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tv   Sanjay Gupta MD  CNN  June 2, 2013 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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eastern. first, "sanjay gupta md" begins right now. hi, there, thanks for joining us. the full weight of obama care. just around the corner, including the requirement that everyone have insurance. now, millions are going to get help that couldn't get it before, but one study says some insurance costs could go up by as much as a third. we'll also talk about the mind/body connection. but, first, stroke and young people. since 1990 strokes in people under the age of 44 are up by more than a third. in women and in men. but there are specific risk factors and specific signs to let you know that you might be in trouble. leaving a job interview, she realized something was wrong. >> i get out of the building and noticing that i am kind of starting to drift to the right and now my vision has gotten like instantly really blurry in
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my right eye and it's like the world is stacked on top of each other. one and two. >> reporter: soon, she couldn't even walk down the street. >> so, i'm picking my head up and going, just walk straight. it's not that big of a deal. and i can't. right outside there is a bunch of trees. and i walked into every single one. >> reporter: scared and confused, annie called her mother who works as a nurse in philadelphia. >> she was talking to me and she wasn't making a lot of sense and then she said to me, mommy, my third leg won't go where it's supposed to. >> i think within two minutes i'm saying to her, i don't know what's going on and then all of a sudden i started crying. >> reporter: when she started to cry, as a nurse, too, if you worked in any kind of neurological stuff. a certain tone to that cry and the minute she did it, it didn't sound like a regular cry.
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>> i must have been terrified on the other side of that because she immediately goes, annie a, you're having a stroke. >> i am yelling into the phone, you need to get help, you need to get to the hospital. >> what happened? >> for a long time. i was having a stroke for quite a few hours. >> do you know how many hours? >> maybe four. >> why is that number of hours -- >> very important because, you know, in stroke we say time is brain. and the reason why is you're not getting enough blood flow to the brain. part of it is being injured, irreversibly so. part of the brain doesn't grow back. you injure the brain, it does not. >> you look great now. are you totally fine? >> totally fine. >> nothing leftover? >> i think for three months i was having some stuttering issues and word finding, but i really rebounded quite wonderfully. >> in the end, i'm sure you had
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a lot of conversations about this. but what caused this? what happened? >> well, you know, we looked at all the things we talked about in terms of stroke risk for her. two of the risk factors came back, she was on oral contraceptives recently, that can produce a relative, what we call hyperelevate, coagulate to clot. >> what does this mean for annie and other women who may be on these types of medications? >> it's interesting. the fact that she had a stroke on this medicine would mean that she would not be able to take hormonal supplementation because her risk of having another event would be higher. >> i was going to say that. that is what i wish i had been told because i think birth control has a place and i just wish i had been more, you have a risk of stroke. but it's, it didn't seem like an issue. >> are some contraceptives going to be more implicated here or
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put more people at risk? >> i think it has to do with the person themselves in addition to the oral contraceptives. the person has a subclinical or blood clotting abnormality and then you put oral contraceptives on top of it and the perfect storm coming together. >> should people be screened? >> probably not everybody needs to be screened. but you know how important history is in terms of medicine and family history is really key in this type of issue because if people have a family history of blood clotting abnormalities and many times people have a history of spontaneous miscarriage in their family, that could suggest there is a state because we know that during pregnancy, there is relative change in the blood clotting capabilities. >> you are doing fine now. do you have to take medications or blood thinners? >> the only thing i take now is a baby aspirin. >> any medications you can't take going forward? >> i think that's it. i got pretty lucky.
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>> i'm glad you're doing well. >> thank you. >> you look fantastic. >> doc, thanks for joining us. i appreciate it, thank you. 30 years ago this month that french neurologist and her team identified the human deficiency virus or hiv. a virus that causes aids. two years after people started to die. after this breakthrough she won the nobel prize. her life's work is to find a cure for the disease. >> i am professor of history teacher in paris. i was part of the team that discover hiv in 1983. on the other side is an electron
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of the virus. it was in cambodia. when i came back from cambodia, they were at the airport. so when the door opened, i saw the team then singing with my picture. and i started to cry. i sometimes wonder if i had really been there or if it was a dream. working as a teacher, it's something special. the pastor spirit. pastor was a visual, he said science has no borders.
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the light of humanity. we had to apply really the spirit. next up obama care under the microscope. we know it will cover millions of new people, but could it also push insurance premiums through the roof? stay with us. [ kitt ] you know what's impressive? a talking car. but i'll tell you what impresses me. a talking train. this ge locomotive can tell you exactly where it is, what it's carrying, while using less fuel. delivering whatever the world needs, when it needs it. ♪ after all, what's the point of talking if you don't have something important to say?
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the biggest part of obama care, the massive health care law is now just months away from taking effect. shouldn't be traum dramatic for people if you have insurance from a job or on medicare or medicaid. one recent study says some insurance costs will go up by more than a third. to try to explain how this all works, we'll start in milwaukee, wisconsin.
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dan runs tease hair studio. it's in the trendy bay view neighborhood in milwaukee. he estimates it takes about six of these hair cuts to pay his monthly medical insurance bill. >> how long do you think you want to go in the long run? >> reporter: 300 bucks is a big expense for dan and he's relatively healthy and he's self-employed and doesn't want to tempt faith. >> having grown up with a father who had cancer. >> reporter: amy is a stay at home mom in suburban milwaukee. her son, spencer, has severe autism. >> are you ready? it's time to work. >> reporter: he's covered through a government program. >> bye. >> reporter: but no health insurer will cover amy and her husband, chris. they do have a steady income. they pay their bills but were rejected because of past health
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issues. depression and being overweight. >> hard to get approved due to pre-existing conditions. >> reporter: amy worries if she gets hurt it could bankrupt her family. >> something as simple as spraining my ankle. none of it is covered right now, none of it. we would be billed and that is just going to add to the debt that we already have. that's what scares me. >> reporter: amy and dan share a lot in common. they live five minutes down the road from each other and they both need to buy their own health insurance. when it comes to obama care, the similarities end. starting next year, everyone will legally be required to have health insurance. so, thanks to obama care, companies will have to sell her a policy and the rules say it has to be affordable. >> obama care! exactly. >> reporter: now, dan on the other hand -- >> you're fine. >> reporter: he's young and fit. and those things keep his payments low. he's an inexpensive risk, but that's about to change.
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with obama care, insurance companies will have to raise rates on the young and healthy. that's to balance the expense of covering new and sicker customers like amy. sarah is with the society of actuaries. they've been running the numbers. >> those costs varied a lot depending on the state that the person lives in. >> reporter: nationally, her association estimates that cost for insurers will go up more than 30%. >> wisconsin was one of the higher ones. >> reporter: in wisconsin, she says, the cost of covering an individual will go up by some 80%. >> so, now, all of a sudden this continues to escalate with the insurance and be like, where are we going to get this money from to cover that? >> reporter: now, this doesn't mean dan will have to pay 80% more or that nationwide rates will go up 30%, but some costs will be passed on to the consumer. we just don't know how much. and even if rates rise, the federal government is giving subsidies. family as earning up to $94,000
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will get help. >> i think the key point is that victories in health care is not health care prices going down, going up more slowly. >> reporter: one of the primary ar architects of the health plan. it makes health insurance more fair, even if the younger, healthier people do have to pay more. >> generally we end discrimination. sick and healthy pay the same price and young and old pay less and we're ending the social safety net that you could be bankrupted by high medical expenses. >> sign up for the new options, along with any sticker shock that will come this fall. speaking of sticker shock, a requirement in the affordable care act calls for any restaurant to have more than 20 locations to put calorie counts on their menus. the fda is still working out the
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details. i find this fascinating and i wonder if you think it helps to see these numbers. one study in new york city found it didn't make any difference at all in people's behavior. i know that eating healthy in restaurants can pose a real challenge, but a few simple things. one thing i do is avoid items that say crispy, creamy, smothered. another thing, my wife and i will split an ona tray because restaurant portions can easily feed two. if you're by yourself -- >> as soon as you order your meal, also ask the server to bring a to-go box. when your meal arrives, you put half of it away and take it home with you. >> stick to these tips and maybe you won't kick yourself the next day. up next, love is really a in the air with one of our favorite guests, wendy walsh. here to talk about the 30-day love detox. oh, he's a fighter alright.
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since aflac is helping with his expenses while he can't work, he can focus on his recovery. he doesn't have to worry so much about his mortgage, groceries, or even gas bills. kick! kick... feel it! feel it! feel it! nice work! ♪ you got it! you got it! yes! aflac's gonna help take care of his expenses. and us...we're gonna get him back in fighting shape. ♪ [ male announcer ] see what's happening behind the scenes
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having a secure relationship is one of the best things you can do for your health. we often don't do a great job either. alliance on technology be making it hard to keep communications. texting instead of calling. wendy walsh is the author of the "30-day love detox." it's a great title, i love it. it captures your imagination. what does it mean? >> it's based around one study i found that shows if you have sex
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within 30 days of meeting someone, if you wait, we know the skills it takes to have a long-term relationship to be fit and flexible are different than the skills you need to build a long-term relationship. >> what about living together? you get into that as well. living together before you get married. >> sadly, we think cohabitating is a great way, an insurance policy, let's test drive the relationship. unfortunately, it really attracts people less commitment orie oriented. they put one toe in. so you have less chance of marrying that person. if you do marry that person, you have a much higher divorce rate. what happens is when the sexual energy goes down and the passion starts to go down, then the co-has been at a timing couple says let's get married to recharge this relationship, but the day after the wedding, it's the same relationship. >> is that for men and women both? >> yes. men and women tend to enter
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co-habitation for two different reasons. women, because they think it's a steppingstone to marriage. men, because they want to share expenses, save money and have some regular sex. >> you talk about the fact that when you do have long-term committed relationships, that can be quite good obviously for both but maybe better for the man. >> yes. long-term monogamy is good for both genders but a little better for men. >> why is that? >> they tend to have better health, they live longer and accumulate more wealth. here's why, because there's a woman caring for him. what is a relationship? a relationship is an exchange of care. so of course women end up doing a little more work in marriages than men because they're giving a little more care. it's just how we are. >> i have three young girls. i think you and i have talked about this. what am i to tell them? they're still young, but what am i to be teaching them especially as a father. >> i wrote this book as my almost 15-year-old daughter and i'm begging her to read it. she's like all right, mom, i'll get there. i think if you don't have an emotional bond, if you don't
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have the glue, you'll never be able to sustain yourself in the valleys of a relationship. you've been in a long-term relationship, you know it's not all excitement and passion. there are moments when you look at this person and say why am i here, but you've made an intellectual commitment. and research shows people who stay together the longest are people who can easily go from sexual attraction to romantic love to intellectual commitment love that eventually morphs into mature companion love. >> and technology. i'm on the road a lot. you probably are as well. i communicate with my family a lot through technology. >> yeah. >> my wife and i will exchange text messages a lot throughout the day. i got a little concerned. i was reading the book. i know i should pick upped phone, even better should be in person, but what about technology, that's here to stay? >> the way you're using technology with an established relationship is much different than people meeting by text and just for sex, believe me, that
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is happening. that's going to effect. eye contact even feramones. i'm beginning a slow love movement. it's a reaction to high-tech mass produced food, now we're going to get rid of junk food relationships that are not good nutrition for our soul. >> i still love you even if i texted you today. i always learn something from you. great to see you in person. >> good to see you in bern. >> have fun touring around the country talking about this. >> thank you. >> wendy walsh, thank you. >> coming up, the 60s rock star whose career was detrailed by mental illness. he's back on stage. we have him next. wrong! you need three uses of a $15 cream to equal the moisturizing power of one use of regenerist microsculpting cream. seems not all red jars are created equal. olay regenerist.
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he may not be a household name, but rocky ericson is a legend in his world of rock music. r.e.m. just a few musicians who played his songs. his own career derailed by mental illness however. but after a long climb back, he's on tour for the first time in more than two decades. rocky erickson is a legend for fans of early psychedelic music. in fact, he's been making music since he was a child. >> it was something i could always look forward to. if i would get out of school early, then i could go home and play guitar. >> the 13th floor elevators
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"you're gonna miss me" hit the charts in the 1970s. >> we have roky 17, making music, going to american bandstand. >> his son recalls the day his dad's world changed. >> the cops focused on him. he got arrested for picking up a person who had a joint on him. >> so to avoid prison, roky pleaded insanity and he was commit today a psychiatric hospital. he was diagnosed with pair noid schizophrenia and treated with electroshock therapy and experimental medications. >> he described it a little bit to me. and i didn't expect it. he said sometimes, you know, i hear something and it's -- and he tell it to shut up. >> what kept him alive he says
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is music. >> find the things that you have that you love, important and make sure you know you have them with you. >> forty years latder every day is a battle, but he says his mental health is improving and today he's back touring with his son's band. >> roky just finished a trip to europe as well. he goes back on the road in august. chasing life today, it's not just roky erickson benefitting from a little music therapy. there's a recent study that found listening to music could help patients in the icu suffer less anxiety when they're in the hospital. music can help premature babies develop better heart and lung if you think if you thifunction. i love the stones in the
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operating room, music and help. that's going to wrap things up for sgmd. stay with me on twitter. time for a check of your top stories making news right now. from cnn world headquarters in atlanta, this is "cnn sunday morning." he calls it the scariest moment of his life, a weather channel storm chaser who quickly became the chasee. >> i had this moment where i truly felt like maybe i was going to heaven. >> he survived, but his big bad vehicle not so lucky. he joins me this hour to talk about his terrifying moment. pelted with pepper spray and targeted with teargas, a brutal police crackdown triggers one of the worst riots turkey's ever seen. plus, he says don't fear hell


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