tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 17, 2013 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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as always, our take on daytime justice. speaking out online right now, edward snowden, the man who leaked a trove of documents on the nsa's secret surveillance program, is answering questions from a reporter. also live this hour, digging up another field. here we go again. he disappeared in 1975. the new dig is taking place in the detroit area. at age 16, she was the youngers person ever on death row. today 27 years later, freedom for paula cooper. you do not want to miss this amazing story. we're going to start with president obama. he's in northern ireland for the g-8 sumsrá. back home here, there are some dark clouds brewing. our jessica yellin is following
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the president in ireland. there is some trouble for the president in the numbers. >> there is, don. not a lot of good news for the president. in our new poll, only 45% of the american people tell us they approve of the job he's doing. that's an eight-point drop since may. a bunch and the leaks -- now down to 49%, job. it's surprising to see the core strength take such a hit. >> these are really the first poll numbers we have seen since after t$e nsa leaks revelation. what are people saying about surveillance in general? >> reporter: well, 6 in 10 americans tell us in the poll they object to the way the
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president has handled the surveillance issues. the president scores worse on this issue than president bush did, about you it's worth noting an interesting wrinkle here, a narrow majority jt americans do approve of the nsa's surveillance programs broadly, but they disapprove of the president's leadership on them, on this issue. this probably has to do with another point. they think the government is getting too big and too y john? >> interesting. jessica yellin in northern ireland with a picturesque setting, always great to see you. >> gorgeous. with so many americans -- the administration is changing tactics. it's going to declassify information about some terror plots that, according to the nsa, were thwarted because of that snooping. here's dana bash. >> reporter: a full-court obama administration press to calm
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americans' concerns about secret surveillance programs. >> if you can see just the number of cases where we've actually stopped a plot, i think americans will come to a different conclusion that all the of the misleading rhetoric i've heard. >> reporter: intelligence agencies are working to declassify specifics about dozens of plots that the director told congress the sq(áqá programs helped to thwart. over the weekend the government unveiled a teaser, this documents has helped prevent homeland and in more than 20 countries around the world. supporters are trying to beat back suggestions that the government is listening in on calls in the u.s. >> it's against the law for the nsa to record an" monitor u.s. -- americans' phone calls. >> reporter: another supporter,
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dick. >> cheney -- >> i would ask everyone to ecause this is a program run by professionals. they've done great work and saved lives. >> but nay sayers are not gig up sinchts i don't think collecting millions of phone calls -- this is the metta today thea, time, play, is making us any safer. >> i want to bring in dana bash live from capitol hill. we are monitoring a live interview of edward snowden, the man who leaked this information is gi+ing online to the newspaper. i promise we will bring you any details about potential blockbuster information. in the meantime, though, dana, you mentioned that the intelligence commitáees are receiving a briefing on reports
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of the so-called thwarted plot. do you have any details? >> reporter: we are expecting that those thwarte" plots or information about the thwarted plots should be declassified as soon as today. that's what senior intelligence officials who were here briefing congress on thursday told the members of congress. sometime this week, maybe as soon as today. what they're hoping, obviously in releasing details, is to try to reassure americans that their concerns about civil liberties are worth it, and to do that by really explaining in more graphic, explicit, understandable ways by saying, look this could have hp(pened had we not had these programs in place. d8>> dana, it seems that every y we're see new reports, new releases from these leaked documents. how worried are congressional leaders that information about the information that he might be leaking?
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>> reporter: they're really worried. i think they're probably worried which may sound like they're at cross-purposes. here's why. they're worried about misinformation they insist he's given. he is the one who made public that these programs exist, and members of congress, white house, everything has admitted yes, they do exist. but they're also saying that he's saying t$ings that simply aren't true. for example, he said in an interview last week, as somebody who is working with the nsa as a contractor, he could if he wanted to find the president's personal e-mail. they say here that is simply not true, and that's information that they have gotten as far as oversight responsibilities in congress from the intelligence communities. so there's a concern about (jq(u information and what they say is e+en dangerous, incorrect information. >> true or not, he seems to have
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an unending desire to keep on talking. dana bash, on capitol hill, great to see you, dana. moving on now, one of the great american mysteries, an enduring mystery. where is jimmy hoffa? the fbi is acting on a new tip today from a former detroit mafia boss, and expected to begin digging up a field outside of detroit. they say this is the best hoffa trip that they have ever received. our mary snow joins us now. i've got to say i've been in the news business 15, 17 years, every year it seems they start digging. than the other? >> reporter: well, john, this tip comes from a man named tony zarrell. a law enforcement source of this direct knowledge of this investigation tells susan
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candiotti, that the fbi has been looking to the claims before seeking a court okay to dig up a field north of detroit. now, the same source describes the field as relatively small, having waist-high grass, compares it to the side of a small party tent. what is behind this latest game? the alleged mobs terr tells wdiv a mafia enforcier told him that hoffa was buried in this field as a temporary measure, that his remains were supposed to have been move after the heat died down from the massive police search to find hoffa initially, but 9 body apparently was never moved. hoffa, as you know, was last seen on july 30th, 1975, outside a detroit-area restaurant. john, you mentioned so many digs in the last, the last one coming last year in the detroit area.
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>> it's riveting every time it thank you so much, mary. the supreme court just struck down an arizona law that required proof of citizenship to register to vote. the 7-2 ruling said it interviewed with a federal law aimed at making voter registration earlier. the supreme court is still major rulings on same-sex marriage, affirmative action by the end of june. we could get more discussions on thurl britain's prince philip home. he walked out of a london hospital under his own power after having abdominal certainliry. he will )ecuperate at windsor castle. a chinese dissident allowed to move to the u.s. says he's being told to hit the road.
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he made history last year when he was allowed to leave china. now the blind dissident wants him to leave by the end of the month. he says it's due to pressure from the chinese government. nyu says that is not the case, that chen's fellowship was for only one year. our take a daytime justice, george zimmerman, tray von martin in that 911 call. whose's voice is creaming in the background? paula cooper this morning is a free woman. how did that happen? and more to the point, should it have happened? what's he going to say now? edward snowden is online live at this very moment. will he divulge more of his seek john edwards? might he come out of the hiding? stay with us. hi, buddy! that's why the free wifi and hot breakfast
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monitored -- and the 2009 g-20 summit. here to talk wráh me about that, cnn leeismt analyst joey jackson. so, paul, let me start with you. he's been called a traitor, % accused of treaten. listen to what dick cheney had to say áhis weekend? >> i think he's a traitor. that the chinese would welcome the opportunity and probably win -- in exchange for what he presumably knows or doesn't know. >> that seems like an awfully >> i'm not so sure. if you look back historically, the last time wet a situation comparable to this is daniel else berg.
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he was charged with treaten. i think we're more open-minded with this stuff. from a technical standpoint, if this hurts the united states, you could sp)q that charge. >> joey, if the u.s. government wants to put -- should they be looking at charges more in like with what they say? >> you know, what i think will happen, john, is they will evaluate all and any charge, and of course i could go back to what paul was saying. we've had an espionage act for almost 100 years. so i think they're going to look at it very closely. i know, john, there's a lot of supporteráhá$u$ere for him. no matter where you stand on the issue. if you think they're spying on
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each and every one of us, you have an obligation to preserve that, and to the extent that you leak it and it's critical. i think it should subject him to charges. i do believe the government will be looking very forcefully to do something to prevent this in the future. >> whatever charges they're seeking, paul, it's important to note he's not here. they still have to get him. >> i think, in the end probably the u.s. government will back off. they won't charge it that harshly. modern jurors maybe are not that receptive to the charge, but yeah, they have to track them down, and they have to extradite them. geáting china to extra died him to the united states or whatever count)y he winds up will not be easy. now he's online, answering questions, trying to become an international put hero. >> legally speaking, this is
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just beginning. thank you so much. we're monitoring a huge case that's been in the white-hot spotlight. george zimmerman on trial for murder. before anything can start there, we need a jury. i have copd. if you've got it, you know how hard it can be to breathe and man, you know how that feels. copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine.
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five days now into jury selection in the george zimmerman trial, and still not a single juror has been chosen. so the lawyers are back at it pt(r' this morning, going through the pool one by one. however, they will take a break this afternoon to tackle a huge issue that is still very much up in the air -- can experts testify about who is screaming on 911 calls like this one? >> does he look hurt to you? >> i can't see him. i don't want to go out there. i don't know what's going on. >> they're sending. >> you think he's yelling help? >> yes. i'm joined by our legal
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analysts. how much longer will the jury selection take? >> reporter: it's taking a long time for various reasons. they're going through individual questioning. that can spark other questioning once they find out how much they know about pretrial publicity. i've got to tell you, the most in-depth questioning i have heard from a prospective juror just happened minutes ago. it was a white woman, probably in her 60s. she said it was very unsettling, because she lived through the race rye yos in the 1960s, an" she is concerned that an unfavorable verdict will spark those protests again. the question is what do you deem to be an unfavorable verdict. she said a verdict of not guilty for george zimmerman, but she said she could be fair, not succumb to any pressure. she's also helping to raise her
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grandson, and she said they just don't understand how a young teenage boy could go to the 7-eleven and be shot dead before he gets back to his apartment complex. she cannot veer away from the opinion that george zimmerman followed him even after the 911 operator said you don't have to do that and george zimmerman said okay. she doesn't believe it. that's an awful lot of information to geá from a prospective juror. but let me turn now to the 911 calls that are a key piece of evidence potentially for the prosecution. let me ask you about this. how badly do they need the information? >> they're saying on the 911 call, you hear in the background somebody saying help me, help me, and they're trying to sav there's scientific evidence which would prove whether it was tray von martin or zimmerman, obviously if it's tray von martin, zimmerman is cooked. so to me this is the most
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rs(ortant piece of evidence in the case. i think the judge will throw it out and say i'm not going to let scientific evidence in, but you know something, if the jury hears the tape, it's a sort of high-pitched tape, i think they'll think it's a child's voice. that's my view of it at this point. >> paul thinks that the judge will not allow it, but if the judge does allow that testimony, what does the defense team do then? >> at issue is who is the aggressor, certainly if you have somebody vq&ling help, as a result, they are clients and ú3 don't want to die. so it is critical. the defense would have to reroute in that case. i think what they would have to do. the jury will hear it. the only issue at this hearing is whether experts could opine
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statistic defense will have to rebut it, that there's no way possible to pinpoint with any accuracy that that was tray von martin. >> and ironically, you know, you need scientific evidence to be its a kid. so in one respect, maybe the defense trying to get this scientific evidence thrown out could hurt them in the end when they would like to call an fbi expert to say you can't i had -- >> one thi'g is clear, it is pivotal. >> thank you all. we'll be talking about this and whatever decision the judge makes when it happens. up next the tragic fires in colorado, the biggest that state has ever seen. firefighters are finally getting the upper hand, opening the way to investigpáors to get a closer look will on how it all started and whether the fires were started on purpose. stay with us. for sensitive ski, there's fusion proglide.
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the top stories now, several families are grieving in c$icago this morning after a deadly weekend filled with gun violence. the city had seen a recent decrease in s$ootings, but this weekend seven people were killed, more than two dozens others were injured, including a 16-year-old who was shot and killed by someone riding by on a bicycle. iran's president-elect hel" he is considered a moderate, about you staying firm on the u.s. must recognize iran's right to have a nuclear program. he calls the relations complicated and, quote, an old he said before any talks the u.s. shocking tabloid photos show and his hands around her neck. he's responding according to "the evening standard" he said we were sitting outside a
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restaurant having an intense debate about the children and i held her neck repeatedly. there was no grip, it was a playful tiff. again, it was he who had hands around her neck. he said she movq" out of the because of all the paparazzi. good news for the people in the fire zone in colorado spring. firefighters have the upper hand on what's become the state's most destructive wildfire ever. george, what are firefighters saying about the process? and when will some of the people forced to evacuate, when will they be able to go home? >> ry8orter: john, the first part of that question, i look out on áhe horizon, i don't see any smoke anywhere, that is great news. the latest number we heard is that the fire is 65% contained. keep in mind we got that update after there was a big rain shower that came through, so we could see that number go up in the next update that we get. as far as people getting back to their homes, right now the focus
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is on fire suppression. until that happens, until they're done with that, that's when we'll start looking at people going back into their homes. the timeline is still until certains, but certainly people are anxious to be back r' their homes, though people we speak to are patient about it. >> how that fire started, whether it might have been arson, where does that investigation stand right now? >> right, well, we do know that an argon investigator is here with many others. arson is one of many different possibilities that these investigators will, the sheriff here with the el paso sheriff's office, he explains it best. listen to what he had to say in the latest news conference? >> we have called in some extra experts and support from atf and the state. we've assembled basically a task force to really dive in a'd use the latest technology to try to determine and pinpoint a point of origin, as well as collect any evr"ence that may be available.
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>> reporter: investigators at this point are still trying to determine the identities of the two people who died in this fire. we are expecting another news conference in the next hour and a half, and we will pass any information along as we get it. >> george howl, the great news looking behind you right now, no smoke this morning. truly a welcomed vision. coming up our justice panel, looking at the case of the youngest person ever on death row. she was just 16 years old. why she gained freedom just a short while ago. you'll never guess who now supports her freedom.
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person. as a teen, she says she was abused, she broke into homes stealing anything she could #ind, and in 19 5, she and three others murdered a 78-year-old woman, a bible schoolteachers in what cooper calls a robbery gone bad. the woman was stabbed 33 times. even today the victim's grandson supports her release. let's bring back or legal panel. right now both attorneys joining us here from new york. first, joey, i want to ask you about the crime itself. stabbed 33 times, this woman paula cooper, was the only one to get the death penal who was in that house. there were four people involved. is there a sense the actual conviction in the sentence was unfair to begin with? >> sure, you know what, john? there was. in terms of the crime, no question about the brutality. it was horrible. the other four teens, you know, she was the one who actually did the stabbing. she confessed to it. i think there was a gene)al sense and led to itself on a
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further discussion whether 16 is too young. obviously your mind-set is different. of course t$e supreme court weighed in on this, saying, you know what? 16 is appropriate. then later on, john, briefly in 2005 you said roper veráuj simmons, it said uh, u. if you're 18, you can be q,ecuted any younger, you can't by. the clergy weighed in on there whether it was appropriate to do this to a child. the priest came in, the collegy presented 2 million signatures say you can't do this, it's a child, so i think ultimately that had significant effect >> there were a lot of people behind her defense. as you said pope john paul ii just one of them. she earned a college degree and exhibited good behavior. is this an argument perhaps for
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the whole idea. >> we all like to believe in the idea of -- but other i suppose there are crimes that are so horrific. this crime just terrified indiana at the time. this 78-year-old woman was stabbed over 30 times. they tabbed her so far that the floorboards under her body had evidence of the knife having got right through. rutal, brutal crime. anybody who thinks you'll be in prison -- this is an example, you know something? there is a chance for anyone to get out of -- you can avoid the death penalty or sentence, it does show perhaps there is a chance. >> i think it really has to do with both.
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and i think that along with the community and the broader discuss of whether or not you should sentence someone to death has really lent to this argue. a 16-year-old can indeed be rehabilitated. >> i think our opportunities have changed about this, too. i think 25, 30 years ago it was a different world. we're much more open to the idea that kids 16 and under maybe should be treated differently. >> as of today she's ouá and has a number of years to prove to society she dqáq)ves to be out and contribute. stay with cnn during the 1:00 hour of "newsroom" suzanne malveaux will talk to the grandson of the woman paula cooper murdered. one longtime resident is
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being accused of being part of a ukrainian killing force with ties to nazi germany. how do you prove crimes like those sneerly 70 years -- 70 years later. j.d. power and associates has ranked quicken loans highest in the nation in customer satisfaction... i say "family," because we've been blessed with this honor for 3 years in a row... rest assured we'll treat all of your mortgage needs with tender loving care. amazing client satisfaction: it's a quicken loans family value. call 800-quicken or go to to experience it for yourself.
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we're monitoring what he's saying. bauer ra, any new bombshells? >> reporter: it's fascinating. he's online this very minute answering a wide range of questions from people, but also trying to dodge the u.s. government, worried that he's going to be tracked through cyberspace, and they may find his location. he is not holding back. i just want to go through some of the questions. you see the website there. he's getting a full range of questions, one asks, quote, why did you go to hong kong and then tell them about u.s. hacking on their researc$ facilities and universities? why is he? hong kong? well, he says -- and he answers first, the u.s. government, just as they did with other whistle-blowers immediately and predictable destroyed any possible -- openly declare get of treason, and even unconstitutional acts is an
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unforgivable crime. e wants to say, and then as we look at this furse, he says i did the reveal any u.s. operations against legitimate military targets. i pointed out where the nsa has hacked into civilian infrastructure, such as universities, hospitals and private businesses, because it is dangerous. these nakedly aggressively criminal acts are wrong, no matter what the target. that is mr. snowden talking. it's really interesting. he's very much still, of course, saying he is in the right here, and he goes on and perhaps one of the his most blunt àstatements, he says the u.s. government's not going to be able to cover this up by jailing or murdering me. truth is coming and it cannot be stopped. the words of edward snowden online at this hour, john, being very blunt, but also behind the
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scenes, cyber-dodging, if you will, a word we just made up here, cyber-dodging the nsa and u.s. government, which certainly is trying to use cyberspace to track down where he is broadcasting from at this very minute. john? >> barbara, fascinating you would bring up the possibility of the u.s. trying to murder him. fascinating to me he seems to grant himself the power to determine what a legitimate military target is. most fascinating of all, as you said, he keeps talking and talking while the intelligence services clearly on the hunt for him right now. >> absolutely. >> keep on listening. we want more tidbits as they come out. we're going to move on to a shocking story out of minneapolis, where a longtime resident is being accused of being part of a nazi-led militia unit, that was -- our miguel marquez has more. >> reporter: is he or isn't he? the allege that 94-year-old
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michael karkoch has hid his past has shocked this suburb. >> it was big. i would feel differently about him. >> the allegations begins with his own memoir published in the ukraine. he admits he helped found the legion, as off-shoot of -- >> the associated press intentionally and maliciously denamed our father. >> reporter: the associated press alleges that mr. karkoc lied about his military service when he sbeshd the u.s. in 1949, what us in charge of the nazi-directed division when it nearly knocked out the population of a town. even the associated press admits there is no evidence that mr. karkoc was directly involved in
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show that karkoc had a direct hand in war crimes, end quote. my father was never a nazi. >> reporte9: still, the a.p. says it sticks by its reporting and the u.s. department of justice will only say it looks into all credible allegations of nazi crimes. if this is found to be credible, finding mr. karkoc in court would be a long process. a very long process. he would have to be denaturalized, deported, they tried in either germany or poland. miguel marquez, cnn, los angeles. our thanks to miguel for that report. let me bring back in paul callyn. we are clearly at the outer limits. so much time has passed. how would you go about proving something like this so many years later? >> very difficult. it's not without precedent.
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i was looking at some of the older suspects. germany extra dieded someone who was 86 years old. germany and poland have very long, you know, statutes of limitations, but the problem, of course, i have is in proving it. where older war criminals have been convicted, they were try indeed absentia, and convicted previously where there were live witnesses around, and now just being sentenced when found. here you're putting together a kay case, and i would say an almost impossible situation. he's 94. >> when we say if they could make a case, who are we talking about? would this happen here or back somewhere in europe? >> it would be a two-part thing. europe and probably poland or germany would seek to extradite him, and then it would be sort of a mini procedure here in the united states where, you know, extradition would be fought on the grounds there's no good-faith basis to send him overseas. then there will be an actual trial in europe if he was
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extradited. >> 94-year-old, you say it would end up being a trial in europe. what's the likely homeland security -- likelihood, putting a man that old on a plane to face trial. >> i don't know if the u.s. will put him on a plane. if he winds up in europe and there's evidence, he'll wind up in prison, because they don't care about age with these war criminals. these are crimej that have so scarred europe, that regardless of age, they will try potential war criminals if the evidence is there. >> again they haven't proven p'ything yet. investigators are looking into it. paul cal lan, good to see you. >> thanks very much. a former hitman takes the stand in the trial of james "white y "whitey" bulger. we'll have a live record just ahead. ready?
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today john testifies. who is he and what is he saying? >> reporter: he's the government's star witness. when asked to describe the relationship he had with whitey bulger he said they were best friends. they were partners in crime. they were god father's to each children. he said it broke my heart. it broke all loya&ties. white see has made no eye contact with this man. he stared straight ahead. john admitted to 20 murders. previously he cut a deal to get 14 years in prison and said he has to testify truthfully against anyone they want. he ran a very corrupt operation in boston. that was a man by the name of he can say where james bulger
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was with each of the 19 murders he's accusq" of. >> wow. a lot of history in that room. whitey bulger not making any eye contact. that's fascinating. bring us up to date on what else we've seen. earlier there was a bookie on the stand. what does he have to say? >> reporter: absolutely. the bookie was so interesting. he brought everybody back to a different time when bookmaking was seen as a noble profession. it was before gambling was legal. he inherited the business from his father and passed it onto his own daughter. he said when he dealt with the italian mafia it was business. when he dealt with whitey bulger it was different. all he wanted was the extortion money to make sure the operation kept going and maybe sure people stayed in line.
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you see the ages of these people. this bookie 84 years old. he couldn't remember a lot of things. he remembered every interact with james bulger and a co-partner but when it came to as a bit more vague. it was very strong system. a lot of people in the courtroom including some of the families of the victims listq'ed no wrapped attention. >> i wonder how much he is conveniently not remembering and how much he is really not remembering. thanks so much. why is russian president calling the owner of the patriots a little weird. it's all about a little bling. we'll explain. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now?
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a fight between a nuclear super power and a football super power. it's over a ring, a super bowl ring. >> i'm tremendously humbled by this great honor. >> reporter: at a gala in new york city craft told the crowd that putin swiped his super bowl ring back in 2005. according to craft huh admired the ring encrusted with the 124 diamonds and said i can kill someone with this ring. we went onto explain i put my hand out and his put it in his pocket and three kgb guys got around him and walked out. putin, a thief. a spokesman says nit. i was there when it happened. i was standing 20 centimeters away from him and saw and heard how mr. craft gave this ring as a gift. maybe it's case of lost in translation. maybe he lost the ring because
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d8of translation or maybe there were bigger global forces involved. the new york post which broke the story on thursday quotes craft as saying white house officials urged him to say the ring was a gift. in the interest of u.s.-soviet relations and now mr. craft seems to be backing off a bit. the patriots leasing a statement it's a humorous story that robert retells for laughs. he loves his ring is the a the kremlin and he continues to have great respect for slaush and the leadership of president putin. >> in a fight over jewelry you always side with the guy with nuclear weapons. thanks for watching. "around the world" starts now. brand new revelations about government spying. the uk monitored phones and
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stole passwords during a 2009 london summit. iran elects a new president. who is hassan and what will he mean for u.s.-iran relations. a british tabloid runs shocking photos that shows food network star nigella lawson with her husband's hand around her throat. it happened right in the middle of a restaurant. welcome to "around the world." i'm suzanne malveaux. >> i'm michael holmes. >> good to have you back. edward snowden speak sg out today in a live online chat. >> snowden condemni ining what calls criminal acts. this is according to the guardian newspaper. >> nick is in hong kong where
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