tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 11, 2013 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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good morning. i'm ashleigh banfield and we have a very busy show ahead. the main news an always always our take on daytime justice. the trail goes cold on edward snowden. as the firestorm over his secrets that he exposed gets every hotter. the entire u.s. house in a closed door briefing today. and former u.s. attorney general alberto gonzales is in our house, he'll weigh in on what it all means to national security and your personal privacy. also an ex-cop accused of shooting his wife in the head
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and then burning down the house to cover it up. did the jury buy his story that she was the one who took her own life? we are on verdict watch in kansas. and houston, we have a problem. was that splenda in the coffee or was it antifreeze? two prominent texas doctors, one went to the hospital, the other in jail. first up this morning, we are now learning that charges are right now being prepared against edward snowden. that 29-year-old nsa contractor behind the massive leak at the intelligence agency. he's still in hiding. his last known whereabouts, hong kong. and there is something else breaking about mr. snowden. since he may not be checking his e-mail or anyone else's for that matter and cnn is in hong kong, here is a message from his employer. you're fired, edward. in a statement booz allen hamilton says they can confirm
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edward snowden was an employee of our firm for less than three months assigned to a team in hawaii. snowden who had a salary at the rate of $122,000 was terminated june 10th, 2013. that's yesterday. and the reason, violation of the firm's code of ethics and firm policy. that may be the understatement of 2013. it all comes as a reporter for the guardian is promising to reveal even more information about what he calls an invasive spying program. programs plural. joe johns has been following the story from washington. so do we have any idea right now as the officials say they're levying charges what the charges will be? >> no, not at the all. in fact authorities tell us that no charges are imminent. it's not clear whether something could happen today, tomorrow or next week quite frankly. what we also know, though, and
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that's talking to legal authorities, the most popular charge in a situation like this is unauthorized disclosure of u.s. secrets. that's what a number of other individuals have been charged with in this kind of case. but until we know the full parameters of it, it's not smart to speculate. >> and here is what i don't understand. time would seem to be of the essence, joe, because there is no extradition that can get under way until there are reasons. right now he's just a guy. is there not some concern that they're letting him slip away? >> there are some concerns about that. in fact i talked to one law enforcement official today who said with all the media circus, if you will, going on in hong kong right now, would you stay there? so i guess there is even a question as to whether this individual is actually still in that city or somewhere else at this time. of course it's very hard to go and get somebody until you have charges and as far as we know, they don't have charges.
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>> i'm resisting the temptation to say from russia with love here, but russia is saying that if asked, and i can hear you smiling, they have said that if asked, they will consider some kind of an asylum for him. what else do where e know? >> not much more than that. it doesn't mean that they will grachbt grant asylum. it means they will consider it. that's the position a number of other countries -- i have to say there are a lot of countries in the world that do not have some type of extradition agreement with the united states, but the question is whether a guy like show den would want to try to live there. >> joe johns, thank you. it's 2013 which means it's the year of controversy. did you hear the one with the u.s. ambassador out cruising public parks for prostitutes or the state department security personnel supposedly hiring
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hookers while on assignment overs overseas? the state department alledgedly did not want you or anybody else to hear about those things. and that's not all. lots of suspected misconduct at the state department may have been routinely swept under the rug. i want to bring in our cnn foreign affairs correspondent jill dougherty. there is a neighborhood called foggy bottom and that is where the state department is located and aptly named because there seems to be a lot of confusion as to what went on and why we don't know much about it. what is going on? >> it's important to point out that these are, and you use the word a lot, allegations. and they are coming -- the allegation essentially boils down to senior state department and diplomatic security officials may have covered up or even stopped investigations of inappropriate or perhaps criminal misconduct by staff. now, all of those allegations are based on an internal state department inspector general
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report and a memo prepared in connection with that. and i have to note that as i read it, there is a reference to some of that information coming from agents who were working together in what they call a collegial atmosphere. so, again, back to these allegations. the story by the way was originally broken by cbs and cnn got the documents from a lawyer representing a former investigator. so what are the allegations some in that memo, they have eight examples. one of them is that a state department security official allegedly engaged in sexual abuse of local security guards and when he tried -- when an agent tried to look into it, he was not xwich enough time allegedly to investigate. another one is when secretary clinton was the selecretary of state, members of her security detail allegedly used prostitutes in countries when
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they were traveling abroad. in another case, allegations of an underground drug ring in baghdad. and then finally, there is another one which is an allegation that a u.s. ambassador routinely ditcheded his security detail in order to solicit sexual favors from prostitutes and minors. and when can did thdiplomatic s tried to investigate, it is alleged that a senior official ordered him not to open an investigation. now, monday the spokesperson for the state department said this. >> i cannen confirmed they would be fully investigateded. i won't talk about specific cases, but i can say broadly that the notion that we would not vigorously pursue criminal misconduct in a case -- in any case is preposterous. and we've put individuals behind bars for criminal behavior. there is record of that.
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ambassadors would be no exception. >> this morning also a u.s. ambassador issued a statement denying those allegations and calling them baseless. meanwhile you have up on capitol hill of course looking into this ed royce who wants to launch and is launching an investigation by his staff, and he also wants to talk about secretary of state john kerry. >> i would bet that would be just the beginning of an investigation with allegations that unbelievable. jill, thank you. a bomb threat has led to the evacuation of the campus at princeton university. the students apparently there were warned on the university's website. you can see the page up on your screen right now. they have been asked to stay off campus up they're told otherwise. we're following this developing story. we'll bring you more information as we get it.
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but again, a bomb threat to multiple unspecified campus buildings apparently called in at princeton krufuniversity. also an update on nelson mandela. he is still in serious condition but stabilized. he's if a hospital in pretoria. he was rush there had with a lung infection. his daughter, ambassador to argentina, flew back to be with her father. president obama urging congress to act on an immigration reform proposal finally hitting the senate. today's vote is expected on open up the debate, but where the bill goes from there is really still up in the air. president obama has said it is up to lawmakers now. >> if we genuinely believe we need to fix our broken immigration system, there is no good reason to stand in the way
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of this bill. a lot of people democrats and republicans have done a lot of good work on this bill. so if you're serious about fixing the system, then this is the vehicle to do it. >> the proposal would create a 13 year path to citizenship. and the morning after bill will now be available to all women over the counter regardless of how old they are. the obama administration has decided to drop its appeal of a judge's ruling on the plan b pill, a ruling that allowed it to be sold without a prescription. but the decision does not apply to a two pill version of the emergency contraceptive. just ahead, has revealing top secret snooping tactics damaged our national security or has it exposed government gone bad prying in to our private lives? former u.s. attorney gonzalez is joining us live to weigh in on this and other questions. also, what would julian do?
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julian assange who knows a thing or two about leaks and avoiding extradition has a bit of advice for edward snowden. you'll hear it. and also ahead, how hard could it be to find six impartial jurors? believe me, nothing is simple in the trayvon martin case and you'll see just what george zimmerman's lawyers and prosecutors are up against in that florida courtroom. [ male announcer ] this is george. the day building a play set begins with a surprise twinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪ [ male announcer ] that's handy. the great outdoors... ...and a great deal. thanks to dad.
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one of the headlines today, hero or a traitor. seems to be a big question. but the question really for the american people and eventually perhaps the courts for decide when it comes to edward snowden. he says he dissloclosed classif information on principle and did not want to hide. but he is hiding. joining me is alberto gonzales. he was this country's 80th attorney general. with a bigger resume, he served as former justice on the texas supreme court and judge. he's now an attorney in nashville. judge, i'm very glad to have you on the program today because
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just as we were coming to erica the news that the charges are being readied against mr. snow den. not a big surprise, but i'm still wondering what those charges will be. you're a perfect person to ask. >> the charges will depend of course upon the facts. and a lot of details here that are simply unknown. clearly there is an unlawful publication, classified information, that in itself is a violation of the espionage act. so i think that this young man is if some serious legal jeopardy quite frankly. it's interesting that i think he made this disclosure on a matter of principle and yet he's not willing to stand behind that principle and feels like he needs to go into hiding. i think what's happened here is very, very unfortunate. i think it could do some serious damage to the security of our country. and we'll have to wait and see what charges are announced by the department of justice as a result. >> and when you say inaccurate,
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judge, i'm curious because one of the first things that struck me is that there a young man who is 19 years old with exactly about three months experience at least at booz allen who seems to have extraordinary access to very damaging information. how much information do you think he really has and is his outrage justified based on what he doesn't have? >> that's the problem here is that even though someone may have a security clearance, some of these programs are so sensitive that they are compartmentalized and he may not have had access to this specific program or all the details of this specific program. and so when you work in the position that this individual apparently did, you might get snippets of information and you you may not know the fact that it's been cleared by members of congress. cleared at the highest levels of the department of justice. it is reviewed by a judge in the foreign intelligence surveillance court. so you have all of this information that you're just
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unaware of. and so you make certain presumptions and assumptions and simply release the information even though the resulted picture that may a rise is one that is incomplete and inaccurate in terms of what the government is actually doing to secure our security. >> nonetheless, there is a great deal of outrage as to the scope, the breadth of this collection of data. regardless if whether a judge okayed it, regardless of whether every 90 days there is oversight by congress. you in your duties took it on the chin for the warrantless wiretapping system that was in place and has since been done away with. do you think that the obama administration is being rightfully criticized with regard to how widespread the collection is? not the legalities of it because we all know it went 24r50u the right channels. it's just how big and fat the
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collection is. >> well, part of the problem here for any administration of course is being able to defend what they're doing. when you take about a classified program, when you don't want to inform the enemy about what you're doing, it's hard to defend what you're doing to the american people. and of course that it's a conundrum that bedeviled the bushed a mink stra administratis administration. and what the american people need to be hopeful about is the fact that the administration is taking advantage of all available tools, all available technology to learn information that will secure our country. but i think it's also appropriate, and this is an extraordinary power, it's also appropriate to be concerned about potential abuses. i support will this kind of activities so long as we have the appropriate checks and balances to guard against potential abuses. >> so that's exactly the line everyone's trying to draw right now. many say warrantless wiretapping
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wasn't abuse. but we're all trying to be secure and prepared to give up a little liberty for security, as ben frankly said, you can go so far as to have neither. where is the line? should they be just triangulating medidata? >> of course we don't know exactly all the details of what these programs entail. and that's again as i said, that will be the challenge for the administration in terms of reassuring the american public that they're doing everything that they can to protect our country. but doing so within limits of the constitution. one of the things, there is a lot of misinformation about what our rights are. for example, the courts have clearly already held that information, your personal information in the hands of third parties, there is no reasonable expectation privacy in that kind of information. it may be protected by statute, but again, if you're talking about the constitution, the constitution wouldn't apply with
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respect to protection of those kinds of records. so we need to get to the bottom of what's going on here to the september th extent we can do so and educating the public about what are our legal rights. >> mr. attorney general, i want to break for a short moment, but not before i let you know that after the break, i want to tap into questions about the irs and tea party as well as eric holder and his tenure on a very difficult job. the first time i saw a sony 4k tv, it was like opening my eyes. it's four times the detail of hd. colors become richer. details become clearer. which for a filmmaker, changes everything. because now there are no more barriers between the world that i see and the ones i can show you. the sony 4k ultra hd tv.
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alberto gonzalez is still with me. judge, i wanted to show you some statistics that have come from the pew research foundation. this is a recent poll about how we feel about our safety and security. americans on nsa phone monitoring, 56% decided it was acceptable to 41% saying it was not acceptable. and then in addition to that, 62% of those asked what's more
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important investigate threats or your privacy? investigate the terror threats 62% felt that to be more important than not intruding on privacy. i think a lot of us were somewhat surprised at those number, but it does beg the question is the genie out of the bottle as we have navigated through the war on terror for almost 12 years now and as we continue to put just about anything we can sheikh out thshe out there on youtube, is this the new reality? >> i think we're facing an evolving threat against the united states. our enemies have demonstrated a willingness to use any tools available to hurt the united states. and again, i for one support this government's use of the latest technology so long as we have the appropriate checks and balances. but i think the american people expect the government to do so, to move forward and to protect them, but to do so within the
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limits of the constitution. and i know the professionals at the nsa and cia work extremely hard to ensure that whatever collection is done is done so consistent with the law. >> let me switch gears a little bit because there is so much that i want to cover with you. before the nsa story broke, the president was fielding questions on the irs targeting of tea party groups and the justice department also reading e-mails of reporters from the associated press. they also looked into the e-mails of fox news reporter james rosen suggesting he might actually be a co-conspirator in a crime. that was walked back upon significantly. so i want to ask you this. when the security of the nation is a grave concern and leaks are important to ferret out, is the media fair game in your estimation? >> i think it's fair to say that when you're confronting a very
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serious leak and general holder is on the record saying is this one of the most damaging leaks that he's seen, so we have a very serious leak, the national security of our country at serious jeopardy, where the department has exhausted all other sources and where the leadership at the department at the highest levels has made a careful and serious gee ralation of the circumstances, yes, i do believe it is appropriate at that point this time to pursue the media if the media can be helpful in solving a crime, the commission of a very serious crime. after all that is the job of the department of justice. and unfortunately what you have is a collision of two very important rights. two important interests. the interests of pursuing criminal wrongdoing and also the interests of the media and suring tsur ensurings the maximum flow of information. typically those interests can be accommodated. occasionally they cannot and we have difficult decisions that have to be made by the attorney
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jo general. >> so back when you were in the administration, a name leaked to robert novak and there was a hue and cry about ferreting out that leak. at the time he was the chief of staff for the vice president. do you know if his phone records or his e-mail records were subpoenaed in secret so that that leak could be plugged? >> i don't know that and the reason i don't know that is because i was recused from that investigation. i was recused, pat fitzgerald was in charge of that investigation. so i don't know the specifics about the particular investigation. >> i should also mention by the way, a quick correction, associated press phone records were looked at. eric holder has been having to answer a lot of critics in the
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last few week. and he has been in that chair for a very long time. strangely enough, people plight n might not understand that that job is held only by janet reno in the last 50 years she lasted longer than eric holder. you know how hard the job is. is eric holder -- she be cououl counting his days, where is your stand right now on eric holder and the job he holds? >> you used the term lasted longer than anyone else. sometimes it feels that you're just sort of hanging on. it's an extremely difficult job. attorney general is usually in the middle of every controversial decision. and whichever way he go, he'll typically make half the nation unhappy with the particular decision. as to whether or not general holder should remain in that job, you don't look only as to whether the attorney generaler is effective, but is the department of justice effective, is the work at the department getting done. this is a distraction no
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question about it. i know how tough this is on general holder. how hard it is on his family. but we need to look also at what effects that upon the department of justice. obviously general holder's effectiveness is important. but as to whether or not general holder should leave, that's a decision that has to be made by the president and by general holder and his family. >> judge, is he doing a good job? >> i'm struggling to find the right answer because there is so much information i don't know that forms the basis of his decisions and of course he's working for a different kind of president than the president i worked for. >> that's why i asked. >> he's doing the best job that he can do with the information that he has. it's a difficult job. he's operating under very difficult circumstances. as a former occupant of that chair, i just hope that he does the very best that he can.
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>> judge gonzalez, thank you. good to see you. and i'm glad that you're enjoying your life teaching and good for you to take the time especially in times like this to help us understand what's happening. even if we can't get to the bottom of a lot of that stuff. >> thanks for having me. julian assange, founder of wikileaks, has a little advice for snowsnowden. >> i would strongly advise him to go to latin america. s if . >> latin i america. where is snowden now and what other documents could be fort coming? we'll keep you you posted. plus more of anderson cooper's interview with julian assan assange.
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police officer accused of shooting his wife and burning up their home with the two little boys inside. they escaped. but all of that to cover up the crime. the jury is deliberating as we speak. and as they sit in that deliberation room, they have a whole lot to consider and that's an understatement. with us britt seacat a burning fuse like the prosecution claims full of uncontrollable rage because his wife had filed for divorce, or alternatively did she kill herself because she was depressed in the the medical examiner could not tell whether this was a suicide or a homicide. >> he specifically threatens her that if you divorce me, i will kill you, i will burn the house down, and i will make it look like you did it. >> based upon all of her experience, her training, her review of the police reports and everything else, i can't tell if this was a suicide or a
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homicide. >> pretty you powerful stuff. ted rowlands is live in kansas and also with mian list je anal jackson. so any tell tale signs of anything yet? >> nothing. two hours today about 45 minutes yesterday. they have a buzzer system here, two buzzes if the skrir need as break, one long buzz if they have reached a verdict. i've been up in the courtroom. no buzzes. >> what about just the mood? is sometimes there is something to be said about that and other times it's just tea leaves. >> yeah, tough to read them. this is the first full day of twl deliberations. a lot to look over and i think when they arrived they just looked like they were ready to jump in and go through it. and of course as you know also, there is two different ways. either they vote right away or they go through the evidence. if they're going through the evidence, it may take them a while.
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>> a couple hours, a couple weeks, could end up in a hung jury. so joey jackson, there is nothing perhaps more powerful than when you hear we don't know the cause of death. that matters. >> oh, it does indeed. but what juries have to do, and you heard 24 this frthis from t prosecution, it's about common sense. you have a person, she's healthy, of course she's going through life issues. who isn't. and as a result of that, will she take her life when there are two children and of course the gun found under the body, does that make sense if someone is committing suicide, would that be the place for it, no blood on the husband. so the cause of death issue major. is it a homicide, suicide, we don't know. but you have to evaluate this. and i think the jury will in the context of all the evidence pot just that part of it. >> i remember covering a case in michigan that was just so slam dunk.
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because of cause of death urks h., there was one person able to convince one other person if they didn't totally prove it, which leads me to the question of what is to be reasonable. what is the definition? >> reasonable minds can differ as to what the definition is. but interestingly enough, what you you hear is that it's not a scientific certainty. a jury doesn't have to be in their own hearts and minds, no, to a scientific certainty that a person did it, is there a doubt that you have, perhaps, but is that daught doubt reasonable. so it's been explained by many, but it alludes us still. just a matter of jurors believing in their mind after using common sense did they do it or did they not. >> the book that i want to write once my children are no longer requiring as much time of me. be reasonable. >> if anyone can write it, you can. >> because that does drive me crazy sometimes. all right.
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breaking news for you out of boston. we've been waiting on jury selection of the james whitey bulger case. we thought it might take a while, but it's done. they not only found their 12, they found their six alternates. apparently it is 11 men, 7 women. and the opening statements are due to begin wednesday. my assumption is that means tomorrow.
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so much quicker than anticipated. james whitey bulger, the day of reckoning perhaps coming. also george zimmerman is sitting in a courtroom in sanford, florida. the attorneys in that case are carefully picking the men and women who have to decide his fate. he could face life in prison if he's convicted of second-degree murder in that killing of trayvon martin. some say the trial is already won or lost in jury selection. and today marks day two. some potential jurors are being questioned one by one about who they are and what they already know about the case. specifically what they have seen in the widespread media coverage. george howell is live in sanford watching the case. get me up to speed on today and so far how far they have come in their efforts to get an impartial panel. >> reporter: well, just leak you mentioned there with that boston case, maybe this case will move along just as fast when it comes
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to picking a potential jury. yesterday we heard from four people, three women, one map, one of those jurors was dismissed. and today we are hearing from four people, as well. two men so far and two women. and we have producer nancy lee young in the courtroom right now. and you have to keep in mind a lot of it comes down to demographics and also those critical questions that these prosecutors and defense attorneys ask. do you watch local or national news. do you know anything about this particular case. they're asking those questions clearly looking at the demographics. and i want to play just a bit of this for you. described as white male, very well read, says that he does not have an opinion on this case, doesn't understand why it became a national story. take a listen to what he had to say. >> i gather when this discussion was had among two different people and yourself, would you say you were in the middle in terms of opinions?
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>> yeah. i didn't have an opinion. i was like, yeah, it's tragic. >> so again, you get a sense of what the prosecutors and defense attorneys here are trying to do. just trying to make sure that they understand the motivation, are these people who want to be on the panel for some reason or agenda. or are these people who clearly have not made up their minds in the case and can listen to the facts and make decisions based on the law. >> even his body language facing right to the jury, he doesn't want to miss a thing. thank you. keep us posted. also a cancer specialist now facing an assault charge. and here is the story. allegedly poisoning her boyfriend, another cancer doctor. we'll take you live to houston for this bizarre one next. ♪
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of the most respected cancer hospitals in the country. >> one of my aunts died when she was 35 and i was 10. so that was when i made the decision this is what i wanted to do. >> reporter: which makes the allegations swirling around her all the more stunning. police investigators say she tried to poison her lover, a fellow cancer doctor at md anderson, as well. according to court records, back in january, george blumenschein was behind these dates at her home. she made help a cup of coffee, he started drinking if but said it taste tood swed too sweet. she said finish it and she'd make another one. he drank both cups. 16 hours later, he was in the emergency room. he started losing his balance, suffered slurred speech and loss of motor skills. according to the court records, doctors find ethylene glycol in his system, a potentially deadly
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chemical used in antifreeze. but md anderson officials told investigators it's also a chemical commonly found in labs at the cancer center. defense attorney says it could be a tough case to prove in court. >> what you always have to take a look at what the prosecutors are always going to take a look at in a case like this is the motive. why did somebody want do it. and why did they want to do it in this way and rule out other environmental factors. that's where the defense is always going to go. was somebody have done this. >> reporter: a lawyer says she's completely innocent and that the allegations are totally inconsistent with her personal and professional life. neighbors around her gated home say she is a quiet woman who kept to herself. george survived but he has suffered serious damage to his kidneys, even needing dialysis
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to try and repair the damage. >> ed, how is >> it's been hard to get the latest information. in those initial moments after he ended up in the emergency room he had renal failure. he had to undergo dialysis for some time. it's not clear if fst continuing. he's still seeking medical attention for his injuries. >> unbelievable. standby for a second. joey jackson is here. i don't have this case on my desk. i don't know what evidence might have been gathered from this woman's home but 16 hour ss is very long time between you may have ingested something and you go to the hospital. >> spoken like a great defense attorney.
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if you're going to defend this guy you have a lot to work with. >> you say there could be intervening causes. what else happened? i'm sure that will be tracked and in addition to that it will go to what you talked about and that's the evidence collection. anything and everything will be analyzed, the coffee, container, search warrants will be gathered. >> how long will it take between the time this happened and the medical treatment and the assessment you got? that's a tough road. >> owing to the fact they got there too late to gather the evidence and presuming the evidence was no longer there it causes a problem. >> what a case. it reminds me of another houston
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wikileaks founder has some advice for edward snowden and that is this, go to latin america. he's held up in london because he's trying to avoid extradition and he's been there about a year now. he told our anderson cooper last night that latin america would be safer than hong kong for snowden. he's praised him for exposing the nsa program and he does not buy the idea that broad surveillance is critical. >> no to a secret program. no one gave that mandate to engage in a worldwide program on nearly every person. you've seen a lot of double rhetoric used by obama. for example, the mass daily collection of verizon
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informati information. it didn't include their phone numbers. just google reverse number lookup. of course, in particular cases where there is sufficient evidence it is right to surveil some people for some amount of time but that's what we did in the past. that's what has been done historically. that worked and now we see just mass worldwide surveillance. >> when wikileaks published the documents that were provided to you, many said this caused tremendous damage to the u.s., put hundreds of people at risk. what's interesting is since then and if you do research on it u.s. officials have said the information didn't significantly compromise u.s. security and yet
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bradley is facing life in prison for providing information. >> they couldn't even see someone who needed to be protected from the component. what is a travesty about the bradley manning prosecution is that the defense has received p p preemptive ban. any u.s. document or any u.s. official they're not able to make the argument. >> that's anderson cooper. i want to update you on the story at princeton university. a bomb threat leading to the evacuation. students are being warned to stay off campus. if you think about it, regular classes are over now for the summer. luckily the campus has not been
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very crowded. we'll bring you more as soon as information as soon as it comes up. around the world starts after this break. can see if you're on track. when the conversation turns to knowing where you stand, turn to us. wells fargo advisors. w♪ hooking up the country whelping business run ♪ ♪ trains! they haul everything, safely and on time. ♪ tracks! they connect the factories built along the lines. and that means jobs, lots of people, making lots and lots of things. let's get your business rolling now, everybody sing. ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ helping this big country move ahead as one ♪ ♪ norfolk southern how's that function? ♪
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