tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 18, 2013 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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pits liberating. a lot of parents rthing twice about having an only child. thank you right now. anderson cooper starts right now. tonight, edward snowden resurfaces online entering allegations that he is spying for china. he talks about why he believes he wilnever get a fair trial in the u.s. and revels in the honor of some people calling him a traitor. later, there might not be honor among thieves. what about alleged killers? what made a former hitman turn on his former associate, james whitey bulger. we begin with keeping them honest. last week after profiling charities that seemed to only care about their profits, i challenge the people who run them to come on this program or talk to our correspondent, drew griffin. let them explain the facts uncovered by drew, the tampa bay
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times and the center for investigative reporting that show these charities, and i use that term loosely, to be abusing and squandering your hard earned money. not one of the three has taken us up on that challenge. two of the three have spoken up elsewhere. the thing they're saying raise more questions and don't make sense. before we go to drew griffin who has the latest, i want to show you his latest report so you can reacquaint yourself with all the players and what they have been doing with the money the donors believe would help cancer victims. >> drive down these country roads outside knoxville, tennessee, and into this small industrial park. and you'll find the headquarters of a family conglomerate of cancer charities that return lavish salaries to their owners, but according to their own tax records, donate very little to dying cancer patients. and the last thing the people running this charity want to do is answer questions. >> don't turn your camera on me, okay?
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>> across the country in mesa, arizona, another outpost of the conglomerate. it's called the breast cancer society, it's ceo and executive director, the man escaping in the truck, james reynolds, jr. >> excuse me, sir, mr. reynolds, hey, excuse me, right here, buddy. mr. reynolds? hi. hi. can you stop for a second? where are you going? >> back in knoxville, there's another cancer charity, the children's cancer fund of america. and this one run by yet another member of the family. rose perkins. >> is rose perkins in. >> she's not available and she's not doing interviews. >> why wouldn't she do us any interviews. she's running a charity for kids with cancer, right? it seems like a good idea. >> i've been told to tell you she's not doing interviews. >> can you tell us what you do, any positive things you do with the money you collect. >> you can send your questions
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to her e-mail and we'll answer it. >> if you were asking us for money, what would you say you did with your money? >> we help children with cancer. >> how do you do that? >> what do you mean how do we do that? we help children with cancer. >> how, why? >> we provide them financial assistance. >> do you have any idea how many. >> if you have any other questions, please send them to her e-mail. >> my question -- >> rose perkins did e-mail us and tell us her charity has a clear conscience, we feel we're making a good difference in people's lives. also told us an interview is not something we can consider. that may be because of the questions we'd like to ask her and the other members of her extended family who are essentially making a living on your donations. rose perkins the ceo of the children's cancer fund is paid $227,442 a year. her ex-husband james reynolds
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senior is president and ceo of cancer funds of america. he gets paid $236,815. and james reynolds, jr., president and ceo of the breast cancer society has a salary of $261,609. it's money that comes from donors like you who in 2011 sent these three charities $26 million in cash. how much of those donations went to helping cancer patients? according to the charities' own tax records, about 2% in cash. example, the cancer fund of america raised $6 million through its fund-raising campaign in 2011. and gave away just $14,940 in cash. but that is not what you would hear from the telemarketers hired by the cancer fund of america run by james reynolds, senior. >> how much of my $10 will go -- who is this to?
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>> cancer fund of america support services. 100% of the donation goes into a fund where we purchase medical supplies for these patients. we do hospice care for the terminally ill. and we supply medical supplies all over the united states. >> how much of my $10 will go -- >> every cent toward the charity itself. i'm calling directly from the charity, not a telemarketing agency. >> oh, well that's great then. >> according to the iowa attorney general's office, which gave us these recordings, those phone call statements are one great big lie. the callers were telemarketers, being paid to make the call. the state of iowa fined the telemarketing company $35,000 for making false representations. as for donations to other charities. the cancer fund of america claimed on its 2011 tax filings, it sent $761,000 in so-called gifts in kind.
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not actually cash, to churches, some hospitals and other programs around the country. when we called or e-mailed those other charities to check, many of them said they did get something. things like these supplies. >> but several of the groups told us, they never heard of the cancer fund of america or don't remember getting a thing. the cancer fund also takes credit for serving as a middleman. brokering transfer of another $16 million worth of gifts in kind to individuals and other charities. many of them overseas, those contributions double up as donations and revenue on the same tax forms. back at the cancer fund of america's corporate off sis, even the chief financial officer who has a salary of $121,000 couldn't explain what was happening. >> we just have all these --
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never heard of you. yolonda barco institute. nothing. >> you have talked to him. >> the him is james reynolds senior, the founder who finally told us in an e-mail his board thought it unwise to talk to cnn. even though in a different e-mail, he called the news of phantom donations most disturbing. as for his son, james reynolds, jr., and his charity in arizona. >> how are you? >> the camera needs to stay outside. >> okay, can he stay there? >> mr. reynolds here? >> i'm sorry, he's not in right now. >> the public relations officer who is married to james reynolds jr. sent us e-mail telling us the breast cancer society's guiding mission is to provide relief to those who suffer from the effects of breast cancer. we've made a difference in the lives of tens of thousands of men and women. when our camera found james
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reynolds, jr. he made sure we got the message with a single finger salute. >> this guy's running a charity, flipping you the bird. james reynolds, jr., still isn't talking to us. the breast cancer society charity he runs, they're responding to your report. and they're pretty harshly accusing the reporting as grossly ignorant at best and we plan to hold them accountable. what are they saying we got grossly inadequate? >> the headline of the charity's website is what is the truth about the breast cancer society that you won't hear from cnn's anderson cooper's show, they claim 75%, not 2% of their donations go to charity. as we reported, it's just not so, the breast cancer society took in $13 million in 2011, it gave away according to its own tax filings, just 2.4% of that
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money to cancer patients for families. we do know where $261,000 went, and that is into the pocket of the guy giving us the finger, james reynolds, jr. that's his salary. as for you and your show, anderson, this is what the breast cancer society thinks of the report we believe it was maliciously fabricated to support a very crooked and slanderous agenda that anderson cooper's show should be ashamed of. there you go, anderson. >> what's the agenda, did they say? >> no, they did not say. other than, we want to boost ratings with reports like this. >> this guy's father is also involved in a questionable charity, the cancer fund of america. is he talking? >> yes, anderson, but again, not to us. james reynolds senior isn't disputing the fact that 2% of the money raised goes to cancer patients. 80%, he says admits really goes to fund-raisers, along with his
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$237,000 salary. get this, he granted an interview to a local affiliate in knoxville, tennessee, a cnn affiliate. where he said the mission of his charities is not to give financial assistance, but to give gifts that make cancer patients and their families feel good. they may be donated gifts, he's regifting. he thinks giving away adult diapers, fans and even treats is what the true purpose of his charity is. listen to this. >> products that even the children in the family would like pies and candies. each little candy in there was like 7-up. 7-up, dr. pepper, root beer. i've never seen them on the market. >> millions of dollars to give away treats. just as a reminder, reynolds, senior and his charity, the
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charity run by his son and the charity run by james reynold's senior's ex-wife, three of the 50 worst charities in america, identified by our reporting partners, the tampa bay times and the center for investigative reporting. >> everyone loves moon pies. and he seems like a charming elderly man talking about his recollection of eating moon pies and stuff. the bottom line is, he's admitting 80% of the money they raise goes to fund raising to try to rope in more people to get more money. and i don't think the people are donating money to the charity think it's about giving adult diapers and moon pies to kids and adults with cancer. did they give you a reason for not just sitting down and answering our questions, instead of running from our cameras and giving you the finger? >> the closest we got was a statement from the breast cancer society which claimed that cnn will not share editorial
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privilege and as such we can't responsibly engage in an interview. >> i don't even know what that means? >> i don't know what that means, either. i don't know, either. they go on to say we would butcher and rearrange to meet cnn's agenda of tabloid like deception and slander to bump ratings. instead of all that he gives us the finger. >> this blows my mind. these are people who are asking for money from good people, from americans, all across the country and you would think anybody who runs a charity would be willing to give an interview any time to talk about what they're doing, show you their books, and what's also amazing to me is how this is all a family affair. i mean, you have the dad, the son, the ex-wife, the current wife. and it doesn't seem like dad and the son really got together and had a phone conversation, because son is saying, it's not 2%, dad's not arguing with the fact that it's 2%, he said, in fact, 80% were given away to
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fund-raisers, they need to get their stories together it seems like, and we'll do a live interview with them, no editing at all. i'll be happy to do that, i know drew, you would be happy to do that as well. the challenge is out there. if they are legit they should show up or eat some more moon pies or something, i don't know. it's infuriating. it's unbelievable, because people are donating their hard earned money thinking they're helping people and these folks are living high off the moon pies. thanks very much. follow me on twitter right now. let's talk about it right there. what the nsa's leaker is saying now about allegations spying for china. i'll talk with glenn greenwald. later, mobster, whitey bulger comes face-to-face with his alleged former hit man. an amazing confrontation in court. a confessed killer who's gunning in court for bulger.
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new word tonight from the nsa leaker, edward snowden. the u.s. government has destroyed his chances of a fair trial, openly declaring him guilty of treason. that's why he fled to hong kong where he may or may not still be. the justice department has decided whether to charge him. plenty political figures have called him a traitor. including most recently, former vice president cheney. >> i think he's a traitor.
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i think he has committed crimes by violating agreements given the position he had. >> i'm deeply suspicious, obviously, because he went to china. it's not a place where you orderly want to go, if you're interested in freedom, liberty and so forth. so it raises questions whether or not he had that kind of connection before he did this. >> that's former vice president cheney on fox news. he worries snowden has more to shop with the chinese in exchange for sanctuary. today, the guardian asked him to address that allegation. he replied, this is a smear i anticipated before going public, the u.s. media has a knee jerk red china reactiono anything involving hong kong or the people's republic of china. he goes on to say, ask yourself, if i was a chinese spy, why won the i have flown directly into beijing, i could be living in a palace petting a phoenix by now. he was asked if he had given secret classified information to the chinese government. no, i've had no contact with the chinese government, just like with the guardian and the
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washington post, i only work with journalists. being called a traitor by dick cheney is in his words the highest honor you can give an american. joining us now is glenn greenwald who was part of today's online chat. >> we know edward snowden is in hiding, believed to be in hong kong under considerable scrutiny. why did he want to go public today in this online discussion? >> i think usually what happens with whistle blowers, they end up being not part of the debate, either because they are in hiding or because they are indisposed in prison. a lot has been said about him, a lot of accusations have been made toward him. i think he feels as though he wants to account for his own behavior and speak directly to the public and answer questions about what he did and why he did it. >> he was asked today, do others have access to his documents. and the answer i want to read to our viewers. all i can say right now, the u.s. government is not going to be able to cover this up by jailing or murdering me.
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truth is coming and it cannot be stopped. does he really believe that his life is in danger, that the u.s. may want to murder him? >> just go and read the -- what the u.s. officials are telling the media outlets, like the new york times from 48 hours ago, if the information that he has in his possession, including the information in his head ends up in the hands of any other foreign government, it would be the gravest threat to national security in a very long time. i don't think that it's necessarily probable or likely or anything like that, that the u.s. government is going to try to use physical force to prevent that from happening, if you're him and you hear u.s. officials saying you pose the greatest threat to u.s. national security in a long time because of what you have and what yoknow. it's certainly sensible to think about those risks and take precautions if you look at what the national government has done in the last 12 years, there's a lot of extreme behavior they've engaged in. so i think anybody in that position would be thinking that way. >> do you buy that, when
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officials say, this is the gravest risk, do you buy that? >> yeah, i think u.s. officials always say that about any time that they are having light shined on what they've been doing in secret, it's the way they try to keep that wall of secrecy erected. it's true that the national security agency is a critical part of what the national security state has built up over the years, and if secrets would be turned over enmass to the government, it's true that would be damaging. he's been clear that's not his intention. if it were his intention he could have done that in lots of different ways, this is a fear mongering campaign on the part of the u.s. government to turn americans and the public against him. and turn away from the disclosures that have been made as a result of what's been done. >> he says he's not given information about any u.s. operations against what he's called legitimate military targets. but his critics would say, who is this guy to determine what is and what is not a legitimate military target. >> what he's saying is, there
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are certain countries in which the u.s. congress has declared a war. the authorized use of military force in places like afghanistan, and he's not interested in exposing secrets of what is being done against those countries. he instead is wanting to inform the citizenry, not just around the united states but around the world, that the nsa is targeting everybody, and trying to erode privacy for all of us. >> the heads of the intelligence committees have said it proves dozens of terror plots have been foiled because of these programs. if that happens, would it justify the existence of prism and other programs that may exist? >> no, and this is such an important point. let's say the u.s. government collects everybody's phone records and taps into everybody's internet chats. they then say, when it turns out they get caught doing that, we detect a terrorist plot as a result of this program, no, that isn't correct. they ended up detecting terrorist plots because they specifically listened in on the
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phone conversations or e-mail communications of specific people about whom there was evidence to believe they were engaged in terrorism. what the u.s. government always did in the past, when they battled the soviets, engaged in the cold war, it was a very targeted surveillance, it was only against people for whom there was really evidence to believe they were engaged in wrongdoing. indiscriminate massive surveillance makes it harder to find the bad people because they have so much information, they can't process it, the fact that they end up finding somebody through mass surveillance, doesn't prove they would have found those same people through more targeted surveillance programs. >> appreciate it, glenn. the snowden affair seems to be putting a dent in president obama's polling numbers. his jobs approval rating under water. 45 to 55 in the latest data. that's down from 53 to 44 last month. as to when mr. obama is honest and trustworthy? people are almost evenly divided, 49% say yes and 50% say no.
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that's an 18% swing from may. here to talk about the impact, gloria borger. this drop in the approval ratings, how do you account for it? is it directly related to the nsa? >> i think there are a couple reasons here, the president has had a lot of controversies on his plate. not only the nsa surveillance, also the irs controversy, controversy over drones, over a leak investigation that some people believe was more of a dragnet, the president has been in kind of a defensive crouch on that, when you dig deeper into our poll numbers also, anderson, you see this huge decline he's had, again in that one-month period of 17 points with younger voters. the under 30 set. these are the stallwart obama supporters who have real trouble with the surveillance issues. i think it has a lot to do with it. >> he's scoring worse than president bush did on the issue of restricting civil liberties. >> i know, he probably can't
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believe that one. but, yes, when president bush had that warrantless wiretap controversy in 2006, which then senator obama opposed, his -- the question of whether he went too far, you see there, bush, only 39% thought he had gone too far. now that the president's in the middle of this nsa controversy, 43% of the public thinks he's gone too far. i think that plays into the trust issue you were talking about earlier. he's down on trust, people always give someone they trust the benefit of the doubt. and now i think they're attaching him to government. which they don't trust. >> you think he needs to get out
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also himself needs to get out there and lift the veil, let the american public know a little more about what he's been thinking, because a lot of people can be confused for thinking, wait a minute, this is the man who railed against warrantless wiretaps when he was in the senate. i get we don't do that anymore. but now he is presiding over surveillance policy that maybe years ago, he might have questioned. >> yeah. >> so american people want to hear from the president on this. >> we'll see. >> gloria, thanks very much. for more on the story, you can go to a midshipman who says she was raped by three classmates. why she's speaking out about the assault. she's afraid to show her face. she wants her story told. you didn't want to tell the authorities about the sexual assaults?
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>> ironically enough i didn't want to tell them, but i still wanted justice, i live in close proximity of these people, i see them all the time. one of them lives directly below me. >> hear what happened to her tonight. also, whitey bulger's hit man testified against him in court today. it was fascinating. he's now a government witness itching to take bulger down. how much damage did the testimony do?
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stand to testify against the gang ter once he considered his best friend and partner in crime. he serves time for 20 mob-related killing that's bulger allegedly ran. in 2008 interview with steve croft, here's what he said about those murders. >> did you keep count of how many people you killed? >> no, no. until in the end i never realized it was that many. >> how many? >> a lot. too many. >> do you have a number? >> i confessed to 20 in court. >> you sure you remembered them all? >> i hope so. >> did you always kill people by shooting them? >> i think i stabbed one guy. >> but you like guns? >> well, it's the easiest way, i think. >> under a deal cut with prosecutors, he served a life sentence for his own crimes and in return became a government witness. he gave testimony intended to tie whitey bulger, his friend, to the 19 murders he, bulger is
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connected to. it's the first time these two best friends were face to face in 31 years. were they checking each other out? what was it like inside the courtroom? >> it was so fascinating, these two men barely looked at one another. even though they were about six feet away. john in the witness box, whitey bulger at the defense table staring straight ahead. they were incredibly close, he even named his youngest son james in honor of whitey bulger. that came to an end when he learned whitey bulger was an fbi informant. he said it broke my heart. that's why he's testifying against whitey bulger. because the two of them spent so much time together, he can really testify as to which murders whitey bulger was present at, and that's what he did today on the stand. he talked about how the two men would pick a victim. target their victim. as the victim was pulling away in their car. they would be in two vehicles, to make sure the hit was successful. he would open fire and bulger would prevent anyone from getting in the way.
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even if that meant blocking somebody or a police car. a lot of dramatic testimony. he hardly portrayed any emotion as he testified to murder after murder after murder. when he talked about this betrayal by whitey bulger, which is the worst thing you could be in south boston, a rat, an informant. that's when he seemed a little sad, that he was betrayed by this man he had been close to. >> we also learned today about the relationship of john conley. he was convicted of helping bulger avoid arrest. his brother, billy bulger. >> absolutely. the relationship between whitey bulger and the rogue fbi agent, john connelley is what many people believe allowed the empire to flurish for so many years. when connelley returned to boston, he met with billy bulger
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who was powerful, he met with billy and said, look, thank you for keeping me honest, if there's anything i can do let me know, billy said, keep my brother out of trouble. that's when the relationship began, whitey began paying connelley cash, bought him gifts, gave him some diamonds to give to his wife for his anniversary, it was a long relationship, and one that allowed many of the murders, prosecutors contend to take place, because connelley was telling him when someone was going to testify against him, that allowed bulger to wipe him out. anderson? >> kevin cullen is co author of whitely bulger, america's most wanted gangster, and the manhunt that brought him to justice, he was the first to raise questions about whitey bulger's relationship with the fbi. he joins me now. you expected bulger would stare down martorano. they would stare each other down. that doesn't seem like how it played out. >> i think the flip side of whitey, he will either try to
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intimidate you or make you believe that you don't exist. one of the things we found when we were writing our book, we sent him letters asking for his cooperation or even for him to read the manuscript and check it for accuracy, and he wrote to somebody who gave us his letters from jail. in which he said, he would not even give us the satisfaction of knowing he's read those letters. this is sort of out of whitey's playbook too. he couldn't be bothered to look at johnny today. they kind of more or less ignored each other. >> the fact that this infamous boss cut a deal with the government to testify against bulger. how much does that affect his credibility as a witness? >> well, that's clearly -- i mean, you can see jay carney and hank brennen the defense lawyers they can't wait to get at him. i was in miami when he testified against john conley. i have to be honest with you, i think he's a repulsive figure. i think he was a very effective witness. he is what he is. he's a self-admitted murderer.
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and, you know, i just finished my column for tomorrow and i said, even if whitey's lawyers are able to convince the jury that he's only half as bad as johnny, that means he's only half as bad as a sociopath who admitted to killing 20 people. that's not much of a defense. >> what do you think bulger hopes to get out of this trial? what's the best possible outcome for him? is he concerned about his legacy or anything like that? >> absolutely. he's concerned about the self- -- the self-serving narrative he created his entire life. he was a gangster with scruples, they don't inform on their friends and they don't kill defenseless women. those are the two things he wants to refute. his own lawyer got up on the opening day of the trial, and in his opening stement, he said, my client is a book maker, he's an extortionist, he's even a drug trafficker, but he didn't kill those women and he wasn't an informant. that's going to be the tone of this.
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i question having the lawyer going to admit that, why are we wasting all our time going over this stuff. he probably should have said, i'll admit to this other stuff, i want to refute that i didn't kill the women, and i wasn't a rat. those are the two things he's obsessed with. >> it's so fascinating. does bulger have any of the power that he used to have or is all that gone? >> no, that's gone. and like i said, once everybody that knew he was an informant and all the loyalty he demanded went one way, the only people that are still with him are his family, his brother jackie has shown up, i pointed out, this is a classic example of whitey's idea of loyalty. jackie, his brother who's been there every day in court, he was the clerk magistrate in the juvenile court. when whitey went on the lam, he enticed jackie, begged jackie to give him photographs they could use, because they look-alike he could use them as phony i.d.s, he lured his own brother into his conspiracy. it cost jackie his felony
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conviction and pension. whitey bulger did that. not me, not shelly murphy. not the "boston globe." >> that's incredible. kevin, fascinating. thank you so much for being on the program. we have a lot more tonight including this, is the mystery of jimmy hoffa's whereabouts on the verge of being solved? i know a lot of people said that before. a retired fbi supervisor believes they're about to crack the case wide open. next, breaking her silence. a midshipman at the elite naval academy said she was rained by three classmates. >> they said you can't talk, you can't tell. we'll get kicked out, you can't do this we'll -- they really did play on my emotions. and at that point in time, it was what felt like the entire football team against me, given that all these individuals were on the football team. and i felt ostracized. i was having trouble getting out of bed in the
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big development tonight. the u.s. naval academy, where a midshipman claimed she was raped by three classmates by members of the football team. a naval official tells cnn michael miller has ordered an article 32 proceeding, a hearing will be held where evidence is presented to a military legal officer, who will then decide if a court-martial is warranted. the decision was made by the superintendent after he reviewed an investigative report of the alleged incident.
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it's important for the midshipman who's speaking out tonight. she agreed to tell us the story as long as we kept her identity concealed. heavily intoxicated this young shipman, then 20 years old remembers nothing of the alleged assaults. and yet the morning after, she says she knew something was terribly wrong. >> when did you realize something had happened? >> the next day when i woke up, i noticed i had bruises on my body. and i just didn't feel right. and then when i got back to school, i started to notice a lot of chatter on social media. >> what kind of chatter? >> people were making derogatory terms toward a female. i didn't know at the time that it was directed toward me. just kind of bragging about the situation that happened. i then began to inquire about the situation or what had happened to myself, i came to the conclusion that these individuals were talking about me. >> how did that feel?
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>> it was devastating for me. it's a very small school. at that point in time, i felt like my reputation was ruined forever. i had no clue what had happened. i knew i would never consent to do these types of things. >> did you go see a doctor. >> i did. for health reasons. i chose not to get a rape kit. >> what was the thinking in not getting a rape kit? >> i wanted nothing more than for the situation to go away. i felt like i was living a nightmare every day. it couldn't end fast enough. >> you thought this was a matter of survival? >> yes. >> you were scared for your safety? >> yes. at that point in time i approached the administration, asking them about harassment, they couldn't guarantee me anything. and i was -- i feared that trying to pursue them on the harassment charges would only -- if nothing happened, it would infuriate them more. >> who was harassing you? >> other members of the football
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team constantly making derogatory terms. kind of just eyeing me down, or making sexual gestures toward me, or making comments to people, to my face. >> she didn't report the alleged crimes to authorities for eight months. living in constant fear, she says, the backlash might take a more violent turn. but word of the alleged attack spread across campus. a female student reported the alleged incident as a number of other students had, only this time for the first time, the alleged victim's name was made public. >> someone came forward with my name, someone who hadn't been at the party. that's how large the situation had gotten. she had heard about, and she felt compelled to go forward and let people know what she knew was going on. >> but you didn't want to alert authorities? >> i was scared. i've seen -- this is not the first time these type of situations have occurred at the academy, nor do i think they'll be the last, unfortunately.
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i was terrified because i saw what the victims went through. and just not only the situation within itself, but everything that follows after. >> and immediately after came charges not of an assault. school authorities first charged the female midshipman with underaged drinking. two of the football players maintained the sex was consensual. and the third pleaded the fifth. without a report from the female midshipman, her alleged attackers played out the season under a presumption of innocence. the case was closed by year's end with no charges brought. as the female midshipman watched infuriated and helpless. >> nothing was done in regard to my personal situation. and these individuals were still on track to graduate and become commissioned officers. >> did it surprise you that they waited until after football season to discipline them? >> did it surprise me, no. did i think it was right, absolutely not. i was suspended from a lot of things, it hurt me as far as
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seeking counselling, because i had lost privileges. the administration was having problems commuting me back and forth to get to my counselling, so i just ended up, i couldn't go anymore. it caused a downward spiral of events. >> in january she decided to tell all she could to navy investigators. though to her it was frustrating to start the process all over again. >> i can't speak on an official capacity, but that's what hurt me and why i had lost faith in the chain of command. >> why did you want to be in the military in the first place? >> this is kind of cliche. i love my country, my family has served on the enlisted side. i thought it was a great opportunity to serve. i wanted -- i'm the first one in my family to go to college. this is something i always wanted. and i still hold true. i think there are some problems. but i hope that these things can get fixed.
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i do still want to serve my country. >> by the way, i did ask the midshipman why she wanted us to conceal her face. while many at the academy know who she is, not all of her family and friends know her story. she doesn't want the story to define her in her career moving forward. up next, the search for jimmy hoffa. he vanished nearly 40 years ago. some believe his remains may be found in this field in michigan where the fbi is digging. and a celebrity chef, was she attacked by her husband in a london restaurant or is it just a misunderstanding? the story ahead. money on car insurance with geico... yeah, a little bit more of the lime green love yeah... or letting them know they can reach geico 24/7 using the latest technology. go on, slather it all over. don't hold back, go on... it's these high-definition televisions, i'll tell ya, they show every wrinkle. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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denied attacking his wife. over the weekend the british tabloid, shown here by cnn matthew chance, published photos showing him grabbing lawson's neck at a table. she and her children moved out of the family home. information sparked a new hunt for jimmy hoffa's remains. they are digging on private property about 20 miles from the restaurant where the former teamster's boss was last seen in 1975. and a risky rescue from northern california. the boys were stranded while hiking. no one was hurt. and the florida teenager got the thrill of his life. 19-year-old chris was fishing in the gulf of mexico when he encountered this 30-foot whale shark and caught a ride. wow!
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>> a recent report shows that in 40% of american families with children, women are the primary earners, yet they continue to earn less than men. what does this say about society? >> stop right there, first of all, it's an important question. i'm not making fun of that, delete that tweet you were about to send me. i think we can all agree. when it comes to any national discussion, it should play a crucial role. let's see how miss utah responded. >> i think we can relate this back to education, and how we are continuing to try to strive to -- >> ouch. let's just stop there, okay? she needed to pause and compose her thoughts. who among us hasn't had to do that. you should hear wolf blitzer rehearsing his show in the men's room, believe me. let's check back with miss utah. >> figure out how to create jobs right now, that is the biggest
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problem, i think especially the men are -- and seen as the leaders of this, and so we need to try to figure out how to create education better so that we can solve this problem. >> thank you. >> thank you, utah. >> thank you, sweetheart. >> that was painful. there you have it, create education better. who's laughing now, pageant haters? you don't get that kind of insight at the kennedy center honors. no, you don't. it brings to mind one of the best pageant moments. something you haters cannot accept for the perfection that it is. i'm talking about the 2007 miss teen usa pageant who was asked by the large number of americans who couldn't find the u.s. on the map. >> i personally believe that u.s. americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and that i believe our education, such as south africa and iraq, everywhere such as.
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>> everywhere like such as. get on board, america. get on board. as for all you pageant haters, pull out a map and see if you can find yourselves on the ridiculist. or everywhere like such as. that's it for us. "early start begins now. have a great day. president obama on defense on the record for the first time about the government's secret spy program. why he says americans are not getting the full story. a day of digging in rural michigan as investigators try to unearth one of the biggest mysteries of our time. where is jimmy hoffa's body. people take matters into their own hands with a man ranting about the u.s. government. >> good morning. i'm christine romans.
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