tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 20, 2013 11:00am-1:01pm PDT
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in "the situation room." ashleigh banfield picks up our coverage. she's live in phoenix. she starts right now. hi, everybody. i'm ashleigh banfield reporting live at the maricopa county courthouse, where jodi arias' trial is under way and the developments have been fast and furious. just like many days in this bizarre case, there have been extraordinary twists. now we are learning that this defense team plans to put no mitigating witnesses up in jodi's defense. intimidation being quoted for the reason one of those witnesses does not want to testify. a request for a mistrial because of it. the judge said no. on with the show. and then another request for these attorneys for jodi arias to withdraw from this case. this is the second request to
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get off and quit this case in just a matter of days. once again, motion denied by this judge. on with the show. what will the show entail at this point? will jodi arias herself get up and speak and beg for her life? will jodi arias get up and beg for her death. will jodi arias say nothing at all? joining me now is ted rowlands who has been covering this case gavel to gavel. ted this is just yet another remarkable set of circumstances in a remarkable death penalty case. where do they stand right now? where are the arguments? where are the lawyers? >> reporter: well, it is just happening very fast. right now they're at the bench, bench conference. it looks like they'll adjourn for the day and we don't know the answer, is jodi arias, tomorrow, going to address this jury before each side gets to close. what happened today is the defense got up in front of the judge and said, listen, we can't have this witness on because she's intimidated. she's intimidated because of
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your ruling to allow the cameras into the courtroom, and it is manifested itself to the point where now this witness, who could make a difference of whether or not our client lives or dies, is too scared to take the stand. we want a mistrial. as you said, the judge said, no, move on. they said, well, we quit. she said, no, you don't. you keep going. now, the question to them is, all right, is your client going to talk or not. and they're working that out. it appears they're going to adjourn now for the day. and we will find out tomorrow whether when we start up, it is just going to be a quick closing from the defense or will they close at all? it judge is a very bizarre day where we expected multiple witnesses for the defense and we expected to hear from jodi arias. we're not hearing from any of them. >> let me just give some updated information. gray swann, our producer in the courtroom, is giving us updates on whether or not jodi speaks. it appears she will speak but not until tomorrow, midday.
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judge at this point, let's not forget, this jury heard, ted, opening statements promising them what's coming in this phase. and that, now, is going to change. the judge at this point is trying to figure out a way to do a very fair defense and somehow cure the notion that this jury is expecting to hear from people and won't. so now i understand they're going through this with the attorneys to try to figure out how to cure this issue and instruct this jury as to why they're not going to hear from patricia womack and perhaps that ex-boyfriend who was supposed to stand up today as well. honestly this is -- >> reporter: darryl brewer, yes. >> look, you and i have covered a lost dea a lot of death penalty cases. every move is critical when preserving the record. jodi on the other hand, if you can walk me through her phase in all of this. do we even know at this point whether she wants to do the allocution or testify? >> reporter: it appears as though she is going to talk tomorrow and will be an allocution. will not be testimony. that's what we're hearing from
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the courtroom now. and like i said, we're just getting this as it happens. and they have adjourned for the day. you mentioned that the jury was prepped. they were prepped for -- to hear from witnesses and to hear from jodi. it looks as though they will hear from jodi, but interesting to see how the judge handles the very delicate procedure of informing the jury that you're not going to hear what you were promised and here's why. we'll have to see. now she actually -- the judge is right now talking. >> let's listen to the judge. >> reporter: okay. >> unfortunately, we just missed what she had said, but you can see the entire court standing. jodi arias standing as well. her two attorneys poised. this has got to be one of the most difficult cases that i dare say either of those two attorneys has had to -- has had to handle in their careers.
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they don't get more serious than a death penalty case. you cannot make mistakes. you must preserve the record. obviously protecting what that jury hears and what that jury does not hear and protecting the jury from anything that appears to be anything circus-like also critical for this judge. you just saw the great seal of the state of arizona. that's the indication when the judge is off the bench, off go the cameras. and that's the moment that family members, et cetera, they know that there is no further broadcast. i want to bring in faith jenkins and jeff brown. >> reporter: actually -- >> go ahead, ted. go ahead. >> reporter: actually, just a little tidbit i can add to you, the defense also asked for a stay so they could take this to another court. that was denied as well by the judge. they asked for a stay to give them more time, to have this litigated and the judge denied that request as well. >> okay. good to know. there has been a lot of denying these 11th hour motions and requests from this defense team.
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understandably. this is a defense team that has a massive road to hoe and they have been performing an uphill battle. i dare say since day one on this case. but particularly in the last few days as they come into this second phase, this sentencing phase, two-part sentencing phase with an unruly client. it is fair to say this is an unruly client. she went on television saying she preferred to die as her attorneys have worked for years to save her life. with me, as i said earlier from new york, is faith jenkins, a former prosecutor, a criminal defense attorney. also joining me is jeff brown, who is a criminal defense attorney. he's joining us from tampa, florida. thank you, both. faith, to you first, you're a former prosecutor. i'm sure this prosecutor is somewhat bewildered as he watches these developments, probably no more bewildered than the defense team. can you try to lay a little bit of perspective on what we're seeing develop here, faith? >> what we're seeing here is this case moves forward, i think the only predictable thing about
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this case, at this point, is that it is unpredictable as every hour moves forward. and we keep going forward in this case. but what we're seeing here is nurmi trying to make strategic moves. here he's saying i want a motion for a mistrial because we have to do everything we can. this is life or death. and this is it. the moment is now. we have to put forth a case in the mitigation phase. how can we do that? we do not have all the witnesses available. because, guess what, the jury, they're going to look and see she doesn't have a family member there. her mother's not testifying. she only has these two individuals who are prepared to get up and testify and now she only has one. so nurmi is saying, because of the threats, this woman, her friend, is not going to testify. we are not putting up this other witness. now he's really looking at an issue for appeal because he's saying i have an opportunity here to make a strategic move, i'm not going to put up my witnesses if we can't really put forth a case that we want to put forth in the mitigation phase
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right now. >> i'll tell you what, i think we're beyond that. i don't think it is just the intimidated witness who doesn't want to testify any longer, this defense team has now suggested to this judge there are no mitigation witnesses now that will testify. the story behind the ex-boyfriend and why he now won't be standing up for jodi arias is still a mystery. and it takes a while for us to get any kind of public records. they don't come out right as they're filed or even adjudicated by this judge. they take a day or so. and maybe we'll find out beforehand. jeff brown, look, i get it. defense attorneys have to preserve the record at every movement in a case. that's their job. or you find yourself down the road in a case of ineffective assistance of counsel. in this particular case, though, these are not only defense attorneys who are trying to protect the record for any kind of potential appeal, but they're trying to quit the case. they had it. this is the second round of trying to quit the case in days. >> yeah. you know, what we're looking at
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here, under the supreme court of strickland v. washington, you get to an ineffectiveness of assistance of counsel, the question is whether or not this is deficient lawyering, and whether or not there is prejudice here. the fact that these witnesses or a witness chooses not to testify happens in trials all the time. i've had that happen in countless trials. i've tried over 125 trials. death cases as a prosecutor, and defense counsel as well. the question, though, that the court would want to know is was this witness under subpoena? the defense can subpoena the witness and force the witness on to testify. that may not be a good strategy for them, because, you know you don't want to put a witness reluctant, but you can force that witness on the stand. so what we have here is trial strategy by the defense lawyers saying, she doesn't want to testify, we're not going to force her to testify. i don't see this as being anywhere close to ineffective assistance of counsel.
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none of those will come back as ineffective assistance of counsel claim. that's the issue that they're debating right now. the bigger question, though, is why did they move for a motion to withdraw? why are they trying to get off this case? i think it has something to do more than that, i think the issue that is going on here is that they don't like where the defendant is taking them. she may be giving them instructions to do certain things that they don't feel is in her best interest, such as letting her get on the stand and testify that she wants to be put to death. i think there are bigger issues going on behind those motions. >> jeff, a client who gives an interview to a local television station minutes after finding out she's guilty of first degree murder, before they're even able to get into the penalty phase, that's what you call intransigence to the max. any attorney worth his swaet probl weight is probably going to say to the judge, i give up, i cannot stop this freight train that has run amok.
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i don't think you have to be within closed doors to know that jodi arias is a difficult client. >> she did that, though. so that's something that is on her. the lawyers aren't responsible for that. >> they lost control of their client and that's the issue. they lost control of their client. >> she may be uncontrollable. there may be no control over someone like this. i have to put you on pause for a moment. faith jenkins and jeff brown, stand by for a moment. we have a lot more on this case. but we also have this. that thing is huge. we're getting hit with rain here soon. got to get ready to go.
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>> wow. an absolutely terrifying weekend in the midwest. tornadoes, monster tornadoes, more than two dozen of them reported in five different states. two people now reportedly killed. up to 300 homes damaged or completely destroyed. our george howell is standing by in shawnee, oklahoma, one of the areas hardest hit. and i can see the debris behind you. it is probably not surprising they're now calling this an ef-4 tornado. at least one of them, that went through your area, george. >> ashleigh, an ef-4. you get here on the ground, and you see the damage, you see the destruction that a tornado like this can cause, i mean, it is overwhelming. you look around, you see all of this debris, these are people's belongings. these are parts of their home and now, today, is a day where people have come back to see what's left over, you know, to try to pick through and find things to start over.
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now, all day we have been telling you about the home of jenny addington. this used to be the home. this used to be the door. this used to be the living room. and this used to be the kitchen over here. we have been following this situation with her. she was in the restroom, in her bathroom, when the storm came through. tell us about what happened to your mom. >> she was in the bathroom, she said she was getting ready and, you know, she told her cat that it was going to pass and everything was going to be okay. and then she said, all of a sudden, she heard the wind, big high winds and the bedroom windows blew out and all the windows were blowing out and she heard it and she said she didn't have time to even think. just collapsed on her. and she said it threw her around like a rag doll. >> reporter: i did want to come back to you, though, because your mother survived and you were telling us about some good news. tell us about that. >> my best friend found her dog. he was inside the house when their house got picked up.
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so they think he might be paralyzed, but he is alive. so it's kind of a good thing. i wish i could find my cat, but, you know. >> reporter: thank you for taking time. you celebrate the little things out here. and it is going to take a long time for people to clean up. there is a small window of time, ashleigh, for people to come here, look for things, and then get out of the way because, again, more storms are coming through this area again tonight. so, you know, this is not the place to be when that happens. >> there is just nowhere to seek shelter when you see something ripped off its base like that. unbelievable pictures. george howell, thank you. live reporting for us in shawnee, oklahoma. one of the hardest hit areas. coming up next, a police officer responding to a home invasion ends up accidentally killing a college student. what on earth went wrong? and could anything like this have been prevented? i'm going to speak with a former hostage negotiator about protocol an whether this could have been prevented even with
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protocol after the break. hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo. hoo-hoo hoo. sir... i'll get it together i promise... heeheehee. jimmy: ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? ronny: i'd say happier than the pillsbury doughboy on his way to a baking convention. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. and didn't know where to start. used a contractor before at angie's list, you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. no company can pay to be on angie's list, so you can trust what you're reading. angie's list is like having thousands of close neighbors where i can go ask for personal recommendations. that's the idea. before you have any work done, check angie's list. from roofers to plumbers to dentists and more, angie's list -- reviews you can trust. i love you, angie. sorry, honey.
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college year with her twin sister and their friend. police arrived at andrea rebello's off campus house after a 911 call came in reporting that a gunman, a home intruder, had broken in. when the officers arrived, they say the suspect was holding a gun to andrea's head, but then turned that gun towards the responding police officer. a split second decision to pull the trigger ended rebello's life, but it was not the hostage taker who fired that fatal shot. it was the police officer who was there to instead save her. andrea rebello, a public relations major, was remembered at her school's graduation ceremony. >> live the life you love. and love the life you live. please join us in a moment of silence in her memory. >> a psychologist at the school
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also spoke about the veteran officer involved in this shooting, saying he is likely suffering too. and will have to live with this for the rest of his life. joining me now is wally zine, a former nypd hostage negotiator. this is an incredible tragedy. when it comes down to the investigators and what they need to look at right now, does it all come down to the point of what they knew and when they knew it? did they know there was a hostage situation? or did they just think it was an armed robber in a home? >> well, ashleigh, we can second guess and do desktop quarterbacking but the bottom line is a decision had to be made very, very quickly. i understand that the hostage team was called and their emergency service was called, but the officer did go in and when he saw that the perp point the gun at him, all bets went off. which means that he had to think about his life, and he had to
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think about the hostage, and he had to think about what is he going to do? gunfights in new york city, they happen in -- within three seconds and between 7 and 20 feet. there is not a lot of time to think. you actually get tunnel vision in a situation like this. he did what he had to do. and it is a tragic, tragic thing that took place. and, you know, you look at some of the incidents -- >> wally, there was -- i want to ask you, there was an expert earlier on today who said that one of the first things in the officer's protocol should have been to find safe refuge where he could continue his work while out of the line of fire. but if he had to make a split second decision, seeing a gun turning towards him, do you dive out of the way and risk him killing the hostage or do you shoot? >> that's a decision that is made by the particular individual. you know, you're taught that once a person points the gun at you, you're going to end up having to think about your life or the other person's life.
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also, this guy display wanted suicide by cop. the name of the game in this is that it was a terrible, terrible tragedy. yes, all protocol in new york city police department is we have a hostage incident, we try to cover and containment. and start to get a dialogue going. with the particular hostage taker. we also try to get the person into a dialogue where the hostage team gets there, and the emergency service personnel get there and then the first responding officers come back out and let the hostage team start the conversation. >> just a very sad story all around. wally, thank you for your insight this afternoon. from high school dropout to billionaire. it is not a story you hear often. you probably don't even recognize this person. but yahoo! has finalized a deal to buy his company for $1 billion, approximately, give or take. surprising details about him, his background and his company coming up. we went out and asked people a simple question:
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how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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about being under pressure and being in the public eye. she says it is absolutely nothing compared to when she was singing for the troops on a uso tour. she talks about why volunteering with the uso is so important to her in this impact your world. >> hey there. i'm kellie pickler. i come from a military family. i've always had a great respect for our servicemen and women. work a lot with the uso. i love working with them and we have been able to go and do so many tours overseas. where are my girls at? all right. to be in a position where you can take a little piece of home to your servicemen and women, why would you not do that? ♪ they need to know that we have their back, because they have ours. just the right thing to do. that's why i do it. the uso, they have been doing this for over 60 years. you cannot compare those shows to any other show that you do. i wish i could just donate my whole time to just doing those tours because i two it in a
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frustrated won that big jackpot? somebody from zephyrhills, florida, bought the winning ticket at this publix store, and it is a bonanza. but so far nobody is saying boo. no one has come forward to claim it. the mayor at this point is pretty stumped. >> does anybody know who the winner is? >> that is the best kept secret in town. you can't keep a secret in this town. i know that for sure. the rumor mill is flying, but somebody knows, but they're not saying. >> so while there is one winning ticket, there are certainly a lot of losing tickets and a lot of losers out there. one guy who definitely is not one of them did not play powerball, but is a rich man today nonetheless, nothing to do with luck, has to do with being pretty clever. david karp, yahoo!'s newest employee, at the ripe young age of 26 years old, a college and high school dropout. high school dropout. and the man behind the website
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yahoo! just bought for $1.1 billion in cash. tumblr. tumblr, better known as cash cow. the yahoo! ceo marissa mayer is betting a lot on the social blogging site, hoping to tap its younger and more active user base for advertising dollars and in return, she promises concerned tumblr users to, quote, not screw it up. that's a big tall order, too. we're going to get to the tumblr founder david karp and his new fortune in a moment. first, let's go over exactly what tumblr is. if you don't know yet, think of it as a big old blog and a twitter feed. you can post pretty much anything you want on it. pictures, video, and links, but what makes tumblr unique is the ability to reblog something. say you have a favorite sports team, mine, for example, the winnipeg jets, for very good reason, they are excellent. here's a tumblr devoted to all things winnipeg jets.
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where is my evander kane? where is he? i don't see him right there. they post the pictures, you can post anything you like. you can reblog the same content and share it on and on. my personal tumblr for all to see, there you go, you got the gist of it, or you don't. let's get to the guy behind this. i want to bring in laurie segall with cnn money for more on david karp. wow. honestly, a high school dropout? and we're not even talking millionaire, we're talking billionaire. i said it wasn't a lucky thing and i'm right, right? >> you're right. i know david. i met him a couple of times. a lot of people say he's just a genius. he's a very, very smart guy. and the one thing i'll say that he said, right as this all happened, he wrote a note and put it on tumblr and said we're not turning purple. our headquarters isn't moving. our team isn't changing. our road map isn't changing. you're looking at it right there. what he's trying to get at is what a lot of people were talking about, will this remain authentic. is tumblr going to become part
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of yahoo! and is it going to change? a lot of people concerned about that. but, really, david karp is an interesting character. i'll tell you that, ashleigh. i just -- to go over a couple of things you might not know about it. you mentioned this earlier. he didn't finish high school. taught himself to code at a young age. he found a tumblr at 19 and also i should mention he founded tumblr in new york. a huge tech company in new york city, not silicon valley. a lot of people think you have to start a tech company in silicon valley. he very much set the precedent you don't have to do that. this is a funny one. he's actually a model for uniglow. he became a bit of a tech celebrity in the new york community and uniglow, the clothing company, asked him to model. you'll be in a subway and see different pictures of david karp, which is interesting. he also was an adviser for obama's social media team. in 2008, we all heard about obama using facebook, they were using twitter. in 2012, obama had a tumblr.
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this wasn't random. he was brought in. he's always looked at as a very bright mind. and, you know, his friends say this. he's a very private person. but he's always been against display advertising. very interesting character, ashleigh. >> i just keep thinking about the innovation of this in 2007. i think i have cheese in my fridge older than this guy's product. i'm just -- i cannot believe the value that it accrued so quickly. one quick question for you, i can't hear you really clearly, my apologies if this is repetitive, the fact that yahoo! brings on something as edgy as tumblr, aren't there a lot of people on tumblr. you have, like, a lot of editorial freedom. you can do and say and see a lot of stuff that you might not be able to do so with all of the restrictions on yahoo!. if they apply that to tumblr, doesn't it become a lot less cool? >> that's a good question. that's the big question here, right? everybody went on tumblr because it is an independent blogging
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platform. you can say what you want. that's why david karp is saying we're not going to clutter your tumblr page with ads but a lot of users are signing off, you have matt mullinics, he signed over some users after this deal took place. time will tell whether this will remain authentic and if it will remain uncluttered with ads. >> thank you. advice to all of our viewers, don't drop out of high school just because you think you're going to have the same thing happen to you. it is a one in a billion, let's just say. coming up next, the president and the first lady getting extremely personal in their speeches to college graduates. you're going to hear their very blunt advice on race, on dreams, and it being a man and a woman in america. >> instead of dreaming of being a teacher, a lawyer, a business leader, they're fantasizing about being a baller or a rapper.
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>> sometimes i wrote off my own failings at another example of the world trying to keep a black man down. when you have diabetes... your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes.
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hello, everyone. i'm ashleigh banfield reporting live in phoenix, arizona, at the maricopa county courthouse where we just witnessed a very bizarre, surprise ending to today's proceedings in the sentencing or at least the attempt to sentence jodi arias. the 32-year-old murderer was supposed to say something to the jurors who are scheduled to decide if she should live or die for stabbing and nearly decapitating and shooting her ex-boyfriend, travis alexander, back in 2008. but just in the last hour, a very frenzied series of developments, the judge adjourned for the day, called it quits in that courtroom after one of arias' witnesses decided she just could not show up to speak on behalf of her friend. arias is now set to make her statement to the jury tomorrow. yet to be determined why the
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ex-boyfriend of arias didn't speak today, because he was also scheduled to speak. this jury has a huge decision to make. altogether unanimously they have to decide on a sentence for this woman, either life or death or if they can't, if they're a hung jury, believe it or not, in the state of arizona you can reconvene a brand-new jury for this phase of the trial. they will not relitigate all of this, it is just the life or death option that a brand-new jury would be brought in to decide, very strange, but very real, and a lot more ahead before we get to that particular phase. in a pair of highly personal commencement speeches at historically black colleges over the weekend, president obama and the first lady discussed race and responsibility and encouraged graduates to be good role models in society.
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>> we that too many young men in our community continue to make bad choices. and i have to say, growing up, i made quite a few myself. sometimes i wrote off my own failings as just another example of the world trying to keep a black man down. i had a tendency sometimes to make excuses for me not doing the right thing. but one of the things that all of you have learned over the last four years is there is no longer any room for excuses. >> but today, more than 150 years after the emancipation proclamation, more than 50 years after the end of separate but equal, when it comes to getting an education, too many of our young people just can't be bothered. today, instead of walking miles every day to school, they're sitting on couches for hours, playing video games, watching
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tv. instead of dreaming of being a teacher or lawyer or business leader, they're fantasizing about being a baller or rapper. >> whatever success i have achieved, whatever positions of leadership i have held, have depended less on ivy league degrees or s.a.t. scores or gpas, and have instead been due to that sense of connection and empathy, the special obligation i felt as a black man like you to help those who need it most, people who didn't have the opportunities that i had because there but for the grace of god go i. i might have been in their shoes. i might have been in prison. i might have been unemployed. i might not have been able to support a family and that motivates me. >> please stand up and reject the slander that says a black child with a book is trying to act white. reject that. >> didn't know my dad.
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so my whole life i tried to be for michelle and my girls what my father was not for my mother and me. i want to break that cycle. where a father is not at home. where a father is not helping to raise that son or daughter. i want to be a better father, a better husband, a better man. >> and when it comes to your own kids, if you don't like what they're watching on tv, turn it off. if you don't like the video games they're playing, take them away. take a stand against the immediate media that celebrates today's celebrity gossips instead of the serious issues of our time. take a stand against the culture that galolorifies instant gratification instead of hard work and lasting success. >> the first lady speaking in maryland, the president speaking
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in atlanta. chilling video of tourists in turkey. one minute they're taking in the sites from the air, and the next minute they're dropping from the sky. more of this amazing video and what caused this deadly accident coming up next. it's monday. a brand new start. your chance to rise and shine. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. with our visionary cloud infrastructure, global broadband network and custom communications solutions, your business is more reliable - secure - agile. and with responsive, dedicated support, we help you shine every day of the week. ♪ [ male announcer ] every car we build must make adrenaline pump and pulses quicken. ♪ to help you not just to stay alive...
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seven people have now been arrested in connection with that shooting that rang through the streets of new orleans on mother's day. according to our affiliate, new orleans police arrested five more people that they say harbored two brothers who were arrested. brothers the investigators say allegedly fired shots into the street, injuring 20 people. those brothers, shawn and akein scott, are each facing 20 counts of attempted second degree murder. some terrifying video out of turkey today. two hot air balloons collided midflight causing one to come
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crashing to the ground. two people were killed in that accident, apparently one balloon striking the other from the top, causing the second balloon to go down. those balloons incidentally had been flying above a volcanic area, which is a very popular tourist destination in central turkey. at least 23 people were injured in that crash. and the dream liner is cleared for takeoff again. the domestic flight on the new jet set to resume today after a series of mechanical issues grounded boeing's 787 fleet earlier this year. first dreamliner flight in more than four months left houston this morning and arrived safely at chicago's o'hare a short while ago. those wanting to take the dreamliner overseas will have to wait a little longer though. international flights are not scheduled to get up and running until june. tornadoes damaged hundreds of homes in five states and
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there could be another outbreak of severe weather this afternoon. we just received word that several states are now under tornado watches. we'll tell you if you're in that state what you need to do now. [ male announcer ] a guide to good dipping. little carrot. little bit of hummus. lonely wing... well we have got the perfect match for you. of course you can't beat the classics. delish... sabra hummus. dip life to the fullest. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. that was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again, and now i gotta take more pills. ♪ yup another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] this may, buy aleve and help those in need.
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if this shifts, we're done. >> just an incredible scene in the midwest last night where tornadoes tore through that region. monster tornadoes. and tonight could bring more of the same. our severe weather expert chad myers has been watching these patterns all throughout the day. we talked just a couple of hours ago and you said things are not looking good. and now we know they're really not good in some areas, right? >> we have thunderstorms that are developing in michigan. other ones that are in texas and a line really connecting the entire system from milwaukee back out to the west of detroit, up north there, and then the biggest threat for the largest tornadoes in the red zone from springfield, missouri, back to oklahoma city, wichita falls. all the way to up michigan, there is a chance of tornadoes today. a warm, cold clashing system, that's what we're seeing from today. the first storm we're seeing on radar significantly has a potential to rotate would be parts of oklahoma here, oklahoma
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city, duncan, brea and a picture of that storm on our live stream right there, looking at the base of the cloud, the bottom of the wall cloud, waiting for a funnel to fall out of the bottom of that. have chasers all over the country, we're watching their live streaming feeds from their car. now, believe me, just because you have a car or a pickup and a noaa weather radio doesn't make you a chaser. don't look for these today. it is so muggy outside. won't be the classic there it is type tornadoes. i can see it beautifully. it is going to be wrapped in rain. can't see it at all. looks like a rain shaft, but in the middle of the rain shaft could be a tornado. there is the watch box we had. a severe thunderstorm watch box for parts of michigan. it continues through the day, up north into michigan and u.p. of michigan and parts of ontario there could be severe weather this afternoon. the heat of the day, that's when the storms will be the strongest and still 1:30, 2:00, central time, we have many more hours of heating to go before these storms really get to their peak.
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>> that is just an incredible swath. i don't know i've seen it stretch that far north. >> ontario to texas. >> it is incredible. >> chad, thank you. keep an eye and let us know how things change, especially in the areas that have the watches that they turn to warnings. chad will watch that for us. in the meantime, you've heard of soldiers surprising their families when they come back from serving overseas. have i got one for you? a wife who decided to turn the tables. you're going to hear why her husband says he barely recognized the woman he was hugging and this is awesome. hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol
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♪ the one and only, cheerios you know, it can be really tough to get kids in this country excited about school, but as a lot of american kids whine about classes, and school structures, there are kids all over the world who are december pra desperate, fighting for the opportunity to step foot in a building where they can be taught. we have the story of one girl who is definitely one of the lucky ones with the opportunity and the will to rise up. >> reporter: this is 16-year-old
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pernemia. she lives in nepal. she is one of the lucky ones. she's attending school. >> i'm proud of my school. >> reporter: girls in nepal have a higher illiteracy rate than boys. room to read, a global nonprofit group, that promotes literacy and gender equality and education is trying to change that. >> the program started out because we found out that most families, if they were able to afford education of one child, it was boys that got preferred over girls. >> reporter: she attended primary school, but government education is free only through the fifth grade. organizations like room to read allow her to continue her education. >> i am the first person getting education in my family. we are a poor family so we cannot afford to go to high school. >> reporter: she lives with her family above a carpet factory. her father is paralyzed and her mother is blind. without an education, she says
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she would probably end up working at the carpet factory. but now she has big dreams. >> i want to be an eye doctor when i grow up. and because my mother is blind. so i want to be an eye doctor in the future. >> sweetheart. she is now 17 years old and waiting to find out if she passed her tenth grade final exam. the film "girl rising" is going to premiere on sunday, june 16th, at 9:00 p.m. eastern time. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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the wright brothers became the first in flight. [ goodall ] i think the most amazing thing is how like us these chimpanzees are. [ laughing ] [ woman ] can you hear me? and you hear your voice? oh, it's exciting! [ man ] touchdown confirmed. we're safe on mars. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hi. [ baby fussing ] ♪
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vets returning home from military duty often expect from changes in their families. that's fair. been away a long time. one army specialist from north carolina got a heck of a surprise when he got home. his wife had lost more than 100 pounds while he was away. take a look. >> i love these moments. look at that. misty shaffer went from 254 pounds to 150 pounds in just the 12 months that her husband was gone. and her husband actually had no idea what she was up to. >> at the airport, i was in shock. i didn't know what to expect
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when i saw her. that's my wife that i left a - year ago. >> i was, like, you know what, i'm going to keep this a surprise for him. he's never seen me like this. >> misty shaffer looks so different that her own 3-year-old daughter couldn't even recognize her in old photographs. i'm ashleigh banfield reporting live in phoenix, arizona, at the maricopa county courthouse where we just witnessed a remarkable turn of events in the jodi arias sentencing phase. it turns out jodi has one more night to compose some kind of plea to her jury. she's now set to address those jurors tomorrow, not today, as we expected. i do need to give you a recap as to what has happened. there has been so many twists and turns and yet another very strange one in this death
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penalty case. about an hour ago, the defense dropped plans to have two of her friends address the court in her support to beg for her mercy. the defense contends that one of those friends, patty womack, is now in fear of retribution. should she appear on behalf of jodi arias, a convicted killer, the murderer of travis alexander. upon that basis, they asked this judge for a mistrial, completely. the judge denied that, said, no. listen to the exchange that happened just one hour ago. >> this court can only speculate as to why miss womack is not here today. similarly this court can only speculate as to the absence of other possible witnesses for purposes of the sentencing phase. without more information, this court finds there is no basis to grant a mistrial, so the motion for mistrial is denied.
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mr. nurmi. >> we would move to withdraw from the case yet again. under strickland v. washington we are in a position where we cannot provide effective assistance to counsel at this phase of the proceedings. we cannot present the complete picture that is incumbent upon us. rule 6.8 as well, arizona rules of criminal procedure, imposes that duty upon us as well. we cannot fulfill that duty because we cannot provide the picture. there is no speculation as to why miss womack is not here. she feels threatened. she feels intimidated and doesn't feel like she can be here. that being said under strickland, we cannot meet that standard and move to withdraw. >> your motion to withdraw is denied. >> i suppose that isn't a surprise, but first the judge denies a mistrial motion and then you heard miss -- she denied the motion for the defense team to quit. by the way, that would be the
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second time in a couple of days that that defense team has asked to get off this case. no surprise that she said no. we're right down to the wire. and with me now from atlanta is criminal defense darren kavinoky. with me in phoenix, former prosecutor monica lindstrom. you've been here and watching this, doing a lost xhen tt of c on this case. i did not expect this. >> when i heard it, i could not believe it. i thought what? they're not going to put anybody up there? are you kidding? so really just, wow. i mean, it just took me by surprise and shock. >> and yet again another request to walk, to get away from jodi arias. >> clearly. i don't blame the defense attorneys for doing this. i think it is something they need to do. they need to not only protect themselves, but need to protect the record. i didn't quite understand everything they were saying.
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they are still able to put witnesses up there. it is going to be sealed. the judge aloud them to do that. so i'm not sure why they're saying that's it, we're not going to do anything. i don't think it makes sense. >> look, the death penalty cases i've seen come and go in the 32 states that still employ the death penalty in the united states, there is always someone, a teacher from second grade, somebody that they can pull out of the wood work to give one shred of value to the otherwise condemned. so why is it, do you think that this defense team has pulled out everything and said, no one will stand for this woman? >> if you're a conspiracy theorist, you may say the defense liked their chances better raising these issues for appeal than they liked the possibility that these witnesses would be able to impact this jury. and what is such a fascinating issue in this case is that jodi arias, herself, spent so much
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time on the witness stand, 18 days, and normally in a typical case you think that the jurors might bond with the defendant, that they get to look at that person as a human being, but when we look at the jodi arias case, it seems to have had just the opposite effect. the more those jurors get exposed to jodi arias, just like everybody out there in social media, the more they see of her, the more they dislike her. and so the defense, if we're going to look at this and try to read the tea leaves, there was a tactical advantage to not putting on these witnesses because now instead of allowing juan martinez and the prosecution to put other folks on to rebut it, now we're just going to hear jodi arias make her statement and then we go directly to arguments. so there won't be any rebuttal witnesses from the prosecution. and, also, a criminal conviction is the first step towards the successful appeal, they may just be protecting the record so that they can launch that appeal.
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>> well, i do feel for these two attorneys who obviously could be facing ineffective assistance of counsel claim somewhere down the road. that's just how jodi seems to roll. monica, more to the point of these two witnesses. we understand that one of these witnesses, patty womack, there was -- they were in each other's wedding or jodi was the bridesmaid in patty womack's wedding. she has feared retribution. she already made an appeal to this court to stay off camera and not even have her voice recorded, which the judge granted. but when it comes to the other witness, this is the ex-boyfriend, darryl brewer, still no explanation as to why he has mysteriously disappeared from this case. and yet we still also don't know the biggest wild card, what will jodi say. >> you said it perfectly. we know why patty womack isn't up there. i can't say i blame her. she would end up testifying for one of the most hated women in america. and that's got to be a lot of pressure. and very scary for just a regular person that is not a
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professional witness, so to speak. and with darryl brewer, he's already testified. he hasn't been on camera yet, but we're not sure why he's not being called at all. if it is the same reason or not. >> it is bizarre. we often find out, i mentioned this earlier in the air, sometimes it takes a little bit of a lag time for seals to become unsealed and information to become public. we may find out more about why darryl brewer is no longer part of this, the sentencing phase, and the mitigation phase anyway. monica, thank you. darren kavinoky, thank you to you as well, as we continue to watch the developments from here at this courthouse. there are also other stories we're following. a moment of silence during sunday's graduation ceremony at hofstra university. students and faculty there were remembering andrea rebello, a student who was shot and killed this weekend by a police officer's bullet. it all happened as she was in the grips of a home intruder who
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was holding a gun on her. in fact, holding a gun to her head. cnn's deborah feyerick is in new york. and, deb, if you can take us back and reset how all of this unfolded, and how quickly all of this actually happened. >> yeah, and ashleigh, what is amazing is this was a crime of opportunity, but the home intru intrude, the gunman, a career criminal who got out of prison three months ago after serving nine years for attempted robbery with a firearm, he was already violated, he already violated parole and was wanted on a warrant. well, friday, around 2:00 a.m., he walks past the home where andrea rebello lived with her twin sister who you see there, they shared it with two other roommates. police say the front door was open because one of the roommates was getting ready to move the car. well, that's when 30-year-old dalton smith with a ski mask over his head walked in demanding cash and valuables. when there wasn't enough, one of the roommates said to go to a nearby atm, smith allegedly threatened to kill her friends
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if she didn't come back quickly. two officers arrived. one entered the home. the others stood just outside the door. the gunman tried to escape out of the back door using rebello as a shield. when he pointed his gun at the officer, that's when the officer opened fire. eight shots, seven of them hit the perpetrator. andrea rebello was also struck once. she was killed. jessica rebello's boyfriend managed to survive. >> i heard the screams and then looked outside and there is police officers everywhere and it was a girl screaming. the most horrifying scream i've heard in my entire life. >> i believe that the perpetrator was about to kill a lady. and so the police officer tried to save her life. after saving my son's life. the police officer saved my son's life and i owe a great deal of gratitude to the gentleman. >> his son was in the home, sitting on the couch with the others when this all took place. the nassau county police officer who fired is described as inconsolable.
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now on sick leave and the question really is why was this man, dalton smith, who had a long criminal record, robbery with a gun, violated parole, why was he out on the street? clearly looking to do something. ashleigh? >> so i think those questions will be looked at, you know, with a microscope, but at same time, we're focusing a lot on this officer and the second responding officer. but there had to have been other first responders somewhere along the line. where are we only looking at two at this point? >> well, what is interesting is when the initial call came in, it was described as a robbery. not as a hostage situation. and it may not have been a hostage situation. but this was happening within a matter of minutes. clearly the perpetrator did not anticipate police to be called so quickly and when they arrived, everything changed. the dynamic was completely different. he took this young woman hostage, bringing her downstairs in a headlock, the gun at her head. and so whether they should have called her back up, if backup
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was on its way, all of that is currently under investigation. it was not initially treated as a hostage situation when you had a lot more people, you would have had a hostage negotiator, a tactical team, it was treated as a robbery. a robbery that clearly went horrendously wrong, ashleigh. >> such a sad story all around. deborah feyerick reporting live for us in new york, thank you for that. coincidence or targeted killing? in 2008, the son and housekeeper of a creighton university professor were killed in their omaha home. that murder has not yet been solved. but just a week ago, another creighton university professor was killed. roger brumback's body found alongside his wife's in their omaha home. and so far police with no suspects. but today, they moved to reassure this community and the university's faculty as well, telling people there they have now set up a task force that is
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focused solely on solving both of these double murders. police have not yet said how the brumbacks were killed. >> get to shelter right now, ryan newton. right now, ryan. everybody down below. let's go! terrifying moments as a new team leaves the studio live on the air. a tornado approaches their building. we'll take you to one of the areas hardest hit after the break. ♪ [ male announcer ] we all have something neatly tucked away in the back of our mind. a secret hope. that thing we've always wanted to do. it's not about having dreams, it's about reaching them. ♪ an ally for real possibilities. aarp. find tools and direction at
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and do you know your... blooa or b positive?? have you eaten today? i had some lebanese food for lunch. i love the lebanese. i... i'm not sure. enough of the formalities... lets get started shall we? jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dracula volunteering at a blood drive. we have cookies... get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. our seafood dinner for two for just 25 dollars! first get salad and cheddar bay biscuits. then choose from a variety of seafood entrées. plus choose either an appetizer or a dessert to share. offer ends soon at red lobster! where we sea food differently. plus choose either an appetizer or a dessert to share. anncr: and many of the tornado's victims are... without homes tonight. girl: first, i saw it on cable. then i read about it online. i found out how to help. i downloaded the info.
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i spoke up... and told my friends... and they told their friends... and together, we made a difference. anncr: and tornado relief has been pouring in from... across the country. girl: we might be hundreds of miles apart... but because we're connected, it's like we're all neighbors. i don'without goingcisions to angie's list first. you'll find reviews on home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. with angie's list, i know who to call, and i know the results will be fantastic. angie's list -- reviews you can trust.
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. get back here. we got to go soon! if this shifts, we're done. >> it has been a very rough 24 hours for a lot of people living all throughout the plains states. and it may not be over for them just yet because more than two dozen twisters have been reported in five states. all of that overnight. not all of them confirmed just yet. i want you to take a look at a local television crew in wichita, kansas, covering the storm from their studio.
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actually had to take cover. >> no doubt watching us right now, this storm bears down on the city of wichita -- >> you know, j.d., in 20 years, i never said this, but i think it is our time to go. and i really do. we have been monitoring the conditions here downtown. at this point, folks, those -- we here at ksn are moving to our shelters. we are moving to our shelters. j.d. and i will continue to talk with you as long as we can. we're leaving the radar image up. but it appears that it is time for all of us to get to shelter. get to shelter right now. ryan newton, ryan newton. now, ryan. everybody, down below. let's go! >> that is just chilling. and, listen, it is so serious, those warnings, you take them seriously, you get down underground if you can. dramatic moments, everybody was okay. and they actually were able to keep broadcasting and getting
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some of critical information out to people who needed it know when they needed to get shelter. i want to bring in cnn's george howell, standing by live now in shawnee, oklahoma. that's where two people were killed by storms. i can see behind you the remnants. it is always just so astounding, the power of these storms. are you seeing a lot of people able to return, and even look for anything they can salvage, george? >> reporter: ashleigh, that's what today is all about. today is the aftermath. you see people coming here and looking to see what is left over after a scary couple of days honestly with the storm system coming in. i want to show you this. this footprint of the dirt here versus the grass. that's where this trailer used to be. it got shifted over, kicked over where it is now. you can see what's left over. not a lot left over. as you heard, a minute ago, people watching very closely to our affiliates and broadcasters, doing the job of telling people to get out of the way, to take shelter. that's what a lot of people did, especially here in this case. i want to come over here to josh
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howell, and amber mcgwire. talk to me about, josh, where you were when this happened? >> i was at work at the casino when this all happened. i didn't think it would be this devastating and this much. it looks like a war zone. >> reporter: did you see the tornado? >> i watched it from the distance from where i was working and i seen it rip through here like it was nothing. and it was crazy to watch, man, just a big violent thing from the sky just coming through, tearing everybody's houses up. >> reporter: where were you? >> we were here and left to the storm shelter at my aunt's and uncle's. >> reporter: what was that like to get out of the way? >> scary. >> reporter: well, we're thankful you guys are okay and certainly your baby was saved as well. and -- >> that's the thing i was worrying about. before all this, this is replaceable? my wife and my baby is not, you know? if you look around, we're not the only ones that lost something. everybody here lost something.
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>> people lost their lives. >> reporter: guys, thank you so much. mr. howell, thank you. a lot of familis in this situation right now. the governor just came through about an hour ago to survey the damage. i spoke to her. here's what she had to say. >> when you look around here, what do you think? >> total devastation. there have been so many homes that have been destroyed in this area. i was visiting with some of the local people here, they said that people didn't know where their homes was. when they came to the community, everything is all jumbled up and mangled up and they weren't sure where their house originally was placed. >> reporter: so there is not a lot of time honestly. there is another storm system coming through this area. not expected to be as strong in this particular area of shawnee, but you never know. so people are doing their best to clean up, get out of the way, before the storms come through again tonight, ashleigh. >> george, it is just unbelievable what i'm looking at behind you. it looks like a house of cards
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that collapsed and was put through a blender. there is virtually nowhere to seek shelter in that kind of a residence. nowhere they could have been safe other than at a formal location considered a safe -- a safe tornado shelter, right? >> reporter: that's what you find around here. and you know what, i was born in the texas panhandle in amarillo. in that area, and places like this, you find storm shelters. they're all over the place. you can take a storm shelter, neighbors go to neighbors storm shelters when they start to see that circulation before they see a tornado coming down. also watching local broadcasters. and many people will go to buildings that have been designated as storm shelters there are plans in place, clearly those plans helped in this community. though we do know that two people died in this storm, ashleigh. >> just virtually impossible to ride out a storm in a structure like that. it is just unbelievable to see it. george howell, reporting live
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for us in shawnee, thank you. our hearts go out to the people who have lost so much, including those who lost their lives. coming up next, the incredible behind the scenes account of how three women were rescued after spending a decade as prisoners in a cleveland house of horrors. >> within moments, she came charging at me, she jumped on to me, she's, like, you saved us, you saved us. and i'm holding on to her so tight. and then within a few seconds i see another girl come out of the bedroom. >> you're about to hear the emotional account from the first responders who rescued amanda berry and her two other co-captives coming up after the break. ♪ fly me to the moon ♪ let me play among the stars ♪ and let me see what spring is like ♪
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among the first to see amanda berry, gina dejesus, and michelle knight. here are the officers describing the scene that they discovered in their own words. >> i'm always a positive thinker. it's got to be her. >> when i pulled up, i didn't see amanda. i just saw officers running across the street towards the house. and i got out of my car and ran right over there, right behind them. officer espada kept yelling out. and it seems like an eternity, but it was so quick at the same time. >> i got out of the car, i'm like, is that you? i'm looking at her face and i can't believe what i'm seeing in front of me. nervous. her child she's holding is screaming. we got her. we got her right here. she's safe. her child is safe. and then, you know, we don't know what's going on in the house. we don't know anybody else in
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the house, a suspect or something. i asked her. i said, is there anybody else in the house? she goes, gentlemen, gina dejesus and another girl. i go what? >> it was like another bombshell just with overwhelming force just hitting me. i believe i broadcasted that gina might still be in the house. something is going on in this room. and, you know, i'm looking that way, just waiting to see what's going to happen. and it was michelle, she kind of popped out into the doorway, and paused there for a second. within moments she came charging at me, she jumped on to me, she's, like, you saved us, you saved us. and i'm holding on to her so tight. and then within a few seconds i see another girl come out of the bedroom, i just look at her, i -- you can immediately tell who it is. just thinner.
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and, again, i just needed confirmation. and i asked her, what's your name? she said my name is juror gegeo dejesus. >> you didn't hear anything and then like the pitter-patter of feet heading towards you. next thing i know, someone is in anthony espaespada's arms. when he put her down, she jumped into my arms and said please don't let me go, please don't let me go. i said, honey, i'm not letting you go. >> very overwhelming. i mean, it took everything to hold myself together, you know. i have michelle in my arms and then you got gina coming out,
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and it was, like, one bombshell after another. that's when i broadcast ed we found them, we found them. >> i can't even tell you how -- the emotions we felt. just unbelievable. and everything else was just a blur. i just -- it was just surreal. >> remarkable account of what these first responders went through. coming up next, a case sending shock waves across the united states. the romance of a lesbian couple in high school. high school, ending in an arrest. it is a lesson for every parent, pay attention to who your child dates, but more specifically, the ages. that's coming up.
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i'm ashleigh banfield reporting live in phoenix, arizona, where we have witnessed a bizarre ending to today's proceedings in the case against jodi arias. more specifically, her sentencing. today that 32-year-old murderer was supposed to stand up and say something to the jurors who are deciding if she should live or die. say something in the case where she stabbed and nearly decapitated and shot her ex-boyfriend travis alexander,
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killing him, in 2008. but just in the last 90 minutes, the judge in the case adjourned everything, for the day, after one of arias's witnesses decided that she just could not show up and testify on jodi's bey hahal. her attorneys are saying it is intimidation that caused that witness to back out. they not only asked for a mistrial, but they asked if they could quit the case, yet again. >> there is no speculation as to why miss womack is not here. she feels threatened. she feels intimidated and she doesn't feel like she can be here. so that being said, under strickland, we cannot meet that standard and move to withdraw. >> your motion to withdraw is denied. >> so jodi arias is now set to make her statement to the jury tomorrow. instead. that's a jury that has to decide unanimously on what sentence they should give arias.
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and if they can't be unanimous, a hung jury doesn't make a get out of jail free card for jodi in any respect. instead, a brand-new jury can be convened for yet another round of this sentencing phase. so the plot thickens, the story continues. also making news, parents, this is common sense, you need to follow who your teenager is dating. but did you ever check out the age of your teenager's teenage boyfriend or girlfriend? it matters. it matters a lot. a year or two can make a huge difference as a florida mother is now finding out the hard way. her 18-year-old high school daughter caitlin hunt was dating a younger girl, a 14-year-old girl at the high school. and now hunt could be convicted of a crime because of that relationship. reporter angela cruz from our florida affiliate explains. >> reporter: kelly hunt smith says it has been a nightmare
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since her daughter 18-year-old caitlin hunt, was arrested on a charge of lewd and lascivious battery of a child 12 to 16 years old. >> she's scared to death. she can't sleep. >> reporter: smith said caitlin became friends with an underaged female student at sbaften river high school at the beginning of the cool yeschool year. >> they began a dating relationship. never in my mind did i consider what that meant. >> reporter: caitlin, a former cheerleader and basketball player, was expelled from school after the arrest. smith is hoping what she calls the overwhelming online support could somehow help get caitlin's charge dropped and avoid a trial. >> it is not something i want for my daughter. it is not something i want for the other girl. >> reporter: smith says the relationship was consensual, she questions why the parents of caitlin's girlfriend chose to press charges. >> you get with me and say, hey, this is going on and as a mom, i don't like this, i want -- let's talk about this, i would have sat down with her, i would have sat down with our children, i would have nipped it in the bud and would have respect e eed he.
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>> reporter: smith doesn't feel caitlin deserves the penalty if they don't accept and lose their case. >> she would have a lifetime sexual offender on her record. she would not be able to, you know, i think we all know what that means. it is a death sentence for her. it is her life will be over at 18. >> well, caitlin hunt's story has now gone viral. it is such a heated pace that it reportedly crashed the website, for a short period. at this hour, there are more than 54,000 signatures that are urging the prosecutor in this case to drop the case against the high school senior. the petition just went up on friday. the top of the page says stop the hate, free kate. her father who started this effort writes this. caitlin's girlfriend's parents are pressing charges because they are against the same sex relationship. well, that may not be the whole
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story. let's go live to new york where cnn's legal analyst sunny hostin is on the case. sunny, lay it out for exactly who presses charges and whether a same sex relationship has anything to do with this at all. >> thanks so much for asking that question, ashleigh. that's sort of a common misconception that people press charges against other people. that's just not the case. it is the government, the district attorney, the u.s. attorney, that decides whether or not to indict someone. it decides whether or not to press charges. and so in this case, the parents aren't pressing charges. the parents of the other girl must have brought this to the attention of authorities because it is sort of a strange case. we're talking about two teenagers having what one teenager is saying is a consensual relationship. and really doesn't matter under the law whether or not it is a same sex relationship or, you know, an opposite sex relationship. really when you're talking about this kind of case, which is sort
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of statutory rape, it is a strict liability type of crime. a kid, a child, under the age of 16, cannot consent to having sexual relations with an 18-year-old. an adult under the eyes of the law. that really is all this case is comes down to when you look at it legally. so i think that's so critical for people to know. this may have been a consensual relationship in high school, and people may look at these two as having this relationship, and thinking nothing of it, but, again, what you said is the law is the law. a child of the age of 14 legally cannot make that consent, even if she or he thinks he or she is consenting. we have been trying to get a response from the parents of the alleged victim in this case. cnn wasn't able to. we have been able to speak with the state attorney who says these charges are not being dropped and i want to let you know exactly what the state attorney is saying they're offering. in terms of a plea deal to caitlin. they're saying this is a deal
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that would reduce the charges to third degree child abuse, she would get two years of monitoring, meaning she would have to wear an ankle bracelet. and a year of probation. it would be up to a judge if she would be labeled a felon as she moves forward in life. that sounds pretty serious. in light of the charges, and in light of the circumstances, does that sound like a good deal? >> you know, it does. it does to me. i know that's going to be difficult for a lot of people to hear. especially the parents out there. they are looking at this as two teenagers having a consensual relationship. but as we just mentioned, ashleigh, you can't consent at the age of 14. i would say this kind of deal is a good deal in a case like this that is very, very easy to prove. all you need to do is prove the age of the minor, and the fact that something happened. and we know after seeing the affidavit in this case that this older girl, this 18-year-old, admitted to having this
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relationship. and so i would say absolutely, this is the kind of case that should never see the light of day in a courtroom. this is the kind of case you plea out. >> yeah. i'll tell you something, it is the kind of case, i'm glad you and i are talking about it, live on television, as uncomfortable as it is, every parent needs to know what their teenage children are up to and the age of those that they are having relationships with. it can be the difference between a future as a felon. sunny hostin, thank you for your insight. appreciate it. >> thank you. so moving on, yahoo! spent more than a billion, with a b, a billion dollars to acquire the website tumblr. but along with it comes some not so safe to open up at work content. coming up next, how yahoo! is responding to the risque side of the brand-new company they just bought. i am an american success story. i'm a teacher. i'm a firefighter. i'm a carpenter. i'm an accountant. a mechanical engineer. and i shop at walmart.
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$1.1 billion just got yahoo! a shiny new website. it is called tumblr. but like a lot of things on the internet, it comes with a dark side. the social blogging site is not immune to, shall we say, the risque content that its users create and upload for all to see. most of which i am not scrolling for you here often your tv, because you can't show it on tv and it is so risque, you can't even open it up at your workpla workplace. needless to say, there is a whole lot of porn, adult content on tumblr. cnn's samuel berk drew the short straw and he's here to walk me through this one. first, before i get to all that sexy stuff, can you remind viewers who don't know a lot about tumblr and what it does and how it works, what it does and,000 wo how it works. >> my mom called and said how can yahoo! be paying a billion dollars for a site i never heard of and i don't understand how it
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works. it is a simple way of posting pictures, videos and texts. that includes risque niche websites. you can look at tumblr, attractive women with glasses. i can't show you some of the other ones that are flat out adult content, pornography. i think what is interesting here, ashleigh, is that facebook and other social networks have been aggressive about getting rid of adult content, where as tumblr said we don't want porn individual yoe videos, but they have a category called not suitable for work, but still allowed on the site. they allow some pornography on this platform. so yahoo! could scrub all this porn off tumblr, but they would probably losing a large portion of the traffic. >> didn't they acquire instagram and instagram had a bunch of, shall we say, darker content as well and they had to deal with
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all that. >> they have to go through a period where they learn,000 scrhow to scrub things. they put equations into place when they figure out something is porn. is yahoo! going to do that. it sounds like they're going to be very hands off, let tumblr continue to do what it's done, they're not going to create any problems like they have done with some of the other products they have acquired. so from all signs here, it seems like yahoo! might just allow this type of adult content to continue on tumblr, which would be different for a traditional company like yahoo! to have some risque content, including the atrabl attractive women with glasses. >> you pick the most boring ones you could show us, right, in your effort to make sure you didn't get any accidental -- >> some of the stuff is really not boring, ashleigh. but i cannot show it on cnn. >> i hear you. i'll see you back at shop. thanks, sam. nice to see you. sam berk reporting live for us. coming up next, word out today that the doj, the justice
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department, has reportedly tracked and targeted a reporter with fox news. aur all of this while investigating leaks from the obama administration. bet your bottom dollar the network is responding and the words are harsh. want to break it down with my friend jake tapper. he's coming up next after the break. nice to see you again! hey! i almost didn't recognize you without the suit. well, this is my weekend suit. weekend getaways just got better. well, enjoy your round! alright, thanks! save a ton on our best available rate when you book early and feel the hamptonality.
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trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat, or sweating. flexpen® is insulin delivery my way. covered by most insurance plans, including medicare. ask your health care provider about levemir® flexpen today. got some breaking news we want to bring to your attention right away. this coming out of oklahoma city. the national weather service is issuing a tornado warning for metropolitan oklahoma city. this is a massive populated area. and to have a warning coming in, i want to go directly to chad myers in the extreme weather center. that is a lot of people affected by this warning. a warning means what? take shelter now? >> take shelter now. absolutely. if you're anywhere from north of new castle, right into moore and then north or northeast from there, this is your storm. this is
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don't have it confirmed but enough rotation to give you this warning. oklahoma city right here, a watch box in effect meaning anything you could see today could get a atornado on the ground and rotate. farther to the north, springfield, missouri, we even have storms firing into parts of michigan at this hour. here's a look at the storm itself, the tornado warning, there's new castle, the spin, the hook echo as we call it. it's there moving across i-44. turner and up toward moore. we don't have confirmation on the ground yet, but if you're in this area, new castle, moore, and points toward the north and northeast, you need to take cover now. this could get to the ground at any time. it is that serious, just as serious as it was yesterday. we'll keep you advised, ashle h ashleigh. >> chad, just a quick look at
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the u.s. census, it has the population of oklahoma city at approximately 500,000 people, but i can imagine the metro area is different than that. do you have statistics on how many people this could affect? >> we're not talking about oklahoma city proper, not talking about toward edmond. we're talking about moore, new castle and on toward the northeast of there. and sean just tried to tell me something. there you go, there's the number, thank you very much, sir. 171,441 people in that pink box which is the tornado warning proper for the cities of moore and also for thenorman. there would be main street there, here is the location of the circulation moving across the canadian river quickly and into moore. this is a big story. we'll keep you advised. we'll break in with pictures or new information, ashleigh. >> chad, thank you. just again to the people in that
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area, take shelter right away. if you have a rooshgs adio, tak with you and stay tuned for further information. but take shelter even in an underground storm shelter or, if you haven't got access to an underground storm shelter, the safest place in any structure at all would be an inner closet, an inner bathroom, and if you can muster a mattress, get a mattress up and over you. that won't stop you from the debris, but at least it will help against any of the swirling debris that oftentimes creates some of the worst injuries and sometimes deaths in this circumstance. the national weather service, a tornado warning for metropolitan oklahoma city. chad myers is watching it. more information coming at you right after the break.
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we have breaking news out of oklahoma city. the national weather service with live pictures. we're showing you the potential for tornadoes. they have issued a tornado warning for metropolitan oklahoma city. this affects an enormous number of people, 171,000 people right now could be in the path of these storms. seek shelter immediately if you are in this area of oklahoma city, oklahoma. seek shelter in an inner room or underground basement or tornado shelter or the sturdiest building you can get near. but this is extraordinarily
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this is cnn breaking news. i want to give you litch pictves of what we're seeing on the ground in oklahoma city. these are live pictures of a funnel cloud that has just developed and dropped down from that low hanging cloud. this appears to be on the ground here, just minutes after the national weather service issued a tornado warning for metropolitan oklahoma city, an entire population of 171,000 people directly, potentially in the path of this tornado or any other funnel clouds that may be actually forming. i want to bring in chad myers from the severe weather center. chad, i don't think i've ever seen a funnel cloud dropping down live on television. we're monitoring this in realtime. >> we had it right on the air there. this is a spectacular event now,
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just to the north of new castle. you can see it on the ground. there's debris in the air just above the contact with the ground. this is the h.e. bailey turnpike area, about to cross over into the canadian river and into moore. if you are in this area, you need to take cover now. this is debris from the damage being created by the tornado right now at this exact minute. this is live just south of oklahoma city proper from our affiliate koco, ashleigh. >> chad, i need to remind those just tuning in, these are live pictures from koco. obviously this is a crew that needs to be extraordinarily careful as it sends these live pictures out during a live and active tornado warning. just as we were speaking, that funnel cloud formed and dropped down. i also want to give you a flash that's coming across our wire services here. a confirmed tornado on the ground on the north side of new castle, chad just as you said in
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metropolitan oklahoma city, this according to the national weather service. they're sending that out as our live cameras are witnessing that spot right out of the sky and hitting the ground. chad, if you'll stand by, i'll turn over the coverage of our live work as we watch what's happening in oklahoma city to my colleague jake tapper from washington, d.c., watching this story and others develop. jake tapper? >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. >oo afternoon, everyone. it's jake tapper breaking news, a tornado just touched down in new castle, oklahoma. we are watching live footage of a tornado touching down in new castle, oklahoma. we've been monitoring this. there was a tornado warning. this is near oklahoma city, which has a population of about 600,000. i'm now going to go to chad myers in atlanta. chad chad? >> we're looking at what we call a stovepipe or elephant tru
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