tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 20, 2013 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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this is "cnn newsroom." i'm suzanne malveaux. want to get right to it here. cnn is talking with a key player on immigration reform as this issue goes front and center in the next hour. that is when a group of senators expected to announce a deal on a major issue, we're talking about border security and how that wraps into immigration reform. want to bring in our dana bash. dana, you just had an interview with senator marco rubio.
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obviously he's got some skin in the game on all of this as well, but tell us where are we in the process of immigration reform and the possibility of a deal brokered on the senate side? >> well, let's start there with the news right now. that is we're waiting probably in about an hour we're going to see the key players in this immigration deal come to the senate floor and describe it. and the it is a bunch of conservative senators, the key players are senators jovan and corker who came up with a deal to beef up the border, they say, in a way that they put more border agents there, that they complete the fence along the southern border. and that is all an attempt to appeal to conservative senators to try to get ultimately the vote in the senate to the high watermark, the highest watermark they can get in order to pressure the house to take this up. that kind of sums up where we are right now. as you mentioned a key player in all this is senator marco rubio from florida. key because he is somebody who people are looking at for 2016 as a potential presidential run,
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but also because he is a hispanic republican who is trying to kind of bridge both worlds of the conservative base who are not happy with this and trying to lure hispanic voters back into the republican fold. listen to the conversation we had in the hallway just moments ago. >> senator, as you well know, there are a number of fellow conservatives out there who say this is just a smoke screen and it doesn't change the fact that what they believe you have agreed to is amnesty for illegal immigrants. >> well, first of all, anyone who's in this country illegally is going to have to undergo a background check, they're going to have to pay a substantial fine for having violated our laws, in return for that the only thing they get different from what they have now is they're going to have to start paying taxes. we'll know who they are. right now they're here already. we're not talking new people, we're talking people living here now that have been here for at least since december of 2011. and the only thing they're going to do now that they're not doing is they're going to be paying taxes and undergoing a background check and paying a fine. beyond that we have very significant border measures now
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aemgded on to the bill which basically says no one can become a legal permanent resident of the united states until we add -- until we complete 700 miles of real border fencing, until we add -- double the size of the border patrol to 40,000 by adding 20,000 new agents, until e-verify is fully implemented, an entry/exit system until a very dramatic technology plan is fully implemented. >> how many votes do you think this is ultimately going to get you? you probably know more than anybody. you've been working your fellow colleagues. >> i don't know the exact number, but i think it will bring a significant number on board. >> enough to get the house to take it up? >> the house is in a whole other process. i'm not in the position to tell the house what to do. they'll have their own product and we'll wait for they have. >> you understand the politics of this probably better than anybody within the republican party. for someone like you from a diverse state with likely higher
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ambition politically, this is important. for somebody who is in a conservative very red state voting for something like immigration reform hurts them rather than helps them. how do you overcome that? >> well, i understand why conservatives are upset. they've seen all these promises in the past that haven't been delivered. that's why we're saying nobody can become a legal permanent resident of the united states unless these border measures pass, all five of them. that's why we have to do it that way because otherwise it won't happen. that's been the evidence in the past. i understand why people are frustrated. i do. we shouldn't do this for politics. i can tell you politically this is as much a negative as it is a positive. people are really upset and i respect it and i understand it. by the other token this is hurting america. this should be about helping the united states. and if nothing passes, this disaster we have now, it's going to stay in place. >> it's a negative as much as a positive, is it a risk for you politically? >> i don't know about me, but there are certainly people upset. there are people mad at us for having gotten involved in this issue and primarily distrustful
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the government will do its part. that's why we have to by saying no one will become a legal permanent resident unless all of these things, the agents, the fence, the entry/exit tracking system, unless all five happen, no one can become a legal permanent resident. >> i know you have to get to a vote one last question, in all candor, how much of your personal credibility and viability is on the line here? nobody talks about this without talking about marco rubio in the same breath. >> i obviously have not analyzed it that way. >> come on. >> no. the easiest thing to do politically is not deal with the issue. give a couple speeches and not play and get involved in solving it. this is hurting our country badly. i have studied this issue for two years and i know we have to solve it. if we don't solve this issue, illegal immigrants are still going to be here illegally, people will continue to come in, people will continue to overstay their visas. and our broken immigration system will stay in place. that's why i'm doing it. >> thank you, sir. i know you have to go to a vote.
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appreciate it. thanks. >> now, suzanne, just to reset where we are right now, we're waiting at the top of the hour for the senators who have crafted this what they say is a compromise, a breakthrough among republicans, also they're dealing with the bipartisan beef up border security in the hopes of getting more republicans -- more senators to ultimately vote for immigration reform. we talked about the dynamic in the house. that cannot be understated -- excuse me, it can't be overstated we have to underscore how important the house is because it is obviously run by republicans, john boehner the speaker, was asked about the dynamic there. it kind of tells you all he needs to know. he started comparing immigration reform to obama care essentially saying there's just a distrust in this country about how the government can handle itself and handle things like what the conservatives are pushing. beefing up the border. so bottom line is dynamic in the house even if the house speaker
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wanted to get this through, he's got to deal with a caucus with republican rank and file many of whom, again, as i mentioned to rubio who are are in these very red districts who they vote for immigration reform and they run the risk of getting primaried by fellow conservatives. >> it's interesting, we covered the white house under president bush, it's almost like ground hog's day. >> it really is. >> the republicans against his plan because they wanted to deal with border security first and then deal with citizenship, never happened. dana, thanks. we're going to bring you back and we'll have a panel straight ahead to talk more about this. this is something that's fast moving and developing out of washington. and investors, they don't like what they see today. we are looking at the stocks dropping 200 points this morning. it was about 224 right now. haven't made up ground yet. we can see it there the dow hovering around 14,000, down 220 points. i want to bring in felicia taylor from the new york stock exchange to tell us why this is happening first of all. why is the big move we're seeing
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today? >> there are a number concerns out there in the marketplace. i keep using this phrase, but what they're doing is sort of re-pricing the risk of when that tapering is actually going to begin. and those are the words that, we didn't actually hear that from the federal reserve chairman ben bernanke in his testimony yesterday, but nevertheless he has hinted at the fact that it could begin in sort of the next six months or maybe into the beginning of 2014. it's those hints that traders are worried about. it's not like we didn't know this was coming. you can almost think of it as a little bit of a trial. he's sort of testing the waters to see how the marketplace can react. and frankly this 200-point drop is a fairly normal range for this kind of thing. it could have been a lot worse. yes, the volatility has accelerated, there's no question about that. but this is not a panic selloff. the bears have stepped into the marketplace, and they are now obviously much more in control. but, frankly, with levels that we've seen with like the s&p up 13% this year, this isn't a
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horrible pullback. it's in somewhat normal ranges. of course we're seeing a selloff. people are taking profits off the table. but hopefully the marketplace is going to understand that needs to go back to fundamentals, watch the economic data come back. and, again, this market should be data-dependent, not dependent on the federal reserve. >> and, felicia, for those who aren't big investors but looking at their own 401(k)s or whether or not it's going to be more expensive to buy food or pay for their homes, how is this going to impact them? >> well, that's a very interesting question. because obviously as you look at your 401(k) and that slips back a little bit, it's always of concern. when it comes to inflation, that is not of concern in the marketplace as of yet. certainly you and i are seeing higher food prices in grocery stores and home prices are accelerating in certain locations of the united states, but not in everywhere. i mean, there are still places that are struggling quite significantly. and is it really that easy to get a mortgage to begin with?
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and also people are now concerned about something called deflation. and that is actually a decrease in prices. that usually accompanies what is not a strong recovery. and that would be worrisome for the marketplace. so that kind of fear is -- or uncertainty is now out there and being discussed by traders and investors. >> all right. felicia taylor, thank you so much. coming up, a 13-year-old boy, that's right, accused of killing his half-sister by practicing wwe wrestling style moves on her. well, he's now facing murder charges. and then, the daughter of former yankees manager joe torre makes a nice catch. she was in the right place at the right time, caught a child falling from a building. you're going to hear from her coming up next. and, a child born deaf hears for the first time. amazing story up ahead. this is "cnn newsroom." >> daddy loves you. daddy loves you.
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well, everything but palm trees, sunshine and fruity drinks, that is. ...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. a group of senators reaches a deal now that could add momentum for the push for immigration reform. now, it is designed to overcome the objections of some republicans concerned about
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border security. the deal, here's what it looks like. would strengthen security requirements in the immigration bill. it would double the size of the border patrol from the current level of 21,000 agents. also calls for 700 miles of fence along the border. now, here's what florida senator marco rubio said in our interview with dana bash just this last hour about the politics behind this. >> i understand why people are frustrated. i do. we shouldn't do this for politics. i can tell you politically this is as much a negative as it is a positive. people are really upset. and i respect it. and i understand it. by the other token though this is hurting america. this should be about helping the united states. and if nothing passes, then this disaster we have now, that's what's going to stay in place. >> want to bring in democratic strategist maria cardona and republican strategist ana navarro, and to take a page from what dana said to the senator, come on, really? it is politics. how can you separate the two?
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ana, i'll start with you. >> listen, i know marco rubio very well. this is an issue very important to him that he wanted to put political capital into and he's been doing it. he's been making a huge difference in this debate this time around because he's got bone fied wtd conservative base that frankly in that group no one does and he's been able to get a more receptive hearing from some of the crowds that were very anti-immigration bill a few years ago. so i think marco's doing it for the right reasons. and he's right. i live in florida, i live in his state, i can tell you he's getting a lot of flak from the left and the right. he seems to be getting hit by both sides every day for one thing or another. so if he's doing it for getting credit, i'm not sure this is the best thing he could have done. if he's doing it to solve the issue, this is the best thing he needs to do. >> maria, let's talk about this. obviously president bush, this is something he triy eied to do. he couldn't get his own party on board, now what would make it
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any easier or anymore likely that you'd have a democratic president like president obama who would be able to make this through both chambers. >> how about the november election? when 70%, 71% of latinos actually voted for president obama. you know, this is -- it isn't purely political, suzanne, but politics has absolutely a lot to do with this. it is the right policy. we do need to get this done. there's no question about that. this is not just good for latinos, this is not just good for immigrants. this is good for america. the cbo report that came out this week i think is the biggest piece of news that where it says that comprehensive immigration reform will boost our economic security reducing the deficit by $1 trillion over the next two decades. $700 billion in additional wealth and housing will be injected by this bill. there's no question this is the right thing to do, but politically, marco rubio knows if he has any aspirations to
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reach the white house -- and he will tell everybody that that's not what he's thinking right now, but if at any point in the future he wants to do this, he knows that this is something that his party has to do, not just for his aspirations, but if the republican party ever wants to get to the white house again. >> all right. ana, let me bring you in here. obviously this is something where you've got a large majority of americans think border security should be the top priority on immigration reform. the latest polls actually do bear that out, they show that. so speaker boehner, the house, how do you get them on board? >> i think that what's happening today, i think two things happened this week. one was the cbo report that maria just mentioned, which is very good news for the house because there are a lot of fiscal conservatives. and now there's 175 billion reasons to vote for immigration reform according to what the congressional budget office scored this bill as. but second, this amendment that's going to be announced later today that's going to be introduced later today, we
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hope -- the hope there is that it brings about a broad support for the bill, that it brings on 10, 12, 15 republicans so that then there is huge momentum going out into the house. if you get this bill passed -- if the senate's able to pass this bill with 68, 70, 7 votes, that's huge momentum going into the next chamber. and i think there's plenty of adults in the room in the house of representatives who are going to find a way to thread the needle. >> all right. there are adults here. rare that we're all -- you two in agreement here. ana, maria, good to see you as always. we'll see how this shapes out over the next hour or show. all the adults are in the room. >> thank you. >> coming up, a christian group that spent decades trying to convert gays to straight now saying it's sorry and closing its doors as well. why exodus international has now had a change of position.
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statement saying i am sorry for the pain and hurt many of you have experienced. he went onto say i am sorry some of you spent years working through the shame and guilt when your attractions didn't change. i want to bring in nick valencia and eric maripodi. nick, first of all, what's the deal with this guy? why is he completely saying this doesn't work, i don't believe in this anymore? >> it seems like an aboutface. it's more about rebranding. still same board of directors. but he's saying he's trying to appeal to a new generation of christians, philosophies have evolved though some critics say this is a half-hearted apology. on one side they're saying sorry for the undue judgment we've been giving you for the past almost four decades. on the other hand he's saying we're not apologizing for the strict stance on the scriptures and the scriptures are clear they say marriage is between a man and woman. he's not apologizing for that,
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but he's saying sorry we caused you harm, i meant no ill intent, this is not malicious at all. coincidentally and curiously, he himself was at one time a self-identified gay man and now he's married and has kids. he says it's very ironic and he addresses that in his mea culpa to his members that he was once a target and sort of a victim of the stance on lgbt by the church and also having to apologize for the that very same stance. >> why does he think an apology is good enough? >> again, trying to appeal to the new generation of christians and rebrand themselves. they're trying to say this new ministry they're set to launch will be more open, more welcoming. and they won't be so -- such a hard stance, hard line on their stance on homosexuality. >> eric, you cover religion and faith in deep detail here. is this a trend? do we think this is something that more groups are going to do? i mean, kind of get rid of this conversion therapy, this
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so-called conversion therapy they say? >> absolutely, suzanne. conversion therapy with evangelicals is very much out of vogue right now. you even saw exodus stop doing it. groups like exodus are much less part of the mainstream. and the big issue is here there's been a change in the last five to ten years with the issue of sexual orientation. for years we heard christians say sexual orientation was a chose, people chose to be gay. that is language you do not hear anymore. and it's more or less disavowed. now they say orientation is something you're born with and it's something your behavior is the issue. what you heard nick saying earlier is you're not going to see groups like exodus change their position on what they would call the biblical view of sexuality, that sex should be reserved for a married man and woman. now, if that's your stance, that's fine. but that leaves little wiggle room for other issues, most importantly homosexuality.
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what folks were telling me today is you'll still see this notion that christians who are gay ought to be celabate. that's a line lgbt activists don't like to hear very much. groups like this conversion groups very much out of vogue right now with christianity in the united states. >> i want to ask you the same question as nick. the people you talk to, do they think this apology is good enough? >> the one thing that from folks who i was talking to today expressed to me was somewhat of confusion. if this isn't what exodus is going to be doing, what are they going to do? and when they got out of the conversion therapy business that was the same question, what are they going to be all about. like nick said this rebranding, i don't know that it's going to get the job done for people who were so hurt by the church in the past and so hurt by this group in the past. we'll have to wait and see to hear what they think. but for right now it sounds like
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a lot of christians that i've been talking to today are fine with this and happy that exodus is sort of continuing to disappear from the mainstream. >> all right. thank you very much. we're going to continue to keep our eye on this story. nick and eric, thanks as always. appreciate it. the daughter of former yankees manager joe torre makes a nice catch, it's sweet. she was in the right place at the right time, caught a child falling from a building. going to hear from her up next. plus, the boston marathon bombing two months ago, well, one victim who lost her leg, she is now moving forward with force. she's determined to run again. we're going to talk with her coming up. i'm the next american success story. working for a company where over seventy-five percent of store management started as hourly associates. there's opportunity here. i can use walmart's education benefits to get a degree, maybe work in it, or be an engineer, helping walmart conserve energy. even today, when our store does well, i earn quarterly bonuses. when
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race in boston after the marathon is going to get underway. security of course has been beefed up. and there's going to be more police in the area as well. helping to start that race, roseannesdoia joins us from boston to talk about her remarkable recovery. first of all, congratulations to you. just the strength and the determination. what does this mean to you to be out there again to lead this race? >> thank you so much. it means a lot to me to be there today because it means that i'm going to be focused on getting back to running sooner than later. >> and your role, you're going to be the one who's going to say, mark, get set, go. >> yes. they asked me to, i guess, do the starting gun today. and one of my friends who i work with, one of my colleagues, she mentioned that the starting gun probably wasn't a good idea. so i guess i'm blowing a horn to
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start the race off. >> all right. that's understandable. tell us about your recovery, about your journey. i understand that it has been, you know, quite a path to get to where you are. you now have a prosthetic and you are moving forward. >> yes. i originally did some -- i was in physical therapy in-house at spalding rehab for three weeks. and then i was home for about a month doing some outpatient p.t. and i'm actually back in-patient now walking with my new prosthetic that i got earlier this week and i'm using today as a matter of fact. >> how do you feel about being back there, being outside? it is a big race. and i imagine, too, that there would be some concern you would have even memories and emotions from the day of the bombing. >> yes. i'm a little apprehensive about it, but i'm not one to really think about things like that normally. that's why i was at the boston
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marathon that day, it was just a fun day. and the corporate challenge is always a fun afternoon with friends and co-workers and, you know, something healthy, something fun to do. i'm happy to be there although i wish i was physically running it. i will in the future as far as i'm concerned today. that's my focus. it's just a great event for everybody to get together. >> it sounds like an amazing event. is there any takeaway? is there something you feel like you've learned in the last couple of months? >> you really just have to live every day as it could be your last. i had no idea that that morning i wouldn't be going home right away. and that it would be two months after the fact. so, you just really have to take day by day and be appreciative for everything that you have. and really just, you know, embrace life as much as you can while you can. >> roseann, we appreciate you, your words, your inspiration,
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and of course all the runners who are going to be out there who are going to be inspired by your own experience. and i do believe you will run. you will follow your goal and your dream and run again in another race. thank you for joining us. >> well, i am saying it today on national tv, so i have to run again, i guess. thank you. >> we'll hold you to it. we'll bring you back. >> thank you the j.p. morgan challenge gets underway tonight in boston. a catch of a lifetime saved this little boy in brooklyn. you got to see this. this is a woman walking by the building, she catches a 1-year-old boy who fell two stories. the boy had crawled through a hole by the window that was covered with cardboard. the woman who caught him, cristina torre, the daughter of joe torre, the baseball great who managed the yankees. earlier she told cnn what she did when she saw the boy dangling. >> he had slipped and was
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literally holding on with his hands and i'm on the phone with 911 and trying to position myself underneath where i could possibly catch him. the minute he let go, i just hoped for the best and had my arms out waiting for him. he was crying because he had hit his mouth on the way down. so by the time he landed in my arms, that's when he had started crying. >> the boy was taken to a hospital. he is now thankfully in stable condition. his parents were charged with child endangerment. torre's dad, joe torre, gave a statement saying i'm very proud of my daughter's actions today during an incident in brooklyn involving a small child. fortunately, for that child she was in the right place at the right time to lend a hand. and another tense day thr, is for hundreds of firefighters, western united states, high winds, hot temperatures still spreading big wildfires in several states. in new mexico a major fire threatening the historic mining town of kingston.
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it has now been burning for 12 days. this fire -- this is in jefferson county, colorado, where homes have been evacuated. another big fire still spreading near yosemite national park in california. at last word it was about 40% contained. and near prescott, arizona, fire crews taking care. look at this at the air trying to put out this big fire that has burned thousands and thousands of acres. and something getting -- can be pretty terrifying if you're anywhere near it. watch this. unbelievable pictures. look at that. this is a waterspout caught on camera. it was just off grand isle, louisiana. waterspouts happen a lot off the gulf coast. they don't always come ashore, but when they do the national weather service issues a tornado warning. shock and sadness around the world as news of james
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an affair with this woman, this very hot, very beautiful intelligent woman -- >> well, there he is. tony soprano, wrestling as always with his urges as he did every week during this six-season run of the "sopranos." fans around the world today are mourning the death of the actor who brought tony soprano to life. james gandolfini was just 51 years old. nischelle turner has reaction. >> the sudden death of james gandolfini rippled from italy to the jersey shore. >> i can't believe it. i'm in shock. >> really taken back. i mean, he was such a young man. just such a nice guy. >> the emmy award winning actor's death confirmed by hbo. the network where he shot to fame as the tough talking mob boss, tony soprano, on the hit drama "sopranos." >> i couldn't ask for more. >> the hbo representative said the 51-year-old actor may have
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had a heart attack though the official cause is not yet known. the news blindsided his closest hollywood friends. "sopranos" co-star tweeting i have lost a brother and a best friend. the world has lost one of the greatest actors of all time. the show's creator, david chase, mourned the loss in a statement saying he was a genius, anyone who saw him even in the smallest of his performances knows that. he is one of the greatest actors of this or any time. a great deal of that genius resided in those sad eyes. gandolfini was vacationing in italy where he was scheduled to attend the film festival in sicily later this week. the press-shy star made one of his last public appearances at this charity event for the acting studio in new york city just last week. among his last film roles was playing cia director leon
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panetta in "zero dark thirty." he may have enjoyed global fame, but he never strayed far from home, new jersey. >> he definitely put new jersey on the map, all positive. you know, he just made jersey better than it already is. >> one of his best-known fans, new jersey governor chris christie, in a statement said "it's an awful shock. james gandolfini was a fine actor, a rutgers alum and true jersey guy. i was a huge fan of his in the character he played so authentically, tony soprano." the ice cream shop overflowing with fans after news of the actor's death spread. ♪ >> die hard fans of "sopranos" will remember that scene, the screen going black, everyone left hanging basically guessing if tony soprano made it out of
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that diner alive. that was how the final show and the final season ended. for more on all of this, visit and coming up, this little girl died after her half-brother allegedly used wrestling moves on her. the 13-year-old boy faces a murder charge, and of course this case reminds us of another similar one, lionel tate, sentenced to life in prison after killing a little girl with wrestling moves when he was just 12 years old. we'll look at that case up next. and then this, a child born deaf hears for the first time. >> daddy loves you. daddy loves you. >> yes. >> his storyp next. ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ hooking up the country helping business run ♪ ♪ build! we're investing big to keep our country in the lead. ♪ load! we keep moving to deliver what you need. and that means growth, lots of cargo going all around the globe.
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the 3-year-old, he is the first child in the country to undergo this new life changing procedure. our own dr. sanjay gupta explains. >> it could be called a modern day miracle. watch as this little boy hears his father's voice for the first time. >> hi, grayson, talk to him, daddy. >> daddy loves you. daddy loves you. >> yes. >> can you hear daddy? >> before this moment grayson clamp had never heard a sound. >> that's you. grayson. >> grayson was born without the auditory nerves that carry sound from the inner ear to the brain. initially he was fitted with a coclear implant, but without nerves it was ineffective. that's when doctors at the university of north carolina school of medicine gave him this. it's an auditory brain stem implant.
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the device is typically used in adults whose nerves have been damaged and hadn't yet been approved for use in children. but that changed thanks to an fda approved trial. and grayson became the first child in the country to undergo the procedure. >> we don't really know exactly what it's like for him. we don't know exactly what he hears, if he hears everything we hear, some of what we hear. >> doctors are confident grayson will eventually hear and speak like any other child. his parents say he's already made great progress although they won't soon forget what that first moment was like. >> hi, grayson. talk to him, daddy. >> daddy loves you. daddy loves you. >> yes. you hear. >> dr. sanjay gupta, cnn reporting. >> can't get enough of that story. there's another medical story as well. a medical innovation. these are toys that are being turned into medical devices. dr. gupta tells us more this
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weekend on "the next list." >> this week on "the next list," two extraordinary innovators who are changing the way we think, create and consume. jose gomez marquez is tackling affordable health care by making medical devices out of toys. >> when you're using toys it demystifies the process of medical technology. often we look at these medical devices and think they're a black box that you cannot go and crack open. >> and maker bot ceo is using preprinting to allow ordinary consumers to bring their thoughts to life. >> it changes what you think about things. you start looking at the world and you're like, oh, i don't need to buy that. i can maker bok that. >> story this saturday 2 om "the
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it's a very disturbing story out of louisiana. a 13-year-old is accused of killing his 5-year-old half sister by performing these pro wrestling moves on her. the sheriff's deputies say that 100 pound boy showed no remorse during questioning and admitted to punching and slamming the little girl to the bed. the children were home alone when it happened. but the mother does not face charges. it is actually not the first time we've heard of this kind of story. you might recall the case of a boy who was originally sentenced to life in prison for the death of a 6-year-old girl. john zarrella reports. >> reporter: at 14 years old, lionel tate was going to jail for life.
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>> the acts were not the playful acts of a child. the acts were not acts born out of immaturity. the acts of lionel tate were cold, callus, and indescribably cruel. >> reporter: when he was sentenced in 2001 tate was the youngest person ever sentenced to life without parole. the case drew national attention. in 1999 tate's mother was babysitting 6-year-old tiffany unich but was upstairs when the child was killed. the defense maintained it was an accident. that lionel was play acting wrestling moves he'd seen on tv. a video was presented showing tate re-enacting with a psychiatrist what happened. >> she was like this. i sat like this. >> this was not child's play. this was a brutal murder. >> reporter: ultimately the jury convicted tate. it took them about three hours. three years later, 2004, an appealing court overturned the
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conviction because tate had never received a competency hearing. he pled to a lesser charge and was released. house arrest and ten years' pro bags. >> you are lionel tate? you are entering this plea freely and voluntarily, is that correct? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: tate was getting a second bite at the apple. >> this is a new chapter in our lives. we're just going to go on bard. >> reporter: but the chapter was a short one. within a year, tate was in trouble again. arrested for carrying a knife in a park. and then -- >> translator: i came to deliver pizzas. they pointed a gun at me. >> reporter: lionel tate is now serving time for armed robbery at a facility north of gainesville. his scheduled release date, may 4th, 2031. john zarrella, cnn, miami. >> now this. the two men who head dolce and gabana are fashion icons. a court in italy has sentenced
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each of them to more than a year and a half behind bars for failing to pay more than $50 million in taxes to the italian government. their lawyer says he will appeal the convictions and he also says his clients will never go to jail. now or ever. today we should find out more about jodi arias's fate. that's right. the judge is holding a status hearing. just a few weeks ago, a jury convicted her of first degree murder in the death of her boyfriend. but in the penalty phase, jurors could not reach a unanimous verdict on whether or not she should live or die. a different jury is going to decide her fate around the middle of next month. of course, you'll want to be with us tomorrow 1:00 p.m. eastern. we're going to talk live with tania raymonde. she is the actress who is playing arias in the lifetime movie "jodi arias: dirty little secret." coming up this weekend, director ridley scott joins cnn with an all-new series "crimes of the century." it airs this sunday 9:00 p.m.
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eastern. check it out. facebook now has a big announcement. we're going to tell you what it is, up next. today, when our store does well, i earn quarterly bonuses. when people look at me, i hope they see someone working their way up. vo: opportunity, that's the real walmart. luckily an emt gave me a bayer aspirin. i don't ever want to have another heart attack. i'm on a regimen of bayer aspirin. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. be proactive. see your doctor.
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before you begin an aspirin regimen. you'll like the way you look. i guarantee it. >> if you've watched any tv in the past 20 years the voice of george zimmer probably does sound familiar to you. he's the men's warehouse founder and spokesman. in a surprise move he has been fired. zimmer released a statement
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about why he thinks he was ousted. he says i have expressed my concerns to the board about the direction the company is currently heading. instead of fostering the kind of dialogue in the board room that has in part contributed to our success, the board has inappropriately chosen to silence my concerns by terminating me as an executive officer. the company has not revealed why zimmer was fired. just a few moments ago, facebook announced the launch of its new video sharing app. it is kind of like instagram for videos. the company says you can actually shoot 15 second videos on your cell phone, iphones and androids. then you can put any one of the 13 custom filters over that video. just like you've been able to do instagram for photos. then you can edit the video on the phone, upload it on social media. kind of cool stuff there. coming up this weekend, cnn's new show "inside man" airs sunday night at 10:00 eastern. the show is going to focus on the business of medical marijuana. that is this sunday on cnn.
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that's it for me. i'll be back tomorrow. don lemon takes it from here as don lemon takes it from here as "cnn newsroom" continues. -- captions by vitac -- good afternoon, everyone. i'm don lemon. we have a major story moving out of washington today. a deal in the works in congress for a big, long fence along the border with mexico. some 700 miles. plus a surge of border agents. in exchange for that, a possible path to citizenship for millions of people now in this country illegally. it's happening right now. cnn's dana bash has been way out front on this story. she is joining us live now from capitol hill. also in washington for us is our chief political analyst, gloria borger. hello to you, ladies. dana, i'm going to start with you first. this is a fluid situation. tell me what's happening right now. >> we're watching the senate floor because we expect at any minute now the chief republin sponsors w
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