tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 31, 2013 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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the country. perhaps the most hated young men in the country, tamerlan and tsarnaev. an atrocious attack that killed three people and wound more than 270 and cruelly shattered the country's oldest and most iconic marathon. brand-new security video today of the brothers together, just going to the gym in boston, mere hours before perpetrating potentially allegedly these bombings. by all appearance, they sure are relaxed and calm, aren't they, just working out? cnn's debra fairer spoke to the gym's manager. >> reporter: 72 hours before the bombs dead nated almost to the minute, they worked out together at a gym in boston. security cameras show the brothers arriving with a friend just before 2:45 friday afternoon. we spoke to the manager who
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asked we only use his first name michael. he says tamerlan you see in the hat, looked different, noticeably missing tamerlan's full bushy religious beard which he had about two years. the manager describes him as extremely opinionated and says he didn't ask him why he had shaved because he didn't want to engage in what was likely to be a long, heated debate. >> shaving the beard may be a way to blend in, not to attract scrutiny from security services in carrying out the boston attacks. >> reporter: tamerlan trained at y crew several times a month for free a. professional courtesy to the nationally ranked golden gloves boxer. jahar showed up two or three times in roughly two years. >> we have seen with western militants wannabe jihadists an emphasis on physical training, physical fitness, wanting to be prepared for jihad. >> reporter: almost immediately
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the manager off screen to the right asks them to posted gym rules, take off their shoe the younger brother does, tamerlan does not, later he e-mails the owner asking him to bantamer lan calling him arrogant, selfish, never helping anyone else. his years of train iraqi evident. watch you skillfully he handles the jump rode, jahar has more difficulty, less stamina as he struggles to hold up the oversides shorts t. manager says the man in the middle was introduced as a friend. we've blurred his face. he was later questioned and released by the fbi. tamerlan remains two cussed, barely missing or breaking stride. it's right here the brothers interact. they seem relaxed. jahar resting at times. tamerlan moving, moving, working out, 72 hours before two bombs
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exploded near the finish line of the boston marathon. deb feyerick joins us live. deb, it's fascinating to see this mere hours before that attack was carried out. did this manager have any more obs vagues about the relationship or the -- observations about the relationship or the dynamic itself? >> reporter: he said they seemed calm, relaxed. it was clearly tamerlan the manager had a big problem with. because all he was asking to him do was to remove his shoes. tamerlan was arguing with him, arguing with him, wouldn't do whatever everybody else in the gym was doing, his younger brother is easy going, listens to authority. the older brother not so much. there is nothing else about the dynamic. he said the younger one didn't come to the gym very often. he said he only came a couple times in a two-year period. >> so he wasn't able to shed
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light on the way he treated his younger brother or whether he ordered the younger brother or anything like that? >> reporter: no, not really t. manager's primary interaction was with tamerlan. he led the boys down the stairs. he was telling them in that ring what to do. it is clear the younger boy, they're not young, they're teenagers, 19-year-old. they're looking at the older one to get their queus from him. jahar takes the hope at one point he is stretching the way his brother is stretching. tamerlan is so focused on doing it. the younger one on the right, he, himself, was a wrestler. he is doing it. he has a different level of engagement from his brother it appears from watching. you feel transfixed watching them perpetrate their normal daily hours before so many people's lives were to be completely shared.
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thank you for finding that material. i want to check some of our other top stories this morning. attorney general eric holder now saying he will re-assess guidelines on how to investigate leaks to the news media. in a private and controversial meeting with journalists yesterday, mr. holder heard reporter's concerns about justice department subpoenas. representatives for the news media pushed mr. hold to consider more changes and encourage more discretion and avoid overly broad subpoenas. she is free at last t. arizona mother and grandmother released from a mexican prison into the waiting arms of her husband, who did not let go. a mexican judge ordered yanira maldonado's release after determining that the prosecution really did not have a case against her. maldonado had been arrested and then accused of trying to smuggle more than 12-pound of
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pot into the united states. a security camera on the bus she was riding in, though, proved there was no way she had any pot in her possession when she and her husband got on board that bus. how it got under her seat still remains unanswered. elvis presley's death is suddenly in the spotlight in michael jackson's death trial t. man that promoted both artists, the last tours, is testifying again today. jackson's lawyers say his experience with elvis should have made him more aware of destruction abuse by other artists, including michael jackson. we are going to explore that angle with our legal panel in just a few moments. plus, we'll raise the question did concert bosses care about michael jackson's deteriorating health? call it cowardly, cruel, a senseless act of terror. while most of us see the boston marathon bombings as an act of evil. some see it as a big success. it shouldn't come as a surprise
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that one group, in particular, al qaeda in the arabian peninsula not only praises the bombing, appears to be taking advantage of it and market it. our barbara starr reports. >> reporter: this is the latest version of "inspire," the magazine published by al qaeda in the arabian peninsula and much of it, including this article, titled "the inevitable," is cruelly devoted to the boston marathon bombing. >> what it tells you is this group al qaeda in the arabian peninsula is opportunistically trying to take advantage of this attack. >> reporter: the magazine calls the tsarnaev brother brilliant in carrying out the attacks, which al qaeda says were quote an absolute success. it mentions copley square, fenway park and boston university. it said, these heroic bombings have exposed many hidden shortcomings of the american security and intelligence system. the tsarnaev brothers are
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believed to have read a 2010 "inspire" article called "make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom" which detailed the pressure cooker bombs used to carry out the attack in boston. now boston may be leading al qaeda in yemen to offer new guidance to its followers. >> the message they're putting out to their followers in the west is don't come and joins here in yemen. stay home, launch attacks there. we'll give you the how-to advice in magazines like "inspire" bomb-making recipes so you can do that. >> reporter: because it is published online. it is almost impossible to shut down. its bombs, res pes and directions have been linked to attacks on both side of the atlantic, causing counterterrorism officials a constant worry. barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. >> we still have a lot to come this hour, daytime justice, case no. 1, viral video, boston bombing suspects just working out, enjoying their day, days
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before disaster rocked the boston marathon, look a little closer, though, much closer. is there something buried in this video that could actually spare dzhokhar tsarnaev's life. wait until you hear what michael jackson's concert bosses were saying about the king of bop in the days before he died. want a sample? you need cheeseburgers an bers, they say. did aeg really care about michael's failing health? and case no. 3, peanuts on a plane and they almost killed her. she asked the flight crew to warn the passengers ahead of time. no luck. now she is mad as hell and demanding answers. who is to blame the passenger or the airline. tweet me now at cnn ashleigh, i'll read your responses later this hour. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule.
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tamerlan and dzhokhar tsarnaev 72 hours before the bomb went off, calmly, cooley, going to the gym. three people died, the older brother was killed in a shootout with police a few days after the bombing. his younger brother, however, survived. he was wound, captured. he is recovering in a jail. but he is facing murder charges and they could carry the death penalty. could this new video end up saving dzhokhar tsarnaev's life? we will talk about that right now. with me is cnn national xoern correspondent debra dayeric and cnn legal analyst paul callen. first to you, deb the fbi knows about this video. they have had it in their possession. will it make an appearance in this case? >>. >> reporter: likely. likely. when the fbi agents went to the gym, initially, it was at that time beginning of the investigation. there was so little time to find
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these two men who were on the run that when they were there, they got screen grabs of this video. but it's not clear, the manager is telling us actually that, no, they did not ask for an official copy of the video. you see them working out. it creates some sort of a time line of where they were. whether it will go to character or interaction or a relationship between the two brothers, but what was of greatest interest to them is who the friend was. apparently the friend, he has been ruled out. >> just to repeat, if anyone is tuning in, deb, the manager found tamerlan to be cantankerous, wanted him kicked out of thegy. did he say anything about dzhokhar tsarnaev, what he was like, his personality? >> no, he didn't. it was tamerlan, the manager said he didn't like him. he was incredibly air began. because he was training there for free having been a golden gloves boxer, they extended a courtesy. it adds cache to the gym.
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he says tamerlan never gave anything back. he never helped train any of the other boxers. he was always picking fights. the manager said even when they began to discuss topic, he called it a verbal sparring. they would talk about religion or certain things. tamerlan always had to be right. he was incredibly opinionated. what is so key about the gym, ashley, a number of us went to this particular gym to try to speak to the manager. but this was sort of a place where a number of people who were discovered connected to this case all went, including one of the victims that was killed in a triple murder. a triple murder that police are investigating, whether tamerlan or a friend, a miami man, was actually involved in. so this is a place where they were congregating. it's an interesting nexus as law enforcement calls it. >> we will talk about that other story, paul callen, first off, if there is a defense toven that needs to defend dzhokhar tsarnaev, somehow, a lot of
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people surmise perhaps a defense will be he followed his overbearing brother's every command. is there anything you see in this video that deb is reporting on the conversations with that manager that give you any insight that actually could be used at trial, either tore defend him or to mitigate death? >> oh, ashleigh, i think this could be an important video at the time of trial. bear in mind this could only come into play at the end of the trial during the sentencing phase, although, it might be used to not seek the death penalty or take a zblee what can possibly do that? >> i think one of the claims here by those opposed to the death penalty and think it shouldn't be imposed in this case is that the younger brother was utterly dominated by an older brother and this video kind of sets the theme. it shows the older brother is dominating. it shows, it demonstrates that maybe the younger brother could have been influenced by him. >> sorry, it would need to be coupled by the testimony of the
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manager who gives deb that full, rich pick of what his encounters were like, though, right? >>. >> reporter: it would, in the sentencing phase, there is elaborate testimony like this presented because you are trying to develop what kind of person is before the jury, not that they committed the crime. this i think would show the older brother dominated but one thing i have to say, i'm personally very skeptical about it. if this was a bank stickup and the older brother said to the younger brother, hey, shoot that guy, i don't think people would be arguing on television about, gee, maybe you shouldn't get the death penalty. they are both thugs. that's what a lot of people. at least people that support the death penalty would say. >> to be very clear, though. you are not suggesting any defense attorney could use this type of a video or characterize the relationship with the brother to actually beat the rap? >> no, not going to happen. i see it at the sentencing phase, that's it. >> ashleigh, one quick thing i
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want to point out is, when they come down the stairs, tamerlan is being sort of hostile and won't take off his shoes, it is very interesting, immediately, you see him taking his shoes off. he is listening to effectively what is an instruction to take his shoes off, the older brother is i'm not going to do thmt it takes the friend longer, almost instantly, dzhokhar tsarnaev does what he is told. >> it's one of the first things i noticed. it got me thinking, might that actually grab one or two jurors? i don't know. deb feyerick, excellent, len excellent work, unusual in your investigation. paul callen, terrific insight. thank you both. coming up, a woman with extreme peanut allergies not just extreme, deadly. she gets on an airplane. then she ends up in in the o.r. f is the airline to blame if
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other passengers bring them on board. who is to blame in this near death experience? i have low testosterone. there, i said it. see, i knew testosterone could affect sex drive, but not energy or even my mood. that's when i talked with my doctor. he gave me some blood tests... showed it was low t. that's it. it was a number. [ male announcer ] today, men with low t have androgel 1.62% testosterone gel. the #1 prescribed topical testosterone replacement therapy increases testosterone when used daily. women and children should avoid contact with application sites. discontinue androgel and call your doctor if you see unexpected signs of early puberty in a child, or signs in a woman, which may include changes in body hair or a large increase in acne, possibly due to accidental exposure. men with breast cancer or who have or might have prostate cancer, and women who are or may become pregnant or are breast-feeding, should not use androgel.
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serious side effects include worsening of an enlarged prostate, possible increased risk of prostate cancer, lower sperm count, swelling of ankles, feet, or body, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing during sleep, and blood clots in the legs. tell your doctor about your medical conditions and medications, especially insulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. in a clinical study, over 80% of treated men had their t levels restored to normal. talk to your doctor about all your symptoms. get the blood tests. change your number. turn it up. androgel 1.62%. theit's four times the sony 4k tv, it wasdetail of hd. my eyes. colors become richer. details become clearer.
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>> well dock back. so a passenger opposite up a bag of peanuts on a plane. this time it nearly killed a woman four row ace way. it turns out she has a severe peanut allergy. she says she thought united airlines had assured their would not be a problem, even telling her there would be an announcement to alert the passengers of her terrible condition. when it claims time, she says they refused to make that announcement. she says they told her she would be fine and they hurried her onto the plane. so then out came the peanuts by another passenger, when they were opened, she stopped breathing. it was so bad the plane had to make an emergency landing. she spent the next two days in an icu. thousand she is suing. paul callais back with us to debate this one. you know what, twitter is going a bit crazy on this one. it's airline vs. allergy, who is to blame in this one, paul? >> this peanut allergy has
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gotten to be a big problem in the united states, you hear kids in school having nut and peanut lrnls. >> we're not talking sneezing and coughing, we are talk potentially lethal allergies. >> i was looking at the stats on this, apparently only about 150, i say only, 150 people a year die of food-related allergies in the united states. that's out of a population of over 300 million in the united states so what is the airline supposed to do? obviously this affects a very small percentage of people, under 1% of people who have peanut allergy, but united here disrupted the whole flight. obviously, if they had stopped the woman two seats in front from opening the bag of peanut the plane wouldn't have had to land unnecessarily so, to me, it's stumdity by united airlines not to when you know there is somebody with the problem not to make an announcement, can you not bring any peanuts out so we don't sister to land in cleveland? is that too hard to figure out?
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>> i was on a flight. i hate to say i. i fly on hawaiian airlines, i heard that announcement in the last month. please don't open any peanut products. rereached out to united. they did give us a response, not to this particular case. they redirected us to their actual standard warning on their website. here's what it is, i will read it out straight. it is not possible to insure commerce will not bring food stums on board that contain nuts. we cannot guarantee free pea nit flights or remove any products based on any individual requests. we encourage passengers to review health concerns with tear physician prior to flying. here's another question, if you know are you lethally allergic to something, should you not be carrying an epi pen? >> you absolutely should, i think she has an uphill battle with this lawsuit. >> you do? >> frankly. warning i think protects united. they're saying, hey, we called
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in somebody on the phone said. >> a website warning protects them? >> yeah, i think the website warning would provide adequate warning. she is saying she made a phone call like to an 800 number. they said, don't worry about it, there will be an announcement on the plane. well, there wasn't one going out. they were on notice that united doesn't make such an announcement. she boards the trip. >> on the return trip. >> so i don't think united can be held responsibility because there are so many people with specialized conditions like that. it's difficult to check. >> let me make sure people know, at least taelgs made by the gleason family, the family has not confirmed or denied, at this point these are crimes. but it is a fascinating argument, nonetheless, thank you, palm. don't go away. i want you to be the judges, who is to blame, the airline or the
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passenger? use kind words. i will be reading your responses again, keep them clean, folks. it's coming up later on this hours. we are searching, indeed, next up the jackson family versus aeg and some e-mails the kind you think aren't going to come out in public later on. they came out, saying michael jackson is thin, frame, needs cheeseburgers. we asked did those concert bosses care about michael's health? that's next. [ female announcer ] yoplait greek 100. 100% greek. 100% mmm... wow, that is mmm... it's so mmm you might not believe it's a hundred calories. yoplait greek 100. it is so good.
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see, i knew testosterone could affect sex drive, but not energy or even my mood. that's when i talked with my doctor. he gave me some blood tests... showed it was low t. that's it. it was a number. [ male announcer ] today, men with low t have androgel 1.62% testosterone gel. the #1 prescribed topical testosterone replacement therapy increases testosterone when used daily. women and children should avoid contact with application sites. discontinue androgel and call your doctor if you see unexpected signs of early puberty in a child, or signs in a woman, which may include changes in body hair or a large increase in acne, possibly due to accidental exposure. men with breast cancer or who have or might have prostate cancer, and women who are or may become pregnant or are breast-feeding, should not use androgel. serious side effects include
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worsening of an enlarged prostate, possible increased risk of prostate cancer, lower sperm count, swelling of ankles, feet, or body, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing during sleep, and blood clots in the legs. tell your doctor about your medical conditions and medications, especially insulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. in a clinical study, over 80% of treated men had their t levels restored to normal. talk to your doctor about all your symptoms. get the blood tests. change your number. turn it up. androgel 1.62%. [ engine revs ] ♪ [ male announcer ] just when you thought you had experienced performance, a new ride comes along and changes everything. ♪ the 2013 lexus gs, with a dynamically tuned suspension and adjustable drive modes. because the ultimate expression of power is control. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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a quick look at the headlines, the bottom of the hour right now. some big trouble, you might say more for the mayor of toronto. a very big city. there's the man, rob ford. his executive assistant and an ad advisor have now quit. if you are doing the math, that makes five staffers gone if seven days. why? it might have something to do with that cell phone video that surfaced recently of the mayor purportedly smoking crack with somali drug dealers? i don't know. mr. ford says he has no plans to step aside, though. he says he is planning to run again in 2014. at a news conference the deputy mayor said, quote, we all know that videos can be altered. when the mayor was asked about all of tease questions, he kept saying, next question. how does that work. last night in boston, big
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names were there for the concert to benefit the victims of the bombing. have a look. [ music playing ] ah, yeah, arere -- aerosmith, new kids on the block, james taylor, jimmy buffet. they all performed for free. concert sold out. proceeds expected to top $1.5 million. all that money for the one fund. if you are wondering how much money that fund has been able to raise, it is now more than $37 million for the victims of the bombing. you know, the more we hear about michael jackson's wrongful death trial the more this question keeps coming up. did concert bosses care about michael? the co-chairman of aeg live. that's the company that promoted michael's last company tour gets
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back up on that witness stand today t. lawyer for the jackson family keeps confronting him with e-mail, some e-mails he didn't even write. cnn's digital reporter joins me now from los angeles. okay. alan, this has not been looking good for aeg. we are in the plaintiff's case, get me up to speed after yesterday's block buster stuff. there is even more that keeps coming out. >> reporter: yes, this trial promises to keep gichlg looking forward to the next month or so of testimony. what we had yesterday and will continue stood aeg's lawyer trying to rehabilitate the memory if you will and if reputation of the co-ceo in the eyes of the jurors. they were literally laughing as he constantly repeated i don't recall, talking about e-mails, he says i don't recall because now he says he never read them or it's been so long, he doesn't remember writing them. pretty remarkable, some of them, for example, he was asked is it
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not true that randy philips your boss asked you when you were editing the "this is it" documentary the one in the last days of the rehearse also, he told him to take south out some shots that make him look emaciated. these e-mails were read in court. make sure we take out the shots of mj in that red leather jacket at the soundstage where the mini-movies were being filmed. he looked way to think, he in any event say thin an skeletal. there were comments from michael jackson's stylist that he was pretty thin in his last two weeks. one of them, production manager bucksy hookdahl says wrote he needs some cheeseburgers with a bunch of wisconsin cheesehead bowlers...and a couple om of brats and cheese. later, he has a more serious condition writing i have watched him deteriorate in front of the
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of my eyes over the last 8 weeks. he was able to do multiple 360 spents back if april. he'd fall on his ass if he spents now. we know a few days later, michael jackson was dead. >> when i read those comments, i winced. i felt very uncomfortable about people talking about michael jackson it would be easy as helping him to give him a cheeseburger on a brats, how did the jury take that? >> i think the jury was laughing at times by some of this not because it was particularly funny, but it was kind of odd the way it unfolded. as i reported, what happened earlier, the ghost of elvis presley erupted into this trial this week in an interesting and odd way. you and i remember when elvis decide back if august of 1977, that was the big story. the big story after that was
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when michael jackson died t. two found a nexus here at the trial. in fact, there was an e-mail that the man on the stand now wrote just two weeks after michael's death. he by the way paul gongaware was the last tour promoter for elvis presley when he died, he was the last tour promoter for michael jackson when he died. his friend sent him condolence, he replierksd i was working, i knew what to expect. still quite a shock. it's happening today and yesterday the aeg lawyer is going to try to explain that e-mail, well, he knew there was going to be big public mourning. >> and chaos ath that all the concert stuff would be laid off. he sort of explaining it as the shock was the ramifications and the fallout, not the shock that the death resulted because i have been down this road before.
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alan, stay with me for a minute if you will. i want to bring back legal analyst paul callan, who is a teacher of law as well. part of his expertise is in cases involving professional liability. also with us, another favorite hln legal analyst and defense attorney joey jackson who has loads of experience defending clients under theglary of cameras. first to you, paul, i have to remind everybody, we are in the plaintiff's case, we sort of think at this moment, yikes, this case is over, it's not, isn't it? >> always the voice of reason, ashleigh. you know, it's far from over. it's one tragedy after another when you look at meekal jackson's life. i think ultimately what we have to remember is the jury is going to be looking at the concert promoter, aeg, what's their responsibility here? they're not his parents. they're not his relatives or his family. they hire him to do some concerts. and is it their job to make sure
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he is eating peanut butter sandwiches and hamburgers? their defense ul matly is, hey, he's a essential pro. it's not our job to do this. so as embarrassing as these e-mails are, in the end, his lawyers will say, he's a professional. he has lawyers and doctors. >> so listen, look, you can say all you want. you can make them out to be monsters if you want. does it all come down to who hired the doctor who is sitting in jail because of the killing? >> you know what, ashleigh, i think that's a huge part of it. this is not only about what they knew. it's about what they should have known. when you have an e-mail that talks about i worked on the elvis tour, i knew what to expect. what you are saying is, you are equating it to what happened to elvis presley and his unfortunate demise. if that is something that you as a company was on notice of, then certainly you had an obligation to insure his health would be
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proper, that he would be able to perform adequately, that he could fulfill his obligations. for the do that, he needs to be healthy. it comes down to the issue of neglect hiring. did you adequately supervisors this hiring, did you adequately do what you were supposed to do, if the answer is no, you were on notice of his health, therefore, negligence and liability. >> this means if joey jackson were representing elvis presley, we would have for the elvis presley music because he would not perform in court. >> this is heart break hotel right here. listen, all off thank you. i just adore you all. are you so smart. >> not as much as we adore you. >> oh, precious. okay. well, i'm going to have you back, in fact, in just a few minutes, you are going to come back, if you can, joey. because i have this other story i want to get out to our viewers. a young man trying to get a girl to notice him. this happens all the time this
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guy's alleged plan when sought horribly wrong he is now charged with her murder. what if he meant no harm? we are seeking daytime justice. ready? happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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. so when a shopping mall goes up in your bart of town, usually the developer has to knock down some trees, take out some woods, that oftentimes will destroy wildlife habitat. means injured animals end up in wildlife centres across the country. which is exactly where our cnn hero can be found this week. >> in this fast paced world, we do forget that we are animals and part of the natural world. this is a beautiful female bald eagle. humans, we are wildlife force to our enemies in many, many ways.
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he had been clipped by a small jet. we don't want her to live in a category. we want to get her back out there in the wild. i'm maureen rutger. i rescue, rehabilitate and release injured wildlife back into their natural habitat. i think we can get her fixed up and back out there. when i started the centre, i thought i was going to get 25/30 animals a year. once people found out the phone number never stopped ringing. it is all consuming, but i'm doing something i love. working with an injured animal, everyone says let nature take its course. but 90% of these animals injuries, they are human related. that's not nature. it's us. we need to become more responsible care takers of the earth. each animal has a role to play in the food chain. if just one link breaks, the
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whole chain falls apart. this is a big day for these little baby ducks. we've successfully released thousands of animals back to the wild. it's the same thrill every single time. whoa! we're counting on the children to do a better job than we have in the past. where do wild animals really belong? in the wild. i desperately want them to feel the excitement that i find in nature. we can make a difference. >> we need your help to fine tease great stories. so we enviet to you please go to can you do it right now. nominate someone you though who is making a difference and deserves the recognition for it.
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he wanted to be a hero, yet he has turned into an accused murderer. this 20-year-old man from maine showed up in a courtroom this week after a bizarre plot to kidnap his 15-year-old crush and then miraculously come to her rescue. place say he created a fake facebook page to lure her out of her home and get her to the end of her driveway. that's where he was lying in wait, wearing a ski mask. he allegedly grabbed her, duct taped her face and threw her into the back of his dad's peckup truck. the last time her mom saw her was when she was heading out the door. in an affidavit just released, the witnesses say he admitted to his plan to kidnap her and play that hero in her rescue.
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the trouble is nicole died in the back of that pickup truck. now the big question is, does it even matter if he didn't mean to kill her? does it matter if he meant no harm? hln criminal attorney and legal correspondent here, does it matter if he had some other story and it went wrong and she is dead? >> the answer is no, it could go to mitigation after he's found or should he be found guilty? here's what happens, waez know, arizona you know very well, it turns on members rea. what does that mean in english? it means what was your mental state, what were you thinking at the time? not all murders are premeditated. yet, there are others you can argue are you so extremely reckless they're depraved. you have to know or understand if you put someone in a trunk
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and duct tape them that something could go miserably wrong. if you act with a degree of recklessness because you could certainly foresee the tragic consequence of your action. and that's what's at play here. >> so, i want to read a little bit of the affidavit. this is what the accused's brother told the detectives. that he jumped out of the bushes and took nicole, that he duct taped her, he put nichole in his father's pickup truck and when he removed her she was dead. he discarded everything including clothing. apparently he then drove to a girlfriend's house according to a brother. the cause of death for this young woman is still being determined. again, i got to ask you, isn't there a huge difference between say a man in cleveland who allegedly captures three young girls and keeps them for decades, and a guy like this who
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allegedly planned to do something that was far less damaging and dangerous and deadly than it turned up to be? isn't that the difference between first and second-degree and manslaughter? >> it certainly is, ashleigh, without question. and i understand exactly what you're saying. but when you look at it, the law looks at certain things. first, the law looks at intent. what was your intention? it was never my intent to kill. the law moves to it may not have been your intent, but what were your actions? were your actions so extreme with regard o recklessness that they do still amount to murder? sometimes you do things and they go terribly wrong. should you know that the consequences of those actions could cause something like this? and the answer from a prosecution perspective will be yes. there are so many times where you can act with such reckless disregard for human life. in other words, you didn't mean to do something, but certainly you had to know that by putting these chain of events in motion, whether you meant to or not, and
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duct taping someone can have terrible and tragic consequences. and that's just the law. >> that's just the way the cookie crumbles. joey jackson, thank you for that. we've also got another story coming into us. some brand-new crime scene photos surfacing in the killing of oscar girlfriend. is engineer. like parts that create your perfect temperature and humidity or the parts that purify the air. together, these parts can cut your heating and cooling bills in half. which is quite comforting. and here's the best part... call now to get up to sixteen hundred dollars back or 12 months deferred interest on select lennox home comfort systems. offer ends june 14th. plus download our free lennox mobile app with an energy-savings calculator. ♪ if your current system is 10 years or older, start planning now. and take advantage of special financing.
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bloody crime scene where olympian oscar pistorius shot his girlfriend a few months ago. they show that blood spattered bathroom in which reeva steenkamp was shot. that runner who's been charged with murder now does admit he shot and killed her, but he says it was an accident. he says he mistook her for a burglar. joining us now from johannesburg, south africa, cnn's robyn kurnow. can you explain what we're seeing in the photo? >> this is essentially the center of the investigation for the state. what you're looking at is the very place where oscar pistorius shot dead reeva steenkamp. you see pools of blood on the floor of this bathroom. more crucially i think in terms of evidence you see the markers of where the bullet holes went through that closed door. and of course that will indicate to investigators whether or not oscar pistorius had his
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prosthetic legs on or not. and that of course proves or disproves his evidence. >> and, robyn, you've had a chance to speak with oscar pistorius recently. what did he tell you? >> i have. we were invited into the pistorius home where oscar has been staying for the last three months since he was released from police custody. he's grown a beard. he looks very, very sad. he's obviously not giving interviews. so his uncle, arnold, spoke for him telling us exclusively how oscar was pining for reeva, that she was in deep mourning and that he had photographs of her everywhere. take a listen. >> he's got photos in his room. he's got photos all over the place. what can you say if the person you love the most die and you were the instrument? how would you feel? it's unthinkable. >> his life will never be the same again. >> that's with no doubt. he won't be the same again.
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he will have to cope with it somehow. >> okay. and also i think it's important to note there's been a lot of speculation about whether or not oscar will take to the track again. he is going to gym every day in his own home. he hasn't started running. and those people close to him tell me that he will not be competitively running on any -- in any athletics meeting until after the trial. back to you. >> robyn kurnow, thank you. appreciate that. earlier in the program we asked you to be the judge. a woman with deadly peanut allergies gets on a plane and then ends up in the hospital. but who is to blame? is it her, the airline? we got your responses coming up next. [ female announcer ] made just a little sweeter... because all these whole grains
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aren't healthy unless you actually eat them ♪ multigrain cheerios. also available in delicious peanut butter. healthy never tasted so sweet. also available in dehappy birthday!butter. it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. time for you to be the judge now. who is to blame, the woman with the peanut allergy who took a flight and got sick, nearly died actually after the flight crew failed to alert other passengers
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to not open any peanuts, or is she to blame? here's what you tweeted. those with allergies should be responsible for themselves. why should the rest of us have to bend over backwards for them? that comes from -- missed it, sorry. here's the next one. i'd say someone with the airlines for not screening all the passengers as routine. and another comment, no one, that situation cannot be policed. no need to use manpower or resources on that. and this last one, she should be grateful to the airline because they saved her life by landing immediately. it's always good to hear your comments. thanks for keeping them clean. but thanks very much for watching. stay tuned because "around the world" starts right now. she's free. >> i'm home, finally. >> this arizona mother of seven was jailed in mexico for allegedly smuggling pot while
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coming up, the evidence that set her free. and three killed in syria, one a woman, how she reportedly became a rebel fighter. a live report coming up. and could the murder case against the "blade runner" but e be in jeopardy? leaked photos from oscar pistorius's home are now posted online. welcome to "around the world." i'm suzanne malveaux. >> and i'm michael holmes. thanks for your company this friday. an arizona mother on her way home after more than a week in a mexican jail, what a story this has been, yanira maldonado, she walked out of jail in nogales, mexico, overnight a free woman. >> this was on charges of smuggling marijuana. her family insisted from the very beginning that she was innocent. rafael romo, he is in nogales, arizona, just across the mexican border. rafael, tell us, she is free, but the legal process is not completely over. what happens
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