tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 22, 2013 8:00am-10:01am PDT
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i'd want to get too close. and if you want to see them in person, you can see them all summer long and beyond at the park's edge of africa attraction. thanks for being with us. cnn "newsroom" continues right now. heavy duty charges have been filed against the man who leaked top secret information and then fled to hong kong. we have the latest on edward snowden and what another famous leaker is saying about him. in just a few days, paula deen has gone from being a sweet talking celebrity cook to admitting she had used the "n" word. so are sponsors standing by her? we'll tell new a moment. and flooding is so bad in alberta, canada, houses are floating away. streets are now rivers, and thousands are being evacuated. we're going to take you there straight ahead.
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good morning. i'm alison kosik. welcome to the "newsroom." first, we go to florida where the judge in the george zimmerman case just made a key ruling this morning. she says two experts who analyzed voices screaming on 911 calls cannot be used. george howell joins me live now. george, what is in this ruling? >> alison, let's start out by listening to that audio because what you're listening to, the screams on that tape, is it trayvon martin? is it george zimmerman? let's listen. >> does he look hurt to you? >> i can't see him. i don't want to go out there. i don't know what's going on. they're sending -- >> so you think he's yelling help? >> yes. >> all right. what is your -- >> here is the deal. the prosecution brought in its own expert witnesses, and through their methodologists
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they were basically trying to show it was not george zimmerman screaming for help. because of this ruling now the prosecution cannot suggest that it was not george zimmerman. they're basically saying that it was not george zimmerman in self-defense of his life. >> this is a key piece, isn't it? >> very important. and, you know, to explain this a little better, i want to go to martin on the phone, he's a cnn legal analyst. explain to us, if you could, why this is important for the defense as opposed to the prosecution. >> well, this is a devastating blow to the prosecution's case. it's already been a challenging case for them, and the cornerstone of their case was that the voice that was heard on the 911 tape was, in fact, trayvon martin. because it would have suggested that he was the one being victimized and that george zimmerman was the aggressor. well, all other witnesses have indicated that the voices are unintelligible and there's no scientific standard which
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permits them in. and the state attempted to put in a couple of witnesses, a witness, who would indicate that he could determine singularly from everybody else in the world that it was, in fact, trayvon martin who was saying or screaming help me, help me. well, the defense put on a stream of witnesses which indicated that this is basically hocus-pocus and it had no scientific validity, and the judge opined they were correct. so this basically guts the state from being able to use any scientific evidence indicating it was, in fact, trayvon martin's voice heard saying help me, help me. >> mark -- >> we come down to basic forensics, and the state having to prove a case beyond a reasonable doubt, which will be extremely more challenging as a result of the exclusion of their witness. >> right. mark, let's get into the weeds a bit on this with dr. allen reich and tom owen. these are the people that the prosecution brought into the case. tom owen, you remember, looped segments of that audio to make his determination that it was
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very likely not george zimmerman. and then dr. allen reich, who had his own methodology who amplified that audio and determined it was a higher pitch, someone with a younger voice, someone whose voice was still developing. what does it mean now though as far as looking at their methodologie methodologies? is that what it came down to to make sure they can't be heard in this case? >> yes. the standard which the judge in a very well-written, well-reasoned order she was anxious to get off the bench yesterday, and now i think we know why, she already prepared and entered a written 12-page very complex order to the extent that it really took apart everybody's testimony over the four days of hearings and included the facts and then interweaved them and came up with her opinion. well, basically what she's saying, a lot of things, but she put the most credence on dr. french, a world-renowned expert in the area, who basically considers any other opinion to
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be embarrassing, and what the state was trying to get in was their witness who ended up having a financial vested interest in the method that he used because he gets a commission on it, but basically needs 16 seconds of tape, and all they had was 7 seconds. so he thought, well agr, i'll j loop it. he loond ped it twice to get a larger segment. it would be like if you needed 16 seconds and you had a 1 second voice could do you that 16 times to get to your voice. he looped it so it was 14 seconds. there's just no other scientist in the community which said that that was an appropriate way to do it. and it didn't satisfy any skin ticklely acceptable standards. and accordingly, i think the judge, which is what we were saying previously, made the correct legal ruling. it's simply not scientifically acceptable. >> this one last point that i want to ask, so, you know, they can still play the tape.
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the jury can still hear this audio, but now the prosecution can't bring in its witnesses, but what's to stop someone from bringing in, say, trayvon's father, tracy martin, from making -- giving his opinion on this? can that still happen? >> you raise a very good point. i will be very brief. the last paragraph of the judge's order says, this order does not prevent the parties from playing the tapes at trial or from calling witnesses to testify regarding the identity of the persons making the screams. as all the viewers have listened as it's been played repeatedly, nobody can really ascertain those. as i remember it, trayvon martin's father initially said that was not his son's voice and later came to say it was. remember, the burden is on the state to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. so ft. you're going to have a variety of people saying a variety of things, therein lies doubt, and where doubt lies is typically an acquittal. it's going to be very much of an uphill battle for the state.
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this in large part guts their case, and i think they're -- they have to huddle and figure out where they're going with this case. one has to presume they're going forward, but without this critical, most critical we said from a year ago that this would be the cornerstone of the case of the state, and they've now lost it. >> cnn legal analyst mark nejame. thank you for taking time. >> this all gets started monday. >> i will be headed to sanford for opening statements but definitely a big blow to the prosecution. >> okay. thanks very much, george howell. and the man who admitted to leaking top secret details about nsa surveillance programs has been charged with espionage. those charges were just unsealed yesterday. dan lothian joins me live from washington now. dan, what else is edward snowden facing? >> reporter: well, under the espionage act, snowden is charged with unauthorized communication of national defense information and willful communication of classified communications intelligence. in addition, he's charged with theft of government property.
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as you pointed out, this complaint was filed in u.s. district court in alexandria, virginia, late last week. it was only unsealed late yesterday, made public. but at least one prominent attorney feels the government may have made a mistake. >> i think it's a dumb decision by the justice department to charge him with espionage. that's a political crime under the extradition treaty we have with hong coming. it gives hong kong an excuse to say we don't have to extradite him. they should have indicted him only for theft and conversion of property. then hong kong would have to comply with the extradition treaty and turn him over. >> reporter: so where does this case go from here? well, a u.s. official tells cnn that the state department has sent the legal paperwork to hong kong to its consulate in hong kong. that paperwork has to get into the hands of hong kong officials and then ultimately to a judge who would issue a local arrest warrant.
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what's unclear is where we are in that process. whether it has gotten into the hands of a judge and the judge has issued that warrant. that remains unclear so far. >> okay. and in wikileaks founder julian assange, he spoke this morning. what exactly did he say? >> reporter: that's right. we have the text of this speech that he was supposed to give, but he didn't. and he does defend snowden saying in part, quote, the charging of edward snowden is intended to intimidate any country that might be considering standing up for his rights. that tactic must not be allowed to work. the effort to find asylum for edward snowden must be intensified. he went on to take a shot at president obama suggesting that the president is a traitor for broken promises and for not having transparency when it comes to these kinds of surveillance issues. so some tough words coming from assange who, by the way, was to have made this speech at the ecuadorian embassy where he's been hiding out in london but
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according to wikileaks, they postponed the address for security reasons. >> okay. dan lothian, thank you. paula deen is apologizing for using a racial epithet in the past but it has already cost the celebrity cook her contract with the food network where she has three shows. listen to this. >> your color of your skin, your religion, your sexual preference does not matter to me, but it's what in the heart -- what's in the heart, and my family and i try to live by that. and i am here to say i am so sorry. >> deen and her brother are being sued for alleged sexual and racial harassment by a former manager at their restaurant. our nick valencia is following this story. tell us about this apology. are people buying it? >> it certainly wasn't enough for the food network. they let her go after 11 years.
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her contract has not been renewed. it's up at the end of the month and she's in full-fledged damage control at this point trying her best to sound sincere and appear apologetic. she released one video and pulled it back and then releases another video. a lot of people saw that as kind of clumsy, but despite all the criticism that she's getting, alison, despite all of the negative comments about her use of the inform of the "n" word there are still people who are supporting her. take a listen to this. >> people are going to jump on it and believe what they want to believe and they're going to add what they want to add. but one thing i can sit here today and look you in the face and tell you, that woman can't be a racist. she can't have a heart against black people with all that she's done and all that she continues to do, and that's why i'm here today with you, just to be a character witness for miss paula
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deen because she's a beautiful person, beautiful spirit. >> reporter: now, i wouldn't say her camp is justifying her comment, but they are saying that paula deen grew up in a different era, in a different era, in a different time in the united states in the south when the use of the "n" word was more widespread and was condoned. our society has evolved over the course of the last decades and that word isn't as commonly used and it's just an ugly word and it has a lot of ugly connotation and she's paying the price for that now. alison? >> you know, nick, you look through that deposition related to the lawsuit, and she talks about a southern plantation-style wedding that she had planned. what exactly is she talking about here? >> reporter: you see, it's not just the use of the "n" word. if you look at the deposition, you go into the mentality and sort of mindset, and paula deen said some very damaging things. she brings up wanting her brother to have a southern-style plantation wedding. the plaintiff's attorney asked what does that exactly mean? does that mean having a wedding that mimics that of a civil war era or before the civil war? wouldn't they technically be
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slaves, those people that are serving you at your wedding? and she said, yes, they were slaves, but her idea was to have a plantation wedding with black men and women serving white guests. >> so her company is trying to excuse her actions saying she was born at a different time. are they saying she gets a pass because of that? >>or i don't think so. i think though they are saying this happened a long time ago and you have to consider the context. in the deposition she said she used it in describing a story to her husband about when she was held up at a bank years ago. there aren't many people in this country she says that haven't used that word or told racial jokes. she said at one time or another. she's really trying to do the best that she can to apologize for having used that word, but, you know, she's being punished for being honest. she was very honest in this deposition and the truth came out and the truth seems to be coming back to haunt her. >> nick valencia, thank you. >> reporter: you bet. >> i want to show you what it
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looks like in calgary, canada. that's where devastating floods have left two people dead and now there's a possible third victim. at least 85,000 people have already been evacuated across the province of alberta. downtown calgary, it's flooded with brown water. look at that. some shelters in the city are already filled to capacity. > a murder investigation has drawn in an nfl star. we're going to tell you what police want to know. and a horrifying tiger attack in indiana. a young woman now in critical condition after being mauled. the shocking reason the tiger got loose.
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in parks across the country, families are coming together to play, stay active, and enjoy the outdoors. and for the last four summers, coca-cola has asked america to choose its favorite park through our coca-cola parks contest. winning parks can receive a grant of up to $100,000. part of our goal to inspire more than three million people to rediscover the joy of being active this summer. see the difference all of us can make... together.
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i hope they see someone building a better life. vo: living better: that's the real walmart. ...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. a woman is in critical condition this morning after a tiger clamped its jaws on her head. the attack happened at an exotic animal rescue center in indiana. police say the woman was cleaning the tiger's cage when it escaped its holding area. authorities say its door was not properly shut. the tiger let the woman go after the center's director sprayed the cat in the face with a hose and lured it away with food. new england patriots star aaron hernandez hasn't been charged yet.
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police are investigating the murder of a 27-year-old whose body was found less than a mile from the nfl star's house. right now hernandez's house is still surrounded by reporters waiting for comment. cnn's alina cho has the latest on the investigation. >> thank you very much, aaron. >> reporter: this is aaron hernandez august 2012, in the dwlo of signing a five-year contract extension with the new england patriots worth as much as $40 million. nearly a half million per game. >> all i can do is play my heart out for them, make the right decisions. >> reporter: that was ten months ago, this is now. the 23-year-old patriots tight end is trailed by the media wherever he goes. leaving his lawyer's office on friday, coming home, and on o.j. simpson-like helicopter chase on thursday noled by this exchange at a gas station. >> can you tell us anything you want to say. >> reporter: investigators are looking for clues in the
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mysterious death in 27-year-old odin lloyd, whose body was found in the woods less than a mile from hernandez's home, about an hour outside boston. police are not calling hernandez a suspect, but investigators have searched his home. lloyd's sister confirms the two were friends and went to a boston nightclub together friday night. olivia says there was even a deeper connection. lloyd's girlfriend and hernandez's fiancee are sisters. >> like to know why. he's a very great guy, what could he possibly have done to anger anybody to do that. >> reporter: hernandez's attorney says neither he nor his client will have any comment at this time. >> and alina, we also know he's had a bit of a troubled past. can you tell us more about that? >> reporter: yes, alison, there are two incidents actually. the first is a civil lawsuit that stems from an incident at a miami nightclub in february.
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according to court documents, hernandez got into a fight with that man and shot that man who ultimately lost his right eye. that man went to police at the time, did not name names, certainly did not name hernandez, and no charges were filed. in another incident, this is dating back to 2007, there was a shooting of two men in gainesville, florida. hernandez was a student at the university of florida at the time. he was brought in briefly for questioning, but again in this case, there were no charges ever filed. >> okay cnn's alina cho. thank you. twa flight 800 crashed in 1996 killing 230 people. an exhaustive investigation called it an accident. we're going to tell you why some of the cash investigarash inves saying that conclusion may have been wrong. ♪
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it's been 17 years since twa flight 800 crashed into the atlantic ocean killing all 230 people on board. what followed was an exhaustive four-year search for answers and a 50,000 page report that it found a spark from faulty wiring, that that is what caused a fuel tank to explode on board. but a new documentary, it's challenging that theory arguing it was, sniinstead, an external blast. i spoke to a cnn investigative reporter and jack cashhill, an author. >> to the begin with, the
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dispute over whether a missile brought down the plane and not an internal explosion begins with the witnesses on the ground. a number of them say they saw a streak in the sky they thought was a missile. but there were two airline pilots in the area who had a front row seat on this tragedy that happened right in front of them. let's look and listen to what they said. >> blew up in the air and we saw two fireballs go down to the water. >> reporter: that was the voice of david mclean, piloting a 737 over long island. >> all of a sudden, boom. almost instantly, a fraction of a second later, two streams of flames came out the bottom of it. >> reporter: another pilot, captain paul wheeler, was in the cockpit of a virgin atlantic 747. >> i could see the tube of the fuselage and the windows and bits falling off, fire everywhere, and it falling into the sea. >> reporter: both had flown in
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the military, both know what a missile looks like. neither saw a missile that night. >> i was aware from both the height off the ground and the fact there were no vapor trails in the sky it was unlikely to have been a missile that brought the aircraft down. >> i thought there was a bomb on board. that was my initial -- i did not see any missile at all. >> now, alison, there was a helicopter pilot who says he did see a missile before the explosion, but he was at lower attitude than those two airline pilots. >> jack, what do you think happened? if it wasn't an internal explosion like those two pilots saw? >> well, unlike what jim says, there were 270 eyewitnesses to a missile strike, 96 of them, this is fbi eyewitnesses, saw it from the horizon ascend all the way up to the plane. they all described it the same way, that it was a red tip, a plume trail after it, gray, and then it gets near the plane and
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it arcs over, zigzags, hits the plane, blows up. one of those numbers, number 73, described in detail the breakup sequence of the airplane and she's an aviation professional, before the fbi even knew what it was. here is the challenge i have for jim. the fbi recruited the cia to recreate this animation to show what the witnesses purportedly saw. basically discredit the eyewitnesses. what they said is after the nose of the plane fell off, that it turned into a missile and it ascended upright for 3500 feet confusing the eyewitnesses on the ground, several. whom were military people, pilots, commercial fishermen, et cetera, sophisticated people, into thinking they saw a missile. now, when cnn did its animation ten years after the crash, they eliminated that zoom climb altogether. so i ask jim this, if those -- why did you eliminate the zoom
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climb if the cia -- and what was the cia doing involved in this in the first place -- if the cia used that to expressly discredit the eyewitnesses? >> very quickly, i would agree with you the cia animation is controversial. we did not make it climb in our animation because, frankly, the transponder disappeared on the radar at the time of the explosion, so there's no altitude readout on the rest of the flight and so there's no supporting evidence for the cia's animation. >> and you can see more about the investigation into this crash on an anderson cooper special report, "twa flight 800" sunday night at 11:00 p.m. coming up in the 1:00 hour today, we're going to talk to the man who headed the criminal investigation into the crash and we're going to ask him if he thinks the investigation should be reopened. a crucial ruling coming down just minutes ago in george zimmerman's murder trial. this could change the prosecution's case a lot. i'm going to explain. stay right here. how many simple ingredients
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500 people applied for ten spots. it was very competitive. >> we definitely feel very lucky to have been offered a position. >> this will not be your average internship. >> new hit movie the internship pokes fun at adults stepping up the competition in this arena, but it's no joke. once the purview of the ambitious few, internships are now being aggressively sought by grown-ups looking for career changes and younger and younger students, too. according to the website intern match. >> one of the things we noted in our report is that 50% of the students that do an internship are completing it by the end of their sophomore year. so this isn't just something that juniors and seniors are doing. it's happening earlier and companies are recruiting earlier to try to stay a step ahead. >> reporter: the goals for a great men, make contacts, open doors, and spin that internship into employment. that's what she was after. how did you make that happen? >> i tried to make the best of my internship to try to gain as
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welcome back. i'm alison kosik. if you're just tuning in, thank you for joining us. these are the top stories we're following right now in the cnn "newsroom." the judge in the georg zimmerman trial issued a key ruling this morning. that could affect the whole case. the judge ruled that two audio experts cannot testify about who is screaming on 911 calls. that was key to the prosecution's case. those experts would have said it was not zimmerman screaming on the call. zimmerman has said he shot and killed trayvon martin in self-defense. the u.s. government has now charged admitted nsa leaker edward snowden. snowden is in hiding and has last been seen in hong kong. he's facing three charges right now, including theft of government property.
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the other two charges amount to espionage under the federal espionage act. secretary of state john kerry is in qatar today for the so-called friends of syria meeting. supporters of syrian rebels discuss possible aid to the opposition that could include military support. right now rebel forces are fighting mostly with small weapons and no air power. kerry said today's discussions focused on ending the violence and bringing a peaceful resolution to the crisis. nelson machine della's family visited him in the hospital today. the former south african president has been hospitalized since june 8th. he's said to be in serious condition -- he's said to be in serious but stable condition with a recurring lung infection. we now also have confirmation that an ambulance broke down while rushing him to the hospital two weeks ago. he had to be transferred to another military ambulance, but officials insist the incident did not compromise mr. mandela's health. the food network is dropping
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celebrity chef paula deen after she admitted using a racial slur in the past. deen has since apologized, but the network says it will not renew her contract when it expires at the end of this month. deen has released a statement thanking the network for having her show for the last 11 years. coming up, from a family on vacation to a family on edge, desperate to find their son who was just a few minutes' walk ahead of them when he just disappeared. the latest in the search for this oklahoma teenager.
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14 clubs. that's what they tell us a legal golf bag can hold. and while that leaves a little room for balls and tees, it doesn't leave room for much else. there's no room left for deadlines or conference calls. not a single pocket to hold the stress of the day, or the to-do list of tomorrow. only 14 clubs pick up the right one and drive it right down the middle of pure michigan. your trip begins at
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ecuador. 18-year-old augustr eiger was hiking when he didn't meet up with his family as planned on sunday. his loved ones say he was just five minutes ahead of them on a mountain trail. the trip was a graduation gift for reiger who speaks spanish and was valedictorian of his class. his father spoke with me earlier about the search. >> even though they searched just extensively with military people and dogs and helicopter and all kind of stuff, since it started really, they did one more search yesterday in a couple localized places where i really feel, you know, it's actually possible he could have been. a lot of the places they searched way up on the mountain i just know he couldn't have gone up there. didn't hurt to look. >> take us back to last -- >> but they found nothing. >> take us back to last weekend, chris. tell me what you remember, your son was just five minutes ahead of you guys on the hike. was it like your son to wander
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off? is that unlike him to do something like that? >> oh, yeah. totally unlike him. oh, yeah. i mean, yeah, when we were going up going to take this trail that all the tourists take here, it's nothing remote or dangerous or anything like that, it just makes a loop on this mountain overlooking this, you know, this town, and we started up -- first there's behind of the halfway through the loop there's -- you get up on a ridge where they have pavilions and there's a cross up there. and we started about halfway up to that. stopped at a little overlook thing. we started walking on, and then he walked faster on ahead. and his brother was trying to keep up with him, but he kind of
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fell behind, but he was ahead of us, and when -- it was definitely -- he couldn't have gotten more than five minutes ahead, probably not that much. maybe two or three, he's just walking faster than we are on this mountain trail, and, you know, when we got up to that ridge where they have, you know, seating, a beautiful overlook, i fully expected to see him. >> and he wasn't there. >> he wasn't up there. and my other son had gotten up there first, and no, he hadn't seen him. so that, you know, that concerned me because, you know, we'd done things like this a lot, and he certainly might have gone up ahead of us and then waited, but to go off -- you know, not waited when there wasn't an obvious way to go, nothing like this has ever
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happened, and we sat up there for about 15 minutes and he wasn't coming, so i thought, well, i must have just gone on ahead, and so i was a little mad at him, you know, for doing that. i thought we'll catch up with him later on the trail, but then i thought at the time that it was really just one trail only that was just totally obvious, but when we started off to finish our loop, it became clear that it wasn't really that obvious. >> chris reiger also says his son is an experienced traveler. august has a full ride to the university of oklahoma beginning in the fall. the shuttle "atlantis" completed its final mission two years ago, but that doesn't mean the ship has stopped flying. john zarrella is going to be explaining. in parks across the country, families are coming together to play, stay active, and enjoy the outdoors.
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and for the last four summers, coca-cola has asked america to choose its favorite park through our coca-cola parks contest. winning parks can receive a grant of up to $100,000. part of our goal to inspire more than three million people to rediscover the joy of being active this summer. see the difference all of us can make... together.
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twenty-five thousand mornings, give or take, is all we humans get. we spend them on treadmills. we spend them in traffic. and if we get lucky, really lucky, it dawns on us to go spend them in a world where a simple sunrise can still be magic. twenty-five thousand mornings. make sure some of them are pure michigan. your trip begins at still doesn't feel real. our time together was... so short. well, since you had progressive's total loss coverage, we were able to replace your totaled bike
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with a brand-new one. the tank, the exhaust... well, she looks just like roxy! you know, i'll bet she's in a better place now. i'm sure she is. [ ethereal music plays ] [ motorcycle revving ] getting you back on a brand-new bike. now, that's progressive. folks have suffered from frequent heartburn but now, thanks to treating with prilosec otc, we don't have to suffer like they used to. [ bell dings ] ♪ [ horse whinnies ] getting heartburn and then treating day after day is a thing of the past. block the acid with prilosec otc, and don't get heartburn in the first place. we've sure come a long way. ♪ [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. nasa once the world's premiere space agency is struggling to reinvent itself
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now that it's no longer sending people na space. the agency is still hoping to inspire space enthusiasts with its shuttle "atlantis" museum set to open later this month. cnn's john zarrella gives us a preview. >> reporter: up close, nearly close enough to touch it, but still it begs the question, is it real? >> you don't realize the size when you're living in the cabin up front. >> reporter: tom jones flew four shuttle missions, one on "atlantis," but one of the last times he saw it, it was wrapped in shrink wrap as the museum was being built around it. now even he, an astronaut, is in awe of it. >> but to really see the spaceship up close was a rare event. it was all cloaked in scaffo scaffolding. you saw little bits and pieces pu never got close to the vehicle fully revealed until right after landing. >> reporter: one of the $100 million "atlantis" exhibit
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opens, this is how everyone will see it. >> were we ever that audacious to go build spacecraft to do things like that? and i think we're going to look back and it's going to be as if it was something out of a science fiction movie. >> reporter: "atlantis" and the other orbiters now retired are reminders of both the past and the present. for two years since "atlantis" touched down at the kennedy space center, the u.s. has been without its own means to put astronauts in space. >> not sure how long it's going to last. that he dependent on the future xhortion providers. >> reporter: commercial companies have taken over ferrying cargo but not people. that was supposed to happen by 2015. now the gap is widening. it's a very iffy 2017. target dates are etched in sand, not stone. not enough money from congress, nasa says, so astronauts fly on russian rockets. jones believes a new generation of space explorers will find their inspiration right here.
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>> the young person can say i want to fly something like this, i want to help design something like this and it can be part of their future. that's a very bright future for america in the 21st century if he capitalize on the experience we have here. >> reporter: nasa is working on a rocket for deep space missions. that, too, is years away. for now the inspiration gap is being filled by vehicles not on the launchpad, but in museums. john zarrella, cnn at the kennedy space center. let me ask you a question. do you think your locked car is safe? computer hackers are hitting the road and i'm going to tell you what they're using to target vehicles. all business purchases.
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starts with freshly-made pasta, and 100% real cheddar cheese. but what makes stouffer's mac n' cheese best of all. that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. made with care for you or your family. a friend under water is something completely different. i met a turtle friend today. avo: whatever you're looking for, expedia has more ways to help you find yours. car technology has come a long way, to the point where today's cars are basically giant computers. here is the problem, though. that makes them targets for hackers who invented this hacking device. it's so effective, it's kind of
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scary. >> reporter: long beach, california. the man walks up to the car and using a small box opens it. right next to him, another man, also using a box opens that car. the problem, they're thieves. no keys. now they've swiped all valuables from the cars. in chicago, exact same scenario. a 3457b by the see dan unlocks it, no key. alarm disabled by some mystery device. >> you feel you've been outsmarted. >> reporter: the same thing happened to steven doi. his car's computers system was hacked. the crook didn't get away clean. his dash cam caught the suspect, pacing, holding some mystery box. >> sure enough in the video you can hear the door locks. >> reporter: in just 18 seconds the crook emptied out $18,000
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worth of electronics. >> mike bender, ex-cop and auto theft expert calls it the latest high tech crime tool hitting new york to l.a. like police across the country, he doesn't know exactly what it is. >> with the ease that this is working and the frequency we're seeing it reported throughout the u.s., it's only become a greater problem. >> reporter: bender says your car is a rolling computer. what it takes to break in, not sledgehammers, but hacking devices. >> if you can hack into nsa, you can hack into gm. >> reporter: investigators may be closing into what these boxes are. law enforcement sources tell cnn they have one of these boxes in texas. they're trying to figure out if this is the same device used in all of these car burglaries. kyung lah, cnn, los angeles. cnn newsroom at the top of the hour -- it really is scary. we think our cars are locked up with all this new technology. >> some big giant magnet or something like that that
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mysteriously opens your door and you think you have it locked. >> yeah. >> we've got a lot on tap beginning at noon eastern time, including this mystery now involving an nfl star, aaron hernandez, now at the center of an investigation. he has not been charged. he is not an official suspect, but investigators are looking into the depth of his friend. his friend's body was found about a mile away from his home. our legal guys will be joining us to give us an idea of what investigators are looking for to try to piece things together and whether they'll find any evidence that does link this nfl star. a month shy of a documentary on flight 800, twa flight 800 that is reigniting a lot of discussions about whether a missile took that flight down. we'll be joined by a former investigator who will be joining us. he has already stood behind their conclusion that nothing criminal took place, but i'm going to be asking him about
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whether reopening this investigation and whether the use of any new technology might bring about any new conclusions. he'll be joining us later on. the queen of southern cooking, paula dean in hot water. she apologizes, but is it enough? the food weather has already dropped her. is her career over or is there a reigniting of interest about her. it will be one of the most watched trials. a neighborhood watch volunteer who shot trayvon martin to death, the six jurors who will decide george zimmerman's fate. all of the women may have something else in common. find out what that is straight ahead.
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on monday opening statement also begin in the case that launched protests across the country this year, the shooting deaths of trayvon martin by neighborhood watch volunteer george zimmerman. we know the people who will decide whether the act was murder or self-defense, we know they're all women. here is cnn's alina machado. >> reporter: most of the six women have had some connection to firearms. it's a common threat shared among about half of the prospective jurors in the pool. >> my husband has a .9 millimeter. >> my brother-in-law has hunting rifles. >> i've fired a gun one time in my life and fell onto my butt. >> i have two handguns. >> do you have any knowledge of shooting a gun yourself? >> i can shoot a gun. >> reporter: those answers are not surprising to people
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familiar with florida, a state where there are more than a million concealed weapon permit holders. >> florida is a very firearms friendly state. >> reporter: he says having an all female jury could actually help zimmerman's defense. >> as samuel colt said, god made man but sam colt made them equal, meaning anyone can use a firearm to defend themselves against a larger, stronger assailant. i think the women will understand the self-defense aspect of this case. >> reporter: also important the level of comfort jurors may have with firearms. we saw defense attorney mark o'mara gauge that on friday. >> firearm. >> you're pretending that's a firearm? >> yeah. >> are you worried? >> yeah. >> who is worried i have a firearm. how about now? it's in my pocket. who is concerned.
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why? >> i don't know you. i don't know how responsible you are with that. >> what the defense is wanting to do is to make sure that jurors are not alarmed or bothered by the fact that the defendant, zimmerman was, in fact, carrying a gun in a public place. >> factors that will inevitably play a role as the jury tries to weigh zimmerman's guilt or nnz. alina machado, cnn, atlanta. cnn continues with fredricka whitfield. >> a lot straight ahead including the heavy-duty charges filed against the man who leaked top secret information and then fled to hong kong. we have the latest on edward snowden and what another famous leaker is saying about him. in just a few days, paula dean has gone from being a sweet-talking celebrity cook to admitting she used the n word. are her sponsors standing by her? we know the food network has
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dropped her. should u.s. officials negotiate with the taliban to bring a soldier home even if it means giving in to their outrageous demands? all that straight ahead. -- captions by vitac -- first let's go to florida where the judge now has -- we're going to get to that in a moment. the man who admitted to leaking top secret details about nsa surveillance programs have been charged with espionage. dan lothian joining me live from washington. dan, what more do we know about this espionage charge against edward snowden and where this takes the case? >> reporter: under the espionage act snowden is charged with illegally communicating national defense information and classified communications intelligence. in addition he's charged with
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theft of government property. now this complaint was filed in u.s. district court in alexandria, virginia, late last week it was sealed. but then unsealed yesterday and made public. at least one legal expert says the timing of all this, it will take some time for it to play out and it should be measured in months, not days. >> expedition is a politically fraught process and one where the diplomacy is as important if not more important than the law. i think it's going to be a long time before we really start to get a sense of where this case will end up, if anywhere. >> reporter: now, this case is very complicated because, for exam, the u.s. and hong kong do have an expedition agreement but there are some exceptions for political offenses. so that could potentially be at play here. in addition to that, hong kong is a territory, a chinese
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territory. at some point beijing could step in and block an expedition. we know all of the steps that have to take place, but a lot of questions remain about how it will all play out in the end. >> dan, now, also, we hear this morning from wikileaks founder julian assange, he has comments supporting what edward snowden has to say. what kind of response is coming from washington on that? >> reporter: no response yet from washington to the comments he made. by the way, he was supposed to make a speech at the ecuadorian embassy in london where he's been hiding out for more than a year or so now. we did get a look at the transcript of that speech delivered. he did deliver snowden says the charging of edward snowden is intended to intimidate any country standing up for its rights. that tactic must not be allowed to work. the effort to find asylum for snowden must be intensified. assange also took a shot at
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president obama suggesting that the president is a, quote, traitor for broken promises and for the administration's lack of transparency when it comes to these surveillance issues. again, the white house had no direct comment to what he said. but in general, the administration has pointed to great oversight, they say, from congress, that lawmakers either briefed or have the ability to be briefed on these programs. also the head of the nsa, keith alexander this week testified that these programs do have value, that he says that over time some 50 -- more than 50 terror plots have been stopped because of these programs. fredicka? >> dan lothian, thanks so much for keeping us posted at the white house. now let's go to florida where a judge in the george zimmerman case made a key ruling just hours ago. she says testimony from two experts who analyze voice screaming on the 911 calls cannot be used.
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george howell joining me live now. this is a significant ruling particularly for the prosecution. they wanted this analysis to be entered, wanted the jury to hear this. why did the judge say no? >> backing up, the prosecution wanted to show george zimmerman as the aggressor in this case. this hurts their case very significantly. when you look at the situation, back on february 26th, several people called 911. there was one phone call that's been highly scrutinized where you hear someone screaming "help, help" in the background. was that trayvon martin? was it george zimmerman? both sides had their own experts explaining their opinions on that. let's listen to the tape so you can hear exactly what we're talking about. >> does he look hurt to you? >> i can't see him. i don't want to go out there. i don't know what's going on. >> they're sending. >> help! >> he is yelling help? >> yes. >> if you're on the defense
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side, you want to prove somehow that that's george zimmerman screaming for his life, screaming for help. if you or on the prosecution side yourks want to prove it was not george zimmerman, that it was trayvon martin. the prosecution had their own witnesses, two witnesses who had their own methodology of reaching conclusions. tom owen had a method where he looped the tape, and he was able to rule out in his opinion, rule out that it was george zimmerman. also dr. alan wright, they brought him up, and he was able to basically amplify the audio. from his opinion the high pitch of that voice was likely someone whose voice was still being developed, a younger person, likely trayvon martin. earlier we spoke with mark knee james, the cnn legal analyst and he gave his opinion as to why this is such a big blow for the prosecution. >> this is a devastating blow to the prosecution's case. it's already been a challenging case for them. the cornerstone of their case
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was that the voice that was herd on the 911 tape was, in fact, trayvon martin, because it would have suggest thad he was the one being victimized and george zimmerman was the aggressor. the state attempted to put in a couple of witnesses, a witness who would indicate that he could determine that it was, in fact, trayvon martin who was saying or screaming "help me, help me." the defense put on a stream of witnesses which indicated this is basically hocus pocus and had no scientific validity. the judge opined that they were correct. >> basically, you know, the defense wanted to show that there's no science that with this particular audio clip, there's no way to determine who is screaming. and with this ruling, they got it. >> interesting stuff. the judge is allowing witnesses to step forward as long as they know the defendant or trayvon martin's voice, that's what the judge also decide sgld witnesses can definitely come up. but no experts can testify for the prosecution.
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>> george howell, thanks so much. appreciate it. paula dean is apologizing for using a racial epithet in the past, but it has already cost the celebrity cook her contract with the food network where she has three shows. take a listen. >> your color of your skin, your religion, your sexual preference does not matter to me, bit's what in the heart -- what's in the heart, and my family and i try to leave by that. i am here to say i am so sorry. >> deen and her brother are being sued for alleged sexual and racial harassment by a former manager at the restaurant. our nick valencia is following the story. tell us about this apology, are people buying it? this apology was rolled out in so many different fashions, wasn't it? >> a lot of people saw it as being clumsy. first they released a highly
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produced video. her camp didn't think it was authentic enough or not good enough. they rolled out another video where it was self-produced, she comes across as very -- trying to be very sincere and compassionate, begging for forgiveness. she said she used this n word in the past in her life when she was describing a robbery attempt, she was at a bank and had a gun held to her head. she was telling the story to her husband. that's when she said she used the word. a lot of damaging things said for her, seemingly damaging things said by her in the deposition. but despite all the criticism, fred, despite all the negative backlash she's received, there's still some people coming to her defense. >> people are going to jump on it and believe what they want to believe and they're going to add what they want to add. one thing i can sit here today and look you in the face and tell you, that woman can't be a racist. she can't have a heart against
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black people with all that she's done and all that she continues to do, and that's why i'm here today with you, just to be a character witness for ms. paula deen because she's a beautiful person, beautiful spirit. >> the pastor goes on to say in that interview, there's no way she can be a racist because she's done so much for the young black community, young black boys and girls. she's done just so much for them in terms of charity work. she's already lost her job at the food network, not having her contract renewed. she has so many other sponsorships, cookware lines, we'll be looking close to see if she loses anything else. >> thank so much, nick valencia. parts of calgary, canada, still under water today. the city's downtown is one of the worst hit areas. some shelters have already been filled to capacity. the flooding has killed at least two people in alberta. about 85,000 have already been evacuated across the province. a u.s. soldier has been a taliban prisoner for now four
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years, hoping he will come home one day. but will the u.s. negotiate with dare rifts? patriots' tight end aaron hernandez is not talking, but police are investigating the death of a man whose body was found less than a mile from his home. our legal guys are on that case next. [ stewart ] we've never cooked anything like this before.
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u.s. negotiators may be faced with a very tough question soon. can they arrange to bring a u.s. soldier home without negotiating with terrorists? sergeant bo bergdahl has been a taliban prisoner for four years now, but the terror group is asking for a lot in exchange for releasing him. pentagon correspondent barbara starr has more. >> fredricka, the u.s. wants bo bergdahl back, but the taliban want something in return. there may be fragile new hope for the release of sergeant bo bergdahl. >> release me, please. i'm begging you, bring me home, please. bring me home. >> reporter: bergdahl is the only american soldier known to be in captivity held, it's believed, for the last four years by insurgents along the afghanistan-pakistan border. now the u.s. and the taliban are on the verge of a face-to-face
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meeting in doha, qatar, to talk about ending the afghanistan war and bergdahl is on the negotiating agenda. >> certainly the issue of sergeant bergdahl and the fact that he has been gone too long will be a part of the discussion. >> reporter: the taliban wants to swap bergdahl for five detainees being held at guantanamo bay. some observers ask should the u.s. negotiate with terrorists even if it's to bring an american home? >> we should never stop trying to get him back, but i don't think anybody wants to see their country sold down the river in a sense just to bring them back. >> reporter: james care fan know, an analyst with the conservative heritage foundation says be careful about talking to the taliban anything. they see victory in just getting the u.s. to sit down with them. it's not clear what would happen next, but bo bergdahl's parents are making another appeal for their son to be allowed to come
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home. fredicka? >> thanks so much, barbara. meanwhile, the u.s. soldier's parents are expected to appear at a rally in idaho today. they have been pleading with the u.s. government to bring their son home. a crucial ruling come down in the last hour in the george zimmerman murder trial. our legal analysts call it a devastating blow to the prosecution. our legal segment is next. in oregon, some residents have gone vigilante. they have turned their neighborhood into a glock block. a deaf boy hears his dad's voice pour the very first time, his reaction so touching, straight ahead. recover, and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i've been with bp for 24 years. i was part of the team that helped deliver on our commitments to the gulf - and i can tell you, safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge safety equipment and technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art
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night of the murder of trayvon martin. within the last hour and a half we received the judge's ruling on a crucial piece of evidence. judge debra nelson will not allow prosecutors to admit expert testimony on the voice analysis. it's this moment, this cry for help that's at issue. listen. >> does he look hurt to you? >> help! >> i can't see him. i don't want to go out there. i don't know what's going on. >> they're sending. >> help! >> is he yelling "help? >> yes. let's bring in avery friedman, civil rights attorney from cleveland, and richard, a criminal defense attorney and law professor joining us from new york for the first time in i don't know how many months. you're back home. >> back home, fred. >> good to see both of you. richard, the judge rules, quote, and i have the ruling right here
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saying there were also some environmental variables that hinder the ability of the witnesses to effectively analyze the recordings. but the recording of the 911 call can still be played for the court, leaving this for the jury's interpretation. is that what's going on there? >> exactly what's going on. the judge saying you can play the recording. you can bring in witnesses who apparently will claim they know the voice of trayvon martin and zimmerman and they can tell the jury they believe it's his voice, but they cannot bring in experts to testify to this jury that based on scientific principles, they have made a determination that the voice on the tape is either trayvon martin or zimmerman. devastating blow to the prosecution's case. >> avery, to underscore that, the judge in this order saying this order does not prevent the parties from playing the tapes at trial or calling witnesses familiar with the voice of the defendant or martin to testify regarding the identity of the person or persons making the
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screams. so that tells you that the prosecution or the defense may call who to testify once this 911 call is played? >> remember, we have eight witnesses who have been already identified as witnesses for the trial. now based on this -- what i think is a very courageous and intelligent ruling by judge nelson, we're going to have additional witness whose will say i recognize the voice. whether or not a jury accepts it, rejects it, that will be up to them. the decision is important because so-called dal berg decision, that is, expert testimony. she concludes that the forensic audio science is not developed enough, it's not competent. it's a correct ruling. so we'll see additional witnesses to the ones that are already identified on who that voice is the jury will make the decision. >> richard says it's a devastating blow to the prosecution. in your view is it a blow to the
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prosecution? >> a law enforcement perspective, yeah. this would have really helped immensely, in a case that's going to be very difficult to prosecute. they have to show beyond a reasonable doubt second degree murder, fredicka. losing that is an extraordinary loss for the prosecution. >> the most critical person to testify who the scream was will be zimmerman himself because he must testify in this self-defense case, fred. let's see who he says the scream is. >> and then the fact that we've got a jury, all women jury, that's significant, too. lit be interesting to see how all these things come together. >> not one black person on the jury, fred, not one. >> and the fact that it's all female, fredicka, everybody is saying it's of different value. i think it's the individuals who will count. >> except i think one of the jurors is a black hispanic, richard. >> okay.
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>> they all have familiarity with guns. we'll talk about another case. i want to show you this piece from alina cho, another important case involving new england patriots star aaron hernandez. police are investigating the murder of his friend. the body was found just about a mile away from his home. here now is alina cho. >> this is aaron hernandez, august 2012, in the glow of signing a five-year contract extension with the new england patriots worth as much as $40 million. nearly a half million per game. >> all i can do is play my heart out for them, make the right decisions and live like a patriot. >> reporter: that was ten months ago. this is now. the 23-year-old patriots tight end is trailed by the media wherever he goes, leaving his lawyer's office on friday, coming home. an o.j. simple son like helicopters chase on thursday, followed by this exchange at the gas station.
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>> can you tell us anything you want to say? can you tell us anything that happened on monday night. >> reporter: investigators are look for clues in the mysterious death of 27-year-old oden lloyd, whose body was found in the woods less than a mile from hernandez's home about an hour outside boston. police are not calling hernandez a suspect, but investigators have searched his home. lloyd's sister confirms the two were friends and went to a boston nightclub together friday night. olivia tebo says there's an even deeper connection. lloyd's girlfriend and hernandez's are sisters. >> i don't know what he skrould done to anger somebody. >> reporter: hernandez's attorney says neither here nor his client will have any comment at this time. >> again, aaron hernandez has not been charged, not named a suspect and he isn't talking. but there are still a lot of questions in this case. we learned yesterday that three search warrants have been issued, but warrants were not
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made public so we don't know if they involve hernandez's home or property or what. avery, where is this going in your view? what sort of pieces are investigators trying to put together so that they can figure out who is responsible for the death of this man? >> well, there's an enormous amount of smoke here, fredicka, enormous t. reason i think it's captured media attention is that -- look at that video. you've got a white 4 x 4 with a football player being followed by helicopters. they've gotten into the house and they're looking at communications on hard drives, talking to other witnesses. from a law enforcement perspective, we're right at the beginning of looking into this, seeing where this is going. right now not enough evidence to charge. i will tell you that within this coming week we'll see some action one way or the other. >> richard, another legal matter hernandez may be involved in and
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this is connected to a man in miami. what gives here? >> the allegation that he beat the crap out of someone down there. look, they're going to bring charges with that. fred, in the instant case, they want to know about hernandez's house because there's a determination made that the surveillance system was intentionally destroyed. in addition to that, his cell phone was destroyed, and in addition to that, of course, he's not talking which he should not be talking to anybody. these coincidences -- in addition to that, they brought in a cleaning crew to scrub down his house. this is kind of interesting, and i think law enforcement want to know why all this took place right after his friend was murdered. >> all right, richard avery, very complicated case. he has not been charged, not even named a suspect, but his name and his image is swirling around this investigation. we'll see you again in about 20 minutes -- let's make it 15.
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15 minutes to talk about a shocking revelation from the michael jackson trial. we knew he had sleep trouble. wait until you hear the details coming out of that courtroom. also up next, a story that has captured so many hearts. oh, my goodness, this 3-year-old boy hearing his father's voice for the first time. his reaction so touching. it just puts you right into -- we'll have much more on what the father said. peoi go to angie's listt for all kinds of reasons. to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. angie's list members can tell you which provider is the best in town. you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare.
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the u.s. government has now charged admitted nsa leaker edward snowden with espionage among other things. snowden is in hiding and was last seen in hong kong facing three charges including theft of government property. the other two charges amount to espionage under the federal espionage act. the food network is dropping celebrity chef paula dean deen for use ag racial slur. deen was released -- has released a statement thanking the network for having her show for the last 11 years. devastating floods are hitting the city of calgary, canada. one of the worst-hit areas is the city's downtown. around 75,000 people have already been evacuated and the city's shelters are quickly
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filling in. the flooding has been blamed for at least two deaths across the pov vince of alberta. the contact information of 6 million facebook users may have been exposed. facebook's security team says it had a bug in its download your information tool. the tool let's users export all data from their profiles. people using this feature may have inadvertently downloaded the contact information for people they had some contact with. facebook says it has repaired the bug. now to a story that has captured the hearts of so many people across the nation this week. a 3-year-old boy hears his father's voice for the very first time. the boy's priceless reaction is caught on tape. here is dr. sanjay gupta. >> it could be called a modern day miracle. watch as this little boy hears his father's voice for the first time. >> hi, grayson. talk to him daddy.
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>> daddy loves you. daddy loves you. >> yes, hear. >> can you hear daddy? >> reporter: before this moment, grayson clamp had never heard a sound. grayson. >> reporter: grayson was born without the auditory nerves that carry sound from the inner ear to the brain. initially he was fitted with a cochlear implant, but without nerves it was ineffective. that's when doctors at the university of north carolina school of medicine gave him this. it's an auditor brain stem implant. the device is tip cliz used in adults whose nerves had been damaged and hadn't yet been approved for use in children. that changed thanks to an fda-approved trial. and grayson became the first child in the country to undergo the procedure. >> we don't really know exactly what it's like for him.
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we don't know exactly what he hears, if he hears everything we hear, some of what we hear. >> reporter: doctors are confident grayson will eventually hear and speak like any other child. his parents say he's already made great progress, although they won't soon forget what that first moment was like. >> hi grayson. talk to him, daddy. >> daddy loves you. daddy loves you. >> yes, hear. >> i can't stop watching that video. so fun to see his expression as he hears his dad's voice for the first time. let me show you something quickly. first of all, we're not talking specific lish about a cochlear implant. that's something that's been around for some time, but rather something known as an auditory brain stem implant. you saw the microphone that was sort of outside grayson's ear. it takes sound, distills it down. typically what would happen is a nerve would take that and transmit to it the brain stem. it's that nerve that is gone in
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the case of grayson. instead, the doctor essentially put an implant that goes straight to where that sound should go. it's called the cochlear nucleus. it's on the brain stem. you don't need to remember the names here. essentially they're recreating part of the central nervous system so he can take that sound and actually hear. now, the goal obviously is to see how much sense he can make of that sound. we know he's listening to music and will turn it up when he sees the radio or something like that. the doctors are very optimistic he'll be able to process that sound, understand it, turn in the language and start expressing himself in that way as well. that was the goal for them. so far it looks like it's working. he's the first kid in the country to have an auditory brain stem implant. there are nine more children who have been approved for this. we'll keep an eye on it, fred. back to you. >> that is incredible. thanks so much, dr. sanjay gupta. mission accomplished. what a sweet, sweet evolution of events there. airports aren't exactly known as the place to go for
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great food. in a minute i'll tell you how some airports around the country are trying to change that. and didn't know where to start. a contractor before at angie's list, you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. no company can pay to be on angie's list, so you can trust what you're reading. angie's list is like having thousands of close neighbors, where i can go ask for personal recommendations. that's the idea. before you have any work done, check angie's list.
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all right. it might look familiar to you, an iconic piece of americana. the famous white suit and black string tie worn by colonel sanders himself, the founder of the kentucky fried chicken restaurants. one of the suits worn by the colonel can be yours. it's up for auction. the whole package is expected to fetch at least 10,000 bucks. the oreo is another american food icon, so to speak. this summer we're seeing a whole new version, watermelon. yeah, watermelon oreo.
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oh, my gosh. does that look good? the cookie has already sit some stores and is only around for a limited time. this isn't the first time, however, nabisco has experime experimented with a new flavor. there was the candy corn, birthday cake and even the gingerbread oreo, and now watermelon topping it all just in time for the summer. one of the trendiest new places for food is actual the airport. holly explains how food trucks are serving up new options for passengers at a few of the country's airports. >> thank you, sir. have a good one. >> reporter: people waiting the pick up passengers at the tampa airport won't go hungry. >> we have trucks at the airport cell phone lot six days a week offering them a great food option with a local small business. it just works. >> reporter: food trucks are a new trend in airport dining. tampa is not the only airport making space for those trucks. just a right down i-4 a variety
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of food trucks are serving the orlando international airport. in austin, texas, you can get a taste of techs mechanics from the local twist of spice. los angeles plans to take this trend inside lax. the l.a. gourmet street truck is under construction in terminal four. >> the food trucks have been really popular. it's really great. it's a customer service feature, gets people to try something new. >> reporter: most food trucks are dlimited to designated flights. make sure you get back through in time for security. >> they're coming in and waiting, happy to come up, pick up something for themselves and the people flying in from out of town. >> the food was great, it was really good. i scarfed it up and that was in. it. >> you can see more of our travel stories at no real sleep for michael jackson for two months.
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that's just one of the revelations for this week's jackson trial. our legal guys will be back to talk about that. [ female announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion.
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wrestling moves on the little girl and now she's dead. nick valencia has more. >> i really don't know why. that's my question. i don't know why. >> reporter: shocked and stunned. the mother of a 5-year-old girl allegedly killed by her 13-year-old half brother. the boy, a reported fan of professional wrestling, that world of core oh graphed body slams and chuck holds. the mother left the teen to baby-sit. authorities say the teen told them he used the child to practice those wrestling moves. >> slammed on the bed, slams over his knee, elbowed and things of that nature and pounded upon, suffered significant internal injuries and obviously succumbed to those injuries. >> reporter: the sheriff's office told them he knew tv wrestling was fake and during the interview with his mother present appeared to take pride in what he was doing and showed
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no remorse. the world wrestling entertainment, a professional wrestling organization that televised its matches issued this statement. >> the facts of this case clearly point to a lack of perntal supervision. the repeated brutal and fatal beating of a 5-year-old girl could be confused with wwe action seen on tv. >> the defendant is guilty of murder of first degree. >> reporter: reminiscent of the case of lionel tate who was convicted of using wrestling moves that killed 6-year-old tiffany june nick. although his sentence was later voided because he once mentally evaluated before the trial, he was the youngest person in the u.s. to be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. back in louisiana, the 13-year-old, if convicted, would be younger. he's been charged with second degree murder. his mother will not be charged. nick valencia, cnn, atlanta. >> just heartbreaking. our legal guys are back now.
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avery friedman in cleveland, richard herman in new york. people are certainly drawing the parallels between the florida case and this in louisiana. >> well, they should. this is a horrible, horrible case. you don't know what the defense is going to be. maybe he's eating too muchm of those oreos you were talking about earlier. i think in practical terms you have to show if you're prosecuting this case that this youngster was able -- was capable of formulating a sense of what's right and what's wrong. it's incomprehensible that a young one would do something like this. so look for experts testifying in this case about the mental state and the mental condition of this young defendant because what other possible defense could he possibly have in a case like this? this is just awful. >> so richard, wwe has issued a statement saying that there was a lack of parental supervision. is that the end of it for them
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since you heard the family member say he loved to watch wwe? is this enough to kind of remove them from the picture, their statemt? >> they're not in the picture. they're completely out of this picture that. may be an accurate statement. i don't know if this young boy has ever done thisn the past, if he had a propensity to beat up his half sister, i don't know. this is so erie similar to the lionel tate case. in that case the jury had no similar think for the young man and convicted him. that's what's going to happen here if they go to trial. they must take some sort of mental impairment defense here, as avery said. experts will have tea evaluate him and they'll have to make a plea deal. this case can't go to trial. next case, let's talk about michael jackson case against aeg. apparently he went without sleep for 60 days. could that be the case? a sleep expert testifying at the pop star's wrongful death trial says that may have happened.
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so if jackson went that long without any rem sleep, vital to keep the brain and the body alive, he may be the first, at least according to the experts. the experts saying he is basing his opinion on prior testimony that jackson was given the drug propofol for 60 days. avery, our medical correspondent is telling us the effects of this lack of rem could be clumsiness, paranoia, anxiety, difficulty learning, some of the attributes that come with lack of sleep. how do both sides use this information in their arguments? >> well, it's very powerful evidence because this harvard professor who is a sleep deprivation expert talked about the lack of deep sleep, that is, rem. so it's the first step in the building blocks to establish that aeg live knew that conrad murray was not treating him properly. again, i think it's a bit of a
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larger question. because recall aeg is saying, look, we didn't hire him, michael jackson hired him. but without the plaintiff's putting that evidence on, you're not goings to understand, at least in part, what's going on. ultimately that very important e-mail involving the president or ceo of aeg live that we're paying this doctor, he better be taking care of michael jackson. that's where this fits in. it's part of building a case. >> richard, what does that have to do with whether one slept ten days or didn't sleep ten days or 20 day, what does that have to do with what's at the core of this case which is who was responsible, who hired this doctor knowing that he might be prescribing michael jackson something that is not typical. >> let's step back for a second, fred. aeg did not know conrad murray from a hole in the wall. they never heard his name, didn't know him. the reason they know him is
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because michael jackson said this is my man, this is my doctor, i want him as part of the team, you need to pay him. that's number one. michael jackson hired him, not aeg. secondly, at this stage of michael's life, he had not performed in some 20 years. he was about six feet tall, 125 pounds and addicted to narcotics and taking anesthesia for sleep deprivation and insomnia. how could he have possibly thought he was in any condition to go on a whirlwind tour, perform concerts for multiple millions of dollars? i don't know -- to put all the blame on aeg i think is wrong in this case. >> we've still got a long way to go in this case. >> a long way to go, that's right. >> lots of details to extrapolate. >> many miles to travel. >> thanks so much avery and richard. always making us smarter on these legal cases. the legal guys are here every saturday at about this time
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giving us their take on the most intriguing legal cases of the day. a pistol-packing grandma from oregon is organizing gun owners to protect their neighborhood. we'll introduce you to the woman behind the glock block. i'm enrique iglesias. love, hope, strength is our rock and roll cancer operation. they're getting people to register for bone marrow transplant. it's extremely easy. all it takes is one of these and one person. you get a schwab and that's it. that's how you can save someone's life. part of the mission on this tour was we get different ages in our shows and different ethnic backgrounds. i thought a lot of people would sign up. i think it comes a point and you reach a certain age where you feel responsible. >> you ready to get crazy! >> you have a certain level of
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an oregon grandmother got fed up with neighborhood crime and she's taking matters into her own hands. she's organized a community watch group. they pack their own heat and they're not afraid to use it. >> reporter: despite her name, 65-year-old grandmother coy telonin is anything but. >> when i was a child they called me a pit bull. >> reporter: it's that spirit that helped her beat breast khan ear and drove her to chase an alleged thief off her property. >> i was having a cup of coffee at my window there looking out, and i noticed this fellow -- >> reporter: she saw a man steal a beloved statue her husband had given her when her mother died, leaving only this broken plate behind. >> he didn't just come to the yard and steal a statue. he tried to get in my front door. >> reporter: that concern now igniting her into action.
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she's organizing a watch dog group near milwaukee, oregon calling it glock block. their motto, we don't call 911. the group is posting flyers in their windows as a warning that they are armed. >> i think it's time to let these criminals know not to come into our neighborhood. >> reporter: local police say they're wary of vigilante justice. >> essentially you're bringing a firearm into a situation where maybe there wasn't one before. you can get disarmed. the weapon can get used against her. >> reporter: but she's prepared. >> we are a tight-knit neighborhood and we are armed and we won't tolerate this nonsense because if it doesn't stop, they're going to find someone at home. >> so she says she owns her own gun and is applying for a concealed handgun permit. stay with us. there's so much more ahead in
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the cnn newsroom in the 1:00 eastern hour. forget star wars and speak with the man who should be called skywalker. tomorrow he plans to walk across the grand canyon on a tightrope. in the 3:00 eastern hour, the video game controller that some call disgusting and terrible. it's not for kids, but should adults have it as well? at 4:00 eastern, celebrity cook paula deen needs a new network. her racial slurs have come back from the past to haunt her.
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