tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 22, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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good evening, everyone, it's 9:00 central time here in moore, oklahoma, we've seen an outpouring of love and support for the survivors of the storm here today. i saw hundreds of people here from oklahoma city and surrounding areas who have come here with shovels and brooms to help start to clean up. and the cleanup has already begun here. we've been talking to some remarkable people today who made it through the tornado. you're going to hear from them tonight. as well as the heroes who help them. we honor them all tonight. as well as we honor those who lost their lives. we're learning about the 24
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lives that were lost. we begin tonight with breaking news. cnn has just confirmed some information about the boston bombing. authorities are now making a direct connection between the dead boston marathon bombing suspect and the triple homicide back in 2011 that left a close friend of his dead. we talked a lot about that when the bombings occurred. it comes after an acquaintance of tsarnaev's confessed to taking part in those killings, before authorities say he was attacked and shot dead by an fbi agent who was interviewing him. what's the latest? >> reporter: tamerlan tsarnaev is linked to the vicious triple murders outside boston in 2011, that's what's being confirmed to us by a federal law enforcement official. the link allegedly coming from a man who is being questioned today by the fbi and massachusetts state police. now, that man's name is
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todashev. he fingered tsarnaev in the triple murders, described to me as drug related. now, to todashev was shot after attacked the agent with a knife. an fbi team is in orlando reviewing what happened. that's standard operates procedure in any fbi shooting. >> do we have any idea what the motive was for these triple murders? it was drug related? >> yeah, it involved some kind of a drug ripoff. anderlan and his friend didn't want to risk getting caught, so they killed them. >> is there any connection between the dead man in orlando and the boston bombing? >> well, if there is anderson,
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the fbi hasn't found a link so far. agents first became interested in this man because they came up with leads that tamerlan and his younger brother knew the chechyan in orlando. now, the chechyan -- and he was granted political asylum here in 2008 used to live in boston just like the tsarnaev's did. agents were checking out anyone who knew the tsarnaev brothers. our cnn affiliate says the fbi looked at this apartment near boston, where todashev lived shortly after the marathon bombing and came up with other leads, including cell phone connections between tamerlan and the dead man in orlando. ashley banfield has been reporting on the massachusetts state police getting involved. >> is the fbi looking at the men in orlando and tamerlan tsarnaev for any links? >> we know that all three men checked out a martial arts website, an online forum. and so had a russian canadian
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boxer turned jihadist. we told you about him before. the fbi has been investigating links between him and tamerlan, because tamerlan was in russia last year, and came home to boston right after plotnakov was killed by russian forces. the fbi is checking to see if tamerlan met with him while he was in russia. >> appreciate the reporting. there's another terror related story we're following later in this hour. really horrific murder. brazen murder on the streets of london. a meat cleever and kitchen knife found in the bloody hands of the man accused of doing this killing. a chilling image, truly horrific crime. he made this video allegedly after butchering a man in the streets. we'll tell you more about that later in the hour. the news here in moore, oklahoma, the injured speaking out, more heroes coming forward. there's a lot of inspiration to see here, and the deepest of grieving. at least a dozen people killed, ten of those are children, seven
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at plaza towers elementary. we got our first up close look at plaza towers elementary school today. and the sight breaks your heart. we're learning a little about the kids who died there, their lives, their friends. before we go any further tonight, i want to tell you about their story. the little we know. some of the grown-ups as well who lost their lives, we want to honor them with the information we have. tawuana robinson lived a block away from the elementary school. she called her daughter, described her situation, said i love you. she was 45 years old. terry long loved aviation, we're told, she worked for the faa, she was an air safety specialist. she was 49. she died in the storm. megan futrell was riding out the storm in a cooler in the
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7-eleven. case was in his mom's arms when he died. he had a lifetime of memories still ahead of him. they died together. kyle davis was a rock of a little boy. his friends nicknamed him the wall. he loved monster trucks. kyle was just 8 years old, one of seven children who died at plaza towers. this is antonia candelaria, she was nine years old. she leaves behind two sisters who loved her so much. nicholas was a third grader, he's described as a vibrant 9-year-old, full of life, full of smiles as he is in that picture. we met jenae hornsby's dad yesterday, hen cat believe she's gone. maybe she's going to call me, said a cousin. the first thing people remembered about sydney marie angle was her eyes and her
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smile. she loved her dogs. she loved her classmates and they loved her. they died together. she died surrounded by that love, which is at least a comforting thought. sydney marie angle was just 9 years old. 7 kids at that school died. 10 children that we know about in all. shannon quick was 40 years old, she was also a mom, she leaves behind two sons, ages 8 and 134. they were all together when the storm hit. her 8-year-old son was hurt. he's in the intensive care right now, he had surgery today. his leg is badly injured his pelvis broken as well. his grandmother was injured as well. shannon's mom. we met shannon's mom and listened to her today at the hospital. she wanted to talk about her daughter, about what her daughter went through. she's in oklahoma city in the hospital recovering, she was sitting next to her daughter-in-law. how long did it feel like it went on for?
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>> five or ten minutes at least. >> were you able to speak to each other during it? >> i just remember hollering, asking god to keep us safe. it took the wall, the ceiling and i could feel it suck the wall out from behind us. it felt like it was trying to somersault me. had me all rolled up in a ball. something hard came and hit me on the bottom of the foot. i remember that, i don't remember anything hitting my arm. >> did you lose consciousness? >> i may have for an instant. because the first recollection i have is tanner, my oldest grandson, he was standing up. the boys call me ma instead of
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grandma. ma, are you okay? please be okay. i don't know how long he had been hollering at me. i was kind of able to push myself up. i can't move that arm, but i used my elbow to push up. when i saw shannon, i yelled for somebody to come help. someone came over and called 911. it was so bad they couldn't get ambulances in there to help her. >> as soon as you saw her, you knew she was in bad shape? >> yeah. there was gas everywhere, there was a fire. >> were you able to talk to her? >> she kept saying she was, she couldn't breathe. i think her lungs were filling up with fluid.
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she kept saying tanner, jackson, tanner, jackson. i told her they were okay. to lay real still. she kept saying she wanted to turn over so she could breathe better. >> what did you say to her? >> i told her she had to lay still so she didn't cause any more injuries. >> when did you find out she had passed away? >> while the emt was over there, she had been holding on to his pant leg. he kept talking to her and all of a sudden her arm went limp and some military guy had taken his shirt off and he had that over her chest, to keep her warm, and he pulled it up over her face. i kept telling him she wasn't
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gone, she was breathing. >> what do you want people to know about shannon? >> i think that people that know her already know about her, she was so good. there's not a soul that doesn't love her. >> loving mother. >> she loved kids. >> still so hard to believe. thank you for taking the time to talk to us. i appreciate it. >> tanner's doing okay. her grandson, shannon has surgery today. going to need more surgeries down the road. a fund has been set up. you can contribute if you want by going to /30 mh 60.
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one other note along those lines. last night a viewer saw our interview with jenae hornsby. they wanted to pay for jenae's funeral, we connected them with the hornsby family. we thank them for their big heart. we have a full hour ahead. there's so much to tell you about what's happening here in moore. john king got an up close look at plaza towers elementary school. our first look at the devastation. you'll see what he saw. some of it is beyond belief. amazing anyone survived at all. country music's toby keith showed me the town he grew up in, moore, oklahoma. what makes the sleep number store different?
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welcome back, we're here live in moore, oklahoma. plaza towers elementary school you've heard so much about, really got a direct hit from a tornado here in moore. the helicopter video at the scene right after the impact was horrifying. the school was flattened. parents waited hour after hour well into the night as rescuers desperately searched for their kids, hoping they would be found alive. we now know seven of the kids did not survive. we have not been able to see up close how totally destroyed the school was until today. john king toured the ruins with jeremy louis, who grew up here in town. take a look. >> this is more classrooms back here, this was the gymnasium here. >> was the gym a separate building or was it attached
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somehow? >> you go across this drive way. >> the classroom building would have ended here? >> correct. >> that's what all this is. the school kind of went in a u. it came out this way right here. it went -- that was the back corner. >> it came out like a u? >> there was another building separately out there. there were some portables out there, which didn't with stand anything. >> that kind of instruction that john king found was also found at breyer wood elementary school here in moore, total destruction. amazingly, everyone at briarwood, they got out alive. i'm joined by the superintendent marianne moore. when you look at briarwood, when you look at towers, it's a testament to the preparation and the teachers.
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and the principles. it's the credit of our school staff and teachers, they do such wonderful work every day, this is an example of how they actually performed the protocol and procedures that we have in place. they put themselves between the children in harm's way, and did the best they could to account for the safety of their students. this is a practice that -- a protocol that we practice all the time, several times a year. >> the teachers around the country -- we really see it in a time like this. >> absolutely. >> they're doing a wonderful job. >> why aren't there shelters in all the schools? in new schools, are there -- are shelters being built, or is it just in old schools? >> there has been a focus on that in recent years and looking at safe rooms in schools. after the 1999 tornado here, when west moore high school was rebuilt, and kelly elementary
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was rebuilt from the ground up. fema assisted us in putting safe rooms and safe hallways in those schools. plaza towers was built in 1965. and briarwood in the 1980s. at that time, that kind of technology or equipment was not available. we didn't have that in those schools. >> is there a hope that, or would you like to see older schools retrofitted? is that just -- i talked to the mayor who said that economically, he's not sure that's possible. >> economically, it would be very hard. would we love to see it? absolutely, we would love to see that, and we'll review all of the information available to us at the time. the retrofit for older buildings is expensive and has to be planned for and done in a systematic way. we have 32 school sites with various buildings on the school sites. it is something we have looked at and will continue to look at
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in the future. i understand there's some legislation being proposed. you. >> had a meeting today, i think 3,000 people, how did that go? what were people saying to you? >> the response was one that i expected from this community, where i've grown up, this community i love, we're strong and resilient. we work very hard for each other, try to support each other, in all things and this is just the perfect example of everyone working together as we work to build back our schools in our community. >> you're retiring? >> i am retiring. >> you are going to stay on, because there's -- >> i'm a member of this community. i've lived here for the most part of my life, when my parents lived here in 1960. i've been with the school district for 25 years. >> you started when you were 5 years old? >> that's correct, absolutely.
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>> i'm so glad so many kids did make it out. >> and we are counting our blessings, and, of course, grieving with and supporting those families that lost their children. >> thank you so much. really appreciate it, thank you for all your hard work. >> thank you. >> for more on this story go to toby keith is from moore, lives here, still gives us a tour in his hometown, what's left of it. he gets an up close look at the damage. and talks about how this community keeps coming back, time after time. we stand up, stand up stronger. also, husband and father remembered a grieving family, shares them memories of human bonding. 65 years old, he was with his wife when the twister hit. he was in her arms. he had a bright light that wouldn't be put out. he'll be with her for the rest of her life.
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welcome back to live reporting from moore, oklahoma, the devastation here is so extensive, it's hard to believe that so many people were able to survive, it's a blessing, it appears that quick action right after the twister hit, neighbors searching played a role helping people make it through. one man in moore who may have saved a life is a man named juan olivo. take a look at the report he sends. >> is anybody here? you can smell the gas, watch out. is anybody here? take them over here. is anybody here? oh, my god. >> is there anybody here?
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where are you at? >> here. >> over here. >> we're going to get you. we're going to get you. hey, hey, there's somebody in here. >> we're going for help. >> help is right here. >> that's the man juan olivo helped save. olivo never learned his name. home looks very different today for toby keith. we walked with him through what was once a busy neighborhood and talked about how this community has come back time after time from devastating tornados. what's it like for you to see this place like this? >> ain't nothing i've never seen before. we've seen this a lot. it gets you right here every
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time. >> every time it seems different. every time it's -- you never get used to it. >> no, it's a different path every time. we're about two miles south of where the last one. where the big one in '99 hit. there was one the day before this one that knocked shawnee out that no one talked about. those people up there, if you ask them, theirs is just as devastating. it looks like this up there in places. it's part of living in the plains. >> people are trying to salvage whatever they can. >> my sister, my sister-in-law and niece all got hit. and if your house looks like that, where you still have a structure left, then you get most of your possessions back, insurance company fixes your house. if you have a storm shelter which you should have, then you're rockin', it all comes back. >> it seems like we're on the foundation -- the slab, someone's foundation. they didn't have a basement.
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a lot of people who live here, are surprised to learn not everyone has a storm shelter. >> if you go into the neighborhoods, a lot of people that can't afford them will have them and then three or four people won't. they'll share. everyone knows where the closest shelter is. if you asked somebody who survived it, and they had a shelter, their neighbors were in there with them. >> i was talking to a woman in the hospital, her 65-year-old husband got sucked out of her arms. she said she would rebuild. i'll never find neighbors like this anywhere else. >> last night i got in and went to my sister's house we got her boarded up.
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a woman was standing there saying, he's standing next to my car. i said i can't believe you're so happy. >> to be my, thank you. >> my pleasure. thanks for covering it. >> we saw neighbors coming out to help today. hundreds of people all around the town coming with shovels and rakes and brooms just to clean up in ways large and small. that just began today, it's going to be continuing for days to come. there are a lot of families here tonight in moore and surrounding areas. every person who did not survive has a story. they were young, old, boys and girls, husbands and wives. a lot of them, even though they're grieving and in the hospital they want you to know about their loved one who didn't make it. they want you to know about the life they lived, the kind of person they were. today i was lucky enough to meet the family of hem et bonding. his wife survived but was injured. she's hospitalized.
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her courage and spirit are remarkable. i spoke to her and her daughter in oklahoma city. >> do you remember what happened during the tornado? >> my husband, i went to our middle room, normally in oklahoma you go to your middle bathroom where there's no windows or -- and i heard it coming. but i thought, well, it will just take the windows. i felt like i was in a blend er that's the best way to describe it. the walls just kind of came down on me, and swirled. and i held on to my husband as long as i could. he flew into space. >> you felt him flying away? >> yeah, and i don't know where he went. >> were you speaking to each other during the storm? >> yes. >> what were you saying? >> well, he was telling me how much he loved me, i said, i love
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you. and the whole house just went. >> the whole house all around you? >> it's gone. >> were things hitting you? >> yes. you see, i'm cut all over. >> that's how you got the abrasions on your face. >> that's the least of it. >> you were saying you feel like your husband flew to heaven? >> i do. i haven't -- i have no -- i know he's taken care of. >> and that gives you peace? >> yes. i know i was left on earth, i have a few broken ribs and i -- a lot of cuts, but i was left on earth because i have some work to do. >> how are you doing? >> okay. we talk about the outlooks and everything, very positive.
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dad was positive, he wouldn't want us to be crying. and right now it's staying positive and knowing that he's in a better place, not in pain any more, and -- stock exchange in the sky is where he is probably. >> he liked the stock exchange? >> he's a big stock market guy. >> where will you go from here? >> my daughter will be here to help me. my mother, my sister and all my friends. and just beautiful, beautiful people. at a time like this, is when you find out how much your friends mean. >> all the stuff that's small and insignificant slips away at a time like this? >> yes. >> i'm glad you're alive and surrounded by loved ones. >> i know my husband's with me. you understand, he had a bright
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light that wouldn't be put out. and he'll be with me for the rest of my life. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> thanks for talking to us. >> she also wanted people to know that she feels surrounded by love. love from friends and neighbors and the community and that love is the most important thing. she wanted to get that message across. that was her daughter kita as well. the calm after the storm. coming up, i want you to meet golden retrievers who are bringing hope, light and comfort to the littlest survivors here in moore. you'll meet them live on the program. also, frightening murder on the streets of london, a soldier is dead. a suspect delivers a bizarre message on video about the motive. la's known definitely for its traffic,
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congestion, for it's smog. but there are a lot of people that do ride the bus. and now that the busses are running on natural gas, they don't throw out as much pollution to the earth. so i feel good. i feel like i'm doing my part to help out the environment. it's been that way since the day you met. but your erectile dysfunction - it could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain,
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president obama will travel to oklahoma for a firsthand look at the damage. the president paused to pay tribute to those who lost so much here. >> as we gather tonight to present this award, our thoughts and prayers remain with the wonderful people of oklahoma. they have suffered mightily this week, and while the road ahead will be long, their country will be with them every step of the way. and that's who we are, and
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that's how we treat our family and friends and neighbors. wherever they are at the country. we're going to help them recover, we're going to help them rebuild for as long as it takes. and eventually life will go on. and new memories will be made. new laughter will come, new songs will be sung. >> a lot of places here in moore. new memories are already being made. thanks to a special group whose job is to be the calm after the storm. gary tuchman was with them as they visited some of the youngest victims of the tornado. >> six golden retrievers and their handlers, on a politician to help, in a way only dogs can. >> this is the children's hospital at the oklahoma university medical center, and these are the comfort dogs. they've come here to comfort. this becca, and this is ruthie. and this is barnabus, the oldest doings here, 3 years old, veteran. this is kai.
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and this is lila. lila is the youngest of the group. she's only 9 months old. she's in training. these dogs are trained by lutheran church charities, only the most obedient and docile dogs qualify. they show up at national disasters to help comfort victims. 8-year-old courtney brown, a second grade student at the plaza towers elementary school, fractured her skull in the tornado. >> this is ruthie. courtney went to the same school where seven other children were killed. >> courtney's dad sits beside his daughter so grateful she's alive and able to talk to ruthie and ruthie's handler. >> i'm sorry how my school was destroyed by the tornado. >> do you want to tell?
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>> yes. i was on the ground, on my knees and doing this, i hit my head on the back. >> it's not only children and not only victims that comfort dogs visit. many of the doctors and nurses want to see them too. courtney who broke her arm before the tornado said she got to visit with two comfort dogs. >> lila's only nine months old, she's a puppy, she's the same size as ruthie. >> i think she was a little smaller. >> she's still bigger than you. >> true. >> maybe next time she can come standing on two legs and walk-through the dog. >> comfort dogs have comforted courtney and plenty of other victims in this hospital. >> i like doggies. >> canine mission accomplished. gary tuchman, cnn, oklahoma city.
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>> that little girl's own dog is missing, it's a comfort to have that dog with her now. joining me now is one of the comfort dog handlers. this is kai? >> this is kai. >> how old is kai? >> two. >> it's got to be the most rewarding job imaginable. i was saying, one day when i get fired from the world of tv, i would love to do your job. it's got to be extraordinary. >> it's rewarding to help people. to help people during different times. that's the rewarding part of it. it is rewarding. to watch -- what god can do through them. >> how much training does kai get? >> we start training at five weeks, we spend one year training the dogs. >> golden retrievers are so calm. they're fantastic. >> they're lovers. >> what do you think the kids get out of it. it's really not just kids, it's doctors, it's everybody. everybody gravitates toward
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these animals. i've seen them in newtown, all over. >> they show unconditional love. they're confidential, safe, and i think they help people feel accepted. when that happens, it lowers their blood rate. a big part of healing is to be able to talk about what's happened. >> it was amazing seeing that girl in the hospital wanting to talk to the dog about what she had been through. >> dogs are good listeners. we humans always think we have to say something. the dogs advice to people in the world, bark less. >> do you have plans to go to other hospitals in the area? >> yes, hospitals and schools. >> who pays for this? how does this happen? >> we never charge the people we serve, so we come in and we rely on donors to help us with our expenses. >> i'm sure there's a lot of folks that would like to donate.
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how do you donate? >> go to lutheran church you can go there and help them. >> how long do you stay in a place? >> as long as they need us. in newtown, we still have dogs every day in newtown. >> how many dogs do you have nationwide? >> 70 as of this moment in eight states. soon to be ten. we can't keep up with the breeding. i have to have a pep talk with my breeding dogs. >> i'm going to send you a resume some day. >> it's if you want to donate. >> thanks, kai. thank you so much. there's a lot happening in the world tonight. some extraordinary developments overseas in england, sheer terror on the streets in the suburb of london, as a killer hacked a man to death and then
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a triple homicide. it wasn't the only terror story. this terror plain and simple in england. as chilling an image as you will see. a meet cleever in the hands of a man. second seconds earlier, they chanted alla akbar hacked a man to death. the two men knocked him down with a car, descended on him with knives, cleevers and guns and dumped his body in the road. one of the killers approached onlookers and made a statement. we swear we will never stop fighting until you leave us alone. an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. in our land our women have to see, you people will never be safe. your government, they don't care about you.
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>> it's absolutely sickening. he and his partner waited for police. reportedly attacked them and were shot and wounded. they're quick to call the murder an act of terrorism. sounding a defiant note. >> we have suffered these attacks before, we have always beaten them back. we've done that through a combination of vigilance, security, security information, good policing, but above all, the way we've beaten them back is showing an absolutely indomitable british spirit. we will not be coward, we will not buckle under these shoorts attacks. >> for more, i spoke with nic robertson and christiane amanpour earlier. we have not seen this type of attack in england, in netherland
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s they have had a similar experience. >> the words he's saying are almost exact replicas of what the 7-7 bombers said in their video they left before they blew up the underground in the buses. it's similar to what tsarnaev wrote before the manhunt. are these people part of a bigger conspiracy, a bigger al qaeda. just about everybody i've spoken to today says it does not look like that. this was very, very low tech. it seems to be home grown. it seems to be lone wolf, if you like copycat kind of crime. it is terror, because it is designed to terrorize and create fear and panic, and these people even went so far as you've seen
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to get themselves recorded. now, they have been captured alive. they've been taken into hospitals, they were obviously wounded when they confronted police. presumably we'll hear a lot more about it. i think, when we try to figure out what's going on after this more than decade long war against al qaeda, by and large, massive attacks on the homeland, massive al qaeda spectacular attacks have not happened again since. intelligence experts always told us, what it was going to be would be al qaeda affiliates. and also, onesies and twosies. this is what we're seeing. >> we don't know whether this person is a british citizen, whether they grew up in england. they have what sounds like a
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distinctive english accent. had there been prior concern about british soldiers being targeted on the streets of london? >> perhaps not the streets of london, we do know in a town just north of london four men were convicted planning for islamist radicals, planning to load a car with explosives and drive it under remote control into an army barracks, the clear intent to target soldiers of that barracks just outside of london. of course, a few years ago in birmingham, about 100 miles from london, there was a plot to capture a former british soldier, a pakistani heritage capture him, then execute him by beheading him. that plot was interrupted. it has been the bigger, more spectacular of these types of plots. the police and security services have been so successful in stopping. and perhaps the realization is
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coming among the radicals now, if they want to get below the radar, it has to be small, big isn't working. perhaps that's part of the picture. something the security services will be asking themselves on this style of attack, anderson? >> christiane amanpour, appreciate the reporting, nic robertson as well. >> so disturbing to see a killer justifying what he's doing. there's a lot more happening tonight. isha sesay is here with a 360 news and business bulletin. >> the jurors have been sent back for more deliberations in the jodi arias trial. they are having trouble receiving a unanimous vote on whether arias is should get the death penalty. a letter from attorney general eric holder says that includes the 2011 strike.
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aaa is predicting a decline in travel this memorial day. despite the drop, aaa predicts nearly 35 million americans will head out of town for the holiday. the three kidnapped women rescued in a cleveland home, say they are now happy and safe. the message coming from a lawyer representing amanda barry, michelle knight and gina day jesus. they went on to say they are overwhelmed by the public's support, and the healing process will require time and privacy. we continue to wish them the best. >> let's hope they get that time and privacy. we'll be right back. why are twice as many people choosing verizon
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before we go, i want to update you on our breaking news. a federal law enforcement official telling cnn that tamerlan tsarnaev participated in a 2011 triple homicide. he took part with an acquaintance who confessed to his direct role, but also, fingered tsarnaev in the killings. he was being questioned about the slayings at his home in
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orlando when he attacked an nib agent who shot him dead. we'll be back from oklahoma. erin burnett outfront is next. seven school children killed during the tornado in oklahoma. the mother of one of children said those deaths could have been avoids. a shocking twist in the boston bombing investigation. a man shot and killed today by fbi agents. a soldier hacked to death with what appeared to be a meat cleever in broad daylight on the street. we're going to show you the suspect's alleged confessions to camera before the police came. let's go "outfront." good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, could the children have been saved? seven kids who died at their school today we learned were crushed by tornado debris. the question is would they be
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