tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 26, 2013 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT
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>> we got to go, we got to go. >> let's do this. >> all aboard. >> we've got your preview, next. on the cnn summer movie special. hello, everybody. the summer's biggest movies will be playing right here at the cinemas in hollywood. on screens everywhere. you know, this is the season when hollywood goes big. really big. and rolls out mega movie after mega movie packed with so much action and star power. check this out. in one three-week period alone, we've got "man of steel" the super big reboot of "superman." then comes "world war z" where brad pitt battles the zombie a co apocalypse. later this summer "the wolverine wolverine" blasts on to screens in 3-d. let me tell you, in real life, hugh is a total sweetheart.
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and i found this out when i got an exclusive visit with him at work on his latest "xmen" movie in montreal. going to meet the wolverine. >> i don't want to be bothered. >> hugh jackman on location. he's shooting "xmen days of future past" for next summer. this summer he's got his own film built around his "xmen" character the wolverine. >> what i am can't be undone. >> we headed over to his workout trailer where hugh spends quite a bit of time. >> yes, i come in here for two hours in the morning before i work, and then my makeup artist hates it because after lunch i go back and i'm sweating. >> that's how you got to keep this. all right. is it safe to say that wolverine is a little bit of a sensitive superhero? >> he's certainly more vulnerable.
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i may be biased. i think he's the toughest out there. he's the one guy, he doesn't necessarily have the strongest powers on paper, but in here and in here, he's the one guy you don't want to be on a bad side of. >> this picks up after "xmen 3" so we do know that jean gray meets her demise in "xmen 3." seen the trailers. she's there. >> she is there. >> she's back. >> yeah. i don't want to give it away too much. she is there in the way that loved ones are always there. so i don't want to, again -- >> is it her spirit? >> going for the scoop. i like that. >> bullet train. i saw it. >> oh, my god. the only bad thing about filming a scene on the bullet train is that the wind machines are so powerful. you're like, man, i have to get a facelift because there's just skin flying everywhere. >> you're such a great
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character. this had to raise your cool factor by 20 million with your kids. i mean, it -- >> it does. i'm kind of a wing man for my son who's turning 13. this sounds politically uncorrect. i spotted him at the beach a couple years back and talking to some girl who must have been 14 or 15. like father like son. he starts off walking ahead of the girl. he's 20 yards ahead of the girl and going, dad, i can't be a wolverine. give me an autograph. >> you sealed the deal for your son. >> for my then 11-year-old son. i know. >> make you mortal. >> how much time did you spend getting ready? >> stlthree hours a day. i had a mentor, dwayne johnson, the rock. one of the great moments, i'll never forget this. you need six months to do this. he told me the diet. 6,000 calories. you have to train like no one else.
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literally as he's talking to me, there's a knock on his door. he goes , hang on a second, i'm on the phone with wolverine, tell him to wait on the set. i'm like, yeah, baby. >> spend time with hugh jackman and you quickly understand why he's known as one of the nicest guys in hollywood. you've got such a great family. you're a great dad. a wife. are you lucky or good? >> i am lucky. i'm very, very blessed. i do have an amazing wife and a great family. and i never thought this would happen to me. i'm playing wolverine the seventh time in 12 years and working with the great people. i literally pinch myself every day. >> i'm still pinching myself about meeting hugh jackman. his "wolverine" opens july 26th. but on july 3rd, the lone ranger rides into theaters with johnny depp as tonto and army hammer as the man in the black mask. army and the filmmakers unmask some exclusive video for me in
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an editing suite where they were putting the finishing touches on the film. >> when good men must wear a mask. >> on a scale of 1 to 10, how difficult was making the movie? >> 11. definitely. >> gore and jerry agree, their megabudget remake of the "lone ranger" was grueling. >> we built the track, five miles of track in a loop so we'd never have to stop shooting. >> during an exclusive long at the film's editing process, a peek at this heart stopping scene. do you look at that from a filmmaker's eye or watch that as a viewer? >> i watch that and have this weird memory of everything that went wrong. a little slider train on the ground and it doesn't move fast enough and it doesn't push the dirt. everything. >> the first one was moving a little too quickly. >> that's true. we almost squashed our actors. >> nice. >> when you see people behind
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the camera and the train is coming at you and they're jumping out of the way, you're going, this is not how it's supposed to go. >> hollywood's newest man opened up about landing the dream role. >> ride horses, throw lassos, shoot guns. >> i'm really playing cowboys and indians. >> it got to the point where huge parts of the crew were camp there. at night there would be bonfires and karaoke parties. we'll put the words up on the side of bluffs and all that at night. it was incredible. >> what's this i hear about a cowboy boot camp? >> they were like, all right, city boys, here's your saddle. you're about to put it on and take it off a horse 100 times. >> are you good at it? >> i feel comfortable with a horse now that i've ridden one on top of a bank and through a moving train. the ground is easy now. >> was there a point where he put that mask on? that's it. i mean, for folks who love the "lone ranger" that's it.
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>> i don't remember the exact number, but it was more than 50 kind of masks. did he show enough of the eyes? show too much? we'd been trying for so long to put one on that fit. everybody was just like -- it fit. i think we thought we found the perfect mask but also we didn't have to keep looking at other masks. >> if i'm being honest, i would have liked to seen skin tight powder blue -- >> yeah, micro, whatever. if i'm willing honest, i'm so glad i didn't have to wear that. >> bryce, i cannot wait to see "the lone ranger." you know that exclusive video they showed us was really cool, right? if you want more cool, then stick around for will smith, bradley cooper and seth rogen when the cnn summer movie special continues. all stations come over to mission a for a final go.
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the thing that completely changed by life was "indiana jones." >> independence day was definitely huge for me. >> welcome to earth. >> independence day became a monster hit, turning will smith into the king of summer movies. then "men in black" and "hancock" sealed the deal on that. this summer he has yet another mega movie in "after earth" co-starring his kid, jayden. now, this took some doing, but i finally caught up with them in the new mexico desert. yes, it's true. we will go to great lengths to sit down with will smith. i'm about to get on this helicopter right here. when we land, will and jayden, it's on. so we are literally crossing the new mexico desert right now. okay. feet on the ground. thank goodness. i'm a little disheveled. but will and jayden, here i come. it took a little bit of work getting to you guys.
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>> really. >> seriously, i had to take a car, then a helicopter. >> planes, trains and automobiles. >> in spaceships. that's the mode of transportation will smith and son, jayden, take this summer in the futuristic "after earth." out at richard branson's space port in southern new mexico, we talked about the film, family, and their favorite summer movie. there's a lot of bells and whifwhif whistles in this movie. at the heart of it it's a hea heartfelt story. >> a story of a father and son trying to survive. for me as an artist that's something i've always been really interested in trying to do. you create something that has all of the summer candy. you know, it's the blockbuster. it's all of the action sequences and excitement and special effects. at the center of it is real acting and real performance. >> you are going to retrieve that beacon or we are going to die. >> jayden plays young katai, a
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kid desperately trying to live up to his legendary father. katai has a bit of a mission. he wants to prove he can match his father's greatness, right. >> absolutely. >> this is a classic case, though, of art imitating life. >> there are some similarities. there are some similarities. >> do you ever think, like, i need to step back for a minute and let him shine? because your star shines so brightly. >> yeah. i be trying not to, you know, overshine a young man. >> most of the time he's worrying about how can he outshine me? >> is this jayden's film, though? it feels like it. >> i told him he has all the action. he gets to do a lot of the cool stuff in the movie, but i'm going to take most of the money. >> that's good. >> so funny. >> it's wild because you have the same face. you really do. you even have that squint. >> the squint. we have that. you do the squint more than me, though. the squint is like your
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signature. >> you can almost say i invented the squint. >> you invented the squint. like blue steel. >> it's almost like people didn't squint before. >> let me see, like -- there. yeah, right. you hang your mouth open a little bit, though. yeah, yeah, it's like that. >> can you guys tell me, do you have a favorite summer movie? because it's time for those megapz movies. >> this is the summer of sequels. everybody is doing sequels. i'm excited about "after earth" because it's new. it's not a part 2 or part 3 or part 11. it's brand spanking new. you like that? was that a good selling point? >> what's your favorite selling poi summer movie? >> this one for sure. >> smart kid. i like it. if you're looking for movies of kids of any age, this summer has a lot of them like "turbo" about a supercharged snail who has dreams of winning the indy 500. steve corel is back for the sequel for "despicable me."
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smurfs 2" promises to be smurfier than the original. when school lets out for a lot of kids, they can head directly to "monsters universe." billy crystal and goodman are back as mike and sully for the prequel to "monsters inc." >> those who love the first movie, they were 6, 7 years old. now they're in college. so are we. >> during this exclusive first look at the film the talented duo explained how it began with a little voiceover 101. you guys are going to take me through is when mike and sully first meet. >> what am i doing? james p. sullivan. >> listen, it was delightful meeting you. whatever that is. if you don't mind, i have to study my scaring. >> you don't study scaring. you just do it. >> that was awesome. >> it was funny because we started off separately recording us separately. somebody got the bright idea to bring us in together. and it just exploded.
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>> ready? one, two, three. >> it's crazy. somehow they'll catch a thing like this -- because i was the ultimate one-eyed catch. >> really? i think there's a little more to it than that. >> they were great fun to watch. to do, we do a lot of this. >> whoa. but you have to -- the hard part is you have to put your whole body into it. it's like charles atlas dynamic tension. >> i'm going to scare circles around you this year. >> what to you think is the biggest takeaway of this movie? >> for me it was always sometimes things aren't going to turn out for you the way you want, but you have to make the best of it. >> you learn from it and get stronger. >> just reach deep down. let the scary out. coming up, "the hangover" to end all "hangovers." >> so much of the "hangover" all three movies is fantasy. the behavior we exhibit in those
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movies would get you in jail or dead. >> and we're laughing it up with seth rogen before his world comes crashing down. he value ofn is where it can take you. (now arriving: city hospital) which is why we're proud to help connect our students with leading employers across the nation. (next stop: financial center) let's get to work. make a wish! i wish we could lie here forever. i wish this test drive was over, so we could head back to the dealership. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. test drive! but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back.
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i'll slam it. >> they're putting a feminine twist on the original buddy cop buddy. >> i am bringing my testosterone, as well. >> a lot of doubts as to which side i'm on. >> people think i'm a man very often. >> you'll have to see the movie to see what's going on. >> the heat is on june 28th. if you want heat in the summer, you come to vegas. if you want a hangover, you hang over. the wolf pack is back for one final, outrageous adventure. >> i told myself i would never come back. >> but the wolf pack is back. >> can somebody please debunk this terrible rumor that i've heard that this is it? >> confirmed. >> i'm going to be like a 6-year-old, why? >> it's the right time in the movie. but, if you still want to really latch over to the "hangover" magic, in ten years we'll sign
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at malls. >> this is about alan and a trip to a treatment center that goes all wrong. i was thinking after seeing the movie, could i ever really have a friend like alan. >> you don't have a friend like alan? >> do you have an uncle? >> yes, i think that's the cl e closest i have to an alan in my life. >> you're one of my alaens. >> are you my alan? >> i'm one of your alans. >> what about the real ed, bradley and zach? >> i wanted to play a little game with you guys, if you'll let me. >> games is good. >> which one is most likely to wake up with a hangover? >> ed. >> who spends the most time in the mirror? >> me. i have six stylists. >> who is the most likely to back out of a guys' night out? >> bradley. he backs out of everything. >> when you were filming this, who made the others break
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character? >> i think ed probably broke character most because he laughs a lot and zach probably made us do that. >> do you agree? >> i don't remember much about these movies. >> no? the shared humor that brought these guys together for the first "hangover" movie four years ago clearly remains. do we read too much into this when we say, oh, it must be bittersweet to leave these characters behind? >> it's accurate, i think. it changed all of our lives. we love each other and it's over. >> do you really like each other? >> yes. yeah, we really do. >> man, it's good to have the wolf pack back, one last time. seth rogen and his all-star friends try to laugh off the apocalypse in "this is the end." seth rogen is looking remarkably calm for a guy who just survived the apocalypse. that's right. the apocalypse.
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his summer blockbuster is a buddy comedy starring his real-life buddies starring warped versions of themselves as the world comes to an end. you're kind of all things to this movie. co-director, co-writer. one of the lead actors. it is kind of all things you. >> it's a little nerve racking. i think it turned out good. i think it's funny. >> very funny and also very violent. >> very violent. >> but it's funny violence. if there is such a thing. >> there is such a thing. i think, you know, when i was young, i saw "pulp fiction" that, to me, was kind of benchmark in moviemaking where i was like, oh, you can do disgusting, violent stuff and if you treat it the right way, it can be funny. >> were you always funny? >> i always tried to be. >> you had a sense? >> yeah. some people are naturally inclined towards some things and
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i was definitely, i liked comedy. >> you didn't go to college. >> no. >> didn't graduate from high school. >> no. almost the epitome. >> and i drink at 1:00 p.m. >> but it's almost the epitome of do what i do and not -- how did you get here? >> i worked really hard. i dropped out of high school and then went and worked on a tv show and writing a script all throughout high school. >> as a teenager, seth landed a role on the television series "freaks and geeks" a hollywood launching pad for the cast who have continued to work together over the years. some reuniting, again, in "this is the end." >> almost seemed like you were just -- >> hard to tell which ones are written and which ones are improvised. the movie is a 50/50 mix. >> you guys bag on each other in the movie. anything off limits, okay, you cannot go there. >> almost everyone in the movie hit the brakes at some point, they came to me and then they
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were like, we can't do this. this is too much. yeah, everyone at one point. except franklin he'll say and do anything. i have to lead by example. >> edgy humor for audiences in a simple goal among friends. >> more than anything, wur we're just trying to make people laugh. well, that brings us to the end of our summer movie special. so, you know what time it is, right? time to grab that popcorn and get ready to see all those huge stars, action, adventure, comedy,animation. this summer has something for everyone. so, dim those lights and let the summer movies roll.
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