motto? neither rain nor sleet nor driving snow nor plague of locusts prevent the mail carrier from delivering my junk mail? >> here in montreal, the simple task of delivering the mail in winter comes with its own set of hurdles. icy hurdles. >> i got to ask, do you have special equipment for this? >> we've got like slip-on boots.
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we do have other boots in the rain -- sorry, when it gets icy. with spikes on them. and they give us also slip-on spikes for when it's icy. >> any sort of city ordinance that you have to shovel or -- they're not penalized financially? >> no, they're not penalized. nothing like that. >> any injuries in the line of duty? >> i had several like tumbles. one incident i was off for two months. i thought i broke my ankle. >> what is the most perilous aspect of the job? would it be dogs or icy stairs? >> in this area there's a lot of dogs, but i would say icy stairs. >> it's one thing to have to work outside in this wintry mess, but it takes a strange and wonderful kind of mutant to actually find it pleasurable. like, well, these two gentlemen.
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>> do you like the cold? i mean, by you, i mean the quebecois. >> it cleans the streets of ebola. >> the cold? >> yeah. >> the frigid cold keeps the riffraff out of the city, for sure. >> fred morin, dave mcmillen, restauranteur, chefs at the legendary joe beef, bon vivant, raconteur. historians of their beloved great white north. princes of hospitality. and what do men like this do for fun when the rivers turn to ice three feet thick, when testicles shrink and most of us scurry for warmth and shelter? if they were like so many other canadians, they would go ice fishing on the st. lawrence river. >> the cabin fever induces in the quebecois family, because we are confined perhaps to spend so much time indoors, a lot of the families love to do, you know, activities together like this, go to the cottage, go ice
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fishing. it gets you out of the house. it's very much a family thing. >> like many of their ilk, they'd seek one of the temporary towns of sled-borne cabins, drill a hole in the ice, and wait. but these are not normal men. >> so is quebec better than the rest of canada? >> obviously. >> it's not that, but yeah, sure. >> i mean, come on. you didn't have to think about that long. >> no. >> now, wait a minute. are strippers paid hourly here? is that right? it's not a tip system? >> it's considered an art, a performance art. >> it's considered a performance art. how does that work? >> you pay per song. >> you pay per song. >> and then you can get a dance in the back, which is a private dance. and that's 10 bucks a song, 5 bucks a song in public. >> that's why i go to prog rock strip bars, because their songs are super long. i'm cheap. i go for the king crimson lap dance. >> after a suspiciously stunned-looking fish emerges
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from the deep previously rufinaled by an eager producer no doubt, it is ignored. but fred and dave do things differently. no crudely fried fish and bread crumbs for these large men. living 19th century men. >> oh, whoa. holy -- look at that. >> instead, a hearty lunch of french classics, accompanied by many fine wines and liqueurs, as befitting gentlemen of discerning taste who have exhausted themselves in the wild. >> so this is how you live? >> well, more often than not, yes. >> we always have to travel well and eat properly. we're drinking a natural white wine, white burgundy. >> these are glacier bay oysters. as well as a couple of beaujolaises thrown in there. >> they're delicious. those are my prized possession. >> the funniest part about the restaurant business, isn't it just the cutlery? it's just the spoon is absolutely gorgeous. fred has a wonderful collection of tableware. without getting snobby or
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elitist, the eating off of vintage tableware is one of the great joys out of life. >> this is the interesting paradox of you guys. on one hand, you aspire to run a democratic establishment, and yet you are hopeless romantics when it comes to -- >> painful nostalgics. >> -- the art of living, right? what the -- sustenance is required. >> holy [ muted ] look at this. >> say a consomme of oxtail to begin. followed perhaps by a chilled lobster a la parisian. >> the art of fine dining is kind of disappearing, much to our chagrin. i work super hard at being an excellent dining companion. >> when seeking excellence in a dining companion, what qualities does one look for? >> i turn my phone off. you know, i never put my elbows on the table. >> really? >> of course. come prepared with stories. don't drink too much, don't become sloppy. >> come prepared with anecdotes?
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>> absolutely. >> no elbows on the table? >> no. it's not -- it's not proper. >> i'm a total failure as a dining companion. what is that? >> what's that, you ask? an iconic escoffier era classic of gastronomy. >> look at that sauce. holy crap. >> the devilishly difficult a la royale, a boneless wild hair. garnished with thick slaps of foie gras, seared directly on the cabin's wood stove. >> oh. damn. look at that. >> we're in a wooden shack, over three feet of ice, 100 feet of water. >> you are hopeless, hopeless romantics, gentlemen. oh, jesus, look at that. oh! the seared fois is perched atop an ethereal suspension of joe rabichan inspired potato puree. of course.
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>> this is cornois from reynaud vineyard. by thierry herman. >> nice. >> that's wonderful. >> yes, yes, it is. really, is there a billionaire or a despot anywhere on earth who at this precise moment is eating better than us? >> no. >> no. look at that. >> cheese. there must be cheese. in this case, a voluptuously reeking epoisses, who some less hardy outdoorsmen may call overripe, but not us. >> this is awesome. what do we have here? >> a few cubans. >> wait a minute, you guys have a much more relaxed attitude toward the importation of cuban cigars. >> chartreuse, of course, and a dessert as rare as it gets, a dinosaur-era monster long believed extinct. >> this is gateau marjolaine. >> who does this? >> it's one of those like
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painful nostalgic things. >> right. >> layers of almond and hazelnut meringue, chocolate buttercream. >> my god, look at that. damn, that's good. >> for these guys, this is normal. this is lunch. >> sundays it's like playhouse in my house. it's french playhouse. >> yeah, what do you do? >> we get dressed at their house. >> yeah. the kids too. >> he's a dandy. >> a sunday dandy. >> last time i did, i did the primrose and linzer torte, and i made a creme caramel. i made a salad de l'orange. a creme fraiche. and a huge cheese curd that was about like 15 kinds of cheese. >> right. and how many people are in your family at this meal? >> him and his wife, two young boys. >> how old are the kids? >> they're 2 and 4. >> so you, your wife, and a 2-year-old and a 4-year-old. >> they don't make it to the end, usually. i have to prematurely open the -- >> they don't like pernod?
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>> i'm thinking, you know, i also think i've got to do that. my daughter would totally be into it.
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once every few decades, maybe every century, a nation will produce a hero. an escoffiere, a muhammad ali, a dalai lama, joey ramone. someone who changes everything about their chosen field, who changes the whole landscape. life after them is never the same.
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martin picard is such a man. a heretofore unencountered hybrid of rugged outdoorsman, veteran chef with many years of fine dining experience, renegade, innovator, he is one of the most influential chefs in north america. he is also a proud quebecois, and perhaps he more than anyone else has defined for a new generation of americans and canadians what that means. he is an unlikely ambassador for his country and his province. but maybe not so unlikely. i mean, look at him. out for a day trapping beaver with local trapper carl. >> no? >> so the bait is wood? >> yeah, just the bark. >> they eat the bark? >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> i understand in pioneer days beaver was the financial engine of canada? >> yeah. >> empires were built on it.
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every hat practically in the world was made of a beaver pelt. >> that's why today it's the icon of canada. >> to a lesser extent the tradition continues today. carl continues to trap, usually called on by provincial officials to trap beaver and clear away dams of what could become a destructly overpopulated situation. >> hello, my little friend. >> this is a young one. those are the ones we want to eat. >> what would you compare the meat to? is there anything like it? >> that's the thing, you know. there's nothing like it. you know, when you eat beaver, you understand that it's beaver. >> martin, along with an encyclopedic knowledge of fine wines and an inexplicable attachment to the music of celine dion, is a big believer in honoring history and tradition. if you still trap beavers, you
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should if at all possible cook them and eat them. not just strip them of their pelts. and as incredible as it might seem, you can cook beaver really, really well. beaver tail, on the other hand, is not actually beaver at all, rather a quick spoonbread type of thing that in our case goes somewhat awry during an inadvertent inferno. ♪ >> the sauce almost looks like chocolate. it's so rich-looking. >> i love it. when it's like that. some people don't put too much blood, but i like when it's very thick. >> wow. it's absolutely delicious. >> yeah, it is. i wasn't joking. >> it tastes like chicken. no, it doesn't take like chicken at all. >> this is your first time? >> yeah. >> wow. that's something. i think you almost eat
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everything. >> yeah, at this point, you know, animals see me and they're like oh -- >> no, no. >> not that guy. >> there's a joke around here somewhere, but to tell you the truth, the stuff is just too good. >> it's like 10 below zero in this freaking town. and that generally does not spell good time for me. a good time for me is more like a palm tree, a beach, a swimming pool, where the only cold thing is my beer. but no. these hearty culinarians of the north like to frolic in the snow and ice. more accurately, they like to obey their genetic quebecois imperative to face dental and maxiofacial injury, by skating around, slapping at a hard disk,
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trying to drive it in each other's general direction. i believe they call this sport hockey. this is not in my blood. do you skate? >> yeah, we grew up on rinks like this. >> does everyone in quebec, pretty much obligatory? >> yeah. what else do you do? there's no reason to live here if there's no hockey. >> hockey rinks pop up all over the city to accommodate montrealers' desire to risk teeth, groin, and limb. right behind fred and dave's restaurant joe beef, a pickup game of chefs, cooks, and hospitality professionals is under way. >> some of these guys to put it charitably are a bit long in the tooth to be out there swinging sticks at each other and skating on the ice. this is normal behavior? people do this for fun? >> yeah. yeah. this is absolutely quebecois, growing up playing hockey, canadian national sport, man. >> and this young one is already being indoctrinated. hello, young man. >> you want to play? are you good at hockey? are you going to be a goalie or player? >> a player.
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>> player. >> oh! am i going to get like a mouthful of puck, by the way? ♪ >> it's being catered with fred and dave's usual restraint. ♪ >> come eat. >> hot cocoa in styrofoam cups? uh, no. try a titanic charcuterie garnit containing flintstone size hunks of pork belly, bacon, homemade boudin blanc, kielbasa, smoked chops, plus like veal and pork links. oh, yeah, this is a truly heroic charcuterie. >> look at the beautiful work of linking these. >> awesome. this dish is the single best argument for sharing a border with germany. and of course the finest wines
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known to humanity. >> we've got german wine. we've got silvaner in pirate bottles. >> sweet. what am i drinking here? >> canadian riesling, norman hardy riesling from prince albert county, five hours from here. amazing wine. >> there's an allegory here somewhere. i'm reaching for it. something about fred and dave's reckless abandon, coupled with precision and technique, a hockey metaphor, perhaps. oh, the hell with it. ooh, look, sausages!
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montreal to quebec city by rail. 160 miles of wintry vistas whip past the windows, evocative for some of another time. >> canadian caviar, sturgeon canadian caviar. >> i'm not sure about dave mcmillen, but in fred morin's perfect world we would all travel by rail. it would still be the golden age of rail travel. >> so tell me about the great canadian rail system. >> it's purely emotional. >> really? >> there's nothing rational about it. >> fred is what one might call conservatively an aficionado. >> how extreme is your railroad nerdism? >> this is how bad it gets. operating manual -- >> for this model train? >> yes. >> so you have other operating manuals? >> yes. >> books, printed ephemera, collectibles.
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fred retains an enduring love for the great iron horses that still take passengers across the frozen land he calls home. but it's something more than just nostalgia. it's also an appreciation for a dying art. >> it's like the old cruise ships or -- you transport your comfort. you know? >> for those halcyon days of cross-country rails, there were lavish dining cars, luxurious sleeping compartments, a bar car with liveried attendants. >> look at the menus of how people used to eat on trains, it's inspiration for how we cook in the restaurant. >> all the sweetbreads and fresh peas with bearnaise sauce. curried jelly. >> very nice pictures in the dining by train book, with the guy holding the turkey and cutting the turkey. you order a drink, it comes from a bottle made out of glass, into a glass made out of glass, which is kind of cool in our day and age. >> it goes back to service,
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doesn't it? thank you. >> we are presented with a perfectly serviceable omelette. there may no longer be a smoking lounge with brass spitoons, but that doesn't mean a traveler has to suffer. >> do you always travel with a truffle shaffer? >> only during truffle season. >> as a gentleman must. you have to get an in-action photograph. hold on. canadian rail. all these people are going to be expecting -- wait a minute, where's my fist-size truffle? can i get the truffle option, please? oh, of course. don't forget the foie. >> quebec city, one of the oldest european settlements in north america. samuel des champlain, known as the father of new france, sailed up the st. lawrence and founded the site in 1608. when the fighting started with you know who, quebec city was the french stronghold until the bitter end, when the french fell at the plains of abraham.
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♪ the french may have lost that one, but some things french have stayed firm, unbowed, resiliently unchanged by trends or history. the continental is the kind of place about which i am unreservedly sentimental. >> when i was younger, ate here with my parents and my grandparents. >> it opened in 1956. >> classic, un-ironic cuisine ancienne, meaning dishes you haven't seen since like forever, a hipster-free zone of french continental oceanliner classics such as caesar salad tossed fresh to order, tableside, and beef tartar, also prepared tableside, as one must.shrimp c
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deconstructed shrimp cocktail, mind you. a shrimp cocktail. the way jesus wants you to eat them. all served by a dedicated professional. >> in culinary school we were taught this, real customers as your final class. we had to do the tableside, which inevitably would fly off the fork and land in somebody's soup. i was so bad at it. i would start with the orange, run into trouble, i'll be right back, behind the screen i'm stripping the thing with my teeth. at least once a day one of the students would set themselves or the customers on fire. the sterno would like spill, and there would be this line from like the thing down to the floor up their leg. >> no, that doesn't happen here. like i said, professionals. >> this is going to go like a big fireball? >> fireball good. >> the kind who know how to properly prepare these dishes. >> sweet.
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>> we had like a goose bump moment. >> yeah. >> for dave, another classic, filet de boeuf en broite. a filet mignon in a sauce made of cognac, cream, and glace demiand. >> that is nice. look at that. >> and for fred, scampi newberg. when is the last time you saw the word "newberg" on a menu? >> awesome. absolutely awesome. >> but for me, that most noble of dishes, dover sole. this appears to be one of the few remaining servers alive who knows how to take that fish off the bone, sauce it, and properly serve it. >> thank you very much. >> a pleasure. bon appetit. >> merci. man, i love this place. so happy. it's very comforting. there's continuity in this world. >> across town -- ♪
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another thing entirely. the younger, wilder l'affaire est ketchup, which i'm reliably informed means everything's cool in local idiom. >> at this point in my life, i just don't know anymore. are these young cooks, these servers, these dedicated entrepreneurs, are they hipsters? or am i just a cranky old -- who thinks anybody below the age of 30 is a hipster? i don't know. but i admire them. >> so how much did it cost you when you opened? >> not much. >> look at this tiny electric four-burner stove. at no point in my cooking career could i have worked with one of these without murdering everyone in the vicinity before hanging myself from the nearest beam. >> how long did it take you to adapt? >> i would say like three months. at the beginning, i was lucky
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that i didn't have a lot of customers. i was like, oh, man! oh! i was freaking out. >> and yet these kids today, look at them go, serving a wildly ambitious and quite substantial ever-changing menu out of this -- this suzy homemaker oven. tonight there's razor clams with berno roisette. and a cream of haddock roe. >> very cool. thank you. i love razor clams. >> and coquilles st. jacques. you'll notice that nobody in quebec seems to skimp on the portions. a terrine of foie gras, and truffled sweetbreads, and some goose heart perciade for good measure. >> the goose heart is excellent. goose heart. >> hearts in general. >> ooh, also you've got your maru salet with grilled tomato bread. that's saltcod for you anglos.
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i'm all swollen up like the michelin tire dude and ready to burst in a livery omnidirectional mist. hotel/motel time for me.
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how canadian is quebec? are they truly one entity or two? this is a question that has been wrestled with for some time. quebec is certainly part of canada, but in many ways both culturally, spiritually, and linguistically, it's very much another thing entirely. there's a lot of history, much of it contentious. go back far enough and you get a clearer picture of why. the french arrived on the shores of quebec city in the early 16th century but succumbed to the military might of great britain in the mid 18th. thus began a gradual but steady persecution of all things french. the quebecois have struggled mightily to hang on to their french heritage and language. the issue of seceding entirely, a notion that persists to some extent even today. journalist patrick legasse meets
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me for lunch at bistro m sur masson, to understand what many feel is at stake. >> so i was going to talk about the whole history of french quebecoisism, but i have to get to the pressing matter of the day -- pasta-gate. >> what do you want to know about pastagate? >> for those not up on current quebec politics, pasta-gate refers to an incident where local authorities notified an italian restaurant that they were in violation of french were in violation of french laws because they used the word "pasta," which is italian. >> this is -- okay. stop apologizing. okay? >> don't get me wrong. my last name is bourdain. i lean french. hard. >> i am enormously sympathetic to the language laws. >> you don't think it's preposterous? >> i do not think it's preposterous. but i hear we have a situation -- >> it is stupid. i agree with you completely that this province 40 years ago was in some respects an english
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city. so we needed to have language laws for signage and stuff. >> now, signage, for instance, must by law be principally in french. french first in all things. >> but every bureaucracy produces by-products of stupidity. and you know what? it will not stand. >> the anglo-canadians treated french-speaking quebecois like second-class crap for much of history. so i get it. i'd be pissed too. i'd want my own thing and when i got it i'd want to make sure there's no backsliding to the bad old days. >> when the first sovereignist party to be elected was elected in 1976, it didn't come out of a vacuum. it came out from a couple decades of awakening and struggle. >> 50 years from now, will people still be speaking predominantly french in montreal? >> yes. >> no doubt about it. >> no doubt about it. >> french first is something most would agree with. how far and how rigorously you want to go with that? well --
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>> do you think there was ever any possibility or real majority or plurality of quebecois who would have voted in separate nation status? >> you know, in english you guys say timing is everything. >> right. >> and timing was never better than in the period 1990, 1991, '92 because in '95 this country came inches from being broken up. >> do you think it will ever happen? in the history of the world? >> i don't know. but i know one thing. anybody who says separatism is dead in this country and this province is a fool. >> no matter how you feel about quebec as either separate from or as essential part of greater canada, any reasonable person loves this place. >> correct me if i'm wrong, wilensky's is famous for the sandwich. the special. >> right. >> in what tradition does this fall? >> basically eastern europe. it was a survival thing. it was because they were poor. and that's what they could make.
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>> wilensky's, an old-school corner institution around since 1932, serving up pressed-beef bologna and salami sandwiches or specials as they call them. along with egg creams and milkshakes. >> so the special. and an appropriate beverage, egg cream? very happy. >> here's how it goes. there are rules. the special is always served with mustard. it is never cut in two. don't ask why. just because. that's the way it's always been done. a little respect for tradition, please. >> i'm happy now. you know? some things are beloved institutions for a reason. this is delicious. thank you. ♪
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the tradition of the cabane a sucre, or sugar shack, is as
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old as maple syrup here in quebec, where 70% of the world's supply comes from. deeply embedded in the maple syrup outdoor lumberjack lifestyle is the cabin in the woods, where maple sap is collected and boiled down to syrup. over time many of these cabins became informal eating houses, dining halls for workers and a few guests, where a lucky few could sit at communal tables and enjoy the bounty of the trees and forests around them. martin picard has taken this tradition to what is somehow both its logical conclusion and insane extreme, creating his own cabane a sucre, only open during maple season and serving food stemming directly from the humble yet hearty roots. it makes perfect sense in one way. i mean, 130 acres produce about 32,000 gallons of maple sap, which run through these tubes to here, where they're cooked down
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to about 800 gallons of syrup, which is more or less what they use per season here. nothing leaves the property. and it makes sense while you're here to raise hogs and cattle on the property. and maybe keep a cabin or two around for any friends who get too loaded to sleep it off. but this? this? is there really any reason for this? what are you doing here? why do you have to make life so hard? if money were your primary motivation -- >> no. >> -- this doesn't seem like the fastest road to untold wealth. >> my friend's father had a sugar shack. everybody had one. you can go back, you know, three generation, they had a sugar shack. and i'm very proud of quebec. i'm very proud of canada, you know? >> you celebrate canadian history.
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you celebrate canadian traditions. you celebrate canadian ingredients in a way that no one else has. are you some kind of patriot? is that what's going on here? is it national quebecois fervor? >> very much a patriot. >> i say all the time this is one of the most important restaurants to me in north america if not the world. it's an art installation, in a way, if you look at it. >> the meal begins -- begins -- with a tower of maple desserts. good lord. sponge maple toffee, maple doughnuts, beaver tails, maple cotton candy, but wait, there's more. almond croissants, whip-it biscuits, some nougat. >> there we go. i think that's a first for me. i've never seen that done. >> no? >> not with a hammer. >> let the madness begin. next, a whole lobe of foie gras
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with baked beans on a pancake cooked in duck fat, of course, cottage cheese and eggs cooked in maple syrup. >> wow, that's awesome. >> there's a healthy salad, sauteed duck hearts, gizzards, and pig's ear, topped with a heaping pile of fried pork rinds. >> good lord. >> oh, and a calf brain and maple bacon omelet. and these. >> how is this made? >> with love. >> with love. >> panko-encrusted duck drumsticks. with slim. and salmon mousse and maple barbecue sauce. >> good lord. wow. >> this is a classic quebecer dish. it's called la tortier. a meat pie. >> tourtiere du shack, a whole larecambe cheese, calf brain, sweetbreads, bacon and arugula, but with martin, that's not sufficient. >> usually there's no truffle. but i just -- >> yes, black truffles. >> more truffle. >> it's going to be too much
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truffle. >> my blood is getting thicker as i look at that. >> and now the main course, a home-grown smoked right out front local ham, with pineapple and green beans almandine. and with chicken, but with martin, chicken is never just chicken. >> stuffed with foie gras and lobster. we pump lobster bisque into the chicken. >> good god. there is a light at the end of the tunnel. but the preferred delivery mechanism does present some issues. >> oh. >> someone should be singing the national anthem now, really. >> in practically prehistoric old-schooled canadian classic, maple syrup is heated, then poured on snow, becoming a kind of taffy. >> no, no, no. take a big one.
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you have to suck it. don't swallow it. you have to go like that. slowly, slowly. that's how it's good. that's it. >> can i do that in a manly way? you just have to look away, in a distracted way. >> the best way is to look up. >> finally, there's maple meringue cake. any suggestion how to attack this? >> chef suggests you eat the ice cream like that. >> that's the thing. i think there's too much focusing on the food. like, wow, this is very intellectual and blah, blah,
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blah. i've done too much all that stuff. i don't want to do that. i don't want to play games anymore. >> food is feces in waiting. >> this is cnn. girl vo: i'm pretty conservative. very logical thinker. (laughs) i'm telling you right now, the girl back at home would absolutely not have taken a zip line in the jungle. (screams) i'm really glad that girl stayed at home. vo: expedia helps 30 million travelers a month find what they're looking for. one traveler at a time. expedia. find yours.
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if there's one thing you always need on a cold snowy night, it's yet another hearty meal. i meet back up with fred and dave at liverpool house, the sister restaurant to joe beef. >> i think we always compensate a little bit with overabundance of food because of our insecurity of not being like good cooks. >> you know what, it's a combination of low self-esteem and generosity that explains the amount of food perhaps. >> first course. look at that.
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unbelievable. look at the aspect work. >> this is smoked veal and potatoes inside. salmon pastrami. >> wait a minute, this is super classic. >> and this, egg and aspic, soft boiled or poached egg in clear gelatin set broth classically garnished with white ham, tarragon leaves and black truffles. oh, my gosh. i was pretty sure i'd live the rest of my life without ever seeing this again. delicious. but tonight after a full week of franco-canadian full-on assaults on our livers and our lights, fred and dave thought it would be both delicious and merciful to take advantage of the somewhat lighter and familiar fair from their chef friend from pakistan, amazing authentic pakistani food. what do we have here? >> butter chicken crab, a little eggplant braised with
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pomegranate, a little mushrooms, fingerlings with fennel. this is donkey. >> yes. he did say donkey meat. something wrong with that? the dishes continue, a sesame seed and green pepper curry, hangar steak, all beef scotched egg, a horse meat with tartare and authentic goat. wow. >> are you full? >> food for 12. >> we did good work here. >> in the end, perhaps a nod to the anglo tradition, there will be stilt. it's a genius meal. these princes of gastronomy never a suboptimal moment, nothing short of excellence accepted. beyond excellent.
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too much excellent, yes, possibly. over the top? yeah, definitely. it all comes around in the end, the circle of life. we begin at the beginning. the heart and soul of every right thinking quebecois apparently. ice, a stick and a puck. fred and dave and martin picard are joined by the original god of montreal gastronomy the great chef to watch their beloved canadiens lay waste to the carolina hurricanes. all the while eating, of course, and drinking as it turns out the finest wines known to humanity. and here we go. whoa!
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i've always wanted to get as far away as possible from the place that i was born. far both geographically and


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