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tv   Piers Morgan Live  CNN  May 29, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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pinc welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world, new york mayor michael bloomberg has received a letter that tested positive for ricin. >> the letter has referred to the anti-gun efforts, we won't walk away from that. >> and tornadoes in kansas, watch what happens in a matter of minutes. watching as more storms form right now, what is behind all the extreme weather, the skeptical environmentalist,
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lundberg. and brace yourself. i want to begin tonight with breaking news, threatening letters sent to the mayor of new york that tested positive for the deadly poison, ricin. joining me now, cnn's national security analyst, and leonard cole and author of the anthrax letters. let me start with you, both of them threatening in tone and laced with a quantity -- not quite sure how much of ricin, and both alluding to the gun control pain that the mayor has been spearheading. >> reporter: correct, we know the letters were written by the same person, they share the same postmark and material. police describe it as a pink,
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orange, oily substance. the letters threatened the mayor of bloomberg, but the mayor was never really in any danger, as a matter of fact, piers, each tested negative, but the second showed trace amounts of ricin. the letters were then sent and now are being sent by the forensic analysis center, and so we should have conclusive results within the next day or two, piers. >> and various members, three of the nypd were treated for exposure to the ricin. but they have been released. is that right? >> yes, they responded with the emergency services unit. they responded, the letters were opened. and later they came down with the stomach problems that are consistent with exposure to ricin. so they are being monitored. but it appears right now that the symptoms have gone away, piers. >> thank you, very much. let's talk about this. there has been a series of ricin attacks. how dangerous is this situation?
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how easy is it now to create a ricin scare? >> reporter: well, piers, we should start by reminding people look, there are inconsistent preliminary tests, the field tests are typically inaccurate which is why they have sent them to the lab. the ricin recipe, you can easily get it on the internet, we have found it in al-qaeda-related matters before. but making the basic components, they are easily accessible beans, the basic recipe is not hard. it can be used as a contact poison. sounds like this is what contact poison is what the individual who sent these letters was intending. but this is pretty crude, it doesn't even sound like it was very well done at that end. >> is the fbi investigating it? >> they are investigating it, confirming that the compound is the same in both letters, coming from the same batch, if you
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will. they will look at forensics and fingerprints, not accounted for. they will look for saliva, dna, fingerprints, all of it in an effort to find the individual which will then tell them what the motive was. was it indeed a political motive? >> how dangerous is it, the fbi and others, in relation to the internet. because here you have ricin, people can already how to make deadly ricin from looking at the internet. we knew from the boston bombings that pressure cookers can be adapted to be horrible, deadly bombs. guns can now be made through the internet. this is a whole new wave of terror through the internet. >> it is the democratization, it is easy to find both the recipes, the manuals, all of it. it is a tremendous challenge. but the fbi has to balance know against sort of the basic freedoms on the internet.
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you're ability -- when they -- the problem is when do you cross the line from being merely interested in looking at the sites to actually look building a weapon. the fbi's ability to interrupt that cycle, the operational cycle. that is a real challenge. >> dr. cole, tell me about ricin. how lethal is it, compared to like anthrax and the type we're seeing in the letters that were sent to the president. now the mayor of new york. how deadly could they be potentially in the wrong hands? >> worse case scenario it can be very deadly. tiny, tiny bits of dried powders ricin that would be breathed could be fatal within 24 hours. on the other hand, while it is readily available, as fran just mentioned, it is not so easy to purify or to get into a kind of composition that would be this light, fluffy powder composition. you can ingest it and also get very sick.
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i would question the comment that you made about just contact, would be a danger. because it is not going to penetrate skin. conceivab conceivably, it could get through an open sore or an abrasion. >> how easy is it -- probably getting the information from the internet, from manuals and so on. how easy is it for somebody, a regular joe in the street to sit down, get on the computer, go to his local store and create deadly ricin? >> unfortunately, it is easier than a lot of other potential bio-agents, and that is because it comes from a castor bean, which is part of a naturally occurring plant. now we're all familiar with the castor oil and ricin, the biproduct of it is readily available. but you still have to pureify
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it, and it could be in a deadly form. a person has to be willful, dedicated and have a little bit of brain power in order to create a deadly mix. >> i want to play this full quote from michael bloomberg about the gun aspect of this. listen to this. >> in terms of -- >> in terms of why they have done it, i don't know. the letter was obviously referred to our anti gun efforts. but there's 12,000 people that are going to get killed this year with guns, 19,000 are going to commit suicide with guns, and we're not going to walk away from those efforts. and i know i speak for all of the -- close to 1,000 mayors in mayors' coalition against guns. we need to get under control and eliminate. >> because of this particular threat, apparently targeting politicians, mayors, because of their position on gun control, will the other thousand mayors who have been signing up to this, will they now have to be properly protected more than they are already?
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>> no question. look, all government agencies, both at the federal level and state and local levels, have protocols for screening mail. that's the good news here. those protocols actually worked. people identified something suspicious, called emergency services, and were able to sort of quarantine it, if you will, so it wouldn't spread. i expect every state and local government and agency right now are going over protocols and refreshing people's preparedness to be on alert for it. >> thank you both very much indeed. want to turn now to our other big story tonight, extreme weather. chad myers is live for us in watonga, oklahoma. chasing storms today across the state. chad, what's the latest? >> well, it just started raining here, piers. but we do know that a lot of weather is still on the way here. behind me, right over my shoulder, an awful lot of lightning over the top of those silos there, the grain silos. let's just go from the start.
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that was yesterday. yesterday's storm was bennington, kansas, a big wide wedge tornado, on the ground for a long time, and even another storm around corning, kansas yesterday. the weather moved a little bit farther south into the west, over texas today. and we were in it. boy, we were in it with our hail. i'm surprised one thing -- one thing surprised me today, piers, is that all of the windows stayed in our vehicle. we got wailed on by this large hail for miles and miles and miles. it just wouldn't stop. and now we have at least the potential for a tornado, very close to the ground or even on the ground south of elk city headed to kordell. that's on the radar. we are not going to be out of this until the wee hours of the morning. and just like we had last week, where it was one day after another, tomorrow may, in fact, even be a more severe day than we have today. national weather service out of oklahoma city saying yes, we could even see tornados on the ground in oklahoma city, or at least close to oklahoma county tomorrow afternoon.
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so have to be on the guard, big cities, again, for tomorrow. today was a bad one. we saw wind gusts at least 80 miles per hour, dust flying through the sky. we had horses and cows running just running away from the storm. really nowhere to go, they're not going to run away from a 35-mile-an-hour storm. but it was a very rough day in western nebraska, kansas, oklahoma and texas, piers. >> chad, i've got a big debate coming after the break between two people on the opposite sides of the climate change debate. what is your view? you've been in this game a very long time. what is your view about the effect of a warmer globe, a warmer climate, if you like, on things like tornadoes, hurricanes and storms in general? do you believe it's getting worse? >> i believe it's getting more severe in both directions. the droughts are getting worse, the severe weather getting worse, maybe hurricanes getting worse, as well. and some days, in some years, no
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hurricanes at all. you can't really put it all into one pot and say this is changing the climate. because the word is climate. the word isn't weather. it isn't weather change. it's climate change. this is years and years and years of testing to make sure that this is right or wrong. and i believe, if you put more hot air into a hot air balloon, piers, it's going to go higher. if you put more hot air into the atmosphere, it's going to go higher. the storms are going to get higher. the air is going to get more humid. there will be more severe weather. >> does the nature of these storms at the moment -- i've been in america the last few years. it certainly seems to me there's an escalation in the power. if you look at what happened in oklahoma last week, you look at hurricane sandy, here in new york. it just seems to me that the power of these things is increasing. but is that just a short-term situation? have we had these before in the last 30 years? >> we have had these before. what changed with sandy compared to let's say sandy hitting a
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1930, we had a tripling of the population along the shore, so, yes, three times more people were hit. three times more homes or even more than that were hit. and you take even more, more 15, 20 years ago was just a sleepy little place. all those homes that were hit were all built within the past 20 or 30 years. we have put people in places that have more severe weather. and so we are seeing it. there's more news coverage of it, as well. and even if you think about the first half of this year, where i'm talking about extreme weather, i'm talking about climate both ways. we were in a tornado drought. we only had 250 tornadoes in a time that we should have had 500. so there we're below normal and all of a sudden, the switch turned on in the past two weeks, and we have ramped this back up. now we're not back to normal yet and we don't want to be. but it's on and off, it's hot and cold and it's not a weather change. it's climate change that we're talking about. >> chad myers, as always, thank you very much indeed.
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coming up, more on the one thing everyone is talking about. the weather, why it's so crazy. 90 degrees in new york tomorrow. bill nye, the science guy. he debates, sceptics and environmentalists. bjorn lomborg, who is to blame man or mother nature. and glenn close, ending the stigma of mental illness affecting her own family. woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment.
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the big question to me, the carbon emission element of all of this, if the population of the planet has doubled and they're pumping out more and more carbon emissions, this must be having a bad effect on the planet. nobody can argue to me it is helping everybody. it must be making things worse, this is chicken and the egg, you can't just say we can't do anything about tornado and hurricanes, all about where you people have to live. you have to really tackle the emissions, as well? >> you have to tackle both. but you also have to realize you have to focus and make sure we do the smart things, if you want to help people in the next 50 years it is about making sure that people build more
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responsibly, we have better building codes, simple things. if you want to help with the climate change, we have to realize that we have tried to cut carbon emissions in the past 50 years, people burn the fossil fuels because it powers everything we like. it pulled 60 million people out of poverty in china. what we need to do is find a way to make green energy cheap, everybody wants to buy it. that is by innovativing smart, green energy. >> let's bring in storm chaser, near the texas/oklahoma border. reed, what is going on? >> we're on i-40 west, in oklahoma, trying to capture. hail, up to two inches in diameter will probably get up
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here in about 50 minutes, and then the rotation. i don't think there is a confirmed tornado yet. but there is rotation, we're trying to get in front of it so people know what is coming. >> reed, thank you very much for calling in. thank you to bjorn and bill nye, this is an interesting debate that people are pursuing, what do we do with our planet, how do we combat it? >> libertarian joining me up next. this could be the hottest grill since we have started. , there'se right from the beginning. my mouth felt cleaner. i could really feel it changing something for the better. [ male announcer ] go pro with crest pro-health clinical. ahh, look who's not an amateur anymore! my mouth is so clean my dentist almost didn't know what to do. i was like "that's it?" he was like "yeah, that's it!"
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mayor michael bloomberg is a strong believer in gun control. is that the reason he was targeted in this latest ricin incident. joining me, a man who signed up with the nra after sandy hook, wayne allyn root, author of the "obama survival guide," how to survive during obama-geddon. welcome. >> good evening. >> let's talk guns, first of all. you joined the nra after sandy hook. why would anybody do that? >> well, i just wanted to protect my rights, my second amendment rights. i'm not a big gun guy, by the way. i'm not one of the world's biggest gun guys. i go to a gun range once a year to practice. i keep a gun in my home for self defense and that's it. i've never had one on my person, my car, i'm a little scared about them, because i'm not
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someone who handled them my whole life. but i always want the right to have it, to defend myself and to defend my family. i joined the nra. i happen to be jewish by birth, by the way and always said in many interviews around the country, the slaughter of jews began in nazi, germany in 1938 after hitler passed a law that said jews could not own guns. i want to make sure in this country we have a right to own guns as the second amendment says. >> absolutely nobody, of course, was denying you that right. i mean, do you know how many types of gun president obama was going to leave in circulation, perfectly legally, if you implemented every single one of the gun control measures he wanted to bring in? do you know how many? >> well, to me, what i worry about, piers -- >> wait, wait. do you know how many guns would be left in legal circulation? ones that you could go and buy? >> i'm sure the number is high. >> have a guess. >> what is the number? >> have a guess. >> no idea. give me the number. >> have a guess, how many
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different types of guns you would have been still able to legally buy, once all president obama's gun-grabbing initiatives had taken place. >> let's say 500. i have no idea. >> 2,300 and something. is that not enough for you? seriously. you feel like you have to join the nra after 20 children are blown to pieces, because you're worried you'll only be left with 2,300 types of gun to shoot. >> hey, piers, those children were blown away in a gun-free zone. so i think it's kind of silly to blame guns. the fact is, when a nut case sees a sign that says gun-free zone, he knows he's got a free shot to kill people. so i'm not a big fan of gun-free zones either, by the way. guns in the right hands protect people. guns in the wrong hands should be taken away. we don't want guns in the hands of mentally ill people. but the nra protects my rights as a law abiding citizen to have a gun, nothing wrong with that.
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>> would you arm every school, hospital, every church, every shopping mall, every person that works in those places? >> no, that was an nra statement, and i never necessarily agreed with it. >> well, you're a signed up member to the nra and said you don't believe in gun-free zones. so to remove any gun-free zones these mass shooters apparently deliberately target, although there is absolutely zero evidence from any of the 60 or 70 mass shootings in america the last 30 years, any of them, has ever left a note saying i targeted that place because it was a gun-free zone. but by your logic, you would want to arm every nurse, every clergyman, every school teacher, every single person in any public place in america, would have to be armed to prevent the gun-free zone scenario taking place. >> not true, piers. i'm a libertarian conservative. and what that means is, everyone should have the choice to be armed. i don't want to arm anyone. i don't want to force anyone to be armed. i don't want to force anyone to be involved with guns who
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doesn't want to be involved with guns. i'm just saying, you shouldn't force people to be disarmed. libertarianism merely means, everyone gets a choice. and that's what america is about. i think that's what makes america great and that's why it's worked for all these years. let's not pass more laws that limit people's freedoms. let's give people a choice. that's all i'm saying. >> well, it was only actually a law to prevent military machine guns being on civilian streets and also high-capacity magazines. >> i'm aware. >> also bringing in background checks for guns. but oh, no, none of these could get through the senate. you know why, because the nra bullied them so they decided to be cowardly. you can't bring background checks into a country when 20 children get killed in a classroom? what is wrong with america? when that happens? seriously. >> well, you say what's wrong with america. but your home country of england has basically banned handguns in the hands of law abiding citizens. >> and guess what, we don't get anybody shot dead in britain. we have about 30 to 40 murders with guns a year. that's the whole point with
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guns. >> piers, the point is that in england, and this is a stat not from wayne root but the fbi and your version of the fbi in england, the statistics show that violent crime is over three-and-a-half times larger in england than it is in the united states, even though guns are banned. ask those muslim extremist terrorists the other day, they hacked a man to death with a butcher knife. they cut his head off in the middle of the street in london. they didn't need a gun to do that. you could kill people any way you want. a rope will hang a man. a gun will kill a man and so will a butcher knife. >> how many of those -- how many of those school children would have been killed if adam lanza had a rope at sandy hook? >> well, if guns are the reason for sandy hook and all these problems, i think we should disarm barack obama's security force. >> the point is -- the point is, when you told me that a rope could cause as much damage, clearly that's palpable nonsense. let's take a break. let's come back. i want to talk to you about your theory that president obama
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should be impeached over the irs scandal. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief!
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back now on the grill is wayne allyn root, the author of "the ultimate obama survival guide." let's move on to the irs scandal, which i agree was pretty awful, actually, in many ways, and an example of a government at its worst, really. but why do you believe that president obama should be impeached over it? >> well, i didn't say he should be impeached, unless we prove it went to him. obviously, if he's not responsible and it was rogue irs agents, you wouldn't impeach obama. but my gut instinct has been from the first day and i'm not someone who came to this lately. i came out with articles about this at many of the biggest conservative websites in the country a year ago, and said that i personally had been targeted and attacked by the irs, and had been the subject of two specific audits, where all the experts that i hired, accountants and lawyers, felt they had never seen anything like this in their entire careers, and that it had to be ordered from up above, because the agents were acting in a way that they had never seen before.
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including, by the way, we took it to tax court and won, and i mean, my lawyer on the phone said i've never in my life heard of any such a thing, are we living in russia or are we living in america. audited you. >> okay. >> the president's enemy's list. >> i agree the irs targeting, particularly the tea party membership, as we saw they were doing, was completely unacceptable. i so find the way they have been going after journalists, including the fox news guy and people at ap, equally unacceptable. >>ight. >> and all vaguely bordering -- as i said on the show, on tyrannical behavior. however, to get talking about impeachment, you have really got to nail president obama's fingerprints to any of these things. and i don't see any of that. i don't see that there is any chain that leads to obama. >> well,ere's what i pointed out, piers.
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that very few americans remember that the articles of impeachment against richard nixon, were number one, watergate, a third-rate burglary, and number two, using the irs to go after and silence his enemies. so to me when you see that the irs went after -- forget about tea party groups. how about guys like me, critics of the president, outspoken critics, and suddenly we find rselves under irs attack. and o by the way, today i'm appearing on your show, i was cleared again by the irs. and literally found to not owe one cent. so i've now been the subject -- >> wait, wait, wait. of four years of audits. this is not just a platform for you to be going over your extensive history with the irs. so i mean, we all have our axe to grind with the irs. >> i have a history -- piers -- >> nobody likes taxes. >> right. irs until obama became president. >> i get it, you're peeved in the way they came after you. they'll probably be calling after this show. let's move on to michele bachmann, bowing out of the political stage today, or as many people thinking, jumping before she is thrown off the bridge.
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to me, i've interviewed michele bachmann a few times, i find it hard to believe almost anything she ever says about anything. >> well, listen, i think it's great that she is retiring, i always thought -- >> why? >> i think all politicians should be limited to two terms. one term in office and one term in prison. and so it doesn't matter to me whether republican or democrat, i like to get fresh blood in there. >> can you think of one actual fact she has ever come out with that has been determined to be true? >> i don't worry about that. >> give me one thing michele bachmann has ever said that you can incontrovertably tell me was completely true. >> well, certainly, as a libertarian, i disagree with a lot of her social views. i'm much more libertarian on those. i think we should get government out of the boardroom a and the bedroom.
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but on fiscal issues, michele bachmann would side with me. we're both fiscally tea partiers on the topic of smaller government, don't allow the irs to destroy people's lives because of their political beliefs. i think all of those -- have taxes lower so people get to keep more of their own money. i would agree with most of those. let's get some fresh blood in there. i think it's great she is allowing someone new to come in. that's what america needs. let's get the whole congress out of there every six or eight years. >> wayne, good to have you on your debut on "the grill." come back soon. >> thanks, piers. love to be on. coming up next, glenn close opens up about her family's struggle with mental illness. an interview you really want to see. it's coming up next. it's a steakover. it's tender. good flavor. it just melts in your mouth. mine's perfect -- man! we're actually eating walmart steaks. are you serious? fantastic! that was a good cut of meat. [ earl ] these are perfectly aged for flavor and tenderness. i would definitely go to walmart to buy steaks. walmart choice premium steak in the black package. it's 100% satisfaction guaranteed. try it.
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listen, your story line, it makes for incredible tv drama. thing is, your drug use is too adult for the kids, so i'm going to have to block you. oh, man. yeah. [inhales] well, have a good one. you're a nice lady.
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♪ say what you need to say >> one in six adults has a mental illness. >> and we face a stigma that can be as painful as the disease itself. >> change a mind about mental illness. and you can change a life. ♪ say what you need to say ♪ >> glenn close teamed up with oscar winning director ron howard in 2009
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for a powerful campaign to raise awareness about mental illness. as an actress, her films have grossed more than $1 billion and include "fatal attraction" "the big chill" won two golden globes and three emmys, now added this to her resume. and joining me in the chair is glenn close, along with her sister and nephew. welcome. >> thank you. >> the full family ensemble. >> that's right. >> let's talk mental illness. i've been doing stuff on my show about the gun control campaign. so many of these incidents have been linked to a form of mental illness. and the cry comes -- america just doesn't deal with this issue properly enough. is that a charge with which you would find the country guilty? >> yes, it is. i think for just basically speaking, there is not enough -- there aren't enough programs for early intervention, there aren't enough programs on a grass roots level to help people who need help, who know they need help. and there's not enough things to
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stop stigma so that people will actually seek help and know where to go. >> jesse, you went to glenn and said this, i can't stop thinking about killing myself. how old were you when that happened? and what were you feeling? >> i was feeling suicidal. i was 51. so i had lived a huge part of my life untreated. i self medicated with alcohol. >> and glenn, were you aware of any of this? >> that's the amazing thing, is really kind of basic to our message. our family had absolutely no vocabulary for mental illness. it was far from our minds. jesse was always kind of the original one, the wild one, told to pull herself together, buck up, get a job. and it wasn't until -- well,
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and it wasn't until -- well, kay was diagnosed before jess and that started kind of sinking in but it wasn't until jesse came and said to my face i can't stop thinking of killing myself that i realized that she would was in a life and death struggle. >> it's a terrifying thing to hear from a sibling. >> it is. >> it must have shocked you to the core. >> it did shock me to the core and made me ashamed i wasn't more in tune with what my own sibling had been going through. >> jesse, as glenn's sister, suddenly you're going through this hell. you've been going through it for quite some time and not knowing what it was. you were eventually diagnosed with bipolar condition. for those who have no idea what a bipolar condition is, what is the simple, layman's way of describing it? >> you have very, very low lows, depression, it used to be called manic depression, which is more descriptive. but you have very, very low lows. and then you have very, very high highs.
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and when i was depressed, i would even resort to going and lying in my closet so nobody could find me, to tell me i needed to get up. when i was high, i would typically go buy a new car, trade in my car or get with a realtor and put the house i was on, you know -- >> crazy things, impulsive -- >> you did crazy things, impulsive. >> get a divorce, anything. all these things that sounded like they were such a good idea. >> before you were diagnosed, your son -- before we come to you, i want to play another psa. it will lead us into this. ♪
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>> i'm sorry to disappoint you, if you were expecting a lunatic on a rampage. i'm calin and i've been living with schizophrenia for years. >> it's time to talk about mental illness, pledge to end stigma at bring to >> it's not easy, is it? glenn is hugely famous around the world as this great actress, right in her own family, something that affects a lot of people. in america alone, one in four families are affected by mental illness. 60 million americans live with some form of mental health condition. you and your mother were both part of that. very brave to go public like this. did you have any hesitation? >> a little hesitation, of course. >> what persuaded you? >> those facts that there's so many people living with this that don't have a voice and it's important that they know that there's other people out there like them.
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>> people, they don't care enough to really know the facts and there's still so much stigma out there that it prevents people from opening their minds. and it prevents people from healing when they come out living with mental illness from talking about it. our main message is, you have to start by talking about it. >> you starred in "fatal attraction" and his wife has suffered with bipolar. when you heard that. it must have resonated with you. >> when i heard that, i thought, boy, she built a career without being able to talk about it. >> have you spoken to either of them about it? >> no, i haven't. i hope that we can, yes.
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>> there's always that thing, you want to give people their space and sometimes unless they bring it up, it's not something you -- >> given what you know jesse's been through, do you find it remarkable that katherine's been able to sustain -- >> absolutely remarkable. and it's a great tribute to whatever support group she has around her, and that's her family, i'm sure, you can't do it without family, as you guys were saying. when calin came out of the hospital, all of his friends disappeared. it was -- >> which is part of the stigma. you were saying, in the break there, that you both have medication and you both see a future you wouldn't have for a while. and it can be a happy situation that you come through to? >> yes, it can be. i think as i've recovered, certain pieces of myself that
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were problematic, there's a sense of those things becoming irrelevant in my life today. but i can't forget where i came from. i can't forget the places -- >> you once said it was the burden of recovery. >> right. i'm sure it's not an easy journey to go on, is it? the other big story, i thought like you were doing with this issue, she embraced this in a way that will have great benefit to a lot of women around the world. angelina jolie, what was your reaction to that? >> huge respect, also, it makes sense scientifically. also it makes sense that she was at a high risk and that she did it publicly is remarkable. and it will, it will save
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people's lives. >> >> it's been a great pleasure to meet you. thank you for bringing your family. >> thank you. >> i applaud the bravery you're showing in talking about this, for more information, go to the final season of damages will be available on dvd june 16th. this friday night, a piers i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go. [ dad ] tide and downy together. it's been that way since the day you met.o go. but your erectile dysfunction - it could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity.
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this friday night, a piers morgan live special. "inside the mind of a killer." my exclusive interview with josh cook, who was a teen shot his parents to death. >> when i would match "the matrix" i would see myself in that role. i would see myself shooting the bullies and people who had hurt me in my life. and this movie was a type of release of aggression. and it actually made me feel better when i would watch it. i watched this movie hundreds of times. i just got deeper and deeper into a hole that i couldn't get out of, and i just got more and more homicidal. and just basically my rage and my anger and my hate were just building up, it was a ticking timebomb and it was only a matter of time until it exploded. >> cook reveals everything about what he did and why he did it.
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the candid and chilling hour, he gives his opinion on why he thinks other young deranged men commit mass shootings, it's a fascinating interview. that's the piers morgan live special friday night. that is all for us tonight. anderson cooper starts right now. >> good evening, everyone, a lot happening tonight. two major breaking stories, a new string of tornados hammering the central plains and two potentially lethal letters. early testing pointing toward one of the deadliest toxins known to man, ricin. one sent to mayor michael bloomberg. >> right now what they know, they believe both of the letters were sent by the same person. the postmark was the same, they contained the same kind of substance, and they also both threatened mayor michael bloomberg for his positions on the gun -- on guns, specifically those illegal guns. the mayor reacted just a short time ago.


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