tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 31, 2013 11:00am-1:01pm PDT
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first on cnn, chilling video of the boston bombing suspects working out before their attack. an american woman goes to syria, fights with the rebels, and dies. but what the heck is she doing there? the bloody crime scene revealed. new pictures of where the blade runner shot his girlfriend. plus -- ♪ twinkle, twinkle little star ♪ >> a 10-year-old girl with weeks to live is being denied a transplant because of her age. now her urgent fight is going to the president's inner circle. and a man stages a kidnapping in hopes of becoming a hero. but his plan takes a horrifying turn. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now.
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here we go on this friday. good to see all of you. i'm brooke baldwin. breaking news and live pictures. look at this. huge, huge flames shooting out of this hotel. this is -- these are live pictures from our affiliate kprc out of houston, texas. massive plumes of smoke. if you know this area, this is the southwest inn on the southwest freeway. multiple stations responding. you can see ems there on the ground as well. we know it is a four alarm fire. meaning trucks from four different stations are responding that is how massive this thing is. many, many people fighting this thing. we're making phone calls, trying to figure out -- obviously it is way too early to figure out how the fire started but we'll keep a close eye on this and bring you any late developments as soon as we get them. but first, this. want to begin this hour with a cnn exclusive.
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the grief-stricken family of nicole mansfield, if you don't know the name, take a look. because this is nicole mansfield, this is her in happier times with her daughter, from whom we'll hear in a moment. and this is nicole mansfield as well. her american driver's license has shown on syrian tv. that's right. syrian state tv in an exclusive interview, nicole mansfield's grieving father tells cnn he asked the u.s. government to revoke her passport, which might have prevented this. nicole mansfield apparently has died in the syrian civil war. and according to the syrian government, she was fighting on the side of a rebel group linked to al qaeda. you're looking at this bullet riddled car in which mansfield and two other westerners reportedly died at the hands of the syrian armed forces. want you to listen now to this
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horribly grief-stricken family in suburban flint, michigan. listen first to what the father says about his concerns that nicole, raised baptist, had gotten in with the wrong kind of people after converting to islam. he says three years ago, he actually took his concerns to the fbi. >> just knowing in my heart that something was not right, you know. they need not let her go on like she was, you know? they needed -- obviously my feelings and my intuition was right because this has gone on. >> what was it, though, specifictally thrspecifi specifically three years ago that concerned you. >> because of stuff that was being said, that easter about israel. >> can you be more specific? >> well, i -- you know, it was three years ago. all i know is i went to the fbi
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about my concerns. and i know that they did follow up because they were following her for a while. they just -- they needed to revoke her passport and this wouldn't be -- this wouldn't be going on. we wouldn't be sitting here right now. >> i didn't believe it was my mom the first time i saw them. then i had to look again and i looked at her body, and her feet and her hands, and her nose and her mouth and i just -- i knew it was her. and it makes me mad that they're all over the internet and the media, like they can take that down. and they don't need to -- i shouldn't have to see my mother's body like that all over the media and the internet. there are people calling her a terrorist, there are people calling her a cia agent. and she was neither. she was just an american woman
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who was misguided by people who had bad intentions, good intentions, but were extreme about it. >> she wanted people to know who she was. she sure got it. that's all i can tell you. loved her. loved her dearly. dearly. >> it's okay. >> what do you say to her? what do you say to her right now? >> your grandfather's going to be mad at you. very mad at you.
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i'll never stop loving her. in spirit, always. >> we can't control what she believed in. we can try to maybe help her. but when she set her mind to something, that was it. >> wow. obviously this family is broken over the loss of nicole mansfield. again, nicole mansfield from michigan, dead in syria's civil war. and syria is saying she had links to al qaeda. with me now, veteran international journalist jim clancy. let's begin with part of the interview that we -- so much of that interview we played, but a part of it we didn't, the family says she has a background in health care. that she went to syria to help. is it possible, jim clancy, that she went, you know, for laudable reasons but was just in a bad
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spot? >> we don't know exactly. we can't say with any amount of certainty because her case isn't yet developed. we may later learn how she got there, how she died is going to be a completely different case. how she got there, though, anyone with any kind of medical training and she had some, limited medical training, she cared for people in their home, she had been doing that for about ten years, she was online and in contact with people. there is a clear enough record there where if you have some medical skills, they will try to recruit you to come and help because of the syrian resistance, the opposition is in desperate need of medical care. >> so then how skeptical should we be of syria's claim that in this bullet riddled car they found weapons, they found a flag to al nusra, the group with links to al qaeda. how skeptical? >> very skeptical i think of the fact she might have been a fighter. it is just not in the general context of things in syria that a woman, a western woman would be taken in to fight. she could be used, however,
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certainly, as somebody in the medical field, and, you know, the arms, the al nusra flag that was found, the maps, the computer, all of those things can be added after the fact. you know, all of this can change. there is a lot of propaganda, especially going on over the course of the last six weeks on the ground in syria. propaganda by both sides, really. >> let me just take that a step farther as we were talking before. this could be propaganda on the side of the rebels saying this woman is a martyr, she's a hero for our side. >> that's one dimension of it. i think in this case, you don't know. was she held? she had communication with her daughter, i' missing my documents, i can't travel. that would be her passport, but there is her passport with her. was she telling the truth to her daughter? was she staying longer? was she at some point captured? was she then executed? there has been a report today that -- about 50 people that were held prisoner were executed. this is a common thing and very vicious, vicious conflict, that
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gives no quarter, respects no profession, medical or otherwise. this is a very difficult war. and people that find their way inside it and it is very easy to get to from turkey. people that find themselves inside there, they may think they're secure for a moment. but they're not. >> let's stay on it. let's keep asking questions. obviously heart goes out to this family there in flint, michigan. very tough for them. >> tough to see their daughter like that. >> jim clancy, thank you very much. and now, just in to cnn, we're getting word of two small planes having crashed in phoenix. there are reports these two planes collided. one of them on fire at one point, no word as far as who was on board. updates as soon as we get them. now, to some of the hottest stories in a flash, rapid fire. roll it. an asteroid whizzing past planet earth today. nasa is calling it one of the big ones. nearly two miles wide and traveling with its own moon in
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tow, about no danger of it hitting our planet. three hours from now it will still be 3.5 million miles a way. nasa says it will be more than 200 years before the asteroid gets this close to earth again. also today, a possible break here in the investigation into the series of threatening letters to president obama, new york mayor michael bloomberg and a gun control group. authorities are questioning a person of interest in texas. we have this new video here of that person's home. preliminary tests on two of these letters did test positive for the deadly poison ricin. >> there is always threats, unfortunately that comes with the job. i leave it to the world's greatest police department to worry about it. and go about my business. i don't know much more than what's in the -- really nothing more. i think virtually everything has been in the paper. >> third letter, sent to the white house, is still being
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tested. all three letters post marked in shreveport, louisiana. if you live in the midwest, you know what to do. brace yourselves for more bad weather today. strong thunderstorms are forecast for late this afternoon in oklahoma, in kansas, arkansas, missouri, and some of those clouds, storms could produce large tornadoes, possibly damaging hail. the cities most at risk include oklahoma city, tulsa, norman and broken arrow in oklahoma and joplin, missouri. now to the surveillance video from central california, the man there in the white shirt leaving his truck, going into a restaurant unaware he just dropped $2,000 on the ground. see this guy? grabs the loose bankroll, crosses paths with the victim in the restaurant, never revealed he had the man's money. coming up next, video of the two boston bombing suspects working out. at the gym. what does this tell investigators about the tsarnaev
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brothers? plus, find out what happened moments before this video was taken. i'm in my work van, having lunch, next minute i'm in the back of an ambulance having a heart attack. i was in shape, fit. i did not see it coming. i take bayer aspirin. [ male announcer ] so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. see your doctor and get checked out. ♪ fly me to the moon ♪ let me play among the stars ♪ and let me see what spring is like ♪ ♪ on jupiter and mars ♪ in other words [ male announcer ] the classic is back. ♪ i love [ male announcer ] the all-new chevrolet impala. chevrolet. find new roads. ♪ you chevrolet. find new roads. ♪ nothing says, "i'm happy to see you too," like a milk-bone biscuit. ♪
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days before their acts of terror. on friday, three days before the bombings on that patriots day marathon monday, tamerlan and dzhokhar tsarnaev worked out with a friend. this is a boston gym. this is surveillance video from security cameras there in the gym. we know the bombs had been made by this point in time. their plan was in full motion. the brothers skipping rope, appearing calm, composed. cnn's national correspondent deborah feyerick is in new york with more on this. and what is the video at least telling investigators, deb? >> reporter: what the video does is fill in a hole on the timeline, which is very important because investigators are so keen to understand exactly what these two men were doing in the days leading up to the bombing, where they were, where they went, clearly this places them in boston, a suburb called austin. but it also -- there is new information on the tape. for example, when the brothers are entering the gym, they're
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wearing what appears to be the same jackets they were wearing the day of the bombing as well. when investigators are going to look at other surveillance tapes, they know that chances are likely that they were doing a dry run, they might have been wearing the same clothes. but all of this is something that is offering up clues. it is always in the details, brooke. 72 hours before the bombs detonated, almost to the minute, suspects tamerlan and dzhokhar tsarnaev worked out together at a gym in boston. security cameras at the y crew mixed martial arts center show the brothers arriving with a friend just before 2:45 friday afternoon. we spoke to the manager who asked we only use his first name, michael. he says tamerlan, who you see in the hat, looked different. noticeably missing, tamerlan's full bushy religious beard, which it had for about two years. the manager describes tamerlan as extremely opinionated and outspoken about his muslim religion, and says he didn't ask tamerlan why he had shaved, because he didn't want to engage
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in what was likely to be a long heated debate. now he wonders whether tamerlan's shaving the beard may have been part of an islamic ritual purification prior to death. >> shaving the beard may be a way to blend in, not to attract scrutiny from security services in carrying out the boston attacks. >> reporter: tamerlan trained at y crew several times a month for free, a courtesy to the nationally ranked golden gloves boxer. dzhokhar rarely came, showing up two or three times in roughly two years. >> we have seen with western militants want to be jihadists a real emphasis on physical training, physical fitness, wanting to be prepared for jihad. >> reporter: almost immediately, the manager who is off screen to the right asks the men to follow posted gym rules and take off their shoes. younger brother dzhokhar complies right away. tamerlan does not, arguing instead, not giving any ground.
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the manager later e-mails the owner asking him to ban tamerlan, calling him arrogant, selfish, never helping anyone else. the argument doesn't seem to phase tamerlan who is the first one in the ring. his years of training are evident. watch how skillfully he handled the jump rope. dzhokhar has more difficulty, less stamina as he struggles to hold up the oversized shorts. the manager says the man in the middle was introduced as a friend, we blurred his face. he was later questioned and released by the fbi. tamerlan remains focused, barely missing or breaking stride. it is right here that the brothers interact, they seem relaxed, dzhokhar resting at times. tamerlan moving, moving, working out, 72 hours before two bombs exploded near the finish line of the boston marathon. and so, brooke, just looking at this video, it is so fascinating to watch their demeanor, to see interaction between the two of them and also got to keep in
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mind, this is the first time we're actually seeing any video of the brothers together before the bombing. the only video we saw of them together was when they were allegedly planting the bombs the day of the marathon. >> clearly they had cameras at the gym, looking at surveillance video. any leads from the gym where they apparently worked out? >> the manager and the owner of the gym has been very, very cooperative. been working with the fbi, the fbi came, saw the surveillance tapes. took a couple of screen grabs. more importantly, agents asked whether in fact there were any other chechens hanging out at the gym and the name they gave up was with tthe one recently k in florida after being questioned about a triple homicide which police believe tamerlan may have been involved in. >> the investigation continues. deborah feyerick, thank you. up next, a beauty queen
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murdered. the prime suspect, a priest, who remains free to this day. gary tuchman leads a special cnn investigation into this fascinating cold case. he'll join me live in studio to explain next. uh-oguess what day it is!is?? huh...anybody? julie! hey...guess what day it is?? ah come on, i know you can hear me. mike mike mike mike mike... what day is it mike? ha ha ha ha ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? i'd say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!! yay!! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. it's been that way since the day you met. but your erectile dysfunction - it could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet
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you are about to hear a story, a chilling cold case story involving a young texas woman and a catholic priest. this is irene garza, a successful young schoolteacher, beauty queen. she was brutally raped and murdered 53 years ago in south texas. but, today, the man who states local police believe is irene garz garza's killer remains free living a normal life. gary tuchman has beauty and the priest. >> there are lots of murder cases that have not been solved. this is not one of them according to police. every cop who has ever dealt with this case say they solved it. they know who the murderer is. they know who killed this beauty queen. they have known it for 53 years and still nothing has happened
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to this man. he's still living a good life, despite this. take a look. >> she had beautiful shiny hair. she had this natural effervescence. she had the most musical type voice. she had a way with children. and she smelled like flowers. >> reporter: in 1960, irene garza was raped and murdered in mccowan, texas. >> the one thing i remember is just screams. >> reporter: there was a suspect. who do you believe killed irene garza? >> father john bernard feit. >> reporter: back then, a catholic priest. >> no evidence points us in any
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other direction. >> reporter: why is he still a free man? >> so let me ask you the same question, why is this man free? >> we'll have the alarming details about that tonight, but what i can tell you is this, in the state of texas, only the district attorney can aggressively try to get an indictment. there have been three district attorneys in this county since 1960, none of them have wanted to do so. despite the fact that the local police in mccowan, the texas rangers which are the prestigious state police, they all said this is the guy who killed this girl. now, what we should point out is this, his personal belongings were found by his body. he admitted to attacking another girl a few weeks before. but the most unbelievable thing is that the church, everyone acknowledges this, the church in 1960 sent him away after the murder to a monastery. >> they did. >> in the monastery there was a monk. the monk was a psychological counselor.
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this monk talks to us on camera and this monk tells us that john feit admitted to him that he killed -- that he was a murderer. and kept it quiet all these years. now the monk feels very guilty. he said that's the way it was done back then. he's talking now. and one problem we'll address tonight is the district attorney doesn't believe this monk, doesn't believe another priest who says he was around john feit when this happened, and doesn't believe all the police to this day and that's why he doesn't want to aggressively go forward with this case. but it is maddening, infuriating and so sad for this family that suffered for more than half a century. >> i'm setting my dvr as i'm thinking dvr this. 10:00 p.m. eastern. 10:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. thank you so much. >> thank you, brooke. good seeing you. now american mom locked up in that mexican prison is now a free woman after a terrifying ordeal. now the question is this, how often do things like this happen? and what can you do to prevent something like this from happening to you? we have some advice for from my
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special guest who whoa noes a thing or two about situations in mexico. [ female announcer ] a classic meatloaf recipe from stouffer's starts with ground beef, onions and peppers baked in a ketchup glaze with savory gravy and mashed russet potatoes. what makes stouffer's meatloaf best of all? that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. made with care, for you or your family.
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you're a nice lady. we want to begin with live pictures, massive plumes of smoke and burning. this is a wildfire. and just glancing down, this is north of los angeles. this is the information we have. if you know this, this is the san francisquito canyon. this is 1500 acres, 15% contained. huge flames. this is a season where we have within been seeing other wildfires popping up in southern california and this one is called the powerhouse fire. and now this. from desperation to jubilation. an arizona mother of seven is now a free woman after a week in a mexican jail.
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look at that. i wouldn't want to let go either. cries and hugs from maldonado, yanira, as she walked into the long awaited embrace of her husband, gary. she was freed after a mexican judge saw the video of the couple last week boarding that bus, carrying just some blankets, bottles of water and her purse. that was enough for him to drop the drug smuggling charges against yanira maldonado, a u.s. citizen born in mexico. soldiers, mexican soldiers accused her of sneaking 12 pounds of marijuana under her bus seat as she took this trip returning from a funeral back into the states. >> i'm free. i yelled i'm free, i'm free. i was innocent. so i was very, very happy to be out. >> maldmaldonado's family belie
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the soldiers were seeking some sort of bribe. even a mexican official who didn't want his name agreed saying it looked like she was indeed framed. and if you want proof that this can happen in mexico, you have to hear my next guest, the attorney for a mexican man convicted in the u.s. of drug smuggling last year, actually, didn't have a clue who was doing it as he traveled back and forth daily through a checkpoint in el paso, texas, where he was going to school. the cartels had managed to get a key to his car, and regularly were putting drugs inside this car, all the while this guy had no idea this was happening. so this is his attorney, luis lopez. this attorney for this framed man. luis, on your client's story, specifically before we broaden this out and let me say we're keeping your client anonymous, he was targeted by the cartels because he had a certain kind of pass. what was that? >> well, hello, brooke.
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my client was targeted because he regularly came to the united states on a daily basis to attend school. and he had a study pass which is a pass that allows drivers to come from mexico to the united states without having to wait in the normal lines that people have to wait in. so it saves people about two hours. but they have to go through a special screening in order to get this pass. and when they do, all they have to do is drive up to the certain point in the port of entry, show the pass, and then they get in. and they're targeted because they are -- relatively easy to get in with this pass. >> he was a sitting duck. he was easy prey, going back and forth, the cartels hid out. when you look at your client's case, luis and look at what we saw with yanira maldonado, what are some of the similarities you sydney. >> some of the similarities is that it is a -- people don't realize how beneficial it is for drug cartels to use people who
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don't know they're smuggling narcotics. custom agents at the border are trained to look for nervousness. they're trained to look for behavior that is out of the norm. when you have somebody who is transporting drugs and doesn't know it is in their trunk or under their seat, they have a better chance of getting through. and so that's why these people are targeted. >> let me play some sound. this is yanira maldonado, what she said about her native country mexico after she was freed. >> i love mexico. my family still is there. so mexico, it is not mexico's fault. so it is a few people who, you know, did this to me, and probably to other people, who knows. >> so she's saying, you know, it wasn't mexico's fault. it was the fault of just some bad people. i want to say i lived and studied in mexico city. mexico is beautiful. but there is some very, very dangerous parts and people with
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very bad intentions there as well. what would your advice be to any american traveling to mexico? >> you know, it is my -- it is my advice you give anybody traveling anywhere, be aware of your surroundings. also, you know, make sure you have information about emergency contacts memorized. because when you are arrested or if you're arrested in mexico, you're going to have all of your items seized. and as a result, you're going to need to be able to tell the u.s. consulate numbers, addresses, people that they can get in contact with. and also it wouldn't hurt to have a credit card with a good sufficient amount of money available to you so that way you can post bond if you are given bond. >> luis lopez, thank you. >> thank you, brooke. now, i just want to switch gears and show you a little something i took home with me today. roll this thing. see this? there we go. see this little piece of souvenir if you will that i got.
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i am fresh off a plane from boston where i was last night. thanks, guys. where i was last night. there were ten -- here you go. i'll hand that to you live on tv. ten star-studded bands and artists and special guests rocked the td garden stage. it was all a way for the city to come together, show their boston pride, raise money for the one fund. these -- they're just musical ambassadors. bonded by ties to boston, the likes of aerosmith, new kids on the block, jimmy buffett, james taylor. we were inside the sold out arena last night for the encore. it was a little beatles come together capped off by a song that is quintessential boston, dirty water. watch and enjoy. ♪
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james taylor. they raised a lot of money for mayor menino's one fund. coming up next, a florida teacher called out sick from work for almost a full year. one problem here, she wasn't sick. you won't believe what happened there. we'll have that story for you right after this break. [ male announcer ] for diarrhea, you take kaopectate.
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i'm sure this wasn't you, but some kids pretend to be sick to get out of taking a test. remember ferris beuller, anyone, beuller? this teacher in florida told quite the whopper. polk county school officials say she faked a deathly illness, for a year, to get out of work. and now they want to fire her. meanwhile, she is fighting to keep her job. kenneth craig with our affiliate wftv pick up the story. >> reporter: polk county school
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district officiales say ashley barker told a heart breaking story. the first grade teacher said her father was sick and dying and so was she and it appears they took her word for it, letting her leave early, giving her days off and making special accommodations for something they later found out was a massive lie. something that parents of students at laurel elementary school can't even make sense of. >> wow. that is kind of scary, if she lies about that, she can lie about anything. >> reporter: the district wouldn't say how many days she skipped class. but according to this termination letter, over the course of the year, she sent her principal 120 e-mails about she and her father's terminal illnesses. when allegations surfaced about her tale, district victinvestigs said they found out her story was entirely made up. her father wasn't sick and neither was she. >> i don't know what to say about that. i don't know why they didn't notice it before. >> reporter: they say she
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admitted she was sitting at home the entire time. but when we went by that home tonight, to get her side of the story, she was nowhere to be found. >> that was kenneth craig reporting. we need to tell you that cnn has reached out to ashley barker for comment, but calls have not been returned. the polk county school district also tells cnn there is no comment at this time. coming up, all the best videos of the day, everything from an amazing look at antarctica to what explorers call amelia earhart's long lost plane. skeptical. got it for you right after the break.
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now some of the best videos of the day. hit play. nightmare in virginia. a plane crashes in an apartment building, only a few minor injuries, but i want you to listen to how the terrifying moment unfolded. >> we heard this noise, like the building shake. heard some banging on the doors and it was my neighbor. i went over to his apartment and saw a plane inside of the living room. >> breathtaking images from antarctica. a team of scientists studying marine life making their way through the ice. this video condensing two months down to 30 seconds. it looks like the sun is setting, but in antarctica, the sun sticks around for weeks at a time.
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so what does of half a billion dollars worth of cocaine look like this? the feds intercepting more than 6,000 pounds in a speedboat in the western caribbean on its way to the u.s. finally, explorers say this image may show amelia earhart's plane on the ocean floor. they say it is the right size, it is the right shape, in the right place. but, yeah, i'm with you. we're going to need more proof than that. the crew snapped the picture working deep in the south pacific. earhart and her navigator were trying to fly around the world when they disappeared back in 1937. and that is today's hit play. coming up, a twisted case with a shocking ending. police say this man right here kidnapped a teenage girl with a plan to later find her and become a hero. in other words, he staged the whole thing. but this story takes a horrifying turn.
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he wanted to be a hero, so he staged a kidnapping. instead, he's now charged with murder. listen to this here, because police say a guy apparently set up a facebook page, luring a teenage girl, and that is where the story takes a horrifying turn. jason carol joins me now from new york and, jason, walk me through exactly what happened here. >> well, the affidavit really
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explains everything. it provides chilling details of how investigators say kyle dubee lured the 14-year-old girl and describes his motive for doing it. nicole cable's mother reported her missing. back on may 13th. detectives soon learned that cable had been unknowingly communicating with dubee who had faked his identity on facebook, he is 20 years old and police say he had been obsessed with cable, basically, cording to the affidavit, dubee communicated with nicole to meet him down the road. that he waited in the woods waiting a ski mask, he had duct tape, he put nicole in his father's truck, when he removed nicole, she was dead. as for a motive, detectives sea he intended to kidnap nicole and hide her, he would later find her and that he would be the hero. that was his plan. dube faces murder and kidnapping charges. he's not yet entered a plea. his attorney says his client has received threats and is asking
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for calm in a community located north of bangor, maine. cable's friends who had joined her family in searching for her, for a week before her body was found, was stunned. they say they were stunned and by who was accused of killing her. >> why? >> what possesses you to do something like that to a 15-year-old girl? >> i wouldn't want to talk to him. it sickens me to know him. >> cable's friends have set up a facebook page in support of the 15-year-old, but, brooke, once again, this is another tragic facebook story, just another reminder, especially for young people, teenagers, to be very careful of who they are sending messages to and receiving messages from on facebook. >> absolutely right. jason carol, thank you. coming up, a special cnn investigation, a high school student disappears and suddenly police realize the suspects were under their noses the entire time. they were her best friends. don't miss this. okay, team! after age 40, we can start losing muscle --
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so you can capture your receipts, ink for all business purchases. and manage them online with jot, the latest app from ink. so you can spend less time doing paperwork. and more time doing paperwork. ink from chase. so you can. the slow economy is being blamed for fewer americans taking vacations, but experts say something else may be the problem. many people don't get paid vacations. and others are simply too afraid
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to leave their jobs even just for a couple of days. tom foreman has this week's american journey. >> reporter: as beaches, resorts and theme parks brace for the summer rush, they can count a quarter of all americans out of the mix. that's how many receive no paid vacation in a study by the center for economic and policy research. and the lower your wages, the less likely time off is in your plans. according to john schmidt. >> many americans get vacations. >> we do. but we get a lot less than everybody else. the average american gets less than a minimum required vacation in every other country that we looked at. >> reporter: they looked at places like japan with ten days, germany with 24, and france with 30. what's more, a study last year found more than half of americans who do get vacation time don't use all of it. often for fear of appearing lazy or being laid off. >> i think what it is is that we
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have a much higher level of job insecurity in this country than in the rest of the world. >> reporter: it is not always been this way. the growth of the car culture in the 1950s fueled the idea that regular folks, not just the rich, should get away from the grind now and then. >> how would you feel if you were me? >> reporter: and for several decades, the family vacation was as american as, well, america. >> a vacation on a farm. have you ever thought of this? >> reporter: certainly some believe the country's work ethic is precisely what made the economy great, and now would be the worst time for vacation fever to sweep in. but others -- >> so are you going to take a vacation? >> i am. i'm going to take a few weeks off in july. >> reporter: others suggest rebuilding the economy might need to start with more folks recharging their batteries. tom foreman, cnn, washington. chilling video of the boston
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bombing suspects working out, before their attack. plus -- ♪ twinkle, twinkle little star ♪ >> a ten-year-old girl with weeks to live is being denied a transplant because of her age. now her urgent fight is going to the president's inner circle. the bloody crime scene revealed. new pictures of where the blade runner shot his girlfriend. and -- >> find out she murdered her makes me sick. >> reporter: a teenager disappears but then the police realize the suspects were under their noses all along. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. we continue on to hour two. i'm brooke baldwin. thank you for being with me. we begin with two fast moving
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stories, one in texas, one in california. let me begin with one in houston, texas, we pull this out. let me show you the pictures in full and tell you what is happening in houston. there has been this hotel called the southwest inn in houston, texas. it has been on fire and the smoke is huge. the response even more tremendous. at last check, it was a four alarm fire. that, of course, could have changed. but we have some video. we have some video we're going to work on showing it to you, you see the firefighters on the scene, we know that firefighters -- firefighters have been injured. and we have seen them being taken off on stretchers just because of the enormity of this fire at the southwest inn on the southwest highway in houston, texas. we're watching this. we're also watching another fire, farther west. it is a race against time. this is the powerhouse fire this is north of los angeles. a wildfire, 1500 acres. 15% contained there.
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we're watching those two stories. we'll bring you updates through the hour. but i want to take you to west virginia. because there is a shocking twist here in the disappearance of a teenager, by the name of schuyler niece. she is a teenage girl, lived in the tiny town of star city, near morgantown. police at first treated her as a runaway. then one of schuyler's closest friends led police to her body. and confessed to killing schuyler with the help of another girl. cnn's randi kaye has the mind boggling details here. >> reporter: schuyler niece was a straight a student, a tenth grader at university high school in star city, west virginia. she loved spending time with her dog and played the flute in the band. schuyler's father says she had dreams of going to law school. >> she wanted to be a lawyer. and to hear her argue, she could have been a very good lawyer. >> reporter: but schuyler's story took a tragic turn july 6th last year when she disappeared. >> she got home at 10:00.
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she got home from work, came in, and said i love you, mom, love you, dad, went to her room and we never saw her again. >> reporter: schuyler's father realized the next day something was wrong. when he found schuyler's bed empty. when she first disappeared, what did you think had happened? >> she didn't run away. if she would have run away, she would have took her cell phone charger and hair curler and all the other stuff that kids take. it was pure hell. you don't know where your baby is, you don't know what happened. >> reporter: an open window in her bedroom offered a clue. >> right here is the one she went out that evening. she used the black stool and put it at the bottom of the window, left the window open that much when she crawled out. >> reporter: they pulled the security video footage. schuyler's best friend, a 16-year-old classmate, told
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schuyler's father she and another girl and schuyler had gone joyriding that night. trouble is, that girl said they picked up schuyler around 11:00 p.m. the security camera video shows schuyler getting into the car much later than that, around 12:30 a.m. that timeline only added to the intrigue. for months, investigators tried to piece together clues. friends of schuyler's rallied together to comfort the family. they hung missing posters. there were hundreds of leads. but nothing panned out. then, in january, six months after schuyler disappeared, a stunning admission. 16-year-old rachel shofe seen here in the picture from the examiner smiling along with her friend schuyler admitted she killed her. but she said, she did not do it alone. rachel told investigators she and another classmate who is 16 lured schuyler out of her bedroom that night and into her
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car. they then drove her here to this spot in rural pennsylvania, about 30 minutes away, and then just as they planned, the two girls attacked her, stabbing schuyler to death. rachel told investigators they were going to bury schuyler but when they couldn't, they left her body here on the side of the road, and covered it in branches. the other girl's name hasn't been made public since she's charged as a juvenile. but schuyler's father says she is the same girl who told him she picked up his daughter for a joyride. investigators searched that girl's car after rachel's confession and found schuyler's blood. what was your daughter's friendship like with these two girls? how close were they? >> inseparable. they were together all the time, especially the one that hasn't been named yet. she had just got back from vacation with her, a week before this. she had been best friends with her since she was 8 years old. i mean, it's sick. >> reporter: and remember those
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friends who helped and comforted the family? it is almost beyond comprehension, but dave neece says one of them was the unnamed alleged killer. >> she was finding out from us every week exactly what the cops knew, because they were telling us what they knew. of course we were telling her because we thought she was so upset and missedchuyler so much. and to find out she murdered her makes me sick. >> reporter: and it is not just their behavior that is so troubling. rachel actually left for church camp the day after the murder. her family issued a statement to schuyler's parents. it reads in part, we are at a loss for words to comfort your pain. we were shocked to learn of our daughter's involvement in schuyler's death. we know her actions are unforgivable, and inexcusable. so why did they do it? why kill schuyler? the reason rachel's given is simple and sickening. >> they didn't want to be friends with her anymore. which is sick.
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if you don't want to be friends with somebody, leave them alone. don't murder them. >> reporter: what do you want to say to the with girls? >> rot in hell. how's that? that's exactly what i want them to do. i want them to go through the pain and agony my daughter went through. i want them to have no life because schuyler doesn't have one. >> reporter: 16-year-old rachel shofe had been charged with first degree murder. but after leading authorities to schuyler's body in the woods, she entered a guilty plea to second degree murder as part of a plea deal, though she still stands to spend the next 40 years in prison. as far as the other unnamed girl, she's been charged as a juvenile with first degree murder, a judge will decide if she does want to charge her as an adult. there is no word on whether a plea deal is in the works for her either. randi kaye, cnn, star city, west virginia. >> want to talk about this story a little farther, bring in hln legal analyst joey jackson.
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and, joey, you heard the father. you hear him say if he were speaking to the girls, rot in hell. he also said, as far as the motive goes, that these girls, they didn't want to be friends with his daughter anymore. so they killed her. my question to you is this, in cases like this before these best friends are the suspects, how do police go about questioning these girls? >> well, you know what, brooke, first, from a nonlegal perspective, just from a parent perspective and a human interest perspective, this is just chilling, it is horrible, it is miserable. and you can see what his sentiment was. any father, any mother, any parent having lost a child would, you know, certainly have a like response as he did about rotting in hell. but in terms of what the police are going to do, i think the police as far as conducting an investigation, do what they normally do, as they did here. put the pieces together, interview friends, interview family, check cell phone records and then ultimately what they do is they go to people who are around her, who would have
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knowledge of her whereabouts, what she did, what she was doing, what her activities were, and, of course in this instance it was kept secret from july until january. i mean, there was an extended period of time until she came forward and said, you know what, i did it. a compelling tragedy. >> i want to talk about the time. we know police spent six months treating schuyler's disappearance as if she were a runaway. on the night she disappeared, her friends admit they took her out for this joyride. one of the friends leads them to her body in january, doesn't plead guilty until may. does that seem unusually slow to you? >> no, what ends up happening is in our system of justice it a process. even though you may come forward, give information, what happens is after you give that information, a number of things are set in motion, like what? what happens is there is a proceeding and at that proceeding you have a right to have counsel present and to defend your interests and enter a plea of not guilty and the proceeding takes its course. you give information, you
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negotiate in terms of a plea. there is a negotiate as far as where is the body if you were involved, she took them to the body, the police and the authorities, she was able to negotiate down from first degree murder which is premeditated to second degree, which is any other type of murder, which is not premeditated but certainly deliberate. and that's what happened here. so in terms of the process, believe it or not, that may be on the quicker side of how these things are usually adjudicated, brooke. >> quicker side. joey jackson, wow. thank you. appreciate it. >> thank you, brooke. be well. now to the bloody crime scene photos that could make or break the case for olympian blade runner oscar pistoriu take a look for yourself. these are the photos posted from that tragic valentine's day showing the bathroom at pistorius' south african home where his girlfriend reeva steenkamp was shot and killed. you can see it is on the bottom of the screen there, looks to be some sort of carpet and blood splattered. pistorius admits he was the one who shot his girlfriend, but he
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says it was by accident. in an affidavit, pistorius said he thought an intruder was hiding in the bathroom and fired shots in fear of being attacked himself. robyn curnow joins me now live from johannsburg. and, robyn, tell me why these photos are so significant to this case. >> reporter: well, get this, those photos, evidence from the crime scene, visual evidence, had not yet been handed to oscar pistorius' defense team yet. that's what i understand. so the fact that a policeman, it appears to be someone within the police force, has leaked these photographs indicates that the investigation is not just messy, but potentially corrupt. what are the implications of that in terms of the trial going forward? oscar pistorius' team says, listen, we need to push forward, we don't want to delay. if there is a sense it will be
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delayed because they might just hold the news organization that accessed these pictures as well as anyone in the police force who leaked them, might hold them accountable for bribery, for corruption charges, for contempt of court, so decision has not been made from the pistorius camp side of whether these were going to come out into the public sphere at some stage during the trial, let's just get this to trial. but already it is delayed. the state says it is not ready. they don't have enough information to give the contents of the charges. indications that the case is a bit weak. >> not only that, let me add this, you, robyn, are the only journalist that visited the home that he has been sharing with his uncle the last couple of months. what did the uncle tell you about oscar pistorius? >> reporter: actually i saw oscar when we were invited into the house. he has been staying there for the last three months since
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released from bless custompolic. he grew a beard. he appeared very, very sad. his uncle was speaking for him. there really was a sense that oscar was house bound, still very traumatized, very heart broken by what he did. this is what his uncle had to say. >> he's got photos in his room. he's got photos all over the place. and what can you say if you're -- if the person you love the most dies and you, with an instrument, how would you feel? it is unthinkable. >> reporter: a lot of people have been wondering, there has been speculation about just when oscar pistorius might run again. because he can effectively take to the track. but those around him say he's just not emotionally and mentally ready to be in any competition. he might still go for a run or a jog around the track, but certainly not going to compete
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in any track or athletics meetings until after the trial. >> robyn curnow in johannesburg. just a reminder to the viewers following this case so closely, tune into cnn next friday for special documentary on the case. brutal murder or grave mistake. it airs next friday at 10:00 p.m. eastern time. we are getting updates on that houston, texas, hotel fire. as you look at the pictures, this is the first time we have seen firefighters on stretchers. we can now confirm that affiliates in houston, texas, these men and women have been responding to this southwest inn fire, four firefighters were injured. and so they have to be taken to the hospital treated because we have seen the massive plumes of smoke here, out of the southwest inn. it has been upgraded to a five alarm fire. once a four. now a five. that means the response has been so tremendous because of what you're looking at. these live pictures, massive plumes of smoke, we see flames shooting out of this particular
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hotel, motel. so trucks from five different fire stations in and around the houston area responding to that. coming up next, do you remember this little girl? we introduced you to her earlier this week. she is 10 years of age. she needs a pair of lungs to live. but she might not get them in time because of her age. got a lot of updates on this story. a huge, huge interest, so many of you tweeted me, how can you help? told you about the petition on we're talking today in a matter of minutes with a congressman trying to help this family out of pennsylvania. plus, a woman from michigan killed in syria. that country's government says she was fighting for a group linked to al qaeda. well, cnn spoke with her family in michigan who say they saw warning signs. >> we can't control what she believed in. we can try to maybe help her.
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the life threatening deadline hanging over her head here. she is sarah murnihan, in dire need of a lung transplant. >> i'm not going for easy. i'm just going for possible. >> going for possible. sarah's family is taking on what seems like an impossible quest to get her a transplant with adult lungs. lungs from a child are not available right now. but adult lungs are. however, because sarah is only 10 and not the minimum age to be considered an adult at the age of 12 to receive adult lungs, she can't get the adult lungs. she has to -- she is at the end of the line. adults come first and then her, even though some of the adults aren't quite as sick as she is. on wednesday, i talked to her father, and he explained to me the process and just really how dire this family's situation is. >> how the system works is if
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there is an available set of lungs from an adult, they go through the entire adult list, no matter what severity the various adults are at, and once everyone in the adult list has passed them up, then they're offered to the children. her lungs have deteriorated significantly and we're saying a few weeks. so if we don't receive a pair of lungs, in the next few weeks, then she will die. >> the group that oversees lung transplants says it won't change the rules for sarah, explaining in a statement that it quote, let me read this for you, cannot create a policy exemption on behalf of an individual patient since giving an advantage to one patient may unduly disadvantage others. that's a quote from them. but now two senators and a congressman representing pennsylvania where sarah is from are stepping in to try to help. senators pat toomey and bob casey and congressman patrick meehan have all reached out to
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kathleen sebelius, the secretary of health and human services, to try to get her to change the rules. it is her department that oversees the organ procurement and transplantation network and so now congressman meehan joins me live from philadelphia. welcome. like i told the dad earlier this week, i hate the circumstances to which i'm speaking to you. this is a tough one. i know that you have reached out to president obama's inner circle. secretary sebelius writing a letter. where do things stand right now? >> well, i'm not a congressman in a deal like this. i'm a father. i think about what this family is going through. so we are appealing to the secretary. we have been able to get to her attention the issue she has asked for an opinion to be given to her by the head of the transplant organization with regards to what policies have been in the past. and whether there is a basis for
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exception. but i believe there is. because, frankly, you identified the fact that she's sicker than most on the list, and would qualify, but for her age. but there doesn't seem to me there is a reasonable basis for why that has stopped at 12. the other criteria is effectively likelihood of some success and the doctors think there is a licklihood of success. >> so, congressman, let me -- is it an exception that you and so many others including the parents here are asking for or is it a rule change? >> well, there is not going to be time for a rule change. certainly in congress, we'll be able to ask for an evaluation of the whole process. but with respect to sarah, there would have to be some kind of recognition. i wouldn't even call it an exception. i think it would be a recognition that the second criteria is, you know, effectively the viability. how likely is she to prosper with that new lung?
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and that is an arbitrary thing. you can see if she was 6 years old, you would say no way. she's 11, effectively, and the doctors believe that she could be successful. >> here's my one question i have to ask and i told this dad i want this whole story to have a happy ending. but when you think of the other adults, some of whom are not as sick, would this be asking for an all realistic precedent to be set here in cases like this? >> well, i appreciate that may be the case. but the precedence changes because the policy isn't, you know, doesn't make sense in this application. you see the injustice of this policy. there is two criteria, she's on the top of the line on one, and on the other the only way it seems arbitrary. if, in fact, you're talking about the likelihood of success. that isn't because she's 12. it is because she can take that adult lung. it can be done at a tremendous hospital like chop and she has a high-likelihood of success if she gets it.
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>> patrick meehan, we wish you the best and hopefully some solution can come as fast as possible and we can all talk about this new set of lungs and a very healthy ten going on 11-year-old girl. congressman, thank you. >> thank you, brooke. an arizona mother of seven spends more than a week in a mexican jail, claiming she was set up. and a judge finally agreed with her. >> i'm home. finally. >> cnn was there when she walked out of jail a free woman. what she told us about her ordeal behind bars next. [ snoring ]
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from desperation to jubilation. an arizona mother of seven, grandmother of two, is now a free woman after spending a week in a jail in mexico. she didn't want to let her husband go. can't say i blame her. she's are her cries early this morning from yanira maldonado as she walked into the long awaited embrace of her husband, gary. she was freed after a mexican judge saw video of the couple just last week, boarding a bus, carrying just a couple of blankets, bottles of water, her purse and that video was enough for this judge to drop the drug smuggling charges against yanira maldonado, a u.s. citizen born in mexico. mexican soldiers had accused her of sneaking 12 pounds of marijuana under her bus seat as
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she took this ride after -- at a family funeral in mexico back home to the states. >> i'm free. i yelled, i'm free, i'm free. i was innocent. so i was very, very happy to be out. >> her family believes the soldiers were seeking a bribe, but she says she loves mexico and doesn't blame her native country for the acts of just a couple of individuals. coming up next, cnn obtained video of the two boston bombing suspects, just days before the blast. you see the two brothers jumping rope, working out. we talked to the manager who was on duty, when this video was shot here. why he says he tried to get one of the brothers banned from the gym. and we tell you the story of a 10-year-old in a hospital in pennsylvania wanting a pair of lungs. as i was talking to the congressman, we have an update from kathleen sebelius, from the office of kathleen sebelius. that's next. and do you know your... blood type?
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have an update. this could possibly be positive news for this 10-year-old little girl in desperate need of a new set of lungs. just talking to congressman meehan about this. he has been helping with senators from the state of pennsylvania trying to get this little girl a set of lungs. she has weeks to live. we now have, i'm looking at a letter that we have received from the department of health and human services, you know, kathleen sebelius, the
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secretary, she's been in touch with this doctor from basically the group who can help -- i don't want to say change the rules, i don't want to say make an exception, but help. let me put it that way. it looks like in a letter to this doctor, with this organ procurement network they have asked to initiate the process to review the lung allocation policy as soon as possible. bottom line, they're looking at it. they're reviewing it and perhaps, perhaps, perhaps this little girl's life can be saved. we promise we'll stay on it. now to this, some chilling video first seen on cnn showing the two boston bombers together days before their act of terror. on friday, three days before the bombings on marathon monday, tamerlan and dzhokhar tsarnaev were working out with a friend at a boston gym. this is surveillance video taken from security cameras in that gym. and deborah feyerick can talk to us a little bit more. deborah, what are we seeing in the videos, other than them
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skipping rope? >> reporter: it is simple. that's what they're doing. they're training. they're jumping rope. you can see tamerlan tsarnaev who is sort of, you know, doing moves, sort of punching the air there. what it really shows especially with tamerlan tsarnaev, he's an intense individual. he remains focused through the entire session. he jumps rope effortlessly, has a lot of training under his belt. one of the big things about the wanna-be jihadis, they're really into fitness. they train, they're in good physical shape, other terrorists who have taken part in other plots this is part of their regime. this is what they do. the younger brother dzhokhar, he's a little less serious about this. he seems -- he jumps rope, he was a wrestler but not with the same kind of skill. it is really just seeing these two men who are at this gym, they're relaxed, they're calm. at one point they look to be joking. it is what they were doing three days before they were carrying
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out this attack and, you know, this alleged -- before they allegedly carried out this attack, i remember dzhokhar is going to face charges, so it really goes to their demeanor more than anything else. >> what about this? you talked to the manager of the gym what else did he tell you about the brothers? >> reporter: he said he really did not like tamerlan. he said tamerlan was opinionated, narcissistic, always had to have it his way. talk about things like religion and tamerlan never seemed to have any need or use for anybody else's opinion. but he called him really arrogant. he just wasn't a nice guy is what the manager told us. as a matter of fact, on this day, you see tamerlan sort of arguing with the man who is off camera, that's the manager. and the manager said, you know, take your shoes off. he said, no, i'm not going to do it and the manager wanted to get him kicked out. >> days before. days before all those people went to that finish line. deborah feyerick, thank you so much.
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how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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7 million college students could soon be paying more for their loans unless congress acts. from the cnn money newsroom in new york, i'm felicia taylor. and this is "your money." interest rates on government subsidized student loans are set to double on july 1st. president obama welcomed a group of college students to the white house today, and encouraged congress to act to keep rates low. >> americans now owe more on our student loans than we do on our credit cards. i know this firsthand. michelle and i, we did not finish paying off our student loans until about nine years ago. >> the house recently passed a bill that would prevent the july increase. but it would link student interest rates to the ten-year treasury note which means they would vary from year to year. president obama and senate democrats want a fixed rate. senate majority leader harry reid says the house plan is a nonstarter. the senate will vote on its own
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plan next week. student debt is the second biggest debt americans carry, second only to a mortgage. students owe a total of almost $1 trillion on their student loans. if rates double, an average monthly payment would go from $155 a month to $206. we have been down this road before. last year congress agreed to a last-minute one-year extension of lower rates. now 7 million americans are hoping for a repeat performance out of washington. that's it for me. watch "your money" with christine romans tomorrow at 9:30. brooke's back after this break. [ male announcer ] it's intuitive and customizable, just like a tablet. so easy to use, it won a best of ces award from cnet. and it comes inside this beautifully crafted carrying case. introducing the all-new 2014 chevrolet impala with the available mylink system. ♪ [ beeps ] ingeniously connecting you to your life
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this is nicole with her daughter, who you will hear from in just a moment. and this is nicole mansfield as well. this is her michigan driver's license as shown on syrian tv. in an exclusive interview, nicole mansfield's grieving father tells cnn he asked the u.s. government to revoke her passport, which might have prevented this. nicole mansfield apparently has died in the syrian civil war. and according to the syrian government, she was fighting on the side of a rebel group linked to al qaeda. and you saw the pictures of the car, the bullet riddled car in which mansfield and two other westerners reportedly died at the hands of the syrian armed forces. in this exclusive cnn interview, mansfield's father says he went to the fbi, he had feared his daughter was heading for some kind of trouble after converting to islam. >> just knowing in my heart that something was not right.
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you know, they need not let her go on like she was, you know? they needed -- obviously my feelings and my intuition was right because this has gone on. >> what was it, though, specifically three years ago that concerned you? >> that she, because of stuff that was being said, that easter, about israel -- >> can you be more specific? >> well, i -- you know, it was three years ago. all i know is i went to the fbi about my concerns. and i know that they did follow up because they were following her for a while. they needed to revoke her passport and then this wouldn't be going on. we wouldn't be sitting here right now. >> i didn't believe it was my
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mom the first time i saw them. and then i had to look again and i looked at her body, her feet, her hands, and her nose and her mouth and i just knew -- i knew it was her. and it makes me mad that they're all over the internet and the media, like they can take that down. and they don't need to -- i shouldn't have to see my mother's body like that, all over the media, and the internet. there are people calling her a terrorist. there are people calling her a cia agent and she was neither. she was just an american woman who was misguided by people who had bad intentions, good intentions, but were extreme about it. >> she wanted people to know who she was, she sure got it. that's all i can tell you. loved her. loved her dearly.
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dearly. >> it's okay. it's okay. >> what do you say to her? what do you say to her right now? >> your grandfather's going to be mad at you. very mad at you. he was a true american. but i'll never stop loving her. in spirit, always. >> we can't control what -- >> hard to watch. jake tapper, clearly this family is just absolutely broken over the loss of this woman. i know you're talking about this on the lead and we have to get
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this in, though, that syria is claiming that this woman was somehow in league with this rebel group called al nusra, which has linked to al qaeda, and without accepting that claim at face value, i want you to tell me, why is al nusra important? >> it is important for a number of reasons. one of them is that people who are looking to arm the syrian opposition constantly have to face questions about the role of al nusra. al nusra just recently the u.n. security council said that al nusra was an alias of al qaeda in iraq. it is being considered a terrorist organization by the u.s. state department since december. the goal is to achieve an islamic state in syria. the leader is a man named abu mu hamad al julani. there are a lot of concerns and individuals who want to support the people of syria have about
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the role of this islamist organization. >> so many questions, you know, part of the video we didn't show was, you know, the family says she had some sort of health care background, perhaps she just went to try to help. the thing is, we don't know. there are still so many gaps in the story, so many blanks that need filling in. but we'll look for your reporting on the lead. jake tapper, i appreciate it. we'll see you at the top of the hour. >> thanks, brooke. and rockers, they came from all over the country to celebrate boston strong. aerosmith to new kids on the block to james taylor, jimmy buffett, helping to raise money for the one fund and the show, i was there last night. it brought down the house. ♪ ♪ down by the river
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and that destroys wildlife habitat and oftentimes injures animals and that is when this week's cnn hero comes to the rescue. >> that this fast-paced world, we do forget we are animals. and part of the natural world. this is a beautiful female bald eagle. humans, we are wildlife's worst enemy in many, many ways. he had been clipped by a small jet. we don't want her to live in a cage. we want her to get back out there in the wild. i'm mona rutger. i rescue, rehabilitate and release injured wildlife back into their natural habitat. i think we can get her fixed up and back out there. when i started this center, i thought it was going to get 25, 30 animals a year. once people found out, the phone never stopped ringing. this cooper hawk is ready to go. it is all consuming. but i'm doing something i love.
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one -- >> two, three, be free! >> with an injured animal, everyone says let nature take its course. but 90% of these animals' injuries, they're human related. that's not nature. it is us. we need to become more responsible caretakers of the earth. each animal has a role to play in the food chain. if just one link breaks, the whole chain falls apart. this is a big day for these little baby ducks. we successfully released thousands of animals back to the wild. it is the same thrill every single time. whoa. we're counting on the children to do a better job than we have ere do wild animals really belong? >> in the wild. >> in the wild. >> i desperately want them to feel the excitement that i find in nature. we can make a difference. >> we would love it if you visited cnn because
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show. we were covering it and it was in two words wicked awesome. ♪ ♪ >> it's the quintessential boston song originally by the sandels normally reserved for fenway, foxboro, and the td garden. thursday night a whole new level of victory taking center stage. ♪ come together >> reporter: ten star-studded bands and artists all with ties to boston sharing the stage in helping raise money for boston's one fund. the likes of aero smith, new kids on the block, jimmy buffet, and james taylor. >> we'll sing sweet baby james because it has that line. >> reporter: after the bombs went off on boyleston street bonnett born james taylor got a call from an old pal to help. taylor didn't hesitate.
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he knows his music helps heal. >> i don't know. a lot of my songs were written to make me feel better and sometimes that resonates with other people, too. you know. so you write a piece of music or a song that sort of has the purpose of seeing you through a tough time or putting something out there that you feel internally. >> reporter: and a 15,000 fans, boston strong. >> we're celebrating the city and the pride of the city and hopefully making something good out of a bad event. we're here to celebrate. >> it's just something that means a lot to us. we want to be part of it and support it. i wouldn't not be here rchblgt dirty water ending the whole show with dirty water. a special boston song. >> it is. you know, i forgot about it
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until there was -- it seemed like the perfect song to play. >> jimmy buffet and alabama native who fell in love with new england many years ago back when he was still playing gigs as an opening act. before the concert, he and his good friend james taylor met with bombing survivor jeff bowman back stage. >> what is your message to boston? >> i'll quote my old friend james taylor. we were talking to jeff, one of the victims of the bombing. he is a guitar player and we were talking about it was interesting to see the statue of paul revere that is very much revered in the city with a kind of an image of an electric guitar in there. i said maybe they should just keep that in paul's hand. they did a poster. wouldn't that be nice if paul had one from here on out. and then james said and somebody said well what do you think it should be? i said don't let the bastards
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get us down. >> don't mess with boston. this city is something wicked special. i'm brooke baldwin. thanks so much for being with me. have wonderful weekends. "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. an asteroid will be buzzing relatively close to the earth this very hour. where's bruce willis when you need him? i'm jake tapper and this is "the lead." the national lead. the skies might not look too bad right now but do not be fooled. a new tornado threat to oklahoma after an ef-5 destroyed a town there. the governor joins us moments from now. the politics lead. she left office with approval ratings her boss could only see with binoculars but now hillary clinton's numbers are dropping. significantly. will benghazi sink her? and the world lead. nasa calls it potential city killer. an asteroid so big it's pulling its own moon.
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