tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN May 30, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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the memories of the cold day in the ikea parking lot and one stylish little monkey. little darwin. that does it for us. >> "outfront" next, new developments in the boston terror investigation. the man shot by police in florida. why did police open fire while trying to question him? and how terrorists are using the boston bombing to recruit for al-qaida. plus, an american woman jailed in mexico has new hope. what her lawyers say a video tape showed. >> "outfront" tonight, new details of a fatal shooting by the f.b.i. being questioned about his relationship to tamerlan tsarnaev. now, the father says his son's death doesn't add up. >> reporter: holding photos of
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his son's body, he had harsh words for the f.b.i. >> reporter: at the moment, i want justice. and i want there to be an investigation so that these people are tried under american law. these are not f.b.i. agents but bandits. i cannot call them anything else and they must be tried. >> translator: it's absurd. there were four or five armed well trained people from the fbi or police. couldn't they handle my son? >> reporter: a u.s. government official tells cnn that two state massachusetts detectives and a boston fbi agent were interviewing him in a room where there was a samurai sword.
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according to the official, he was trained in mixed martial arts suddenly flipped the table knocking the fbi agent back into his wall. the official says he then pulled out a long handled object and came at the agent prompting the shooting. his family as well as an attorney for the council on american islamic relations believed he was not armed. >> we received confirmation that he was, in fact, unarmed when he was shot seven times, once in the head. the best claim they have is there was a decorative sword in the room somewhere. my question is if they really thought that sword was a threat, why would they interrogate a suspect that they thought committed murder in four hours of a room with what they perceive as a weapon? >> they say he impoliticed tamerlan tsarnaev in a triple homicide in massachusetts during the questioning. that source also says he confessed to having a direct role in the crime.
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>> this is absolutely not true. because they can even check the phones and everything. they were not in conversation. they were not texting 24/7 to each other. maybe once in a couple months she shoot text message, how are they doing and that's it. but never calls. >> reporter: an fib internal review team has been investigating and looking into the circumstances of the shooting since last week. that team of investigators is made up of members of the fbi and the department of justice. his father says he hopes to get a visa by tomorrow so that he can fly to the u.s. to get his son's body. jake? >> thanks. "outfront" tonight, tim clemente is a former fbi agent and counter-terrorism and mitch silver is the former director of the nypd intelligence divisions analytic and cyber units. you heard his father in that piece. he said couldn't they handle my son? the agents knew he had mixed martial arts training. should they have been better prepared to handle a confrontation with him?
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>> well, jake, that's hard to say. in the circumstance and from what we've heard, an agent was thrust against the wallabee the table. the individual was reaching for something, a long object, possibly that samurai sword whether it was decorative or not. whether you're in that circumstance, there is no time to stop and reason with a guy like this. he's been arrested for assaults and extenuating circumstances, a traffic stop where' tacked someone over a parking space. and he's a mixed martial arts fighterment you don't want to get into a tuesday well a guy that is a mixed martial arts fighter when he knows you have a weapon on your belt. that point i'm sure the agent drew his weapon according to the fbi as use of force policy. he would have been well within his rights to use deadly force if this individual was attacking him and going anything that may have been used as a weapon. it didn't have to be a gun for him to have been able to use deadly force against the agent and the cops. the cops, the only alternative at that point if they can't immediately contain him is to use deadly force. >> tim, if that's true, should he not have been in handcuffs? >> if it was a confrontational interview and interrogation, he
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was arrested and detained, possible. but if he was at his home and not in detention, it's not customary to put somebody in handcuffs. they had him in a situation that was contained originally and something made his temper rise and that rising of his temper caused him to get violent and apparently it happened in the blink of an eye so it's not something they anticipated, obviously. and they don't want to -- you don't want to handcuff somebody when you're trying to get their cooperation. they're talking to this guy over several hours. he's obviously admitting to things he may have been involved with the tsarnaev brother. so it's critical to keep him comfortable in thant view. that's what they were trying to do. >> mitch, does it look to you like the use of deadly force was justified here? >> you know, it's hard to say, jake, having not been in the room when this situation happened. but i think as tim mentioned, context means a lot. here's an individual who is being interviewed based on his relationship with someone we know was a terrorist and
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committed the boston attack. also he is being interviewed in the context of being involved in this awful triple murder. so the fact that is the context and this individual has a violent history and he's coming at with you a weapon that could be deadly, it's notten reasonable for the agents to have acted the way they did. >> we want to take a look at another developing part of the story. new evidence that the boston bombing is becoming a key recruiting tool for al qaeda. the terror plot is front and senter in the latest issue of al qaeda's english language magazine "inspire." the magazine praises the tsarnaev brothers as heroes and encourages readers in the united states to follow their example. as it said on page 17, "the boston bombings have uncovered the capabilities of the muslim youth. they have revealed the power of a lone jihad operation." the magazine also highlights the attack in london, another recent lone wolf type terror incident. so, tim, i want to bring you back here.
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today the state department submitted this report on terrorism to the u.s. congress. the key line in the first paragraph of chapter one, the aq core's ability to attack the affiliates diminished as its leaders focus increasingly on survival. this speaks directly to what we're seeing in this latest issue of "inspire," the threat that al qaeda is pushing is the lone wolf, homegrown attacks. is this in your view the real future of al qaeda terrorism? >> i believe it's been the past and the future of al qaeda. al qaeda has never been about regimented attacks although they have planned long term planning for attacks like september 11th. that's not the norm for them. the norm for them is radicalizing individuals and getting those individuals to come up with plots on their own. the 9/11 attack was conceived of by mohammed atta and planning with his uncle and they were, you know, they were individuals that came up with we think question do this.
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that's al qaeda's method. it's guerrilla warfare. it doesn't have to involve the entire organization from the top down. any individual anywhere can be inspired by al qaeda, the movement of inspire magazine from alaki and followers. and that inspiration is just to fight the west. it's to fight our beliefs and our way of life. if you look at the magazine, other articles, they talk about the cost economically to our way of life by doing these attacks, the increased security, the increased security in the london marathon weeks later because of the boston attacks. and that's what they're really proud of. they're hurting us economically as well as making our people bleed and killing innocent civilians on the streets of boston. >> the explosive devices used in the boston bombings had striking similarities to a bomb recipe in the first issue of "inspire" june 2010. the article "make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom." now the magazine is touting the
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success of that issue in its new edition. how difficult will it be for law enforcement to stop this type of "inspire" born lone wolf terror? what more needs to be done? >> it's a significant challenge for law enforcement and intelligence. one of the things about the larger al qaeda plots that we saw in the years after 9/11 were that there are multiple people and there was communication back and forth between the group overseas in afghanistan and pakistan and their operatives who are in london or who were in new york. and that was a way can you disrupt the plots. to some degree, u.s. counterism success in thwarting plots has resulted in al qaeda deciding to embrace this lone jihadist operation. partially it's open opportunistic. it's difficult to carry out the complicated plots that they sought to do in 2005 and 2006. so for law enforcement intelligence, now you're dealing
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with plots that don't give off many signatures. if you're looking for one or two individuals, how are you going to detect them? unless you're in that location and that chat room, in that mosque where these individuals are getting radicalized, going to be very difficult for you to detect them. and in many ways that was the challenge in boston. how were law enforcement intelligence going to detect these two individuals if they weren't communicating with some overseas terrorist group and not part of a larger conspiracy? >> all right. tim clemente and mitch silver, thank you. an army sergeant allegedly kills 16 civilians and his attorney says it was due to what the army gave limb to inject. our exclusive interview coming up next. plus, first new york city mayor bloomberg and now president obama. who is sending poison to our elected leaders? and then an update from the investigation in cleveland. new images of the house where aerial castro held three women for more than a decade. and the shocking video of a collision between a freight train and a commercial truck.
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our second story "outfront," the roid rage defense. did army special forces pump roger bales with steroids before he killed 16 afghan civilians in march 2012? according to his attorney, that's what he plans to argue with the penalty phase of his trial. bales agreed to plead guilty next week to avoid the death penalty and in an effort to avoid a life sentence, his defense the will go argue the army knew he was suffering from ptsd, post traumatic stress disorder and a traumatic brain injury whether they sent him to afghanistan. "outfront" tonight, sergeant bales' attorney, john henry brown. thank you for joining us, mr. brown. >> it's a pleasure. thanks. >> sir, do you have proof that army special forces gave him steroids? >> yes, actually, the army admitted that. i did want to correct one thing you said earlier. it's not an injectable substance, it's a pill form and provided to him by a special
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forces personnel. of course, nobody forces him to take it. but that's how he got it. the army admits that. >> okay. i appreciate the correction. is it your contention that sergeant bales was forced to take these steroids in any way, if not physically forced, then emotionally forced and forced to take the steroids? >> well, you know better than anybody being since i read your book which is wonderful, by the way, and you know how special forces have an influence on the infantry. and so i think it's a cultural problem. the army also admitted there was a real failure of leadership at this camp, of the special forces leadership. i think there was like almost peer pressure, i would call it, to do what the special forces people were doing. >> so if i understand you correctly, i just want to make sure i do, you plan to argue that steroid use combined with
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the ptsd and the tbi contributed to sergeant bales committing murder? so why not take that argument to trial? >> well, i mean the risks -- we have the best psychiatrists in the united states literally on ptsd and concussive head injuries working on this case. we don't believe the defense would rise to the level of a legal insanity defense or a legal diminished capacity defense. we think it's very mitigating. what you're going to hear and what the public is going to hear next wednesday is what happened? and it's going to be very difficult for people to listen to. and that's going to take at least a whole day. and then in september, we're going to find out why it all happened. so the mental health issues, the ptsd, the con cussive head injury, all of which the army knew about will be discussed mostly during the september trial we're going to have in
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front of the jury. >> well, if there were all these mitigating factors, and if there was some dereliction of duty on the part of the army having somebody in a war zone on his -- on a multiple deployment who had tbi, who had ptsd, why plead guilty at all? >> well, because, you know, i'm a trial lawyer. the best trial and the best cases in the world you can still lose. and i don't take lightly death penalty cases by any stretch of the imagination. and i think that when i got this case the army was on a fast road to use this case as the first time to execute a soldier since 1961. and i think they were on a fast track to do that. after hundreds and hundreds of hours of work, we basically worked thought arrangement which we, you know, saving a life is more important. he might have a chance of life with parole which will be very important. >> according to defense department survey in 2008, just 2.5% of army personnel had illegally used steroids within the past 12 months.
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that's not a -- that's not a high number. have you learned anything in your research to suggest that that 2.5% is accurate or not accurate? >> well, i don't know how they would even come up with a statistic like that. you have to take urine samples or blood samples. i don't think voluntarily people are taking steroids do that. i know steroid use at this camp was endemic, pretty much everybody was taking steroids. so i would just question that figure in general. >> do you know other instances of this kind of thing happening? people jacked up on juice in a war zone and maybe not something this horrific but other incidents where there was unnecessary violence because of steroid use in afghanistan or iraq? >> yes, anecdotally, a lot of anecdotes that we've gotten, we have mental health experts and
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psychiatrists working with us that have been in the military and talk about this being a problem. and serious problem. they all the street term road rage is true. i certainly have other cases where they alter a person's perception and aggressive tendencies. >> but no official reports, these are anecdotal stories? >> that's correct. we may have more substantive evidence about that in september in the penalty phase. >> all right. john henry brown, we hope you'll come back and talk to us more about this case. >> it's a pleasure. thank you very much. we're getting a new look at the house where castro was accused of holding three women hostage and sexually assaulting them for a decade.
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cleveland's woio, the station that originally acquired this, scott, thanks for join us. what's the most shocking part of this video? >> i think it's when you get into the garage, you mentioned that barbed wire along the windows of the garage. you look inside, there are several children's bicycles in there. and we know that amanda's daughter was in that house when amanda and gina and michelle escaped. ariel castro's daughter we now know through dna. but in that garage there is a little american flag. one of the little ones, jake, that most kids would wave at a memorial day parade or fourth of july parade. so that is really, really disturbing. >> one of your sources saw the pictures of the house. what did that source tell you? >> the first floor looks normal. a couch, recliner, love seat, more kids toys. you also, though, have
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plexiglas, kind of a thick plexiglas in all the windows. then you go to the basement. that's when things get really, really creepy. all the windows are blacked out. there is barbed wire nailed all over the windows. then you head upstairs and it gets even more disturbing. all the windows have chicken wire where you find in a chicken coop, chicken wire on the windows and plexiglas and then on top of that the barbed wire. in one bedroom, there is a metal stake stuck, screwed down into the floorboard into the floor and attached to that is a dog chain. the dog chain only reaches to a bed, not the door and nothing else. and we know that amanda, gina and michelle at times were chained up in that house. >> horrifying details. thank you, scott taylor from our affiliate woio. still to come, more letters containing the deadly poison ricin were found. this time one was headed to the white house. how does the issue tie into the gun control debate? plus, the woman hired to
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welcome back to the second half of "outfront." let's start the second half of our show with stories we care about, where we focus on our own reporting from the front lines. one of the two suspects accused of the gruesome murder of a bridish soldier appeared in court for the first time today, 22-year-old michael abewali was charged with murder and unlawful possession of a fire arm. the our ses inspect who appears in this video with blood on his hands remains under arrest at a london hospital. since england doesn't have the death penalty, michael griffith tells us that the suspects if convicted are probably looking at about 25 years to life in prison. new developments in the house's irs investigation. sources tell us lawmakers will be questioning two irs employees based in cincinnati this week. and they have plans to interview
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two others next week. the investigation centers on the targeting of conservative groups seeking tax exempt status. they handle most of the requests and it's where a congressional new developments in the house's irs investigation. sources tell us lawmakers will be questioning two irs employees based in cincinnati this week. and they have plans to interview two others next week. the investigation centers on the targeting of conservative groups seeking tax exempt status. they handle most of the requests and it's where a congressional source says two employees were overly aggressive in their handling of requests. and we have shocking video showing the collision between a freight train and a commercial truck right before it derailed in the baltimore area earlier this week. here it is right at the point of impact. the truck driver was injured but is in stable condition. according to the ntsb, three of the cars that derailed contained hazardous materials. those materials may have led to the massive explosion that occurred five minutes and 23 seconds after the collision. the ntsb reenacted the accident today as part of the investigation. and a major drug bust, authorities have confiscated nearly 7,000 pounds of cocaine worth more than half a billion dollars.
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it was seized from two speed boats over memorial day weekend. u.s. customs and border protection sent us the images and they tell us the air and marine team spotted one both north of the islands when they realized they were caught, they began dumping packages of cocaine into the water. they fired shots to disable the boat. three suspects were arrested and the boat, well, it sank. our fourth story "outfront," a chilling threat to president obama tonight. authorities are testing the letter addressed to the white house for presence of ricin. investigators say the letter is similar to the ricin-laced letter sent to michael bloomberg and to his anti-gun group. our deb feyerick is "outfront" with more on the investigation. >> reporter: the anonymous ricin letters contain a warning, what's in this letter is nothing compared to what i've got planned for you. three letters sent to three men at the forefront of the gun control debate. president obama, new york city mayor michael bloomberg, and the head of his gun control group. in two of the letters, they threatened to shoot anyone who tried to confiscate his or her guns.
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"you'll have to kill me and my family before you get my guns." "anyone wants to come to my house will get shot in the face." "the right to bear arms is my constitutional god-given right and i'll exercise that right until the day i die." >> in the text of the letters themselves, in the greeting in the letter, it just says you. so we're assuming that the letters are the same, from the same machine or computer. >> reporter: police say two of the letters contained an orange, pink oily material within which were traces of ricin which is derived from castor beans. all were sent to the national bioforensic analysis center. investigators trying to figure out who sent them. letters to the president and mayor were intercepted with workers trained to spot and handle suspicious mail. however, the head of the gun control group personally opened the letter addressed to him
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according to a police report. mark glaze sent a message to friends saying he's fine and can't comment. the mayor's letter was opened last friday, on site tests prove negative. it was not sent to the national lab until wednesday when ricin tests came back positive. >> the first person who transported the material to the police lab, he said that he had some symptoms with his eyes watering. >> deb, was there a delay from the time the first letter was discovered to when it was actually sent to the main national forensic senter? >> there was. that's a big question. the letter that was addressed to mayor bloomberg was tested at the mail site friday. it was then transported to the nypd lab. it never got to the national forensic lab until wednesday. that is really the main lab. so, yes, there was a delay. now the mayor's office says the envelope was put in a special biochemical containment box,
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removed by hazmat teams. the mail room is being cleebd and the safety precautions are being reviewed. jake? >> thank you so much. tonight, rutgers university is facing even more questions over its decision to hire julie herman to help turn around the school's scarred athletic department. some members of the university search committee reportedly complained that the hiring process was too rushed and that they didn't have enough information about the candidates. information, for example, that may have shown herman was linked to a sex discrimination lawsuit while at the university of louisville. it was filed by mary banker, a former assistant track coach. she worked under harman. she claims she was fired for clang about sexist behavior by male coaches. a jury awarded banker more than $300,000 but that decision was later overturned. i spoke to banker earlier and asked about her experience working with herman. >> julie herman oversaw the track & field office and so i had direct contact with her on several occasions. i went and complained to the head track coach about some
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language that was being used. and inappropriate behavior. and just some gender discrimination things. and so julie came in and took me under her wing. the head coach said she wanted to mentor me. so we went out to lunch and, you know, she had different conversations with me. she had expressed to me that she along the way had worked with many men and she learned to talk the talk and she learned to play the game. when things got worse in the office that i worked in, i continued to let her know what was going on. and when push came to shove, she ignored my complaints and i went to the human resources office of the actual university. and i made a complaint there. when she was questioning me during the investigation, she was really -- she was very harsh in the interview.
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she told me that if this was going to be a lawsuit that i should name her in the lawsuit, she was very confrontational. and in the end julie turned her back on me and the complaint that i made even after expressing she didn't like the behavior of the male coaches and the head coach for not handling the situation appropriately. and as soon as i went to hr they did an investigation and i was fired within weeks. >> that must have been very confusing. after you told herman you felt you were being discriminated against because of your gender, according to legal filings, you say that she e-mailed you an she was supportive. she wrote, thank you. we're lucky to have you. you're a change agent. don't let their limitations take you out of the game. thank god you're here. but then after that her response changed. what do you think happened to prompt this change in tone and attitude? >> when julie interviewed me, she was part of the selection process. and when she interviewed me, she
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liked me from the second i walked in the door. she knew my accolades. i was very successful coach. i think when push comes to shove it's easy to have the meetings and encourage somebody. but when somebody is persistent the way that i am, it's hard. i was rocking the boat, so to speak in their mind. and they couldn't continue to do what they were doing or they could continue and just get rid of me and that's what they chose to do. >> now the university of louisville, obviously, tells a different story. they contend you were fired because of poor job performance, particularly in recruiting which you just talked about. did you have any indication prior to your firing that the university was unhappy in any way with your performance? >> no. i was never written up. i was never -- i never had any meetings at all saying i was doing a poor job. >> what was your reaction when you heard the other day that rutgers which had just had this disastrous experience that they hired herman to clean up its athletics program after that coach abuse scandal. what was your reaction when you
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heard that news? >> if she's going in to clean up the programs and clean up the athletic department, it's like having a fox guard the henhouse. i don't know who would be comfortable to go to her especially after my lawsuit. she's supposed to be an advocate for the protection of student athletes and coaches and when it came down to it, to do the right thing, it was easier for her to save herself, to save the head coach and not to have to fire any of the male coaches because they were all together in the whole thing. i was the one that was saying like this is inappropriate. this isn't right. we're in academic institution. so all of that stuff was going on in louisville, the same kind of stuff that is happening at rutgers. it may look different but the principle is the same. she didn't handle that. that i don't know why a university would think she's going to come in and clean up a mess. >> thank you, mary.
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we called the university of louisville for reaction to mary banker's assertions. the kentucky court of appeals ruling in her case validates what we stated all along that the employment decision made in this case was based on performance and nothing else. mary banker is appealing her case to the state supreme court. we also reached out to rutgers and they responded saying at no time was either rutgers or julie herman a named party in the action and the case was overturned on appeal by the court of appeals in kentucky. still to come, an american woman being held on drug smuggling charges in mexico has new help. why her lawyers think a videotape will set her free. and it's like something out of jurassic park. are we one step closer to bringing back the woolly mammoth? tonight's shoutout, follow that bird. this is surveillance individual video of an ostrich running through the streets in china. the journey during rush hour was
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nearly four miles long. unfortunately, the ostrich was hit by two cars before finally being captured. it was then taken to a local zoo. authorities are still trying to find out where the bird came from. the shoutout tonight goes out to those folks who desperately tried to chase the run away bird down. you make a great team. it's been that way since thday you met. but your erectile dysfunction - it could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain,
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and we're back with tonight's outer circle where we reach out to our sources around the world. we start tonight in china where the baby boy that was rescued from that sewer pipe has left the hospital. baby 59 as he's been called was taken home by his maternal grandparents. i asked david mckenzie what he's learned about the baby's mother. >> jake, this is the apartment building where the events unfolded that really captured the world's attention. a newborn baby boy stuck in a sewage pipe, had to be rescued by police and firefighters here in china. now it seems now that boy has recovered miraculously. the hospital telling us that he's, in fact, gone home with the mother's parents.
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the case of the mother, new developments, the police said they won't press charges most likely against her. neighbors in this area say that this could have been a case of a young mother was frightened and ashamed. apparently she had hidden the pregnancy from her parents and she didn't quite know what to do whether she had those stomach pains and realized she was going to give birth. she rushed her landlord in this area and they then called the police. police and the hospital are asking for privacy for the parents and the family. at this stage it seems that this is more case of an ashamed and frightened woman. jake? >> all right. thanks to david. now we go to russia. scientists have been able to extract liquid blood from a 10,000-year-old woolly mammoth. phil black is in moscow. i asked him what scientists plan to do with the blood. >> jake, there is not the first preserved mammoth to be recovered from some frozen region of russia.
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crucially part of this 10,000-year-old female was so well preserved the scientists who excavated it were able to recover a blood sample. it is the first known specimen of mammoth blood. the scientists say that is priceless. because of what they hope to do with it. like a story line from jurassic park, they say that blood represents the best chance yet of cloning a mammoth and bringing back to life that long extinct ancient species. >> let's check in with anderson >> no, the maldinadoes traveled to a city south of mexico. her aunt had died. this was a very important woman in her life.
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seem, based on this video evidence, that she was selt up? >> jake, it was the most dramatic day in court today. and that's because that was the most important piece of evidence that the defense wanted to introduce in the court. and essentially what the video shows is what the defense the video that i watched shows both maldonado and her husband gary boarding the bus in mexico, carrying only a purse, two blankets and two bottles of water.
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>> what was the bus? who was the bus? where was the bus going? was it a tourist company? >> no, the maldinadoes traveled to a city south of mexico. her aunt had died. this was a very important woman in her life. they were coming back from the funeral and took the bus that i mentioned before all the way backseat to the border. they got stopped at a military check point and that's where soldiers found the drugs, a
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little less than 6 kilos, a lot of drugs to be carrying around in any case. >> and how likely does it now seem, based on this video evidence, that she was set up? >> well, i asked the defense attorney that specific question. and he said i am 100% confident that the judge is going to rule in our favor. earlier this week, i had a confersation with a mexican official and he said that also, it's very unlikely that somebody like maldinando and her husband, gary, would have been able to board the bus with that much marijuana and go unnoticed. so somebody would have been able to see, either the bus driver or authorities somewhere in mexico before getting to the check point. >> all right, thank you so much, rafael. >> every night, we take a look outside the day's top stories
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for something we like to call the "outfront" out take. the mayor of toronto canada, rob ford, has found himself at the center of a drug scandal with a video showing him smoking from a crack pipe. and while the video has yet to surface and no one can say, for sure, if the mayor actually took a hit that day, his office has taken a few hits this week. two more of his employees resigned. the mayor insists it's still business as usual at toronto's city hall. >> i'll assure you, before it's done, phone calls are being return returned and e-mails are being responded to.
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i was elected to keep taxes low and reduced the size of government. >> say what you will about mayor ford. he really does seem committed to reducing the size of government. just this week alone, his staff has shrunk from 17 to 12 people. nice work. "outfront" next, an amazing new idea. what if you never had to park your car ever again? matt's brakes didn't sound right... i brought my car to mike at meineke... ...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke.
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where over seventy-five percent of store management started as i'm the next american success story. working for a company hourly associates. there's opportunity here. i can use walmart's education benefits to get a degree, maybe work in it, or be an engineer, helping walmart conserve energy. even today, when our store does well, i earn quarterly bonuses. when people look at me, i hope they see someone working their way up. vo: opportunity, that's the real walmart.
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are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. parking. it's annoying and as the population swells, it's only going to get worse, right? well, maybe not. one company has an idea that could take the pain out of parking and they're doing it with robots.
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think this is scary? what about letting a robot park your car? the family who brought you some of the fastest roller coasters in the world is now bringing you this. the robot garage. now, don't get too excited. a robot won't be behind the wheel. rather, the garage does the parking. take a look at how it works. first, you pull in and park on a large steel tray. next, punch your code into a panel. the battery-powered robot then slides under the tray and lifts your vehicle two inches above the floor, moving it to an open parking space and in a touch worthy of inspector gadget, spins your car around and parks it. president and founder of boomerang chris mulvehill came up with the idea. >> you don't have to remember where you parked. you don't have to worry about door dings. >> what you might be worried about is what happens if the robot breaks down. >> a very low-level technician can come in and simply turn the
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bot off and push it into an empty space. >> that's right. move it aside and the other robots keep working. similar technology has done well overseas but robotic garages in the u.s. have only had moderate success, he says. until now. >> we've had people here from bangkok, we've had people here from australia, from spain. we've had all kinds of consultants and engineers who have studied automated parking. every one of them have said wow, this totally changes what you can do with automated parking. >> even better, robots eliminate the need for humans to walk through empty garages alone. >> many bad things have happened in parking garages but the patron never has to be in the garage in an unsafe environment. >> mark patterson is the ceo of boomerang and has worked on wall street for more than 20 years, covering real estate. he says developers are starting to take notice. >> there's no question it's
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challenging because it is something new, something innovative, but the savings are so dramatic, the ability to gain great rewards from using a new system or having break-through technology versus the competitors is very powerful. >> piers morgan live is next. s. ♪ and she forgot to pay her credit card bill on time. good thing she's got the citi simplicity card. it doesn't charge late fees or a penalty rate. ever. as in never ever. now about that parking ticket. [ grunting ] [ male announcer ] the citi simplicity card is the only card that never has late fees, a penalty rate, or an annual fee, ever. go to to apply. even in stupid loud places. to prove it, we set up our call center right here... [ chirp ] all good? [ chirp ] getty up.
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12:00 am
this is "piers morgan live." welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. tonight, breaking news. live from tornado alley, we've got more exclusive video of a large twister forming right now in oklahoma. >> just stop anywhere right here. it's coming straight at us. look at this shot, dude. look at that mesocyclone. >> got to get my camera. >> a spectacular wildfire north of los angeles. more of that later in the show. and breaking news on the ricin case. the fbi says it made an arrest and are searching for another letter, this one addressed to the cia. i'll ask former new york top cop bill bratton how dangerous is all this. also, law and disorder. on the docket tonight, what could be a turning point in the $40 billion michael jackson death trial.
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