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tv   Around the World  CNN  May 20, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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welcome to "around the world." i'm suzanne malveaux. >> and i'm michael holmes. happy monday. well, they were taking in the sights from the sky when their hot air balloon hit another. and you see what happened. we're going to have the latest from turkey. >> then, tornadoes wreaking havoc across the midwest and southern plains. we are live from oklahoma. >> and, will it be life or death for convicted murderer jodi arias? we're going to have a look at what the penalty could be. >> brace yourselves, more brutal weather might be on the way. we are looking at a repeat possibly of the rash of tornadoes they ripped through the nation's heartland, really quite amazing. >> did a lot of damage. we're talking hundreds of homes damaged or destroyed in state after state. we're talking about oklahoma, kansas, illinois, iowa and missouri, all with reports of tornadoes overnight. >> get back here. we got to go! >> look at this massive -- look at those pictures. unbelievable massive tornado bearing down.
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this is shawnee, oklahoma. it was a monstrous half-mile-wide, if you can believe that. our nick valencia is there in shawnee and joining us. nick, we heard now confirmation that two folks have lost their lives because of this. and the devastation really something we hadn't even seen before. >> that's right, suzanne. we also understand this was an ef-4 tornado with winds up to 200 miles per hour. we're standing at ground zero. let me step away here. you can take a look at the devastation behind me. suzanne, this used to be a neighborhood. this was a family's home. this was a community. this was a neighborhood. and now one of the residents who grew up here, this was her childhood home, she's joining us now, jessie addington, you're just now seeing this for the very first time. you walked on this about ten minutes ago. you said your mother was home at the time of the tornado. >> yeah. she was -- it happened so fast. she told me that she had just made it into the bathroom and
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she heard the wind coming and she got tossed around like a rag doll. she's lucky to be alive. it's really bad. >> you're going through and you're picking up the pieces. going through your belongings. what are you feeling right now? >> i'm feeling cheated to be honest. like it's just all gone. like i can't muster it in my head. like i can't -- my mind is like blown completely blown. i don't know how to, i don't know. >> you lived here for 17 years of your life. this is your childhood home. you were pointing out the kitchen to me a while ago. this is where the front door was. >> yeah, right here. >> this is where you walked in every day. >> yeah. yeah. i don't know. it's just gone. i was over there. and as soon as it ended i ran over here and she was sitting
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right there. like i said, she had a hole in the back of her neck from being slammed around. i'm assuming maybe a pipe or anything. >> she was really banged up. >> yeah, like it's all external injuries. it looked like someone had beat the crap out of her. >> well, our thoughts and prayers are definitely with you and your family, jessie. suzanne, this really puts a human face on it. this was her home. we're standing on what once was -- all the memories and momentos, it may not be, the end is not in sight for these residents. we're hearing as well signs of new storms perhaps the same thing that happened yesterday to these residents may happen again, suzanne. >> can you ask her how her mom is doing? she said she got banged up pretty badly. does she have a place to stay? is she okay? >> suzanne, our anchor in atlanta, she's asking how is your mom, where is she staying right now? >> she's staying with me in
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mcleod. she's injured. it's bad. they said there's no broken bones. they put her in a cat scan, they checked her and everything. there's no broken bones. like they said, it's just external. >> she was lucky. >> very lucky. because my mom is -- she's skinnier than me and she's got asthma and copd and just really bad. >> we're glad she made it through. suzanne, michael, this is exactly what a lot of the residents around us if we panned around a lot of these other residents are going through their homes right now going through similar things. >> we wish her the very best. nick, mike and i were just saying we were so shocked that only two people died in that. look at that devastation. >> yeah. >> unimaginable. >> entire neighborhood flattened in only two deaths, it does seem extraordinary. perhaps it's the readiness fact of people there who know about tornadoes and have shelters i guess. >> the best to her and her family and her mom of course. >> yeah, exactly.
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nick valencia there. a wave in violence in iraq leaving almost 50 people dead. in baghdad alone eight car bombs, a roadside bombing killed 18 people today. >> attacks are part of the increased violence between sunnis and the shiite. they targeted predominantly shiite neighborhoods. nick is in turkey. nick, first of all, president bush sold the iraq war as an opportunity to bring peace to the middle east but the sunnis overthrew saddam hussein in 2003 become politicalically marginalized by the shiite, the prime minister, calling for an end to the violence seems pretty ineffective here. now you've got violence happening. i mean, what has changed since the u.s. invaded iraq? >> what has changed is that the sunnis don't feel that they're
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being properly represented by the shiite-led government. they feel that the prime minister, nour al mall ki by going after people like the sunni vice president who has now fled iraq completely wanted on various charges, many sunnis feel an indication that this shiite led government was against sunniism. that fueled a deeper sectarian division. on friday, for example, there were attacks on sunnis. over the weekend you saw some random attacks on shias. and then on monday today these much more organized multiple car bombs attacking neighborhoods, again, predominantly shiites. this is becoming a greater problem for prime minister al mall ki to the point he's appeared on television with
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sunni politicians, something he hasn't really done in the past. an indication of how concerned he is. and his appeal for calm. but the root of the problem is his government has never really, many sunnis would say, reached out to them and their part of the community. >> nic, the question is of course where does this all go? we're hearing reports of basically militias, sunni militias being sent out to defend their turf. this is the worst violence, let's face it, since what 2008. how far could this go? what is he doing about reconciliation? >> you and i have both spent many, many years in iraq. this is a troubling development. the implications are manyfold, but one particularly for the united states is a diminished influence in iraq and the region, and a diminished if you will access to the business
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market in iraq. i think we both saw in the long amounts of time we spent in iraq that many people at that time back in 2004, 2005 and still today feel that what's happened in iraq, this imbalance of power, this imperfect government, is a creation of the united states. the united states had a responsibility going into iraq and they feel that responsibility wasn't fulfilled. the prime minister is reaching out across the sectarian divide, but i don't think anyone at the moment thinks this current violence will tamp down. again, the losers in this many ways the u.s. stake, if you will, and its legacy in iraq because people still feel united states is responsible for what's happening today, michael. >> yeah, nic, thanks so much. nic has spent a lot of time in iraq. >> eight years of war bush
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legacy on the line. >> it is. a lot of people very worried about where this is headed. this could end up in civil war and that would benefit no one. these militias being formed is of particular concern now. in turkey we're following this. this is a day of hot air ballooning that went horribly wrong. if you can imagine this, people shocked when they looked up and saw this in the sky. two hot air balloons actually colliding in midair. this one was caught on video as it was actually going down. >> according to witnesses, one balloon actually hit the basket of another. another report said one hit the top of the other. it's hard to tell. and that caused a tear in the fabric. two brazilian tourists were killed, 23 other people were hurt. it's a major tourist attraction in turkey famous for rock formations and a lot of balloon rides take place in that part of turkey. jodi arias facing her future right now. choices are stark, life in prison or death penalty. this is less than an hour or so. >> it is. it's coming right up.
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she will be back in court and she will plead for her life or ask to be put to death. >> remember, she was convicted of killing her ex-boyfriend travis alexander. she called death the ultimate freedom. said she preferred death over life in prison. >> now, a jury is going to make that decision of course. it won't be easy. ted rowlands now takes a look at what jurors in death penalty cases have to go through. >> she's right here. this is the girl right here. >> eight men and four women will decide if jodi arias should live or die. jim knows what that feels like. >> i will tell you firsthand that sitting on a jury trial involving the potential death sentence is, it's a humbling experience. and it's almost sometimes beyond comprehension. >> carano served on an arizona jury last year that decided the fate of david anthony, anthony was convicted of killing his wife, donna, and his stepchildren, 14-year-old
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danielle and 12-year-old richard, bodies found by a construction crew partially dissolved in acid. >> none of us took this potential outcome lightly during the deliberation process. believe me, we were in there deliberating for several days. >> carano says deciding on a death sentence for anthony was difficult. several jurors initially didn't want to and the vote had to be unanimous. >> there were actually four of them, then three, then two that really, really had second thoughts about sending somebody to their death. >> eventually, carano says they all agreed. he thinks it may be more difficult for the arias jury because they have spent four and a half months in a courtroom with her including her 18 days on the witness stand. >> i think it could be problematic. i really do. she's as articulate as she can be. she's a bright young lady. all it takes, as you know, is one -- >> our lives will never be the same. we can never get him back. >> jurors have already heard
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from the alexander family. next up it will be friends from jodi arias, the last statement they'll listen to is expected to come from jodi arias, the woman whose life is in their hands. ted rowlands, cnn, phoenix. >> court back in session. that's 1:00 eastern. we're going to bring you special live coverage as we find out if jodi arias begs for life or death. >> yep. dramatic scenes ahead no doubt. well, coming up, how a little girl from syria is getting a second chance at life. it's a great story. you won't want to miss that. >> and emotional talk from the police officers who rescued three kidnapping victims in cleveland. you're going to hear straight from them up ahead. you're watching "around the world" on cnn. changing the world is exhausting business. with the innovating and the transforming and the revolutionizing. it's enough to make you forget that you're flying five hundred miles an hour on a chair that just became a bed. you see, we're doing some changing of our own.
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no. priceline is different now. you don't even have to bid. master hahn taught you all that? oh, and he says to say (translated from cantonese) "you still owe him five bucks." your accent needs a little work.
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fierce battles raging in the syrian city. check this out. this video giving you a feel of how heavy the bombardment has been over the last couple days. just listen. [ gunfire ] >> activists say it's some of the most intense fighting they've seen in this strategically important area. and hezbollah is apparently
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involved. >> yeah, activists say 23 hezbollah fighters have been killed in this fighting. lebanon hospitals overflowing with the wounded. and meanwhile we are seeing more images of atrocities being committed in syria by both government and rebel forces. this is not all new video. it's been coming from over the last few months, soldiers brutally beating rebels who are handcuffed and helpless. and then images of rebels allegedly executing army officers. and there's even one of that rebel remember memorably eating a human organ he cut out of a body. the images used of course to intimidate the other side. what makes a difference is this is a war that is fought with propaganda by social media in many ways. >> amid all of the horrific war stories out of syria, we have a little bit of good news. kind of heartwarming. a very sick little girl who fled the fighting there is getting a new chance at life thanks to some israelis.
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>> sara sidner has the story. >> a 4-year-old girl sits in a hospital singing a lull aby asking god to protect a baby brother, but she was in danger of dying, a heart problem was slowly starving her of oxygen. as she withered away, war arrived in her town. and has been raging on for most of her young life. the family is from syria. and six months ago they picked up and left. they don't want their identities shown for fear of retribution if they ever return home. they escaped the civil war, but there was no escape from the child's potentially deadly heart condition. she couldn't play or walk or talk. she would get so tired. she couldn't indulge in anything, her mother lements. they found themselves in a dirty dangerous refugee camp, no place for a sick child. but an israeli organization called save a child's heart
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heard about the sickly 4-year-old war survivor, and soon she was in the hands of doctors at wolfson medical center in israel, a country technically still at war with syria. >> she has only one pump in her heart working. now, we have two big tubes in the heart, one going to the body and one going to the lung. the one going to the lung is severely narrowed. >> so a team of doctors began a relatively simple operation. the organization which helped make this happen was founded in 1995 by a surgeon at this hospital. so far it's helped save more than 3,200 children. >> we hope that we can contribute in a small way. first and foremost to the medical care of the children in our neighborhood, but we also believe that this also has the ability to bring people closer together, to bridge over stereo
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types. >> in this room alone, which is the pediatric intensive care unit, that child in that bed behind the curtain is from israel, the child next door is from sudan. and doctors are particularly excited because this is the very first time that a child from syria has made it here. three days after her heart surgery this once breathless 4-year-old syrian girl is full of energy. >> so you can see differences absolutely crazy. kids thought to be retarded all of a sudden start walking or talking, all they needed was a little bit of oxygen. >> her mother is relieved. thank god, thank god my daughter has recovered. she is so much better than before. in a year's time her daughter will have to go through one more surgery. but after all the family has been through, seeing her daughter play and laugh without struggling to catch her breath is the closest thing to happiness she has felt since war
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destroyed their lives. sara sidner, cnn, israel. >> that's really nice. >> it is. it's a lovely story. all right. coming up, fresh hope for madeleine ma can's family. a little girl who disappeared years ago on a family vacation to portugal. >> police say they now have new leads and what that could mean for her case up next. [ male announcer ] this is betsy.
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welcome back. earlier this month we learned that three women kidnapped a decade ago in cleveland had been found alive. well, this news gave one couple in the united kingdom a great deal of hope. >> so 2007 3-year-old madeleine mccann disappeared from a vacation apartment in portugal. the other siblings were asleep in another apartment. there have been claims of numerous sightings but none turned up to be madeleine. >> well, the case was actually
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officially closed by portuguese police back in 2008, but now scotland yard, the british police, they're taking another look at madeleine's disappearance. rome bureau chief bobby, joins us. bobby, you've been following this extensively for years. fresh eyes, if you like, and those eyes saw some things. >> that's exactly right. they turned up about 195 leads that the portuguese police apparently didn't follow-up on. at the time of madeleine's disappearance the portuguese police were very focused on the parents as a primary suspect. as a result, at least according to the british detective on this case, they really overlooked a lot of potential testimony and things, evidence that could have led to the real kidnappers in this case. now, at this point over the weekend scotland yard detectives in operation called operation grange which is what the review of the portuguese police case is
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called have identified 20 people who they say are persons of interest who may know more about madeleine's disappearance. these are our leads that were found in their review of this extensive dossier that the portuguese police have turned over very willingly to the british police. now, what they've got to do is very complicated is find these people who had given testimony six years ago. maybe they had sighted strange activity the night they disappeared. in some cases, in one particular case a couple, a middle-aged couple had told a neighbor who lived in the compound that they had gone into the mccann apartment the night before madeleine disappeared to soothe the crying child. now, whether or not they were there the night she actually disappeared of course no one knows for sure because nobody knows who this couple is or where to find them. that's going to be up to the portuguese police. but so far they have not reopened the case. so the british police are very -- trying very hard to get them to reopen the case to kind of follow-up on some of these leads. >> so, barbie who are are they
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actually looking at in terms of those who are of special interest in this investigation? is it that couple that you mentioned before? the cleaning staff that has also been looked at as well in the past? >> that's right. there's a troop of six british so-called freelance cleaners who were seen in a white van around the compound the night madeleine disappeared. those six people are very suspect. they've been looking for those people for the last year. a lot of people have sighted them, the white van it was a well-known piece of evidence overlooked by the portuguese police. also this middle-aged couple who told a neighbor who has since passed away that they had gone into the mccann apartment are very interesting to the scotland yard detectives. there are also a number of cleaners, people who were working seasonal gardeners, people who were working on the compound during the holiday season who had been mentioned in testimony by witnesses after madeleine disappeared who had, you know, those are leads that were never followed up on and those people are very important. even just to eliminate them.
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but to hear what they have to say and what they may have seen that night. >> extraordinary case and hopefully those fresh eyes will turn something up. barbie, good to see you there in rome. >> coming up, president obama getting personal during a commencement address. how his speech actually spoke volumes to college grads. >> so what i ask of you today is the same thing i ask of every graduating class i address. use that power for something larger than yourself. neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it.
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welcome back everyone. it is a meeting that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. in washington, president obama meeting today with the president of myanmar. >> the president's trip comes just six months later. the count trying to encourage the brutal military rule to democracy. >> one of the big challenges is a recent violence between buddhists and muslims in the country. the muslims feeling the government hasn't done enough to stop it. on the other hand american businesses very eager to invest in myanmar, a country rich in resources and many economic sanctions of course have been lifted. the door is starting to open. >> on the 100th anniversary of its founding, moorehouse college added another milestone to its calendar. it was a very special day. sunday president obama became the first sitting president to give the commencement address.
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>> after a pretty rough week in washington, he was probably glad to get out of town. he spent little time addressing politics or policy. instead, reflecting on how success is about more than just a degree. >> whatever success i have achieved, whatever positions of leadership i have held have depended less on ivy league degrees or s.a.t. scores or gpas and instead due to that sense of connection and empathy, the special obligation i felt as a black man like you to help those who need it most, people who didn't have the opportunities that i had because there but for the grace of god go i i might have been in their shoes, i might have been in prison, i might have been unemployed. i might not have been able to support a family. and that motivates me. >> very powerful speech. and afterwards morehouse president john wilson presented the president with an honorary degree and said he is now a true
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morehouse man. and we have very special guest with us today, graduates onre and adam starks. i know you were a little wet out there. it was stormy. but you had an opportunity to meet the president as well as to listen to what he said. i covered him for many years. i never really heard him address very directly black men and race and his own personal story about overcoming odds. what did you make of it? >> it was a transformative moment for me. hearing the president speak about, you know, being african-american and using his own agency and using his power to actually change the world, help folks, that's exactly what morehouse teaches us. and that's exactly what my brothers and i intend to do, improve the human condition. >> did it resonate the message? >> i think the strongest part about the message was he didn't kind of beat around and give like a general message where you hear some speaker come and say
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be successful, reach out, respect your community. he targeted the morehouse community. he targeted his students there. he did his research in due diligence of some of our experiences and really let us relate to what he was saying and kind of feel we are connected to the president of the free world. >> he also encouraged graduates to take responsibility for others who have not been afforded the same opportunities. and let's play a little bit of that and then we'll chat about it. >> there are some things as black men we can only do for ourselves. there are some things as morehouse men that you are obliged to do for those still left behind. as morehouse men, you now wield something even more powerful than the diploma you're about to collect, and that's the power of your example. so what i ask of you today is the same thing i ask of every graduating class i address, use that power for something larger
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than yourself. >> what's your take from that, anre? >> for me i think one of the greatest causes and the greatest charges of men who know who they are to help others. and morehouse challenges us to reach back and not just help folks that look like us, but help everyone. again, improving the human condition. so, again, we take that to charge very, very seriously. as an aspiring public servant, that's something i want to do when i get older. >> adam, you're going to use it to go into service of the literal kind, aren't you? >> yes, yes. after i -- it was really special for me because that's my boss, pretty much. i'm going to commission as a second lieutenant in the united states air force to be an intelligence officer. and to have that charge set out for me as someone to not just be a hard worker, not to go get money but to go and just build up the community. and i think like anre said that's what morehouse charges us to do. that's something they've pushed forth in us since we first got there. it's a beautiful statement. it's a beautiful ideal to hear
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that from the president of the united states. >> one thing that struck me is he said the kinds of things my own father would say in our family. i want you to listen to what he said very publicly here. >> sometimes i wrote off my own feelings as just another example of the world trying to keep a black man down. i had a tendency sometimes to make excuses for me not doing the right thing. but one of the things that all of you have learned over the last four years is there's no longer any room for excuses. >> so, you know, there are already some people making a point of this who are saying this kind of feeds into a stereotype, if you will, making excuses. what do you make of that? in our family as well we had conversations about being responsible. >> well, personal responsibility -- again, he was addressing morehouse students
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and morehouse graduates rather. and we're not about excuses, we're about making differences. when you talk about speaking to a crowd at morehouse graduates, you're going to speak to a crowd that's going to make a difference. >> i think the bigger point he tried to pull out there because i've seen the blogs and people making comment about that. he's trying to say as amorehouse man you have to hold yourself to a different standard. you know when you go out there you have to work harder. it's not this idea you're giving excuses because you're a black man or society trying to hold you down, but if you're trying to be this great man as morehouse has a legacy of leaders, you have to be greater. you have to push. you have to achieve more than most people have. >> anybody aspiring to be president? >> that's a lot of responsibility. public service, definitely. politics, definitely. >> what's next for you? >> robert raven group in washington, d.c., interning in washington, d.c. and learning the -- about progressive policy. i'm excited. >> okay. good for you. good for you both. >> pleasure to meet you guys. really is.
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anre washington, adam starks, good luck. >> all right. you'll do well. and if you missed the president's commencement address, you can actually watch part of it on it is actually in the center page there. it's really very, very powerful speech. >> yep. right in the middle. all right, a week filled with problems and controversies apparently not taking a toll on president obama's approval ratings. a new cnn/orc poll shows it all holding steady. >> in fact, it is up slightly to 53%, but the increase is within the sampling error. the president's job approval rating was 51% in april, 47% in march. latest poll follows what many are calling the worst week of the president's presidency there. >> yeah, his administration of course hammered by questions about the irs targeting conservative groups, the fed seizing journalist phone records and then there was more fallout from the benghazi attacks. but as you see there, approval rating up from march. >> a car bombing in dagestan killing eight people now. that is the same place that the
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boston bombing suspect tamerlan tsarnaev visited. coming up, the type of violence that he could have been exposed to. ♪
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suspects had ties to dagestan. >> nick paton walsh is in dagestan. talk about the kind of violence playing out in this particular area. it's the kind of thing that might have impacted the suspects, the boston bombing suspects, and what they were exposed to. >> well, today's blast which killed eight or even three if you listen to different reports, not much transparency when it comes to these things, today's blast was a particularly bad and big one. two devices hitting the federal bailiff service outside of the city. apparently people tried to demine the first one. it went off and then the police in the area were caught up in a second blast apparently left there for them. it's the worst i think that's hit there actually since may of last year. and kind of these little peeks of casualty tolls really highlight a longer slow burning war that's been going on here between the police and these radicalized militants, which often leads to attacks at checkpoints around here, but
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also many different special forces attacks against buildings where they think these militants are holed up. but blasts like today's really brings to surface this kind of war in the underground in which tamerlan tsarnaev would have found himself sitting last year. people don't really know during those six months whether he may have met somebody, had ties to militants or as hi parents suggest he was resting and praying. >> nick, we had a report little earlier russian media saying that they foiled a planned terror attack on moscow, the capital. what have you been hearing about that? >> statements have been foiled terror attacks are reasonably common, but this one seizing attention because it talks about moscow. it talks about how an operation by the russian security services arrested one person, about 85 kilometers east of moscow and killed two others. a source i spoke to said they believe these men were russian
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citizens but came from the afghanistan, pakistan area to carry out this particular attack. obviously an attempt by moscow to suggest foreign elements are at play here. we don't know what kind of attack, playing i'm sure cynics will point out how convenient perhaps this was the news emerges at the same time they're dealing with a blast in the south of the country. >> keep an eye on that. nick paton walsh there in dagestan. now to cleveland. we're hearing more from the police officers who actually rescued the kidnapping victims, amanda berry, gina dejesus and michelle knight. coming up, one officer's emotional description of that day. i'm the next american success story. working for a company where over seventy-five percent of store management started as hourly associates. there's opportunity here. i can use walmart's education benefits to get a degree, maybe work in it, or be an engineer, helping walmart conserve energy. even today, when our store does well, i earn quarterly bonuses. when
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remember the three women who were enslaved in the cleveland home. well, the police officers who saved them, they are actually talking about their experience. >> yeah, and their emotional stories. especially that of officer anthony espada, listen to him explain what happened as he entered the home to help rescue two of the victims. >> you know something's going on in this room. and i'm looking that way just waiting to see what's going to happen. and it was michelle. she kind of popped out into the doorway and paused there for a second. within moments she came charging at me.
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she jumped onto me. she's like, you saved us, you saved us. and i'm holding onto her so tight. and then within a few seconds i see another girl come out of the bedroom. i just look at her. you can immediately tell who it is just thinner. and, again, i just needed confirmation. and i asked her, what's your name? she said my name is jogina dejesus. >> you can tell what that meant to him in that very moment. one said jumped into her arms and said please don't let me go. >> can you imagine after ten years they see law enforcement there literally to save them. >> so taif their lives. >> you're going to hear more from those officers in the next hour or so. >> this is my favorite story.
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straight ahead, you're going to hear from the first saudi woman to climb mt. everest. and we're going to tell you how a 26-year-old high school dropout got a billion-dollar payday. and he didn't win the lottery. that's up next as "around the world" continues. [ lisa ] my name's lisa, and chantix helped me quit. i honestly loved smoking, and i honestly didn't think i would ever quit. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. it put me at ease that you could smoke on the first week. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away
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[ female announcer ] today cisco is connecting the internet of everything. and do you know your... blooa or b positive?? have you eaten today?
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i had some lebanese food for lunch. i love the lebanese. i... i'm not sure. enough of the formalities... lets get started shall we? jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dracula volunteering at a blood drive. we have cookies... get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. 26-year-old high school dropout getting a billion-dollar payday today. pretty amazing day. he didn't even win the lottery. he sold his blogging website called tumbler of course for $1.1 billion to the internet giant yahoo. >> yeah, he created this site back in 2007 in the back bedroom of his mother's new york apartment. he is going to stay on as ceo and run the company as a separate entity within yahoo. now, tumblr, it's relatively small.
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120,000 people a day do sign up. the big appeal for yahoo, yahoo wants to get a bit cooler. tumblr has been the go-to blog site for the 18 to 24 crowd. and yahoo want them. >> yeah. we'll get cooler as well, i guess, we'll join. >> we get older. >> so somewhere out there they're not going to be a billionaire, but there is a powerball lottery ticket out there that's worth $590 million. >> less tax. >> we didn't win. >> because we were here clearly. >> disappointed myself. >> by the time you pay the tax, it's not worth it. kidding. >> oh, geez. >> yeah. this ticket was sold at a florida publix, actually. it was a supermarket. the winner yet to come forward. at the peak of sales this weekend, states like texas and california were reportedly selling more than a million dollars of tickets an hour. >> yeah, it would have been a billion if you didn't have a winner. so that whole town is like just kind of up in arms, who is this? >> i reckon once it gets to that sort of amount it's stupid.
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make it so that ten people get 50. >> and then call it quits. >> yeah. one person getting $600 million, really? >> i'm still hopeful one day. i am. really. this is great. this is the summit season. this is mt. everest. over the weekend 146 people reached the summit. this is conquering the world's highest mountain. >> getting crowded up there. among the ones to do it, the first saw dee woman to attempt and reach the peak. she is part of a group called arabs with altitude, not attitude, altitude. she spoke earlier to cnn from the mt. everest base camp via skype. have a listen. >> it was absolutely surreal. it was really windy. and it was like an out of body experience. i felt like i was in an episode of national geographic or discovery channel. i couldn't believe it i was standing on top of the world. it was unbelievable.
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really. >> good for her. that's amazing. a skype shot from base camp there. she says she hopes her achievement inspires all women to "step out of their comfort zone, go for their dreams." pretty awesome. >> first saudi woman. a cool group of people. >> impressive. you and i will do that one day. >> yeah, right. sometimes difficult kids here in the united states excited about school. >> i have a couple like that. we're going to introduce you to a girl living in nepal just thrilled to be getting an education. i hope my son is watching. i do a lot of research on angie's list before i do any projects on my own.
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all right. sometimes it's hard to get kids in the united states excited about school, but many children around the world fighting for an opportunity for a good education. >> and absolutely delighted when they get that opportunity. we're going to talk about one girl who was one of the lucky ones with the opportunity and the will to rise up. >> this is 16-year-old pernema. she lives in nepal. she's one of the lucky ones. she's attending school. girls in nepal have a higher literacy rate than boys. room to read, a global nonprofit group that promotes gender equality in education is trying to change that. >> the girls education program started out because we found out that most families if they were able to afford education of one child, it was boys that got preferred over girls. >> she attended primary school,
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but government education is free only through the fifth grade. organizations like room to read allow her to continue her education. >> i'm the first person getting education in my family. we are a poor family, so we can't always afford it. >> she lives with her family above a carpet factory. her father is paralyzed and her mother is blind. without an education, she says she would probably end up working at the carpet factory. but now she has big dreams. >> i want to be an eye doctor when i grow up because my mother is blind. so i want to be an eye doctor in the future. >> she is 17 years old now. just amazing young woman. she's waiting to find out if she actually passed her tenth grade final exam. i'm sure she did. >> i'm banking on that. cnn films "girl rising"
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premieres sunday june 16th. >> thanks for watching "around the world." "cnn newsroom" starts right now. have a good day. she said she wants death. this hour jodi arias faces the jury once again to find out if that's her fate after being convicted of stabbing and shooting her boyfriend. we're live in the courtroom. plus -- >> get back here. we got to go soon! >> terrifying moments as tornadoes touch down across the midwest. and it's not over yet. there's another round of severe storms today. and it's every passenger's worst nightmare, the moment you think your plane is going to crash. it happened to these travelers. their dramatic emergency belly landing, we'll have details ahead. this is "cnn newsroom." i'm wolf blitzer reporting in washington. so will jodi arias get life or death? and which one


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