tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN May 22, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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fingered tsarnaev in the killings. he was being questioned about the slayings at his home in orlando when he talked an fbi agent who shot him dead. we'll be back from oklahoma. > seven school children killed during the tornado in oklahoma. the mother of one of children said those deaths could have been avoids. a shocking twist in the boston bombing investigation. a man shot and killed today by fbi agents. a soldier hacked to death with what appeared to be a meat cleever in broad daylight on the street. we're going to show you the suspect's alleged confessions to camera before the police came. let's go "outfront." good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, could the children have been saved? seven kids who died at their school today we learned were crushed by tornado debris.
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the question is would they be alive if that school had a storm shelter? >> they didn't have anywhere to go other than an interior room. >> could the city, the state, or the federal government have done something to prevent the magnitude of this tragedy? those are key questions as president obama prepares to visit the storm ravaged area sunday. today secretary of homeland security janet napolitano was there. the death toll stands at 24 from the tornado. john king is in moore, oklahoma, tonight where he got a tour of the rubble left behind plaza towers elementary school. john, that key question, people seem to be asking, parents we're going to hear if later on tonight is could the deaths at that school have been prevented? >> erin, it certainly is a fair question. when you walk through that school, i don't care if you're a journalist, you being a parent of any kind, you're stunned at the devastation. the school was shaped like a u.
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most of the two legs are gone. the crossbar still remains. a full day there are more than 400 children there. it is a miracle, it's a miracle that only seven young lives perished in that school. it is a fair question tonight. had this been a newer school, had there been a different shelter, might hit been different? listen to this. the first responders came and flooded that school. they said they heard screaming, people yelling for help. they rescued most, but -- >> there's no -- i mean there's no shelters here. it's just -- >> this school did not have a safe room, no. some of the newer schools have safe rooms. i'm sure when this one is rebuilt, it will have a safe room. they didn't have anywhere to go other than an interior room. which once it got to this point, i only heard this one other time and that is may 3rd, our weather forecasters are saying if you're not below ground, you're not going to survive the storm. when they say that, that's what it's doing. it's taking houses off. if you're in a bathtub but there's no walls left, that's why they say that.
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>> erin, again, to walk through to see the shattered classroom, to stand in places where the tile is down below you but there is nothing there, the building is simply gone. there are pieces tossed from homes. as walk around the school grounds, there are vehicles that came from miles away. miles away. carried by the tornado. so that was ground zero. that is where the storm hit hardest and certainly, again, so many were lucky to be in the safe place, to be protected by the teachers the best they could do to be rescued by the first responders there. but for those that have children, certainly seven lost their lives at this school that, will be a question for the parents, for local officials, for the educators and governor, for washington. should you have a school, should a school be allowed, a school here be allowed to have the minimal precautions that were in that school 48 hours ago? >> john, that really does just, on an emotional level, bring so much home.
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we try to get answers to that question. thank you so much to john. and there are parents asking serious questions tonight, too, including this mother whose child was killed. >> there should be a place that if this ever happened again during school that kids can get to a safe place. we don't have to sit there and go through rubble and rubble and rubble and may not ever find what we're looking for. >> senator tom coburn joins me now. obviously that mother and her grief, pointing out what other mothers are, too. that they feel there should have been a shelter. that would have made a difference. do you think it would have? >> well, nobody knows. you know, some of the shelters that were utilized, collapsed, or were destroyed by the tornado. the point is those are decision that's need to be made at the local and state level, not at the federal level. we can't second guess that. you know, we'll never replace
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her child or fill that void in her heart. and we ought to do what we can do to prevent this kind of result. but there is only so much we can do. and maybe that's something that, you know, we put 200 shelters in the last four or five years in oklahoma in schools. so it's not like the state hadn't been making an effort. >> you said 200 shelters have been put in. you point out, obviously whether you look at schools, it is a local decision making process. but my understanding is there is no law that actually requires shelters or safe rooms in this area, in moore, whether it be at homes or in the schools. but, you know, of course, there was this horrible tragedy with the seven children dying in their school that did not have a facility to protect them. do you think there is a need for a law at a higher level to make sure that this happens, so that we never have this kind of tragedy again or at least you do the best you can to prevent it? >> well, i think first of all i certainly don't think there is -- there should be a requirement
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at the federal law. it's none of our business. second thing is oklahomans aren't stupid. they'll fix this problem and they'll address it. you know, first thing we want to do from washington is reach in and put our nose in areas that i guarantee you if we make a federal law requiring shelters in schools that will cost twice as what it would cost if oklahoma decides to do it on its own. and they're doing it. >> i understand the distinction you're making between a federal decision and state decision. but should there be a requirement? yes, people are smart but they have decisions of yes, i have other ways to spend my money. but then when tragedy strikes, they can be devastated. >> it can be. again, and my answer is absolutely not at the federal level. you know, it's -- first of all, you have to put one in every home whether they have tornadoes or not? and what areas of oklahoma have never experienced a tornado? you have to do all those homes? i mean, the fact is as we have a lot of common sense in oklahoma. a lot of people left their homes because they didn't have
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shelters. they were absolutely safe and their home was totally destroyed. so, you know, i don't think we ought to be about putting big government in the middle of what are obviously state decisions. and i will fight to have federal mandate not included in something like that. >> you would support, though, oklahoma having a law? as you said, smeen places in oklahoma may not need it. >> if, in fact, oklahoma looks at it and based on the risk patterns and damage in the past and the cost benefit analysis i would leave that up to the state legislature and the government in oklahoma. >> i guess i'm just, you know, thinking on it from an emotional point of view, a human point of view. homeland security, erin. there is no way we spend enough
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money to protect everybody from every risk in terms of homeland security. >> fair point. >> and if we were to do that, we wouldn't have any money to defend our nation or to educate our kids or anything else. you know, you said it exactly right. it's an emotional response. let's do the clear headed thinking about what is appropriate, what is risk -- cost risk base benefit for the citizens of oklahoma and let oklahomans decide that. >> thank you very much, senator coburn. let us know what you think about his point of view. still to come, briarwood elementary was also hit hard by the tornado. but every teacher and every student survived. we'll take you inside the school we'll take you inside the school at the moment the tornado hit.
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put angels between us and the tornado. i know you're stronger than this tornado. and some of the kids were praying, the teachers were praying. and i looked her in the eye and we could hear a roar. >> she teaches sixth grade at briarwoord. moore teaches fifth grade. the kids they were protecting, 10 or 11 years old. lynn says the most intense part of the experience when the tornado was at its strongest and grinding their school apart, played out over the course of only about ten minutes. afterward this is what was left of briarwood elementary school. at one point, one of the kids shouted at brentan, i love you. >> i love you! i love you! >> i love you, too! we're okay. we're okay. [ screaming ] >> reporter: everyone survived, the teachers say. no one was hurt. >> the sound, you could start to hear it go away. i thought we made it.
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we made it. thank you, god. >> reporter: lyn says the advice she would give to other teachers, count your kids, know who you have and stay calm although she says that is next to impossible. brian todd, cnn, moore, oklahoma. >> it gives you goose bumps. among the parents who ran to plaza towers elementary school, a mother with two children enrolled at the school did die. she saw her hopes rise and then plummet into unimaginable heartache. we have her story. >> i was running out the door. i love you, mom. >> i love you, too, mom. he was laying in my bed watching tv. that's the last time i seen him. >> what followed, a disaster few can fathom. a mother's nightmare that only the parents of the children at plaza towers elementary can truly understand. >> of course, the closer i got to the school, the harder it was. because the houses were pretty
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much gone. and when i got to the school, i broke down really hard. >> reporter: vicki davis' other child survived by hiding in the girl's bathroom. she walked out running into her mother's arms. but still missing, 8-year-old kyle. >> you don't know if he's safe, if he's still stuck under all that rubble. is he -- you know, where is he? being a mother, you know you have to know where your babies are. >> reporter: davis collapsed from the emotional strain at the school rushed to the er. she spent the night curled up with this picture, praying until the morning. >> and then i got confirmation that they had him. but he didn't make it. and, you know, you cry and cry and cry and then you feel like
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you're crying and there's no tears going but you feel like they're going. and i just -- it's just something i never, ever thought in my life that we would have to go through. >> reporter: davis wanted to meet here, at the soccer field her son loved. he loved being number 16 for the '04 white team where they nicknamed him the wall for his size and ferocious defense. holding his favorite ball, wearing the soccer trinkets her son adored, davis explained three generations of her family stopped by to meet us on the way to planning his funeral. are you angry at all at anything? is it just the overwhelming sadness that you feel? >> i am angry to an extent. i know the schools did what they thought they could do. but with us living in oklahoma, tornado shelters should be in every school.
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it should be -- you know, there should be a place that if this ever happened again during school that kids can get to a safe place. that we don't have to sit there and go through rubble and rubble and rubble and may not ever find what we're looking for. >> next month was supposed to be such a happy month. kyle's mom getting married for the second time. kyle was also going to celebrate his birthday. he was going to turn 9. the whole family was going to be there, erin. instead, the gathering this friday for his funeral. >> kyung lah, thank you very much. tonight the deaths of 24 people from monday's tornado are rising new and serious questions about whether there's a way to protect people. we at the city of moore, emergency management department advocate every residence have a storm safe room or underground cellar. they don't. as you've seen, neither do the
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schools. only about 10% of homes in moore have an underground shelter. as we've seen and heard from survivors of the tornado. the shelters can mean the difference between life and death. ed lavandera is live with one family. >> a silent wall of fury. the tornado shooting straight at francis robertson's neighborhood. robertson and five others jumped into an underground storm shelter. >> it sounds like a plane going by. here it comes. >> then the recording goes dark. >> that is a nervewracking feeling to crawl in there. there's not a lot of room in there. and everything's shaking around
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you. would you do it again? >> no, never. hopefully this is it for me. >> reporter: francis' girlfriend installed this underground shelter last december. at the worst point she thought the shelter was going to collapse around her. >> it was horrendous. the noise was so loud. stuff was clanking. everything was hitting it. we had mud coming down on us. we were covered in mud when we came out. >> three massive tornados in 14 years have struck around moore, oklahoma, and for dan that's enough. monday's tornado grazed past his neighborhood. we found him today buying a solid concrete safe room. >> all of our friends said don't worry about it, it never strikes in the same place twice. my answer was bull [ bleep ] because it just happened again. again. >> you can't take it any more? >> i'm not going to try that again. i'm not going to do what we went through again, no.
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>> many storm victims we talked with say storm shelters and safe rooms need to be more common across oklahoma, outfitted in schools, homes and office buildings. >> footers to wall one continuous pour. since monday's tornado he's sold 30 of these 8,000 dollar above ground safe room. >> as things are swirling around, it's getting cars, debris, flying wood. there's no way for the room to come apart, it's seamless. >> the door felt like it was going to come off. we were holding on to the door praying it didn't come off. >> reporter: jennifer and francis held on for dear left. the tornado left the house above them a splintered disaster, they're not sure they would have survived had it not been for this hole in the ground. >> i'm curious, you're looking at those shelters there. we're talking about that family
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having an underground shelter. there's different kinds, right? >> yeah, there's so much interest in people going out and looking at these shelters. with that, their comes a difference in price. the family that had the underground one was just under $3,000. the above ground one, solid concrete, $8,000. i think it's important for people to do their home work, research them, figure out, there's pros and cons to all of this. they need to figure out what works best for them and what makes them feel the most secure. a horrifying terror attack with a meat cleever on the street. the suspect's alleged video confession. which he had time to make before police got there. a man who was being questioned shot and killed by the fbi. hi there, mark. welcome back. nice to see you again! hey! i almost didn't recognize you without the suit.
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intelligence committee received a briefing on benghazi today. a republican lawmaker tells cnn the government has id'd a certain number of people believed to be involved in the benghazi attack. now the lawmaker says the u.s. actually has their names which we believe to be true from our sources on the ground there. but could not say how many have been identified. it has been more than eight months since the attack and the former fbi counter-terrorism agent tells us the reason it's taken so long to identify possible suspects even though the cia and a lot of information on these guys in the immediate aftermath of the attack was because the fbi's investigative team was actually withheld from going to benghazi for weeks. so they were not able to properly conduct the primary crucial phase of the investigation. a new report shows iran is expanding its nuclear activities. the international atomic energy agency says there is evidence that iran is paving over the crucial military base where inspectors suspect they may have conducted explosives tests. the report comes after iran's top nuclear negotiator was
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approved to run for the presidency. expert kenneth catsman says the supreme leader has worked with him closely to plan iraq's nuclear strategy. an outfront update on the three women held captive for ariel castro for a decade. we're told the women are doing well. according to a statement released by their attorneys, it says they are happy and safe and continue to heal. and the statement went ton say that they're overwhelmed by the amount of public support they received including $650,000 for a fund created for them. castro has been formally charged with kidnapping and rape in the case and there could be more charges to come. and there are new developments in the case we've been following "outfront" of american shane todd. he was found dead by hanging in his singapore apartment. shane's mother mary todd says they are pulling out into the inquiry and leaving singapore as soon as possible. as we reported, todd was working for a government research agency
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in singapore. police there say he likely committed suicide. his parents believe, though, he was murdered. it has been 657 days since the u.s. lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? even though hiring picked up in recent months, the chief of the federal reserve ben bernanke wants to continue the stimulus program of the fed to stimulate the economy. that money is intended to keep long term interest rates down which it has been successful in doing despite the loss of our credit rating. thinks eventually if you keep them low it will become a self-fulfilling cycle. and we'll get our credit rating back. we'll see. two men are in custody after an unbelievable attack happened. this was a brutal and bloody attack in broad daylight on a street in london. the british government says this was an act of terrorism. let me show what you happened. witnesses say that a man thought to be a british soldier was attack, hit by a car, then hacked with cleavers and his body dumped in the middle of the street. the gruesome crime and the two
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suspects were shot by police and taken to separate hospitals. one of the suspects though first spoke to someone nearby before police got there with a cell phone camera. i want to play it for you. i want to caution you it's graphic. we feel it's important as part of the story to show it to you. >> we swear we will never stop fighting until you leave us alone. we must fight them as they fight us. eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. i apologize that women have to witness this today. but in our land, our women have to see the same. you people will never be safe. >> becky anderson is at the scene of the crime in london. becky, i mean, there are so many things about this that are just horrific and disturbing. you know, you see people walking behind him as he's making that statement with blood on his hands and a meat cleaver. they don't seem to be aware of what happened. the suspects has time to commit the brutal act, talk, take pictures before police arrived. how did that happen? >> it is almost inconceivable. it was a perfectly normal day here about 10 hours ago, wednesday afternoon at 2:20 in the after noon.
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the police were called to an assault on one man by two officers. an assault that british government is calling a sickening and barbaric attack. this is the scene just behind me to my right. and some army barracks and the local mp here, the local member of parliament said that victim in this brutal, brutal attack with a meat cleaver was a serving british soldier. we don't know very many more details than that on the victim. nor do we know much more on the assailants who are now hospitalized and police are awaiting to speak to them. we do know it is clear from that video that you just shown that graphic, horrific and sickening video in the immediate aftermath of this attack. the assailant certainly had a heavily english, london accent. he may have been talking about
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other countries in the world. but this guy at least when one listens to the video seems to have been from london. we know no more about the assailants than that. the police as i say called to the scene. they shot the two assailants who it seems were waiting for them to arrive. and then they were hospitalized after that. tell you what's happened since then. the metropolitan police have deployed riot officers on to the streets of london tonight. they have certainly learned their lesson about, you know, reacting to incidents that may be provocative very, very quickly. in fact, just down to my left here in south london, about a couple hours ago there was quite a significant incident where you had about 50 riot police officers effectively soft kekkling youth that were here to protest this knife attack. we'll bring the details to you as we get them. it remains to be such a shocking, shocking assault in the middle of the day here in london.
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>> all right. becky, thank you very much. shocking and impossible to comprehend. i want to go to nic robertson who is outside the prime minister's home at 10 downing street. the prime minister spoke about this today. i know authorities are calling this a terror attack. when you heard what the suspect said with blood on his hands, talking about eye for an eye and alla. it would seem from a base level to fit with that, but do they know if this was long plans? >> they don't. and that certainly one of the things that was discussed and will likely have been discussed at that cobra meeting which was the top level cabinet level meeting between police chief, the head of the army, the london mayor and the home secretary near britain. and of that meeting, they decided to increase security on the bases around the city and, of course, that gives an indication that they are very
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concerned, that there is the possibility that these individuals weren't acting alone, that others may follow on with similar attacks. although we're not being told that officially. that meeting that took place here, the equivalent to the white house would be where the president goes into "the situation room." that was the level of meeting that was held here earlier today. erin? >> nic robertson, thank you very much. the crucial question, were they acting alone? obviously, not yet answers to that. just an absolutely unbelievable act. here in the u.s., surprising twist in the terror attack in the boston bombing investigation. a chechyan national who had been granted political asylum by the united states shot and killed by an fib agent in florida early this morning. he was actually being investigated at the time for ties to the bombing suspects. now this is important because we weren't aware how many people were being questioned and how far flung they may be to significant development. and we have a reporter out front in orlando.
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what do you know about this man? what does this mean for the bombing investigation? >> yeah, erin, this is where it took place in the early morning hours this morning. as you mentioned, he was being questioned by the fbi and two members of the massachusetts state police about his role or his relationship rather to the boston bombers. and during the course of this questioning, this man tells the authorities that -- and admits, confesses to his role in a 2011 triple brutal murder in massachusetts. and at some point after that, he grabs a knife, according to the fbi, lunges at the fbi agent who then shoots and kills him. now one of his friends says that the fbi had been following both of them for quite a while. >> he used to talk to them, right? last time he had a connection
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with the guy was a month ago. he just spoke on the phone. after that, he never spoke to him, right? and when the bombing happened, he actually came to me the next day and say can't believe it. i can't believe they did it. and fbi started following him and questioning him and asking him questions. like what kind of connection do you have with them? they were trying to make a connection between them. there's no connection. >> now the older of the boston bombing suspects who is now dead and this man had a relationship that went back some time. now they both came from the same region in chechnya and the man lived in boston two years ago and both tsarnaev and his friend went to the same mma studio and were friendly in boston at that studio, the mixed martial arts studio. and when the fbi looked at his phone, he had tamerlan tsarnaev's cell phone number on
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his phone. now there is also a link to the waltham massachusetts triple murder back in 2011. now authorities say and sources tell us that tamerlan knew one of the victims. and as we already mentioned, he has confessed to his role in the triple murders. the fbi is now going to take the dna from both men and try and match it to the crime scene. one other note. apparently the man had purchased a ticket to go to russia on the 27th of may. erin, the fbi told him don't get on that flight. of course, since then all of this transpired and he is now dead. >> incredible when you put it together. of course, proves that the fbi is still talking to a lot of people all around this country to get answers. the key take away here tonight. still to come, two years after his career was derailed by a scandal, anthony weiner is
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throwing his hat back in the political ring. our voters are ready for another weiner run? and a cell phone charger that takes 20 seconds, no joke. i was an amazing idea. it is now a reality. we'll meet the 18-year-old inventor tonight. ♪ [ male announcer ] every car we build must make adrenaline pump and pulses quicken. ♪ to help you not just to stay alive... but feel alive. the c-class is no exception. it's a mercedes-benz, through and through. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. some brokerage firms are. but way too many aren't. why? because selling their funds makes them more money. which makes you wonder -- isn't that a conflict? search "proprietary mutual funds." yikes! then go to e-trade. we've got over 8,000 mutual funds,
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we have breaking news, we have just learned that the fbi has arrested a 37-year-old man. his name is matthew ryan buket in connection with threatening letters which allegedly contained ricin which were found in spokane, washington. this is the latest we had. they were trying to find out would was responsible. but again, they have arrested a man in connection, 37-year-old matthew ryan buket. we get more information and we'll share it with you tonight. anthony weiner is back. after months of speculation and nearly two years after he quit, i got to put that in quotes, i wasn't exactly a quit, it was kind of a forced quit because he tweeted nude photos of himself which were like this and then lied about it. former congressman anthony weiner decided to run for mayor
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of biggest city in this country, new york city. he announce the his candidacy this morning with a two-minute online video. >> look, i made big mistakes. i let a lot of people down. but i've also learned some tough lessons. i'm running for mayor because i've been fighting for the middle class and struggling to make it my entire life. i hope i get a second chance to work for you. >> are voters ready to give weiner a second chance? stephanie miller joins us. stephanie, do you buy that apology? second chance for mr. weiner? >> i guess so. you know, erin, it seems to me he didn't really do anything in terms of actual infidelity. he was sort of convicted of being in eighth grade. i don't know. it just seems to me it's more of a guy thing than a partisan thing. >> which middle school did you go to? >> i can't picture hillary clinton sitting at the state department going who wants to
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see a picture of my foggy bottom? you know, i just think it's a guy thing. people are like, all right, if his wife forgives him, i guess i do. >> i'm ecstatic. i think most comedians are very happy. >> this is going to be a gift that keeps giving. thank you mr. weiner. >> but he stumbled right out of the gate. he shouldn't have done a youtube video. he should have tweeted a photo of him wearing pants saying, look, i've learned. i can wear pants and i learned to tweet. that's the down fall, twitter. show people you can use it. people are forgiving, frankly. the pole numbers are mixed. he has $4 million in the bank. half of new yorkers don't want him to be mayor. >> this is a case for men changing their name. he should have changed his name from weiner to aboden. i want to play denials lewd photos. this is bizarre. forgiveness can happen. >> this is a twitter hoax, a prank. >> did you send that photograph? >> i did not. >> did you send that picture to that college student in washington state? >> i did not.
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she says she never got it and doesn't know me. i certainly don't know her. this seems like a prank to make fun of my name. >> tonight i'm announcing my resignation from congress. >> it was not a prank to make fun of his name. >> new york city has a very generous campaign finance system. the idea is that you get matching funds. if you raise x amount of money, you get huge amounts of money in matching funds. that money won't last forever. he raised a bunch of money in 2005 and 2009 when he came very close to running again. and that money is just going to vanish into thin air unless he spends it soon. let's say he comes in second place. let's say he makes it to a runoff which looks likely. >> he did pop into second place immediately which may say something about he is looking and says this feels weak, why not? >> why the not give it a shot. he is from parts of the city that felt very neglected during the bloomberg years. you have christine quinn who is from manhattan.
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i think it would be crazy are him not to give this is a try. whether or not new yorkers will go for it is another question. i think that it absolutely makes sense to do it. there is a huge opportunity for him. >> the problem is he's not likeable. i think we discussed this before. he's not a likeable guy. the question is do new yorkers want a punch line as mayor? our last mayor mike bloomberg comes from financial background. giuliani before that, respected u.s. attorney. do we want a guy that guys are going to snicker at when he is mayor of the biggest city in this nation? >> well, with a name like that, it invites that no matter what. >> that's not necessarily a liability. fair enough. >> the tweeting of the body part. >> what about the fact that you have bill clinton forgiven. mark sanford just got forgiven and a lot of people thought he wouldn't. he just sailed right into congress. why not, right? >> yeah. i think the lying is always the thing. i think he's taught us one
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thing, don't say, it looks like my penis, i'm not really sure, i think my twitter was hacked. he's scrappy, combative. i think he would be a great mayor of new york. we'll see. i mean, i think that people tend to forgive these transgressions about. >> the democrats will find a reason like she said, just like they did with mark sanford. the irs is at the center of a controversy. this is tonight's outtake, and the magnitude of this scandal has been debated for two weeks. people on the right and left angry at each other. lois lerner was invited to shed light on the subject today. here's how she chose to shed the light. >> i would very much like to answer the committee's questions
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today. i've been advised by my counsel to assert my constitutional right not to testify or answer questions related to the subject matter of this hearing. >> that was illuminating. yes, she pled the fifth and we learned nothing. which is a shame. especially just before that, learner said, i have not broken any laws, i have not violated any irs rules and regulations or provided any false information to this or any other committee. if she is as she says innocent, then how could she incriminate herself? perhaps she sees the fifth as a way to protect herself from overly aggressive criticism. the problem is, what was once considered a safe haven for the innocent has become a perceived security blanket that people think other people are hiding something bad. >> mr. chairman on the add vice
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of council, i respectfully decline to answer based on my fifth amendment right. >> i respectfully decline to answer. >> i respectfully decline to answer. >> we assert our constitutional right to remain silent and decline to answer any questions. >> still to come, charge your cell phone in 30 seconds? an incredible idea. we'll meet the 18-year-old superstar woman who's making it come true. [ female announcer ] from more efficient payments. ♪ to more efficient pick-ups. ♪ wireless is limitless. we're not in london, are we? no. why? apparently my debit card is. what? i know. don't worry, we have cancelled your old card. great. thank you. in addition to us monitoring your accounts for unusual activity,
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[ female announcer ] from meeting customer needs... to meeting patient needs... ♪ wireless is limitless. disasters like the tornado in oklahoma often strike without warning. cell phones are invaluable and often the only resource for people. that is, until they lose power. remember hurricane sandy and imagine what relief it would have been for all those people who had to go, basically, stand for hours trying to wait for power in places far away from home. what if their cell phones could have been recharged in less than 30 seconds? yes, you would still need power, but only a quick hit of it. tonight, dan simon reports on a
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young woman who may have figured out how to do it. >> reporter: every so often, we meet someone who you just know is destined for big things. >> i'm really interested in energy storage and nano materials for energy storage. >> reporter: not something you typically hear out of an 18-year-old's mouth. >> from saratoga, california, isha. >> reporter: she's a senior at san jose's lynnbrook high school. she came to our attention after winning an intel young scientist award, beating out more than 1,600 students from around the world. did you think you were going to win? >> no, i actually didn't. only when the confetti came up did i realize i'm one of the three people. >> reporter: she created what's called a super capacitor, a tiny version of one, anyway. the idea came from something we all experience. >> many teenagers nowadays have cell phones, and i have a cell phone too. and my cell phone battery often dies out on me. >> reporter: the dead cell phone. isha's break through could one day make charging it super fast.
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20 to 30 seconds fast. there was capacitors, batteries and super capacitors and super sounded cool to me and i never heard of it before. so i decided to see what that is. >> reporter: the judges were impressed and noted her technology was wide implications. >> this is a really big field so could be used in wind energy, wind turbines, electric cars, a lot of applications for this new technology. >> reporter: born and raised in silicon valley, she was constantly inspired by those around her. but not just to pursue her goals. >> now i'm a girl in science, and that's great. a lot more girls are getting into science. but i think there's a lot of stigma surrounding being a girl and being a woman in science. and i really wanted to break that in the field of science. >> reporter: besides having a perfect grade point average and being a class valedictorian,isha is a member of the school's varsity field hockey team and accomplished dancer. not surprisingly, she had a few choices when it came to picking a college. can you tell me what schools, what colleges you applied to?
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>> okay. i applied to and accepted to harvard, stanford and m.i.t., yale and cal tech. and all the ucs i applied to. i ended up selecting harvard. >> reporter: her take-away from intel, $50,000. money that she says will help pay for college. dan simon, cnn, san jose, california. >> thanks so much for watching, we'll see you back here tomorrow "piers morgan" is next. i'm an accountant. a mechanical engineer. and i shop at walmart. truth is, over sixty percent of america shops at walmart every month. i find what i need, at a great price. and the money i save goes to important things. braces for my daughter. a little something for my son's college fund. when people look at me, i hope they see someone building a better life. vo: living better: that's the real walmart.
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