tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 2, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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hello, everyone, don lemon here. top of the hour. you are in the cnn newsroom. we're going to begin with a developing story about the deadly boston marathon bombings. the attack, the attack might have been prevented if u.s. and russian intelligence agencies had cooperated with each other. that is a conclusion of u.s. lawmakers who went to moscow on a fact-finding mission in the wake of the attacks. at issue is whether u.s. and russian intelligence agencies dropped by the ball by not sharing critical information that could have alerted boston authorities of the threat. cnn's phil black is in moscow with the very latest. >> reporter: the u.s. congressional delegation spent much of the last week here meeting with russian officials trying to determine what lessons can be learned about intelligence cooperation. in the aftermath of the boston marathon attack. the delegation was led by republican dana rohrabacher, a chairman of the house foreign affairs subcommittee. his conclusion, there was no one specific failure that prevented
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the authorities from identifying these threats sooner, but he believes there was a chance the attack could have been averted if russia and the united states had worked more closely together. >> not some specific, oh, we didn't pay attention to this detail or that detail, but instead they didn't pay attention to the big picture. and the big picture was all screwed up. and then in that our people were not cooperating as they should have and vice versa. >> reporter: republican steve king said the delegation received new analysis on the boston bombing suspect, tamerlan tsarnaev and his mother in a briefing with russia's federal security service the sfb. >> their opinion that tamerlan and his mother were both of radical attitude before they came to the united states. and i think that adjusts much of the thinking in the united states. >> reporter: members of the delegation thanked an unusual voice for the access they received during the break,
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action movie star steven segal and said he deserved credit for setting up the meeting with the country's security service. >> i asked him for that meeting. i knew about that meeting before they did. that's the truth. >> reporter: the last 18 months has been a difficult time in russian/u.s. relations. members of this delegation say they'll return to washington arguing these two countries must not let other differences deter greater cooperation in dealing with the mutual threat of terrorism. phil black, cnn, moscow. >> all right. phil, thank you. tornadoes that touched down if three states this weekend killed a total of 20 people and a few people are still unacco t unaccounted for. areas surrounding oklahoma city saw the worst of it. an ef-3 tornado knocked down homes, tore down power lines and caused flash flooding. three killed were well known severe weather professionals known as storm chasers, tim and carl died when the tornado picked up and flipped their vehicle. their son was with them and was
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also killed. a few minutes ago, i spoke with a fellow storm chaser who knew them all personally. >> he's someone i've looked up to my whole life through, and, you know, he's a great father. great chaser. i mean, i can't say enough. >> hey, reed -- >> i'm just so sad. i know that he wouldn't have been in that position by choice unless he was trying to save somebody's life. but he also wouldn't put his own life -- i just don't -- it just doesn't make sense. >> well, that line of severe weather that pounded the plains is still making trouble. look at these violent thunderstorms moviing up and don the east coast right now. we'll keep an eye on them. rescue crews in oklahoma city searching for several people missing after the tornado hit on friday. they believe these people were taking shelter in large storm drains. on the phone with me now is oklahoma city fire chief, keith bryant. chief bryant, give us an update,
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have you located any of these missing people? >> currently we recovered five of the people that were missing from the storms. there were two groups of people. there was a group of four in the oklahoma river. we have not recovered any of those individuals yet. and the group of seven that entered the storm drain in the northwest part of the city, we've recovered those. the most recent one about a little less than an hour ago. >> and it's always sad for that. i have to ask you, for this particular time, when you said they were discovered in the river and other ones were in a storm drain. the people who were in there cars during this time, why were so many people in their cars this time, chief? >> i can only speculate. maybe the fact the storm of may 20th was still fresh in their
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minds and knowing the devastation it caused the structures during that storm, maybe they chose to try to get in their cars and flee the area. we know we could have a tremendous am of traffic during friday night storms. most of the people who have par perished if this storm did so in their vehicles. we responded to numerous rescues of people in vehicles trapped in high water with downed power lines and so forth. >> emergency crews made a sad discovery today, four additional people you talked about mind question is, how hopeful are you you may find any survivors. or are you not very hopeful right now? >> we're operating in recovery mode. we don't have hope we'll find anybody alive who was involved in either of these incidents, unfortunately. you know, because of the other five we've already recovered, and we know those people were in the same type of conditions.
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so we don't believe it's unlikely. but we're still searching with the urgency to locate those victims. >> storm drain, do you generally advise the the public to take shelter in storm drains when tornadoes hit? >> oh, absolutely not. but, again, maybe with may 20th still in their mind, they thought at the time that that might be a better option than, you know, sadly, ironic, was the fact that the storms of friday night, if they would have stayed in their residences, they more than likely would have survived the storm. >> yeah. so from the storm drain, was that flooding that they per ini ished in flooding or was it something else? was it the winds? >> no, it was absolutely the high water. depending on the area of the city, there was 6 to 10 inches of rain that fell in a very short time period. so those storm drains filled up very rapidly and that water is moving through there very swiftly.
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>> chief, thank you. good luck. you know, like i told you earlier, three veteran storm chasers were among those killed when that powerful tornado picked up their truck and tossed it really like a toy. cnn's miguel marquez reports that other crews say only good luck kept them from the same fate. >> reporter: the weather channel's storm chase car tossed like a toy. mike bettes and his team lucky to survive. >> what is it that you thought about when you were up there? >> um -- >> reporter: a near-death experience for him, but three other experienced storm chasers lost their lives. tim samaris, his son, paul, and teammate, carl young, were all killed near reno, oklahoma.
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soledad o'brien spoke to tim in 2004. >> how close was too close? >> the tornado was about 100 yards and closing. >> how fast do they close on you? >> this particular tornado is moving about 15 to 20 miles an hour. >> wow. >> yes. >> in fact, we can see telephone poles being ripped out of the ground and absorbed into the tornado as i did the first. >> we're going to die. >> reporter: brandon sullivan and his storm chasing team also had a close call. >> you okay? >> yeah. >> reporter: they survived, not a scratch, but there were some very scary moments. in a massive storm spawning a series of tornadoes, most of the nine people killed died in their cars. >> one of the things we think happened this week with all the congestion on the roads is that people were out trying to find other buildings and places to go to. >> reporter: another hard lesson in this season of storms, unless
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you are certain you can make it to a safe place. better to shelter where you are than to try to outrun a tornado, no matter how fast or souped up your car may be. miguel marquez, cnn, atlanta. large areas in california and new mexico on fire tonight. a wildfire in the angelis national forest tripled in size overnight to 20,000 acres. 2,000 homes have been vakevacua and the fire is only 20% contained. high winds and low humidity are propelling the fire as it chews up dry brush. in new mexico, two fires spread to about a dozen square miles. here, again, some 200 homes had to be evacuated. republican congressman darrell issa says the latest irs scandal goes all the way to the top. >> this is a problem that was coordinated in all likelihood right out of washington headquarters. >> the congressman pulling no punches, even calling the white house press secretary a paid liar.
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that's just ahead. and later, the scene today in a country considered to be one of the strongest allies, our strongest allies, in the middle east. police crackdowns, tear gas, water cannon. why this is happening. right now. why is it? at university of phoenix we know the value of your education is where it can take you. (now arriving: city hospital) which is why we're proud to help connect our students with leading employers across the nation. (next stop: financial center) let's get to work. has a lot going on in her life. wife, mother, marathoner. but one day it's just gonna be james and her. so as their financial advisor, i'm helping them look at their complete financial picture --
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but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? oh, yeah. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ wife ] sorry. [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. we don't let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. so if you're one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day... block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. the political pressure mounting on attorney general eric holder. republicanses zeroing in on holder's testimony last month
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that he was not aware of an investigation of a fox news reporter. >> with regard to the potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material, that is not something that i've ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be a wise policy. >> so holder, as it turns out, had signed off on a 2010 warrant that listed a fox reporter as a, quote, co-conspirator in a case involving classified leaks, and today the house judiciary chairman said his committee is waiting to hear holder's explanation for his comments. >> yes, it is fair to say we are investigating the conflict in his remarks. those remarks were made under oath, but we also think it's very important that the attorney general be afforded the opportunity to respond. so we will wait to pass judgment on that until after we receive his response. unless, of course, he's not forthcoming with that. >> republican congressman darrell issa went a step further todayed. he told cnn's candy crowley
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holder's comments in his words amount to a lie by most people's standards. in florida, congressman joe garcia says he is saddened and disappointed by absentee ballot fraud allegations against his former chief of staff. garcia, a democrat, held a news conference yesterday saying he fired jeffrey garcia who is apparently not related to him. the "miami herald" which broke the story reports investigators are looking into absentee ballots flagged by elections software as possibly being fraudulent. there were some fireworks on cnn's "state of the union" program today. republican congressman darrell issa says his investigation suggests the obama administration ordered the irs to target conservative groups and called white house press secretary jay carney a, quote, paid liar. here's athena jones. >> reporter: partial transcripts of interviews house investigators conducted with irs employees in cincinnati raise new questions about who directed them to target conservative
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groups seeking tax exempt status. here's house oversight and government reform committee chairman darrell issa speaking on cnn's state of the union. >> as late as last week, the administration's still trying to say there's a few rogue agents in cincinnati, when, in fact, the indication is they were directly being ordered from washington. my gut tells me that too many people knew that this wrongdoing was going on before the election. >> reporter: in one excerpt, an employee is asked whether a supervisor gave any indication of the need for the search. any more context. the worker replies, he told me that washington, d.c., wanted some cases. but these partial transcripts aren't conclusive. when the worker is asked, but with respect to the particular scrutiny that was given to tea party applications, those directions emanated from washington. is that right? the worker replies, i believe so. >> it's totally not definitive. >> that one isn't. >> reporter: both republicans
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and democrats were present for the interviews with the two employees. issa said the full transcripts of these and other irs worker interviews will be released. >> this is a problem that was coordinated in all likelihood right out of washington headquarters, and we're getting to proving it. >> congressman elijah cummings, top democrat on the oversight committee, released a statement calling issa's remarks on "state of the union," quote, reckless, and said issa's comments are inconsistent with the findings of the inspector general and so far no witnesses who have appeared before the committee have identified any irs official in washington who directed them to target conservative gruoups. athena jones, cnn, the white house. >> all right, athena. the white house says 14 objective news sources, three republican congressmen, two former inspectors general and the inspector general report on this case, itself, all contradict any allegation that the administration was involved in a conspiracy to target conservative groups. angelina jolie makes her
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first public appearance since her double mastectomy. you will hear from her, next. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. ♪ don't our dogs deserve to eat fresher less processed foods introducing freshpet recipes so fresh the only preservative we use is the fridge freshpet fresh food for fido
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angelina jolie reemerged in public today. we saw her for the first time since she had that double mastectomy. she's in london with fiance brad pitt for his movie premiere. as you might expect, it turned into stiomething of a media sensation. more now from london. >> reporter: every eye, every camera was trained on hollywood's golden couple as they arrived together for brad pitt's film. angelina jolie looked absolutely stunning, wearing a floor length backless black gown. she took time to sign fans' autographs and take pictures. this was, after all, her first
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public appearance since she announced her decision to undergo a double mastectomy after testing positive for a gene that makes her more susceptible to breast and ovarian cancer. she talked about her ordeal before going into the premiere. >> i've been happy to see the discussion about women's health expanded. that means the world to me. after losing my mom to these issues, i'm grateful for it and have been moved by the kind support from people. really, very grateful for it. >> reporter: this is also a big night for brad pitt. he not only stars in "world war z." his company also helped to produce it. he has a lot riding on this film. he says he's thankful to have angelina by his side. erin mclaughlin, cnn, london. >> all right, erin. coming up, could the boston marathon bombings have been prevented? a group of lawmakers just back from russia, well they say, yes. plus, a deadly tornado in oklahoma takes many people by surprise including experienced storm chasers.
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find out why this tornado was unusual and especially dangerous. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. [growl] we used to live with a bear. we'd always have to go everywhere with it. get in the front. we drive. it was so embarrasing that we just wanted to say, well, go away. shoo bear. but we can't really tell bears what to do. moooooommmmmm!!!
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house. president obama hosts a national conference on mental health here on monday, and on tuesday he welcomes chilean president sebastian pinera. on thursday he travels to charlotte, north carolina, for an economic event before heading on to california for fund-raisers. on friday, while in california, the president will meet with chinese presidential xi jinping. i'm paul stein houser at the political desk. the supreme court issues opinions by tomorrow. by the end of june the high court is expected to rule on aofficialtive action, voting rights and same-sex marriage. congress is back this week kicking off what should be a busy month on capitol hill. among the highlights, the households more hearings on the irs, benghazi and ap controversies and the senate will tackle immigration reform. i'm poppy harlow in new york. there's a lot of economic news on tap this week that wall street will be watching very closely. we'll get the latest construction spending and
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factory orders figures as well as the may car and truck sales. those are all good indicators of where consumer spending stands. wall street will also be keeping a very close eye on europe this week as the eurozone releases its revised estimate of first quarter gdp, the broadest measure of economic growth for that region. then back here in the united states, we'll get the may jobs report. that comes friday morning. it is all important and you'll remember in april we saw 165,000 jobs added to the u.s. economy. that was better than expected. we will see if that trend continues. of course, we'll track it all for you on "cnn money." i'm "showbiz tonight's" a.j. hammer. here's what we're watching this week. stars behind bars special. mike tyson's stunning prison revelations. hollywood's biggest stars caught on police tape. and see our countdown of the best worst celebrity mugshots ever. be sure to catch "showbiz tonight" monday through thursday at 11:00 p.m. eastern and pacific on hln.
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all right. coming up on half past the hour, icht to get you caught up on the headlines right now. more violent clashes between police and protesters in istanbul and ankara. even coastal resorts have not been immune to the unrest. a heavy handed response by turkish riot police is helping provoke a strong anti-government backlash across the country. in the capital, police have been using tear gas and water cannon to try to break up demonstrations, calling for the prime minister's resignation. one turkish news agency says more than 700 people have been detained since tuesday. although most have been released. two lawmakers, just back from a trip to moscow, say the boston marathon bombings might have been prevented if u.s. and russian intelligence agencies had cooperated with each other. here's what massachusetts congressman william keating said. >> one of the things that the
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head of counterterrorism said to us was that he believed that if we had the level of information sharing and cooperation that is taking place right now, if we had had that back at that period of time, then the bombing might have been averted. it underscores the importance of this information sharing. it underscores how important it is for us to cooperate. and republican congressman dana rohrabacher who led the delegation says both sides were focused on details, but, quote, they didn't pay attention to the big picture which was all screwed up. the trial of accused south boston mob boss james whitey bulger gets under way this week. bulger who is now 83 years old is accused of being involved in 19 murders. he managed to elude police 16 years before he was captured two years ago in california. bulger's lawyers said he may take the stand in his own
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defense. in california, search teams spent the day looking for a missing teen. he got caught up in a fast current and was swept or a 600-foot waterfall in yosemite national park yesterday. park rangers using dogs and helicopter haven't found any sign of him. let's get an update from this weekend's tornado disaster zone. i just spoke with the fire chief in hooklahoma city. emergency crews are looking for some people missing since friday night. these are people who were seeking shelter from the tornado but something else happened that was just as deadly. so live now to cnn's nick valencia in el reno, oklahoma. nick, what's the very latest from where you are? >> reporter: hey, don. you just mentioned it, they're still looking for two independent groups of people. we understand there are adults and minors in those groups. at least six people still unaccounted for according to the oklahoma city fire tdepartment and police department. the active searches going on. they found two bodies earlier
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today that raised the death toll here. officials wouldn't comment, don, on whether or not they expect the death toll here to rise. signs are very, very ominous at this point. >> nick, you're in el reno, 25 miles west of oklahoma city. where are you exactly right now, and how widespread is the damage there? >> reporter: don, it's really widespread. we're outside of a technology school. this used to be a park. you look behind me here, i mean, that's an airplane. they study aviation here at this school. airplane completely torn apart. there's other pieces here off to the side you won't see that. we don't have the room to pan. crumbles of concrete everywhere, don. it's not the widespread devastation we saw in moore, oklahoma. our crew was there one of the first on scene. we saw a lot of damaged houses. just really, really widespread devastation. here the food sign, don, is that it's a rural community. houses are few and far between here. there's a lot of wide open space. that tornado brought in some heavy winds through here. the good thing is there wasn't that many people in this area at
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the time. don? >> all right. very sparsely populated. thank you. appreciate that, nick valencia. coming up, an agency policy is keeping this little girl from getting a much needed lung transplant. why her parents are shocked the obama administration hasn't mandated a change. -yeah! go, angie! -whoo-hoo! [ sound fades ] at a moment like this, i'm glad i use tampax pearl. [ female announcer ] tampax pearl protects better. only tampax has a leakguard braid to help stop leaks before they happen. tampax pearl protects better.
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the mother of a dying little girl says the obama administration is choosing to let her daughter die. 10-year-old sarah has been waiting a year for a lung transplant she desperately needs to live, but policy requires children to be at least 12 before they can qualify for an adult lung. on friday, house secretary kathleen sebelius refused to intervene, instead ordering the transplant guidelines to be reviewed. sarah's mother says that isn't enough. >> i have a lot of faith for
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great change for children in the futu future, but for children today, they're still dying and secretary sebelius is going to allow that to continue. it is in her authority, but she has chosen to let my daughter die. >> she's making a direct plea for anyone to donate a lung in sarah's name. the health and human services department says it is very sympathetic to the situation and aims to be fair. so joining me now is dr. parampil. sarah has had cystic fibrosis since being born. why is her health rapidly deteriorating recently? can we determine that? >> i'm not sure about the exact cause, but most people with cystic fibrosis are predisposed to getting infections, especially lung infections or sinus infections. what happens is they tend to get exposed to a lo of different bacteria over time. with different abontibiotics adevelop resistance to them.
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>> if she gets the transplant, does that increase her likelihood of surviving or getting better or living longer? >> it definitely increases the likelihood. with cystic fibrosis, it affects the lungs. the infections of the lungs can cause people to die. when they have the young transplants, they're getting lungs that don't have the cystic fibrosis gene or the problem with the protein. they still are at risk for developing those infections, though. the rest of their body has the problem. the problem of cystic fibrosis is actually one of the proteins that regulates your electrolytes is damaged so it can affect your sweat, your digestive system, your sinusses and mucuses. >> a lot of people are paying attention to this. the guidelines are being reviewed. again, there's going to be more developments in this. let's talk about something else. this virus that's scaring a whole lot of people, middle eastern respiratory syndrome. help us understand what it is and why it is deemed to be so
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dangerous. >> mers virus is a virus that affects the lungs as well. it can cause pneumonia, high fevers. it's concerning because it's deadly. so far there have been reports of 50 people infected with it. over 30 people have died already. just looking at the likelihood of fatality once you've infected it, it's very high. it's very dangerous. but if we look at the larger picture, where about 4 million people have traveled to saudi arabia recently for pilgrimages. if only 50 people have actually been infected with all this travel, then the risk of contracting it is relatively low. it spreads pretty slowly. >> what makes it so hard to stop the virus? >> viruses in general are different than bacteria so they don't have their own cells. what they to is join with human cells and they infect the human. so in terms of drugs, normally what you do is you get a drug thatteriabacteria, kill bacteria and your human cell is all right.
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ma in this case, it's difficult to develop a drug that will kill the virus without killing human cell as well. they're hard to stop. >> we have a little bit of time. something i read about in "the new york times." >> okay. >> if you don't know, we're just talking here. >> sure. >> there was this strain of meningitis that's been around around. they're inoculating men in clubs. i read it in "the new york times." people are wondering if this is going to be like aids in the 1980s. >> the thing with aids in the 8 os iss, people didn't know what was happening. there was stigma associated with it. in this case meningitis has been around a long time. this is a new strain we're hearing about. there is some concern for that. but this, the vaccine is recommended not only for gay men but also for children, for teenagers, you know, adolescents. so we shouldn't have that stigma. it is important for people to get treated. >> after i read it, i was having dinner with people. i noticed people coughing in restaurants. i was like, oh my god, should i go out and get inoculated?
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everybody should probably have that particular inoculation. >> i think it's safer but the recommendation for different groups like children, teenagers and gay men. >> good stuff. i enjoy eed having you here. >> i enjoyed being here. racial backlash, against, all things, a cheerios commercial? it's a story that got our whole team talking. i'm going to play it for you right after this. more than just flexibility and convenience. so here are a few reasons to choose university of phoenix. our average class size is only 14 students. our financial tools help you make smart choices about how to pay for school. our faculty have, on average, over 16 years of field experience. we'll help you build a personal career plan. we build programs based on what employers are looking for. our football team is always undefeated. and leading companies are interested in our graduates. we'll even help you decorate your new office. ok. let's get to work. with the bing it on challenge to show google users what they've been missing on bing. let's bing it on. [fight bell: ding, ding] how many here are google users?
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the wildfires. wildfire in the angelis national forest nearly tripled in size overnight to about 20,000 acres. homes have been evacuated. the fire is only 20% contained. high winds and low humidity are propelling the fire as it chews up dry brush. the fire has grown today by 5,000 acres. >> fire started around the powerhouse, san fran canyon. and if you see the size of his hand, that's about what it got in the first day. and the second day, it made another significant run right there. and this is an extremely old and dry fuel. in new mexico, two fires have spread to about a dozen square miles. here, again, some 200 homes had to be evacuated. so, you know, it's one of america's most beloved cereals, breakfast cereals. i'm talking about cheerios.
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you've seen plenty of commercials over the years touting their heart healthy benefits. the latest cheerios commercial has a lot of people talking and not for all good reasons. take a look. >> mom? >> yes, honey? >> dad told me that cheerios is good for your heart. is that true? >> says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove cholesterol. that's heart healthy. >> cute commercial. cute kid. the commercial isn't that much different from other cheerio ads except in this one, there's an interracial family. a lot of people love that there was a mixed family in the ad. others, well, they have used it to vent their racist views. apparently some of the comments got so bad that cheerios had to shut down its comment section. at last check, the commercial's
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youtube page had more than 18,000 likes, and about 1,300 dislikes. he's lead singer for some of the biggest rock 'n' roll acts of all-time. coming up, my conversation with eric burden, animals and war. he opens up about his new album, drug use, and the last moments he spent with his good friend, jimmy hend driks. that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan?
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interview with musician eric burdon who was part of the british invasion 50 years ago. he recently release add new album, including a song dedicated to jimi hendrix and jim morris. ♪ ♪ >> what do you think is the most personal song or album that you've made? >> this one. and i hate to be put in this position, because when i see other artists selling their current material, it's always, this one's the best one i ever made. to be quite honest with you, i think this is the best i will have done, and it took me a long time to get to this point. and now i realize that i have to, next time out, i have to get even better. >> did you have to get better?
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>> yeah. >> at 70 years old? >> yeah, i think i found a way to do it. ♪ >> "forever 27." you write about your friends. >> i wrote a song. >> tell us. >> the amount, the long list of people who suddenly passed away a the age of 27, and they're artists. >> do you count jimi hendrix as one of those seven? ♪ you should have joined us in rock 'n' roll heaven ♪ >> trying to convince at the time that he should slow down and take a look around. he was confused, didn't know where to go. didn't know where to go next. he'd been built, you know, as
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this left handed rock star, and some of the best jazz men in the world were waiting for him to get over with that. he didn't make that. which is a shame. >> were you there with him in the final hours? >> yeah, in the last 48 hours. he jammed with us. with myself and my band. and i could tell that he -- he was feeling that this is where he belonged. you know, that he'd been away from the brotherhood too long. that this is where he was back home, you know, with van wall. and then he left. you know, i said, see you. it was the last i ever saw of him. the next thing i heard was a telephone call from his janice joplin went the same way at the same time and morrison went the same way at the same time. they were the three most
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prevalent examples. >> you said janice joplin. did she hit on you? flirt with you? >> yeah, yeah. we were good friends, party animals. >> what do you mean by that? >> i remember getting on stage with her one time in l.a. that was a big mistake. i ended up lying on the floor and she stood on top of me with her high heels shoes and she kept on singing, me pinned to the floor. she had real power. real power back then in her voic voice. >> sometimes at big award shows, people will get on stage with a patti labelle or barbara try sand. they look frightened to death to be seen with those people. is that because of the power they have? >> i had to get over that because i was singing the top of the bill with lewis and we had
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the biggest selling in the world at the time. there's this thing with artists. their benevolence is compare. chuck berry took me out to dinner and told me, you know, like keep your wallet in your pocket with just a couple dollars in and keep your main stash in your socks and don't let drugs do to you what it did to me. i was like, wow, so cool. they gave me great advice i didn't take any notice of but it was there. >> i was going to say, did you follow that advice? you went through your periods, too. did you go through a period of drug use and all that stuff? >> oh, yeah. but i had my own levels. i believe, i have to say, people indulging in narcotics, whatever, you have to remember, it's the right measure, the difference between life and death.
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♪ baby remember i do what i want it's my mind and i think like i want ♪ >> i always ask people this. so who are you? who do you think you are? >> i only know who i aftermath when i get on stage in front of my band, then i know who i am. and you're going to say who are you then? and i'm going to say, somebody that can have a conduit to people en masse for some reason. ♪ just before she drank it she said spiller wine take that girl ♪ ♪ pillar wine get that girl >> he's awesome. great advice. the best advice, he said, sometimes you learn from people when you do an interview with
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them. he said success, i took this to heart, he said success is not about being the flavor of the month, about longevity. thank you for that, eric burdon and apollo for allowing us to shoot. you saw the faces on the wall, their legendary wall of fame. we'll be back again, apollo. our thanks at cnn. legendary rocker, lou reed, is recovering from a liver transplant. the 70-year-old reed had surgery last month at the cleveland clinic. he had been scheduled to perform at a music festival in april. his wife, performance artist laurie anderson tells the times he's already working and doing workouts. our best to him. people say they're lucky to be alive after this. a gas station canopy crashes down on top of them during those deadly tornadoes friday night. they share their incredible story of survival. but first, here in the u.s.
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yellow school buses are a common site. in some places the lack of transportation can make it hard to get to school. "girl rising" deals with challenges some have to get an educatio education. >> my name is eulalia. i have six brothers and sisters. where i live, there are no schools. every monday we ride a motorcycle to go to my school. when my dad is not home, i walk to school. it takes two hours. >> i want to help her go to school because i want her to have a better education than min mine. >> i like math, especially multiplying. during the week, i sleep in the school dorms. for me, it's difficult to be with my parents. when i'm with my classmates, they make me smile.
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on saturday and sunday, when i'm at home, i do my homework with my mother. she teaches me addition, subtraction, things like that. i can't read very well either, so she shows me how to read. i want to be a teacher. [ female announcer ] girls don't talk about pads... but they do talk about always infinity.
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two kids were inside that blue chrysler when this gas station canopy came crashing down. >> at that moment, i'm just thinking, you know, this is it for us. i thought seriously. >> reporter: the three of them were trapped. >> my children have never been that frightened in their lives. >> reporter: andrea thought of her children first. how old? >> he's 10 and she's 6. >> reporter: is this tony? >> hey, tony. remember this guy? >> reporter: anthony johnson was working at the gas station and came to the rescue. when you knew that there were people inside there, what did you do? >> i didn't hesitate. i was fine so i wanted to make sure everybody was okay. >> reporter: he didn't know the people stuck inside or even if they were alive. >> i opened the door up and there they were. hey, let's get out of here. i don't know if this thing is going to blow up or what. it's amazing. i couldn't believe they went crushed. it's an act of god. >> reporter: when you look at your car and where it's sitting
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right now, today, you have to be thanking your lucky stars you're alive? >> yes. everybody i spoke to, even the firemen, you guys were very lucky. that thing could have completely crushed you guys, completely fell in. we were at a gas station. it could have blew up. >> i'm don lemon, anthony bourdain, "parts unknown" begins right now. for most of my life libya was a word with bad associations. libya meant gadhafi. libya meant terrorism. >> pan am flight 103 went down in a blazing fireball. >> libya meant a bad place where a comical megalomaniacal dictator was the absolute power. nobody in libya, however, was laughing. >> reports of explosions. >> clashes between rioters and security forces. >> in 2011, what was previously unthinkable happened.
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